Bike database interface
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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when bike gets picked up, remove it from freecyclery bike list
when visiting user page check if they have a bike and add it to
the list
available freecyclery bikes list should have all the infos - size,
make, model, color, etc
make sure you can mark bike completion dates
bikes ready for pickup should also include color & log number
clients should not be on waiting list after they get assigned a bike
print sales labels should not show freecyclery bikes
search for bike based on log #
convert to bootstrap-less or something
integrate with autocomplete to get manufacturers & models
enable posting to bike index when a bike is created
Freecyclery Receipts
General Reports
bikes donated per year
Yearly Reports
bikes sold by month. (Bar graph for extra points!)
bikes donated by year or month. (With bar graph!?)
bikes donated according to agency. (Graph?)
Add way to navigate to client receipts
style client receipts
assign a bike from the available freecyclery bikes page
mark as sold should be disabled after bike is sold
there should be nice feedback indicating that the bike was sold
Improve form layouts
make navigation always on the left side of the page
Make customer facing bike index with pitchers
refactor index - move unsold bikes to model
add pics of bikes for sale
add recyclery logos & bike memorabilia pics all over app
do bike sales labels fit into sleeves? (sheaths are 5x3.75)
freecyclery bikes need receipts
when application is voided, bike should go back to pool of bikes
when client is created without date, app breaks
phone calls made is unnecessary - notes are usualy used