**Description of the Issue and Steps to Reproduce:** *Please include the values of all variables used.* **Environment:** *Examples: Chrome 49 on OSX, Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 7, Node.JS 4.4.4 on Ubuntu 16.0.4* *Both the browser and the OS are important to us, particularly if you have an unsual environment like an IOT application.* **Other information that may be helpful:** * The time zone setting of the machine the code is running on * The time and date at which the code was run * Other libraries in use (TypeScript, Immutable.js, etc) If you are reporting an issue, please run the following code in the environment you are using and include the output: ```js console.log( (new Date()).toString()) console.log((new Date()).toLocaleString()) console.log( (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset()) console.log( navigator.userAgent) console.log(moment.version) ``` *Ensure your issue is isolated to moment. Issues involving third party tools will be closed unless submitted by the tool's author/maintainer.*