isLoggedIn()) { header ("location: ../login.php"); exit (); } //variables needed globably in this file. $tablename="$cfg_tableprefix".'customers'; $field_names=null; $field_data=null; $id=-1; //checks to see if action is delete and an ID is specified. (only delete uses $_GET.) if(isset($_GET['action']) and isset($_GET['id'])) { $action=$_GET['action']; $id=$_GET['id']; } //checks to make sure data is comming from form ($action is either delete or update) elseif(isset($_POST['first_name']) and isset($_POST['last_name']) and isset($_POST['account_number']) and isset($_POST['phone_number']) and isset($_POST['email']) and isset($_POST['street_address']) and isset($_POST['comments']) and isset($_POST['id']) and isset($_POST['action']) ) { $action=$_POST['action']; $id = $_POST['id']; //gets variables entered by user. $first_name = $_POST['first_name']; $last_name = $_POST['last_name']; $account_number = $_POST['account_number']; $phone_number = $_POST['phone_number']; $email = $_POST['email']; $street_address = $_POST['street_address']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; //insure all fields are filled in. if($first_name=='' or $last_name=='' or $phone_number=='') { echo "$lang->forgottenFields"; exit(); } else { $field_names=array('first_name','last_name','account_number','phone_number','email','street_address','comments'); $field_data=array("$first_name","$last_name","$account_number","$phone_number","$email","$street_address","$comments"); } } else { //outputs error message because user did not use form to fill out data. echo "$lang->mustUseForm"; exit(); } switch ($action) { //finds out what action needs to be taken and preforms it by calling methods from dbf class. case $action=="insert": $dbf->insert($field_names,$field_data,$tablename,true); break; case $action=="update": $dbf->update($field_names,$field_data,$tablename,$id,true); break; case $action=="delete": $dbf->deleteRow($tablename,$id); break; default: echo "$lang->noActionSpecified"; break; } $dbf->closeDBlink(); ?>
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