@echo off rem Copyright (C): 2001, 2002 Earnie Boyd rem mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem This file is part of Minimal SYStem rem http://www.mingw.org/msys.shtml rem rem File: msys.bat rem Revision: 2.0 rem Revision Date: April 17th, 2002 rem ember to set the "Start in:" field of the shortcut. rem A value similar to C:\msys\1.0\bin is what the "Start in:" field needs rem to represent. rem this should let run MSYS shell on x64 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "AMD64" ( SET COMSPEC=%WINDIR%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe ) rem ember value of GOTO: is used to know recursion has happened. if "%1" == "GOTO:" goto %2 rem ember command.com only uses the first eight characters of the label. set OS_VERSION="NT" goto _WindowsNT rem ember that we only execute here if we are in command.com. :_Windows set OS_VERSION="9x" if "x%COMSPEC%" == "x" set COMSPEC=command.com start %COMSPEC% /e:4096 /c %0 GOTO: _Resume %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto EOF rem ember that we execute here if we recursed. :_Resume for %%F in (1 2 3) do shift rem ember that we get here even in command.com. :_WindowsNT if "x%MSYSTEM%" == "x" set MSYSTEM=MINGW32 if "%1" == "MSYS" set MSYSTEM=MSYS if NOT "x%DISPLAY%" == "x" set DISPLAY= rem We here assume old behavior, to make sure that older platforms can still use rem this batch file to start their MSys environment. set BIN="" if EXIST bin\nul set BIN=bin\ if EXIST %BIN%bash.exe goto startbash if EXIST %BIN%rxvt.exe goto startrxvt rem If we're not on win9x type OSs, lets try a little better at finding bash/rxvt if "win%OS_VERSION%"=="win9x" goto failed set BIN="%~dp0bin\" if EXIST %BIN%bash.exe goto startbash if EXIST %BIN%rxvt.exe goto startrxvt :failed echo Cannot find the rxvt.exe or bash.exe binary -- aborting. pause rem exit 1 rem we skip using exit 1 here, since it will close the console you were working on rem which probably isn't what you wanted. If the bat file was run from a shortcut rem the window will still close, like you would expect it to. Sorry, you cant test rem for exit values anymore, but hey, you can just un-rem the line above then! :-) goto EOF rem If you don't want to use rxvt then rename the file rxvt.exe to something rem else. Then bash.exe will be used instead. :startrxvt rem Setup the default colors for rxvt. if "x%MSYSBGCOLOR%" == "x" set MSYSBGCOLOR=White if "x%MSYSFGCOLOR%" == "x" set MSYSFGCOLOR=Black if "x%MINGW32BGCOLOR%" == "x" set MINGW32BGCOLOR=LightYellow if "x%MINGW32FGCOLOR%" == "x" set MINGW32FGCOLOR=Navy if "%MSYSTEM%" == "MSYS" set BGCOLOR=%MSYSBGCOLOR% if "%MSYSTEM%" == "MSYS" set FGCOLOR=%MSYSFGCOLOR% if "%MSYSTEM%" == "MINGW32" set BGCOLOR=%MINGW32BGCOLOR% if "%MSYSTEM%" == "MINGW32" set FGCOLOR=%MINGW32FGCOLOR% start %COMSPEC% /c %BIN%rxvt -backspacekey  -sl 2500 -fg %FGCOLOR% -bg %BGCOLOR% -sr -fn Courier-12 -tn msys -geometry 80x25 -e /bin/bash --login -i exit :startbash call %COMSPEC% /c %BIN%bash --login -i :EOF rem ChangeLog: rem 2002.03.07 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Move the @echo off to the top. rem * Change the binmode setting to nobinmode. rem * Remove the angle brackets around email address to workaround MS rem buggy command processor. rem rem 2002.03.12 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Add filter logic to find rxvt.exe rem rem 2002.03.13 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Revert the nobinmode change. rem rem 2002.03.20 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Add logic for stating bash. rem rem 2002.04.11 Earnie Boyd mailto;earnie@users.sf.net rem * Add logic for setting MSYSTEM value based on parameter. rem rem 2002.04.15 Olivier Gautherot mailto:olivier_gautherot@mentorg.com rem * Reduce number test conditions for finding an executable. rem rem 2002.04.15 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Unset DISPLAY if set before starting shell. rem rem 2002.04.16 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Remove use of DEFINED in conditional statments for variables for rem command.com support. rem * Add check for nonexistance of USERNAME variable for Win9x support. rem rem 2002.04.17 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Add foreground and background color defaults based on MSYSTEM value. rem rem 2002.04.22 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * More Win 9x changes. rem rem 2002.05.04 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Remove the SET of USERNAME and HOME. rem rem 2002.11.18 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Add command.com detection and restart with a larger environment to rem avoid errors on w9x. rem Many thanks to Randy W. Sims mailto:RandyS@ThePierianSpring.org. rem See Randy's response to "RE: [Mingw-msys] Installation on WindowsME" rem from 11/06/2002 in the archives of mingw-msys@lists.sf.net. rem rem 2002.11.19 Paul Garceau mailto:pgarceau@attbi.com rem * Fix a typo: Change COMPSPEC to COMSPEC. rem rem 2002.11.25 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Remove the SET CYGWIN since it doesn't matter any longer. rem rem 2003.02.03 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Win9x doesn't like ``EXISTS dir'' so change it to ``EXISTS dir\nul''. rem Thanks to Nicolas Weber mailto:nicolasweber@gmx.de. rem rem 2003.03.06 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Add -backspacekey switch to rxvt startup. rem * Move RXVT color setup to startrxvt label rem rem 2004.01.30 Earnie Boyd mailto:earnie@users.sf.net rem * Add -geometry parameter to work around an off by one issue with rem the default values. rem Thanks to Dave Schuyler mailto:parameter@users.sf.net