mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 17:03:22 -05:00
due to coding that affected noUiSlider, and also caused payment_type not to be recorded in the database because of the correlating javascript issue. Also, this caused the Deposit Range not to work correctly.
901 lines
28 KiB
901 lines
28 KiB
/* jQuery fun with transactions - Jonathan Rosenbaum <gnuser@gmail.com> */
// currently some css is just hardwired, but that reflects the coding style of YBDB :)
$(function() {
"use strict";
$.ajaxSetup({async:false}); // best to do this in $.ajax,
// but all ajax needs to be synchronous in this program because of the use of mysql
$("input[value='Create Transaction']").attr("tabindex",2);
$("#trans_date").mask("0000-00-00", {placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd" });
// Add focus for easier tab browsing
// use .paid parent and hover & classes
// 1. If page has not been reloaded after a shop period ends, prevent edit from working.
// Note: create transaction covered via a mysql_error()), but with a reload - header("Refresh:0;")
// 2. Don't send event signal to the save button when shop is open
var remember_me;
$.post("json/transaction.php", {shop_exist: 1}, function(data) {
if (data == "no_shop") {
var start_new_shop = "Start New Shop";
$("#current_shop").html(" <a href='shop_log.php'>" + start_new_shop + "</a>");
} else {
// First successful click
remember_me = "unbind";
if (remember_me == "unbind") {
// Second successful click
else {
} );
// Do the same thing as previously, but for editing a transaction (could make a function :)
$('#save_transaction').on("click keypress", function(e){
var remember_me;
$.post("json/transaction.php", {shop_exist: 1}, function(data) {
if (data == "no_shop") {
var start_new_shop = "Start New Shop";
$("#transaction_start_error").html(" <a href='shop_log.php'>" + start_new_shop + "</a>");
} else {
remember_me = "unbind";
if (remember_me == "unbind") {
$('#save_transaction').on('click keypress');
else {
} );
// Does a current shop exist?
var open_shop;
$.post("json/transaction.php", {shop_exist: 1}, function(data) {
if (data == "no_shop") {
open_shop = data;
var start_new_shop = "Start New Shop";
$("input[name='Submit43']").on("click keypress", function(){
$("#current_shop").html(" <a href='shop_log.php'>" + start_new_shop + "</a>");
$("#current_shop").html(" <a href='shop_log.php'>" + start_new_shop + "</a>");
$(".paid").click(function() {
$("#current_shop").html(" <a href='shop_log.php'>" + start_new_shop + "</a>");
return false;
$('.editable_change').mouseover(function() {
$("#current_shop").html(" <a href='shop_log.php'>" + start_new_shop + "</a>");
} );
// paid or not?
$(":checked").parent("td").prev().children().not("#payment_type_label").hide(); // need to watch that not introduction bugs
$(".paid").click(function() {
if (open_shop == "no_shop") { return false; }
if ($(this).prop("checked")) {
$('[href*="trans_id=' + this.name + '"]').hide();
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ paid: 1, transaction_id: this.name } );
else {
$('[href*="trans_id=' + this.name + '"]').show();
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ paid: 0, transaction_id: this.name } );
// Deposit Calculator for clicks
}); // paid or not?
// Deposit Calculator on page reload
if ( $(".paid").length ) { // any transactions?
// Make Change Fund editable
$('.editable_change input').mask("#0.00",{reverse: true, placeholder: "000"});
tooltip: "edit",
event: "mouseover",
onblur: "submit",
name: "editable_change",
height: "auto",
callback : function(value, settings) {
var obj = $.parseJSON(value)
$("#" + this.id).text(obj.changed_change);
var diff = Number(obj.changed_change) - Number(obj.change);
var str = this.id;
var id = str.match(/\d+/);
if (diff != 0) {
if(!$("#" + id[0] + "_different_change").length) {
$("#" + this.id).after("<span id=" + id[0] +
"_different_change style='padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; color: red;'></span>")
} else {
$("#" + id[0] + "_different_change").show();
$("#" + id[0] + "_different_change").show();
$("#" + id[0] + "_different_change").text("(" + diff.toFixed(2) + ")");
} else {
$("#" + id[0] + "_different_change").hide();
// transaction slider - on reload
// transaction slider - on date change
$("[name='gnucash_csv_year']").change(function() { transaction_slider(); });
var slider;
function transaction_slider() {
// Establish range - transaction_id | deposited (yes or no) | date
var range = [];
var range_last_year = [];
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ transaction_slider: 1}, function(data) {
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
// currently go by a Jan - Dec year as fiscal year
// max deposit from previous year needs to be included in range
var year = $("[name='gnucash_csv_year']").val();
if (!year) {
var d = new Date();
year = d.getFullYear();
var last_year = year - 1;
var trans = obj[k];
var trans_year = trans.date.split(" ",1);
trans_year = trans_year[0].split("-",1).toString();
// find min and max for year,
if (trans.deposited == "yes" && trans_year == year) {
// find max for last year
if (trans.deposited == "yes" && trans_year == last_year) {
} );
// If it is a new year with no new deposits we should only show last years deposits.
// range will be undefined so it needs to be recalculated for last year.
// list_distinct_shop_years in transaction_log.php shows all years, so show last two deposits for current year
// gnucash deposit range - min, max, and previous to max
var min_range, max_range, max_range_last_year, prev_trans;
if (range.length) {
min_range = Number(range[0]);
max_range = Number(range[range.length - 1]);
max_range_last_year = Number(range_last_year[range_last_year.length - 1]);
prev_trans = Number(range[range.length - 2]);
} else {
max_range = Number(range_last_year[range_last_year.length - 1]);
prev_trans = Number(range_last_year[range_last_year.length - 2]);
min_range = prev_trans;
// ranges between min and max in percentages with min prepended and max appended as an object
var range_obj = {};
// add last deposit from last year if it exists
if(max_range_last_year) {
min_range = max_range_last_year;
var percentage_amounts = 100 / (range.length - 1);
percentage_amounts = Number(Math.round(percentage_amounts+'e2')+'e-2');
var percentage = percentage_amounts;
var year_range = [];
if (range.length) {
year_range = range;
} else {
year_range = range_last_year;
$.each(year_range,function(k,v) {
if (v == min_range) {
range_obj["min"] = min_range;
} else if (v == max_range) {
range_obj["max"] = max_range;
} else {
range_obj[percentage_amounts + '%'] = Number(v);
percentage_amounts = percentage_amounts + percentage;
// watch that percentage doesn't acquire too many decimal points.
//initialize slider
if (!slider) {
slider = $('#gnucash_csv_range').noUiSlider({
start: [ prev_trans, max_range ],
range: range_obj,
format: wNumb({decimals:0, prefix: "Transaction ID: "}),
snap: true
} else { // on change
start: [ prev_trans, max_range ],
range: range_obj,
format: wNumb({decimals:0, prefix: "Transaction ID: "}),
snap: true
}, true);
} // end function transaction_slider
// make transaction slider keyboard friendly for lower and upper handle
var slider_pointer = $('#gnucash_csv_range'); // slider does exist globally, but keeping namespaces clean
var first_handle = $('#slider_lower');
var second_handle = $('#slider_upper');
// Do not allow both handles to have the same value
if( $(this).val()[0] == $(this).val()[1] ) {
var Format = wNumb({decimals:0});
var value = Format.from( $(this).val()[0] );
var options_object = slider_pointer.noUiSlider('options');
// make an array from the range options
var options_range = [], c = 0;
$.each(options_object.range, function(k,v){
options_range[c] = v;
// create a lookup object to map arrays to proper plus or minus value array for when both handles have the same value
var lookup_object = {};
lookup_object.minus = {};
$.each(options_range, function(k,v) {
// last array element
if (k == options_range.length - 1) {
lookup_object.minus[v] = [options_range[k-1],v];
// first array element
} else if (k == 0) {
lookup_object.minus[v] = [ options_range[k], options_range[k + 1] ];
} else {
lookup_object.minus[v] = [options_range[k - 1],v];
}); // End - Do not let both handles have the same value
// keyboard friendly slider
function slider_keyboard(slider_pointer, input, handle) {
input.keydown(function( e ) {
var Format = wNumb({decimals:0});
var options_object = slider_pointer.noUiSlider('options');
var value;
// Select the first handle.
if (handle == "lower") {
value = Format.from( slider_pointer.val()[0] );
// Select the second handle.
} else if (handle == "upper") {
value = Format.from( slider_pointer.val()[1] );
// create and array for plus (38) and minus (40) events
var plus_and_minus = [], c = 0;
$.each(options_object.range, function(k,v){
plus_and_minus[c] = v;
// create a lookup object to map arrays to proper plus or minus value for respective event
var lookup_object = {};
lookup_object.plus = {};
lookup_object.minus = {};
$.each(plus_and_minus, function(k,v) {
// last array element
if (k == plus_and_minus.length - 1) {
lookup_object.plus[v] = v;
} else {
lookup_object.plus[v] = plus_and_minus[k + 1];
$.each(plus_and_minus, function(k,v) {
// first array element
if (k == 0) {
lookup_object.minus[v] = 0;
} else {
lookup_object.minus[v] = plus_and_minus[k - 1];
// 13 is enter,
// 38 is key up,
// 40 is key down.
switch ( e.which ) {
case 13:
case 38: if (handle == "lower") { // +
slider_pointer.val( [lookup_object.plus[value] , null] );
} else if (handle == "upper") {
slider_pointer.val( [null, lookup_object.plus[value]] );
case 40: if (handle == "lower") { // -
slider_pointer.val( [lookup_object.minus[value], null] );
} else if (handle == "upper") {
slider_pointer.val( [null, lookup_object.minus[value]] );
}); // keyboard friendly slider
// gnucash account multi-select
placeholder_text_multiple: "Select Accounts",
width: "260px"
// year pull-down for transaction slider
// produce a GnuCash CSV file on submit
function gnucash_csv_submit() {
// grab values
$("#gnucash_csv_submit").on("click keypress",function() {
var Format = wNumb({decimals:0});
var transaction_range = [];
var gnucash_accounts = [];
$.each($("#gnucash_csv_range").val(), function(k,v) {
gnucash_accounts = $("#gnucash_csv_accounts").val();
// send values for processing individual csv files for each selected account type
if (gnucash_accounts) {
$.each(gnucash_accounts, function(k,v) {
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ gnucash_account_type: v, transaction_range: transaction_range}, function(data) {
// download file - data is this directory/file
$("body").append("<iframe src='" + data + "' style='display: none;' ></iframe>");
// null or real number
function payment_result(result) {
if (result == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return Number(result).toFixed(2);
// Deposit Calculator function
function deposit_calculator() {
var deposit = {};
$(".deposit input").each(function(count){
deposit[count] = this.name;
$.post("json/transaction.php",{"deposit": deposit}, function(data) {
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
// Cash / Check / Credit
$("#" + k + "_cash span").text("$" + payment_result(v.cash));
$("#" + k + "_check span").text("$" + payment_result(v.check));
$("#" + k + "_credit span").text("$" + payment_result(v.credit));
// Sum
var sum = Number(v.check) + Number(v.cash);
$("#" + k + "_sum span").text("$" + sum.toFixed(2));
// Difference (regexp - good up to 6 places and 2 digits)
var deposit_amount = $('input[name="' + k + '"]').parent().prev().prev().text().replace(/\$(\d*(?:,\d{3})*\.\d*)\s+/, "$1" );
deposit_amount = deposit_amount.replace(/,/, "");
if (deposit_amount != 0) {
var diff = deposit_amount - sum;
$("#" + k + "_difference span").text("$"+ diff.toFixed(2));
if ( diff == 0 ) {
$("#" + k + "_difference").css("color","green");
} else {
$("#" + k + "_difference").css("color","red");
} else {
$("#" + k + "_difference span").text("n/a");
}); // end function
} // Deposit Calculator
// error handler for edited transactions
function error_handler(input,error_span,error,error_text,event) {
var trans_error = 0;
if ( input == error ) {
if ( !error_span.is(":visible") ) {
trans_error = 1;
} else {
trans_error = 0;
if (trans_error) {
return trans_error;
} // end error_handling function
// On save (or close) check for errors
function save_or_close(button_choice, type_of_button) {
// Deferred Promise, since we don't know when the click will be made,
// it is an asynchronous function, and we need to know the returned result.
var dfd = $.Deferred();
$(button_choice).on("click keypress", function(e) {
//function error_handler(input,error_span,error,error_text,event)
var err1 = 0, err2 = 0, err3 = 0, err4 = 0, err5 = 0, err6 = 0, err7 = 0, err8 = 0;
if (e.which === 13 || e.which === 1) {
// sold_to error
if ( !$("[name='sold_to']").is("span") ) { // Patron already performed transaction and isn't logged in
if ( !$("#anonymous").prop("checked") ) {
if (sold_to.length) {
err1 = error_handler(sold_to.val(), sold_to_error, "no_selection", "*Required ",e);
} else if ( $("#anonymous").prop("checked") ) {
// sold_by error
err2 = error_handler(sold_by.val(), sold_by_error, "no_selection", "*Required",e);
// for storage transactions don't check for payment_type and payment until there is an actual date
var payment_type = $("input[name='payment_type']"); // payment_type variable needs to be kept within scope
var payment_type_result;
if ( date.val() != "0000-00-00" && date.val() != "") {
// payment type error
if (payment_type.length) {
payment_type.each(function(){ if ($(this).prop("checked") == true) { payment_type_result = true; } });
err3 = error_handler(payment_type_result, payment_type_error, undefined,"*Required",e);
// payment error
if (amount.length) {
err4 = error_handler(amount.val(), payment_error, "","*Required",e);
// description error
if ( $("#transaction_type").val() != "Deposit" ) { // Deposit description is implicit
err5 = error_handler(description.val(), description_error, "","*Required: a detailed description",e);
// check number error - error_handler()
var check_number = $("#check_number"); // check number variable needs to be within this scope
if ( check_number.is(":visible") || payment_type_result == "check" ) {
if (check_number.val() == undefined) {
err6 = error_handler(check_number.val(), check_number_error, undefined,"*Required: enter a check number",e);
} else {
err6 = error_handler(check_number.val(), check_number_error, "","*Required: enter a check number",e);
} else if ( !check_number.is(":visible") ) {
// quantity
err7 = error_handler(quantity.val(), quantity_error, "","*Required",e);
// date
if (!$("#date_startstorage").length) { // not a storage transaction
err8 = error_handler(date.val(), date_error, "","*Required",e);
// Decides whether or not to post a parent error message (at the top)
if ( ( err1 + err2 + err3 + err4 + err5 + err6 + err7) > 0) {
if ( !transaction_error.is(":visible") ) {
if (type_of_button === "Save") {
transaction_error.text("Correct errors below");
} else {
transaction_error.text("Correct errors below, and save before closing.");
} else {
} // event type
return dfd.promise();
} // end function save_or_close
// editing a transaction
if ( $("input[name='shop_id']").length ) {
// make tabbing more predictable
// $("#transaction_type").attr("tabindex",2);
// common ids
var transaction_id = $("input[name='transaction_id']").val();
var sold_to = $("[name='sold_to']");
var sold_by = $("[name='sold_by']");
//var payment_type = $("input[name='payment_type']");
var amount = $("#amount");
var description = $("#description");
var quantity = $("#quantity");
var date = $("#date");
// require that values be filled in a particular fashion
amount.mask("#0.00", {reverse: true, placeholder: "000.00"});
quantity.mask("#0", {placeholder: "0"});
date.mask("0000-00-00", {placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd" });
$("#check_number").mask("#0", {reverse: true, placeholder: "check number"});
// error spans & handling
var transaction_error = $("#transaction_start_error");
var date_error = $("#date_error");
var sold_by_error = $("#sold_by_error");
var sold_to_error = $("#sold_to_error");
var description_error = $("#description_error");
var payment_error = $("#payment_error");
var payment_type_error = $("#payment_type_error");
var check_number_error = $("#check_number_error");
var quantity_error = $("#quantity_error");
var check_number_error = $("#check_number_error");
//var check_number = $("#check_number").on("input");
// note: it is possible to close with all error conditions being satisfied,
// however, it is no biggy.
save_or_close($("#close_transaction"), "Close");
// Using deferred.promise .. pretty cool
save_or_close($("#save_transaction"), "Save").done(function(success) {
// Save history
if (success === "Success") {
transaction_id = $("input[name='transaction_id']").val();
var date = $("#date").val();
if (date === "") {
date = "0000-00-00";
// find new transaction_id if date has changed for a storage transaction
// this is the most recent transaction_id
if ($("#date_startstorage").val() && date !== "0000-00-00") {
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ most_recent_transaction_id: 1 }, function(data) {
transaction_id = Number(data) + 1;
} );
var span_or_select = $("[name='sold_to']").is("span"), sold_to;
if (span_or_select) {
sold_to = $("#sold_to").val();
} else {
sold_to = $("[name='sold_to']").val();
var payment_type_group = $("input[name='payment_type']"), payment_type, check_number;
if (payment_type_group.length) {
if ($(this).prop("checked") === true) {
payment_type = $(this).val();
if (payment_type === "credit" || payment_type === "cash") {
check_number = undefined;
} else {
check_number = $("#check_number").val();
} );
var anonymous;
if ($("#anonymous").prop("checked")) {
anonymous = 1;
} else {
anonymous = undefined;
// store the transaction's history
var transaction_history = [];
var current_transaction =
transaction_id: transaction_id,
date_startstorage: $("#date_startstorage").val(),
date: date,
transaction_type: $("#transaction_type").val(),
amount: $("#amount").val(),
description: $("#description").val(),
sold_to: sold_to,
sold_by: $("[name='sold_by']").val(),
quantity: $("#quantity").val(),
shop_id: $("#shop_id").val(),
payment_type: payment_type,
check_number: check_number,
anonymous: anonymous
// transaction_id hasn't changed yet if it is a storage transaction
if ($("#date_startstorage").val() && date !== "0000-00-00") {
transaction_id = transaction_id - 1;
// check for prior transactions
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ history_select: 1, transaction_id: transaction_id }, function(data) {
if (data === "First Transaction") {
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ history_update: 1,
transaction_id: transaction_id,
history: transaction_history });
} else { // more than 1 transaction in the history
transaction_history = $.parseJSON(data);
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ history_update: 1,
transaction_id: transaction_id,
history: transaction_history,
more_than_one: 1 });
} // more than 1 transaction in the history
} ); // check for prior transactions
} // End Save History
}) // end function save_and_close
// On reload if patron isn't logged in replace pull-down with patrons name
if (sold_to.val() == "no_selection") {
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ not_logged_in: 1, transaction_id: transaction_id }, function(data) {
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
if (obj.sold_to) {
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
sold_to.replaceWith("<span name='sold_to'>" + obj.full_name +
"</span><input value='" + obj.sold_to + "' type='hidden' id='sold_to' name='sold_to'>");
} );
// Anonymous Transaction?
if ($("#anonymous").prop("checked")) { // on reload
} else {
$("#anonymous").click(function() { // on click
if ($(this).prop("checked")) {
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ anonymous: 1, transaction_id: $("input[name='transaction_id']").val() } );
} else {
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ anonymous: 0, transaction_id: $("input[name='transaction_id']").val() } );
// what type of payment? cash, credit or check?
$("input[name='payment_type']").click(function() {
if ($(this).prop("checked")) {
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ payment_type: this.value, transaction_id: $("input[name='transaction_id']").val() } );
// check number?
if (this.value == "check") {
if ($("#check_number").length == 0) {
$("#check").after(' <input type="text" id="check_number" size="10" name="check_number" >');
} else {
// return check #
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ check_number: true, transaction_id: $("input[name='transaction_id']").val() }, function(data) {
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
if (obj.check_number) {
} else{
}); // what type of payment?
/* When the transaction is storage based, only show price and payment_type
when a full date (yyyy-mm-dd) is entered. */
if ( $("#date_startstorage").length ) {
var date_startstorage = $("#date_startstorage").val();
// If storage start date has changed since original shop trans, show the original shop day.
$.post("json/transaction.php",{date_startstorage: date_startstorage,
transaction_id: $("input[name='transaction_id']").val() }, function(data) {
if (data) {
$("#original_shop_date").html("(transaction date: " + data + ")");
// require that values be filled in a particular fashion
$("#date_startstorage").mask("0000-00-00", {placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd" });
var date_value = $("#date").val();
var date_test = /^\d{4}-((0\d)|(1[012]))-(([012]\d)|3[01])$/.test(date_value);
if ( date_test && date_value != "0000-00-00" ) {
} else {
var span_or_select = $("[name='sold_to']").is("span"), err0;
if(span_or_select) {
err0 = error_handler(span_or_select, date_error, true, "*Patron must be signed in to complete this transaction.",e);
if (err0 != 1) {
$("#date").on("input", function(e){
var span_or_select = $("[name='sold_to']").is("span"), err0;
if(span_or_select) {
err0 = error_handler(span_or_select, date_error, true, "*Patron must be signed in to complete this transaction.",e);
date_test = /^\d{4}-((0\d)|(1[012]))-(([012]\d)|3[01])$/.test(this.value);
if ( date_test && this.value != "0000-00-00" ) {
if (err0 != 1) {
} else {
// this unchecks the payment type
// reset payment_type && amount
$.post("json/transaction.php",{storage_payment_reset: 1, transaction_id: $("input[name='transaction_id']").val() });
// If storage date is NULL, update to 0000-00-00 on save
$("#save_transaction").on("click keypress", function(e) {
if ( !$("#date").val().length ) {
} // end testing for storage presentation
} // editing a transaction