/** * @package PickMeUp - jQuery datepicker plugin * @author Nazar Mokrynskyi * @author Stefan Petre * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Nazar Mokrynskyi * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Stefan Petre * @license MIT License, see license.txt */ (function (d) { function getMaxDays () { var tmpDate = new Date(this.toString()), d = 28, m = tmpDate.getMonth(); while (tmpDate.getMonth() == m) { ++d; tmpDate.setDate(d); } return d - 1; } d.addDays = function (n) { this.setDate(this.getDate() + n); }; d.addMonths = function (n) { var day = this.getDate(); this.setDate(1); this.setMonth(this.getMonth() + n); this.setDate(Math.min(day, getMaxDays.apply(this))); }; d.addYears = function (n) { var day = this.getDate(); this.setDate(1); this.setFullYear(this.getFullYear() + n); this.setDate(Math.min(day, getMaxDays.apply(this))); }; d.getDayOfYear = function() { var now = new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), 0, 0, 0); var then = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); var time = now - then; return Math.floor(time / 24*60*60*1000); }; })(Date.prototype); (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // CommonJS factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { var instances_count = 0; $.pickmeup = $.extend($.pickmeup || {}, { date : new Date, default_date : new Date, flat : false, first_day : 1, prev : '◀', next : '▶', mode : 'single', select_year : true, select_month : true, select_day : true, view : 'days', calendars : 1, format : 'd-m-Y', position : 'bottom', trigger_event : 'click touchstart', class_name : '', separator : ' - ', hide_on_select : false, min : null, max : null, render : function () {}, change : function () {return true;}, before_show : function () {return true;}, show : function () {return true;}, hide : function () {return true;}, fill : function () {return true;}, locale : { days : ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'], daysShort : ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'], daysMin : ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa', 'Su'], months : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], monthsShort : ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] } }); var views = { years : 'pmu-view-years', months : 'pmu-view-months', days : 'pmu-view-days' }, tpl = { wrapper : '
', head : function (d) { var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { result += '
' + d.day[i] + '
' } return '
' + '' + '' + '
'; }, body : function (elements, container_class_name) { var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { result += '
' + elements[i].text + '
' } return '
' + result + '
'; } }; function fill () { var options = $(this).data('pickmeup-options'), pickmeup = this.pickmeup, current_cal = Math.floor(options.calendars / 2), actual_date = options.date, current_date = options.current, min_date = options.min ? new Date(options.min) : null, max_date = options.max ? new Date(options.max) : null, local_date, header, html, instance, today = (new Date).setHours(0,0,0,0).valueOf(), shown_date_from, shown_date_to, tmp_date; if (min_date) { min_date.setDate(1); min_date.addMonths(1); min_date.addDays(-1); } if (max_date) { max_date.setDate(1); max_date.addMonths(1); max_date.addDays(-1); } /** * Remove old content except header navigation */ pickmeup.find('.pmu-instance > :not(nav)').remove(); /** * If several calendars should be shown */ for (var i = 0; i < options.calendars; i++) { local_date = new Date(current_date); instance = pickmeup.find('.pmu-instance').eq(i); if (pickmeup.hasClass('pmu-view-years')) { local_date.addYears((i - current_cal) * 12); header = (local_date.getFullYear() - 6) + ' - ' + (local_date.getFullYear()+5); } else if (pickmeup.hasClass('pmu-view-months')) { local_date.addYears(i - current_cal); header = local_date.getFullYear(); } else if (pickmeup.hasClass('pmu-view-days')) { local_date.addMonths(i - current_cal); header = formatDate(local_date, 'B, Y', options.locale); } if (!shown_date_to) { if (max_date) { // If all dates in this month (months in year or years in years block) are after max option - set next month as current // in order not to show calendar with all disabled dates tmp_date = new Date(local_date); if (options.select_day) { tmp_date.addMonths(options.calendars - 1); } else if (options.select_month) { tmp_date.addYears(options.calendars - 1); } else { tmp_date.addYears((options.calendars - 1) * 12); } if (tmp_date > max_date) { --i; current_date.addMonths(-1); shown_date_to = undefined; continue; } } } shown_date_to = new Date(local_date); if (!shown_date_from) { shown_date_from = new Date(local_date); // If all dates in this month are before min option - set next month as current in order not to show calendar with all disabled dates shown_date_from.setDate(1); shown_date_from.addMonths(1); shown_date_from.addDays(-1); if (min_date && min_date > shown_date_from) { --i; current_date.addMonths(1); shown_date_from = undefined; continue; } } instance .find('.pmu-month') .text(header); html = ''; var is_year_selected = function (year) { return ( options.mode == 'range' && year >= new Date(actual_date[0]).getFullYear() && year <= new Date(actual_date[1]).getFullYear() ) || ( options.mode == 'multiple' && actual_date.reduce(function (prev, current) { prev.push(new Date(current).getFullYear()); return prev; }, []).indexOf(year) !== -1 ) || new Date(actual_date).getFullYear() == year; }; var is_months_selected = function (year, month) { var first_year = new Date(actual_date[0]).getFullYear(), lastyear = new Date(actual_date[1]).getFullYear(), first_month = new Date(actual_date[0]).getMonth(), last_month = new Date(actual_date[1]).getMonth(); return ( options.mode == 'range' && year > first_year && year < lastyear ) || ( options.mode == 'range' && year == first_year && year < lastyear && month >= first_month ) || ( options.mode == 'range' && year > first_year && year == lastyear && month <= last_month ) || ( options.mode == 'range' && year == first_year && year == lastyear && month >= first_month && month <= last_month ) || ( options.mode == 'multiple' && actual_date.reduce(function (prev, current) { current = new Date(current); prev.push(current.getFullYear() + '-' + current.getMonth()); return prev; }, []).indexOf(year + '-' + month) !== -1 ) || ( new Date(actual_date).getFullYear() == year && new Date(actual_date).getMonth() == month ) }; (function () { var years = [], start_from_year = local_date.getFullYear() - 6, min_year = new Date(options.min).getFullYear(), max_year = new Date(options.max).getFullYear(), year; for (var j = 0; j < 12; ++j) { year = { text : start_from_year + j, class_name : [] }; if ( ( options.min && year.text < min_year ) || ( options.max && year.text > max_year ) ) { year.class_name.push('pmu-disabled'); } else if (is_year_selected(year.text)) { year.class_name.push('pmu-selected'); } year.class_name = year.class_name.join(' '); years.push(year); } html += tpl.body(years, 'pmu-years'); })(); (function () { var months = [], current_year = local_date.getFullYear(), min_year = new Date(options.min).getFullYear(), min_month = new Date(options.min).getMonth(), max_year = new Date(options.max).getFullYear(), max_month = new Date(options.max).getMonth(), month; for (var j = 0; j < 12; ++j) { month = { text : options.locale.monthsShort[j], class_name : [] }; if ( ( options.min && ( current_year < min_year || ( j < min_month && current_year == min_year ) ) ) || ( options.max && ( current_year > max_year || ( j > max_month && current_year >= max_year ) ) ) ) { month.class_name.push('pmu-disabled'); } else if (is_months_selected(current_year, j)) { month.class_name.push('pmu-selected'); } month.class_name = month.class_name.join(' '); months.push(month); } html += tpl.body(months, 'pmu-months'); })(); (function () { var days = [], current_month = local_date.getMonth(), day; // Correct first day in calendar taking into account first day of week (Sunday or Monday) (function () { local_date.setDate(1); var day = (local_date.getDay() - options.first_day) % 7; local_date.addDays(-(day + (day < 0 ? 7 : 0))); })(); for (var j = 0; j < 42; ++j) { day = { text : local_date.getDate(), class_name : [] }; if (current_month != local_date.getMonth()) { day.class_name.push('pmu-not-in-month'); } if (local_date.getDay() == 0) { day.class_name.push('pmu-sunday'); } else if (local_date.getDay() == 6) { day.class_name.push('pmu-saturday'); } var from_user = options.render(new Date(local_date)) || {}, val = local_date.valueOf(), disabled = (options.min && options.min > local_date) || (options.max && options.max < local_date); if (from_user.disabled || disabled) { day.class_name.push('pmu-disabled'); } else if ( from_user.selected || options.date == val || $.inArray(val, options.date) !== -1 || ( options.mode == 'range' && val >= options.date[0] && val <= options.date[1] ) ) { day.class_name.push('pmu-selected'); } if (val == today) { day.class_name.push('pmu-today'); } if (from_user.class_name) { day.class_name.push(from_user.class_name); } day.class_name = day.class_name.join(' '); days.push(day); // Move to next day local_date.addDays(1); } html += tpl.body(days, 'pmu-days'); })(); instance.append(html); } shown_date_from.setDate(1); shown_date_to.setDate(1); shown_date_to.addMonths(1); shown_date_to.addDays(-1); pickmeup.find('.pmu-prev').css( 'visibility', options.min && options.min >= shown_date_from ? 'hidden' : 'visible' ); pickmeup.find('.pmu-next').css( 'visibility', options.max && options.max <= shown_date_to ? 'hidden' : 'visible' ); options.fill.apply(this); } function parseDate (date, format, separator, locale) { if (date.constructor == Date) { return date; } else if (!date) { return new Date; } var splitted_date = date.split(separator); if (splitted_date.length > 1) { splitted_date.forEach(function (element, index, array) { array[index] = parseDate($.trim(element), format, separator, locale); }); return splitted_date; } var months_text = locale.monthsShort.join(')(') + ')(' + locale.months.join(')('), separator = new RegExp('[^0-9a-zA-Z(' + months_text + ')]+'), parts = date.split(separator), against = format.split(separator), d, m, y, h, min, now = new Date(); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { switch (against[i]) { case 'b': m = locale.monthsShort.indexOf(parts[i]); break; case 'B': m = locale.months.indexOf(parts[i]); break; case 'd': case 'e': d = parseInt(parts[i],10); break; case 'm': m = parseInt(parts[i], 10)-1; break; case 'Y': case 'y': y = parseInt(parts[i], 10); y += y > 100 ? 0 : (y < 29 ? 2000 : 1900); break; case 'H': case 'I': case 'k': case 'l': h = parseInt(parts[i], 10); break; case 'P': case 'p': if (/pm/i.test(parts[i]) && h < 12) { h += 12; } else if (/am/i.test(parts[i]) && h >= 12) { h -= 12; } break; case 'M': min = parseInt(parts[i], 10); break; } } var parsed_date = new Date( y === undefined ? now.getFullYear() : y, m === undefined ? now.getMonth() : m, d === undefined ? now.getDate() : d, h === undefined ? now.getHours() : h, min === undefined ? now.getMinutes() : min, 0 ); if (isNaN(parsed_date * 1)) { parsed_date = new Date; } return parsed_date; } function formatDate (date, format, locale) { var m = date.getMonth(); var d = date.getDate(); var y = date.getFullYear(); var w = date.getDay(); var s = {}; var hr = date.getHours(); var pm = (hr >= 12); var ir = (pm) ? (hr - 12) : hr; var dy = date.getDayOfYear(); if (ir == 0) { ir = 12; } var min = date.getMinutes(); var sec = date.getSeconds(); var parts = format.split(''), part; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { part = parts[i]; switch (part) { case 'a': part = locale.daysShort[w]; break; case 'A': part = locale.days[w]; break; case 'b': part = locale.monthsShort[m]; break; case 'B': part = locale.months[m]; break; case 'C': part = 1 + Math.floor(y / 100); break; case 'd': part = (d < 10) ? ("0" + d) : d; break; case 'e': part = d; break; case 'H': part = (hr < 10) ? ("0" + hr) : hr; break; case 'I': part = (ir < 10) ? ("0" + ir) : ir; break; case 'j': part = (dy < 100) ? ((dy < 10) ? ("00" + dy) : ("0" + dy)) : dy; break; case 'k': part = hr; break; case 'l': part = ir; break; case 'm': part = (m < 9) ? ("0" + (1+m)) : (1+m); break; case 'M': part = (min < 10) ? ("0" + min) : min; break; case 'p': case 'P': part = pm ? "PM" : "AM"; break; case 's': part = Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000); break; case 'S': part = (sec < 10) ? ("0" + sec) : sec; break; case 'u': part = w + 1; break; case 'w': part = w; break; case 'y': part = ('' + y).substr(2, 2); break; case 'Y': part = y; break; } parts[i] = part; } return parts.join(''); } function update_date () { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data('pickmeup-options'), current_date = options.current, new_value; switch (options.mode) { case 'multiple': new_value = current_date.setHours(0,0,0,0).valueOf(); if ($.inArray(new_value, options.date) !== -1) { $.each(options.date, function (index, value){ if (value == new_value) { options.date.splice(index,1); return false; } return true; }); } else { options.date.push(new_value); } break; case 'range': if (!options.lastSel) { options.date[0] = current_date.setHours(0,0,0,0).valueOf(); } new_value = current_date.setHours(0,0,0,0).valueOf(); if (new_value <= options.date[0]) { options.date[1] = options.date[0]; options.date[0] = new_value; } else { options.date[1] = new_value; } options.lastSel = !options.lastSel; break; default: options.date = current_date.valueOf(); break; } var prepared_date = prepareDate(options); if ($this.is('input')) { $this.val(options.mode == 'single' ? prepared_date[0] : prepared_date[0].join(options.separator)); } options.change.apply(this, prepared_date); if ( !options.flat && options.hide_on_select && ( options.mode != 'range' || !options.lastSel ) ) { options.binded.hide(); return false; } } function click (e) { var el = $(e.target); if (!el.hasClass('pmu-button')) { el = el.closest('.pmu-button'); } if (el.length) { if (el.hasClass('pmu-disabled')) { return false; } var $this = $(this), options = $this.data('pickmeup-options'), instance = el.parents('.pmu-instance').eq(0), root = instance.parent(), instance_index = $('.pmu-instance', root).index(instance); if (el.parent().is('nav')) { if (el.hasClass('pmu-month')) { options.current.addMonths(instance_index - Math.floor(options.calendars / 2)); if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-years')) { // Shift back to current date, otherwise with min value specified may jump on few (tens) years forward if (options.mode != 'single') { options.current = new Date(options.date[options.date.length - 1]); } else { options.current = new Date(options.date); } if (options.select_day) { root.removeClass('pmu-view-years').addClass('pmu-view-days'); } else if (options.select_month) { root.removeClass('pmu-view-years').addClass('pmu-view-months'); } } else if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-months')) { if (options.select_year) { root.removeClass('pmu-view-months').addClass('pmu-view-years'); } else if (options.select_day) { root.removeClass('pmu-view-months').addClass('pmu-view-days'); } } else if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-days')) { if (options.select_month) { root.removeClass('pmu-view-days').addClass('pmu-view-months'); } else if (options.select_year) { root.removeClass('pmu-view-days').addClass('pmu-view-years'); } } } else { if (el.hasClass('pmu-prev')) { options.binded.prev(false); } else { options.binded.next(false); } } } else if (!el.hasClass('pmu-disabled')) { if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-years')) { options.current.setFullYear(parseInt(el.text(), 10)); if (options.select_month) { root.removeClass('pmu-view-years').addClass('pmu-view-months'); } else if (options.select_day) { root.removeClass('pmu-view-years').addClass('pmu-view-days'); } else { options.binded.update_date(); } } else if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-months')) { options.current.setMonth(instance.find('.pmu-months .pmu-button').index(el)); options.current.setFullYear(parseInt(instance.find('.pmu-month').text(), 10)); if (options.select_day) { root.removeClass('pmu-view-months').addClass('pmu-view-days'); } else { options.binded.update_date(); } // Move current month to the first place options.current.addMonths(Math.floor(options.calendars / 2) - instance_index); } else { var val = parseInt(el.text(), 10); options.current.addMonths(instance_index - Math.floor(options.calendars / 2)); if (el.hasClass('pmu-not-in-month')) { options.current.addMonths(val > 15 ? -1 : 1); } options.current.setDate(val); options.binded.update_date(); } } options.binded.fill(); } return false; } function prepareDate (options) { var result; if (options.mode == 'single') { result = new Date(options.date); return [formatDate(result, options.format, options.locale), result]; } else { result = [[],[]]; $.each(options.date, function(nr, val){ var date = new Date(val); result[0].push(formatDate(date, options.format, options.locale)); result[1].push(date); }); return result; } } function show (force) { var pickmeup = this.pickmeup; if (force || !pickmeup.is(':visible')) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data('pickmeup-options'), pos = $this.offset(), viewport = { l : document.documentElement.scrollLeft, t : document.documentElement.scrollTop, w : document.documentElement.clientWidth, h : document.documentElement.clientHeight }, top = pos.top, left = pos.left; options.binded.fill(); if ($this.is('input')) { $this .pickmeup('set_date', parseDate($this.val() ? $this.val() : options.default_date, options.format, options.separator, options.locale)) .keydown(function (e) { if (e.which == 9) { $this.pickmeup('hide'); } }); options.lastSel = false; } options.before_show(); if (options.show() == false) { return; } if (!options.flat) { switch (options.position){ case 'top': top -= pickmeup.outerHeight(); break; case 'left': left -= pickmeup.outerWidth(); break; case 'right': left += this.offsetWidth; break; case 'bottom': top += this.offsetHeight; break; } if (top + pickmeup.offsetHeight > viewport.t + viewport.h) { top = pos.top - pickmeup.offsetHeight; } if (top < viewport.t) { top = pos.top + this.offsetHeight + pickmeup.offsetHeight; } if (left + pickmeup.offsetWidth > viewport.l + viewport.w) { left = pos.left - pickmeup.offsetWidth; } if (left < viewport.l) { left = pos.left + this.offsetWidth } pickmeup.css({ display : 'inline-block', top : top + 'px', left : left + 'px' }); $(document) .on( 'mousedown' + options.events_namespace + ' touchstart' + options.events_namespace, options.binded.hide ) .on( 'resize' + options.events_namespace, [ true ], options.binded.forced_show ); } } } function forced_show () { show.call(this, true); } function hide (e) { if ( !e || !e.target || //Called directly ( e.target != this && //Clicked not on element itself !(this.pickmeup.get(0).compareDocumentPosition(e.target) & 16) //And not o its children ) ) { var pickmeup = this.pickmeup, options = $(this).data('pickmeup-options'); if (options.hide() != false) { pickmeup.hide(); $(document) .off('mousedown touchstart', options.binded.hide) .off('resize', options.binded.forced_show); options.lastSel = false; } } } function update () { var options = $(this).data('pickmeup-options'); $(document) .off('mousedown', options.binded.hide) .off('resize', options.binded.forced_show); options.binded.forced_show(); } function clear () { var options = $(this).data('pickmeup-options'); if (options.mode != 'single') { options.date = []; options.lastSel = false; options.binded.fill(); } } function prev (fill) { if (typeof fill == 'undefined') { fill = true; } var root = this.pickmeup; var options = $(this).data('pickmeup-options'); if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-years')) { options.current.addYears(-12); } else if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-months')) { options.current.addYears(-1); } else if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-days')) { options.current.addMonths(-1); } if (fill) { options.binded.fill(); } } function next (fill) { if (typeof fill == 'undefined') { fill = true; } var root = this.pickmeup; var options = $(this).data('pickmeup-options'); if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-years')) { options.current.addYears(12); } else if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-months')) { options.current.addYears(1); } else if (root.hasClass('pmu-view-days')) { options.current.addMonths(1); } if (fill) { options.binded.fill(); } } function get_date (formatted) { var options = $(this).data('pickmeup-options'), prepared_date = prepareDate(options); if (typeof formatted === 'string') { var date = prepared_date[1]; if (date.constructor == Date) { return formatDate(date, formatted, options.locale) } else { return date.map(function (value) { return formatDate(value, formatted, options.locale); }); } } else { return prepared_date[formatted ? 0 : 1]; } } function set_date (date) { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data('pickmeup-options'); options.date = date; if (typeof options.date === 'string') { options.date = parseDate(options.date, options.format, options.separator, options.locale).setHours(0,0,0,0); } else if (options.date.constructor == Date) { options.date.setHours(0,0,0,0); } if (!options.date) { options.date = new Date; options.date.setHours(0,0,0,0); } if (options.mode != 'single') { if (options.date.constructor != Array) { options.date = [options.date.valueOf()]; if (options.mode == 'range') { options.date.push(((new Date(options.date[0])).setHours(0,0,0,0)).valueOf()); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < options.date.length; i++) { options.date[i] = (parseDate(options.date[i], options.format, options.separator, options.locale).setHours(0,0,0,0)).valueOf(); } if (options.mode == 'range') { options.date[1] = ((new Date(options.date[1])).setHours(0,0,0,0)).valueOf(); } } } else { if($this.val() || options.default_date !== false) { options.date = options.date.constructor == Array ? options.date[0].valueOf() : options.date.valueOf(); } } options.current = new Date (options.mode != 'single' ? options.date[0] : options.date); options.binded.fill(); if ($this.is('input')) { var prepared_date = prepareDate(options); $this.val( options.mode == 'single' ? (options.default_date === false ? $this.val() : prepared_date[0]) : prepared_date[0].join(options.separator) ); } } function destroy () { var $this = $(this), options = $this.data('pickmeup-options'); $this.removeData('pickmeup-options'); $this.off(options.events_namespace); $(document).off(options.events_namespace); $(this.pickmeup).remove(); } $.fn.pickmeup = function (initial_options) { if (typeof initial_options === 'string') { var data, parameters = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); switch (initial_options) { case 'hide': case 'show': case 'clear': case 'update': case 'prev': case 'next': case 'destroy': this.each(function () { data = $(this).data('pickmeup-options'); if (data) { data.binded[initial_options](); } }); break; case 'get_date': data = this.data('pickmeup-options'); if (data) { return data.binded.get_date(parameters[0]); } else { return null; } break; case 'set_date': this.each(function () { data = $(this).data('pickmeup-options'); if (data) { data.binded[initial_options].apply(this, parameters); } }); } return this; } return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data('pickmeup-options')) { return; } var i, option, options = $.extend({}, $.pickmeup, initial_options || {}); for (i in options) { option = $this.data('pmu-' + i); if (typeof option !== 'undefined') { options[i] = option; } } // 4 conditional statements in order to account all cases if (options.view == 'days' && !options.select_day) { options.view = 'months'; } if (options.view == 'months' && !options.select_month) { options.view = 'years'; } if (options.view == 'years' && !options.select_year) { options.view = 'days'; } if (options.view == 'days' && !options.select_day) { options.view = 'months'; } options.calendars = Math.max(1, parseInt(options.calendars, 10) || 1); options.mode = /single|multiple|range/.test(options.mode) ? options.mode : 'single'; if (typeof options.min === 'string') { options.min = parseDate(options.min, options.format, options.separator, options.locale).setHours(0,0,0,0); } else if (options.min && options.min.constructor == Date) { options.min.setHours(0,0,0,0); } if (typeof options.max === 'string') { options.max = parseDate(options.max, options.format, options.separator, options.locale).setHours(0,0,0,0); } else if (options.max && options.max.constructor == Date) { options.max.setHours(0,0,0,0); } if (!options.select_day) { if (options.min) { options.min = new Date(options.min); options.min.setDate(1); options.min = options.min.valueOf(); } if (options.max) { options.max = new Date(options.max); options.max.setDate(1); options.max = options.max.valueOf(); } } if (typeof options.date === 'string') { options.date = parseDate(options.date, options.format, options.separator, options.locale).setHours(0,0,0,0); } else if (options.date.constructor == Date) { options.date.setHours(0,0,0,0); } if (!options.date) { options.date = new Date; options.date.setHours(0,0,0,0); } if (options.mode != 'single') { if (options.date.constructor != Array) { options.date = [options.date.valueOf()]; if (options.mode == 'range') { options.date.push(((new Date(options.date[0])).setHours(0,0,0,0)).valueOf()); } } else { for (i = 0; i < options.date.length; i++) { options.date[i] = (parseDate(options.date[i], options.format, options.separator, options.locale).setHours(0,0,0,0)).valueOf(); } if (options.mode == 'range') { options.date[1] = ((new Date(options.date[1])).setHours(0,0,0,0)).valueOf(); } } options.current = new Date(options.date[0]); // Set days to 1 in order to handle them consistently if (!options.select_day) { for (i = 0; i < options.date.length; ++i) { options.date[i] = new Date(options.date[i]); options.date[i].setDate(1); options.date[i] = options.date[i].valueOf(); // Remove duplicates if ( options.mode != 'range' && options.date.indexOf(options.date[i]) !== i ) { delete options.date.splice(i, 1); --i; } } } } else { options.date = options.date.valueOf(); options.current = new Date(options.date); if (!options.select_day) { options.date = new Date(options.date); options.date.setDate(1); options.date = options.date.valueOf(); } } options.current.setDate(1); options.current.setHours(0,0,0,0); var cnt, pickmeup = $(tpl.wrapper); this.pickmeup = pickmeup; if (options.class_name) { pickmeup.addClass(options.class_name); } var html = ''; for (i = 0; i < options.calendars; i++) { cnt = options.first_day; html += tpl.head({ prev : options.prev, next : options.next, day : [ options.locale.daysMin[(cnt++) % 7], options.locale.daysMin[(cnt++) % 7], options.locale.daysMin[(cnt++) % 7], options.locale.daysMin[(cnt++) % 7], options.locale.daysMin[(cnt++) % 7], options.locale.daysMin[(cnt++) % 7], options.locale.daysMin[(cnt++) % 7] ] }); } $this.data('pickmeup-options', options); for (i in options) { if (['render', 'change', 'before_show', 'show', 'hide'].indexOf(i) != -1) { options[i] = options[i].bind(this); } } options.binded = { fill : fill.bind(this), update_date : update_date.bind(this), click : click.bind(this), show : show.bind(this), forced_show : forced_show.bind(this), hide : hide.bind(this), update : update.bind(this), clear : clear.bind(this), prev : prev.bind(this), next : next.bind(this), get_date : get_date.bind(this), set_date : set_date.bind(this), destroy : destroy.bind(this) }; options.events_namespace = '.pickmeup-' + (++instances_count); pickmeup .on('click touchstart', options.binded.click) .addClass(views[options.view]) .append(html) .on( $.support.selectstart ? 'selectstart' : 'mousedown', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); } ); options.binded.fill(); if (options.flat) { pickmeup.appendTo(this).css({ position : 'relative', display : 'inline-block' }); } else { pickmeup.appendTo(document.body); // Multiple events support var trigger_event = options.trigger_event.split(' '); for (i = 0; i < trigger_event.length; ++i) { trigger_event[i] += options.events_namespace; } trigger_event = trigger_event.join(' '); $this.on(trigger_event, options.binded.show); } }); }; }));