.col-xs-6 .receipt %h2 %strong= client.bike.name %br .horizontal-line .client-information = client.name %br = client.agency.agency_name if client.agency .horizontal-line %br Includes: %br = 'Helmet' if client.helmet %br = 'Lock' if client.lock %br %br Date Received %br _______________ %br Client Signature %br ________________ %br Recyclery Volunteer Initials %br ___ %br CLIENT COPY .col-xs-6 .receipt %h2 %strong= client.bike.name %br .horizontal-line .client-information = client.name %br = client.agency.agency_name if client.agency .horizontal-line .row .col-xs-6 %br = 'Will make 25$ payment for lock and helmet' if client.will_pay %br Includes: %br = 'Helmet' if client.helmet %br = 'Lock' if client.lock %br %br Date Received %br _______________ %br Client Signature %br ________________ .col-xs-6 .client-info-header CLIENT INFO .client-email= "Agency Email: " + client.agency.email .client-phone= "Agency Phone #: " + client.agency.phone_number .client-photo-consent [ ] I grant consent to the Recyclery to use and publish photographs of me. %br Recyclery Volunteer Initials %br ___ %br RECYCLERY COPY