header ("location: ../login.php");
//set default values, these will change if $action==update.
//echo "post is $_POST[bikeID]and id is $id";
//Destroy the world if they didn't put a valid bike number in. Then apologize.
$bikecheck = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bikes WHERE id='$_POST[bikeID]' LIMIT 1",$dbf->conn);
echo mysql_error();
$bikeexists = mysql_fetch_array($bikecheck);
$back = "
[Go Baaaaaack]";
if($bikeexists['id'] == ""){ echo " Bike Doesn't exist. Divide by zero. Did you put a bike number in the box? If you did put a number in, go back and try typing it again.$back"; die(); }
if($bikeexists['bikestatus'] == "repair"){ echo " This is a personal bike in for repair! Take it from them and make a note! $back"; die(); }
if($bikeexists['bikestatus'] != "library"){ echo " This is not a library bike. It is marked as $bikeexists[bikestatus]. Take it from them and tell the IT working group $back"; die(); }
if($bikeexists['putinservice'] == "" || $bikeexists['putinservice'] == "0000-00-00"){ echo " This bike has not yet been put in service! DO NOT LOAN. Merci! $back"; die(); }
if($bikeexists['inrepair'] != "" && $bikeexists['inrepair'] != "0000-00-00"){ echo " This bike is in repair. DO NOT LOAN. Merci! $back"; die(); }
if($bikeexists['retired'] != "" && $bikeexists['retired'] != "0000-00-00"){ echo " This bike has been retired from the library. Do not loan. $back"; die(); }
//Check if bike is in or out
$inoutquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM libraryloans WHERE bikeID='$_POST[bikeID]' AND bikeout=1",$dbf->conn);
$loanarray = mysql_fetch_array($inoutquery);
//decides if the form will be used to sign in or add a loan.
if($loanarray['id'] != "")
// print_r($loanarray);
//if action is update, sets variables to what the current loan data is.
$display->displayTitle("Bike is OUT. Sign it in");
// echo "Now it's all: $_POST[bikeID]";
$tablename = "$cfg_tableprefix".'libraryloans';
$result = mysql_query("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(duedate)as latedate FROM $tablename WHERE bikeID=\"$bikeID\" AND bikeout=1",$dbf->conn);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$today = date('U');
if($today > $latedate){
$todayowing = round((($today-$latedate)/60/60/24)-1, 0) * $cfg_dailyLateFee;
echo "
There is \$$todayowing.00 owing in late fees.
$display->displayTitle("Bike #$_POST[bikeID] is available for loan. Use form below.");
//creates a form object
$f1=new form('process_form_library.php','POST','library','450',$cfg_theme,$lang);
// Get User ID's and names for the select creation
//sidenote: if user has bike, grab user number and add SELECTED to their entry in the select (last 3 lines)
$fnamearray = array();
$lnamearray = array();
$userIDarray = array();
$usrquery = mysql_query("SELECT first_name, last_name, id FROM customers ORDER BY last_name ASC");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($usrquery))
$namearray[] = $row['last_name'] .',' . $row['first_name'];
$idstring = $row['id'];
if($userID == $row['id']){
$idstring .= "SELECTED"; }
$userIDarray[] = $idstring;
if($action == "update"){ $disabled="disabled"; }
//creates form parts.
$f1->createSelectField("Member: ",'userID',$userIDarray,$namearray,'170',"$disabled");
$f1->createInputField("Deposit Taken: $",'text','deposittaken',"$deposittaken",'24','170',"$disabled");
if ($action == "update"){ $f1->createInputField("Due Date (YYYY-MM-DD): ",'text','duedate',"$duedate",'24','170',"$disabled"); }
if ($action == "insert"){ $f1->createSingleDateSelectField("Due Date"); }
$f1->createCheckboxField("Paying fees now?","feespaid",'170');
//$f1->createInputField("Late Fees Paid: $ ",'text','amtpaid',"",'24','170');
$f1->createTextareaField("Notes about this loan:",'notes','5','24',"$notes",'170');
//sends many hidden varibles needed for process_form_library.php.
echo "
if($action == "update"){
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";