Bike database interface
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
1.9 KiB

# Features
- price is a string
- search bikes via brand, make, or serial number.
- add mechanics table and change text input to a dropdown
- printing a single freecyclery receipt from the client page uses the
old styling
- reports are broken
- bike receipts dont fit well - margins are too big and explanatory text
too small
- flash message after a bike is logged should include the bike log
- unique index on log number for bikes
- Use hyphens for dates instead of backslashes
- Autopopulate fields like model, brand, color based on what exists in
- use fixed-bike form with checkboxes to autopopulate 'work done' and
'new parts' section (this is especially useful for the characteristics
"overhauled" and below
- ability to print a receipt from the bike page would be helpful
- list of freecyclery clients should be chronological, ideally by date
of bike assignment, otherwise at least by application date
- assign a bike from the available freecyclery bikes page
- there should be nice feedback indicating that the bike was sold
- order agencies by name
- restyle agencies page to not have show or destroy links
# Tech
- clients should require a name
- eliminate duplication between client receipts and freecyclery receipts
- use log number in bike url instead of id
- paginate 'all clients' page
- convert to bootstrap-less
- integrate with autocomplete to get manufacturers & models
- enable posting to bike index when a bike is created
- add tests to ensure that pages render
# Other
General Reports
bikes donated per year
Yearly Reports
bikes sold by month. (Bar graph for extra points!)
bikes donated by year or month. (With bar graph!?)
bikes donated according to agency. (Graph?)
Improve form layouts
make navigation always on the left side of the page
refactor index - move unsold bikes to model
add recyclery logos & bike memorabilia pics all over app