conn,$cfg_theme,$cfg_currency_symbol,$lang); global $cfg_membershipID; if(!$sec->isLoggedIn()) { // header ("location: ../login.php"); // exit(); } //include('odb.php'); function getmonth($m=0) { return (($m==0 ) ? date("F") : date("F", mktime(0,0,0,$m))); } $month = getmonth($_POST[month]); // MAKE SURE THEY'RE NOT ALREADY HERE! //$in = mktime($_POST[hour], $_POST[minute], 0, $_POST[month], $_POST[day], $_POST[year]); //$tdin = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //$activity = $_POST[activity]; $sec->signinMember($_POST[userID], mktime($_POST[hour], $_POST[minute], 0, $_POST[month], $_POST[day], $_POST[year]), $_POST[activity]); /*$isinresult = mysql_query("SELECT userID FROM visits WHERE endout IS NULL"); if (!$isinresult) { die("Query to show fields from table failed"); } while ($isinrow = mysql_fetch_array($isinresult)) { if ($_POST[userID] == "$isinrow[userID]"){ die("Bike Error!! User is already signed in..."); } } // MAKE SURE THEY'VE PAID THEIR MEMBERSHIP (IF REQUIRED BY CONFIG FILE) if(!$sec->checkMembership($_POST[userID]) && $cfg_reqmembership == 1){ echo "Membership not paid (or expired $expires)!
Go Home -->"; die(''); } // Have you been a naughty schoolchild and not signed your waiver? PUNISH! if(!$sec->checkWaiver($_POST[userID])){ echo "Waiver not signed. Sign waiver, or no shop access you naughty boy!
Go Home -->"; die(''); } // ADD IT TO THE VISITS DATABASE $in = mktime($_POST[hour], $_POST[minute], 0, $_POST[month], $_POST[day], $_POST[year]); $tdin = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $activity = $_POST[activity]; if (isset($_POST[userID])){ $query = "INSERT INTO `visits` (`userID` ,`intime` ,`activity`) VALUES ('$_POST[userID]', '$tdin', '$activity')"; // echo "IT FJDSFDSA $query"; mysql_query($query); }*/ // sending query if ($_POST[userID] != ""){ // echo "userID is set: $_POST[userID]"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id='$_POST[userID]'"); if (!$result) { die("Query to show fields from table failed"); } $fields_num = mysql_num_fields($result); $field = mysql_fetch_array($result); foreach($field as $key=>$value) { $$key = stripslashes($value); } } header( 'Location: /home.php' ) ; ?>