require 'spec_helper' describe BikesController do let(:user){FactoryGirl.create(:user)} let(:bike){FactoryGirl.create(:bike)} before :each do sign_in user end describe "GET #index" do it "assignes unsold bikes" do bike = FactoryGirl.create(:bike, date_sold: nil, purpose: "Sale") get :index expect(assigns(:unsold_bikes)).to eq([bike]) end end describe "POST #create" do it "creates a new bike with valid credentials" do expect{ post :create, bike: FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:bike) }.to change(Bike, :count).by(1) end it "redirects to new bike path" do expect(post :create, bike: FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:bike)).to redirect_to(new_bike_path) end end describe "GET #new" do it "assigns a log number" do FactoryGirl.create(:bike, log_number: 3) get :new expect(assigns(:log_number)).to eq(4) end end end