Repairs Needed

conn); echo mysql_error(); while($repairarray = mysql_fetch_array($listquery)){ $queryuser = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM customers WHERE id='$repairarray[userID]'"; $userresult = mysql_query("$queryuser",$dbf->conn); while($userarray = mysql_fetch_array($userresult)){ $yearmonth = date('Y-m-'); $day = date('d') + 3; if ($day < 10){ $day = "0" . "$day"; } $threeday = "$yearmonth$day"; if($repairarray[duedate] <= $threeday){ $duestyle = "width: 180px; background: url('images/uhohbg.gif'); text-align: center; height: 27px; border: 1px solid #000000"; $emstyle = "background: #FFFFFF; padding: 2px; border-bottom: 2px solid #000000"; } else { $duestyle = "background: #cccccc; text-align: center;"; $emstyle = ""; } //One LAST thing.... if the bike is a library bike, make that the name... if($repairarray[bikestatus] == "library"){ $userarray[firstname] = "The "; $userarray[lastname] = "Lbirary" ; } echo "
Due on $repairarray[humandate]
For: $userarray[first_name] $userarray[last_name] A $repairarray[bikecolor] $repairarray[bikebrand] $repairarray[bikemodel] (Tag Number $repairarray[id])
[Info +/-]"; echo "
$repairarray[notes]"; echo "[Bike Pickup]"; echo "
"; echo "

"; } if($repairarray[bikestatus] == "library" && $repairarray[inrepair] != 0){ $duestyle = "background: #cccccc; text-align: center;"; $emstyle = ""; //One LAST thing.... if the bike is a library bike, make that the name... $librarybikes .= "
No Rush...
For: The Library A $repairarray[bikecolor] $repairarray[bikebrand] $repairarray[bikemodel] (Tag Number $repairarray[id])
[Info +/-]"; $librarybikes .= "
"; $librarybikes .= "

"; } } echo "$librarybikes"; ?>