Yellow Bike Project Hours and Transaction Database for Community Bike Shops
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I, and my heirs, in consideration of my participation with Positive Spin
Incorporated hereby release Positive Spin Incorporated, its officers, directors
and agents, and any other people officially connected with this organization,
from any and all liability for damage to or loss of personal property, sickness, or injury from whatever source, legal entanglements, imprisonment, death, or
loss of money, which might occur while participating in said
event/activity/class. Specifically, I release Positive Spin Incorporated from
any liability or responsibility for my personal well-being, condition of tools
and equipment provided and produced thereof, including, but not limited to,
bicycles and modes of transportation produced by participants. Positive Spin
Incorporated provides a working,mechanical environment and I am aware of the
risks of participation. I hereby state that I am in sufficient physical
condition to accept a rigorous level of physical activity and exertion, as is
sometimes the case when working in a mechanical environment. I understand that
participation in this program is strictly voluntary and I freely chose to
participate. I understand Positive Spin Incorporated does not provide medical
coverage for me. I verify that I will be responsible for any medical costs I
incur as a result of my participation.