conn,$cfg_theme,$cfg_currency_symbol,$lang); if(!$sec->isLoggedIn()) { header ("location: ../../login.php"); exit(); } //set default values, these will change if $action==update. $brand_value=''; $id=-1; //decides if the form will be used to update or add a user. if(isset($_GET['action'])) { $action=$_GET['action']; } else { $action="insert"; } //if action is update, sets variables to what the current users data is. if($action=="update") { $display->displayTitle("$lang->updateBrand"); if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $id=$_GET['id']; $tablename = "$cfg_tableprefix".'brands'; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE id=\"$id\"",$dbf->conn); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $brand_value=$row['brand']; } } else { $display->displayTitle("$lang->addBrand"); } //creates a form object $f1=new form('process_form_brands.php','POST','brands','300',$cfg_theme,$lang); //creates form parts. $f1->createInputField("$lang->brandName:",'text','brand',"$brand_value",'24','150'); //sends 2 hidden varibles needed for process_form_users.php. echo " "; $f1->endForm(); $dbf->closeDBlink(); ?>