mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 02:13:22 -04:00
756 lines
29 KiB
Executable File
756 lines
29 KiB
Executable File
define('backupDBversion', '1.1.31');
include ("settings.php");
/// //
// backupDB() - MySQL database backup utility //
// //
// You should configure at least ADMIN_EMAIL below. //
// //
// See backupDB.txt for more information. //
// ///
/////////////////// CONFIGURATION ///////////////////
// hack for Lynx browser that only supports one GETstring parameter
if (!empty($_REQUEST['lynxauth'])) {
// backupDB.php?lynxauth=localhost.username.password.database[.backuptype]
$lynxautharray = explode('.', $_REQUEST['lynxauth']);
$_REQUEST['DB_HOST'] = @$lynxautharray[0];
$_REQUEST['DB_USER'] = @$lynxautharray[1];
$_REQUEST['DB_PASS'] = @$lynxautharray[2];
$_REQUEST['onlyDB'] = @$lynxautharray[3];
$_REQUEST['StartBackup'] = (@$lynxautharray[4] ? @$lynxautharray[4] : 'standard');
$_REQUEST['mailto'] = (@$lynxautharray[5] ? @$lynxautharray[5] : '');
$_REQUEST['nohtml'] = (isset($_REQUEST['nohtml']) ? $_REQUEST['nohtml'] : '1');
// end Lynx hack
// You SHOULD modify these values: //
// If DB_HOST, DB_USER and/or DB_PASS are undefined or empty,
// you will be prompted to enter them each time the script runs
define('DB_HOST', (isset($_REQUEST['DB_HOST']) ? $_REQUEST['DB_HOST'] : "$cfg_server")); // usually 'localhost'
define('DB_USER', (isset($_REQUEST['DB_USER']) ? $_REQUEST['DB_USER'] : "$cfg_username")); // MySQL username
define('DB_PASS', (isset($_REQUEST['DB_PASS']) ? $_REQUEST['DB_PASS'] : "$cfg_password")); // MySQL password
// Only define DB_NAME if you want to restrict to ONLY this
// database, otherwise all accessible databases will be backed up
if (!empty($_REQUEST['onlyDB'])) {
define('DB_NAME', $_REQUEST['onlyDB']);
} else {
// uncomment this line if you want to define a single database to back up
// note: this may be required for some servers, where the user cannot list available databases
//define('DB_NAME', 'database');
// You MAY modify these values (defaults should be fine too): //
define('BACKTICKCHAR', '`');
define('QUOTECHAR', '\'');
define('LINE_TERMINATOR', "\n"); // \n = UNIX; \r\n = Windows; \r = Mac
define('BUFFER_SIZE', 32768); // in bytes
define('TABLES_PER_COL', 30); //
define('STATS_INTERVAL', 500); // number of records processed between each DHTML stats refresh
$GZ_enabled = (bool) function_exists('gzopen');
$DHTMLenabled = true; // set $DHTMLenabled = FALSE to prevent JavaScript errors in incompatible browsers
// set $DHTMLenabled = TRUE to get the nice DHTML display in recent browsers
$dbNameInCreate = true; // if true: "CREATE TABLE `database`.`table`", if false: "CREATE TABLE `table`"
$CreateIfNotExists = false; // if true: "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `database`.`table`", if false: "CREATE TABLE `database`.`table`"
$ReplaceInto = false; // if true: "REPLACE INTO ", if false: "INSERT INTO "
$HexBLOBs = true; // if true: blobs get data dumped as hex string; if false: blobs get data dumped as escaped binary string
$SuppressHTMLoutput = (@$_REQUEST['nohtml'] ? true : false); // disable all output for running as a cron job
$backuptimestamp = '.'.date('Y-m-d'); // timestamp
if (!empty($_REQUEST['onlyDB'])) {
$backuptimestamp = '.'.$_REQUEST['onlyDB'].$backuptimestamp;
//$backuptimestamp = ''; // no timestamp
$backupabsolutepath = dirname(__FILE__).'/backups/'; // make sure to include trailing slash
$fullbackupfilename = 'db_backup'.$backuptimestamp.'.sql'.($GZ_enabled ? '.gz' : '');
$partbackupfilename = 'db_backup_partial'.$backuptimestamp.'.sql'.($GZ_enabled ? '.gz' : '');
$strubackupfilename = 'db_backup_structure'.$backuptimestamp.'.sql'.($GZ_enabled ? '.gz' : '');
$tempbackupfilename = 'db_backup.temp.sql'.($GZ_enabled ? '.gz' : '');
$NeverBackupDBtypes = array('HEAP');
// Auto close the browser after the script finishes.
// This will allow task scheduler in Windows to work properly,
// else the task will be considered running until the browser is closed
$CloseWindowOnFinish = false;
/////////////////// END CONFIGURATION ///////////////////
/////////////////// SUPPORT FUNCTIONS ///////////////////
if (!function_exists('getmicrotime')) {
function getmicrotime() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);
function FormattedTimeRemaining($seconds, $precision=1) {
if ($seconds > 86400) {
return number_format($seconds / 86400, $precision).' days';
} elseif ($seconds > 3600) {
return number_format($seconds / 3600, $precision).' hours';
} elseif ($seconds > 60) {
return number_format($seconds / 60, $precision).' minutes';
return number_format($seconds, $precision).' seconds';
function FileSizeNiceDisplay($filesize, $precision=2) {
if ($filesize < 1000) {
$sizeunit = 'bytes';
$precision = 0;
} else {
$filesize /= 1024;
$sizeunit = 'kB';
if ($filesize >= 1000) {
$filesize /= 1024;
$sizeunit = 'MB';
if ($filesize >= 1000) {
$filesize /= 1024;
$sizeunit = 'GB';
return number_format($filesize, $precision).' '.$sizeunit;
function OutputInformation($id, $dhtml, $text='') {
global $DHTMLenabled;
if ($DHTMLenabled) {
if (!is_null($dhtml)) {
if ($id) {
echo '<script>if (document.getElementById("'.$id.'")) document.getElementById("'.$id.'").innerHTML="'.$dhtml.'"</script>';
} else {
echo $dhtml;
} else {
if ($text) {
echo $text;
return true;
/////////////////// END SUPPORT FUNCTIONS ///////////////////
if ((!defined('DB_HOST') || (DB_HOST == '')) || (!defined('DB_USER') || (DB_USER == '')) || (!defined('DB_PASS') || (DB_PASS == ''))) {
echo '<html><head><body><form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">';
echo 'database hostname: <input type="text" name="DB_HOST" value="'.(defined('DB_HOST') ? DB_HOST : 'localhost').'"><br>';
echo 'database username: <input type="text" name="DB_USER" value="'.(defined('DB_USER') ? DB_USER : '').'"><br>';
echo 'database password: <input type="text" name="DB_PASS" value="'.(defined('DB_PASS') ? DB_PASS : '').'"><br>';
echo '<input type="submit" value="submit">';
echo '</form></body></html>';
if (!@mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS)) {
die('There was a problem connecting to the database:<br>'."\n".mysql_error());
if (!is_dir($backupabsolutepath)) {
die('"'.htmlentities($backupabsolutepath).'" is not a directory');
} elseif (!is_writable($backupabsolutepath)) {
die('"'.htmlentities($backupabsolutepath).'" is not writable');
if ($SuppressHTMLoutput) {
echo '<h3>backupDB() v'.backupDBversion.'</h3>';
echo '<h4>MySQL database backup</h4>';
if (isset($_REQUEST['StartBackup'])) {
OutputInformation('', '<span id="cancellink"><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">Cancel</a><br><br></span>', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">Cancel</a><br><br>');
OutputInformation('', '<span id="statusinfo"></span>', 'DHTML display is disabled - you won\'t see anything until the backup is complete.');
$ListOfDatabasesToMaybeBackUp = array();
if (defined('DB_NAME')) {
$ListOfDatabasesToMaybeBackUp[] = DB_NAME;
} else {
$db_name_list = mysql_list_dbs();
while (list($dbname) = mysql_fetch_array($db_name_list)) {
$ListOfDatabasesToMaybeBackUp[] = $dbname;
if (isset($_REQUEST['StartBackup']) && ($_REQUEST['StartBackup'] == 'partial')) {
echo '<script language="JavaScript">'.LINE_TERMINATOR.'<!--'.LINE_TERMINATOR.'function CheckAll(checkornot) {'.LINE_TERMINATOR;
echo 'for (var i = 0; i < document.SelectedTablesForm.elements.length; i++) {'.LINE_TERMINATOR;
echo ' document.SelectedTablesForm.elements[i].checked = checkornot;'.LINE_TERMINATOR;
echo '<form name="SelectedTablesForm" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">';
foreach ($ListOfDatabasesToMaybeBackUp as $dbname) {
$tables = mysql_list_tables($dbname);
if (is_resource($tables)) {
echo '<table border="1"><tr><td colspan="'.ceil(mysql_num_rows($tables) / TABLES_PER_COL).'"><b>'.$dbname.'</b></td></tr><tr><td nowrap valign="top">';
$tablecounter = 0;
while (list($tablename) = mysql_fetch_array($tables)) {
$TableStatusResult = mysql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "'.mysql_escape_string($tablename).'"');
if ($TableStatusRow = mysql_fetch_array($TableStatusResult)) {
if (in_array($TableStatusRow['Type'], $NeverBackupDBtypes)) {
// no need to back up HEAP tables, and will generate errors if you try to optimize/repair
} else {
if ($tablecounter++ >= TABLES_PER_COL) {
echo '</td><td nowrap valign="top">';
$tablecounter = 0;
$SQLquery = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM '.$tablename;
$result = mysql_query($SQLquery);
$row = @mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="SelectedTables['.htmlentities($dbname, ENT_QUOTES).'][]" value="'.$tablename.'" checked>'.$tablename.' ('.$row['num'].')<br>';
echo '</td></tr></table><br>';
if (isset($_POST['DB_HOST'])) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="DB_HOST" value="'.htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['DB_HOST'], ENT_QUOTES).'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="DB_USER" value="'.htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['DB_USER'], ENT_QUOTES).'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="DB_PASS" value="'.htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['DB_PASS'], ENT_QUOTES).'">';
echo '<input type="button" onClick="CheckAll(true)" value="Select All"> ';
echo '<input type="button" onClick="CheckAll(false)" value="Deselect All"> ';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="StartBackup" value="complete">';
echo '<input type="submit" name="SelectedTablesOnly" value="Create Backup"></form>';
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">Back to menu</a>';
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['StartBackup'])) {
if (($GZ_enabled && ($zp = @gzopen($backupabsolutepath.$tempbackupfilename, 'wb'))) ||
(!$GZ_enabled && ($fp = @fopen($backupabsolutepath.$tempbackupfilename, 'wb')))) {
$fileheaderline = '# backupDB() v'.backupDBversion.' (http://www.silisoftware.com)'.LINE_TERMINATOR;
$fileheaderline .= '# mySQL backup ('.date('F j, Y g:i a').') Type = ';
if ($GZ_enabled) {
gzwrite($zp, $fileheaderline, strlen($fileheaderline));
} else {
fwrite($fp, $fileheaderline, strlen($fileheaderline));
if ($_REQUEST['StartBackup'] == 'structure') {
if ($GZ_enabled) {
gzwrite($zp, 'Structure Only'.LINE_TERMINATOR.LINE_TERMINATOR, strlen('Structure Only'.LINE_TERMINATOR.LINE_TERMINATOR));
} else {
fwrite($fp, 'Structure Only'.LINE_TERMINATOR.LINE_TERMINATOR, strlen('Structure Only'.LINE_TERMINATOR.LINE_TERMINATOR));
$backuptype = 'full';
foreach ($ListOfDatabasesToMaybeBackUp as $dbname) {
$tables = mysql_list_tables($dbname);
if (is_resource($tables)) {
$tablecounter = 0;
while (list($tablename) = mysql_fetch_array($tables)) {
$TableStatusResult = mysql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "'.mysql_escape_string($tablename).'"');
if ($TableStatusRow = mysql_fetch_array($TableStatusResult)) {
if (in_array($TableStatusRow['Type'], $NeverBackupDBtypes)) {
// no need to back up HEAP tables, and will generate errors if you try to optimize/repair
} else {
$SelectedTables[$dbname][] = $tablename;
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['SelectedTables']) && is_array($_REQUEST['SelectedTables'])) {
if ($GZ_enabled) {
gzwrite($zp, 'Selected Tables Only'.LINE_TERMINATOR.LINE_TERMINATOR, strlen('Selected Tables Only'.LINE_TERMINATOR.LINE_TERMINATOR));
} else {
fwrite($fp, 'Selected Tables Only'.LINE_TERMINATOR.LINE_TERMINATOR, strlen('Selected Tables Only'.LINE_TERMINATOR.LINE_TERMINATOR));
$backuptype = 'partial';
$SelectedTables = $_REQUEST['SelectedTables'];
} else {
if ($GZ_enabled) {
} else {
$backuptype = 'full';
foreach ($ListOfDatabasesToMaybeBackUp as $dbname) {
$tables = mysql_list_tables($dbname);
if (is_resource($tables)) {
$tablecounter = 0;
while (list($tablename) = mysql_fetch_array($tables)) {
$TableStatusResult = mysql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "'.mysql_escape_string($tablename).'"');
if ($TableStatusRow = mysql_fetch_array($TableStatusResult)) {
if (in_array($TableStatusRow['Type'], $NeverBackupDBtypes)) {
// no need to back up HEAP tables, and will generate errors if you try to optimize/repair
} else {
$SelectedTables[$dbname][] = $tablename;
$starttime = getmicrotime();
OutputInformation('', null, 'Checking tables...<br><br>');
$TableErrors = array();
foreach ($SelectedTables as $dbname => $selectedtablesarray) {
$repairresult = '';
$CanContinue = true;
foreach ($selectedtablesarray as $selectedtablename) {
OutputInformation('statusinfo', 'Checking table <b>'.$dbname.'.'.$selectedtablename.'</b>');
$result = mysql_query('CHECK TABLE '.$selectedtablename);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($row['Msg_text'] == 'OK') {
mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE '.$selectedtablename);
} else {
OutputInformation('statusinfo', 'Repairing table <b>'.$selectedtablename.'</b>');
$repairresult .= 'REPAIR TABLE '.$selectedtablename.' EXTENDED'."\n\n";
$fixresult = mysql_query('REPAIR TABLE '.$selectedtablename.' EXTENDED');
$ThisCanContinue = false;
while ($fixrow = mysql_fetch_array($fixresult)) {
$thisMessage = $fixrow['Msg_type'].': '.$fixrow['Msg_text'];
$repairresult .= $thisMessage."\n";
switch ($thisMessage) {
case 'status: OK':
case 'error: The handler for the table doesn\'t support repair':
$ThisCanContinue = true;
if (!$ThisCanContinue) {
$CanContinue = false;
$repairresult .= "\n\n".str_repeat('-', 60)."\n\n";
if (!empty($repairresult)) {
echo '<pre>'.$repairresult.'</pre>';
if (!$CanContinue) {
if ($SuppressHTMLoutput) {
echo 'errors';
OutputInformation('statusinfo', '');
OutputInformation('', '<br><b><span id="topprogress">Overall Progress:</span></b><br>');
$overallrows = 0;
foreach ($SelectedTables as $dbname => $value) {
echo '<table border="1"><tr><td colspan="'.ceil(count($SelectedTables[$dbname]) / TABLES_PER_COL).'"><b>'.$dbname.'</b></td></tr><tr><td nowrap valign="top">';
$tablecounter = 0;
for ($t = 0; $t < count($SelectedTables[$dbname]); $t++) {
if ($tablecounter++ >= TABLES_PER_COL) {
echo '</td><td nowrap valign="top">';
$tablecounter = 1;
$SQLquery = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM '.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t];
$result = mysql_query($SQLquery);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$rows[$t] = $row['num'];
$overallrows += $rows[$t];
echo '<span id="rows_'.$dbname.'_'.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].'">'.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].' ('.number_format($rows[$t]).' records)</span><br>';
echo '</td></tr></table><br>';
$alltablesstructure = '';
foreach ($SelectedTables as $dbname => $value) {
for ($t = 0; $t < count($SelectedTables[$dbname]); $t++) {
OutputInformation('statusinfo', 'Creating structure for <b>'.$dbname.'.'.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].'</b>');
$fieldnames = array();
$structurelines = array();
$result = mysql_query('SHOW FIELDS FROM '.BACKTICKCHAR.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].BACKTICKCHAR);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$structureline = BACKTICKCHAR.$row['Field'].BACKTICKCHAR;
$structureline .= ' '.$row['Type'];
$structureline .= ' '.($row['Null'] ? '' : 'NOT ').'NULL';
eregi('^[a-z]+', $row['Type'], $matches);
$RowTypes[$dbname][$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t]][$row['Field']] = $matches[0];
if (@$row['Default']) {
if (eregi('^(tiny|medium|long)?(text|blob)', $row['Type'])) {
// no default values
} else {
$structureline .= ' default \''.$row['Default'].'\'';
$structureline .= ($row['Extra'] ? ' '.$row['Extra'] : '');
$structurelines[] = $structureline;
$fieldnames[] = $row['Field'];
$tablekeys = array();
$uniquekeys = array();
$fulltextkeys = array();
$result = mysql_query('SHOW KEYS FROM '.BACKTICKCHAR.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].BACKTICKCHAR);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$uniquekeys[$row['Key_name']] = (bool) ($row['Non_unique'] == 0);
if (isset($row['Index_type'])) {
$fulltextkeys[$row['Key_name']] = (bool) ($row['Index_type'] == 'FULLTEXT');
} elseif (@$row['Comment'] == 'FULLTEXT') {
$fulltextkeys[$row['Key_name']] = true;
} else {
$fulltextkeys[$row['Key_name']] = false;
$tablekeys[$row['Key_name']][$row['Seq_in_index']] = $row['Column_name'];
foreach ($tablekeys as $keyname => $keyfieldnames) {
$structureline = '';
if ($keyname == 'PRIMARY') {
$structureline .= 'PRIMARY KEY';
} else {
if ($fulltextkeys[$keyname]) {
$structureline .= 'FULLTEXT ';
} elseif ($uniquekeys[$keyname]) {
$structureline .= 'UNIQUE ';
$structureline .= 'KEY '.BACKTICKCHAR.$keyname.BACKTICKCHAR;
$structureline .= ' ('.BACKTICKCHAR.implode(BACKTICKCHAR.','.BACKTICKCHAR, $keyfieldnames).BACKTICKCHAR.')';
$structurelines[] = $structureline;
$TableStatusResult = mysql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "'.mysql_escape_string($SelectedTables[$dbname][$t]).'"');
if (!($TableStatusRow = mysql_fetch_array($TableStatusResult))) {
die('failed to execute "SHOW TABLE STATUS" on '.$dbname.'.'.$tablename);
$tablestructure = 'CREATE TABLE '.($CreateIfNotExists ? 'IF NOT EXISTS ' : '').($dbNameInCreate ? BACKTICKCHAR.$dbname.BACKTICKCHAR.'.' : '').BACKTICKCHAR.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].BACKTICKCHAR.' ('.LINE_TERMINATOR;
$tablestructure .= ' '.implode(','.LINE_TERMINATOR.' ', $structurelines).LINE_TERMINATOR;
$tablestructure .= ') TYPE='.(@$TableStatusRow['Engine'] ? $TableStatusRow['Engine'] : $TableStatusRow['Type']); // MySQL 4.and higher, the 'Type' of database is now 'Engine' <thanks Philippe Soussan>
if ($TableStatusRow['Auto_increment'] !== null) {
$tablestructure .= ' AUTO_INCREMENT='.$TableStatusRow['Auto_increment'];
$alltablesstructure .= str_replace(' ,', ',', $tablestructure);
} // end table structure backup
if ($GZ_enabled) {
gzwrite($zp, $alltablesstructure.LINE_TERMINATOR, strlen($alltablesstructure) + strlen(LINE_TERMINATOR));
} else {
fwrite($fp, $alltablesstructure.LINE_TERMINATOR, strlen($alltablesstructure) + strlen(LINE_TERMINATOR));
OutputInformation('statusinfo', '');
if ($_REQUEST['StartBackup'] != 'structure') {
$processedrows = 0;
foreach ($SelectedTables as $dbname => $value) {
for ($t = 0; $t < count($SelectedTables[$dbname]); $t++) {
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t]);
$rows[$t] = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($rows[$t] > 0) {
$tabledatadumpline = '# dumping data for '.$dbname.'.'.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].LINE_TERMINATOR;
if ($GZ_enabled) {
gzwrite($zp, $tabledatadumpline, strlen($tabledatadumpline));
} else {
fwrite($fp, $tabledatadumpline, strlen($tabledatadumpline));
for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($result); $i++) {
$fieldnames[] = mysql_field_name($result, $i);
if ($_REQUEST['StartBackup'] == 'complete') {
$insertstatement = ($ReplaceInto ? 'REPLACE' : 'INSERT').' INTO '.BACKTICKCHAR.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].BACKTICKCHAR.' ('.BACKTICKCHAR.implode(BACKTICKCHAR.', '.BACKTICKCHAR, $fieldnames).BACKTICKCHAR.') VALUES (';
} else {
$insertstatement = ($ReplaceInto ? 'REPLACE' : 'INSERT').' INTO '.BACKTICKCHAR.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].BACKTICKCHAR.' VALUES (';
$currentrow = 0;
$thistableinserts = '';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
foreach ($fieldnames as $key => $val) {
if ($row[$key] === null) {
$valuevalues[] = 'NULL';
} else {
switch ($RowTypes[$dbname][$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t]][$val]) {
// binary data dump, two hex characters per byte
case 'tinyblob':
case 'blob':
case 'mediumblob':
case 'longblob':
if ($HexBLOBs) {
$data = $row[$key];
$data_len = strlen($data);
$hexstring = '0x';
for ($i = 0; $i < $data_len; $i++) {
$hexstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($data{$i})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$valuevalues[] = $hexstring;
} else {
$valuevalues[] = QUOTECHAR.mysql_escape_string($row[$key]).QUOTECHAR;
// just the (numeric) value, not surrounded by quotes
case 'tinyint':
case 'smallint':
case 'mediumint':
case 'int':
case 'bigint':
case 'float':
case 'double':
case 'decimal':
case 'year':
$valuevalues[] = mysql_escape_string($row[$key]);
// value surrounded by quotes
case 'varchar':
case 'char':
case 'tinytext':
case 'text':
case 'mediumtext':
case 'longtext':
case 'enum':
case 'set':
case 'date':
case 'datetime':
case 'time':
case 'timestamp':
$valuevalues[] = QUOTECHAR.mysql_escape_string($row[$key]).QUOTECHAR;
$thistableinserts .= $insertstatement.implode(', ', $valuevalues).');'.LINE_TERMINATOR;
if (strlen($thistableinserts) >= BUFFER_SIZE) {
if ($GZ_enabled) {
gzwrite($zp, $thistableinserts, strlen($thistableinserts));
} else {
fwrite($fp, $thistableinserts, strlen($thistableinserts));
$thistableinserts = '';
if ((++$currentrow % STATS_INTERVAL) == 0) {
if ($DHTMLenabled) {
OutputInformation('rows_'.$dbname.'_'.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t], '<b>'.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].' ('.number_format($rows[$t]).' records, ['.number_format(($currentrow / $rows[$t])*100).'%])</b>');
$elapsedtime = getmicrotime() - $starttime;
$percentprocessed = ($processedrows + $currentrow) / $overallrows;
$overallprogress = 'Overall Progress: '.number_format($processedrows + $currentrow).' / '.number_format($overallrows).' ('.number_format($percentprocessed * 100, 1).'% done) ['.FormattedTimeRemaining($elapsedtime).' elapsed';
if (($percentprocessed > 0) && ($percentprocessed < 1)) {
$overallprogress .= ', '.FormattedTimeRemaining(abs($elapsedtime - ($elapsedtime / $percentprocessed))).' remaining';
$overallprogress .= ']';
OutputInformation('topprogress', $overallprogress);
if ($DHTMLenabled) {
OutputInformation('rows_'.$dbname.'_'.$SelectedTables[$dbname][$t], $SelectedTables[$dbname][$t].' ('.number_format($rows[$t]).' records, [100%])');
$processedrows += $rows[$t];
if ($GZ_enabled) {
gzwrite($zp, $thistableinserts.LINE_TERMINATOR.LINE_TERMINATOR, strlen($thistableinserts) + strlen(LINE_TERMINATOR) + strlen(LINE_TERMINATOR));
} else {
fwrite($fp, $thistableinserts.LINE_TERMINATOR.LINE_TERMINATOR, strlen($thistableinserts) + strlen(LINE_TERMINATOR) + strlen(LINE_TERMINATOR));
if ($GZ_enabled) {
} else {
if ($_REQUEST['StartBackup'] == 'structure') {
$newfullfilename = $backupabsolutepath.$strubackupfilename;
} elseif ($backuptype == 'full') {
$newfullfilename = $backupabsolutepath.$fullbackupfilename;
} else {
$newfullfilename = $backupabsolutepath.$partbackupfilename;
if (file_exists($newfullfilename)) {
unlink($newfullfilename); // Windows won't allow overwriting via rename
rename($backupabsolutepath.$tempbackupfilename, $newfullfilename);
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) != 'WIN') {
if (!chmod($newfullfilename, 0777)) {
echo '<br>Backup complete in '.FormattedTimeRemaining(getmicrotime() - $starttime, 2).'.<br>';
echo '<a href="'.str_replace(@$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $backupabsolutepath).basename($newfullfilename).'"><b>'.basename($newfullfilename).'</b> ('.FileSizeNiceDisplay(filesize($newfullfilename), 2);
echo ')</a><br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">Back to MySQL Database Backup main menu</a><br>';
OutputInformation('cancellink', '');
} else {
echo '<b>Warning:</b> failed to open '.$backupabsolutepath.$tempbackupfilename.' for writing!<br><br>';
if (is_dir($backupabsolutepath)) {
echo '<i>CHMOD 777</i> on the directory ('.htmlentities($backupabsolutepath).') should fix that.';
} else {
echo 'The specified directory does not exist: "'.htmlentities($backupabsolutepath).'"';
} else { // !$_REQUEST['StartBackup']
if (file_exists($backupabsolutepath.$fullbackupfilename)) {
echo 'It is now '.gmdate('F j, Y g:ia T', time() + date('Z')).'<br>';
echo 'Last full backup of MySQL databases: ';
$lastbackuptime = filemtime($backupabsolutepath.$fullbackupfilename);
echo gmdate('F j, Y g:ia T', $lastbackuptime + date('Z'));
echo ' (<b>'.FormattedTimeRemaining(time() - $lastbackuptime).'</b> ago)<br>';
if ((time() - $lastbackuptime) < 86400) {
echo 'Generally, backing up more than once a day is not neccesary.<br>';
echo '<br><a href="'.str_replace(@$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $backupabsolutepath).$fullbackupfilename.'">Download previous full backup ('.FileSizeNiceDisplay(filesize($backupabsolutepath.$fullbackupfilename), 2).')</a> (right-click, Save As...)<br><br>';
} else {
echo 'Last backup of MySQL databases: <i>unknown</i>'.($backuptimestamp ? ' (incompatible with timestamping)' : '').'<br>';
$BackupTypesList = array(
'complete' => 'Full backup, complete inserts (recommended)',
'standard' => 'Full backup, standard inserts (smaller)',
'partial' => 'Selected tables only (with complete inserts)',
'structure' => 'Table structure(s) only'
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">';
if (isset($_POST['DB_HOST'])) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="DB_HOST" value="'.htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['DB_HOST'], ENT_QUOTES).'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="DB_USER" value="'.htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['DB_USER'], ENT_QUOTES).'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="DB_PASS" value="'.htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['DB_PASS'], ENT_QUOTES).'">';
echo '<select name="StartBackup">';
foreach ($BackupTypesList as $key => $value) {
echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.htmlentities($value).'</option>';;
echo '</select><br>';
echo '<input type="submit" value="Go">';
echo '</form>';
if ($SuppressHTMLoutput) {
echo "File saved to $backupabsolutepath.$fullbackupfilename.";
if ($CloseWindowOnFinish) {
// Auto close the browser after the script finishes.
// This will allow task scheduler in Windows to work properly,
// else the task will be considered running until the browser is closed
echo '<script language="javascript">'."\n";
echo 'window.opener = top;'."\n";
echo 'window.close();'."\n";
echo '</script>';