mirror of https://github.com/fspc/biketree.git
Bike Tree - https://biketree.bikelover.org
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
170 lines
6.4 KiB
170 lines
6.4 KiB
8 years ago
<?php session_start(); ?>
include ("../settings.php");
include ("../classes/db_functions.php");
include ("../classes/security_functions.php");
include ("../classes/form.php");
include ("../classes/display.php");
$lang=new language();
$dbf=new db_functions($cfg_server,$cfg_username,$cfg_password,$cfg_database,$cfg_tableprefix,$cfg_theme,$lang);
$sec=new security_functions($dbf,'Sales Clerk',$lang);
$display=new display($dbf->conn,$cfg_theme,$cfg_currency_symbol,$lang);
header ("location: ../login.php");
//set default values, these will change if $action==update.
//decides if the form will be used to update or add a bike.
//if action is update, sets variables to what the current users data is.
if (!$_POST[id] && !$_GET[passbike]){ echo "Oops. Try again. Maybe with a valid bike number this time"; die(); }
$display->displayTitle("Update a $_POST[mode] Bike");
if(isset($_POST['id']) || isset($_GET['passbike']))
if($id == ""){
$tablename = "$cfg_tableprefix".'bikes';
$queree = "SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE id=$id";
$result = mysql_query("$queree",$dbf->conn);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
if ($biketype_value == ""){ echo "Oops, one of the fly rod's has gone out askew on the treddle. Try again. Maybe with a valid bike number this time"; die(); }
if($putinservice_value != "0000-00-00" && $bikestatus_value == "repair"){ echo "This fuckin bike was a repair and has already been returned to the owner."; die();}
if ($inrepair_value != '' && $inrepair_value != '0000-00-00' && $bikestatus_value == "library"){ echo "<center><h4 style=\"background: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; display: inline;\">This library bike is in for repair!</h4><center><br />"; }
if($retired_value != "0000-00-00" && $retired_value != ""){ die('This bike has been retired and probably stripped down');}
$display->displayTitle("Add a $bikestatus_value Bike");
//creates a form object
$f1=new form('process_form_bikes.php','POST','bikes','450',$cfg_theme,$lang);
//creates form parts.
//Get user List first
$idarray = array();
$namearray = array();
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id,first_name,last_name FROM customers ORDER BY last_name ASC");
while($field = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$namearray[] = "$field[last_name], $field[first_name]";
$idarray[] = "$field[id]";
if($_POST[id]){ $disable = "DISABLED"; }
if ($_GET[mode] == "repair" || isset($userID_value) && $userID_value != 0){ $f1->createSelectField("<b>Which Member?</b>",'userID',$idarray,$namearray,'150',"$disable","$userID_value"); }
$f1->createInputField("<b>Brand:</b> ",'text','bikebrand',"$bikebrand_value",'24','150');
$f1->createInputField("<b>Model:</b> ",'text','bikemodel',"$bikemodel_value",'24','150');
$f1->createInputField("<b>Color:</b> ",'text','bikecolor',"$bikecolor_value",'24','150');
//make the bike type arrays
$option_values = array('newroad','10spd','8spdinternal','5spd','3spd','singlespeedcoaster','singlespeed','fixedgear','mountain','hybrid','chopper');
$option_titles = array('road bike (12-27speed)','10 speed road bike','8 speed internal hub','5 speed road bike','3 speed internal hub','single speed w/coaster brake','single speed w/brakes','fixed gear','mountain bike','hybrid (road/mountain)','chopper');
$f1->createSelectField("<b>Bike Type</b>",'biketype',$option_values,$option_titles,'150','NULL',"$biketype_value");
//make the wheel size array
$option_values = array('20inch','22inch','24inch','26inch','26fractional','27inch','','','650','700');
$option_titles = array('20 inch','22 inch','24 inch','26 inch','26 by fraction','27 inch','','----Metric Crap----','650','700c');
$f1->createSelectField("<b>Wheel Size</b>",'wheel',$option_values,$option_titles,'150','NULL',"$wheel_value");
$f1->createInputField("<b>Frame Height (inches)</b>: ",'text','frame',"$frame_value",'4','150');
//select bikeStatus here
//make the bike status array and form field
$option_values = array('library','sale','repair');
$option_titles = array('Library bike','For sale bike','Member bike in for repair');
if($action == "insert"){ $statdisable = "DISABLED"; }
$f1->createSelectField("<b>Bike Status</b>",'bikestatus',$option_values,$option_titles,'150',"$statdisable","$bikestatus_value");
if ($_GET[mode] == "repair"){ $f1->createSingleDateSelectField("To be picked up on:"); }
// major changes to library bike
if($inrepair_value != "" && $inrepair_value != "0000-00-00"){ $repairtext = "Mark library bike as fixed"; $repairvalue = "makeoutrepair"; }
else { $repairtext = "Mark as broken library bike"; $repairvalue = "makeinrepair";}
$option_values = array("$repairvalue",'makeretire');
$option_titles = array("$repairtext",'Retire this bike from library');
if($bikestatus_value=="library" && $action=="update"){ $f1->createRadioField("Major Updates",'majorupdates',$option_values,$option_titles,'150','',"$bikestatus_value"); }
$f1->createTextareaField("Repair needed:<br />Accepted by:<br />Other notes:",'notes','6','30',"$notes_value",'150');
if($bikestatus_value == "repair"){
$f1->createCheckboxField("Remember to process payment<br /> in the sales area. ",'repairpickup','150','','','<b>Check if being picked up</b>');
//sends 2 hidden varibles needed for process_form_users.php.
echo "
<input type='hidden' name='action' value='$action'>
<input type='hidden' name='id' value='$id'>";
if($action == "insert"){ echo "<input type='hidden' name='bikestatus' value='$_GET[mode]'>"; }