Yellow Bike Project Hours and Transaction Database for Community Bike Shops
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

137 lines
4.1 KiB

/* jQuery fun with transactions - Jonathan Rosenbaum */
// currently css is just hardwired, but that reflects the coding style of YBDB :)
$(function() {
$.ajaxSetup({async:false}); // best to do this in $.ajax,
// but all ajax needs to be synchronous in this program because of the use of mysql
$("input[value='Create Transaction']").attr("tabindex",2);
// paid or not?
$(".paid").click(function() {
if ($(this).prop("checked")) {
$('[href*="trans_id=' + + '"]').hide();
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ paid: 1, transaction_id: } );
else {
$('[href*="trans_id=' + + '"]').show();
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ paid: 0, transaction_id: } );
// Deposit Calculator for clicks
// Deposit Calculator on page reload
if ( $(".paid").length ) { // any transactions?
// Deposit Calculator function
function deposit_calculator() {
var deposit = {};
$(".deposit input").each(function(count){
deposit[count] =;
$.post("json/transaction.php",{"deposit": deposit}, function(data) {
var obj = $.parseJSON(data);
//console.log(k + "= Cash: " + + " Check: " + v.check + " Credit: " + + "\n");
$("#" + k + "_cash span").text("$" +;
$("#" + k + "_check span").text("$" + v.check);
$("#" + k + "_credit span").text("$" +;
var sum = Number(v.check) + Number(;
$("#" + k + "_sum span").text("$" + sum);
// editing a transaction
if ( $("input[name='shop_id']").length ) {
// make tabbing more predictable
// require that values be filled in a particular fashion
$transaction_id = $("input[name='transaction_id']").val();
// what type of payment? cash, credit or check?
$("input[name='payment_type']").click(function() {
if ($(this).prop("checked")) {
$.post("json/transaction.php",{ payment_type: this.value, transaction_id: $transaction_id } );
/* When the transaction is storage based, only show price and payment_type
when a full date (yyyy-mm-dd) is entered. */
if ( $("#date_startstorage").length ) {
// require that values be filled in a particular fashion
var date_value = $("#date").val();
var date_test = /^\d{4}-((0\d)|(1[012]))-(([012]\d)|3[01])$/.test(date_value);
if ( date_test && date_value != "0000-00-00" ) {
} else {
$("#date").on("input", function(){
date_test = /^\d{4}-((0\d)|(1[012]))-(([012]\d)|3[01])$/.test(this.value);
if ( date_test && this.value != "0000-00-00" ) {
} else {
} // end testing for storage presentation
} // editing a transaction