Browse Source

*** empty log message ***

freesource 24 years ago
  1. 28
  2. 8
  3. 340
  4. 672
  5. 672
  6. 51
  7. 76
  8. 73
  9. 114
  10. 206
  11. 140
  12. 139
  13. 90
  14. 34
  15. 126
  16. 167
  17. 99
  18. 591
  19. 131
  20. 78
  21. 7
  22. 20
  23. 263
  24. 1219
  25. 358
  26. 672
  27. 947
  28. 648
  29. 497
  30. 1752
  31. 456
  32. 110
  33. 92
  34. 877
  35. 358
  36. 62
  37. 62
  38. 73
  39. 509
  40. 586
  41. 144
  42. 268
  43. 1834
  44. 251
  45. 2366
  46. 97
  47. 951
  48. 180
  49. 470
  50. 850
  51. 1991
  52. 1558
  53. 49
  54. 158
  55. 32
  56. 37
  57. 330
  58. 180
  59. 230
  60. 672
  61. 82
  62. 191
  63. 23
  64. 26
  65. 64
  66. 29
  67. 29
  68. 20
  69. 64
  70. 162
  71. 1365
  72. 2036
  73. 1622
  74. 755
  75. 29
  76. 402
  77. 26
  78. 26
  79. 23
  80. 35
  81. 29
  82. 284
  83. 20
  84. 76
  85. 354
  86. 294
  87. 11


@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# CVS default ignores begin
# CVS default ignores end


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* Permissions of some directories are weird using mkdir().
* ftp()/qftp() doesn't handle timeout problems very well, if alarm()
and SIG{ALRM} are used program quits with stdout "Alarm Bell".
* Debian md5sum program has different output than non-Debian md5sum
programs, will probably switch to MD5 module.
* --ftp, swimz.list, for non-US using the dists/arch/ notation doesn't
work on all sites, normal notation works if the site is set-up
this way.


@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.


@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Conf;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw($my_number $tmp $architecture $distribution @user_defined_section
$default_directory $default_root_directory $permission $dpkg
$dpkg_deb $ar $gcc $apt_get $apt_cache $sources @FTP $spl $cat
$sort $md5sum $zcat $tar $grep $gzip $fastswim $slowswim $longswim
$mount $umount $mke2fs $copy $pager $base $pwd $parent $library
$splt $mv $imswim $swim_conf $debug $port $timeout
$firewall $passive $apt_sources $HISTORY $alt);
Path => [ qw($tmp $parent $base $library) ],
Deb => [ qw($pwd $dpkg_deb $ar $tar $grep $tmp $md5sum $cat $mv) ],
Qftp => [ qw($default_root_directory $permission @FTP
$default_directory $swim_conf) ],
Info => [ qw($parent $base $zcat) ]
# You can change this to how many lines you would like "swim -qf <>" to
# print out, before asking for -t or --total, it will automatically ask
# though, if there is more than one package and you used the option -i.
# Remember -t can be used with --scripts family members to view the
# title of the script file regardless of this setting, and if -t has to be
# used, the titles will be displayed, which makes sense.
$my_number = 23;
# Just like a shell, you can keep a history of whatever length you want.
$HISTORY = 10;
# For not-installed:
# This part supplies the default value for --arch.
# You can determine the default architecture used when -n is
# called or a not-installed database is made. Architectures are always
# being added so check with Debian to find a list. There is alpha, arm,
# hurd (alternative kernel to linux), i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc. Just use
# the arch found after the hyphen in the Contents-(arch) file.
$architecture = "i386";
# For not-installed:
# This part supplies the default value for --dists.
# The default distribution can be either stable, unstable, frozen, or
# experimental (rare). These represent the state of development that the
# packages are under. The unstable distribution can have lot's of changes
# within a very short time period, and frozen may or may not be available.
$distribution = "unstable";
#For not-installed:
#This part supplies the default value for --main, --contrib, --non-free,
#and --non-us.
# Distributions are divided into the sections. These sections are called
# distributions in the version packaging manual, because they were at
# one time separate distributions, but this has since changed. You can
# determine which of these sections (main, non-free, contrib or non-US) to
# pull out of the Contents file if you don't want to use --main, --contrib,
# --non-free, and --non-us to selectively pick sections. Basically, whatever
# you pull out should match the Package(s) file(s) you are targetting, this
# program is friendly if you make a mistake, but it's more effecient to pull
# out just what you want. If the same package happens to exist in two
# different sections, main and non-us for example (which is really a
# situation that shouldn't exist, yet it does), you will still be able to
# find this package in the non-us group, but its section and locations will be
# the one which main recognizes assuming that you use the order in the example
# below.
# Setting it up:
# Example: You just want to pull out main and contrib every time you run
# --initndb, --rebuildndb, or --ndb.
# @user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-US);
# remember "non-US" not "non-us".
# untill non-US is fixed the second is better
#@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free non-US);
@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free);
# Usually, this is
$alt = "debian";
# A little philosophy:
# swim was developed for maximum versatility, so whether you are just
# interested in researching, and keeping tabs on the newest packages,
# or maintaining a Debian virtual distribution on a non-Debian real
# distribution, or you are a using swim for distribution development, swim
# provides a way. The default directory (DF - which can also mean
# directory/file) keeps track of Contents and Packages files downloaded
# using --ftp, and gives the files names specific to the distribution and
# architectures they represent. But, you also have the freedom not to use
# the default directory in this case swim will still do the renaming and
# keeping track of the mtime, but you will have to remember where you put
# the files. On the other hand, if you use apt, you won't even have to use
# the DF directory for Packages files because you can get the ones specific
# to your own systems architecture from apt, but if you want to look at
# other architectures you will need to use the DF directory or one of your
# own choice.
# Naming Convention: Contents = Contents-dist.gz
# Packages = Packages-arch-dist-section.gz
$default_directory = '/root/.swim';
# The default root directory is the key to easy management of packages
# downloaded through --ftp and --file, and provides an easy way to put together
# a personalized distribution. Future implementations of swim will provide
# a distribution called personal..Packages and Contents files specific to
# this distribution will automatically be made. This directory can be a
# real ftp site on your computer, or put where ever else you are allowed
# to have directories. dists/distribution/section/architecture/subject will be
# placed above this directory. No matter what, debian must be the final
# directory before dists. Other distributions are placed alongside debian,
# like debian-non-US or personal.
# Feel free to change the permissions. This directory is above your default_
# directory.
$default_root_directory = '/pub/debian';
# Because you may be using a real ftp site, this configuration allows you
# to determine what permissions swim will set for directories it creates
# above the default root directory.
$permission = '0755';
# AR or DPKG? #
# NOTE: users set these next two with the $package_tool variable.
# packaging friends dpkg and dpkg-deb come from the essential and
# required dpkg package. ar from the package binutils can also be used (below).
# This is the archival program used for deb packages, but binutils is just
# a standard non-essential package, and the ar capabilities are built into
# dpkg-deb, and it's better not to assume that the standard packages are
# even established, yet.
$dpkg = ();
$dpkg_deb = ();
# If you don't have the dpkg package on your system then you can use ar
# from the package binutils. This would be a standard, but not an essential
# package in Debian, but this package is also fairly standard amongst all
# distributions, and can even be found in the free djgpp for M$ Oses.
# Since people who have both dpkg and ar may want to try the ar method,
# rather than creating an automatic check, just assign a value to either
# ($dpkg & $dpkg_deb) or just $ar.
#my $ar = '/usr/bin/ar'; # same for RH
$ar = '/usr/bin/ar';
# APT #
# NOTE: users set apt-get and apt-cache with the $apt variable
# If you have apt you are in luck.
$apt_get = ();
$apt_cache = ();
$sources = '/etc/apt/sources.list';
$apt_sources = '/var/state/apt/lists';
# less is a nice pager, unless you like more! There is an option
# --nopager or -n. Pager is used for --help and swim called without any
# options. more comes from the required package util-linux, whereas
# less comes from a standard package called less. In the future there is
# a possiblity that a large percentage of swim may use an internal pager.
# less, more, or most or...
#$ENV{PAGER} = "/usr/bin/less"; # same RH
$ENV{PAGER} = "less";
$pager = $ENV{PAGER};
# This is replaced by the Makefile.
# This is the hash making program fastswim.
$fastswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/fastswim";
# imswim in an alternative to fastswim for --lowmem
$imswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/imswim";
# This is the low memory program slowswim.
$slowswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/slowswim";
# This is the dir/file making program longswim.
$longswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/longswim";
# If you want to set an alternative directory for the temporary files
# created when the databases are made, change here. You may want to make
# $tmp a RAM disk. See package loadlin for initrd documentation and an
# explanation for making such a disk. There is also
# /usr/src/kernel-source.version/Documentation. Whether this will speed
# things up is a subject of experimentation.
$tmp = '/tmp';
# if configuration files are not kept in /etc change this
# and set up the directories by hand.
$swim_conf = '/etc/swim';
# This probably never will have to be changed.
$pwd = `pwd`;
chomp $pwd;
# If the command split is somewhere else besides /usr/bin change this.
# The required package textutils provides this.
#my $splt = '/usr/bin/split'; # same RH
$splt = 'split';
# cat comes from the essential and required package textutils.
#my $cat = '/bin/cat'; # same RH
$cat = 'cat';
# This command also omes from the required and essential package textutils.
#my $sort = '/usr/bin/sort'; # same RH
$sort = 'sort';
# This program uses md5sum from the dpkg package, it can also use md5sum
# from the RH package.
#my $md5sum = '/usr/bin/md5sum'; # same RH
$md5sum = 'md5sum';
# If you want to view compressed files make sure this is correct.
# The required package gzip provides this.
#my $zcat = '/bin/zcat'; # same RH
$zcat = 'zcat';
# tar comes from the essential and required package tar.
#my $tar = '/bin/tar'; # same RH
$tar = 'tar';
# grep comes from the essential and required package grep. This seems
# to require a path.
$grep = '/bin/grep'; # same RH
# gzip comes from the essential and required package gzip.
#my $gzip = "/bin/gzip"; # same RH
$gzip = "gzip";
# mount comes from the essential and required package mount.
#my $mount = '/bin/mount'; # same RH
#my $umount = '/bin/umount'; # same RH
$mount = 'mount';
$umount = 'umount';
# If your file system isn't an ext2 filesystem, you may want to change
# this. mke2fs comes from the essential and required package e2fsprogs.
#my $mke2fs = '/sbin/mke2fs'; # same RH
$mke2fs = 'mke2fs';
# cp and mv from the essential and required package fileutils
#my $copy = '/bin/cp'; # same RH
$copy = 'cp';
$mv = 'mv';
# Your system definitely has gcc if you have ar. gcc is a standard package
# in debian.
$gcc = 'gcc';
# FTP #
# Major mode --ftp and --file automates the download of Contents and Packages
# files. Even if you have apt installed, you may still want to download Packages
# from alternative architectures, and the Contents file for your own architecture
# or other architectures. If you want virtual and/or -ld capabilities you need
# the Contents file. You specify a list of ftp or file sites using urls (like
# apt). For your system's architecture specify the type deb, for other
# architectures specify deb(hyphen)architecture (ex: deb-alpha). Regardless of
# whether or not you specify an architecture, deb implies /dist* found under the
# base directory specified by the ftp url, except in the case of experimental,
# and to a degree non-us. minor mode --ftp, and --file will use the sites in this
# configuration as well, on a fifo (first in first out) basis, so choose the
# order of sites based on which are closest, most current, as well as fast.
# IMPORTANT: It is a BIG MISTAKE to use the distributions name (slink,po,etc)
# anywhere in the sources list, or in swim's configuration fact swim
# won't work properly, not to mention the fact that someday your favorite name
# will suddenly disappear. This is because swim thinks in terms of the real
# distribution name (stable,unstable,frozen, experimental). The problem goes
# like this - slink remains slink, but goes from unstable to frozen to stable.
# At first, using the distributions alias may seem appropriate, but the
# purpose of swim is to keep tabs on the dists, and not to ignore changes in
# the states, this also makes managing swim's databases much easier and
# intuitive...more about this later.
# Fun experiments: Swim uses the naming conventions of apt, but leaves the
# Package files compressed in the DF directory. So you can always decompress
# the databases and move them to /var/state/apt/lists. This ofcourse assumes
# that the appropriate changes to the sources.list reflecting these Packages
# (need to be the same architecture as your system) existed before you
# update. (author needs to do this experiment :*)
$ftp1 = "deb ftp://localhost/pub/debian unstable main contrib non-free non-US";
$ftp2 = "deb ftp://localhost/pub/debian unstable main contrib non-free";
$ftp3 = "deb ftp://localhost/pub/debian project/experimental/";
@FTP = ($ftp1,$ftp2,$ftp3);
# These next variables allow some characteristics of the ftp client
# to be altered. See Net::FTP for ways of altering some of these
# variables through the environment.
$firewall = 0;
$port = 0;
$timeout = 120;
$debug = 0;
$passive = 0;
# You will never need to change this unless for some weird reason all the
# files under dpkg are somewhere else (including /info*) , see --dbpath as
# an alternative if you decide to access or make the databases somewhere
# else.
$base = '/var/lib/dpkg';
# --dbpath takes care of this so don't touch.
$parent = '/';
$library = '/var/lib/dpkg';
# Here we load in the customized configuration which override the defaults
# Might as well use do, let the world learn Perl ... compare this to apt's
# configuation file with scopes. Swim's sources.list file (/etc/swim/swimz.list),
# will be grabbed at SWIM::Apt and SWIM::Qftp if it exists.
do "$swim_conf/swimrc";
do "$ENV{HOME}/.swim/swimrc";
if ((defined $dpkg && !defined $dpkg_deb) ||
(!defined $dpkg && defined $dpkg_deb)) {
print "swim: need to give both \$dpkg and \$dpkg_deb a value if you want dpkg\n";
if (defined $package_tool) {
if ($package_tool =~ /ar/) {
$ar = $ar;
else {
$dpkg = 'dpkg';
$dpkg_deb = 'dpkg-deb';
undef $ar;
if (defined $apt) {
$apt_get = 'apt-get';
$apt_cache = 'apt-cache';
# make sure all the appropriate directories are made
if (!-d $default_directory) {
if (-e $default_directory) {
print "swim: can not create default directory because a file exists\n";
my @DRD = split(m,/,,$default_directory);
my $placement = "/";
for (1 .. $#DRD) {
$_ == 1 ? ($placement = "/$DRD[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DRD[$_]);
-d $placement or mkdir("$placement",0755);
if (!-d "$default_directory$default_root_directory") {
my @DRD = split(m,/,,$default_root_directory);
print "swim: debian must be the final directory before dists\n"
if $DRD[$#DRD] ne "debian";
exit if $DRD[$#DRD] ne "debian";
my $placement = "/";
for (1 .. $#DRD) {
$_ == 1 ? ($placement = "/$DRD[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DRD[$_]);
unless (-d "$default_directory$placement") {
or die "swim: could not create root default directory\n";
# Makefile will make sure these directories exist, unless for some strange
# reason you have to change them.
if (!-d $library) {
mkdir($library,0755) or die "Couldn't create default directory\n";
if (!-d $base) {
mkdir($base,0755) or die "Couldn't create default directory\n";
if (!-d $swim_conf) {
mkdir($swim_conf,0666) or die "Couldn't create configuration file directory,
please make the directories which are needed.\n";
=head1 NAME
swimrc - swim configuration file
B<swimrc> is the configuartion file for swim allowing many default values
to be set so that they do not have to be mentioned on the command line.
Swimrc interacts directly with Perl allowing a wide variety of variables
found in B<SWIW::Conf> to be altered.
=head1 USAGE
Values for variable can be altered for B<swim> by assigning different
values enclosed in quotes or quoted whitespace (qw()), and ended with a
$variable = "value";
$variable = "qw(value1 value2 ..)";
This is a list of variables with explanations. The default values for
B<swim> are shown.
$my_number can be changed to how many lines you would like "swim -qf <>"
to print out, before the program asks for C<-t> or C<--total>. Exception:
If C<-i> is used in the query and there is more than one package then the
total will be presented.
Hint: C<-t> can be used with all the various C<--scripts> family members
to view the title of the script file regardless of this variable setting,
and if C<-t> has to be used, the titles will be displayed, which makes
B<$my_number = 23;>
=head2 HISTORY
This is a shell-like history kept in relation to searches and the most
recent edit when C<--stdin> is used.
B<$HISTORY = 10;>
=head2 AR or DPKG?
Debian packages are ar archives. If you are using a Debian Distribution
assign "dpkg" to $package_tool, otherwise assign "ar" to $package_tool.
B<$package_tool = "/usr/bin/ar";>
=head2 APT
B<Swim> does not assign a value for apt. To use C<--apt> and C<-xyz>
assign $apt the value "yes".
Example: B<$apt = "yes";>
=head2 PAGER
less is a nice pager, unless you like more! Pager is used for C<--help>
and B<swim> called without any options. There is an option C<--nopager> or
C<-n>. more comes from the required package util-linux, whereas less
comes from a standard package called less. Values: "less", "more", or
"most" or...
B<$ENV{PAGER} = "less";>
Assign values for $architecture and/or $distribution to avoid having to
use C<--arch> and C<--dists> everytime the not-installed databases are
accessed with C<-n> or made or altered.
Architectures are always being added so check with Debian to find a list.
There is I<alpha, arm, hurd-i386 (alternative kernel to linux), i386,
m68k, powerpc, sparc>. Just use the arch found after the hyphen in the
Contents-(arch) file.
B<$architecture = "i386";>
The distribution can be either I<stable, unstable, frozen, or experimental
(rare)>. These represent the state of development that the packages are
under. The unstable distribution can have lot's of changes within a very
short time period, and frozen may or may not be available.
B<$distribution = "unstable";>
Distributions are divided into sections. These sections were called
distributions in the version packaging manual, because they were
at one time separate distributions, but this has since changed.
You can determine which of the sections I<main, non-free, contrib or
non-US> to pull out of the Contents file if you don't want to use
C<--main>, C<--contrib>, C<--non-free>, and C<--non-us> to selectively
pick the sections.
For efficiency, you should choose the sections which you will be pulling
out of the Packages file(s) being targetted.
Rule: Use "non-US" not "non-us".
B<@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free non-US);>
A little philosophy: B<swim> was developed for maximum versatility, so
whether you are just interested in researching, and keeping tabs on the
newest packages, or maintaining a Debian virtual distribution on a
non-Debian distribution, or you are a using B<swim> for distribution
development, B<swim> provides a way.
The next two variables determine the location of the DF (default
directory/file system)
The default directory keeps track of Contents and/or Packages databases
retrieved with --ftp. The Contents and Packages databases and Release
file are give names specific to the distribution and architectures they
represent using the naming convention found in apt's sources directory.
You also have the freedom not to use the default directory, in which case
swim will still do the renaming and keeping track of the mtime, but you
will have to remember where you put the files.
B<$default_directory = '/root/.swim';>
The default root directory (DRD) is the key to easy management of binary
packages, source, dsc, and diff files received from --ftp, and provides an
easy way to put together a personalized distribution. This directory can
be a real ftp site on your computer, or put wherever else you are
allowed to have directories. The DRD is always placed below the value
assigned to $default_directory. According to the previous assignment to
$default_directory, if the DRD is "/pub/a/debian" then the full path
would be "/root/.swim/pub/a/debian".
Example: When a package is downloaded it will be placed in
dists/distribution/section/architecture/subject below the DRD.
Rule: debian must be the final directory before dists, this is because
other distributions are placed alongside debian, like debian-non-US or
personal (specialized distribution).
B<$default_root_directory = '/pub/debian';>
Because you may be using a real ftp site, this variable allows you to
determine what permissions B<swim> will assign for directories it creates
below the DRD.
B<$permission = '0755';>
If you want to set an alternative directory for the temporary files
created when the databases are made, change here. You may want to make
$tmp a RAM disk. See package loadlin for initrd documentation and an
explanation for making such a disk. There is also documentation in
/usr/src/kernel-source.version/Documentation. Whether this will speed
things up is a subject of experimentation.
B<$tmp = "/tmp";>
=head2 FTP
You can alter the Firewall, Port, Timeout, Debug and Passive
characteristics of the ftp client as defined in Net::FTP(3pm) by providing
arguments to these variables. All variables but $timeout are set to untrue
by default.
$firewall = 0; (FTP firewall machine name)
$port = 0; (defaults to 23)
$timeout = 120; (120 seconds)
$debug = 0; (1 will turn on STDERR)
$passive = 0; (1 will enable)
see SWIM::Conf
=head1 FILES
=head1 SEE ALSO
swim(8), Net::FTP(3pm)
=head1 BUGS
Send directly to
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum <>
Copyright (c) 1999 Jonathan Rosenbaum. All rights reserved. This program
is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GPL.


@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Conf;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw($my_number $tmp $architecture $distribution @user_defined_section
$default_directory $default_root_directory $permission $dpkg
$dpkg_deb $ar $gcc $apt_get $apt_cache $sources @FTP $spl $cat
$sort $md5sum $zcat $tar $grep $gzip $fastswim $slowswim $longswim
$mount $umount $mke2fs $copy $pager $base $pwd $parent $library
$splt $mv $imswim $swim_conf $debug $port $timeout
$firewall $passive $apt_sources $HISTORY $alt);
Path => [ qw($tmp $parent $base $library) ],
Deb => [ qw($pwd $dpkg_deb $ar $tar $grep $tmp $md5sum $cat $mv) ],
Qftp => [ qw($default_root_directory $permission @FTP
$default_directory $swim_conf) ],
Info => [ qw($parent $base $zcat) ]
# You can change this to how many lines you would like "swim -qf <>" to
# print out, before asking for -t or --total, it will automatically ask
# though, if there is more than one package and you used the option -i.
# Remember -t can be used with --scripts family members to view the
# title of the script file regardless of this setting, and if -t has to be
# used, the titles will be displayed, which makes sense.
$my_number = 23;
# Just like a shell, you can keep a history of whatever length you want.
$HISTORY = 10;
# For not-installed:
# This part supplies the default value for --arch.
# You can determine the default architecture used when -n is
# called or a not-installed database is made. Architectures are always
# being added so check with Debian to find a list. There is alpha, arm,
# hurd (alternative kernel to linux), i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc. Just use
# the arch found after the hyphen in the Contents-(arch) file.
$architecture = "i386";
# For not-installed:
# This part supplies the default value for --dists.
# The default distribution can be either stable, unstable, frozen, or
# experimental (rare). These represent the state of development that the
# packages are under. The unstable distribution can have lot's of changes
# within a very short time period, and frozen may or may not be available.
$distribution = "unstable";
#For not-installed:
#This part supplies the default value for --main, --contrib, --non-free,
#and --non-us.
# Distributions are divided into the sections. These sections are called
# distributions in the version packaging manual, because they were at
# one time separate distributions, but this has since changed. You can
# determine which of these sections (main, non-free, contrib or non-US) to
# pull out of the Contents file if you don't want to use --main, --contrib,
# --non-free, and --non-us to selectively pick sections. Basically, whatever
# you pull out should match the Package(s) file(s) you are targetting, this
# program is friendly if you make a mistake, but it's more effecient to pull
# out just what you want. If the same package happens to exist in two
# different sections, main and non-us for example (which is really a
# situation that shouldn't exist, yet it does), you will still be able to
# find this package in the non-us group, but its section and locations will be
# the one which main recognizes assuming that you use the order in the example
# below.
# Setting it up:
# Example: You just want to pull out main and contrib every time you run
# --initndb, --rebuildndb, or --ndb.
# @user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-US);
# remember "non-US" not "non-us".
#untill non-US is fixed the second is better
#@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free non-US);
@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free);
# Usually, this is
$alt = "debian";
# A little philosophy:
# swim was developed for maximum versatility, so whether you are just
# interested in researching, and keeping tabs on the newest packages,
# or maintaining a Debian virtual distribution on a non-Debian real
# distribution, or you are a using swim for distribution development, swim
# provides a way. The default directory (DF - which can also mean
# directory/file) keeps track of Contents and Packages files downloaded
# using --ftp, and gives the files names specific to the distribution and
# architectures they represent. But, you also have the freedom not to use
# the default directory in this case swim will still do the renaming and
# keeping track of the mtime, but you will have to remember where you put
# the files. On the other hand, if you use apt, you won't even have to use
# the DF directory for Packages files because you can get the ones specific
# to your own systems architecture from apt, but if you want to look at
# other architectures you will need to use the DF directory or one of your
# own choice.
# Naming Convention: Contents = Contents-dist.gz
# Packages = Packages-arch-dist-section.gz
$default_directory = '/root/.swim';
# The default root directory is the key to easy management of packages
# downloaded through --ftp and --file, and provides an easy way to put together
# a personalized distribution. Future implementations of swim will provide
# a distribution called personal..Packages and Contents files specific to
# this distribution will automatically be made. This directory can be a
# real ftp site on your computer, or put where ever else you are allowed
# to have directories. dists/distribution/section/architecture/subject will be
# placed above this directory. No matter what, debian must be the final
# directory before dists. Other distributions are placed alongside debian,
# like debian-non-US or personal.
# Feel free to change the permissions. This directory is above your default_
# directory.
$default_root_directory = '/pub/debian';
# Because you may be using a real ftp site, this configuration allows you
# to determine what permissions swim will set for directories it creates
# above the default root directory.
$permission = '0755';
# AR or DPKG? #
# NOTE: users set these next two with the $package_tool variable.
# packaging friends dpkg and dpkg-deb come from the essential and
# required dpkg package. ar from the package binutils can also be used (below).
# This is the archival program used for deb packages, but binutils is just
# a standard non-essential package, and the ar capabilities are built into
# dpkg-deb, and it's better not to assume that the standard packages are
# even established, yet.
$dpkg = ();
$dpkg_deb = ();
# If you don't have the dpkg package on your system then you can use ar
# from the package binutils. This would be a standard, but not an essential
# package in Debian, but this package is also fairly standard amongst all
# distributions, and can even be found in the free djgpp for M$ Oses.
# Since people who have both dpkg and ar may want to try the ar method,
# rather than creating an automatic check, just assign a value to either
# ($dpkg & $dpkg_deb) or just $ar.
#my $ar = '/usr/bin/ar'; # same for RH
$ar = '/usr/bin/ar';
# APT #
# NOTE: users set apt-get and apt-cache with the $apt variable
# If you have apt you are in luck.
$apt_get = ();
$apt_cache = ();
$sources = '/etc/apt/sources.list';
$apt_sources = '/var/state/apt/lists';
# less is a nice pager, unless you like more! There is an option
# --nopager or -n. Pager is used for --help and swim called without any
# options. more comes from the required package util-linux, whereas
# less comes from a standard package called less. In the future there is
# a possiblity that a large percentage of swim may use an internal pager.
# less, more, or most or...
#$ENV{PAGER} = "/usr/bin/less"; # same RH
$ENV{PAGER} = "less";
$pager = $ENV{PAGER};
# This is replaced by the Makefile.
$pre="/usr"; # AUTOREPLACE done by Makefile, do not edit.
# This is the hash making program fastswim.
$fastswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/bin/fastswim";
# imswim in an alternative to fastswim for --lowmem
$imswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/bin/imswim";
# This is the low memory program slowswim.
$slowswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/bin/slowswim";
# This is the dir/file making program longswim.
$longswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/bin/longswim";
# If you want to set an alternative directory for the temporary files
# created when the databases are made, change here. You may want to make
# $tmp a RAM disk. See package loadlin for initrd documentation and an
# explanation for making such a disk. There is also
# /usr/src/kernel-source.version/Documentation. Whether this will speed
# things up is a subject of experimentation.
$tmp = '/tmp';
# if configuration files are not kept in /etc change this
# and set up the directories by hand.
$swim_conf = '/etc/swim';
# This probably never will have to be changed.
$pwd = `pwd`;
chomp $pwd;
# If the command split is somewhere else besides /usr/bin change this.
# The required package textutils provides this.
#my $splt = '/usr/bin/split'; # same RH
$splt = 'split';
# cat comes from the essential and required package textutils.
#my $cat = '/bin/cat'; # same RH
$cat = 'cat';
# This command also omes from the required and essential package textutils.
#my $sort = '/usr/bin/sort'; # same RH
$sort = 'sort';
# This program uses md5sum from the dpkg package, it can also use md5sum
# from the RH package.
#my $md5sum = '/usr/bin/md5sum'; # same RH
$md5sum = 'md5sum';
# If you want to view compressed files make sure this is correct.
# The required package gzip provides this.
#my $zcat = '/bin/zcat'; # same RH
$zcat = 'zcat';
# tar comes from the essential and required package tar.
#my $tar = '/bin/tar'; # same RH
$tar = 'tar';
# grep comes from the essential and required package grep. This seems
# to require a path.
$grep = '/bin/grep'; # same RH
# gzip comes from the essential and required package gzip.
#my $gzip = "/bin/gzip"; # same RH
$gzip = "gzip";
# mount comes from the essential and required package mount.
#my $mount = '/bin/mount'; # same RH
#my $umount = '/bin/umount'; # same RH
$mount = 'mount';
$umount = 'umount';
# If your file system isn't an ext2 filesystem, you may want to change
# this. mke2fs comes from the essential and required package e2fsprogs.
#my $mke2fs = '/sbin/mke2fs'; # same RH
$mke2fs = 'mke2fs';
# cp and mv from the essential and required package fileutils
#my $copy = '/bin/cp'; # same RH
$copy = 'cp';
$mv = 'mv';
# Your system definitely has gcc if you have ar. gcc is a standard package
# in debian.
$gcc = 'gcc';
# FTP #
# Major mode --ftp and --file automates the download of Contents and Packages
# files. Even if you have apt installed, you may still want to download Packages
# from alternative architectures, and the Contents file for your own architecture
# or other architectures. If you want virtual and/or -ld capabilities you need
# the Contents file. You specify a list of ftp or file sites using urls (like
# apt). For your system's architecture specify the type deb, for other
# architectures specify deb(hyphen)architecture (ex: deb-alpha). Regardless of
# whether or not you specify an architecture, deb implies /dist* found under the
# base directory specified by the ftp url, except in the case of experimental,
# and to a degree non-us. minor mode --ftp, and --file will use the sites in this
# configuration as well, on a fifo (first in first out) basis, so choose the
# order of sites based on which are closest, most current, as well as fast.
# IMPORTANT: It is a BIG MISTAKE to use the distributions name (slink,po,etc)
# anywhere in the sources list, or in swim's configuration fact swim
# won't work properly, not to mention the fact that someday your favorite name
# will suddenly disappear. This is because swim thinks in terms of the real
# distribution name (stable,unstable,frozen, experimental). The problem goes
# like this - slink remains slink, but goes from unstable to frozen to stable.
# At first, using the distributions alias may seem appropriate, but the
# purpose of swim is to keep tabs on the dists, and not to ignore changes in
# the states, this also makes managing swim's databases much easier and
# intuitive...more about this later.
# Fun experiments: Swim uses the naming conventions of apt, but leaves the
# Package files compressed in the DF directory. So you can always decompress
# the databases and move them to /var/state/apt/lists. This ofcourse assumes
# that the appropriate changes to the sources.list reflecting these Packages
# (need to be the same architecture as your system) existed before you
# update. (author needs to do this experiment :*)
$ftp1 = "deb ftp://localhost/pub/debian unstable main contrib non-free non-US";
$ftp2 = "deb ftp://localhost/pub/debian unstable main contrib non-free";
$ftp3 = "deb ftp://localhost/pub/debian project/experimental/";
@FTP = ($ftp1,$ftp2,$ftp3);
# These next variables allow some characteristics of the ftp client
# to be altered. See Net::FTP for ways of altering some of these
# variables through the environment.
$firewall = 0;
$port = 0;
$timeout = 120;
$debug = 0;
$passive = 0;
# You will never need to change this unless for some weird reason all the
# files under dpkg are somewhere else (including /info*) , see --dbpath as
# an alternative if you decide to access or make the databases somewhere
# else.
$base = '/var/lib/dpkg';
# --dbpath takes care of this so don't touch.
$parent = '/';
$library = '/var/lib/dpkg';
# Here we load in the customized configuration which override the defaults
# Might as well use do, let the world learn Perl ... compare this to apt's
# configuation file with scopes. Swim's sources.list file (/etc/swim/swimz.list),
# will be grabbed at SWIM::Apt and SWIM::Qftp if it exists.
do "$swim_conf/swimrc";
do "$ENV{HOME}/.swim/swimrc";
if ((defined $dpkg && !defined $dpkg_deb) ||
(!defined $dpkg && defined $dpkg_deb)) {
print "swim: need to give both \$dpkg and \$dpkg_deb a value if you want dpkg\n";
if (defined $package_tool) {
if ($package_tool =~ /ar/) {
$ar = $ar;
else {
$dpkg = 'dpkg';
$dpkg_deb = 'dpkg-deb';
undef $ar;
if (defined $apt) {
$apt_get = 'apt-get';
$apt_cache = 'apt-cache';
# make sure all the appropriate directories are made
if (!-d $default_directory) {
if (-e $default_directory) {
print "swim: can not create default directory because a file exists\n";
my @DRD = split(m,/,,$default_directory);
my $placement = "/";
for (1 .. $#DRD) {
$_ == 1 ? ($placement = "/$DRD[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DRD[$_]);
-d $placement or mkdir("$placement",0755);
if (!-d "$default_directory$default_root_directory") {
my @DRD = split(m,/,,$default_root_directory);
print "swim: debian must be the final directory before dists\n"
if $DRD[$#DRD] ne "debian";
exit if $DRD[$#DRD] ne "debian";
my $placement = "/";
for (1 .. $#DRD) {
$_ == 1 ? ($placement = "/$DRD[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DRD[$_]);
unless (-d "$default_directory$placement") {
or die "swim: could not create root default directory\n";
# Makefile will make sure these directories exist, unless for some strange
# reason you have to change them.
if (!-d $library) {
mkdir($library,0755) or die "Couldn't create default directory\n";
if (!-d $base) {
mkdir($base,0755) or die "Couldn't create default directory\n";
if (!-d $swim_conf) {
mkdir($swim_conf,0666) or die "Couldn't create configuration file directory,
please make the directories which are needed.\n";
=head1 NAME
swimrc - swim configuration file
B<swimrc> is the configuartion file for swim allowing many default values
to be set so that they do not have to be mentioned on the command line.
Swimrc interacts directly with Perl allowing a wide variety of variables
found in B<SWIW::Conf> to be altered.
=head1 USAGE
Values for variable can be altered for B<swim> by assigning different
values enclosed in quotes or quoted whitespace (qw()), and ended with a
$variable = "value";
$variable = "qw(value1 value2 ..)";
This is a list of variables with explanations. The default values for
B<swim> are shown.
$my_number can be changed to how many lines you would like "swim -qf <>"
to print out, before the program asks for C<-t> or C<--total>. Exception:
If C<-i> is used in the query and there is more than one package then the
total will be presented.
Hint: C<-t> can be used with all the various C<--scripts> family members
to view the title of the script file regardless of this variable setting,
and if C<-t> has to be used, the titles will be displayed, which makes
B<$my_number = 23;>
=head2 HISTORY
This is a shell-like history kept in relation to searches and the most
recent edit when C<--stdin> is used.
B<$HISTORY = 10;>
=head2 AR or DPKG?
Debian packages are ar archives. If you are using a Debian Distribution
assign "dpkg" to $package_tool, otherwise assign "ar" to $package_tool.
B<$package_tool = "/usr/bin/ar";>
=head2 APT
B<Swim> does not assign a value for apt. To use C<--apt> and C<-xyz>
assign $apt the value "yes".
Example: B<$apt = "yes";>
=head2 PAGER
less is a nice pager, unless you like more! Pager is used for C<--help>
and B<swim> called without any options. There is an option C<--nopager> or
C<-n>. more comes from the required package util-linux, whereas less
comes from a standard package called less. Values: "less", "more", or
"most" or...
B<$ENV{PAGER} = "less";>
Assign values for $architecture and/or $distribution to avoid having to
use C<--arch> and C<--dists> everytime the not-installed databases are
accessed with C<-n> or made or altered.
Architectures are always being added so check with Debian to find a list.
There is I<alpha, arm, hurd-i386 (alternative kernel to linux), i386,
m68k, powerpc, sparc>. Just use the arch found after the hyphen in the
Contents-(arch) file.
B<$architecture = "i386";>
The distribution can be either I<stable, unstable, frozen, or experimental
(rare)>. These represent the state of development that the packages are
under. The unstable distribution can have lot's of changes within a very
short time period, and frozen may or may not be available.
B<$distribution = "unstable";>
Distributions are divided into sections. These sections were called
distributions in the version packaging manual, because they were
at one time separate distributions, but this has since changed.
You can determine which of the sections I<main, non-free, contrib or
non-US> to pull out of the Contents file if you don't want to use
C<--main>, C<--contrib>, C<--non-free>, and C<--non-us> to selectively
pick the sections.
For efficiency, you should choose the sections which you will be pulling
out of the Packages file(s) being targetted.
Rule: Use "non-US" not "non-us".
B<@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free non-US);>
A little philosophy: B<swim> was developed for maximum versatility, so
whether you are just interested in researching, and keeping tabs on the
newest packages, or maintaining a Debian virtual distribution on a
non-Debian distribution, or you are a using B<swim> for distribution
development, B<swim> provides a way.
The next two variables determine the location of the DF (default
directory/file system)
The default directory keeps track of Contents and/or Packages databases
retrieved with --ftp. The Contents and Packages databases and Release
file are give names specific to the distribution and architectures they
represent using the naming convention found in apt's sources directory.
You also have the freedom not to use the default directory, in which case
swim will still do the renaming and keeping track of the mtime, but you
will have to remember where you put the files.
B<$default_directory = '/root/.swim';>
The default root directory (DRD) is the key to easy management of binary
packages, source, dsc, and diff files received from --ftp, and provides an
easy way to put together a personalized distribution. This directory can
be a real ftp site on your computer, or put wherever else you are
allowed to have directories. The DRD is always placed below the value
assigned to $default_directory. According to the previous assignment to
$default_directory, if the DRD is "/pub/a/debian" then the full path
would be "/root/.swim/pub/a/debian".
Example: When a package is downloaded it will be placed in
dists/distribution/section/architecture/subject below the DRD.
Rule: debian must be the final directory before dists, this is because
other distributions are placed alongside debian, like debian-non-US or
personal (specialized distribution).
B<$default_root_directory = '/pub/debian';>
Because you may be using a real ftp site, this variable allows you to
determine what permissions B<swim> will assign for directories it creates
below the DRD.
B<$permission = '0755';>
If you want to set an alternative directory for the temporary files
created when the databases are made, change here. You may want to make
$tmp a RAM disk. See package loadlin for initrd documentation and an
explanation for making such a disk. There is also documentation in
/usr/src/kernel-source.version/Documentation. Whether this will speed
things up is a subject of experimentation.
B<$tmp = "/tmp";>
=head2 FTP
You can alter the Firewall, Port, Timeout, Debug and Passive
characteristics of the ftp client as defined in Net::FTP(3pm) by providing
arguments to these variables. All variables but $timeout are set to untrue
by default.
$firewall = 0; (FTP firewall machine name)
$port = 0; (defaults to 23)
$timeout = 120; (120 seconds)
$debug = 0; (1 will turn on STDERR)
$passive = 0; (1 will enable)
see SWIM::Conf
=head1 FILES
=head1 SEE ALSO
swim(8), Net::FTP(3pm)
=head1 BUGS
Send directly to
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum <>
Copyright (c) 1999 Jonathan Rosenbaum. All rights reserved. This program
is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GPL.


@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
To install swim, become root and type "make install".
To install extra and important documentation, type "make installdoc".
To remove, type "make remove".
Pod documentation is found in and swim.pod if you want to make
different types of documention using pod translators. There are SGML
documents conforming to the debiandoc DTD for swimrc and swim which can be
converted using tools from the debiandoc-sgml package.
(The modules mentioned below can be located at CPAN at
Some distributions may require this module for ftp capabilities.
Net::FTP from libnet-perl
This module provides readline libraries. There are other similiar modules
which also work with Perl's Term::ReadLine(3pm).
Term::ReadLine::Gnu from libterm-readline-gnu-perl or
Term::ReadLine::Perl from libterm-readline-perl-perl
Also read QUICKSTART.text or QUICKSTART.html for additional information.
Alternative Installation
The modules are put into /usr/lib/perl5/SWIM because this is in Perl's
@INC path, and does not violate Debian's Policy, on the other hand the
modules are rather specific to swim, although they definitely could be
used for other things. To put it in /usr/lib meant either using 'use lib
"/usr/lib"' or pushing the alternative directory into @INC doing a
'BEGIN{}', or setting the Environment variable PERL5LIB. The first method
slowed swim down, the second method caused a bad bug in SWIM::Deb, and the
third method involved trying to make a universe of shells happy, but this
is the best approach for an alternative @INC path.
That's why there is Makefile.alternative. If you already did a 'make
install', now do a 'make remove'. Change the name of Makefile, and change
Makefile.alternative's name to Makefile. You can change PREFIX in this
Makefile to /usr/local if you want to. Follow the same steps as for the
original Makefile, but add one more step, set the Environment vaiable
PERL5LIB to the directory where the modules are. If the PREFIX was not
changed, and you are using a bash shell then 'export PERL5LIB=/usr/lib'.
This alternative Makefile uses the tradition /usr/doc, /usr/man
directories whereas the other Makefile uses /usr/share/doc and
/usr/share/man, this is because of Debian's adherence to the next
generation fsstnd.


@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Use Makefile.alternative if you want the modules in /usr or /usr/local,
# not in /usr/lib/perl5, see INSTALL.
-rm build
-rm *.bak
install -d $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/dpkg
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/sbin
cp -a swim $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/sbin/swim
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/lib/perl5/SWIM
cp -f $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/lib/perl5/SWIM/
cp -fa lib/* $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/lib/perl5/SWIM
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/lib/SWIM
cp -fa bin/* $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/lib/SWIM
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/man/man8
cp -f swim.8 $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/man/man8
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/man/man5
cp -f swimrc.5 $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/man/man5
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/swim/swim.html
cp -fa swim.html/* $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/swim/swim.html
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/swim/swimrc.html
cp -fa swimrc.html/* $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/swim/swimrc.html
cp -f QUICKSTART.html $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/swim
cp -f REQUIREMENTS.html $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/swim
cp -f swim_by_example.html $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/swim
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/swim/examples
cp -fa examples/* $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/swim/examples
install -d $(DESTDIR)/etc/swim
cp -f swimz.list $(DESTDIR)/etc/swim
cp -f swimrc $(DESTDIR)/etc/swim
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a QUICKSTART.text $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a REQUIREMENTS.text $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a swim_by_example.html $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a THEMES $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a TODO $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a BUGS $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a TODO $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a COPYING $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a contact_and_website $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a changelog $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a swim.text $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
cp -a swimrc.text $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/share/doc/swim
rm $(PREFIX)/lib/perl5/SWIM/*
rmdir $(PREFIX)/lib/perl5/SWIM
rm $(PREFIX)/sbin/swim
rm /usr/share/doc/swim/swim.html/*
rmdir /usr/share/doc/swim/swim.html
rm /usr/share/doc/swim/swimrc.html/*
rmdir /usr/share/doc/swim/swimrc.html
rm /usr/share/doc/swim/examples/*
rmdir /usr/share/doc/swim/examples
rm /usr/share/doc/swim/*
rmdir /usr/share/doc/swim
rm $(PREFIX)/share/man/man5/swimrc.5
rm $(PREFIX)/share/man/man8/swim.8
rm $(PREFIX)/lib/SWIM/*
rmdir $(PREFIX)/lib/SWIM
dpkg-buildpackage -tc -rfakeroot
dist: debian localdist stampede rpm
.PHONY: debian


@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# Set this to wherever you want swim to install. Eg, /usr/local or /usr
-rm build
-rm *.bak
install -d $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/dpkg
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/sbin
cp -a swim $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/sbin/swim
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/lib/SWIM/bin
perl -pe '$$_="\$$pre=\"$(PREFIX)\";\n" \
chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/lib/SWIM/
cp -fa lib/* $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/lib/SWIM
cp -fa bin/* $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/lib/SWIM/bin
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/man/man8
cp -f swim.8 $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/man/man8
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/man/man5
cp -f swimrc.5 $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/man/man5
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/doc/swim/swim.html
cp -fa swim.html/* $(DESTDIR)/usr/doc/swim/swim.html
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/doc/swim/swimrc.html
cp -fa swimrc.html/* $(DESTDIR)/usr/doc/swim/swimrc.html
cp -f QUICKSTART.html $(DESTDIR)/usr/doc/swim
cp -f REQUIREMENTS.html $(DESTDIR)/usr/doc/swim
cp -f swim_by_example.html $(DESTDIR)/usr/doc/swim
install -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/doc/swim/examples
cp -fa examples/* $(DESTDIR)/usr/doc/swim/examples
install -d $(DESTDIR)/etc/swim
cp -f swimz.list $(DESTDIR)/etc/swim
cp -f swimrc $(DESTDIR)/etc/swim
install -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a QUICKSTART.text $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a REQUIREMENTS.text $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a swim_by_example.html $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a THEMES $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a TODO $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a BUGS $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a TODO $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a COPYING $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a contact_and_website $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a changelog $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a swim.text $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
cp -a swimrc.text $(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)/doc/swim
rm -rf $(PREFIX)/lib/SWIM/*
rmdir $(PREFIX)/lib/SWIM
rm $(PREFIX)/sbin/swim
rm /usr/doc/swim/swim.html/*
rmdir /usr/doc/swim/swim.html
rm /usr/doc/swim/swimrc.html/*
rmdir /usr/doc/swim/swimrc.html
rm /usr/doc/swim/examples/*
rmdir /usr/doc/swim/examples
rm /usr/doc/swim/*
rmdir /usr/doc/swim
rm $(PREFIX)/man/man5/swimrc.5
rm $(PREFIX)/man/man8/swim.8
dpkg-buildpackage -tc -rfakeroot
dist: debian localdist stampede rpm
.PHONY: debian


@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Database Structure
note: what's below was written for readability, not to
indicate complex structures, all databases are normal hashes. stripped
implies that the control field was removed, but the data afterwards kept.
Structure of statusindex.deb
1). Initially made in SWIM::DB_Init::database
2). Updated in SWIM::DB::db
3). $sb(packagename) = qw(packagename_version group priority
status(separated with :));
All fields stripped
Structure of nstatusindex-arch-dists.deb
1). Initally made in SWIM::NDB_Init::not_installed
2). Updated in SWIM::NDB::update_packages_ndb
3). $nsb(packagename) = qw(packagename_version group priority);
$nsb{"/."} = qw(packagename_version ...);
All fields stripped
Structure of packages.deb
1). Initally made in SWIM::DB_Init::database
2). Updated in SWIM::DB::db
3). %db = [ @name => (packagename packagename_version ...),
@Tdescriptions => (packagename_version format_info ...),
@conf => (packagename_versionCONF
every_indented_line_after_Conffiles ...),
@REPLACE => (packagename_version(with PRE, DEP, REC, SUG,
CON, PRO, or REP appended)
package_relationship_field (unstripped) ...)
Structure of npackages-arch-dists.deb
1). Initially made in SWIM::NDB_Init::not_installed
2). Updated in SWIM::NDB::update_packages_ndb
3). %ndb = [ @name => (packagename packagename_version ...),
@Tdescriptions => (packagename_version format_info ...),
@conf => (empty),
@REPLACE => (packagename_version(with PRE, DEP, REC, SUG,
CON, PRO, REP, MD, and FN appended)
package_relationship_field (unstripped) ...),
@FILENAME => (packagename_versionFN Filename_field(stripped) ...),
@MD5SUM => (packagename_versionMD
package_MD5_checksum(stripped) ...),
@revision => (packagename_versionMD(this comes from the
Filename field) "packagename_versionMD REVISION"
(this time the version comes from the Version
field) ...)
The revision field is unusual and occurs in the experimental distribution.
The hash is used by -p so that the version can be figured out. (check
"revision: situation" in SWIM::Deb).
Structure of groupindex.deb
1). Initally made in SWIM::DB_Init::database
2). Updated in SWIM::DB::db
3). $gb(group) = qw(packagenames ......) group stripped from Section:
Structure of ngroupindex-arch-dists.deb
1). Initially made in SWIM::NDB_Init::not_installed
2). Updated in SWIM::NDB::update_packages_ndb
3). $ngb = qw(packagenames ......) group stripped from Section:
Structure of searchindex.deb and dirindex.deb
1). When SWIM::DB_Init::database finishes SWIM::DB_Init::md begins.
This writes @dpackage to transfer.deb, which is processed by either
fastswim (filedir -> big and long) or imswim (which is like longswim,
which produces one large file - filedir.deb), and slowswim (big and
long) into the two files big.debian and long.debian and then the
databases are finished by SWIM::MD::process_md().
2). Rebuilt by SWIM::DB::rebuildflatdb
3). searchindex.deb = /path/filename\n ...... (1 package)
dirindex.deb = /path/dir\n ...... (> 1 package)
Structure of nsearchindex-arch-dists.deb and ndirindex-arch-dists.deb
1). After SWIM::NDB_Init::initndb runs SWIM::NDB_Init::not_installed,
SWIM::NDB_Init::nmd runs longswim which produces
filedir.deb, then initndb runs slowswim producing big.debian and
long.debian. Then the database(s) are finished by
3). nsearchindex-arch-dists.deb = /path/filename\n ...... (1 package)
ndirindex-arch-dists.deb = /path/dir\n ...... (> 1 package)
Note: nsearch* includes elements which pertain to only one
package, this generally implies files, not directories, however
the ni often has more than one package sharing a file, so its
placed into ndir* (this would be rare with an i system).
SWIM::Search::search processes these two files differently,
which is more effecient for the much larger nsearch*, for this
reason you can't merge the two databases together.
Structure of ncontentsindex-arch-dists.deb.
1). A compressed Contents database, no alterations (originally the headers
were removed, but this is a waste of time.) If the FDB (flat database
option if given) SWIM::Library::compress_contents is called from
initndb(), otherwise longswim called from SWIM::NDB_Init::nmd
copies and compresses. The longswim method compresses, but
compress_contents does a cp (not -a). In both cases the header
removal has been depreciated. The important thing is that the utime
remains the same.
2). The new Contents database is copied (utime) and renamed via
compress_contents called from SWIM::NDB.
3). Contents format


@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EF" vlink="#51188E"
<h1 align=center>QUICKSTART</h1>
Now you can skip the next three steps if you have an installed Debian
distribution and you are in a hurry for a demonstration, but you will miss
out on swim's more awesome capabilities. With that said.....
<p> Edit the swimrc configution file, you should read <A
HREF="swimrc.html/index.html">swimrc(5)</A>, but I'll ask you some
question right now. You can find swimrc in /etc/swim, and swimrc can be
placed in your home directory in the subdirectory .swim. Entries in the
home directory swimrc override ones in /etc/swim.
Are you using an installed Debian system? If so, you almost definitely
have dpkg installed. So uncomment this line in /etc/swim/swimrc by
removing the pound sign.
<code>$package_tool = "/usr/bin/dpkg";</code>
<code>$package_tool = "/usr/bin/ar";</code>
Do you have the apt package installed? Configure this, or -xyz will not
<code>$apt = "yes";</code>
Now you need to decide what architecture you would like to be swim's
default value when you download, build, and query the not-installed
What flavor, do you want alpha, arm, hurd-i386, i386, m68k, powerpc,
or sparc? (more coming :*) I decided on .....
<code>$architecture = "i386";</code>
What kind of distribution do you want to be your default? stable,
unstable, frozen, or experimental (rare) I like the ever changing ...
<code>$distribution = "unstable";</code>
Decide which sections you want? You can have this
<code>@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free);</code>
or this.
<code>@user_defined_section = qw(main);</code>
or .....
<p> Now grab a copy of the <A
HREF="">README.mirrors</A> from",
you will need this to set-up the configuration file /etc/swim/swimz.list.
<p> If your using apt make sure to read <A
HREF="swim.html/index.html">swim(8)</A> to get the nitty gritty on how you
can synchronize swim along with apt :*} using <A
Humm, you found a site which has the distribution you want, and you know
which section you want, and you are happy knowing about packages which can
install on the architecture you computer happens to have.
So what site is that?
What was the directory you happened to notice in the README.mirrors page?
What distribution did you want? Note: You won't want to use the Release
code name for the distribution, see
<A HREF="swim.html/ch-important.html#s5.6">swimz.list</A>.
<code>deb unstable</code>
What sections did you want?
<code>deb unstable main contrib
Now put this line in the swimz.list, exactly like written, and ofcourse
use the values you want.
Just issue this command.
<kbd>swim --ftp --Contents DF --Packages DF</kbd>
and wait a little bit.
This is for a computer system with a Debian distribution installed.
<kbd>swim --initdb</kbd>
This next part applies to people who followed all the steps to get here,
and also read the important requirements at the top. This makes the
not-installed databases. Go take a walk, or a swim :*}
<kbd>swim --initndb --Contents DF DF</kbd>
When either of these commands are complete they will say "<samp>over and
<b>NOW WHAT?</b>
<p> Now the real fun begins. If you happen to have some experience with
rpm you already know some of the options which swim uses, but be prepared
for surpises. <A HREF="swim.html/index.html">swim(8)</A> goes into more detail, the
<A HREF="">"<cite>Maximum
RPM</cite>"</A> book by Edward C. Bailey which is freely available may
provide help for swim's <kbd>--query</kbd> option, but you will find that
swim greatly diverges from rpm.
<p> Try something like this, and do not use the <kbd>-n</kbd> unless you
made the not-installed databases, on the other hand, <em>REMEMBER</em> to
use <kbd>-n</kbd> if you do not have an installed Debian system....
<kbd>swim -n --search swim</kbd>
now do this..
<kbd>swim -qnSi</kbd> or <kbd>swim -hn</kbd>
go to the directory /usr/bin and do
<kbd>swim -qnf</kbd> <b>.</b>
you probably will have to do
<kbd>swim -qnft</kbd> <b>.</b>
<b>...the fun is just beginning...</b>
<em>Where are you swimming to today?</em>


@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
Now you can skip the next three steps if you have an installed Debian
distribution and you are in a hurry for a demonstration, but you will miss
out on swim's more awesome capabilities. With that said.....
Edit the swimrc configution file, you should read swimrc(5), but I'll ask
you some question right now. You can find swimrc in /etc/swim, and in
your home directory in the subdirectory .swim. Entries in the home
directory swimrc override ones in /etc/swim.
Are you using an installed Debian system? If so, you almost definitely
have dpkg installed. So uncomment this line in /etc/swim/swimrc by
removing the pound sign.
$package_tool = "/usr/bin/dpkg";
$package_tool = "/usr/bin/ar";
Do you have the apt package installed? Configure this, or -xyz will not
$apt = "yes";
Now you need to decide what architecture you would like to be swim's
default value when you download, build, and query the not-installed
What flavor, do you want alpha, arm, hurd-i386, i386, m68k, powerpc,
or sparc? (more coming :*) I decided on .....
$architecture = "i386";
What kind of distribution do you want to be your default? stable,
unstable, frozen, or experimental (rare) I like the ever changing ...
$distribution = "unstable";
Decide which sections you want? You can have this
@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free);
or this.
@user_defined_section = qw(main);
or .....
Now grab a copy of the README.mirrors from, you will need this to set-up
the configuration file /etc/swim/swimz.list.
If your using apt make sure to read swim(8) to get the nitty gritty on how
you can synchronize swim along with apt :*} using swimz.list.
Humm, you found a site which has the distribution you want, and you know
which section you want, and you are happy knowing about packages which can
install on the architecture you computer happens to have.
So what site is that?
What was the directory you happened to notice in the README.mirrors page?
What distribution did you want? Note: You won't want to use the Release
code name for the distribution, see swimz.list.
deb unstable
What sections did you want?
deb unstable main contrib non-free
Now put this line in the swimz.list, exactly like written, and ofcourse
use the values you want.
Just issue this command.
swim --ftp --Contents DF --Packages DF
and wait a little bit.
This is for a computer system with a Debian distribution installed.
swim --initdb
This next part applies to people who followed all the steps to get here,
and also read the important requirements at the top. This makes the
not-installed databases. Go take a walk, or a swim :*}
swim --initndb --Contents DF DF
When either of these commands are complete they will say "over and out".
Now the real fun begins. If you happen to have some experience with rpm
you already know some of the options which swim uses, but be prepared for
surpises. swim(8) goes into more detail, the "Maximum RPM" book by
Edward C. Bailey which is freely available may provide help for swim's
--query option, but you will find that swim greatly diverges from rpm.
Try something like this, and do not use the -n unless you made the
not-installed databases, on the other hand, REMEMBER to use -n if you
do not have an installed system....
swim -n --search swim
now do this..
swim -qnSi or swim -hn
go to the directory /usr/bin and do
swim -qnf .
you probably will have to do
swim -qnft .
...the fun is just beginning...
Where are you swimming to today?


@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000EF" vlink="#51188E"
Don't get intimidated, this is just to cover all bases, most computer
systems meet the requirements.<p>
<b>PERL</b>: Yes, preferably Perl 5.004.04 or greater.
<p> <b>FTP CAPABILITIES (optional)</b>: You may need to get <A
(Debian libnet-perl package) which depends on Data::Dumper (Debian
data-dumper package). You also need <b>gcc</b> if you do not have a
Debian system so that <em>swim</em> can figure out what architecture your
machine is. You can also find these modules at the <A
HREF="">CPAN mirrors</A> or the PACKAGES below.
<p> <b>READLINE CAPABILITIES (optional)</b>: For nice readline
cpabilities get <A
or alternatively <A
6.tar.gz">Term::ReadLine::Perl</A> which depends on <A
. <em>Term::ReadLine::Gnu</em> may be tricky to set-up on non Debian
systems because it depends on <em>ncurses3.4</em> and the <em>GNU Readline
Library version 2.1 or later</em>, but <em>Term::ReadLine::Perl</em> is
much easier to set-up and allows a huge amount of package names to be
present on the command line without a segmentation fault. You could get
swim's ftp capabilities working first, and then just fetch the Debian
ReadLine package(s) and then use swim's --extract option to set the
package(s) up, but, it is sure fun doing a 'make test' when setting up the
ReadLine modules! You can also find these modules at the <A
HREF="">CPAN mirrors</A> or the PACKAGES below. <p>
<b>DATABASE CAPABILITIES</b>: DB_File comes standard with Perl. But,
this doesn't mean it is compiled for the newer Berkeley Database
Libraries. DB 1.85 has
known <A
bugs</A> which effect SWIM. SWIM can work with
1.85, but <kbd>--rebuildflatdb</kbd> and <kbd>--rebuildflatndb</kbd> will
not work properly. You can run a test to find out whether or not you need
to make the change if you have db_dump available on your system (which
db_dump). Enter this:
<code>perl -e 'use DB_File; tie %testdb,'DB_File',"testdb";';<br>
db_dump testdb</code>
<P>If 'db_dump testdb' produces an error you need to make the change by
installing the newest DB_File. If you have a version of libc6 less than
2.1, first, install a new version ( 2.3.4 or greater) of the <A
HREF="">Berkeley DB</A> if you don't already
have it installed. If you get
from CPAN you will need to edit to point to the location of where libdb2 installed db.h, where
libdb2 is installed on your system, and the name of the library. For
Debian this would be:
<P><code>INCLUDE = /usr/include/db2<br>
LIB = /usr/lib<br>
DBNAME = -ldb2</code>
<p><b>PACKAGES</b>: You can get the CPAN modules in some package formats.
Debian 2.1 and Red Hat 5.0 have been tested with these packages:
(plus a lot more) or<br>
<A HREF="">libdb2</A>
(dump_db utility is now part of libc6 2.1)<br>
<u><em>Red Hat</em></u><br>
<A HREF="">db-?</a>
<b>USER</b>: root. Some of swim's most important functions will not work
properly unless you are running the program as root.
<p><b>HARD DRIVE SPACE</b>: Make sure you have enough hard drive space.
installed packages produces a 10MB fileindex.deb, and the virtual
not-installed filesystem database for the unstable distribution is now
over 40MB. 100MB of free space on your hard drive is probably a good
safety margin, if you run out of hard drive space the program will just
hang or quit.
<b>MEMORY</b>: Databases made for an installed Debian system require
memory in proportion to the amount of packages actually installed; the
<kbd>--lowmem</kbd> option is an excellent alternative for making the
databases if the computer system is either overloaded or low on memory.
If you get "out of memory" warnings try to free up some memory first then
make the databases. You can also avoid making the virtual filesystem by
not using the <kbd>--Contents</kbd> option or using the FDB argument for
that option. Updating the databases uses very little memory.
<p> <b>OTHER SWIM FUNCTIONS</b>: Most free operating systems have these
packages installed: On a non Debian system, <b>ar</b> from
<em>binutils</em> is used to query Debian binary packages. These next
packages are essential in a free operating system (Linux) -
<em>textutils</em>, <em>fileutils</em>, <em>grep</em>, <em>tar</em>,
<em>gzip</em>, and <em>mount</em>.


@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Don't get intimidated, this is just to cover all bases, most computer
systems meet the requirements.
PERL: Yes, preferably Perl 5.004.04 or greater.
FTP CAPABILITIES: (optional) You may need to get Net::FTP (Debian
libnet-perl package) which depends on Data::Dumper (Debian data-dumper
package). Also check the CPAN mirrors or the PACKAGES below. You also
need gcc if you do not have a Debian system so that swim can figure out
what architecture your machine is. You can also find these modules at the
CPAN mirrors or the PACKAGES below.
READLINE CAPABILITIES: (optional) For nice readline cpabilities get
Term::ReadLine::Gnu or alternatively Term::ReadLine::Perl which depends on
Term::ReadKey. Term::ReadLine::Gnu may be tricky to set-up on non Debian
systems because it depends on ncurses3.4 and the GNU Readline Library
version 2.1 or later, but Term::ReadLine::Perl is much easier to set-up
and allows a huge amount of package names to be present on the command
line without a segmentation fault. You could get swim's ftp capabilities
working first, and then just fetch the Debian ReadLine package(s) and then
use swim's --extract option to set the package(s) up, but, it is sure fun
doing a 'make test' when setting up the ReadLine modules! You can also
find these modules at the CPAN mirrors or the PACKAGES below.
DATABASE CAPABILITIES: DB_File comes standard with Perl. But, this
doesn't mean it is compiled for the newer Berkeley Database Libraries. DB
1.85 has known bugs which effect SWIM. SWIM can work with 1.85, but
--rebuildflatdb and --rebuildflatndb will not work properly. You can run
a test to find out whether or not you need to make the change if you have
db_dump available on your system (which db_dump). Enter this:
perl -e 'use DB_File; tie %testdb,'DB_File',"testdb";';
db_dump testdb
If 'db_dump testdb' produces an error you need to make the change by
installing the newest DB_File. If you have a version of libc6 less than
2.1, first, install a new version (2.3.4 or greater) of the Berkeley DB if
you don't already have it installed. If you get DB_File from CPAN you
will need to edit to point to the location of where libdb2
installed db.h, where libdb2 is installed on your system, and the name of
the library. For Debian this would be:
INCLUDE = /usr/include/db2
LIB = /usr/lib
DBNAME = -ldb2
PACKAGES - You can get the CPAN modules in some package formats. Debian
2.1 and Red Hat 5.0 have been tested with these packages:
Debian -
libnet-perl and
data-dumper and
libterm-readline-gnu-perl (plus a lot more) or
libterm-readline-perl-perl and
Red Hat -
perl-libnet and
USER: root. Some of swim's most important functions will not work
properly unless you are running the program as root.
HARD DRIVE SPACE: Make sure you have enough hard drive space. 1500
installed packages produces a 10MB fileindex.deb, and the virtual
not-installed filesystem database for the unstable distribution is now
over 40MB. 100MB of free space on your hard drive is probably a good
safety margin, if you run out of hard drive space the program will just
hang or quit.
MEMORY: Databases made for an installed Debian system require memory in
proportion to the amount of packages actually installed; the --lowmem
option is an excellent alternative for making the databases if the
computer system is either overloaded or low on memory. If you get "out of
memory" warnings try to free up some memory first then make the databases.
You can also avoid making the virtual filesystem by not using the
--Contents option or using the FDB argument for that option. Updating the
databases uses very little memory.
OTHER SWIM FUNCTIONS: Most free operating systems have these packages
installed: On a non Debian system, ar from binutils is used to query
Debian binary packages. These next packages are essential in a free
operating system (Linux) - textutils, fileutils, grep, tar, gzip, and


@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Swim's design gives it the ability to implement features which were once
just fiction.
Most people involved with WM (Window Managers) have heard of themes.
Themes have become very popular. You can design a real cool look for your
WM and then pass it on to other people to recreate what you have. But,
who ever thought that themes could also apply to distributions? The only
requirement to develop a theme from the Debian distributions is to create
a customized Packages database. Apt can take it from there, by simply
clearing the old cache, making a new cache from this Package, and
installing everything. This theme can even be installed along with an
existing installation because apt will figure out what needs to be done.
Themes can easily be made using swim. Here's a list of ideas.
* A module with the capability of taking the output from apt, and creating
a database which would correlate to a successful installation without ever
installing one package. This would essentially be a not-installed
database with one major difference, this database would represent the real
state of a successful installation. This would allow a developer to test
a hypothetical installation, and look at it's structure. Then a Packages
file could be made from this database and tested on a real installation.
Although this module doesn't exist, yet, it could easily be made with a
special designated database interacting with the other functions offered
by swim's existing modules.
* Swim already allows Packages files to be made from *debs placed in the
DF - including creating a place for a personalized distribution (coming).
A person can make there own real personalized distribution in this
manner, and then share their unique Packages file with the rest of the
world, allowing other people to recreate the state of your own
distribution on their machines.


@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
* Configuration for --dbpath, --root, --main, --contrib, --non-free,
--non-us, --arch, --dists could be automated so that a state could be
established on the command line, without needing to enter any of these
options again, untill a new state was desired, --default would bring
everything back to the default directory /var/lib/dpkg.
* Non-root users could run all functions if permissions were changed,
probably this should be left up to the system administrator.
* Add --todo --bugs to -q.
* Looks like --source and --source_only is kind of deprecated now that apt_0.3.6
is out, and there are Sources.gz in the appropriate places. But, now
there exists three unique ways to get sources, debget which doesn't use
databases, apt which uses databases, and swim which combines the
approaches of both apt and debget, all three ways have their advantages.
Swim isn't dependent on the existence of an up to date Sources.gz.
* --ftp automatically removes packages with changed upstream-revisions..
perhaps move them to a storage location.
* base-files package has changed it's file/dir listing, eventually
SWIM::File can be modified in the future.
* SWIM::Apt needs to be modified so that when it reads the Packages names
in the default directory it will look at the basename to take into
account non-Debian distributions. Non-Debian distributions should
be presented separately when DF is used as an argument. Probably a new
option will be added. This adheres to the swim philosophy of allowing
independent distributions with the exact directory structure of a normal
Debian distribution to exist.
* mention netselect to help people find the best mirror site, and maybe
automatically use netselect on swimz.list to find which sites are up,
and are best to use first, overridding the default sequential order!
* Yes, you can 'cp -a' and 'gzip -d' sources from swim to sources for
apt, then just do a swim --apt --check or vica versa.
* Make sure this doesn't happen for proposed-updates - "swim:
dists/proposed-updates/single/binary-i386/Release does not exist on the
server", and make a note of proposed-updates in the manual, no Contents.
Incoming can be grabbed by doing something like this, "deb url
debian/Incoming" vs experimental "deb url/debian project/experimental/".
Packages are available here, too, no Release or Contents. swim is too
hardwired and this needs to be changed.
* For now, a trade-off will be made in respect to updating the n* virtual
filesystem, even if Contents hasn't been updated, the versions of C,CR
will still be updated with the old Contents, on the other hand if
nfile* was version-less this wouldn't be necessary, then the behavior
mentioned next could be implemented anyways. If Contents are ever
updated on a more consistent basis, this behavior will be changed to
wait for these packages untill the next Contents, but basically this
should be done anyways, it will mean, quick updates during the week, and
one long one when the new Contents becomes available, the lack of
versioning would make this viable. Basically, a database will be kept
for .packagesdiff-arch-dist.deb, nfile* will remain versioned because
this means faster lookups.
* Implement the "on the fly" distribution creation system.
* Add the DF virtual system which will allow --apt2df and --df2apt to
* a search for everything found in -T
* -o DPkg::Options::=--purge once --remove isn't a standard option to dpkg
for "remove", and possible --admindir (like --dbpath) --root (like
--root) and --instdir (where packages should be installed).
* add --force-* at least for --purge and depends.
* an option which would show all packages relationships for a package
being --ftp or -xyrz on the --stdin line
* Complete menuindex() which allows a search of the debian menu system.
* add the pid (personal information database) editing, and data storage.
* Use the MD5 module from libmd5-perl for --md5sum?
* gnupg, pgp, and md5sum checking for source probably using dscverify from
package devscripts, this uses the MD5 module
* Need to add the capability to deal with weird non-standard Filename: .*
situations, both in retrieval, and archiving. In situations like this,
the distribution may not be apparent, but the package could still be
found and placed in a special area, and a special database could store
the information. This database could be transparent, and available for
quering regardless of the distribution default, or command line
* Add the --file and --http capabilities or at least the capability to
look at Packages from strange directories grabbed by apt using these
methods. Meanwhile, swim's ftp capabilities make slow modems happy, and
allow for precise downloading versus downloading every package related
to -T.
* Add a hash option so that swim can know that po -> unstable, this would
work fine, because swim shows the Release version, but the author is
against implementing this ability.
* Instead of PWD!full_path, allow multiple filenames to be quoted without
pathnames for --extract.
* .., ../, ../../, ../../file-or-dir (not ../../file-or-dir/) ability for
-qf|p works, but more complex ../ is not implemented, yet. ../ will
also follow a symbolic link, this is a feature.
* --search by dirs when in place using -f.
* Add the retro full spectrum of dpkg options, it's nice sometimes to just
do a simple install.
* Gather together all the build children into a giant family including the
teacher and the checker.
* Do the Perl for Non Free OSes thing.
* Remove a large percentage of the bold and underlining from the
* Make needed changes and improvements to the Manual - a constant TODO.
* swim faster and faster!


@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use diagnostics;
require 5.004;
use strict;
# Package administration and research tool for Debian #
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.#
# Because it is a better to write to disk, rather than trying to do
# everthing in memory, and then it's good to close the process which
# accomplished this. I am sure there are better ways.
# Anyways if you want to test fastswim do something like this:
# fastswim --transfer /var/lib/dpkg/info /tmp /var/lib/dpkg and create a
# transfer.deb file beforehand in /tmp which has the packagename_version
# one to a line.
my @ppackage;
my %repeaters;
my $thingy;
my $tingy;
my $temp;
my %HL;
my @name;
my %version;
#$| = 1;
#$#name = 2000;
#$#ppackage = 2000;
# This way has been de-pre-c-whatever-ated because it lacks version
# rememberance, and is just kept for testing purposes
if ($#ARGV == -1) {
print "swim: fastswim requires option/arguments, see program for instructions\n";
#consider readdir
@ppackage = <*.list>;
# This does the work
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--transfer") {
open(TRANSFER, "$ARGV[2]/transfer.deb");
while (<TRANSFER>) {
chomp $_;
if (defined $_) {
my @the = split(/_/, $_);
push(@ppackage, "$the[0].list");
# remember the version.
chomp $the[1];
$version{$the[0]} = $the[1];
# Make a nice md. I decided on a Hash of Lists, giving all
# files/dirs unique name, and then a list of packages which
# correspond..because this should be faster than a Hash of Hash
# where you'd have to loop through all packages names..find the
# files/dir in all packages names which are the same..I'd assume a HL
# would be a quicker query, even though the Hash would be enormous.
# Possible things: a tree for faster query.
# Put everything into an array..every other is package name
# Better check for packages which don't have /. in their *.list...
# which is rare, but does happen. Sometimes *.list(s) don't have
# all the parent directories, but we won't worry about that.
print " Making the massive hash\n";
$| = 1; my $x = 1;
foreach $thingy (sort @ppackage) {
open(LIST, "$ARGV[1]/$thingy") or die "Humm, strange";
# Because of the version..there are sometimes dots
$thingy =~ m,(.*)\.list,;
my $count = 0;
my @count = <LIST>;
foreach (@count) {
$x = 1 if $x == 6;
print "|\r" if $x == 1 || $x == 4; print "/\r" if $x == 2;
print "-\r" if $x == 3 || $x == 6; print "\\\r" if $x == 5;
chomp $_;
# does /. exist? it should be first.
if ($count == 0) {
if ($_ !~ m,\/\.,) {
my $shifter = $_;
my @redolist = @count;
# humm let's rebuild the offending backup list, this
# is important for --db.
open(REDOLIST, ">$ARGV[1]/backup/$thingy.bk.bk")
or warn "needed to edit $thingy because it lacked /.,
but could not open up a backup file\n";
my $rd;
foreach $rd (@redolist) {
chomp $rd;
print REDOLIST "$rd\n";
$_ = "/.";
$count = 1;
if ($repeaters{$_} == 1) {
$temp = 0;
else {
$temp = $repeaters{$_} - 1;
if (defined $version{$1}) {
$HL{$_}[$temp] = "$1_$version{$1}";
undef @ppackage;
# We will create one file with the 1..and another with >1..
# than split..reverse..and order.accordingly..this makes
# things much faster. Remember clean-up routines for kill.
print " Starting ... writing to $ARGV[2]!\n";
# Create the database
open(BIG, ">$ARGV[2]/big.debian") or die;
open(LONG, ">$ARGV[2]/long.debian") or die;
foreach $thingy (sort keys %HL ) {
$x = 1 if $x == 6;
print "|\r" if $x == 1 || $x == 4; print "/\r" if $x == 2;
print "-\r" if $x == 3 || $x == 6; print "\\\r" if $x == 5;
# Humm, will split or grep be faster?
#my $tingy = "@{ $HL{$thingy} }" . " " . @{ $HL{$thingy} };
my $tingy = "@{ $HL{$thingy} }";
if (@{ $HL{$thingy} } > 1 || @{ $HL{$thingy} } eq "") {
print LONG "$thingy -> $tingy\n";
elsif (@{ $HL{$thingy} } == 1) {
print BIG "$thingy -> $tingy\n";
#print "Finished\n";
#undef %HL;
print " Cleaning up\n";


@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use diagnostics;
require 5.004;
use strict;
# Package administration and research tool for Debian #
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.#
This allows computers with a small amount of memory or overloaded system
to succeed in making the databases for SWIM::DB_Init. Instead of using
transfer.deb to grab everything into memory and then creating the
long.debian and big.debian files right out of memory for processing by
SWIM::MD, it works like longswim by creating one large file to the disk
(this can use lots of memory, but can swap easily) then it uses slowswim
to create long.debian and big.debian using a minimal memory method, then
it finishes using SWIM::MD.
To test supply these arguments - info dir, temporary dir "imswim
/var/lib/dpkg/info /tmp" and create a transfer.deb file
beforehand in the temporary dir which has the packagename_version one to a
if ($#ARGV == -1) {
print "swim: imswim requires arguments, see program for instructions\n";
else {
$| = 1; my $x = 1;
open(FILEDIR, ">$ARGV[1]/filedir.deb")
or warn "could not create filedir.deb\n";
open(TRANSFER, "$ARGV[1]/transfer.deb") or warn "needs transfer.deb";
while (<TRANSFER>) {
my @the = split(/_/, $_);
open (LIST, "$ARGV[0]/$the[0].list")
or warn "could not file *list";
# better check if /. is missing in any of the *list
my $count = 0;
my @count = <LIST>;
foreach (@count) {
$x = 1 if $x == 6;
print "|\r" if $x == 1 || $x == 4; print "/\r" if $x == 2;
print "-\r" if $x == 3 || $x == 6; print "\\\r" if $x == 5;
chomp $_;
# does /. exist? it should be first.
if ($count == 0) {
if ($_ !~ m,\/\.,) {
my $shifter = $_;
my @redolist = @count;
# humm let's rebuild the offending backup list, this
# is important for --db.
open(REDOLIST, ">$ARGV[0]/backup/$the[0].list.bk.bk")
or warn "needed to edit $the[0].list because it lacked /.,
but could not open up a backup file\n";
my $rd;
foreach $rd (@redolist) {
chomp $rd;
print REDOLIST "$rd\n";
$_ = "/.";
$count = 1;
print FILEDIR "$_ -> $the[0]_$the[1]\n";
} # foreach @count
} # while TRANSFER
} # else


@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use diagnostics;
use strict;
use DB_File;
# Package administration and research tool for Debian #
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.#
This program creates the file filedir.deb using choice() and
comma_choice() (which both use timing() in case Contents is newer than
Packages). It establishes the file based on --main, --contrib, --non-free,
--non-us or the default. This program is quite time consuming and uses
more and more memory as it runs. Afterwared, the output can be processed
by fastswim (high memory approach) or slowswim (low memory approach),
whether either is faster is still subject to experimentation. swim packs
everything into the databases. It also produces the report
.contentsdiff-arch-dists.deb which shows which packages exist in Contents
which don't exist in Packages.
This program takes a large amount of arguments. Look at nmd() in
if ($#ARGV == -1) {
print "swim: longswim requires many arguments, see program for instructions\n";
my $Contents;
my $contentsindex;
my ($main,$contrib,$non_free,$non_us);
my $tmp;
my (%watch,%ndb);
my $npackages;
my $gzip;
my $place;
# process @ARGV
$Contents = $ARGV[0]; $contentsindex = $ARGV[1];
$main = $ARGV[2]; $contrib = $ARGV[3];
$non_free = $ARGV[4]; $non_us = $ARGV[5];
$tmp = $ARGV[6];
$npackages = $ARGV[7];
$gzip = $ARGV[8];
$place = $ARGV[9];
my $Contents_mtime = $ARGV[10];
# tie it once not a quarter million times
tie %ndb, 'DB_File', "$npackages" or die "DB_File: $!";
# Let's find the arch and dists
my @archdist = split(m,/,,$contentsindex);
my($arch,$dist) = (split(m,-,,$archdist[$#archdist]))[1,2];
$dist =~ s,\.deb,,;
if -e "$place/.contentsdiff-$arch-$dist.deb";
# main processing program
sub nmd {
my %again;
my %all;
$| = 1; my $x = 1;
open(CONTENTS, "$Contents") or die "where is it?\n";
while (<CONTENTS>) {
print CONTENTSDB $_;
if (/^FILE\s*LOCATION$/) {
while (<CONTENTS>) {
s,^(\./)+,,; # filter for Debians altered dir structure
print CONTENTSDB $_;
$x = 1 if $x == 6;
print "|\r" if $x == 1 || $x == 4; print "/\r" if $x == 2;
print "-\r" if $x == 3 || $x == 6; print "\\\r" if $x == 5;
chomp $_;
# find all directories
# split is the way to go.
# If it ends with / its a directory
if (m,.*/\s+\w*,) {
($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2);
if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) {
my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package);
$package = $more_things[$#more_things];
(my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g;
my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_);
$dirfile = $dirfile[0];
@dirfile = split(/\//,$dirfile); $dirfile =~ s,/$,,;
@comma = split(/,/,$package);
if (scalar(@comma) >= 2) {
# humm many packages share this file/dir
my @choice_package;
## MAIN ##
if ($main eq "yes") {
foreach (@comma) {
if (defined $_) {
if ($_ !~ m,^non-free/|^contrib/|^non-us/,) {
@packs = comma_choice(@choice_package);
} # choice in main
if ($non_free eq "yes") {
foreach (@comma) {
if (m,^non-free/,) {
@packs = comma_choice(@choice_package);
} # choice non-free
if ($contrib eq "yes") {
foreach (@comma) {
if (m,^contrib/,) {
@packs = comma_choice(@choice_package);
} # choice contrib
if ($non_us eq "yes") {
foreach (@comma) {
if (m,^non-us/,) {
@packs = comma_choice(@choice_package);
} # choice non-us
} # scalar @comma >= 2
# When only one package exists for dir
elsif (scalar(@comma) == 1) {
my $choice_package;
## MAIN ##
if ($main eq "yes") {
# only one package found related to choice section
if (defined $package) {
if ($package !~ m,^non-free/|^contrib/|^non-us/,) {
$choice_package = $package;
@package = split(/\//,$choice_package);
@packs = choice(@package);
} # end choice main
if ($non_free eq "yes") {
if (defined $package) {
if ($package =~ m,^non-free/,) {
$choice_package = $package;
@package = split(/\//,$choice_package);
@packs = choice(@package);
} # end choice main
if ($contrib eq "yes") {
if (defined $package) {
if ($package =~ m,^contrib/,) {
$choice_package = $package;
@package = split(/\//,$choice_package);
@packs = choice(@package);
} # end choice main
if ($non_us eq "yes") {
if (defined $package) {
if ($package =~ m,^non-us/,) {
$choice_package = $package;
@package = split(/\//,$choice_package);
@packs = choice(@package);
} # end choice main
} # @comma = 1
foreach $package (@packs) {
my ($count,$holder);
for ($count = 0; $count <= $#dirfile; $count++) {
if ($count == 0) {
$holder = "/$dirfile[$count]";
my $again = "$dirfile[$count] -> $package";
my $all = "/. -> $package";
if ($all{$all} == 1) {
print FILEDIR "/. -> $package\n";
if ($again{$again} == 1) {
print FILEDIR "/$dirfile[$count] -> $package\n";
else {
$holder = $holder . "/$dirfile[$count]";
#print "$holder -> $package\n";
my $again = "$holder -> $package";
if ($again{$again} == 1) {
print FILEDIR "$holder -> $package\n";
} # end for
} # does end with /
# find all files and directories
else {
($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2);
if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) {
my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package);
$package = $more_things[$#more_things];
(my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g;
# watch this
my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_);
$dirfile = $dirfile[0];
@dirfile = split(/\//,$dirfile);
@comma = split(/,/,$package);
if (scalar(@comma) >= 2) {
# humm many packages share this file/dir
my @choice_package;
## MAIN ##
if ($main eq "yes") {
foreach (@comma) {
if (defined $_) {
if ($_ !~ m,^non-free/|^contrib/|^non-us/,) {
@packs = comma_choice(@choice_package);
} # choice in main
if ($non_free eq "yes") {
foreach (@comma) {
if (m,^non-free/,) {
@packs = comma_choice(@choice_package);
} # choice non-free
if ($contrib eq "yes") {
foreach (@comma) {
if (m,^contrib/,) {
@packs = comma_choice(@choice_package);
} # choice contrib
if ($non_us eq "yes") {
foreach (@comma) {
if (m,^non-us/,) {
@packs = comma_choice(@choice_package);
} # choice non-us
} # scalar @comma == 2
# When only one package exists for file
elsif (scalar(@comma) == 1) {
my $choice_package;
## MAIN ##
if ($main eq "yes") {
# only one package found related to choice section
if (defined $package) {
if ($package !~ m,^non-free/|^contrib/|^non-us/,) {
$choice_package = $package;
@package = split(/\//,$choice_package);
@packs = choice(@package);
} # end choice main
if ($non_free eq "yes") {
if (defined $package) {
if ($package =~ m,^non-free/,) {
$choice_package = $package;
@package = split(/\//,$choice_package);
@packs = choice(@package);
} # end choice main
if ($contrib eq "yes") {
if (defined $package) {
if ($package =~ m,^contrib/,) {
$choice_package = $package;
@package = split(/\//,$choice_package);
@packs = choice(@package);
} # end choice main
if ($non_us eq "yes") {
if (defined $package) {
if ($package =~ m,^non-us/,) {
$choice_package = $package;
@package = split(/\//,$choice_package);
@packs = choice(@package);
} # end choice main
} # @comma = 1
foreach $package (@packs) {
my ($count,$holder);
for ($count = 0; $count <= $#dirfile; $count++) {
if ($count == 0) {
$holder = "/$dirfile[$count]";
my $again = "$dirfile[$count] -> $package";
my $all = "/. -> $package";
if ($all{$all} == 1) {
print FILEDIR "/. -> $package\n";
if ($again{$again} == 1) {
print FILEDIR "/$dirfile[$count] -> $package\n";
# Here's where things really start to turn ugly.
else {
$holder = $holder . "/$dirfile[$count]";
my $again = "$holder -> $package";
if ($again{$again} == 1) {
print FILEDIR "$holder -> $package\n";
} # end for
} # @packs - more than one package for this file
} # end else not dir
print "Compress contents\n";
system "$gzip", "-9", "$contentsindex";
print "Cleaning up\n";
# this will add a newline, but better to do a Ctrl-C than to have the
# process hang and respawn itself - something which sometimes happens
kill INT => $$;
print "swim: please press Ctrl-c\n"; # just in case :)
# probably don't need to do this ends the program
#undef %all;
#undef %again;
} # end sub nmd
# this finds the package or none which equal choice section when a
# file/dir is found with one package
sub choice {
my (@package) = @_;
my @packs;
if ($#package == 1) {
my $what = timing($package[1]);
if (defined $what) {
#$package[1] = version($package[1]);
@packs = $what;
elsif ($#package == 2) {
my $what = timing($package[2]);
if (defined $what) {
#$package[2] = version($package[2]);
@packs = $what;
return @packs;
} # end sub choice
# this finds the package(s) or none which equal choice section when a
# file/dir is found with more than one package
sub comma_choice {
my (@choice_package) = @_;
my (@package,@packs);
if (@choice_package) {
if ($#choice_package == 0) {
@package = split(/\//,$choice_package[0]);
if ($#package == 1) {
my $what = timing($package[1]);
if (defined $what) {
#$package[1] = version($package[1]);
elsif ($#package == 2) {
my $what = timing($package[2]);
if (defined $what) {
#$package[2] = version($package[2]);
elsif ($#choice_package > 0) {
# Basically, we will keep all conflicting dirs/files
# because often they are related
foreach (@choice_package) {
@package = split(/\//,$_);
if ($#package == 1) {
my $what = timing($package[1]);
if (defined $what) {
elsif ($#package == 2) {
my $what = timing($package[2]);
if (defined $what) {
} # else more than 1 for choice
} # defined choice
return @packs;
} # end sub comma_choice
# this sub produces a report case Packages is older than Contents
# there will be other reports, ofcourse, like if Packages is newer than
# Contents. Uses version();
sub timing {
my ($lookup) = @_;
my $afterlookup = nversion($lookup);
if ($afterlookup eq 1) {
if ($watch{$lookup} == 1) {
or die "can't create a file\n";
print REPORT "Found in Contents, not in Packages: $lookup\n";
else {
return $afterlookup;
} # end my timing
# checks npackage.deb to find version for package found in Contents
sub nversion {
my ($argument) = @_;
if (defined $argument) {
# We will check for more than two..just in case
if ($argument !~ /_/) {
if (defined $ndb{$argument}) {
$argument = $ndb{$argument};
return $argument;
# fixed the space packages
else {
return 1;
#untie %ndb;
} # end sub nversion
sub ndb {
#tie %ndb, 'DB_File', "$npackages" or die "DB_File: $!";
} # end sub ndb


@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use diagnostics;
use strict;
# Package administration and research tool for Debian #
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.#
This program only takes two argument, a temp directory and the name of the
binary sort..sort. You can test a filedir.deb file.
if ($#ARGV == -1) {
print "swim: slowswim requires arguments, see program for instructions\n";
my $tmp = $ARGV[0];
my $sort = $ARGV[1];
# This is nmd()'s version of fastswim..also a lowmem method, after making
# long.debian and big.debian, process_md() finishes the job.
sub pre_md {
my %HL;
my $temp;
my %repeaters;
my $fcount = 0;
my @tempholder;
print "Sorting everything\n";
system ("$sort $tmp/filedir.deb > $tmp/sortfiledir.deb");
# grab the keys from the sorted file
print "Making the massive hash using lowmem\n";
$| = 1; my $x = 1;
open(FILEDIR, "$tmp/sortfiledir.deb") or die "where is sortfiledir.deb?\n";
while (<FILEDIR>) {
$x = 1 if $x == 6;
print "|\r" if $x == 1 || $x == 4; print "/\r" if $x == 2;
print "-\r" if $x == 3 || $x == 6; print "\\\r" if $x == 5;
my ($place, $packname) = split(/ -> /,$_,2);
push(@tempholder,"$place -> $packname");
if ($fcount != 0) {
my($tplace,$tpackname) = split(/ -> /,$tempholder[$fcount - 1],2);
chomp $tpackname;
# As long as they aren't different add to HL because they
# belong to a group.
if ($tplace eq $place) {
#print "$tplace and $place\n";
if ($repeaters{$tplace} == 1) {
$temp = 0;
else {
$temp = $repeaters{$tplace} - 1;
$HL{$tplace}[$temp] = $tpackname;
# they new guy is different, but the old guy belongs to the
# previous group or not, so finish adding to %HL and then
# print out, and undef %HL
else {
#print "I AM DIFF $tplace\n";
# finish adding
if ($repeaters{$tplace} == 1) {
$temp = 0;
else {
$temp = $repeaters{$tplace} - 1;
$HL{$tplace}[$temp] = $tpackname;
# print out
open(BIG, ">>$tmp/big.debian") or die;
open(LONG, ">>$tmp/long.debian") or die;
my $thingo;
foreach $thingo (sort keys %HL ) {
my $tingy = "@{ $HL{$thingo} }";
if (@{ $HL{$thingo} } > 1 || @{ $HL{$thingo} } eq "") {
print LONG "$thingo -> $tingy\n";
elsif (@{ $HL{$thingo} } == 1) {
print BIG "$thingo -> $tingy\n";
# The whole key for lowmem systems
undef %repeaters;
undef %HL;
undef $tempholder[$fcount - 1];
} # if fcount ne 0
# also do this in db() & ndb()
} # end sub pre_md


@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
swim (0.3.6) - October 20 2000
-- Made swim perl-5.6 happy. Thanks to Douglas du Boulay
<> for pointing this out.
swim (0.3.5) - January 28 2000
-- Fixed a minor bug pertaining to the mtime of Contents which occured
during initial building of the uninstalled filesystem using FDBDF or
DF. This bug arose as a result of a bug fix in 0.3.4.
swim (0.3.4) - January 23 2000
-- Made the changelog and copyright option work properly in relation to
the fsstnd Debian has adopted with backwards compatibility. Fixed a
regexp in Qftp to properly deal with packages which match one another,
but aren't the same. Fixed xyzr to work properly with ps. Fixed share
-d/l output for p option. Added an indication when extraction
succeeds. Now Contents is properly filtered for ndb. Removed extra
output from menu for package option. Added example documentation,
thanks to John Lapeyre for the suggestion. Also, thanks to Joel Soete
for reporting corrupt sources from a faulty upload, and to
for adding swim to their archive and awarding swim 5 Penguins.
swim (0.3.3) - January 15 2000
-- Repaired a bug in longswim causing the uninstalled filesystem to be
made with packages which looked like spaces due to a return code error,
which caused some trouble for the virtual directories. ncontents is
now filtered of ./, though it was cool to look at.
swim (0.3.2) - January 05 2000
-- Fixed to properly find documentation in the not-installed new Debian
share directories, perl5 in Depends for the new Debian perl policy, and
year 2000 in help.
swim (0.3.1) - January 04 2000
-- Because of change in Debian's directory structure in Contents, added a
filter so that not-installed database is properly made without repeats.
Fixed a documentation error in QUICKSTART. Made
default anonymous login. Minor documentation improvements.
swim (0.3.0) - June 15 1999
-- The cleaned up version of 0.2.9. Rebuild databases if you were using
version 0.2.8 or less.
swim (0.2.9) - May 14 1999
-- This is an interim release until 0.3.0 is released. Major bug fixes,
and some new features, including a history, and updating for
not-installed db. Rebuild databases if you were using an older version.
swim (0.2.8) - Mar 13 1999
-- Fixed a minor bug which was preventing virtual options --xyz and --ftp
from working with searches.
-- Set the $swim_version variable to the right version number, and
automated the release process to avoid problems like the failure to
change this variable in the 0.2.7 release from occurring again.
swim (0.2.7) - Mar 12 1999
-- Fixed a file test in SWIM::Conf which kept the initial directories from
being created on startup, making the program fail. Three names deserve
recognition: John Lapeyre, Jonathan P. Tomer, and Cale Epstein who all
provided their own perspective to the problem, I combined all three
approaches. Shaleh pointed out a packaging error.
swim (0.2.6)
-- First initial public offering around the beginning of March, 1999,
includes the main swim program, four exercise programs to help with
database creation, important swim manuals and twenty-five module
-- swimmers ... take your mark ... go!


@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum <>


@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# This is a simple approach. You could have a monthly Cron for stable and
# then update if any changes were observed, a weekly Cron for frozen, and
# a daily Cron for unstable.
# For this example a default of unstable is assumed.
# This downloads only one Contents-arch for the unstable distribution.
# Updates the Packages using apt, and grabs the Contents-arch and Packages
# for the stable distribution if there are any changes.
# Update the sources:
swim --ftp --Contents DF --onec >> /var/log/swim.log 2>&1;
swim --apt --update >> /var/log/swim.log 2>&1;
swim --ftp --dists stable --onec >> /var/log/swim.log 2>&1;
# This will update the database for the default distribution/architecture
# using 'cron' to automatically pick the newest packages.
# Update the databases:
swim --db >> /var/log/swim.log 2>&1;
swim --ndb APT --cron --Contents DF >> /var/log/swim.log 2>&1;


@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Ag;
use strict;
use SWIM::Global qw(:Info $file_now);
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Xyz);
use SWIM::Info;
use SWIM::Pn_print;
use SWIM::Deps;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(description q_description);
# stuff to query package names, -a, and groups
# -qi <packages name> Anotherwards that big thing of info...also
# -c, -l
sub description {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
else {
if (defined $argument) {
# We will check for more than two..just in case
if ($argument !~ /_/) {
if (defined $db{$argument}) {
$argument = $db{$argument};
if ($db{"$argument"}){
my $package = $db{"$argument"};
print $package;
else {
print "package $argument is not installed\n";
untie %db;
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
if ($commands->{"c"} && !($commands->{"l"} || $commands->{"d"})) {
if (conf(\%commands) ne 0) {
print conf(\%commands) if !$commands->{"md5sum"};
# here for a reason
# if -i because calls from qindexer.
if ($commands->{"i"}) {
require SWIM::File;
if (($commands->{"c"} && ($commands->{"l"} || $commands->{"d"})) ||
($commands->{"l"} || $commands->{"d"})) {
if ($commands->{"c"} && conf(\%commands) ne 0) {
print conf(\%commands) if !$commands->{"md5sum"};
require SWIM::File;
if (!($commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"} ||
$commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"} ||
$commands->{"purge"})) {
if ($commands->{"x"} || $commands->{"ftp"} || $commands->{"source"} ||
$commands->{"source_only"} || $commands->{"remove"} ||
$commands->{"r"} || $commands->{"purge"}) {
require SWIM::Safex;
} # end sub description
# Access Descriptions, and other stuff for known <packages>.
# This includes -ql(d)c, -qc or plain -q (just the package name and
# version). Anotherwards if -i isn't used this sub is called. And
# -ql is handled by file. Mostly, this was designed for calling a single
# package name on the command line without a known package title except
# when -q is called by itself, but using -T is an exception since this is
# useful.
sub q_description {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
else {
if (defined $argument) {
if ($argument !~ /_/) {
if (defined $db{$argument}) {
$argument = $db{$argument};
if ($commands->{"c"} && $commands->{"d"}) {
require SWIM::File;
print "$argument\n" if $commands->{"g"};
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
if (conf(\%commands) ne 0) {
print conf(\%commands) if !$commands->{"md5sum"};
# it's nice to print out -d with -c, so this was added.
elsif ($commands->{"c"}) {
# this produces annoying spaces
print "$argument\n" if $commands->{"g"} && conf(\%commands) ne 0;
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
if (conf(\%commands) ne 0) {
print conf(\%commands) if !$commands->{"md5sum"};
if ($commands->{"md5sum"}) {
require SWIM::File;
elsif ($db{$argument} && !$commands->{"c"}) {
print "$argument\n" if $commands->{"T"} ||
$commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} ||
$commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} ||
$commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"replaces"} ||
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print "\n" if $commands->{"T"} ||
$commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} ||
$commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} ||
$commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"replaces"} ||
else { print "package $argument is not installed\n"; }
elsif ($argument =~ /_/) {
if ($commands->{"c"} && $commands->{"d"}) {
print "$argument\n" if $commands->{"g"};
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print conf(\%commands) if conf(\%commands) ne 0 && !$commands->{"md5sum"};
require SWIM::File;
elsif ($commands->{"c"}) {
my $check = conf(\%commands);
print "$argument\n" if $commands->{"g"} && $check ne 0 ||
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
if (conf(\%commands) ne 0) {
print conf(\%commands) if !$commands->{"md5sum"};
require SWIM::File;
elsif (conf(\%commands) == 0) {
require SWIM::File;
elsif ($db{$argument} && !$commands->{"c"}) {
# watch this
##print "$argument\n" if $commands->{"g"};
print "$argument\n" if $commands->{"T"} ||
$commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} ||
$commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} ||
$commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"replaces"} ||
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print "\n" if $commands->{"T"} ||
$commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} ||
$commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} ||
$commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"replaces"} ||
else { print "package $argument is not installed\n"; }
untie %db;
if (!defined $file_now &&
!($commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"} ||
$commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"} ||
$commands->{"purge"})) {
if ($commands->{"x"} || $commands->{"ftp"} || $commands->{"source"} ||
$commands->{"source_only"} || $commands->{"remove"} ||
$commands->{"r"} || $commands->{"purge"}) {
require SWIM::Safex;
} # end sub q_description


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Compare;
use strict;
use SWIM::Conf qw($dpkg);
use SWIM::Library;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(comparison compare_versions);
# comparison function and checking function (-v) for not-installed databases
This uses the comparison method mentioned in the packaging manual. It
will look for an epoch *: or the absence, and a revision -* or the
absence. First the epoch is compared, then the upstream-version, than
the debian-revision. The sub will stop and return a value as soon as
a difference is found. A look in the dpkg attic helped out (compare_vnumbers)
here, but used separate subs, and doesn't appear to check for
an epoch separately, ofcourse there may have not been an epoch. This
uses the special variable $&, but apparently this isn't as big a waste
of resources in later versions of Perl, but there will be some
experiments and benchmarks for alternatives in the future for this sub.
There some rules built into comparison() to deal with patch to non-patch,
more than one hyphen (-). This involves a little transformation.
You can verify that this sub is working by doing perl -e '$five =\
system "dpkg --compare-versions 10 gt 1.0.17"; print "nop\n" if $five\
== 256; print "yes\n" if $five == 0', take a look at the scripts, too.
Also, use -v (compare_versions()) when using --initndb or --rebuildndb
for a report.
sub comparison {
# $pversion = version from Packages.gz
# $eversion = version from nstatusindex-arch-dist.deb
my($pversion,$eversion) = @_;
my($epoch, $upstream, $revision);
my($eepoch, $eupstream, $erevision);
my $result;
# If the two versions "eq" one another no reason to go on
if ($pversion ne $eversion) {
# check epoch first, go on if the same
if ($pversion =~ /:/ || $eversion =~ /:/) {
if ($pversion =~ /:/) {
($epoch,$upstream) = split(/:/,$pversion,2);
else {
$epoch = 0; $upstream = $pversion;
if ($eversion =~ /:/) {
($eepoch,$eupstream) = split(/:/,$eversion,2);
else {
$eepoch = 0; $eupstream = $eversion;
do {
$epoch =~ s/^\d*//; my $epochd = $&;
$eepoch =~ s/^\d*//; my $eepochd = $&;
$result = $epochd <=> $eepochd;
return "<" if $result == -1;
return ">" if $result == 1;
} while (length ($epoch) && length ($eepoch));
#return length ($a) cmp length ($b);
} # end if epoch
else {
$epoch = 0; $upstream = $pversion;
$eepoch = 0; $eupstream = $eversion;
# Check the upstream-revision next
if ($upstream || $eupstream) {
# we need to run a little test in case hyphens exists more than once
if ($upstream =~ /-/) {
my $hyphen = ($upstream =~ tr/-//);
if ($hyphen > 1) {
$upstream =~ m,(^.*)-(.*$),;
$upstream = $1;
$revision = $2;
else {
($upstream,$revision) = split(/-/,$upstream,2);
else {
# because the absence is considered earlier, and the convention
# is to use -1.
$revision = 0;
# we need to run a little test in case hyphens exists more than once
if ($eupstream =~ /-/) {
my $hyphen = ($eupstream =~ tr/-//);
if ($hyphen > 1) {
$eupstream =~ m,(^.*)-(.*$),;
$eupstream = $1;
$erevision = $2;
else {
($eupstream,$erevision) = split(/-/,$eupstream,2);
else {
# because the absence is considered earlier, and the convention
# is to use -1.
$erevision = 0;
do {
# letters
$upstream =~ s/^\D*//; my $upstreamd = $&;
$eupstream =~ s/^\D*//; my $eupstreamd = $&;
# hopefully this handles nasty beta situations
if ($upstreamd eq "b" and $eupstreamd eq "." ) {
return "<";
elsif ($upstreamd eq "." and $eupstreamd eq "b" ) {
return ">";
elsif ($upstreamd eq "beta" and $eupstreamd eq "." ) {
return "<";
elsif ($upstreamd eq "." and $eupstreamd eq "beta" ) {
return ">";
elsif ($upstreamd eq "." and $eupstreamd eq "-pre-") {
return ">";
elsif ($eupstreamd eq "." and $upstreamd eq "-pre-") {
return "<";
# solves problems when "." is compared to letters, and also a weird
# case involving a patched version changing to a non-patched version.
if ($upstreamd =~ /\./) {
if ($eupstreamd =~ /\w/) {
if ($eupstreamd =~ /pl/ && $upstreamd !~ /pl/) {
$eupstreamd = "";
elsif ($upstreamd !~ /\.\w{2,10}/) {
$eupstreamd = ".";
elsif ($eupstreamd eq "") {
$eupstreamd = ".";
# the weird -pre situation
elsif ($upstreamd =~ /-pre/ || $eupstreamd =~ /-pre/) {
$upstreamd = ""; $eupstreamd = "";
if ( $eupstreamd =~ /\./) {
if ($upstreamd =~ /\w/) {
if ($upstreamd =~ /pl/ && $eupstreamd !~ /pl/) {
$upstreamd = "";
elsif ($upstreamd !~ /\.\w{2,10}/) {
$upstreamd = ".";
elsif ($upstreamd eq "") {
$upstreamd = ".";
# the weird -pre situation
elsif ($upstreamd =~ /-pre/ || $eupstreamd =~ /-pre/) {
$upstreamd = ""; $eupstreamd = "";
$result = $upstreamd cmp $eupstreamd;
return "<" if $result == -1;
return ">" if $result == 1;
# it's importantant to realize that . & + are being checked for
# above. : and - have already been dealt with. cmp seems to deal with
# these characters with no problems.
# numbers
# found a little problem with <=> when number's eq "",
# but this doesn't effect cmp.
if ($upstream eq "") {
if ($eupstream eq ".") {
$upstream = ".";
else {
$upstream = 0;
if ( $eupstream eq "") {
if ($upstream eq ".") {
$eupstream = ".";
else {
$eupstream = 0;
$upstream =~ s/^\d*//; $upstreamd = $&;
$eupstream =~ s/^\d*//; $eupstreamd = $&;
$result = $upstreamd <=> $eupstreamd;
return "<" if $result == -1;
return ">" if $result == 1;
} while (length ($upstream) || length ($eupstream))
} # end if upstream
else {
$revision = 0;
$erevision = 0;
# Finally, check the revision
if ($revision || $erevision) {
do {
# letters
$revision =~ s/^\D*//; $revisiond = $&; #$revisiond =~ s/\W/ /g;
$erevision =~ s/^\D*//; $erevisiond = $&; #$erevisiond =~ s/\W/ /g;
# pre in the revision
if ($revisiond eq "." and $erevisiond eq "pre") {
return "r>";
elsif ($erevisiond eq "." and $revisiond eq "pre") {
return "r<";
$result = $revisiond cmp $erevisiond;
return "r<" if $result == -1;
return "r>" if $result == 1;
# it's importantant to realize that . & + are being checked for
# above. : and - have already been dealt with. cmp seems to deal with
# these characters with no problems.
# numbers
# found a little problem with <=> when number's eq "",
# but this doesn't effect cmp.
if ($revision eq "") {
if ($erevision eq ".") {
$revision = ".";
else {
$revision = 0;
if ( $erevision eq "") {
if ($revision eq ".") {
$erevision = ".";
else {
$erevision = 0;
$revision =~ s/^\d*//; $revisiond = $&;
$erevision =~ s/^\d*//; $erevisiond = $&;
$result = $revisiond <=> $erevisiond;
return "r<" if $result == -1;
return "r>" if $result == 1;
} while (length ($revision) && length ($erevision));
} # end if revision
# still 0? check the remainder..this is just for letters which may have
# been mulled over because they looked like words \w.
if ($result == 0) {
$result = $epoch cmp $eepoch || $upstream cmp $eupstream ||
$revision cmp $erevision;
return "<" if $result == -1;
return ">" if $result == 1;
} # end sub comparison
# This produces a report to make sure that comparison() is up to par, and
# is called with -v. It uses dpkg's --compare-versions. The advantage of
# not normally running --compare-versions is portability. People using
# other distribution's don't need dpkg installed, and people using weird
# Oses who can't use dpkg can still explore a virtual installation.
sub compare_versions {
# The test result is put in .version_compare
# $result = operand (result from comparison)
# $virtual = version from Packages.gz
# $installed = version from nstatusindex-arch-dist.deb
# $name = packagename
# $commands = options
my ($result, $virtual, $installed, $name, $commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my ($cv, $cv_result, $cresult);
my $place = finddb(\%commands);
# usually it will be greater
if (defined $dpkg) {
$cv = system "$dpkg", "--compare-versions", "$virtual", "gt", "$installed";
$cv_result = "no" if $cv == 256;
$cv_result = "yes" if $cv == 0;
#$cresult = "no" if $result =~ m,[r]?<,;
#$cresult = "yes" if $result =~ m,[r]?>,;
$cresult = "no" if $result eq "<" || $result eq "r<";
$cresult = "yes" if $result eq ">" || $result eq "r>";
or warn "couldn't create version compare report\n";
if ($cresult eq "yes" && $cv_result eq "no") {
print CV "$name:\ndpkg - $virtual < $installed\nswim - $virtual > $installed\n\n";
elsif ($cresult eq "no" && $cv_result eq "yes") {
print CV "$name:\ndpkg - $virtual > $installed\nswim - $virtual < $installed\n\n";
else {
} # end sub compare_versions


@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Conf;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw($my_number $tmp $architecture $distribution @user_defined_section
$default_directory $default_root_directory $permission $dpkg
$dpkg_deb $ar $gcc $apt_get $apt_cache $sources @FTP $spl $cat
$sort $md5sum $zcat $tar $grep $gzip $fastswim $slowswim $longswim
$mount $umount $mke2fs $copy $pager $base $pwd $parent $library
$splt $mv $imswim $swim_conf $debug $port $timeout
$firewall $passive $apt_sources $HISTORY $alt);
Path => [ qw($tmp $parent $base $library) ],
Deb => [ qw($pwd $dpkg_deb $ar $tar $grep $tmp $md5sum $cat $mv) ],
Qftp => [ qw($default_root_directory $permission @FTP
$default_directory $swim_conf) ],
Info => [ qw($parent $base $zcat) ]
# You can change this to how many lines you would like "swim -qf <>" to
# print out, before asking for -t or --total, it will automatically ask
# though, if there is more than one package and you used the option -i.
# Remember -t can be used with --scripts family members to view the
# title of the script file regardless of this setting, and if -t has to be
# used, the titles will be displayed, which makes sense.
$my_number = 23;
# Just like a shell, you can keep a history of whatever length you want.
$HISTORY = 10;
# For not-installed:
# This part supplies the default value for --arch.
# You can determine the default architecture used when -n is
# called or a not-installed database is made. Architectures are always
# being added so check with Debian to find a list. There is alpha, arm,
# hurd (alternative kernel to linux), i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc. Just use
# the arch found after the hyphen in the Contents-(arch) file.
$architecture = "i386";
# For not-installed:
# This part supplies the default value for --dists.
# The default distribution can be either stable, unstable, frozen, or
# experimental (rare). These represent the state of development that the
# packages are under. The unstable distribution can have lot's of changes
# within a very short time period, and frozen may or may not be available.
$distribution = "unstable";
#For not-installed:
#This part supplies the default value for --main, --contrib, --non-free,
#and --non-us.
# Distributions are divided into the sections. These sections are called
# distributions in the version packaging manual, because they were at
# one time separate distributions, but this has since changed. You can
# determine which of these sections (main, non-free, contrib or non-US) to
# pull out of the Contents file if you don't want to use --main, --contrib,
# --non-free, and --non-us to selectively pick sections. Basically, whatever
# you pull out should match the Package(s) file(s) you are targetting, this
# program is friendly if you make a mistake, but it's more effecient to pull
# out just what you want. If the same package happens to exist in two
# different sections, main and non-us for example (which is really a
# situation that shouldn't exist, yet it does), you will still be able to
# find this package in the non-us group, but its section and locations will be
# the one which main recognizes assuming that you use the order in the example
# below.
# Setting it up:
# Example: You just want to pull out main and contrib every time you run
# --initndb, --rebuildndb, or --ndb.
# @user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-US);
# remember "non-US" not "non-us".
# untill non-US is fixed the second is better
#@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free non-US);
@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free);
# Usually, this is
$alt = "debian";
# A little philosophy:
# swim was developed for maximum versatility, so whether you are just
# interested in researching, and keeping tabs on the newest packages,
# or maintaining a Debian virtual distribution on a non-Debian real
# distribution, or you are a using swim for distribution development, swim
# provides a way. The default directory (DF - which can also mean
# directory/file) keeps track of Contents and Packages files downloaded
# using --ftp, and gives the files names specific to the distribution and
# architectures they represent. But, you also have the freedom not to use
# the default directory in this case swim will still do the renaming and
# keeping track of the mtime, but you will have to remember where you put
# the files. On the other hand, if you use apt, you won't even have to use
# the DF directory for Packages files because you can get the ones specific
# to your own systems architecture from apt, but if you want to look at
# other architectures you will need to use the DF directory or one of your
# own choice.
# Naming Convention: Contents = Contents-dist.gz
# Packages = Packages-arch-dist-section.gz
$default_directory = '/root/.swim';
# The default root directory is the key to easy management of packages
# downloaded through --ftp and --file, and provides an easy way to put together
# a personalized distribution. Future implementations of swim will provide
# a distribution called personal..Packages and Contents files specific to
# this distribution will automatically be made. This directory can be a
# real ftp site on your computer, or put where ever else you are allowed
# to have directories. dists/distribution/section/architecture/subject will be
# placed above this directory. No matter what, debian must be the final
# directory before dists. Other distributions are placed alongside debian,
# like debian-non-US or personal.
# Feel free to change the permissions. This directory is above your default_
# directory.
$default_root_directory = '/pub/debian';
# Because you may be using a real ftp site, this configuration allows you
# to determine what permissions swim will set for directories it creates
# above the default root directory.
$permission = '0755';
# AR or DPKG? #
# NOTE: users set these next two with the $package_tool variable.
# packaging friends dpkg and dpkg-deb come from the essential and
# required dpkg package. ar from the package binutils can also be used (below).
# This is the archival program used for deb packages, but binutils is just
# a standard non-essential package, and the ar capabilities are built into
# dpkg-deb, and it's better not to assume that the standard packages are
# even established, yet.
$dpkg = ();
$dpkg_deb = ();
# If you don't have the dpkg package on your system then you can use ar
# from the package binutils. This would be a standard, but not an essential
# package in Debian, but this package is also fairly standard amongst all
# distributions, and can even be found in the free djgpp for M$ Oses.
# Since people who have both dpkg and ar may want to try the ar method,
# rather than creating an automatic check, just assign a value to either
# ($dpkg & $dpkg_deb) or just $ar.
#my $ar = '/usr/bin/ar'; # same for RH
$ar = '/usr/bin/ar';
# APT #
# NOTE: users set apt-get and apt-cache with the $apt variable
# If you have apt you are in luck.
$apt_get = ();
$apt_cache = ();
$sources = '/etc/apt/sources.list';
$apt_sources = '/var/state/apt/lists';
# less is a nice pager, unless you like more! There is an option
# --nopager or -n. Pager is used for --help and swim called without any
# options. more comes from the required package util-linux, whereas
# less comes from a standard package called less. In the future there is
# a possiblity that a large percentage of swim may use an internal pager.
# less, more, or most or...
#$ENV{PAGER} = "/usr/bin/less"; # same RH
$ENV{PAGER} = "less";
$pager = $ENV{PAGER};
# This is replaced by the Makefile.
# This is the hash making program fastswim.
$fastswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/fastswim";
# imswim in an alternative to fastswim for --lowmem
$imswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/imswim";
# This is the low memory program slowswim.
$slowswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/slowswim";
# This is the dir/file making program longswim.
$longswim = "$pre/lib/SWIM/longswim";
# If you want to set an alternative directory for the temporary files
# created when the databases are made, change here. You may want to make
# $tmp a RAM disk. See package loadlin for initrd documentation and an
# explanation for making such a disk. There is also
# /usr/src/kernel-source.version/Documentation. Whether this will speed
# things up is a subject of experimentation.
$tmp = '/tmp';
# if configuration files are not kept in /etc change this
# and set up the directories by hand.
$swim_conf = '/etc/swim';
# This probably never will have to be changed.
$pwd = `pwd`;
chomp $pwd;
# If the command split is somewhere else besides /usr/bin change this.
# The required package textutils provides this.
#my $splt = '/usr/bin/split'; # same RH
$splt = 'split';
# cat comes from the essential and required package textutils.
#my $cat = '/bin/cat'; # same RH
$cat = 'cat';
# This command also omes from the required and essential package textutils.
#my $sort = '/usr/bin/sort'; # same RH
$sort = 'sort';
# This program uses md5sum from the dpkg package, it can also use md5sum
# from the RH package.
#my $md5sum = '/usr/bin/md5sum'; # same RH
$md5sum = 'md5sum';
# If you want to view compressed files make sure this is correct.
# The required package gzip provides this.
#my $zcat = '/bin/zcat'; # same RH
$zcat = 'zcat';
# tar comes from the essential and required package tar.
#my $tar = '/bin/tar'; # same RH
$tar = 'tar';
# grep comes from the essential and required package grep. This seems
# to require a path.
$grep = '/bin/grep'; # same RH
# gzip comes from the essential and required package gzip.
#my $gzip = "/bin/gzip"; # same RH
$gzip = "gzip";
# mount comes from the essential and required package mount.
#my $mount = '/bin/mount'; # same RH
#my $umount = '/bin/umount'; # same RH
$mount = 'mount';
$umount = 'umount';
# If your file system isn't an ext2 filesystem, you may want to change
# this. mke2fs comes from the essential and required package e2fsprogs.
#my $mke2fs = '/sbin/mke2fs'; # same RH
$mke2fs = 'mke2fs';
# cp and mv from the essential and required package fileutils
#my $copy = '/bin/cp'; # same RH
$copy = 'cp';
$mv = 'mv';
# Your system definitely has gcc if you have ar. gcc is a standard package
# in debian.
$gcc = 'gcc';
# FTP #
# Major mode --ftp and --file automates the download of Contents and Packages
# files. Even if you have apt installed, you may still want to download Packages
# from alternative architectures, and the Contents file for your own architecture
# or other architectures. If you want virtual and/or -ld capabilities you need
# the Contents file. You specify a list of ftp or file sites using urls (like
# apt). For your system's architecture specify the type deb, for other
# architectures specify deb(hyphen)architecture (ex: deb-alpha). Regardless of
# whether or not you specify an architecture, deb implies /dist* found under the
# base directory specified by the ftp url, except in the case of experimental,
# and to a degree non-us. minor mode --ftp, and --file will use the sites in this
# configuration as well, on a fifo (first in first out) basis, so choose the
# order of sites based on which are closest, most current, as well as fast.
# IMPORTANT: It is a BIG MISTAKE to use the distributions name (slink,po,etc)
# anywhere in the sources list, or in swim's configuration fact swim
# won't work properly, not to mention the fact that someday your favorite name
# will suddenly disappear. This is because swim thinks in terms of the real
# distribution name (stable,unstable,frozen, experimental). The problem goes
# like this - slink remains slink, but goes from unstable to frozen to stable.
# At first, using the distributions alias may seem appropriate, but the
# purpose of swim is to keep tabs on the dists, and not to ignore changes in
# the states, this also makes managing swim's databases much easier and
# intuitive...more about this later.
# Fun experiments: Swim uses the naming conventions of apt, but leaves the
# Package files compressed in the DF directory. So you can always decompress
# the databases and move them to /var/state/apt/lists. This ofcourse assumes
# that the appropriate changes to the sources.list reflecting these Packages
# (need to be the same architecture as your system) existed before you
# update. (author needs to do this experiment :*)
$ftp1 = "deb ftp://localhost/pub/debian unstable main contrib non-free non-US";
$ftp2 = "deb ftp://localhost/pub/debian unstable main contrib non-free";
$ftp3 = "deb ftp://localhost/pub/debian project/experimental/";
@FTP = ($ftp1,$ftp2,$ftp3);
# These next variables allow some characteristics of the ftp client
# to be altered. See Net::FTP for ways of altering some of these
# variables through the environment.
$firewall = 0;
$port = 0;
$timeout = 120;
$debug = 0;
$passive = 0;
# You will never need to change this unless for some weird reason all the
# files under dpkg are somewhere else (including /info*) , see --dbpath as
# an alternative if you decide to access or make the databases somewhere
# else.
$base = '/var/lib/dpkg';
# --dbpath takes care of this so don't touch.
$parent = '/';
$library = '/var/lib/dpkg';
# Here we load in the customized configuration which override the defaults
# Might as well use do, let the world learn Perl ... compare this to apt's
# configuation file with scopes. Swim's sources.list file (/etc/swim/swimz.list),
# will be grabbed at SWIM::Apt and SWIM::Qftp if it exists.
do "$swim_conf/swimrc";
do "$ENV{HOME}/.swim/swimrc";
if ((defined $dpkg && !defined $dpkg_deb) ||
(!defined $dpkg && defined $dpkg_deb)) {
print "swim: need to give both \$dpkg and \$dpkg_deb a value if you want dpkg\n";
if (defined $package_tool) {
if ($package_tool =~ /ar/) {
$ar = $ar;
else {
$dpkg = 'dpkg';
$dpkg_deb = 'dpkg-deb';
undef $ar;
if (defined $apt) {
$apt_get = 'apt-get';
$apt_cache = 'apt-cache';
# make sure all the appropriate directories are made
if (!-d $default_directory) {
if (-e $default_directory) {
print "swim: can not create default directory because a file exists\n";
my @DRD = split(m,/,,$default_directory);
my $placement = "/";
for (1 .. $#DRD) {
$_ == 1 ? ($placement = "/$DRD[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DRD[$_]);
-d $placement or mkdir("$placement",0755);
if (!-d "$default_directory$default_root_directory") {
my @DRD = split(m,/,,$default_root_directory);
print "swim: debian must be the final directory before dists\n"
if $DRD[$#DRD] ne "debian";
exit if $DRD[$#DRD] ne "debian";
my $placement = "/";
for (1 .. $#DRD) {
$_ == 1 ? ($placement = "/$DRD[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DRD[$_]);
unless (-d "$default_directory$placement") {
or die "swim: could not create root default directory\n";
# Makefile will make sure these directories exist, unless for some strange
# reason you have to change them.
if (!-d $library) {
mkdir($library,0755) or die "Couldn't create default directory\n";
if (!-d $base) {
mkdir($base,0755) or die "Couldn't create default directory\n";
if (!-d $swim_conf) {
mkdir($swim_conf,0666) or die "Couldn't create configuration file directory,
please make the directories which are needed.\n";
=head1 NAME
swimrc - swim configuration file
B<swimrc> is the configuartion file for swim allowing many default values
to be set so that they do not have to be mentioned on the command line.
Swimrc interacts directly with Perl allowing a wide variety of variables
found in B<SWIW::Conf> to be altered.
=head1 USAGE
Values for variable can be altered for B<swim> by assigning different
values enclosed in quotes or quoted whitespace (qw()), and ended with a
$variable = "value";
$variable = "qw(value1 value2 ..)";
This is a list of variables with explanations. The default values for
B<swim> are shown.
$my_number can be changed to how many lines you would like "swim -qf <>"
to print out, before the program asks for C<-t> or C<--total>. Exception:
If C<-i> is used in the query and there is more than one package then the
total will be presented.
Hint: C<-t> can be used with all the various C<--scripts> family members
to view the title of the script file regardless of this variable setting,
and if C<-t> has to be used, the titles will be displayed, which makes
B<$my_number = 23;>
=head2 HISTORY
This is a shell-like history kept in relation to searches and the most
recent edit when C<--stdin> is used.
B<$HISTORY = 10;>
=head2 AR or DPKG?
Debian packages are ar archives. If you are using a Debian Distribution
assign "dpkg" to $package_tool, otherwise assign "ar" to $package_tool.
B<$package_tool = "/usr/bin/ar";>
=head2 APT
B<Swim> does not assign a value for apt. To use C<--apt> and C<-xyz>
assign $apt the value "yes".
Example: B<$apt = "yes";>
=head2 PAGER
less is a nice pager, unless you like more! Pager is used for C<--help>
and B<swim> called without any options. There is an option C<--nopager> or
C<-n>. more comes from the required package util-linux, whereas less
comes from a standard package called less. Values: "less", "more", or
"most" or...
B<$ENV{PAGER} = "less";>
Assign values for $architecture and/or $distribution to avoid having to
use C<--arch> and C<--dists> everytime the not-installed databases are
accessed with C<-n> or made or altered.
Architectures are always being added so check with Debian to find a list.
There is I<alpha, arm, hurd-i386 (alternative kernel to linux), i386,
m68k, powerpc, sparc>. Just use the arch found after the hyphen in the
Contents-(arch) file.
B<$architecture = "i386";>
The distribution can be either I<stable, unstable, frozen, or experimental
(rare)>. These represent the state of development that the packages are
under. The unstable distribution can have lot's of changes within a very
short time period, and frozen may or may not be available.
B<$distribution = "unstable";>
Distributions are divided into sections. These sections were called
distributions in the version packaging manual, because they were
at one time separate distributions, but this has since changed.
You can determine which of the sections I<main, non-free, contrib or
non-US> to pull out of the Contents file if you don't want to use
C<--main>, C<--contrib>, C<--non-free>, and C<--non-us> to selectively
pick the sections.
For efficiency, you should choose the sections which you will be pulling
out of the Packages file(s) being targetted.
Rule: Use "non-US" not "non-us".
B<@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free non-US);>
A little philosophy: B<swim> was developed for maximum versatility, so
whether you are just interested in researching, and keeping tabs on the
newest packages, or maintaining a Debian virtual distribution on a
non-Debian distribution, or you are a using B<swim> for distribution
development, B<swim> provides a way.
The next two variables determine the location of the DF (default
directory/file system)
The default directory keeps track of Contents and/or Packages databases
retrieved with --ftp. The Contents and Packages databases and Release
file are give names specific to the distribution and architectures they
represent using the naming convention found in apt's sources directory.
You also have the freedom not to use the default directory, in which case
swim will still do the renaming and keeping track of the mtime, but you
will have to remember where you put the files.
B<$default_directory = '/root/.swim';>
The default root directory (DRD) is the key to easy management of binary
packages, source, dsc, and diff files received from --ftp, and provides an
easy way to put together a personalized distribution. This directory can
be a real ftp site on your computer, or put wherever else you are
allowed to have directories. The DRD is always placed below the value
assigned to $default_directory. According to the previous assignment to
$default_directory, if the DRD is "/pub/a/debian" then the full path
would be "/root/.swim/pub/a/debian".
Example: When a package is downloaded it will be placed in
dists/distribution/section/architecture/subject below the DRD.
Rule: debian must be the final directory before dists, this is because
other distributions are placed alongside debian, like debian-non-US or
personal (specialized distribution).
B<$default_root_directory = '/pub/debian';>
Because you may be using a real ftp site, this variable allows you to
determine what permissions B<swim> will assign for directories it creates
below the DRD.
B<$permission = '0755';>
If you want to set an alternative directory for the temporary files
created when the databases are made, change here. You may want to make
$tmp a RAM disk. See package loadlin for initrd documentation and an
explanation for making such a disk. There is also documentation in
/usr/src/kernel-source.version/Documentation. Whether this will speed
things up is a subject of experimentation.
B<$tmp = "/tmp";>
=head2 FTP
You can alter the Firewall, Port, Timeout, Debug and Passive
characteristics of the ftp client as defined in Net::FTP(3pm) by providing
arguments to these variables. All variables but $timeout are set to untrue
by default.
$firewall = 0; (FTP firewall machine name)
$port = 0; (defaults to 23)
$timeout = 120; (120 seconds)
$debug = 0; (1 will turn on STDERR)
$passive = 0; (1 will enable)
see SWIM::Conf
=head1 FILES
=head1 SEE ALSO
swim(8), Net::FTP(3pm)
=head1 BUGS
Send directly to
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum <>
Copyright (c) 1999 Jonathan Rosenbaum. All rights reserved. This program
is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GPL.


@ -0,0 +1,947 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::DB;
use strict;
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Db);
use SWIM::Format;
use SWIM::Conf qw(:Path);
use SWIM::Global;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(db rebuildflatdb);
# --db --rebuildflatdb db() rebuildflatdb()
# The goal here is to save some time by just updating the database rather
# than rebuilding it. Generally, though, swim -i <package> would be the
# favorable way of doing this, and ultimately may become the primary way of
# setting up the databases after the required packages for this program are
# set-up. This is because --db has to check the status file, whereas -i
# uses statusindex.db, and grabs package information right from the
# package, there are exceptions to this, certain things like the status
# will have to be found from the status file or some other method.
sub db {
# Well, we better check for any changes in the status file, before we
# attempt anything. This is made easy by the version reference hash created
# when --initdb or --rebuilddb is run, and then comparing this to the new
# results when --db is run. Only then will we process, add, and remove
# packages when we know what is gone, and what is new (whether its a
# new package name, or a package with a new version or older version).
# The statusindex.deb could be used for version checking, instead the
# important status field is compared, so if we have situations like
# "deinstall ok config-file" this will be recognized as a CHANGE. The
# update takes place so that the status field remain proper.
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
# description stuff
my (@description, @ldescription);
# my @dpackage; # not needed here
# does status exist
my $the_status;
# Keep track of changes to the status file
my $rootsky = "/.";
my @package;
my @name;
my $status;
my @changed_packages;
my @gone;
my @before;
my %compare;
# The mys for NEW
my $count = 0;
# a special one to deal with package[1] version change.
my $packv;
my (@essential,$priority,$section,$installed_size,$maintainer,$source);
my (%group, $group);
# Keeps a package->version database
# to save time over using status
my @status;
my ($replaces, $provides, $depends, $pre_depends, $recommends, $suggests,
my (@conffiles,$line_before,@conf,@complete,@form,@formly);
my $format_deb = "$tmp/format.deb";
dbi(\%commands); ib(\%commands); sb(\%commands);
# Check differences now.
print "checking for new, changed, and removed packages\n";
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
while (<DIFFERENCE>) {
# Package name
if (/^Package:/i) {
@package = split(/: /,$_);
chomp $package[1];
elsif (/^Status:/) {
$status = substr($_,8);
# a test
#if ($status eq "purge ok not-installed") {
# if (defined $db{$package[1]}) {
# print "$db{$package[1]}\n";
# }
# hold ok not-installed - may want to change this just to
# non-installed.
elsif (/^Version:/ && $status !~ /not-installed/) {
my $version = $_; chomp $version;
my $ver = m,Version:\s(.*),; my $statusname;
if (defined $sb{$package[1]}) {
$statusname = (split(/\s/,$sb{$package[1]}))[3];
$statusname =~ s/:/ /g;
# GONE #
if (defined $db{$package[1]}) {
if ("$package[1]_$1" ne $db{$package[1]}) {
$compare{$package[1]} = "$package[1]_$1";
# Version remained the same, but status changed
# even though $statusname may be undefined..this
# routine is only done when it does exist.
# CR #
elsif ("$package[1]_$1" eq $db{$package[1]} &&
$statusname ne $status) {
push(@changed_packages, "$package[1]");
$compare{$package[1]} = "$package[1]_$1";
# NEW #
elsif (!defined $db{$package[1]}) {
$compare{$package[1]} = "$package[1]_$1";
# lets find what existed before, ofcourse mistakes in /. better be
# taken care of beforehand, because this ignores those here. Some time
# may have been saved by using a separate database rather than /., but,
# this keeps things clean.
if ($ib{$rootsky}){
@before = split(/\s/,$ib{$rootsky});
my %tracker;
my @goners = grep(!$tracker{$_},@before);
foreach (@goners) {
if (!defined $compare{$1}) {
else {
# these will be process like @GONE for original, and @NEW for
# new
else {
print "swim: missing important database\n"; exit;
foreach (@GONE) {
print "GONE $_\n";
foreach (@CHANGED) {
print "CHANGED $_\n";
foreach (@changed_packages) {
print "CHANGED STATUS $_\n";
foreach (@NEW) {
print "NEW $_\n";
my $new=$#NEW + 1; my $cr=$#changed_packages + 1;
my $ch=($#CHANGED + 1) - $cr; my $gon= $#GONE + 1;
if ($commands->{"check"}) {
print "\n TOTAL\n -----\n";
print "NEW $new\n"; print "GONE $gon\n";
print "CHANGED $ch\n"; print "CHANGED STATUS $cr\n"; exit;
print "\n TOTAL\n -----\n";
print "NEW $new\n"; print "GONE $gon\n";
print "CHANGED $ch\n"; print "CHANGED STATUS $cr\n";
undef @before; # can use below.
untie %db;
undef %db;
untie %ib;
undef %ib;
# Going to be adding some stuff to nsearchindex.deb and ndirindex.deb
# so better remove any compressed versions if they exist
if (defined @GONE || defined @NEW) {
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if (-e "$parent$library/searchindex.deb") {
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/searchindex.deb") {
# Time for some fun stuff
# There are three states: GONE - all information about this package
# needs to be removed from the databases. NEW - all information about
# this package needs to be put in the databases. CHANGED - a
# combination of the two previous, information could be cross
# referenced and checked for changes, but it's probably no saving of
# time, so first remove information from the same package of a
# different version, then add the information about the package of the
# new version (older or newer)
# #
# GONE #
# #
# GONE. (reverse applies to NEW)
# For package.deb - Delete description
# (packagename_version), packagenameREP, packagenamePRO,
# packagenameDEP, packagenamePRE, packagenameREC,
# packagenameSUG, packagenameCON, packagenameCONF. delete package ->
# version.
# for fileindex.deb -
# Find all files and directories associated with the package. Delete
# these files (keys). Find all directories where the file
# exists..delete package name from value, delete whole key if it is the
# only package name.
# for groupindex - delete package name (value) from Section
# it belonged to..humm, find section package belongs to in
# statusuindex.deb, and delete whole Section key if only one.
# for statusindex.deb -
# delete package -> version group.
# for flat files dirindex and searchindex -
# the removal of files and/or directories can be put on hold, and
# done with an option at a later time, since fileindex.deb remembers
# current state, at a later time the old state of the flat files can be
# compared to the new state of fileindex, and these files can be
# rewritten. This is all o.k. because these extra files or directories
# will return undef in search() if the packages don't exist.
ping(\%commands); # uses $ping for package.deb
zing(\%commands); # uses $zing for fileindex.deb
ging(\%commands); # uses $ging for groupindex.deb
sing(\%commands); # uses $sing for statusindex.deb
$| = 1; my $x = 1;
foreach (@GONE) {
print "G|C|CS $x $_.list\r";
#first delete keys from package.deb
# If I kept this the name_version would be remembered.
my $orig_argument = $_;
my $packname_version = (split(/\s/,$sb{$orig_argument}))[0];
$packname_version =~ s,\+,\\\+,g;
$argument = "$_";
my $conf = $argument . "CONF";
$conf = $argument . "REP";
$conf = $argument . "PRO";
$conf = $argument . "DEP";
$conf = $argument . "PRE";
$conf = $argument . "REC";
$conf = $argument . "SUG";
$conf = $argument . "CON";
untie $ping;
# next let's go into fileindex.deb and hunt down all directories and
# files associated with this package. It would be kind of nice to use
# package_name.list, but it's probably more realistic not to depend on
# the existence of these file..unless a backup is made. Now if -i is used
# this would be a simple matter, but in this case things are different.
# A database to accomplish this wasn't realistic, so the backup
# files for *.list are in ./info/backup/*.list.bk. We will also have to
# deal with those rare cases that forget /. (smail 2.0v). We should remove
# this file as well as the packagename-conf.md5sums file below.
my $file = "$parent$base/info/backup/$_.list.bk";
my $md5sum_file = "$parent$base/info/$_-conf.md5sums";
while (<LIST>) {
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
my $status = ($ib{$_} =~ s,$packname_version ,,);
if ($status eq "") {
$status = ($ib{$_} =~ s, $packname_version,,);
if ($status eq "") {
$ib{$_} =~ s,$packname_version,,;
if ($ib{$_} eq "") {
} # if defined
# deinstall situation #
my $yit = (split(/\s/,$sb{$orig_argument}))[3];
if ($yit eq "deinstall:ok:config-files" ||
$yit eq "purge:ok:config-files") {
if (defined $ib{"/."}) {
my $status = ($ib{"/."} =~ s,$packname_version ,,);
if ($status eq "") {
$status = ($ib{"/."} =~ s, $packname_version,,);
if ($status eq "") {
$ib{"/."} =~ s,$packname_version,,;
if ($ib{"/."} eq "") {
} # if defined
} # deinstall situation
if (-e $md5sum_file) {
# remove from the group, and if only one remove the group.
# Let's first find out which group this monster belongs to.
if (defined $sb{$orig_argument}) {
(my $oa = $orig_argument) =~ s,\+,\\\+,g;
my($section) = (split(/\s/,$sb{$orig_argument}))[1];
if (defined $gb{$section}) {
my $status = ($gb{$section} =~ s,$oa ,,);
if ($status eq "") {
$status = ($gb{$section} =~ s, $oa,,);
if ($status eq "") {
$gb{$section} =~ s,$oa,,;
if ($gb{$section} eq "") {
# Now ditch the package->version group in statusindex.deb
untie $sing;
} # end foreach OLD
print "\n" if $#GONE != -1 && $#NEW == -1;
# #
# NEW #
# #
if (-e "$parent$base/status" && -e "$parent$base/info") {
$the_status = "$parent$base/status";
else {
print "swim: crucial file(s)/directories are missing in $parent\n";
my %exacts;
my $goon;
print "\n" if $#NEW != -1; $x = 1;
foreach (@NEW) {
$exacts{$_} = "yes";
# first let's find the fields to put into packages.deb
# We'll have to go through the status file again, something we
# wouldn't have had to do with swim -i. As it turns out, a good
# percentage of the information can be processed into the database
# while going through status.
open(PRETTY, ">$format_deb");
open(AVAIL, "$the_status");
while (<AVAIL>) {
# here's the difference with database(), we just find the packages
# which belong to the hash %exacts
# Package name
if (/^Package:|^PACKAGE:/) {
@package = split(/: /,$_);
chomp $package[1];
if (defined $exacts{$package[1]}) {
print "N|C|CS $x\r"; $x++;
$goon = "yes";
else {
$goon = "no";
undef @package;
elsif ($goon eq "no") {
elsif (/^Status:/) {
$status = $_;
elsif (/^Essential/) {
@essential = split(/: /,$_);
# missing priority and section will be dealt with below
elsif (/^Priority:/) {
$priority = $_;
elsif (/^Section:/) {
$section = $_;
# make the hash for the groupindex.deb
$group = substr($section,9);
chomp $group;
# we will put not-installed in their own group for reference
if ($status !~ /not-installed/) {
if (!defined $gb{$group}) {
else {
my $change_group = "$gb{$group} $package[1]";
elsif (/^Installed-Size:/) {
$installed_size = $_;
elsif (/^Maintainer:/) {
$maintainer = $_;
elsif (/^Source:/) {
$source = $_;
# hold ok not-installed - may want to change this just to
# non-installed.
elsif (/^Version:/ && $status !~ /not-installed/) {
my $version = $_;
chomp $version;
if (defined $section) {
chomp $section;
else {
if (defined $nsb{$package[1]}) {
my ($nvname,$ngname,$npriorname) =
$group = $ngname;
else {
$group = "unavailable";
$col1 = "Package: $package[1]";
$col2 = $status;
write PRETTY;
$col1 = $version;
my $ver = m,Version:\s(.*),;
# This creates a name -> version index in package.deb,
# and the statusindex.deb database which will serve to
# determine if the status has changed when --db or -i is
# run.
$packv = "$package[1]_$1";
my ($priory,$statusy);
if (defined $priority) {
$priory = substr($priority,10);
else {
if (defined $nsb{$package[1]}) {
my ($nvname,$ngname,$npriorname) =
$priory = $npriorname;
else {
$priory = "unavailable";
chomp $priory;
$statusy = substr($status,8);
chomp $statusy;
$statusy =~ s/\s/:/g;
my $thimk = "$packv $group $priory $statusy";
$package[1] = "$packv";
if(defined($essential[1])) {
$col2 = "Essential: $essential[1]";
@essential = ();
else {
$col2 = "Essential: no\n";
write PRETTY;
if (defined $section) {
$col1 = $section;
else {
$package[1] =~ m,(.*)_.*,;
my $packthing = $1;
if (defined $nsb{$packthing}) {
my ($nvname,$ngname,$npriorname) =
$col1 = "Section: $ngname";
# we can put it in now, no deletion needed
if (!defined $gb{$group}) {
else {
my $change_group = "$gb{$group} $packthing";
else {
$col1 = "Section: unavailable";
if (defined $priority) {
$col2 = $priority;
else {
$package[1] =~ m,(.*)_.*,;
my $packthing = $1;
if (defined $nsb{$packthing}) {
my ($nvname,$ngname,$npriorname) =
$col2 = "Section: $npriorname";
else {
$col2 = "Priority: unavailable\n";
write PRETTY;
#my $cool = $installed_size . $maintainer;
#print PRETTY $cool;
$col1 = $installed_size;
if (defined $source) {
$col2 = $source;
else {
$col2 = "";
write PRETTY;
undef $source;
print PRETTY $maintainer
# This stuff will be available with seperate query flags or All
elsif (/^Replaces:/) {
$replaces = $_;
if (defined($replaces)) {
elsif (/^Provides:/) {
$provides = $_;
if (defined($provides)) {
elsif (/^Depends:/) {
$depends = $_;
if (defined($depends)) {
elsif (/^Pre-Depends:/) {
$pre_depends = $_;
if (defined($pre_depends)) {
elsif (/^Recommends:/) {
$recommends = $_;
if (defined($recommends)) {
elsif (/^Suggests:/) {
$suggests = $_;
if (defined($suggests)) {
elsif (/^Conflicts:/) {
$conflicts = $_;
if (defined($conflicts)) {
# Gather the Configuration Files, Description comes after.
# Available with a single flag.
elsif (/^Conffiles:/) {
my $line = <AVAIL>;
while ($line !~ /^Description:/) {
$line = <AVAIL>;
if ($line =~ /^Description/) {
$line_before = $line;
# put conffiles into one variable
if (defined $package[1]) {
my ($c, $cool);
if ($#conffiles != 0) {
for ($c = $#conffiles; $c >= 0; $c--) {
if ($c > 0) {
$cool = $conffiles[$c-1] .= $conffiles[$c];
} #end for
else {
$cool = $conffiles[0];
@conffiles = ();
} #if ($line =~ /^Desc
} # while ($line ! /^Desc
} # elsif (/^Conffiles
untie %nsb;
# Only interested in available this is fine.
# To be combined with first fields.
if (/Description:|^\s\w*|^\s\.\w*/ ||
defined($line_before) =~ /^Description/){
my $many_lines;
if (defined($line_before)) {
push(@ldescription, $line_before);
push(@ldescription, $_);
$line_before = ();
else {
$many_lines = $_;
if ($_ !~ /^\n$/) {
if ($count == 1) {
if (defined $package[1]) {
#chomp $package[1];
if (defined($many_lines)) {
} # end if ($_ !~ /^\n$/
else {
$count = 0;
# let's put each description into one scalar
my ($c, $cool);
if ($#ldescription != 0) {
for ($c = $#ldescription; $c >= 0; $c--) {
if ($c > 0) {
$cool = $ldescription[$c-1] .= $ldescription[$c];
} #end for
} # end if ($#ld
else {
$cool = $ldescription[0];
if (defined $cool) {
@ldescription = ();
} # end else
$line_before = ();
untie $ping;
untie $ging;
untie $sing;
} # end while (<AVAIL>)
# Let's put together the description with the rest of its fields.
while (<FIELDS>) {
foreach (@form) {
my ($cool);
if ($count == 5) {
my ($c, $cool);
if ($#formly != 0) {
for ($c = $#formly; $c >= 0; $c--) {
if ($c > 0) {
$cool = $formly[$c-1] .= $formly[$c];
} #end for
} # end if ($#ld
else {
$cool = $formly[0];
@formly = ();
$count = 0;
my $name_version;
foreach (@description) {
if ($count == 1) {
# -i
my $lingo = shift(@complete);
$lingo = $lingo . $_;
#push(@Tdescription, $lingo);
$lingo = ();
$count = 1;
else {
# packagename_version
#push(@Tdescription, $_);
$name_version = $_;
$count = 0;
untie $ping;
undef $ping;
# Now time to do some file/dir stuff. A backup of *list needs to be
# made, might as well use this. There is a possibility this can be
# used instead of fastswim for initial fileindex.deb.
my $package_name;
if (!-d "$parent$base/info/backup") {
print "\n" if $#NEW != -1; $x = 1;
foreach $package_name (@NEW) {
while (<FILENAME>) {
print CP $_;
my $file = "$parent$base/info/backup/$package_name.list.bk";
print "#$x"; print " N|C $package_name.list \r";
while (<LIST>) {
# Better add the new stuff to the flat files first
if (!defined $ib{$_}) {
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (!-d) {
print SEARCHINDEX "$_\n";
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-d) {
print DIRINDEX "$_\n";
} # !defined
# If the directory already exists we can just append
# to the end of the value
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
my $cvalue = $ib{$_} . " $db{$package_name}";
# put overwrites by default!
} # if defined
else {
untie %db;
untie $zing;
my $zit; my ($nit,$yit) = (split(/\s/,$sb{$package_name}))[0,3];
if ($yit eq "deinstall:ok:config-files" ||
$yit eq "purge:ok:config-files") {
($zit = $nit) =~ s,\+,\\\+,;
if ($ib{"/."} !~ m,$zit,) {
$ib{"/."} = $ib{"/."} . " $zit";
} # end foreach NEW
print "\n" if $#NEW != -1;
} # end sub db
# Generally, it's unecessary to rebuild the flat databases unless major
# changes have occurred to a person's installation, and the database has
# become very repetitive, or a file has changed into a directory. This
# function has also been tried by tieing the flat file to an array, but
# there doesn't seem to be that much of a speed advantage unless ib()
# happens to be in memory, but more experimentation will be tried in the
# future.
sub rebuildflatdb {
my($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
print scalar(localtime), "\n";
my $file;
my $dir;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
!($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"})) {
if (-e "$parent$library/searchindex.deb") {
$dir = "$parent$library/dirindex.deb";
$file = "$parent$library/searchindex.deb";
unlink("$file.gz") if -e "$file.gz";
unlink("$dir.gz") if -e "$dir.gz";
else {
print "swim: operation only implemented for installed system\n";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/searchindex.deb") {
$file = "$parent$base/searchindex.deb";
$dir = "$parent$base/dirindex.deb";
unlink("$file.gz") if -e "$file.gz";
unlink("$dir.gz") if -e "$dir.gz";
else {
print "swim: operation only implemented for installed system\n";
# We need to reconstruct long.debian & DEBIAN*, but can't take into account
# weirdisms with the database - NEW packages which aren't NEW.
foreach (keys %ib) {
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
my $filedir = $_;
my $package = $ib{$_};
#$package =~ s/\s/\n/g;
my @the_amount = split(/\s/, $package);
if ($#the_amount > 0) {
print DIR "$filedir\n";
elsif ($#the_amount == 0) {
print FILE "$filedir\n";
untie %ib;
print scalar(localtime), "\n";
} # end sub rebuildflatdb


@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::DB_Init;
use strict;
use SWIM::Conf qw(:Path $fastswim $imswim $slowswim $sort);
#use SWIM::Global;
use SWIM::Format;
use SWIM::MD;
use DB_File;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(database);
# database() md() --initdb --rebuilddb
# Time to get serious and make a database
sub database {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
print scalar(localtime), "\n";
#my whatever that is
my @dpackage; # passes name_version to md()
my @Tdescription;
my @description;
my @ldescription;
my @package;
my %db;
my @name;
my $count = 0;
my $the_status;
my $status;
my @essential;
my $priority;
my $section;
my $installed_size;
my $maintainer;
my $source;
my $version;
my $ver;
my %gb;
my %group;
my $group;
# Keeps a package->version database
# to save time over using status
my %sb;
my @status;
my ($replaces, @REPLACE, $provides, $depends, $pre_depends,
$recommends, $suggests, $conflicts);
my @conffiles;
my $line_before;
my @conf;
my @complete;
my @form;
my @formly;
my $format_deb = "$tmp/format.deb";
# Let's decide whether we should even go on. If it is --initdb, and
# the databases already exist, nothing should be touched, but if it is
# --rebuilddb and they exist, then they are removed and remade from
# scratch.
# But first, better clean up any files in $tmp in case of an aborted
# database formation
unlink(<$tmp/DEBIAN*>) if -e "$tmp/DEBIANaa";
unlink("$tmp/transfer.deb") if -e "$tmp/transfer.deb";
unlink("$tmp/big.debian") if -e "$tmp/big.debian";
unlink("$tmp/long.debian") if -e "$tmp/long.debian";
if (-e "$parent$base/status" && -e "$parent$base/info") {
$the_status = "$parent$base/status";
else {
print "swim: crucial file(s)/directories are missing in $parent\n";
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if ($commands->{"initdb"}) {
if (-e "$parent$library/packages.deb" &&
-e "$parent$library/fileindex.deb") {
print "swim: use --rebuilddb\n";
else {
# if a database happens to be missing
if (-e "$parent$library/packages.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$library/fileindex.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$library/groupindex.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$library/statusindex.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$library/searchindex.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$library/searchindex.deb.gz") {
if (-e "$parent$library/dirindex.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$library/dirindex.deb.gz") {
# this only works if all databases exist.
elsif ($commands->{"rebuilddb"}) {
if (-e "$parent$library/packages.deb" &&
-e "$parent$library/fileindex.deb") {
if -e "$parent$library/searchindex.deb";
if -e "$parent$library/dirindex.deb.gz";
else {
print "swim: use --initdb to create databases\n";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if ($commands->{"initdb"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/packages.deb" &&
-e "$parent$base/fileindex.deb") {
print "swim: use --rebuilddb\n";
else {
# if a database happens to be missing
if (-e "$parent$base/packages.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$base/fileindex.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$base/groupindex.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$library/statusindex.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$library/searchindex.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$library/searchindex.deb.gz") {
if (-e "$parent$library/dirindex.deb") {
if (-e "$parent$library/dirindex.deb.gz") {
# this only works if all databases exist.
elsif ($commands->{"rebuilddb"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/packages.deb" &&
-e "$parent$base/fileindex.deb") {
if -e "$parent$library/searchindex.deb";
if -e "$parent$library/dirindex.deb.gz";
else {
print "swim: use --initdb to create databases\n";
# This makes a backup of all the *.list files in ./backup. When
# --initdb/--rebuilddb runs these files should be built or rebuilt,
# but if changes have occured and --db(-i wasn't used) wasn't run
# this won't cause problems because everything is rebuilt, there may
# just be some lingering small files in backup.
# Seems like both approaches are about the same speed.
#use File::Copy;
print "Making backups of *.list\n";
if (!-d "$parent$base/info/backup") {
foreach (sort grep(/\.list$/, readdir(COPY))) {
#copy ("$parent$base/info/$_","$parent$base/info/backup/$_.bk");
while (<FILENAME>) {
print CP $_;
print "Description Database is being made\n";
$| = 1; my $x = 0;
open(PRETTY, ">$format_deb");
open(AVAIL, "$the_status");
while (<AVAIL>) {
# Package name
if (/^Package:|^PACKAGE:/) {
@package = split(/: /,$_);
chomp $package[1];
$x = 1 if $x == 6;
print "|\r" if $x == 1 || $x == 4; print "/\r" if $x == 2;
print "-\r" if $x == 3 || $x == 6; print "\\\r" if $x == 5;
# Some other pertinent fields
# All this stuff can be placed together..since it is generally nice
# to know these things at one glance, in this order.
# Package: Status:
# Version: Essential: (yes or no)
# Section: Priority:
# Installed-Size:
# Maintainer:
# Description:
elsif (/^Status:/) {
$status = $_;
elsif (/^Essential/) {
@essential = split(/: /,$_);
elsif (/^Priority:/) {
$priority = $_;
elsif (/^Section:/) {
$section = $_;
# make the hash for the groupindex.deb
$group = substr($section,9);
chomp $group;
# we will put not-installed in their own group for reference
if ($status !~ /not-installed/) {
if (!defined $group{$group}) {
$group{$group} = $package[1];
else {
$group{$group} = "$group{$group} $package[1]";
elsif (/^Installed-Size:/) {
$installed_size = $_;
elsif (/^Maintainer:/) {
$maintainer = $_;
elsif (/^Source:/) {
$source = $_;
# hold ok not-installed - may want to change this just to
# non-installed.
elsif (/^Version:/ && $status !~ /not-installed/) {
$version = $_;
chomp($version, $section);
$col1 = "Package: $package[1]";
$col2 = $status;
write PRETTY;
$col1 = $version;
$ver = m,Version:\s(.*),;
# This creates a name -> version index in package.deb,
# and the statusindex.deb database which will serve to
# determine if the status has changed when --db or -i is
# ran.
push(@name, $package[1]);
push(@status, $package[1]);
$package[1] = "$package[1]_$1";
push(@name, $package[1]);
my $priory = substr($priority,10);
chomp $priory;
my $statusy = substr($status,8);
chomp $statusy;
$statusy =~ s/\s/:/g;
my $thimk = "$package[1] $group $priory $statusy";
push(@status, $thimk);
if(defined($essential[1])) {
$col2 = "Essential: $essential[1]";
@essential = ();
else {
$col2 = "Essential: no\n";
write PRETTY;
if (defined $section) {
$col1 = $section;
else {
$col1 = "Section: unavailable";
if (defined $priority) {
$col2 = $priority;
else {
$col2 = "Priority: unavailable\n";
write PRETTY;
#my $cool = $installed_size . $maintainer;
$col1 = $installed_size;
if (defined $source) {
$col2 = $source;
else {
$col2 = "";
write PRETTY;
undef $source;
print PRETTY $maintainer
# This stuff will be available with seperate query flags or All
elsif (/^Replaces:/) {
$replaces = $_;
if (defined($replaces)) {
push(@REPLACE, "$package[1]REP");
push(@REPLACE, $replaces);
elsif (/^Provides:/) {
$provides = $_;
if (defined($provides)) {
push(@REPLACE, "$package[1]PRO");
push(@REPLACE, $provides);
elsif (/^Depends:/) {
$depends = $_;
if (defined($depends)) {
push(@REPLACE, "$package[1]DEP");
push(@REPLACE, $depends);
elsif (/^Pre-Depends:/) {
$pre_depends = $_;
if (defined($pre_depends)) {
push(@REPLACE, "$package[1]PRE");
push(@REPLACE, $pre_depends);
elsif (/^Recommends:/) {
$recommends = $_;
if (defined($recommends)) {
push(@REPLACE, "$package[1]REC");
push(@REPLACE, $recommends);
elsif (/^Suggests:/) {
$suggests = $_;
if (defined($suggests)) {
push(@REPLACE, "$package[1]SUG");
push(@REPLACE, $suggests);
elsif (/^Conflicts:/) {
$conflicts = $_;
if (defined($conflicts)) {
push(@REPLACE, "$package[1]CON");
push(@REPLACE, $conflicts);
# Gather the Configuration Files, Description comes after.
# Available with a single flag.
elsif (/^Conffiles:/) {
my $line = <AVAIL>;
while ($line !~ /^Description:/) {
$line = <AVAIL>;
if ($line =~ /^Description/) {
$line_before = $line;
# put conffiles into one variable
if (defined $package[1]) {
#chomp $package[1];
my ($c, $cool);
if ($#conffiles != 0) {
for ($c = $#conffiles; $c >= 0; $c--) {
if ($c > 0) {
$cool = $conffiles[$c-1] .= $conffiles[$c];
} #end for
else {
$cool = $conffiles[0];
@conffiles = ();
} #if ($line =~ /^Desc
} # while ($line ! /^Desc
} # elsif (/^Conffiles
# Only interested in available this is fine.
# To be combined with first fields.
if (/Description:|^\s\w*|^\s\.\w*/ ||
defined($line_before) =~ /^Description/){
my $many_lines;
if (defined($line_before)) {
push(@ldescription, $line_before);
push(@ldescription, $_);
$line_before = ();
else {
$many_lines = $_;
if ($_ !~ /^\n$/) {
if ($count == 1) {
if (defined $package[1]) {
#chomp $package[1];
if (defined($many_lines)) {
} # end if ($_ !~ /^\n$/
else {
$count = 0;
# let's put each description into one scalar
my ($c, $cool);
if ($#ldescription != 0) {
for ($c = $#ldescription; $c >= 0; $c--) {
if ($c > 0) {
$cool = $ldescription[$c-1] .= $ldescription[$c];
} #end for
} # end if ($#ld
else {
$cool = $ldescription[0];
if (defined $cool) {
@ldescription = ();
} # end else
$line_before = ();
} # end while (<AVAIL>)
# Let's put together the description with the rest of its fields.
while (<FIELDS>) {
foreach (@form) {
my ($cool);
if ($count == 5) {
my ($c, $cool);
if ($#formly != 0) {
for ($c = $#formly; $c >= 0; $c--) {
if ($c > 0) {
$cool = $formly[$c-1] .= $formly[$c];
} #end for
} # end if ($#ld
else {
$cool = $formly[0];
@formly = ();
$count = 0;
foreach (@description) {
if ($count == 1) {
my $lingo = shift(@complete);
$lingo = $lingo . $_;
push(@Tdescription, $lingo);
$lingo = ();
$count = 1;
else {
push(@Tdescription, $_);
$count = 0;
# We'll keep databases local so that md() doesn't get confused with
# database().
# Put the groups into the groupindex.deb database.
print "Group Database is being made\n";
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
tie %gb, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/groupindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
tie %gb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/groupindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
%gb = %group;
untie %gb;
undef %gb;
undef %group;
# Create the important status database.
print "Status Database is being made\n";
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
tie %sb, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/statusindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
tie %sb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/statusindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
%sb = @status;
untie %sb;
undef %sb;
undef @status;
# Put everything into the package.deb database.
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
tie %db, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/packages.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
tie %db, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/packages.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
%db = (@name,@Tdescription,@conf,@REPLACE);
untie %db;
undef @Tdescription;
undef @conf;
undef @REPLACE;
undef %db;
# To the total db thing.
if ($commands->{"initdb"} || $commands->{"rebuilddb"}) {
} # end sub database
# Basically, this writes @dpackage to transfer.deb, which is processed by
# either fastswim into two files big.debian and long.debian for further
# processing by process_md() or is processed by imswim, then slowswim into
# the two files big.debian and long.debian then finished by process_md()
sub md {
my($dpackage,$commands) = @_; # creates transfer.deb
my %commands = %$commands;
unless (-e "$parent$base/info") {
die 'This program requires the /var/lib/dpkg/info directory set-up by dpkg';
# Put all file/dir(*.list)->package_name(s) into an massive array.
# fastswim runs this process separately.
# This enables info files to be used from a different root system
my $argument2 = "$parent$base/info";
# This is just for testing purposes, and serves no real purpose.
if (!defined(@$dpackage)) {
# This is what is used.
else {
open(TRANSFER, ">$tmp/transfer.deb");
foreach (@$dpackage) {
print TRANSFER "$_\n";
if (!$commands->{"lowmem"}) {
system $fastswim, "--transfer", $argument2, $tmp;
else {
print "Gathering the file(s)/dir(s)\n";
system $imswim, $argument2, $tmp;
system $slowswim, $tmp, $sort;
undef @$dpackage;
} # end sub md


@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::DB_Library;
use strict;
use SWIM::Conf;
use SWIM::Global;
use SWIM::Library;
use DB_File;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(ib nib dbi ndb sb exist_sb nsb ping zing nzing ging gb
ngb sing ram_on version ver nver nping nzing nging nsing);
Search => [ qw(ib dbi nib nsb ndb gb ram_on version ngb) ],
Db => [ qw(sb ib gb nsb ver dbi zing ging ping sing) ],
Md => [ qw(sb ib nsb nzing) ],
Deb => [ qw(sb nsb ndb) ],
NDb => [ qw(ndb nsb ngb nver nping nzing nging nsing
exist_sb sb) ],
Groups => [ qw(gb ngb) ],
Xyz => [ qw(dbi ndb) ]
# functions which use DB_File
sub ib {
my ($commands) = @_;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if (-e "$parent$library/fileindex.deb") {
tie %ib, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/fileindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/fileindex.deb") {
tie %ib, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/fileindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
} # end sub ib
sub dbi {
my ($commands) = @_;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if (-e "$parent$library/packages.deb" ||
($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"})) {
tie %db, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/packages.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/packages.deb" ||
($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"})) {
tie %db, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/packages.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
} # end sub dbi
sub nib {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if (!-e "$parent$library/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb") {
tie %ib, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (!-e "$parent$base/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb") {
tie %ib, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
} # end sub nib
sub ndb {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if (-e "$parent$library/npackages$arch$dist.deb" ||
($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"} ||
$commands->{"ndb"})) {
tie %db, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/npackages$arch$dist.deb"
or die "swim: use pre-existing databases for this option";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/npackages$arch$dist.deb" ||
($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"} ||
$commands->{"ndb"})) {
tie %db, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/npackages$arch$dist.deb"
or die "swim: use pre-existing databases for this option";
} # end sub ndb
sub sb {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if (-e "$parent$library/statusindex.deb") {
tie %sb, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/statusindex.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
else {
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/statusindex.deb") {
tie %sb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/statusindex.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
else {
} # end sub sb
# exist_sb & sb seem to be used primarily in NDB_Init
# This first looks in the immediate directory for statusindex.deb, if it
# isn't found here, it look in the default directory. It then returns
# undef, or initializes the database based on its findings.
sub exist_sb {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $yep;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if (-e "$parent$library/statusindex.deb") {
$yep = "yes";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/statusindex.deb") {
$yep = "yes";
if (!defined $yep) {
if (-e "$parent$base/statusindex.deb") {
tie %sb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/statusindex.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
return "yes";
else {
elsif (defined $yep) {
return "yes";
} # end sub exist_sb
sub nsb {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if (-e "$parent$library/nstatusindex$arch$dist.deb" ||
($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"} ||
$commands->{"ndb"})) {
tie %nsb, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/nstatusindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "swim: use pre-existing databases for this option";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/nstatusindex$arch$dist.deb" ||
($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"} ||
$commands->{"ndb"})) {
tie %nsb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/nstatusindex$arch$dist.deb" or die
or die "swim: use pre-existing databases for this option";
} # end sub nsb
sub ping {
my ($commands) = @_;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$ping = tie %db, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/packages.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$ping = tie %db, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/packages.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
sub nping {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$ping = tie %db, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/npackages$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$ping = tie %db, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/npackages$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
} # end sub nping
sub zing {
my ($commands) = @_;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$zing = tie %ib, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/fileindex.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$zing = tie %ib, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/fileindex.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
} # end sub zing
sub nzing {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$zing = tie %ib, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$zing = tie %ib, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
} # end sub nzing
sub ging {
my ($commands) = @_;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$ging = tie %gb, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/groupindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$ging = tie %gb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/groupindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
} #end sub ging
sub nging {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$ging = tie %gb, 'DB_File',"$parent$library/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$ging = tie %gb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
} # end sub nging
sub gb {
my ($commands) = @_;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if (-e "$parent$library/groupindex.deb" ||
($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"})) {
tie %gb, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/groupindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/groupindex.deb" ||
($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"})) {
tie %gb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/groupindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
sub ngb {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
if (-e "$parent$library/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb" ||
($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"})) {
tie %gb, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
if (-e "$parent$base/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb" ||
($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"})) {
tie %gb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
sub sing {
my ($commands) = @_;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$sing = tie %sb, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/statusindex.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$sing = tie %sb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/statusindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!";
} # sub sing
sub nsing {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$sing = tie %nsb, 'DB_File', "$parent$library/nstatusindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$sing = tie %nsb, 'DB_File', "$parent$base/nstatusindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
} # end sub nsing
# This doesn't depend on DB so it can be placed somewhere else if it is used by more
# than SWIM::Search.
# checks to see if ramdisk is on, searchdf() & nfile()-process_nfile()
# (used by file()) uses this
sub ram_on {
my $ramdisk;
# this monster runs for every argument
my $rambo = "$cat /proc/mounts|";
open(RAM, "$rambo");
while (<RAM>) {
if (/ram/) {
my($device,$mount) = split(/\s/,$_,2);
if ($mount =~ /dramdisk/) {
$ramdisk = "yes";
return $ramdisk;
} # end sub ram_on
# finds package name and version
sub version {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if (!$commands{"n"}) {
else {
if (defined $argument) {
# We will check for more than two..just in case
if ($argument !~ /_/) {
if (defined $db{$argument}) {
$argument = $db{$argument};
} # end sub version
# returns version but and then is untied
sub ver {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if (defined $argument) {
# We will check for more than two..just in case
if ($argument !~ /_/) {
if (defined $db{$argument}) {
$argument = $db{$argument};
untie %db;
} # end sub ver
sub nver {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if (defined $argument) {
# We will check for more than two..just in case
if ($argument !~ /_/) {
if (defined $db{$argument}) {
$argument = $db{$argument};
untie %db;
} # end sub nver


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Deps;
use strict;
use SWIM::Global qw(:Info);
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Xyz);
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(character s_character which_character the_character);
# the -T and siblings
# process the database for replaces
sub replaces {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "REP";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return $db{$conf};
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub replaces
# process the database for provides
sub provides {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "PRO";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return $db{$conf};
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub provides
# process the database for depends
sub depends {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "DEP";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return $db{$conf};
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub depends
# process the database for replaces
sub pre_depends {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "PRE";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return $db{$conf};
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub pre_depends
# process the database for replaces
sub recommends {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "REC";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return $db{$conf};
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub recommends
# process the database for replaces
sub suggests {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "SUG";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return $db{$conf};
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub suggests
# process the database for replaces
sub conflicts {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "CON";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return $db{$conf};
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub conflicts
#These subroutines are for cases where only packages related to the
# characteristics are printed out.
# process the database for replaces
sub s_replaces {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "REP";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return "$argument\n$db{$conf}";
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub s_replaces
# process the database for provides
sub s_provides {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "PRO";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return "$argument\n$db{$conf}";
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub s_provides
# process the database for depends
sub s_depends {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "DEP";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return "$argument\n$db{$conf}";
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub s_depends
# process the database for replaces
sub s_pre_depends {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "PRE";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return "$argument\n$db{$conf}";
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub s_pre_depends
# process the database for replaces
sub s_recommends {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "REC";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return "$argument\n$db{$conf}";
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub s_recommends
# process the database for replaces
sub s_suggests {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "SUG";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return "$argument\n$db{$conf}";
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub s_suggests
# process the database for replaces
sub s_conflicts {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
!$commands->{"n"} ? dbi(\%commands) : ndb(\%commands);
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "CON";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return "$argument\n$db{$conf}";
else { return ""; }
untie %db;
} # end sub s_conflicts
# This figures out which characteristics (Replaces, Provides, etc) the
# options are pointing to. Isn't choosey, prints all packages
sub character {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
# for singular cases
if ($commands->{"g"} && ($commands->{"T"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} ||
$commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"recommends"} ||
$commands->{"suggests"} || $commands->{"provides"} ||
$commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"conflicts"}) &&
!($commands->{"c"} || $commands->{"d"} || $commands->{"l"} ||
$commands->{"i"})) {
print "$argument\n";
# all the characteristics
if (defined $commands->{"T"}) {
print pre_depends(\%commands);
print depends(\%commands);
print recommends(\%commands);
print suggests(\%commands);
print provides(\%commands);
print replaces(\%commands);
print conflicts(\%commands);
else {
if (defined $commands->{"pre_depends"}) {
print pre_depends(\%commands);
delete $commands{"pre_depends"} if !($commands->{"S"} || $commands->{"g"});
if (defined $commands->{"depends"}) {
print depends(\%commands);
delete $commands{"depends"} if !($commands->{"S"} || $commands->{"g"});
if (defined $commands->{"recommends"}) {
print recommends(\%commands);
delete $commands{"recommends"} if !($commands->{"S"} || $commands->{"g"});
if (defined $commands->{"suggests"}) {
print suggests(\%commands);
delete $commands{"suggests"} if !($commands->{"S"} || $commands->{"g"});
if (defined $commands->{"replaces"}) {
print replaces(\%commands);
delete $commands{"replaces"} if !($commands->{"S"} || $commands->{"g"});
if (defined $commands->{"provides"}) {
print provides(\%commands);
delete $commands{"provides"} if !($commands->{"S"} || $commands->{"g"});
if (defined $commands->{"conflicts"}) {
print conflicts(\%commands);
delete $commands{"conflicts"} if !($commands->{"S"} || $commands->{"g"});
} # end sub character
# Prints out the characteristics only for the packages which have them.
sub s_character {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if ($commands->{"pre_depends"}) {
print s_pre_depends(\%commands);
delete $commands{"pre_depends"};
if (s_pre_depends(\%commands) ne "") {
# else { s_character(\%commands) }
elsif ($commands->{"depends"}) {
print s_depends(\%commands);
delete $commands{"depends"};
if (s_depends(\%commands) ne "") {
# else { s_character(\%commands) }
elsif ($commands->{"recommends"}) {
print s_recommends(\%commands);
delete $commands{"recommends"};
if (s_recommends(\%commands) ne "") {
# else { s_character(\%commands) }
elsif ($commands->{"suggests"}) {
print s_suggests(\%commands);
delete $commands{"suggests"};
if (s_suggests(\%commands) ne "") {
# else { s_character(\%commands) }
elsif ($commands->{"replaces"}) {
print s_replaces(\%commands);
delete $commands{"replaces"};
if (s_replaces(\%commands) ne "") {
# else { s_character(\%commands) }
elsif ($commands->{"provides"}) {
print s_provides(\%commands);
delete $commands{"provides"};
if (s_provides(\%commands) ne "") {
# else { s_character(\%commands) }
elsif ($commands->{"conflicts"}) {
print s_conflicts(\%commands);
delete $commands{"conflicts"};
if (s_conflicts(\%commands) ne "") {
# else { s_character(\%commands) }
# all the characteristics
if ($commands->{"T"}) {
print s_pre_depends(\%commands);
print s_depends(\%commands);
print s_recommends(\%commands);
print s_suggests(\%commands);
print s_provides(\%commands);
print s_replaces(\%commands);
print s_conflicts(\%commands);
} # end sub s_character
# helps to determine if character(\%commands) should be used
sub which_character {
my ($commands) = @_;
if ($commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} ||
$commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} ||
$commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"provides"} ||
$commands->{"conflicts"}) {
return 1;
} # end sub which_character
# This runs a test to see whether or not the characters being asked for
# apply to this package.
sub the_character {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if (defined $commands->{"pre_depends"}) {
if (pre_depends(\%commands) eq "") {
print "";
else { return "ok"; }
if (defined $commands->{"depends"}) {
if (depends(\%commands) eq "") {
print "";
else { return "ok"; }
if (defined $commands->{"recommends"}) {
if (recommends(\%commands) eq "") {
print "";
else { return "ok"; }
if (defined $commands->{"suggests"}) {
if (suggests(\%commands) eq "") {
print "";
else { return "ok"; }
if (defined $commands->{"replaces"}) {
if (replaces(\%commands) eq "") {
print "";
else { return "ok"; }
if (defined $commands->{"provides"}) {
if (provides(\%commands) eq "") {
print "";
else { return "ok"; }
if (defined $commands->{"conflicts"}) {
if (conflicts(\%commands) eq "") {
print "";
else { return "ok"; }
} # end sub the_character


@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Dir;
use strict;
use SWIM::Global qw($argument);
use SWIM::Conf qw($pwd);
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(dir fir);
# dir() fir()
# When --dir is used checks argument (when -f is called) and determines dir
# it real or not.
sub dir {
my ($commands) = @_;
if ($commands->{"dir"}) {
if (! -d $argument) {
if (! -e $argument) {
print "$argument is not a directory or file\n";
else {
print "$argument is not a directory\n";
elsif ($argument =~ m,\/$,) {
if ($argument !~ m,^\/,) {
if ($pwd =~ m,^\/$,) {
$argument =~ m,(.*)\/$,;
$argument = "$pwd$1";
else {
$argument =~ m,(.*)\/$,;
$argument = "$pwd/$1";
else {
$argument =~ m,(.*)\/$,;
$argument = $1;
elsif ($argument !~ m,\/$|^\/, && $argument =~ m,\/,) {
if ($pwd =~ m,^\/$,) {
$argument = "/$argument";
else {
$argument = "$pwd/$argument";
} # end sub dir
# when --dir isn't called...does the same thing as dir.
sub fir {
my ($commands) = @_;
if ($argument =~ m,\/$,) {
# Let's test to see whether it really is a file or directory.
if (! -d $argument) {
print "$argument is not a file\n";
if ($argument !~ m,^\/,) {
if ($pwd =~ m,^\/$,) {
$argument =~ m,(.*)\/$,;
$argument = "$pwd$1";
else {
$argument =~ m,(.*)\/$,;
$argument = "$pwd/$1";
else {
$argument =~ m,(.*)\/$,;
$argument = $1;
elsif ($argument !~ m,\/$|^\/, && $argument =~ m,\/,) {
if ($pwd =~ m,^\/$,) {
$argument = "/$argument";
else {
$argument = "$pwd/$argument";
} # end sub fir


@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::F;
use Carp;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(get);
# This is Net::FTP::get with minor modifications. Not all the features
# are used, but are kept, just in case they will be.
sub get
my($ftp,$remote,$local,$where) = @_;
local *FD;
$| = 1;
$localfd = ref($local) ? fileno($local)
: undef;
($local = $remote) =~ s#^.*/##
unless(defined $local);
${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_rest'} = $where
if ($where);
delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_port'};
delete ${*$ftp}{'net_ftp_pasv'};
$data = $ftp->retr($remote) or
return undef;
if(defined $localfd)
$loc = $local;
$loc = \*FD;
unless(($where) ? open($loc,">>$local") : open($loc,">$local"))
carp "Cannot open Local file $local: $!\n";
return undef;
if($ftp->type eq 'I' && !binmode($loc))
carp "Cannot binmode Local file $local: $!\n";
return undef;
$buf = ''; my $amt = 0;
#print "\n";
$len = $data->read($buf,1024);
$amt = $len + $amt;
print "[$amt]\r";
while($len > 0 && syswrite($loc,$buf,$len) == $len);
unless defined $localfd;
$data->close(); # implied $ftp->response
return $local;


@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::File;
use strict;
use SWIM::Global;
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Xyz ram_on nsb);
use SWIM::Library;
use SWIM::Conf qw(:Path $md5sum);
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(file);
#This provides the list of files belonging to a package. Although a
#database could be's probably faster, and cheaper on space
#accessing from the /var/lib/dpkg/info* files. And if --md5sum is
#called, the md5sums are shown for the -d ,-l, or -c files they exist for.
#md5sums are checked for, and reported back as OK or FAILED. -l or
#-d(overrides l). -qd(l) md5sum from RH has a slightly different
#output.. filepath/filename: file OK before swim's output..this can be
sub file {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $file;
my $md5;
my @md5;
my $path;
my @path;
my $md5sums;
my $md5sums_conf;
my %md5sums = ();
my $orig_argument;
my $count = 0;
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
# files/dirs will be found from contents.deb (compressed)
else {
if (defined $argument) {
if ($argument =~ /_/) {
my $check;
if (defined $db{"$argument"}) {
$check = $db{"$argument"};
$argument =~ m,(^.*)_(.*$),;
if (defined $check) {
$argument = $1;
else {}
if (defined $argument) {
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
$file = "$parent$base/info/$argument.list";
if (-e "$parent$base/info/$argument.md5sums") {
$md5sums = "$parent$base/info/$argument.md5sums";
if (-e "$parent$base/info/$argument-conf.md5sums" && $commands->{"c"}) {
$md5sums_conf = "$parent$base/info/$argument-conf.md5sums";
if ($commands->{"md5sum"} && $commands->{"c"} && !($commands->{"d"} ||
$commands->{"l"})) {
if (!defined $md5sums_conf && $commands->{"c"}) {
$md5sums_conf = make_conf(\%commands);
# now we can process $md5sums and $md5sums_conf assuming one or
# both actually exist
if (defined $md5sums_conf) {
my %path;
open (MD5SUM, "$md5sums_conf");
open (MD5SUMCHECK, "|$md5sum -c 2>$tmp/md5sumcheck");
while (<MD5SUM>) {
if ($_ =~ /newconffile/) {
$path = substr($_, 13);
$md5 = substr($_, 0, 11);
chomp $path;
chomp $md5;
$path{"$path"} = $md5;
print MD5SUMCHECK $_;
$path = substr($_, 34);
$md5 = substr($_, 0, 32);
chomp $path;
chomp $md5;
$path{"$path"} = $md5;
print MD5SUMCHECK $_;
#now check with md5sum from the dpkg package
my $check_md5sum;
# won't bother going into this while unless there is a reason
if (defined "$tmp/md5sumcheck" && $md5 ne "newconffile") {
open(MD5SUMFILE, "$tmp/md5sumcheck");
while (<MD5SUMFILE>) {
if ($_ !~ /no files checked/) {
if (/failed/) {
# Humm may be two situations watch or due to coding change
#$check_md5sum = substr($_,39);
$check_md5sum = substr($_,30);
$check_md5sum =~ s/'//;
chomp $check_md5sum;
$md5sums{"$check_md5sum"} = "FAILED";
elsif (/can't open/) {
# Humm may be two situations watch or due to coding change
#$check_md5sum = substr($_,28);
$check_md5sum = substr($_,19);
chomp $check_md5sum;
$md5sums{"$check_md5sum"} = "MISSING";
# This finishes everything
open (LIST,"$md5sums_conf");
while (<LIST>) {
if ($_ =~ /newconffile/) {
$_ = substr($_, 13);
else {
$_ = substr($_, 34);
if (defined $path{$_}) {
# humm file_now() not necessary here
if (defined $md5sums{$_}) {
print " /$_ $path{$_} $md5sums{$_}\n";
elsif ($path{$_} ne "newconffile") {
print " /$_ $path{$_} OK";
print "\n";
else {
print " /$_ $path{$_}\n";
} # last while
%md5sums = ();
%path = ();
@path = ();
@md5 = ();
} # do the md5sum files even exist?
# MD5SUMS FOR -C &| -L #
# checking for -e $md5sums is a questionable practice because it
# may not exist, but the conf files do.
if ($commands->{"md5sum"} && !$commands->{"d"} &&
(($commands->{"l"} && $commands->{"c"}) || $commands->{"l"})) {
# I decided on three while loops, because it was the most practical
# way to handle STDERR from md5sum, and all types of
# experimentation didn't yield a better way of doing it, but there
# is probably a better way.
# first do things normally, and no chomping
# but, first grab conf info.
if (!defined $md5sums_conf && $commands->{"c"}) {
$md5sums_conf = make_conf(\%commands);
# now we can process $md5sums and $md5sums_conf assuming one or
# both actually exist
if (defined $md5sums || defined $md5sums_conf) {
#if ($md5sums_conf ne 1) {
my %path;
if ($commands->{"c"} && $md5sums_conf) {
open (MD5SUM,"$md5sums_conf");
else {
open (MD5SUM,"$md5sums");
$count = 1;
while ($count <= 1) {
if (($count == 1 && defined $md5sums) || $count == 0) {
open (MD5SUMCHECK, "|$md5sum -c 2>$tmp/md5sumcheck");
while (<MD5SUM>) {
if ($_ =~ /newconffile/) {
$path = substr($_, 13);
$md5 = substr($_, 0, 11);
chomp $path;
chomp $md5;
$path{"/$path"} = $md5;
print MD5SUMCHECK $_;
$path = substr($_, 34);
$md5 = substr($_, 0, 32);
chomp $path;
chomp $md5;
$path{"/$path"} = $md5;
print MD5SUMCHECK $_;
#now check with md5sum from the dpkg package
my $check_md5sum;
#my $count = 0;
# won't bother going into this while unless there is a reason
if (defined "$tmp/md5sumcheck" && $md5 ne "newconffile") {
open(MD5SUMFILE, "$tmp/md5sumcheck");
while (<MD5SUMFILE>) {
if ($_ !~ /no files checked/) {
if (/failed/) {
$check_md5sum = substr($_,30);
$check_md5sum =~ s/'//;
chomp $check_md5sum;
$md5sums{"/$check_md5sum"} = "FAILED";
elsif (/can't open/) {
$check_md5sum = substr($_,19);
#$check_md5sum =~ s/'//;
chomp $check_md5sum;
$md5sums{"/$check_md5sum"} = "MISSING";
# This finishes everything
# This prunes stuff out and assumes that *.list and *.md5sums
# overlap.
open (LIST,"$file");
# -L #
if ($commands->{"l"} && !$commands->{"df"}) {
while (<LIST>) {
if (!-d $_ && $argument ne "base-files") {
my $line = $_;
elsif ($argument eq "base-files") {
my $line = $_;
} # last while
# -L & --DF #
elsif ($commands->{"l"} && $commands->{"df"}) {
while (<LIST>) {
my $line = $_;
} # last while
%md5sums = ();
%path = ();
@path = ();
@md5 = ();
if ($count == 1) {
open (MD5SUM,"$md5sums") if $md5sums;
} # loop through -c or not
} # do the md5sum files even exist?
#@@ got to watch this for -l's called directly, will allow -l to
# be seen whether or not --md5sum is used, changed elsif to if.
# if already found above don't use below here.
# && ||'s tricky here
if (-e $file && !$commands->{"d"} && (!defined $md5sums &&
!defined $md5sums_conf) || -e $file &&
(!$commands->{"md5sum"} && !$commands->{"d"})) {
file_now(\%commands) if !$commands->{"f"};
open (LIST,"$file");
while (<LIST>) {
if ($commands->{"l"} && !$commands->{"df"}) {
if (!-d $_ && $argument ne "base-files") {
print "$_\n";
elsif ($argument eq "base-files") {
print "$_\n";
elsif ($commands->{"l"} && $commands->{"df"}) {
if ($argument ne "base-files") {
print "$_\n";
elsif ($argument eq "base-files") {
print "$_\n";
# MD5SUMS FOR -C &| -D #
# for Documentation.
elsif ($commands->{"md5sum"} && ($commands->{"d"} || ($commands->{"d"} &&
$commands->{"c"}))) {
if (!defined $md5sums_conf && $commands->{"c"}) {
$md5sums_conf = make_conf(\%commands);
# now we can process $md5sums and $md5sums_conf assuming one or
# both actually exist
if (defined $md5sums || defined $md5sums_conf) {
my %path;
if ($commands->{"c"} && $md5sums_conf) {
open (MD5SUM,"$md5sums_conf");
else {
open (MD5SUM,"$md5sums");
$count = 1;
while ($count <= 1) {
if (($count == 1 && defined $md5sums) || $count == 0) {
open (MD5SUMCHECK, "|$md5sum -c 2>$tmp/md5sumcheck");
while (<MD5SUM>) {
if ($_ =~ /newconffile/) {
$path = substr($_, 13);
$md5 = substr($_, 0, 11);
chomp $path;
chomp $md5;
$path{"/$path"} = $md5;
print MD5SUMCHECK $_;
$path = substr($_, 34);
$md5 = substr($_, 0, 32);
chomp $path;
chomp $md5;
$path{"/$path"} = $md5;
print MD5SUMCHECK $_;
#now check with md5sum from the dpkg package
my $check_md5sum;
# won't bother going into this while unless there is a reason
if (defined "$tmp/md5sumcheck") {
open(MD5SUMFILE, "$tmp/md5sumcheck");
while (<MD5SUMFILE>) {
if ($_ !~ /no files checked/) {
if (/failed/) {
$check_md5sum = substr($_,30);
$check_md5sum =~ s/'//;
chomp $check_md5sum;
$md5sums{"/$check_md5sum"} = "FAILED";
elsif (/can't open/) {
$check_md5sum = substr($_,19);
chomp $check_md5sum;
$md5sums{"/$check_md5sum"} = "MISSING";
# This finishes everything
open (LIST,"$file");
while (<LIST>) {
# humm, checking for existence?
#if (-e $_ && $argument ne "base-files") {
if ($argument ne "base-files") {
# -D #
if (defined $path{$_}) {
if (defined $md5sums{$_}) {
if ($count == 0) {
print " $_ $path{$_} $md5sums{$_}" if $count == 0;
print "$_ $path{$_} $md5sums{$_}" if $count == 1;
print "\n";
elsif (m,/usr/doc/|/usr/share/doc/|/man[\d]/|/usr/info/|/usr/share/info/, &&
$count == 1) {
print " $_ $path{$_} $md5sums{$_}" if $count == 0;
print "$_ $path{$_} $md5sums{$_}" if $count == 1;
print "\n";
elsif ($path{$_} ne "newconffile") {
if ($count == 0) {
print " $_ $path{$_} OK" if $count == 0;
print "$_ $path{$_} OK" if $count == 1;
print "\n";
elsif (m,/usr/doc/|/usr/share/doc/|/man[\d]/|/usr/info/|/usr/share/info/, &&
$count == 1) {
print " $_ $path{$_} OK" if $count == 0;
print "$_ $path{$_} OK" if $count == 1;
print "\n";
else {
if ($count == 0) {
print " $_ $path{$_}\n" if $count == 0;
print "$_ $path{$_}\n" if $count == 1;
print "\n";
elsif (m,/usr/doc/|/usr/share/doc/|/man[\d]/|/usr/info/|/usr/share/info/, &&
$count == 1) {
print " $_ $path{$_} OK" if $count == 0;
print "$_ $path{$_} OK" if $count == 1;
print "\n";
elsif ($count == 1) {
if (m,/usr/doc/|/usr/share/doc/|/man[\d]/|/usr/info/|/usr/share/info/, && !-d) {
print "$_\n";
# humm? treated specially, hopefully.
elsif ($argument eq "base-files") {
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ m,/usr/doc/|/usr/share/doc/|/man[\d]/|/usr/info/|/usr/share/info/, ||
defined $path{$line}) {
} # another while
%md5sums = ();
%path = ();
@path = ();
@md5 = ();
if ($count == 1) {
open (MD5SUM,"$md5sums") if $md5sums;
} # loop through -c or not
} # do the md5sum files even exist?
#@@ another important change, print --md5sum and -l together
if (-e $file && $commands->{"d"} && (!defined $md5sums &&
!defined $md5sums_conf) || -e $file &&
(!$commands->{"md5sum"} && $commands->{"d"})) {
file_now(\%commands) if !$commands->{"f"};
#if (-e $file && $commands->{"d"}) {
open (LIST,"$file");
while (<LIST>) {
if (m,/usr/doc/|/usr/share/doc/|/man[\d]/|/usr/info/|/usr/share/info/, && !-d) {
print "$_\n";
else {
#if (!defined $md5sums || !defined $md5sums_conf) {
if (!-e $file) {
print "package $argument is not installed\n";
} # if !--n
else {
# Let's check first if this package actually exists, files are checked
# earlier.
if (defined $argument) {
if (!defined $db{"$argument"}) {
print "package $argument is not installed\n";
} # if defined $argument
untie %db;
if (defined $file_now && !($commands->{"z"} ||
$commands->{"ftp"} ||
$commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"} ||
$commands->{"purge"})) {
if ($commands{"x"} || $commands{"ftp"} || $commands{"source"} ||
$commands{"source_only"} || $commands{"remove"} ||
$commands{"r"} || $commands{"purge"}) {
require SWIM::Safex;
} # end sub file
# this manages situation involving -qlcx & -qglx
sub file_now {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
#if (!$commands->{"g"} && !defined $file_now) {
if (!$commands->{"g"}) {
if ($arg_count < $#ARGV) {
# humm
else {
@PACKAGES = @arg_holder;
else {
if ($arg_count < $#stuff) {
else {
@PACKAGES = @arg_holder;
} # end file_now
# In order to run a md5sum test on configuration files directly recognized
# by dpkg, a file with package_name-conf.md5sums is created, in addition to
# any existing package_name.md5sums file.
sub make_conf {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $md5sums_conf;
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
# humm, just a trap
else {
if ($argument !~ /_/ ) {
# I guess we can stop here here is there are no configuration
# files
if (defined $db{$argument}) {
require SWIM::Info;
my $orig_argument = $argument;
$argument = $db{$argument};
my ($conf, @conf, %conf);
my ($m5, $dir, $thing);
if (conf(\%commands) ne 0) {
$conf = conf(\%commands);
@conf = split(/\n/, $conf);
foreach (@conf) {
$_ =~ m,( \/)(.*$),;
($dir, $m5) = split(/ /, $2, 2);
$thing = "$m5 $dir\n";
print PACKCONF $thing;
$md5sums_conf =
return $md5sums_conf;
else {
untie %db;
} # end sub make_conf
# prints out the results from the md5sum test for -l & -l --df
sub md5_print {
my ($path, $md5sums, $line, $count) = @_;
if (defined $path->{$line}) {
if (defined $md5sums->{$line}) {
print " $line $path->{$line} $md5sums->{$line}" if $count == 0;
print "$line $path->{$line} $md5sums->{$line}" if $count == 1;
print "\n";
elsif ($path->{$line} ne "newconffile") {
print " $line $path->{$line} OK" if $count == 0;
print "$line $path->{$line} OK" if $count == 1;
print "\n";
else {
print " $line $path->{$line}\n" if $count == 0;
print "$line $path->{$line}\n" if $count == 1;
elsif ($count == 1) {
print "$line\n";
} # end md5_print
# -n The list of files/dirs belonging to a package. No md5sum here.
sub nfile {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $ramdisk = ram_on(\%commands);
# Here's a case where gnu grep is faster than using open.
if ($ramdisk eq "yes") {
my $what = "yes";
} # if ramdisk
elsif ($ramdisk eq 1) {
my $what = "no";
} # end sub nfile
# -n figure out --df, -d & -l using the contents db
sub process_nfile {
my ($what,$commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $contentsdb = finddb(\%commands);
my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
my ($Contents,$subject);
# the + solution
$subject = (split(/\s/,$nsb{$argument}))[1];
$argument =~ s,\+,\\\\+,g if $argument =~ m,\+,;
untie %nsb;
if ($what eq "no") {
if (-e "$contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") {
$Contents = "zgrep -E $argument\ $contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz|";
else {
print "swim: stopping, cannot perform this operation without contents\n";
elsif ($what eq "yes") {
if (-e "$contentsdb/dramdisk/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") {
$Contents = "zgrep -E $argument\ $contentsdb/dramdisk/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz|";
else {
print "swim: stopping, cannot perform this operation without contents\n";
open(CONTENTSDB, "$Contents");
while (<CONTENTSDB>) {
# changed for >= 0.2.9 - will have to watch for these
# guys net/sendfile, x11/xscreensaver, x11/xscreensaver,
# graphics/ucbmpeg, admin/cfengine .. there is a space before them
#if (/^FILE\s*LOCATION$/) {
#while (<CONTENTSDB>) {
if (!$commands->{"df"}) {
# this isn't acurate for groups of packages ,,, so will use the
# subject section instead of \b and $
$argument =~ s,\\\\+,\\\+,g if $argument =~ m,\+,;
if (m,$subject/$argument,) {
if ($_ !~ m,.*/\s+\w*,) {
($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2);
if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) {
my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package);
$package = $more_things[$#more_things];
(my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g;
my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_);
$dirfile = $dirfile[0];
$dirfile = "/$dirfile";
# -L #
if (!$commands->{"d"} && $commands->{"l"}) {
print "$dirfile\n";
# -D #
elsif ($commands->{"d"}) {
if ($dirfile =~ m,/usr/doc/|/usr/share/doc/|/man[\d]/|/usr/info/|/usr/share/info/,) {
print "$dirfile\n";
# --DF #
elsif ($commands->{"df"} && $commands->{"l"} && !$commands->{"d"}) {
$argument =~ s,\\\\+,\\\+,g if $argument =~ m,\+,;
if (m,$subject/$argument,) {
#if (m,\b$argument\b,) {
if (m,.*/\s+\w*,) {
($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2);
if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) {
my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package);
$package = $more_things[$#more_things];
(my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g;
my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_);
$dirfile = $dirfile[0];
@dirfile = split(/\//,$dirfile); $dirfile =~ s,/$,,;
else {
($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2);
if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) {
my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package);
$package = $more_things[$#more_things];
(my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g;
my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_);
$dirfile = $dirfile[0];
@dirfile = split(/\//,$dirfile);
my ($count,$holder);
for ($count = 0; $count <= $#dirfile; $count++) {
if ($count == 0) {
$holder = "/$dirfile[$count]";
my $again = "$dirfile[$count]";
my $all = "/.";
if ($all{$all} == 1) {
print "/.\n";
if ($again{$again} == 1) {
print "/$dirfile[$count]\n";
else {
$holder = $holder . "/$dirfile[$count]";
my $again = "$holder";
if ($again{$again} == 1) {
print "$holder\n";
} # end for
# -D & --DF &| -L #
elsif (($commands->{"d"} && $commands->{"df"}) ||
$commands->{"d"} && $commands->{"df"} && $commands->{"l"}) {
$argument =~ s,\\\\+,\\\+,g if $argument =~ m,\+,;
if (m,$subject/$argument,) {
#if (m,\b$argument$,) {
if ($_ !~ m,.*/\s+\w*,) {
($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2);
if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) {
my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package);
$package = $more_things[$#more_things];
(my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g;
my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_);
$dirfile = $dirfile[0];
$dirfile = "/$dirfile";
# -D #
if ($dirfile =~ m,/usr/doc/|/usr/share/doc/|/man[\d]/|/usr/info/|/usr/share/info/,) {
print "$dirfile\n";
} # while


@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Findex;
use strict;
use SWIM::Global;
use SWIM::Conf qw($my_number);
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Xyz ib nib nsb);
use SWIM::Info;
use SWIM::Deps;
use SWIM::Dir;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(findexer qindexer);
# findexer(\%commands) and qindexer used for -a -n -f
# query filelist for file name.. -qfl -qal, but not -qfl(d)c ... actually
# yes... -qlfd under certain conditions, but not with -c. And -T and
# singular capabilities.
sub findexer {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my @alot;
require SWIM::File;
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
else {
my $return = nib(\%commands);
if (!defined $return && $commands->{"a"}) {
untie %ib;
$ib{"/."} = $nsb{"/."};
if (defined $argument) {
if ($commands->{"dir"}) {
elsif ($commands->{"f"}) {
if ($ib{"$argument"}){
my $package = $ib{"$argument"};
@alot = split(/\s/, $package);
@PACKAGES = @alot;
if ($commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"} ||
$commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"} ||
$commands->{"purge"}) {
require SWIM::Safex;
@alot = @PACKAGES;
if ($commands->{"total"} || $commands->{"t"}) {
if ($commands->{"T"}) {
foreach (@alot) {
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
# nice to print package names before file listings
if (!$commands->{"i"} || !$commands->{"d"} || !$commands->{"c"}) {
print "$argument\n";
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print "\n";
} # if -T
elsif (which_character(\%commands)) {
foreach (@alot) {
my %store_commands = %commands;
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if (the_character(\%commands) ne "ok") {
print "$argument\n";
if (defined s_character(\%commands)) {}
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print "\n";
%commands = %store_commands;
undef %store_commands;
# no -Ts.
foreach (@alot) {
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if (defined $argument) {
print "\n" if $commands->{"l"};
print "$argument\n";
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
if ($commands->{"d"} && !$commands->{"T"} && !which_character(\%commands)) {
print "\n" if !$commands->{"l"};
} # end not's
} # if -t
elsif ($#ARGV > $my_number) {
my $total = $#ARGV + 1;
print "use --total or -t to see all $total packages\n";
elsif ($#alot > $my_number) {
my $total = $#alot + 1;
print "use --total or -t to see all $total packages\n";
else {
if ($commands->{"T"}) {
foreach (@alot) {
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
print "$argument\n";
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print "\n";
} # end -T
elsif (which_character(\%commands)) {
foreach (@alot) {
my %store_commands = %commands;
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if (the_character($argument) ne "ok") {
print "$argument\n";
if (defined s_character(\%commands)) {}
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print "\n";
%commands = %store_commands;
undef %store_commands;
} # which_character
foreach (@alot) {
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if (defined $argument) {
print "$argument\n";
if ($commands->{"d"} && !$commands->{"T"} && !which_character(\%commands)) {
print "\n";
} # end not's
} # else
else {
$argument =~ m,.*\/(.*$),;
if (defined $1) {
my $file = $1;
if (!$commands->{"n"} && -e "/usr/sbin/update-alternatives") {
my $it = "update-alternatives --display $1|";
open (IT,"$it") or exit;
if (<IT> =~ /No alternatives/) {
print "file $file is not owned by any package\n";
else {
my @LINES = <IT>;
print "For $argument ->\n";
$LINES[0] =~ m,(/.*$),; $argument = $1;
print "@LINES\n"; findexer(\%commands);
else {
print "file $file is not owned by any package\n";
untie %ib;
if (!($commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"} ||
$commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"} ||
$commands->{"purge"})) {
if ($commands->{"x"} || $commands->{"ftp"} || $commands->{"source"} ||
$commands->{"source_only"} || $commands->{"remove"} ||
$commands->{"r"} || $commands->{"purge"}) {
require SWIM::Safex;
} # end sub findexer
# query description of file name..-i (-qfi)
sub qindexer {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
require SWIM::Ag;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
my @alot;
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
else {
my $return = nib(\%commands);
if (!defined $return && $commands->{"a"}) {
untie %ib;
$ib{"/."} = $nsb{"/."};
if (defined $argument) {
# this will be moved above for safex(\%commands)
if ($ib{"$argument"}){
my $package = $ib{"$argument"};
@alot = split(/\s/, $package);
@PACKAGES = @alot;
if ($commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"} ||
$commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"} ||
$commands->{"purge"}) {
require SWIM::Safex;
@alot = @PACKAGES;
if ($commands->{"total"} || $commands->{"t"}) {
foreach (@alot) {
$argument = $_;
print "\n";
elsif ($#ARGV > 0) {
my $total = $#ARGV + 1;
print "use --total or -t to see all $total packages\n";
elsif ($#alot > 0) {
my $total = $#alot + 1;
print "use --total or -t to see all $total packages\n";
else {
$argument = $package;
else {
$argument =~ m,.*\/(.*$),;
if (defined $1) {
my $file = $1;
if (!$commands->{"n"} && -e "/usr/sbin/update-alternatives") {
my $it = "update-alternatives --display $1|";
open (IT,"$it") or exit;
if (<IT> =~ /No alternatives/) {
print "file $file is not owned by any package\n";
else {
my @LINES = <IT>;
print "For $argument ->\n";
$LINES[0] =~ m,(/.*$),; $argument = $1;
print "@LINES\n"; qindexer(\%commands);
else {
print "file $file is not owned by any package\n";
untie %ib;
} # end sub qindexer


@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Format;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
$ag2 $ag3 $number $subsite $subdate $subsize $subrelease
$center $number $sdsite $sdsdate $sdsize $sdsrelease);
# A nice format to make things look prettier, hopefully.
format PRETTY =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$col1, $col2
# A format for --allgroups, shouldn't run out of room.
format ALLGROUPS =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$ag1, $ag2, $ag3
# center for DF|APT call
format SUBJECT =
@|| @||| @||| @||||||||||| @||||||
$number, $subsite, $subdate, $subsize, $subrelease
format CENTER =
format SDS =
@>> @||||||||||||||||||||| @||||||||||||||||||||||||||| @|||||||| @|||||
$number, $sdsite, $sdsdate, $sdsize, $sdsrelease


@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Global;
#use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(%db $ping %ndb %ib $zing %gb $ging %sb $sing %nsb %commands
$argument $save @stuff @PACKAGES @arg_holder $file_now
$arg_count $aptor_count $aptor_group $swim_version);
Info => [ qw($argument %db) ]
Globals used by all program, which are not related to SWIM::Conf globals.
Most will probably be placed in SWIM::DB_Library.
# Nothing to be done here.
# these could be put into SWIM::DB_Library
my (%db,$ping); # package.deb
my %ndb; # npackage.deb
my (%ib, $zing, %it); # fileindex.deb
my (%gb, $ging); # groupindex.deb
my (%sb, $sing); # statusindex.deb
my %nsb; # nstatusindex.deb
my %commands; # standard for Getopt::Long, but should usually
# be passed from ::*, although it can be global to a module
my $argument; # standard for package name
my $save; #for pager
# Globals related to -xyz
my @stuff; # for -g & x
my @PACKAGES; # a replacement for @ARGV
my @arg_holder; # helps in tricky situations -> -qxl|d
my $file_now; # defined flag for -qlcx & -qglx for file()
$arg_count = 0; # helps in tricky situations
my $aptor_group; # helps when -z is called for groups
# Swim's version
$swim_version = "0.3.6";


@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Groups;
use strict;
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Groups);
use SWIM::Format;
use SWIM::Global qw(%gb);
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(allgroups);
# show all the groups present on this system and exit
sub allgroups {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if (!($commands->{"q"} || $commands->{"query"}) && $commands->{"allgroups"}) {
print "swim: --allgroups may only be used during queries\n";
if ($commands->{"q"} && $commands->{"allgroups"}) {
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
else {
my @complete = sort keys %gb;
my $three = 0;
while ($three <= $#complete) {
if (defined $complete[$three]) {
$ag1 = $complete[$three];
if (defined $complete[$three + 1]) {
$ag2 = $complete[$three + 1];
if (defined $complete[$three + 2]) {
$ag3 = $complete[$three + 2];
write STDOUT;
$ag1 = "";
$ag2 = "";
$ag3 = "";
$three = $three + 3;


@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Indexer;
use strict;
use SWIM::Global;
use SWIM::Conf qw($my_number);
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Xyz ib nib nsb);
use SWIM::Info;
use SWIM::Pn_print;
use SWIM::Deps;
use SWIM::Dir;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(indexer);
# The next few subs are provided to shorten indexer
# for -d or -l, but not -c when -T
sub T_indexer {
my ($alot,$commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
foreach (@$alot) {
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
# looks o.k.
print "$argument\n";
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
if ($commands->{"d"} && !$commands->{"c"}) {
require SWIM::File;
print "\n";
} # end sub T_indexer
sub which_character_indexer {
my ($alot,$commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
foreach (@$alot) {
my %store_commands = %commands;
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if (the_character(\%commands) ne "ok") {
print "$argument\n";
if (defined s_character(\%commands)) {}
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
if ($commands->{"d"} && !$commands->{"c"}) {
require SWIM::File;
print "\n";
%commands = %store_commands;
undef %store_commands;
} # end sub which_character_indexer
sub noT_indexer {
my ($alot,$commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
require SWIM::File;
foreach (@$alot) {
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if (defined $argument) {
# should be o.k., almost everything has documentation
print "$argument\n";
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
if ($commands->{"d"} && !$commands->{"T"} && !which_character(\%commands)) {
print "\n";
} # end sub noT_indexer
# different enough from noT_indexer, used when -c,-d,-l aren't called.
sub nonoT_indexer {
my ($alot,$commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
foreach (@$alot) {
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
# package name will print out even if there is no script
# definitely useful here
if ($commands->{"scripts"}) {
print "\n";
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
} # end sub nonoT_indexer
# when -c is called with or without -l or -d. This sub got rather huge.
sub c_indexer {
my ($alot,$commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $arg_save;
require SWIM::File;
foreach (@$alot) {
$argument = $_;
if (conf(\%commands) ne 0) {
if ($commands->{"T"}) {
# covers first argument, but not the rest.
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
print "$argument\n";
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print conf(\%commands) if !$commands->{"md5sum"};
#file(\%commands) if $commands->{"md5sum"};
if (($commands->{"c"} && (!$commands->{"d"} || !$commands->{"l"}))) {
print "\n";
$arg_save = $argument;
} # end "T"
elsif (which_character(\%commands)) {
my %store_commands = %commands;
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if (the_character(\%commands) ne "ok") {
print "$argument\n";
if (defined s_character(\%commands)) {}
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print conf(\%commands) if !$commands->{"md5sum"};
#file(\%commands) if $commands->{"md5sum"};
if (($commands->{"c"} && (!$commands->{"d"} || !$commands->{"l"}))) {
print "\n";
%commands = %store_commands;
undef %store_commands;
$arg_save = $argument;
# no Ts.
else {
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
print "$argument\n";
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print conf(\%commands) if !$commands->{"md5sum"};
print "\n";
$arg_save = $argument;
} # end if (conf(\%commands)
# this spot here can determine whether or not -c overrides l&d
# in packages which don't have conf files. it's nicer to view
# everything. watch this..these are packages which don't have
# conf files
if ($commands->{"d"} || $commands->{"l"}) {
if (defined $arg_save) {
if ($argument ne $arg_save) {
#if (!defined $arg_save) {
if (conf(\%commands) ne 0) {
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print "\n";
# no conf files
elsif (conf(\%commands) eq 0) {
if ($commands->{"T"}) {
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
print "$argument\n";
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
file(\%commands) if $commands->{"md5sum"};
print "\n";
} # end "T"
elsif (which_character(\%commands)) {
my %store_commands = %commands;
$argument = $_;
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if (the_character(\%commands) ne "ok") {
print "$argument\n";
if (defined s_character(\%commands)) {}
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
%commands = %store_commands;
undef %store_commands;
print "\n";
# no Ts.
else {
if ($commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"}) {
menu(\%commands) if $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"};
copyright(\%commands) if $commands->{"copyright"};
changelog(\%commands) if $commands->{"changelog"};
if ($commands->{"scripts"}) {
print "\n";
shlibs(\%commands) if $commands->{"shlibs"};
print "\n";
} # end if ($commands->{"d"} ||
} # end foreach
} # end sub c_indexer
# handles -qf by itself or with -l(-d)&-c or -d by itself, and -qa by itself
# or with -c with -d and/or -l ...essentially not -i. <file> is the
# argument And ofcourse -T or singular capabilities.
sub indexer {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my @alot;
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
else {
my $return = nib(\%commands);
if (!defined $return && $commands->{"a"}) {
untie %ib;
$ib{"/."} = $nsb{"/."};
if (defined $argument) {
if ($ib{"$argument"}){
my $package = $ib{"$argument"};
$package =~ s/\s/\n/g;
@alot = split(/\s/, $package);
if (defined @alot) {
@PACKAGES = @alot;
if ($commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"}||
$commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"} ||
$commands->{"purge"}) {
require SWIM::Safex;
@alot = @PACKAGES;
if ($commands->{"total"} || $commands->{"t"}) {
# The whole reason for the complicated if/elsif/else routines
# below is to allow simultaneous printing of -c & -d|-l. Other
# options can just be included within.
# -D & -t #
if ($commands->{"d"} && !$commands->{"c"}) {
if ($commands->{"T"}) {
elsif (which_character(\%commands)) {
# no -Ts.
# -t BUT NOT -C,-D,-L #
elsif (!$commands->{"c"} && (!$commands->{"d"} || !$commands->{"l"})) {
if ($commands->{"T"}) {
elsif (which_character(\%commands)) {
# humm smail is missing mysteriously, like it never became part
# of /.., basically, fastswim isn't placing it in long.debian.
# no -Ts.
else {
# -t -C &| -D || -L #
# conf stuf. Will only show stuff related to -a or -f with conf.
elsif (($commands->{"c"} && (!$commands->{"d"} || !$commands->{"l"})) ||
($commands->{"c"} && ($commands->{"d"} || $commands->{"l"}))) {
} # end elsif
# > NUMBER FOR -t #
elsif ($#ARGV > $my_number) {
my $total = $#ARGV + 1;
print "use --total or -t to see all $total packages\n";
elsif ($#alot > $my_number) {
my $total = $#alot + 1;
print "use --total or -t to see all $total packages\n";
# without -t
else {
# -D #
if ($commands->{"d"} && !$commands->{"c"}) {
if ($commands->{"T"}) {
elsif (which_character(\%commands)) {
# the noties
# NOT -C,-D,-L #
elsif (!$commands->{"c"} && (!$commands->{"d"} || !$commands->{"l"})) {
if ($commands->{"T"}) {
elsif (which_character(\%commands)) {
else {
# -C &| -D || -L #
# conf stuf. Will only show stuff related to -a or -f with conf.
elsif (($commands->{"c"} && (!$commands->{"d"} || !$commands->{"l"})) ||
($commands->{"c"} && ($commands->{"d"} || $commands->{"l"}))) {
} # without -t
else {
$argument =~ m,.*\/(.*$),;
if (defined $1) {
my $file = $1;
if (!$commands->{"n"} && -e "/usr/sbin/update-alternatives") {
my $it = "update-alternatives --display $1|";
open (IT,"$it") or exit;
if (<IT> =~ /No alternatives/) {
print "file $file is not owned by any package\n";
else {
my @LINES = <IT>;
print "For $argument ->\n";
$LINES[0] =~ m,(/.*$),; $argument = $1;
print "@LINES\n"; indexer(\%commands);
else {
print "file $file is not owned by any package\n";
untie %ib;
if (defined @alot) {
@PACKAGES = @alot;
if (!($commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"} ||
$commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"} ||
$commands->{"purge"})) {
if ($commands->{"x"} || $commands->{"ftp"} || $commands->{"source"} ||
$commands->{"source_only"} || $commands->{"remove"} ||
$commands->{"r"} || $commands->{"purge"}) {
require SWIM::Safex;
} # end sub indexer


@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Info;
use strict;
use SWIM::Conf qw(:Info);
use SWIM::Global qw(:Info);
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Xyz);
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(scripts copyright changelog menu conf shlibs);
# scripts() copyright() changelog() menu() conf() shlibs()
# the text stuff taken out of info for the installed system, though the
# not-installed system in checked for, just in case.
# This shows all the scripts identified with a package(s). In certain
# cases it is valuable to print a script without the name of the package,
# so if --scripts, -a, or -t isn't called, the pure script will be
# presented.
sub scripts {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my ($file, $preinst, $postinst, $prerm,
$postrm, $orig_argument);
if ($commands->{"n"}) {
print "swim: no scripts for not-installed, consider --diff\n"; exit;
if ($argument =~ /_/) {
$orig_argument = $argument;
my $check = $db{"$argument"};
$argument =~ m,(^.*)_(.*$),;
if (defined $check) {
$argument = $1;
else {};
untie %db;
# here we will print out whatever we find including the file name.
if ($commands->{"scripts"} && !($commands->{"preinst"} ||
$commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} ||
$commands->{"postrm"})) {
if (defined "$parent$base/info/$argument.preinst") {
$preinst = "$parent$base/info/$argument.preinst";
if (defined "$parent$base/info/$argument.postinst") {
$postinst = "$parent$base/info/$argument.postinst";
if (defined "$parent$base/info/$argument.prerm") {
$prerm = "$parent$base/info/$argument.prerm";
if (defined "$parent$base/info/$argument.postrm") {
$postrm = "$parent$base/info/$argument.postrm";
if (-e $preinst) {
print "#####$argument.preinst#####\n\n";
open (LIST,"$preinst");
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
if (-e $postinst) {
print "#####$argument.postinst#####\n\n";
open (LIST,"$postinst");
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
if (-e $prerm) {
open (LIST,"$prerm");
print "#####$argument.prerm#####\n\n";
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
if (-e $postrm) {
open (LIST,"$postrm");
print "#####$argument.postrm#####\n\n";
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
} # if scripts
# from here on we just print out the particular script(s) called
# literally with no filename, unless -a or -t is called. This is one
# situation in which -t has a use apart from the global default. A
# title is printed out for singular scripts in this case.
if ($commands->{"preinst"}) {
if (defined "$parent$base/info/$argument.preinst") {
$preinst = "$parent$base/info/$argument.preinst";
if (-e $preinst) {
if ($commands->{"a"} || $commands->{"t"}) {
print "#####$argument.preinst#####\n\n";
open (LIST,"$preinst");
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
else {
open (LIST,"$preinst");
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
if ($commands->{"postinst"}) {
if (defined "$parent$base/info/$argument.postinst") {
$postinst = "$parent$base/info/$argument.postinst";
if (-e $postinst) {
if ($commands->{"a"} || $commands->{"t"}) {
print "#####$argument.postinst#####\n\n";
open (LIST,"$postinst");
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
else {
open (LIST,"$postinst");
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
if ($commands->{"prerm"}) {
if (defined "$parent$base/info/$argument.prerm") {
$prerm = "$parent$base/info/$argument.prerm";
if (-e $prerm) {
if ($commands->{"a"} || $commands->{"t"}) {
print "#####$argument.prerm#####\n\n";
open (LIST,"$prerm");
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
else {
open (LIST,"$prerm");
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
if ($commands->{"postrm"}) {
if (defined "$parent$base/info/$argument.postrm") {
$postrm = "$parent$base/info/$argument.postrm";
if (-e $postrm) {
if ($commands->{"a"} || $commands->{"t"}) {
print "#####$argument.postrm#####\n\n";
open (LIST,"$postrm");
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
else {
open (LIST,"$postrm");
while (<LIST>) {
print $_;
if (!$commands->{"i"}) {
if (defined $orig_argument) {
$argument = $orig_argument;
} # end sub scripts
# show the scripts for /usr/lib/menu
sub menu {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $filelist;
my $orig_argument = $argument;
my %parent;
if ($commands->{"n"}) {
print "swim: no menu for not-installed, consider --diff\n"; exit;
if ($argument =~ /_/) {
$orig_argument = $argument;
my $check = $db{"$argument"};
$argument =~ m,(^.*)_(.*$),;
if (defined $check) {
$argument = $1;
else {};
untie %db;
if (defined $argument) {
if (-e "$parent$base/info/$argument.list") {
$filelist = "$parent$base/info/$argument.list";
if (defined $filelist) {
# basically, re-find file/package passed to previous sub
while (<FINDMENU>) {
if (m,^\/usr\/lib\/menu\/(.*[\w-\+\.]),) {
if (!-d) {
print "#####menu for $orig_argument($1)#####\n";
while (<MENU>) {
print "\n";
} # defined
if (!$commands->{"i"}) {
$argument = $orig_argument;
} # end sub menu
# Show changelog, default zcat. This will show all the changelogs in
# the directory /usr/doc/package_name/, there are cases where there is
# a debian.changelog and one provided by the individual(s) working on the
# software, as well as a variety of other cases.
sub changelog {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $file;
my $orig_argument = $argument;
if ($commands->{"n"}) {
print "swim: no changelog for not-installed, consider --diff\n"; exit;
if ($argument =~ /_/) {
$orig_argument = $argument;
my $check = $db{"$argument"};
$argument =~ m,(^.*)_(.*$),;
if (defined $check) {
$argument = $1;
else {};
untie %db;
# Using swim -qadt | grep -i change it looks like all the files which
# have change in their name are changelogs when in /usr/doc/$argument,
# sometimes there are more above, but these are the most significant.
my @fsstnd;
if (-e "$parent/usr/doc/$argument" &&
-d "$parent/usr/doc/$argument") {
my $directory = "$parent/usr/doc/$argument";
opendir(CHANGE, "$directory") || die "I thought it existed";
my @change = sort grep(/change/i, readdir(CHANGE));
foreach (@change) {
if (m,\.gz$,i) {
print "#####$_ for $argument#####\n\n";
open(ZCAT,"|$zcat") || die "swim: this option requires zcat";
open(CHANGELOG, "$directory/$_");
while (<CHANGELOG>) {
print ZCAT $_;
print "\n";
elsif ($_ !~ m,html$|htm$|ps$|dvi$|sgml$|gs$,) {
print "#####$_ for $argument#####\n\n";
open(CHANGELOG, "$directory/$_");
while (<CHANGELOG>) {
print "$_";
print "\n";
if (-e "$parent/usr/share/doc/$argument" &&
-d "$parent/usr/share/doc/$argument") {
my $directory = "$parent/usr/share/doc/$argument";
opendir(CHANGE, "$directory") || die "I thought it existed";
my @change = sort grep(/change/i, readdir(CHANGE));
foreach (@change) {
if (m,\.gz$,i) {
my $cf = grep(m,^$_$,,@fsstnd);
if ($cf == 0 ) {
print "#####$_ for $argument#####\n\n";
open(ZCAT,"|$zcat") || die "swim: this option requires zcat";
open(CHANGELOG, "$directory/$_");
while (<CHANGELOG>) {
print ZCAT $_;
print "\n";
elsif ($_ !~ m,html$|htm$|ps$|dvi$|sgml$|gs$,) {
my $cf = grep(m,^$_$,,@fsstnd);
if ($cf == 0 ) {
print "#####$_ for $argument#####\n\n";
open(CHANGELOG, "$directory/$_");
while (<CHANGELOG>) {
print "$_";
print "\n";
if (!$commands->{"i"}) {
$argument = $orig_argument;
} # end sub changelog
# Show copyright, default zcat. This will show all the copyrights in
# the directory /usr/doc/package_name/. Rather than passing the
# greped argument to changelog(), this subroutine was created instead which
# keeps things sensible.
sub copyright {
my $file;
my $orig_argument = $argument;
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if ($commands->{"n"}) {
print "swim: no copyright for not-installed, consider --diff\n"; exit;
if ($argument =~ /_/) {
$orig_argument = $argument;
my $check = $db{"$argument"};
$argument =~ m,(^.*)_(.*$),;
if (defined $check) {
$argument = $1;
else {};
untie %db;
# Using swim -qadt | grep -i copy it looks like all the files which
# have copy in their name are generally copyrights when in
# /usr/doc/$argument, sometimes there are more above, but these are
# the most significant.
my @fsstnd;
if (-e "$parent/usr/doc/$argument" &&
-d "$parent/usr/doc/$argument") {
my $directory = "$parent/usr/doc/$argument";
opendir(CHANGE, "$directory") || die "I thought it existed";
my @change = sort grep(/copy|license/i, readdir(CHANGE));
foreach (@change) {
if (defined $_) {
if (m,\.gz$,i) {
print "#####$_ for $orig_argument#####\n\n";
open(ZCAT,"|$zcat") || die "swim: this option requires zcat";
open(COPYRIGHT, "$directory/$_");
while (<COPYRIGHT>) {
print ZCAT $_;
# Sometimes these next two mysteriously open, and don't close
# even when no previous gz file was found, causing error output,
# but doesn't effect what's trying to be accomplished. Doesn't
# happen with changelog().
print "\n";
elsif ($_ !~ m,html$|htm$|ps$|dvi$|sgml$|gs$,) {
print "#####$_ for $orig_argument#####\n\n";
open(COPYRIGHT, "$directory/$_");
while (<COPYRIGHT>) {
print "$_";
print "\n";
} # if defined
if (-e "$parent/usr/share/doc/$argument" &&
-d "$parent/usr/share/doc/$argument") {
my $directory = "$parent/usr/share/doc/$argument";
opendir(CHANGE, "$directory") || die "I thought it existed";
my @change = sort grep(/copy|license/i, readdir(CHANGE));
foreach (@change) {
if (defined $_) {
if (m,\.gz$,i) {
my $cf = grep(m,^$_$,,@fsstnd);
if ($cf == 0 ) {
print "#####$_ for $orig_argument#####\n\n";
open(ZCAT,"|$zcat") || die "swim: this option requires zcat";
open(COPYRIGHT, "$directory/$_");
while (<COPYRIGHT>) {
print ZCAT $_;
# Sometimes these next two mysteriously open, and don't close
# even when no previous gz file was found, causing error output,
# but doesn't effect what's trying to be accomplished. Doesn't
# happen with changelog().
print "\n";
elsif ($_ !~ m,html$|htm$|ps$|dvi$|sgml$|gs$,) {
my $cf = grep(m,^$_$,,@fsstnd);
if ($cf == 0 ) {
print "#####$_ for $orig_argument#####\n\n";
open(COPYRIGHT, "$directory/$_");
while (<COPYRIGHT>) {
print "$_";
print "\n";
} # if defined
if (!$commands->{"i"}) {
$argument = $orig_argument;
} # end copyright
# process the database for the configuration files
sub conf {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
# added for -xyz, but not necessary
if (defined $argument) {
if ($argument !~ /_/) {
if (defined $db{$argument}) {
$argument = $db{$argument};
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
else {}
if (defined $argument) {
my $conf = $argument . "CONF";
if (defined $db{$conf}) {
return $db{$conf};
else { return 0; }
untie %db;
} # end sub conf
# shared libraries provided by the package
sub shlibs {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $shlibs;
my $orig_argument;
if ($commands->{"n"}) {
print "catswim: no shlibs for not-installed, consider --diff\n"; exit;
if (defined $argument) {
if ($argument =~ /_/) {
$orig_argument = $argument;
my $check;
if (defined $db{"$argument"}) {
$check = $db{"$argument"};
$argument =~ m,(^.*)_(.*$),;
if (defined $check) {
$argument = $1;
else {}
else {
$orig_argument = $argument;
untie %db;
if (defined $argument) {
if (-e "$parent$base/info/$argument.shlibs") {
$shlibs = "$parent$base/info/$argument.shlibs";
if (defined $shlibs) {
print "Shlibs:\n";
while (<SHLIBS>) {
if ($_ !~ m,^\n$,) {
$argument = $orig_argument;
} # end sub shlibs


@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Library;
use strict;
use SWIM::Conf;
use SWIM::Global;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(which_archdist finddb root compress_contents);
# functions which do not use DB_File which_archdist() finddb() root()
# which archictecture and distribution does this database involve
sub which_archdist {
my ($commands) = @_;
my ($arch,$dist);
#if ($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"}) {
if ($commands->{"arch"}) {
$arch = "-" . $commands->{"arch"};
else {
$arch = "-$architecture";
if ($commands->{"dists"}) {
$dist = "-" . $commands->{"dists"};
else {
$dist = "-$distribution";
return ($arch,$dist);
# }
} # end sub which_archdist
# finding any database
sub finddb {
my ($commands) = @_;
my $fileplace;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$fileplace = "$parent$library";
return $fileplace;
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$fileplace = "$parent$base";
return $fileplace;
} # end sub finddb
# This gives the option to be able to used -d & -l, but not -f, by only
# copying Contents over to contentsindex*.deb.gz. This the fast way.
sub compress_contents {
my ($Contents,$commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $contentsdb = finddb(\%commands);
my($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
my $contentsindex = "$contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb";
my ($contentsindexgz, $mtime);
if (-e "$contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") {
$contentsindexgz = "$contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz";
$mtime = (stat("$contentsindexgz"))[9];
else {
$contentsindexgz = "$contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz";
my $ex;
my $Contents_mtime = (stat("$Contents"))[9];
my $BContents = $Contents;
$Contents = -B $Contents || $Contents =~ m,\.(gz|Z)$, ?
"$gzip -dc $Contents|" : "cat $Contents|";
if (defined $mtime) {
if ($mtime == $Contents_mtime) {
print "Same Contents files, won't compress\n";
exit if !$commands->{"ndb"};
$ex = "stop";
else {
if (!defined $ex) {
print "Copying new Contents\n";
#system $copy, $BContents, $contentsindexgz;
# changed for >= 0.2.9
# changed again >= 0.3.4
open(CONTENTS, "$Contents") or die "where is it?\n";
while (<CONTENTS>) {
##if (/^FILE\s*LOCATION$/) {
##while (<CONTENTS>) {
s,^(\./)+,,; # filter for Debians altered dir structure
print CONTENTSDB $_;
print "Compressing Contents\n";
# added -f just in case
system "$gzip", "-f", "-9", "$contentsindex";
} # end sub compress_contents
# for / files
sub root {
if ($argument eq "/") {
$argument = "/.";
} # end sub root


@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::MD;
use strict;
use SWIM::Conf qw(:Path $splt);
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Md);
use SWIM::Library;
use SWIM::Global;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(process_md);
# process_md used by both SWIM::DB_Init and SWIM::NDB_Init
Because many files and directories exist more than once, and it would be
kind of cool to go up to a directory /usr/bin or /usr/bin/ and do a
swim -qf and see all the packages that populate that directory...
multi-dimensional is the way to go.
sub process_md {
print "File Database is being made\n";
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my @ppackage;
my %md;
my @md;
my @mi;
my $thingy;
my @name;
my $count = 0;
my $count1 = 1;
my($place) = finddb(\%commands);
# Let's determine what architecture and distribution this person is
# interested in.
my ($arch, $dist, $not);
if ($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"}) {
($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
$not = "n";
else {
$arch = "";
$dist = "";
$not = "";
my $fileindex = $not . "fileindex";
# Now we process the files made from the massive array, and create
# fileindex.deb or nfileindex.deb
# Let's just use split, and will allow for customized line adj.
# 25000 is the default
if ($commands->{"split_data"}) {
my $split = $commands->{"split_data"};
system("$splt -l $split $tmp/big.debian $tmp/DEBIAN");
else {
# Seems like a good default
system("$splt -l 25000 $tmp/big.debian $tmp/DEBIAN");
@ppackage = <$tmp/DEBIAN*>;
# It's unlikely this file will ever get too massive.
push(@ppackage, "$tmp/long.debian");
print " Create the database\n";
foreach $thingy (@ppackage) {
open(PARTS, "$thingy");
while (<PARTS>) {
my @c;
@md = split(/ -> /,$_);
if (defined($md[1])) {
chomp $md[0];
chomp $md[1];
@c = split(/\s/, $md[1]);
} # while
print " $thingy\n";
print " wait a few seconds\n";
my $zing;
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$zing = tie %md, 'DB_File',"$parent$library/$fileindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$zing = tie %md, 'DB_File',"$parent$base/$fileindex$arch$dist.deb"
or die "DB_File: $!";
while ($count <= $#mi) {
$zing->put($mi[$count], $mi[$count1]);
$count = $count + 2;
$count1 = $count1 + 2;
undef $zing;
untie %md;
undef %md;
@mi = ();
@md = ();
$count = 0;
$count1 = 1;
} # end foreach
# now we get to take into account deinstall:ok:config-files
# situations for an installed system.
if ($commands->{"initdb"} || $commands->{"rebuilddb"}) {
sb(\%$commands); ib(\%commands); my $yich;
foreach (values %sb) {
my $zit; my ($nit,$yit) = (split(/\s/,$_))[0,3];
if ($yit eq "deinstall:ok:config-files" ||
$yit eq "purge:ok:config-files") {
($zit = $nit) =~ s,\+,\\\+,;
if ($ib{"/."} !~ m,$zit,) {
if (!defined $yich) {
$yich = $nit;
else {
$yich = $yich . " $nit";
$ib{"/."} = $ib{"/."} . " $yich";
# after much experimentation it turns out that a flat text file
# is much faster for this particular application. This also
# creates the hash database reference for -db or -i.
my $searchindex = $not . "searchindex";
open(FLATFILE, ">$place/$searchindex$arch$dist.deb");
print "Create the powersearch flat database\n";
foreach $thingy (@ppackage) {
if ($thingy ne "$tmp/long.debian") {
open(PARTS, "$thingy");
while (<PARTS>) {
@md = split(/ -> /,$_);
if (defined($md[1])) {
chomp $md[0];
} # while
print " $thingy\n";
print " wait a few seconds\n";
while ($count <= $#mi) {
print FLATFILE "$mi[$count]\n";
$count = 0;
@mi = ();
@md = ();
} # end foreach
# This creates the flatfile with the directories for --powersearch
# --dir, which is probably a rare match in most cases. This doesn't
# create a hash reference database for --db and -i because the only
# package which could benifit from this is base-files, but it has
# configuaration files, on the other hand RedHat has at least one
# package without directories or files, but this is Debian.
my $dirindex = $not . "dirindex";
open(FLATFILE, ">$place/$dirindex$arch$dist.deb");
print "Create the powersearch flat directory database\n";
open(PARTS, "$ppackage[$#ppackage]");
while (<PARTS>) {
@md = split(/ -> /,$_);
if (defined($md[1])) {
chomp $md[0];
} # while
print " $ppackage[$#ppackage]\n";
while ($count <= $#mi) {
print FLATFILE "$mi[$count]\n";
$count = 0;
@mi = ();
@md = ();
# compare nstatusindex*.deb to /. from nfileindex*.deb to find out if
# any of the packages in Packages weren't represented in the Contents
# file. This is different than the earlier report which shows packages
# which weren't in Packages but were in Contents. This list is kept,
# and used again in a future --ndb run to make the matches, if they
# exist.
if ($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"}) {
my @fileindex = split(/\s/,$ib{"/."});
my @statusindex = split(/\s/,$nsb{"/."});
if ($#fileindex < $#statusindex) {
my $place = finddb(\%commands);
open(DIFF, ">$place/.packagesdiff$arch$dist.deb")
or warn "couldn't create diff file\n";
my %uniques;
@uniques{@fileindex} = ();
foreach (@statusindex) {
# no sense putting non-US or experimental in here unless this
# is what is wanted. Only need to check for group non-us/*
if (!$commands->{"nue"}) {
my $name = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
if (defined $nsb{$name}) {
next if (split(/\s/,$nsb{$name}))[1] =~ m,non-us,;
if ($dist eq "experimental") {
elsif ($dist eq "experimental") {
if (!$commands->{"nue"}) {
my $name = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
if (defined $nsb{$name}) {
next if (split(/\s/,$nsb{$name}))[1] =~ m,non-us,;
print DIFF "$_\n" unless exists $uniques{$_};
} # end if
# Will unlink transfer.deb, big.debian, long.debian.
print " over and out\n";
print scalar(localtime), "\n";
} # end sub process_md


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::NDB_File;
use strict;
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(ram_on); # nzing nsb
use SWIM::Library;
use SWIM::Global qw($argument); # %ib $zing %nsb
use SWIM::Conf qw($pwd $tmp);
use SWIM::Dir;
use SWIM::Ramdisk;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(noram ncontents_exist find_contents remove_add_nfile);
# This program handles updating nfileindex-arch-dists.deb
# This checks if the ramdisk is on, we will want to turn it off, if it is.
sub noram {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $ramdisk = ram_on(\%commands);
if ($ramdisk eq "yes") {
my $what = "yes";
$commands{"ramdiskoff"} = 1;
} # if ramdisk
} # end sub nfile
# This will set-up the argument for ncontents if it can be found.
sub ncontents_exist {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $contentsdb = finddb(\%commands);
my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
if (-e "$contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") {
if (-e "$contentsdb/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") {
if (-e "$contentsdb/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") {
return " $contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz|";
else {
return "no";
} # end sub ncontents_exist
# Find where the new Contents is on the on the command line vs the old
# Contents database (when the FDB argument isn't used).
sub find_contents {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
# Figure out where Contents is
if ($commands->{"Contents"}) {
my ($Contents,$FDB);
for ($commands->{"Contents"}) {
# this doesn't work to well for anything less simple than ../../
if (m,^\.\./|^\.\.$,) {
if ($_ !~ m,/[\w-+]+/[\.\$\^\+\?\*\[\]\w-]*$,) {
my $dd; tr/\/// ? ($dd = tr/\///) : ($dd = 1);
my @pwd = split(m,/,,$pwd);
my $tpwd = "";
for (1 .. $#pwd - $dd) {
$_ == 1 ? ($tpwd = "/$pwd[$_]")
: (x$tpwd = $tpwd . "/$pwd[$_]");
$_ ne ".." ? ($Contents = "$tpwd/$_") : ($Contents = "$tpwd/");
elsif ( m,\/,) {
$Contents = $_;
if ($Contents =~ m,^\.\/.*,) {
if ($pwd !~ m,^\/$,) {
$Contents =~ m,^\.([^\.].*$),;
$Contents = "$pwd$1";
else {
$Contents =~ m,^\.([^\.].*$),;
$Contents = "$1";
elsif ($pwd =~ m,^\/$,) {
$Contents = "/$_";
else {
$Contents = "$pwd/$_";
if ($Contents =~ m,\.$,) {
$Contents =~ m,(.*)\.$,;
$Contents = $1;
return $Contents;
} # if Contents
} # end sub find_contents
# figure out --df and remove from nfileindex-arch-dists.deb
sub remove_add_nfile {
my ($argument,$Contents,$subject,$commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
#my $contentsdb = finddb(\%commands);
#my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
# the + solution
$argument =~ s,\+,\\\\+,g if $argument =~ m,\+,;
$Contents = "zgrep -E $argument\ $Contents";
open(CONTENTSDB, "$Contents");
while (<CONTENTSDB>) {
# changed for >= 0.2.9
#if (/^FILE\s*LOCATION$/) {
#while (<CONTENTSDB>) {
# --DF #
$argument =~ s,\\\\+,\\\+,g if $argument =~ m,\+,;
if (m,$subject/$argument,) {
#if (m,\b$argument\b,) {
if (m,.*/\s+\w*,) {
($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2);
if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) {
my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package);
$package = $more_things[$#more_things];
(my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g;
my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_);
$dirfile = $dirfile[0];
@dirfile = split(/\//,$dirfile); $dirfile =~ s,/$,,;
else {
($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2);
if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) {
my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package);
$package = $more_things[$#more_things];
(my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g;
my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_);
$dirfile = $dirfile[0];
@dirfile = split(/\//,$dirfile);
my ($count,$holder);
for ($count = 0; $count <= $#dirfile; $count++) {
if ($count == 0) {
$holder = "/$dirfile[$count]";
my $again = "$dirfile[$count]";
#my $all = "/.";
#if ($all{$all} == 1) {
#print FILELIST "/.\n";
if ($again{$again} == 1) {
#print FILELIST "/$dirfile[$count]\n";
else {
$holder = $holder . "/$dirfile[$count]";
my $again = "$holder";
if ($again{$again} == 1) {
#print FILELIST "$holder\n";
} # end for
undef @package_match;
} # while
undef @more_things; undef @dirfile; undef %again; undef %all;
return @file;
} # end sub remove_nfile


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Pn_print;
use strict;
use SWIM::Global qw($argument);
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(singular);
# There are times when it is good to print out the "package name_version"
# and there are times when it is unecessary. This sub tries to resolve
# these situations, basically it's printme()
sub singular {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
# for files, dirs, or groups
if (($commands->{"f"} || $commands->{"dir"} || $commands->{"g"} ||
$commands->{"q"}) &&
!($commands->{"i"} || $commands->{"l"} ||
$commands->{"df"} || $commands->{"d"} || $commands->{"c"} ||
$commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} || $commands->{"postinst"} ||
$commands->{"prerm"} || $commands->{"postrm"} || $commands->{"T"} ||
$commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} ||
$commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} ||
$commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} ||
$commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"requires"} ||
$commands->{"changelog"} || $commands->{"m"} || $commands->{"menu"} ||
$commands->{"copyright"})) {
print "$argument\n";
elsif (($commands->{"f"} || $commands->{"dir"} || $commands->{"g"} ||
$commands->{"q"}) &&
$commands {"c"} && !($commands->{"i"} ||
$commands->{"df"} || $commands->{"d"} || $commands->{"l"} ||
$commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} || $commands->{"postinst"} ||
$commands->{"prerm"} || $commands->{"postrm"} || $commands->{"T"} &&
$commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} ||
$commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} ||
$commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} ||
$commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"requires"} ||
$commands->{"changelog"} || $commands->{"m"} || $commands->{"menu"} ||
$commands->{"copyright"})) {
print "$argument\n";
elsif (($commands->{"f"} || $commands->{"dir"} || $commands->{"g"} ||
$commands->{"q"}) &&
$commands {"c"} && $commands->{"d"} &&
!($commands->{"i"} || $commands->{"df"} || $commands->{"l"} ||
$commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} || $commands->{"postinst"} ||
$commands->{"prerm"} || $commands->{"postrm"} || $commands->{"T"} ||
$commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} ||
$commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} ||
$commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} ||
$commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"requires"} ||
$commands->{"changelog"} || $commands->{"m"} || $commands->{"menu"} ||
$commands->{"copyright"})) {
print "$argument\n";
elsif (($commands->{"f"} || $commands->{"dir"} || $commands->{"g"} ||
$commands->{"q"}) &&
$commands {"c"} && ($commands->{"d"} ||
$commands->{"l"}) && !($commands->{"i"} || $commands->{"df"} ||
$commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} || $commands->{"postinst"} ||
$commands->{"prerm"} || $commands->{"postrm"} || $commands->{"T"} ||
$commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} ||
$commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} ||
$commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} ||
$commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"requires"} ||
$commands->{"changelog"} || $commands->{"m"} || $commands->{"menu"} ||
$commands->{"copyright"})) {
print "$argument\n";
} # end sub singular


@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Qftp;
use strict;
use SWIM::Conf;
use SWIM::Global qw(@PACKAGES $argument %db);
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Xyz);
use SWIM::Deb qw(md5sumo);
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Net::FTP;
use SWIM::F;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(qftp);
This is the ftp client when --ftp is called with -q, --search/--ps. The
downloaded packages are put in the Default directory (DF) in a directory
mirroring (in a way relative to the design of swim) the dists structure
which is standard with Debian. This is desirable if a person wants to mirror
parts of a remote ftp site above the
default_directory/default_root_directory/; this also makes it easy for a
person to make their own distribution if they want, and apt can be used to
install the packages at a later time by temporarily placing them in
/var/cache/apt/archives using --df2apt. Obviously, this is nicer than using
apt just to download the packages, but the --nz option (apt) is provided
just in case a person is too lazed to do the -T thing, then they can do the
--apt2df thingy to move the packages from /var/cache/apt/archives to the
appropriate place in the DF. Ofcourse, maybe the -T thing was what the
person didn't want to do, or maybe the person wants to do a combination of
both (like something in the -T apt doesn't care about), this would be an
instance where --ftp would be more useful. The configuration file presents
a way to set this up so that the directory particular to the local ftpd can
be integrated into the DF. The DF can be given any unique named
directories, and the permisions of the directories created above can also be
specified. Other options to control the DF will be provided, and -h will be
available for querying the database pertaining to the packages in the DF,
thereby allowing manipulation of the packages in the DF. The database will
be made from Packages databases updated whenever the DF is called. There
will be two types of Packages, one pertaining to the state of the local
system, and the other pertaining to the state of the real distribution.
--file, and --http will also be integrated with DF when they become
IMPORTANT: Support will only be provided for not-installed databases, use a
not-installed database which reflects the currently installed package you
want to download in binary or source code. This is due to the fact that swim
thinks in terms of distribution states, and your installed system may
represent a combination of these things. The md5sum is currently checked
for packages, but not for source, if the md5sum data exists (not a new
debian-revision, for instance) the package will be checked. Whether or not
the package is OK it will be placed in it's appropriate place if it
downloads correctly. If you get FAILED, examine the package and alert
community (download place, what's wrong with the package), then delete the
sub qftp {
my ($arg,$commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
# Although the /dists/... could be found with -i, it's simpler
# just to use name_versionFILENAME instead. People shouldn't
# edit --stdin to combine different distributions when doing --ftp,
# (note: ofcourse apt-cache dumpavail could be used, and
# ncontentsindex could be put together from many dbs)
# since swim can only figure out what distribution is wanted
# from the default value or the one provided on the command line.
# The same is true of using apt. Whatever package is
# provided to --stdin is assumed to be of the specified distribution,
# anyways.
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
@PACKAGES = map($db{$_},(@PACKAGES = split(/\s/,$arg)));
else {
@PACKAGES = map($db{$_},(@PACKAGES = split(/\s/,$arg)))
for (0 .. $#PACKAGES) {
if (!defined $PACKAGES[$_]) {
print "swim: specified package(s) not found in database\n";
if (defined $db{$PACKAGES[0] . "FN"}) {
@LOCATION = map($db{$_ . "FN"},@PACKAGES);
else {
print "swim: incorrect database was specified\n";
# might as well check for a temporary directory for downloads, if it
# doesn't exist create it.
if !-d "$default_directory/partial";
# Check if there is a sources.list specified
if (-e "$swim_conf/swimz.list") {
undef @FTP;
or warn "swim: could not find swimz.list\n";
while (<SOURCES>) {
if ($_ !~ m,#.*|^\s+,) {
chomp; push(@FTP,$_);
if ($#FTP == -1) {
print "swim: no sites specified in swimz.list, quiting\n";
# let's make unique sites
my (%site,@sites,$site);
foreach $site (@FTP) {
my @parts = split(' ', $site);
$parts[1] =~ m,^ftp:/+( (?: (?!/). ) *)(.*),sx;
push(@sites,"$1!$site") if $site{$1} == 1;
foreach $site (@sites) {
# will provide all kinds of options for firewall
my $uri; ($site, $uri) = split(/!/,$site);
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($site,
Debug => $debug,
Timeout => $timeout,
Passive => $passive,
Firewall => $firewall,
Port => $port
if (defined $ftp) {
my $connected = $ftp->code();
if ($connected == 220) {
print "swim: connected to $site\n";
else {
print "swim: could not find $site\n";
my $logged = $ftp->code();
# we are logged, but what is the time difference.
if ($logged == 230 || $logged == 332) {
print "swim: logged in to $site\n";
else {
# 530 "not logged in" will have to test this
print "swim: not logged in to $site\n";
# find the base to the distribution
my @parts = split(' ', $uri);
$parts[1] =~ m,^ftp:/+( (?: (?!/). ) *)(.*),sx;
my $base = $2;
# this finds the base, but it only needs to be found once, ofcourse
# a foreach is totally unecessary unless the site has weird symlinks.
my @tryme_again; my $base_count = 0;
foreach (@FTP) {
next if $base_count == 1;
LOCUS: foreach (@LOCATION) {
my $uptopackage = $1;
my $packagename = $2; my $packagen = $2;
$packagename =~ s,\+,\\\+,g;
my ($source_drd,$drd);
# make directories with permissions if they don't already exist
# and also establish standardized (swimy) debian-non-US and the
# appropriate symlinks
# if a non-US file is requested.
if ($uptopackage !~ /non-US/) {
if (!-d "$default_directory/$default_root_directory/$uptopackage") {
my $place = "$default_directory/$default_root_directory";
my @DP = split(m,/,,$uptopackage);
my $placement = "/";
for (0 .. $#DP) {
$_ == 0 ? ($placement = "/$DP[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DP[$_]);
# will fix this later
# or warn "swim: could not create dists directory\n";
# Ofcourse there is even a better fix.
# ################ #
# # NON-US FILES # #
# ################ #
else {
(my $above_drd = $uptopackage) =~ s,dists,,;
$above_drd =~ s,non-US/,,;
$source_drd = (split(m,/,,$above_drd))[1];
($drd = $default_root_directory) =~ s,/debian,,;
if (!-e "$default_directory$drd/debian-non-US$above_drd") {
my $place = "$default_directory";
my $create = "$drd/debian-non-US$above_drd";
my @DP = split(m,/,,$create);
my $placement = "/";
for (0 .. $#DP) {
$_ == 0 ? ($placement = "/$DP[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DP[$_]);
or warn "swim: could not create debian-non-US directory\n";
if (!-d "$default_directory$drd/debian-non-US/$source_drd/source") {
my $place = "$default_directory";
my $create = "$drd/debian-non-US/$source_drd/source";
my @DP = split(m,/,,$create);
my $placement = "/";
for (0 .. $#DP) {
$_ == 0 ? ($placement = "/$DP[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DP[$_]);
or warn "swim: could not create debian-non-US directory\n";
$place = "$default_directory$drd/debian-non-US";
my $disty = (split(m,/,))[1]; $create = "/dists/$disty";
undef @DP;
@DP = split(m,/,,$create);
for (0 .. $#DP) {
$_ == 0 ? ($placement = "/$DP[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DP[$_]);
or warn "swim: could not create debian-non-US directory\n";
# make the symlinks
$place = "$default_directory$drd/debian"; $create = "/dists/$disty";
undef @DP;
@DP = split(m,/,,$create);
for (0 .. $#DP) {
$_ == 0 ? ($placement = "/$DP[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DP[$_]);
or warn "swim: could not create debian-non-US directory\n";
# make more symlinks
} # if non-US dir !-e
} # end non-us
# GET #
my $file;
($packagen = $packagename) =~ s,\\\+,\+,g;
my $localfile =
my $home =
my $size = $ftp->size("$base/$_");
my $rmtime = $ftp->mdtm("$base/$_");
my $file_exist = $ftp->code();
# the way this is set up, it is assumed that something exists for
# the -(debian-revision).
if ($file_exist == 550) {
print "swim: $packagen does not exist on the server\n";
print "swim: checking to see if the debian-revision has changed\n";
$packagename =~ m,^(.*)-[\dA-Za-z\.\+]+\.deb$,;
my $matcher = $1;
$_ =~ m,^(.*)/$matcher[-\da-zA-Z\.\+]+\.deb$,;
my $otherthing = $1;
my $REVISIONCHANGE = $ftp->ls("$base/$uptopackage");
my $singfile;
foreach (@{$REVISIONCHANGE}) {
? ($singfile = $1)
: ($singfile = $_);
if ($singfile =~ /^$matcher/) {
$file = $singfile;
my $checkfile;
defined $file
? ($checkfile = $otherthing . "/$file")
: ($checkfile = "NOFILE");
$size = $ftp->size("$base/$checkfile");
$rmtime = $ftp->mdtm("$base/$checkfile");
$file_exist = $ftp->code();
print "swim: could not find $packagen debian-revision\n"
if $file_exist == 550;
push(@tryme_again,$_) if $file_exist == 550;
next if $file_exist == 550;
$localfile =~ s,$matcher[-\dA-Za-z\.\+]*\.deb$,$file,;
$home =
$packagename = $file; $file = $otherthing . "/$file";
else {$file = $_; }
my ($lsize,$lmtime);
$packagename =~ m,(^[A-Za-z\d\+-\\+]*)_([\\+A-Za-z\d\+\.:]*)
my $spackage = $1; my $upstream_revision = $2;
$spackage =~ s,\+,\\\+,g;
if (-e $home) {
($lsize,$lmtime) = (stat($home))[7,9];
# If the upstream-revision has changed and
# a local package with the same name exists, we want to delete it.
else {
my $grepthing = "^" . $spackage . "_";
#my $grepthing = $spackage . "_" . $upstream_revision;
foreach (sort grep(/$grepthing/, readdir(DF))) {
my $lupstream_revision = $2;
if ($lupstream_revision eq $upstream_revision) {
print "swim: $_ with different debian-revision exists\n";
$_ = "";
if ($commands->{"source"} || $commands->{"source_only"}) {
my (@SOURCE,$upstream_change);
my ($matcher,$local_source,$remote_source,$base) =
my $REVISIONCHANGE = $ftp->ls("$base/$remote_source");
my $singfile;
foreach (@{$REVISIONCHANGE}) {
? ($singfile = $1)
: ($singfile = $_);
if ($singfile =~ /^$matcher/) {
$file = $singfile;
if (!defined @SOURCE) {
print "swim: checking for upstream-revsion change\n";
($matcher) = (split(/_/,$matcher))[0];
foreach (@{$REVISIONCHANGE}) {
? ($singfile = $1)
: ($singfile = $_);
if ($singfile =~ /^$matcher/) {
$file = $singfile;
$upstream_change = "yes" if defined @SOURCE;
foreach (@SOURCE) {
m,.*/(.*)$,; $packagename = $1;
$lmtime = (stat("$local_source/$packagename"))[9];
-e "$local_source/$packagename"
? ($lmtime = (stat("$local_source/$packagename"))[9])
: ($lmtime = -1);
$size = $ftp->size("$_");
$rmtime = $ftp->mdtm("$_");
$file_exist = $ftp->code();
if ($lmtime != $rmtime) {
if (!$commands->{"diff"}) {
$localfile = "$default_directory/partial/$packagename";
!defined $upstream_change
? print "swim: downloading $packagename ($size bytes)\n"
: print "swim: downloading upstream-revision $packagename ($size bytes)\n";
my $complete = $ftp->code();
$lsize = (stat($localfile))[7];
if ($lsize == $size && $complete == 226 &&
$lmtime != $rmtime) {
print "swim: successful retrieval of $packagename\n";
or system "$mv","$localfile","$local_source/$packagename";
else {
print "swim: unsuccessful retrieval of $packagename\n";
else {
if (m,diff\.gz,) {
$localfile = "$default_directory/partial/$packagename";
!defined $upstream_change
? print "swim: downloading $packagename ($size bytes)\n"
: print "swim: downloading upstream-revision $packagename ($size bytes)\n";
my $complete = $ftp->code();
$lsize = (stat($localfile))[7];
if ($lsize == $size && $complete == 226 &&
$lmtime != $rmtime) {
print "swim: successful retrieval of $packagename\n";
or system "$mv","$localfile","$local_source/$packagename";
else {
print "swim: unsuccessful retrieval of $packagename\n";
$_ = "";
else {
print "swim: $packagename already exists\n"
} # source
next LOCUS;
elsif ($lupstream_revision ne $upstream_revision) {
if (!$commands->{"source_only"}) {
print "swim: replacing $_ with a different upstream-revision\n";
print "swim: $_ exists with a different upstream-revision\n";
# got here but localtime was greater.
if (defined $rmtime && defined $lmtime) {
# ofcourse if the file does exist locally and has the same name
# and version, and this exists, something strange is going on.
if ($lmtime < $rmtime) {
print "swim: downloading $packagen, strange.........
same upstream version exists in the same package locally\n";
my $complete = $ftp->code();
$argument = $localfile;
$commands{"md5sum"} = 1;
md5sumo(\%commands) if $complete == 226;
($packagen = $packagename) =~ s,\\\+,\+,g;
print "swim: successful retrieval of $packagen\n"
if $complete == 226;
$_ = "" if $complete == 226;
elsif ($lmtime == $rmtime) {
$_ = "";
($packagen = $packagename) =~ s,\\\+,\+,g;
print "swim: $packagen already exists\n";
if ($commands->{"source"} || $commands->{"source_only"}) {
my (@SOURCE,$upstream_change);
my ($matcher,$local_source,$remote_source,$base) =
my $REVISIONCHANGE = $ftp->ls("$base/$remote_source");
my $singfile;
foreach (@{$REVISIONCHANGE}) {
? ($singfile = $1)
: ($singfile = $_);
if ($singfile =~ /^$matcher/) {
$file = $singfile;
if (!defined @SOURCE) {
print "swim: checking for upstream-revsion change\n";
($matcher) = (split(/_/,$matcher))[0];
foreach (@{$REVISIONCHANGE}) {
? ($singfile = $1)
: ($singfile = $_);
if ($singfile =~ /^$matcher/) {
$file = $singfile;
$upstream_change = "yes" if defined @SOURCE;
foreach (@SOURCE) {
m,.*/(.*)$,; $packagename = $1;
-e "$local_source/$packagename"
? ($lmtime = (stat("$local_source/$packagename"))[9])
: ($lmtime = -1);
$size = $ftp->size("$_");
$rmtime = $ftp->mdtm("$_");
$file_exist = $ftp->code();
if ($lmtime != $rmtime) {
if (!$commands->{"diff"}) {
$localfile = "$default_directory/partial/$packagename";
!defined $upstream_change
? print "swim: downloading $packagename ($size bytes)\n"
: print "swim: downloading upstream-revision $packagename ($size bytes)\n";
my $complete = $ftp->code();
$lsize = (stat($localfile))[7];
if ($lsize == $size && $complete == 226 && $lmtime != $rmtime) {
print "swim: successful retrieval of $packagename\n";
or system "$mv","$localfile","$local_source/$packagename";
else {
print "swim: unsuccessful retrieval of $packagename\n";
else {
if (m,diff\.gz,) {
$localfile = "$default_directory/partial/$packagename";
!defined $upstream_change
? print "swim: downloading $packagename ($size bytes)\n"
: print "swim: downloading upstream-revision $packagename ($size bytes)\n";
my $complete = $ftp->code();
$lsize = (stat($localfile))[7];
if ($lsize == $size && $complete == 226 && $lmtime != $rmtime) {
print "swim: successful retrieval of $packagename\n";
or system "$mv","$localfile","$local_source/$packagename";
else {
print "swim: unsuccessful retrieval of $packagename\n";
$_ = "";
else {
print "swim: $packagename already exists\n"
} # source
else {
if (!$commands->{"source_only"}) {
print "swim: downloading $packagen ($size bytes)\n";
my $upstream_change;
my $complete = $ftp->code();
$lsize = (stat($localfile))[7];
if ($lsize == $size && $complete == 226) {
$argument = $localfile;
$commands{"md5sum"} = 1; md5sumo(\%commands);
($packagen = $packagename) =~ s,\\\+,\+,g;
print "swim: successful retrieval of $packagen\n";
or system "$mv", "$localfile", "$home";
else {
print "swim: unsuccessful retrieval of $file\n";
$_ = "";
if ($commands->{"source"}) {
my (@SOURCE,$upstream_change);
my ($matcher,$local_source,$remote_source,$base) =
my $REVISIONCHANGE = $ftp->ls("$base/$remote_source");
my $singfile;
foreach (@{$REVISIONCHANGE}) {
? ($singfile = $1)
: ($singfile = $_);
if ($singfile =~ /^$matcher/) {
$file = $singfile;
if (!defined @SOURCE) {
print "swim: checking for upstream-revsion change\n";
($matcher) = (split(/_/,$matcher))[0];
foreach (@{$REVISIONCHANGE}) {
? ($singfile = $1)
: ($singfile = $_);
if ($singfile =~ /^$matcher/) {
$file = $singfile;
$upstream_change = "yes" if defined @SOURCE;
foreach (@SOURCE) {
m,.*/(.*)$,; $packagename = $1;
-e "$local_source/$packagename"
? ($lmtime = (stat("$local_source/$packagename"))[9])
: ($lmtime = -1);
$size = $ftp->size("$_");
$rmtime = $ftp->mdtm("$_");
$file_exist = $ftp->code();
if ($lmtime != $rmtime) {
if (!$commands->{"diff"}) {
$localfile = "$default_directory/partial/$packagename";
!defined $upstream_change
? print "swim: downloading $packagename ($size bytes)\n"
: print "swim: downloading upstream-revision $packagename ($size bytes)\n";
my $complete = $ftp->code();
$lsize = (stat($localfile))[7];
if ($lsize == $size && $complete == 226 && $lmtime != $rmtime) {
print "swim: successful retrieval of $packagename\n";
or system "$mv","$localfile","$local_source/$packagename";
else {
print "swim: unsuccessful retrieval of $packagename\n";
else {
if (m,diff\.gz,) {
$localfile = "$default_directory/partial/$packagename";
!defined $upstream_change
? print "swim: downloading $packagename ($size bytes)\n"
: print "swim: downloading upstream-revision $packagename ($size bytes)\n";
my $complete = $ftp->code();
$lsize = (stat($localfile))[7];
if ($lsize == $size && $complete == 226 && $lmtime != $rmtime) {
print "swim: successful retrieval of $packagename\n";
or system "$mv","$localfile","$local_source/$packagename";
else {
print "swim: unsuccessful retrieval of $packagename\n";
$_ = "";
else {
print "swim: $packagename already exists\n"
} # source
else {
my (@SOURCE,$upstream_change);
my ($matcher,$local_source,$remote_source,$base) =
my $REVISIONCHANGE = $ftp->ls("$base/$remote_source");
my $singfile;
foreach (@{$REVISIONCHANGE}) {
? ($singfile = $1)
: ($singfile = $_);
if ($singfile =~ /^$matcher/) {
$file = $singfile;
if (!defined @SOURCE) {
print "swim: checking for upstream-revsion change\n";
($matcher) = (split(/_/,$matcher))[0];
foreach (@{$REVISIONCHANGE}) {
? ($singfile = $1)
: ($singfile = $_);
if ($singfile =~ /^$matcher/) {
$file = $singfile;
$upstream_change = "yes" if defined @SOURCE;
foreach (@SOURCE) {
m,.*/(.*)$,; $packagename = $1;
-e "$local_source/$packagename"
? ($lmtime = (stat("$local_source/$packagename"))[9])
: ($lmtime = -1);
$size = $ftp->size("$_");
$rmtime = $ftp->mdtm("$_");
$file_exist = $ftp->code();
if ($lmtime != $rmtime) {
if (!$commands->{"diff"}) {
$localfile = "$default_directory/partial/$packagename";
!defined $upstream_change
? print "swim: downloading $packagename ($size bytes)\n"
: print "swim: downloading upstream-revision $packagename ($size bytes)\n";
my $complete = $ftp->code();
$lsize = (stat($localfile))[7];
if ($lsize == $size && $complete == 226 && $lmtime != $rmtime) {
print "swim: successful retrieval of $packagename\n";
or system "$mv","$localfile","$local_source/$packagename";
else {
print "swim: unsuccessful retrieval of $packagename\n";
else {
if (m,diff\.gz,) {
$localfile = "$default_directory/partial/$packagename";
!defined $upstream_change
? print "swim: downloading $packagename ($size bytes)\n"
: print "swim: downloading upstream-revision $packagename ($size bytes)\n";
my $complete = $ftp->code();
$lsize = (stat($localfile))[7];
if ($lsize == $size && $complete == 226 && $lmtime != $rmtime) {
print "swim: successful retrieval of $packagename\n";
or system "$mv","$localfile","$local_source/$packagename";
else {
print "swim: unsuccessful retrieval of $packagename\n";
$_ = "";
else {
print "swim: $packagename already exists\n"
} # source-only
} # foreach FTP
undef @LOCATION;
@LOCATION = @tryme_again;
$ftp->quit() if !defined @LOCATION;
my $good_bye = $ftp->code();
print "swim: logged out\n" if $good_bye == 221;
undef @sites if !defined @LOCATION;
} # foreach sites
untie %db;
} # end sub qftp
# figure out the source stuff, make appropriate directories for sections
# which aren't non-US
sub source_calc {
my($base,$uptopackage,$packagename,$drd,$source_drd) = @_;
# if source is empty in %db we can use the package name, need
# to watch for experimental
my ($remote_source,$local_source,@SOURCE);
if ($uptopackage =~ /non-US/) {
$local_source =
$uptopackage =~ m,(.*)/.*$,; $remote_source = $1;
$remote_source = "$remote_source/source";
# for safety's sake and because most sites don't have
# /pub/debian/dists/unstable/non-US/source except for a
# site made with swim, convert debian to debian-non-US and
# hope everything is standard.
if ($base !~ /debian-non-US/) {
$base =~ s/debian/debian-non-US/;
else {
$uptopackage =~ m,(.*)/(.*)$,;
my $subject = $2; $1 =~ m,(.*)/.*$,; $local_source = $1;
#$remote_source =~ m,(.*)/.*$,; $remote_source = $1;
$remote_source = $local_source;
$local_source = "$remote_source/source/$subject";
$remote_source = $local_source;
$local_source =
# exciting matcher realities..if it isn't non-US than the
# %db needs to be searched for anything found in Source:,
# if it is defined, then vola, herein this section lays the
# source, otherwise it's probably in the section which pertains
# to the package being queried..we hope. Epochs aren't used
# fortunately they aren't in package_versionFN, but they can
# be in the Source: area so they need to be removed.
$packagename =~ m,(^[A-Za-z\d\+-\\+]*_[\\+A-Za-z\d\+\.:]*)
# everything, but revision
my $matcher = $1;
$matcher =~ m,^(.*)_(.*)$,; my $mat = $1;
if (defined $db{$mat}) {
$mat = $db{$mat}; $mat = $db{$mat};
if ($mat =~ m,Installed-Size:\s\d+\s+Source:\s(.*),){
$matcher = $1;
if ($matcher =~ m,[\(\)], ) {
$matcher =~ /:/
? $matcher =~ m,^(.*)
: $matcher =~ m,^(.*)
my $mat2 = $1; my $mat2_ver = $2;
$matcher = $mat2 . "_" . $mat2_ver;
if (defined $db{$mat2}) {
$matcher = $mat2 . "_" . $mat2_ver;
# time to change the $remote_source and $local_source
if ($uptopackage !~ /non-US/) {
my $change = $db{$mat2};
$change = $db{$change ."FN"};
$change =~ m,(.*)/(.*)$,;
$uptopackage = $1; $uptopackage =~ m,(.*)/(.*)$,;
my $subject = $2;
$1 =~ m,(.*)/.*$,; $local_source = $1;
$local_source = "$local_source/source/$subject";
$remote_source = $local_source;
$local_source =
else {
if (defined $db{$matcher}) {
# time to change the
# $remote_source and $local_source
if ($uptopackage !~ /non-US/) {
my $change = $db{$matcher};
$change = $db{$change ."FN"};
$change =~ m,(.*)/(.*)$,;
$uptopackage = $1; $uptopackage =~ m,(.*)/(.*)$,;
my $subject = $2;
$1 =~ m,(.*)/.*$,; $local_source = $1;
$local_source = "$local_source/source/$subject";
$remote_source = $local_source;
$local_source =
} # Source: found
} # should be defined
# time to make direcorties if $local_source isn't defined
# non-US already made, if source if already made, just the
# subject above needs to be made
if (!-e $local_source) {
my $place;
my @LS = split(m,/,,$local_source);
for (1 .. $#LS - 2) {
$_ == 1 ? ($place = "/$LS[$_]")
: ($place = $place . "/" . $LS[$_]);
my $create = "$LS[$#LS -1]/$LS[$#LS]";
if (-d "$place/$LS[$#LS - 1]") {
or warn "swim: could not create source directory\n";
else {
my @DP = split(m,/,,$create);
my $placement = "/";
for (0 .. $#DP) {
$_ == 0 ? ($placement = "/$DP[$_]")
: ($placement = $placement . "/" . $DP[$_]);
or warn "swim: could not create source directory\n";
} # end source_calc


@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Ramdisk;
use strict;
use SWIM::Conf;
use SWIM::Library;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(ramdisk);
make access a lot faster for contentsindex.deb.gz, alternatively
searchindex.deb & file/dirindex. Ramdisks don't work well for
everything like the creation of a database. The goal is to
automatically determine the size of the disk based on the files
put into it (which will all be compressed) This also has a residual
effect, so when the ramdisk is umounted stuff still stays in
the memory.
sub ramdisk {
my ($commands) = @_;
# lot's of thing can be put into the ramdisk, ncontentsindex being the
# most important, but flat search files, too. --ramdiskon -n would be
# the most important application.
my $size = 0;
my (@storage,@files);
my $count = 0;
my %commands = %$commands;
my $where = finddb(\%commands);
my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
my $not = "n" if defined $arch;
$not = "" if !$commands->{"n"};
$arch = "" if !$commands->{"n"};
$dist = "" if !$commands->{"n"};
my $contentsindex = "contentsindex";
my $searchindex = "searchindex";
my $dirindex = "dirindex";
if ($commands->{"ramdiskon"}) {
my $rambo = "$cat /proc/mounts|";
open(RAM, "$rambo");
while (<RAM>) {
if (/ram/) {
my($device,$mount) = split(/\s/,$_,2);
if ($mount =~ /dramdisk/) {
print "swim: use --ramdiskoff\n";
$storage[$count] = $device;
if (-e "$where/$not$contentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz" &&
-B "$where/$not$contentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") {
$size = (stat("$where/$not$contentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"))[7];
if ($commands->{"searchfile"}) {
# stat caused some weirdisms based on the boolean logic
#if (-e "$where/$not$searchindex$arch$dist.deb" &&
# -e "$where/$not$dirindex$arch$dist.deb") {
# compress the monsters
if (!-e "$where/$not$dirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") {
print "swim: please wait while dirindex.deb is compressed\n";
if (-e "$where/$not$dirindex$arch$dist.deb") {
system "$gzip -c9 $where/$not$dirindex$arch$dist.deb > $where/$not$dirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz";
if (!-e "$where/$not$searchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") {
print "swim: please wait while searchindex.deb is compressed\n";
if (-e "$where/$not$searchindex$arch$dist.deb") {
system "$gzip -c9 $where/$not$searchindex$arch$dist.deb > $where/$not$searchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz";
my $size1 = (stat("$where/$not$searchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"))[7];
my $size2 = (stat("$where/$not$dirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"))[7];
if (defined $size) {
$size = $size + $size1 + $size2;
else {
$size = $size1 + $size2;
# it will be assumed that ext2 is used, and hopefully there isn't a mount
# of the exact same name..hence dramdisk should be unusual
my $number;
if (defined @storage) {
@storage = sort {$a cmp $b} @storage;
$storage[$#storage] =~ s/\D//g;
$number = $storage[$#storage] + 1;
else {
$number = 0;
# the size will be the sizes added together/1024 + (.15 of the total)
if (-e "$where/dramdisk") {
if (!-d "$where/dramdisk") {
print "swim: --ramdiskon requires dir dramdisk, but a file named dramdisk already exists\n";
elsif (!-d "$where/dramdisk") {
my $increase = $size * 0.15;
$size = $increase + $size;
$size = $size/1024;
$size = sprintf("%.f",$size);
if ($size > 0) {
system "$mke2fs", "-m0", "/dev/ram$number", "$size";
system "$mount", "-t", "ext2", "/dev/ram$number", "$where/dramdisk";
foreach (@files) {
system "$copy", "$_", "$where/dramdisk";
} # if on
else {
my $rambo = "$cat /proc/mounts|";
open(RAM, "$rambo");
while (<RAM>) {
if (/ram/) {
my($device,$mount) = split(/\s/,$_,2);
if ($mount =~ /dramdisk/) {
system "$umount", "$device";
$storage[$count] = $device;
} # if off
} # end sub ramdisk


@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Safex;
use strict;
use Term::ReadLine;
use SWIM::Conf qw($apt_get $dpkg $tmp $HISTORY);
use SWIM::Global qw(@PACKAGES $argument $aptor_group %db);
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Xyz);
use SWIM::Library;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(safex);
# when x is called
sub safex {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if ($commands->{"x"} || $commands->{"ftp"} || $commands->{"source"} ||
$commands->{"source_only"} || $commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"} ||
$commands->{"purge"}) {
if (!defined @PACKAGES) {
if ($commands->{"search"} || $commands->{"ps"} || $commands->{"research"}
|| $commands->{"refinesearch"}) {
else {
#print "PACKAGES @PACKAGES $argument\n";
my ($aptor,$arg);
if (defined $argument) {
if ($argument =~ /_/) {
$argument =~ m,(.*)_.*,;
$aptor = $1;
else {
if (($argument =~ m,/, && ($commands->{"y"} || $commands->{"z"} ||
$commands->{"ftp"} || $commands->{"nz"})) || defined $aptor_group ||
$commands->{"ftp"} || $commands->{"purge"} || $commands->{"remove"} ||
$commands->{"r"}) {
if ($PACKAGES[$#PACKAGES] =~ /_/) {
$PACKAGES[$#PACKAGES] =~ m,(.*)_.*,;
$aptor = $1;
else {
else {
$aptor = $argument;
else {
if ($commands->{"y"} || $commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"} ||
$commands->{"nz"} || $commands->{"purge"} || $commands->{"remove"} ||
$commands->{"r"}) {
if ($PACKAGES[$#PACKAGES] =~ /_/) {
$PACKAGES[$#PACKAGES] =~ m,(.*)_.*,;
$aptor = $1;
else {
if ($PACKAGES[$#PACKAGES] =~ m,/,) {
$PACKAGES[$#PACKAGES] =~ m,.*/(.*)$,;
$arg = $1;
foreach (@PACKAGES) {
$_ =~ m,.*/(.*)$,;
shift @PACKAGES;
else {
if ($PACKAGES[$#PACKAGES] =~ /_/) {
$PACKAGES[$#PACKAGES] =~ m,(.*)_.*,;
$arg = $1;
foreach (0 .. $#PACKAGES) {
if ($PACKAGES[$_] =~ /_/) {
$PACKAGES[$_] =~ m,^(.*)_.*$,;
$PACKAGES[$_] = $1;
else {
else {
foreach (0 .. $#PACKAGES) {
if ($PACKAGES[$_] =~ /_/) {
$PACKAGES[$_] =~ m,^(.*)_.*$,;
$PACKAGES[$_] = $1;
else {
$aptor = "DEFINEDONE" if !defined $aptor;
if (($aptor eq $arg) || ($commands->{"search"} ||
$commands->{"ps"} || $commands->{"research"} ||
$commands->{"refinesearch"} || $aptor eq "/.") &&
# swim provides a great interface to apt. The trick is to not actually
# run apt-get until all the arguments are stored in an array. This is
# done easily for xy and for for xyz which provides virtual installation
# and querying completion after --db && --ndb updates. Obviously, the
# package virtually installed needs to be the same architecture as the
# machine running, since this is how apt works, but the databases can be
# in any specified directory. This function also provides an interface for
# ftp, as well as dpkg's --remove & --purge.
sub xyz {
my ($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
if (!$commands->{"ftp"}) {
if (!defined $apt_get) {
print "swim: configure swimrc\n";
# error correcting
if ($commands->{"ftp"} && ($commands->{"r"} || $commands->{"remove"} ||
$commands->{"purge"})) {
print "swim: --ftp cannot be used with ";
print "-r " if defined $commands->{"r"};
print "--remove " if defined $commands->{"remove"};
print "--purge " if defined $commands->{"purge"};
print "\n";
if (($commands->{"r"} || $commands->{"remove"}) && $commands->{"purge"}) {
print "swim: ";
print "-r " if defined $commands->{"r"};
print "--remove " if defined $commands->{"remove"};
print "--purge " if defined $commands->{"purge"};
print "cannot be used together\n";
if (($commands->{"y"} || $commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"x"} ||
$commands->{"nz"}) && ($commands->{"ftp"} || $commands->{"purge"})) {
print "swim: -";
print "x" if $commands->{"x"};
print "y" if $commands->{"y"};
print "z" if $commands->{"z"};
print " --nz" if $commands->{"nz"};
print " cannot be used with ";
print "--purge " if defined $commands->{"purge"};
print "--ftp " if defined $commands->{"ftp"};
print "\n";
if (($commands->{"source"} && $commands->{"source_only"})) {
print "swim: --source and --source_only cannot be used together\n";
if (($commands->{"source"} || $commands->{"source_only"}) &&
!$commands->{"ftp"}) {
print "swim: --";
print "source" if $commands->{"source"};
print "source_only" if $commands->{"source_only"};
print " cannot be used without --ftp\n";
if (($commands->{"y"} || $commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"nz"}) &&
!$commands->{"x"}) {
print "swim: requires -x option\n";
if ($commands->{"x"}) {
# There's no sense in doing this if the wrong architecture is called.
if (defined $dpkg) {
system "$dpkg --print-installation-architecture > $tmp/arch.deb";
open(ARCH, "$tmp/arch.deb") or warn "couldn't find arch\n";
my @arch = <ARCH>; chomp $arch[0];
my($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands); $arch =~ m,^-(.*),;
if ($1 ne $arch[0]) {
print "swim: apt uses the $arch[0] architecture\n";
if ((($commands->{"x"} || ($commands->{"x"} && $commands->{"y"})) ||
($commands->{"x"} && ($commands->{"r"} || $commands->{"remove"}) ||
($commands->{"x"} && $commands->{"y"} && ($commands->{"r"} ||
$commands->{"remove"})))) &&
!($commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"nz"})) {
my $arg;
my $count = 0;
foreach (@PACKAGES) {
if ($count == 0) {
$arg = "$_";
else {
$arg = $arg . " " . "$_";
if ($commands->{"stdin"}) {
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new("Simple Shell");
my @HISTORY = history(\%commands);
my @history; push(@history,"$arg");
print "swim: type exit to finish --stdin\n";
my $termcount = 0;
while ($termcount < 1 ) {
$_ = $term->readline('swim: ',"$arg");
push (@history,$_);
} do { $_ = $term->readline('swim: ');
push (@history,$_);
} while $_ ne "exit";
$arg = $history[$#history - 1];
if ($arg ne $HISTORY[$#HISTORY]) {
if ($arg =~ m,^[^\w],) {
$arg =~ s,^\s+(\w+),$1,;
!($commands->{"r"} || $commands{"remove"}) ?
system "$apt_get install -qs $arg" :
system "$apt_get remove -qs $arg";
# provides optional --stdin to change packages to be installed
# from the command line
else {
my $arg;
my $count = 0;
foreach (@PACKAGES) {
if ($count == 0) {
$arg = "$_";
else {
$arg = $arg . " " . "$_";
if ($commands->{"stdin"}) {
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new("Simple Shell");
my @HISTORY = history(\%commands);
my @history; push(@history,"$arg");
print "swim: type exit to finish --stdin\n";
my $termcount = 0;
while ($termcount < 1 ) {
$_ = $term->readline('swim: ',"$arg");
push (@history,$_);
} do { $_ = $term->readline('swim: ');
push (@history,$_);
} while $_ ne "exit";
$arg = $history[$#history - 1];
if ("$arg" ne "$HISTORY[$#HISTORY]") {
if ($arg =~ m,^[^\w],) {
$arg =~ s,^\s+(\w+),$1,;
# XYZ #
if (!($commands->{"ftp"} || $commands->{"purge"})) {
if (!$commands->{"y"}) {
if (!$commands->{"nz"}) {
!($commands->{"r"} || $commands{"remove"}) ?
system "$apt_get install $arg" :
system "$apt_get remove $arg";
else {
!($commands->{"r"} || $commands{"remove"}) ?
system "$apt_get -d install $arg" :
system "$apt_get remove $arg";
else {
if (!$commands->{"nz"}) {
!($commands->{"r"} || $commands{"remove"}) ?
system "$apt_get install -y $arg" :
system "$apt_get remove -y $arg";
else {
# not that the y does anything
!($commands->{"r"} || $commands{"remove"}) ?
system "$apt_get install -y -d $arg" :
system "$apt_get remove -y $arg";
# FTP #
elsif ($commands->{"ftp"}) {
require SWIM::Qftp;
elsif ($commands->{"purge"} || $commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"}) {
# this is a good time to return the versions, too, as well as
# including any NEW packages from --db and --ndb. We'll assume $arg
# from qftp will never be too large
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
@PACKAGES = map($db{$_},(@PACKAGES = split(/\s/,$arg)));
else {
@PACKAGES = map($db{$_},(@PACKAGES = split(/\s/,$arg)));
untie %db;
} # end sub xyz
# Remove (keep configuration files) or purge everything for each package.
sub purge {
my ($arg,$commands) = @_;
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
if ($commands->{"purge"}) {
system "$dpkg --purge $arg";
elsif ($commands->{"remove"} || $commands->{"r"}) {
system "$dpkg -r $arg";
else {
print "swim: ";
print "-r " if defined $commands->{"r"};
print "--remove " if defined $commands->{"remove"};
print "--purge " if defined $commands->{"purge"};
print "can only be used with installed packages\n";
} # end sub purge
# find the history file and return proper output
sub history {
my($commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
my($place) = finddb(\%commands);
my $swim_history;
if ($commands->{"n"}) {
$swim_history = "$place/.nswim$arch$dist" . "_history";
else {
$swim_history = "$place/.swim" . "_history";
open(HISTORY,"$swim_history") or exit;
my (@HISTORY,$line);
while (<HISTORY>) {
foreach (split(/\s/,$_)) {
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
push(@HISTORY,$line); undef $line;
return @HISTORY;
} # end sub history
# append history if it has changed
sub history_print {
my($arg,$commands) = @_;
my %commands = %$commands;
my($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
my($place) = finddb(\%commands);
my $swim_history;
if ($commands->{"n"}) {
$swim_history = "$place/.nswim$arch$dist" . "_history";
else {
$swim_history = "$place/.swim" . "_history";
open(HISTORY,"$swim_history") or exit;
if ($#HISTORY < $HISTORY - 1) {
else {
open(HISTORY,">$swim_history") or exit;
} # end sub history_print


@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
# Package administration and research tool for Debian
# Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SWIM::Search;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use strict;
use SWIM::Global;
use SWIM::Conf;
use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Search);
use SWIM::Library;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(search);
# search() and searchdf() = mm --search, --ps --refinesearch --research
This searches for keyword(s) amongst the descriptions, and then
shows the packages which match, a little more sophisticated than
swim -qait | grep <keyword>, besides you can use perl regexping
notation when you do your search. By default the description is
automatically presented, but a list of package names which match is kept
which can then be queried using -S in the normal fashion, until the
next search.
sub search {
my ($search_mem,$commands,$num,$argv) = @_;
$argument = "/.";
my %commands = %$commands;
my %morethanone;
my $keyword = $commands->{"search"};
if ($commands->{"search"}) {
$keyword = $commands->{"search"};
elsif ($commands->{"research"}) {
$keyword = $commands->{"research"};
elsif ($commands->{"refinesearch"}) {
$keyword = $commands->{"refinesearch"};
elsif ($commands->{"powersearch"} || $commands->{"ps"}) {
if ($commands->{"powersearch"}) {
$keyword = $commands->{"powersearch"};
if ($commands->{"ps"}) {
$keyword = $commands->{"ps"};
my $count = 0;
my ($search_file, $search_dir);
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
if ($commands->{"ps"} || $commands->{"powersearch"}) {
($search_file,$search_dir) = searchdf(\%commands);
if (-B $search_file && -B $search_dir) {
$search_file = "$gzip -dc $search_file|";
$search_dir = "$gzip -dc $search_dir|";
# N #
else {
my $return = nib(\%commands);
if (!defined $return) {
untie %ib;
$ib{"/."} = $nsb{"/."};
if ($commands->{"ps"} || $commands->{"powersearch"}) {
($search_file,$search_dir) = searchdf(\%commands);
if (!-e $search_file || !-e $search_dir) {
delete $commands{"ps"} if defined $commands->{"ps"};
delete $commands{"powersearch"} if defined $commands->{"powersearch"};
if (-B $search_file && -B $search_dir) {
$search_file = "$gzip -dc $search_file|";
$search_dir = "$gzip -dc $search_dir|";
# #
# #
# Here starts --search & optionally -g
my ($line,@HISTORY);
if ($commands->{"search"}) {
my @stuff;
if ($commands->{"g"}) {
# check for some errors
if ($commands->{"a"} || $commands->{"f"} || $commands->{"dir"}) {
print "swim: one type of query/verify may be performed at a time\n";
# extract the packages related to the group.
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
else {
if ($#ARGV != -1) {
foreach (@ARGV) {
$argument = $_;
if (defined $gb{$argument}) {
@stuff = split(/\s/, $gb{$argument});
else {
print "group $argument does not contain any packages\n";
else {
print "swim: no arguments given for query\n";
untie %gb;
} # if ($commands->{"g"})
# not yet for -g
if ($commands->{"search"} && !$commands->{"g"}) {
if (defined $argument) {
if ($ib{"$argument"}){
foreach (split(/\s/, $ib{"$argument"})) {
if ($keyword =~ /\/i$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/i$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$_} =~ /$1/i) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/m$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/m$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$_} =~ /$1/m ) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/.[im]$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/.[im]$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$_} =~ /$1/im ) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$_} =~ /$keyword/) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
print "swim: found $count package(s)\n";
if (!defined $line) {
$line = "";
else {
$line = "$line\n";
# ok -g
elsif ($commands->{"search"} && $commands->{"g"}) {
if (defined @stuff) {
foreach (@stuff) {
$argument = $_;
# if we just did a group search we don't want to append it to
# the .search.deb file.
if ($keyword =~ /\/i$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/i$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$argument} =~ /$1/i) {
print "$db{$argument}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/m$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/m$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$argument} =~ /$1/m ) {
print "$db{$argument}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/.[im]$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/.[im]$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$argument} =~ /$1/im ) {
print "$db{$argument}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$argument} =~ /$keyword/) {
print "$db{$argument}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
print "swim: found $count package(s)\n";
if (!defined $line) {
$line = "";
else {
$line = "$line\n";
exit if !($commands->{"stdin"} || $commands->{"x"} || $commands->{"y"} ||
$commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"});
# #
# #
# research time or refining time
if ($commands->{"research"} || $commands{"refinesearch"}) {
if ($commands->{"g"}) {
print "swim: use -g only with a new search\n";
foreach (@$argv) {
if ($keyword =~ /\/i$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/i$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$db{$_}} =~ /$1/i) {
print "$db{$db{$_}}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/m$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/m$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$db{$_}} =~ /$1/m ) {
print "$db{$db{$_}}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/.[im]$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/.[im]$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$db{$_}} =~ /$1/im ) {
print "$db{$db{$_}}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$db{$_}} =~ /$keyword/) {
print "$db{$db{$_}}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
print "swim: found $count package(s)\n";
if (!defined $line) {
$line = "";
else {
$line = "$line\n";
# refine the search
if ($commands->{"refinesearch"}) {
open(HISTORY, "$search_mem") || exit;
my @HISTORY = reverse <HISTORY>;
$HISTORY[$num - 1] = $line;
open(HISTORY, ">$search_mem") || exit;
print HISTORY reverse @HISTORY;
exit if !($commands->{"stdin"} || $commands->{"x"} ||
$commands->{"y"} || $commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"});
# #
# #
# powersearch with no -g option since this searchs all files.
if (($commands->{"powersearch"} || $commands->{"ps"}) && !$commands->{"g"}) {
open(FLATFILE, "$search_file");
while (<FLATFILE>) {
chomp $_;
if ($keyword =~ /\/i$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/i$,;
if ($_ =~ /$1/i) {
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$ib{$_}} == 1) {
print "$db{$ib{$_}}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$ib{$_}))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$ib{$_}))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/m$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/m$,;
if ($_ =~ /$1/m ) {
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$ib{$_}} == 1) {
print "$db{$ib{$_}}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$ib{$_}))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$ib{$_}))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/.[im]$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/.[im]$,;
if ($_ =~ /$1/im ) {
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$ib{$_}} == 1) {
print "$db{$ib{$_}}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$ib{$_}))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$ib{$_}))[0];
else {
if ($_ =~ /$keyword/) {
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$ib{$_}} == 1) {
# ofcourse this won't work if a dir filters through.
# hummm.
#print "HUMM DIR $_ ", $ib{$_}, "\n";
print "$db{$ib{$_}}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$ib{$_}))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$ib{$_}))[0];
} # while (<FLATFILE>)
# DIR #
# Somebody wants to do a rare --dir search, but this is done by default
# for the n* because often enough more than one package shares one
# file.
if ($commands->{"dir"} || $commands{"n"}) {
open(FLATFILE, "$search_dir");
while (<FLATFILE>) {
chomp $_;
if ($keyword =~ /\/i$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/i$,;
if ($_ =~ /$1/i) {
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$ib{$_}} == 1) {
my @dir = split(/\s/,$ib{$_});
foreach (@dir) {
if (defined $morethanone{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$_} == 1) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/m$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/m$,;
if ($_ =~ /$1/m ) {
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$ib{$_}} == 1) {
my @dir = split(/\s/,$ib{$_});
foreach (@dir) {
if (defined $morethanone{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$_} == 1) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/.[im]$/) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/.[im]$,;
if ($_ =~ /$1/im ) {
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$ib{$_}} == 1) {
my @dir = split(/\s/,$ib{$_});
foreach (@dir) {
if (defined $morethanone{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$_} == 1) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
if ($_ =~ /$keyword/) {
if (defined $ib{$_}) {
#my @dir = split(/\s/,$ib{$_});
#foreach (@dir) {
if ($morethanone{$ib{$_}} == 1) {
my @dir = split(/\s/,$ib{$_});
foreach (@dir) {
if (defined $morethanone{$_}) {
if ($morethanone{$_} == 1) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
} # while (<FLATFILE>)
# now we can do a normal search for the powersearch
if (defined $argument) {
if ($ib{"$argument"}){
foreach (split(/\s/, $ib{$argument})) {
if ($keyword =~ /\/i$/) {
if ($morethanone{$_} == 1) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/i$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$_} =~ /$1/i) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/m$/) {
if ($morethanone{$_} == 1) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/m$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$_} =~ /$1/m ) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
elsif ($keyword =~ /\/.[im]$/) {
if ($morethanone{$_} == 1) {
$keyword =~ m,(.*)\/.[im]$,;
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$_} =~ /$1/im ) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
if ($morethanone{$_} == 1) {
if (defined $db{$_}) {
if ($db{$_} =~ /$keyword/) {
print "$db{$_}\n" if !$commands->{"no"};
if (!defined $line) {
$line = (split(/_/,$_))[0];
else {
$line = $line . " " . (split(/_/,$_))[0];
print "swim: found $count package(s)\n";
if (!defined $line) {
$line = "";
else {
$line = "$line\n";
#exit if !($commands->{"stdin"} || $commands->{"x"} ||
# $commands->{"y"} || $commands->{"z"} || $commands->{"ftp"});
untie %ib;
untie %db;
} # end sub search
# for finding the search flatfiles
sub searchdf {
my ($commands) = @_;
if (!$commands->{"n"}) {
my ($ramdisk) = ram_on();
if ($ramdisk eq 1) {
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$sfile = "$parent$library/searchindex.deb";
$sdir = "$parent$library/dirindex.deb";
return ($sfile,$sdir);
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$sfile = "$parent$base/searchindex.deb";
$sdir = "$parent$base/dirindex.deb";
return ($sfile,$sdir);
elsif ($ramdisk eq "yes") {
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$sfile = "$parent$library/dramdisk/searchindex.deb.gz";
$sdir = "$parent$library/dramdisk/dirindex.deb.gz";
if (!-e $sdir && !-e $sfile) {
print "swim: found wrong database(s), use --ramdiskoff\n";
return ($sfile,$sdir);
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$sfile = "$parent$base/dramdisk/searchindex.deb.gz";
$sdir = "$parent$base/dramdisk/dirindex.deb.gz";
if (!-e $sdir && !-e $sfile) {
print "swim: found wrong database(s), use --ramdiskoff\n";
return ($sfile,$sdir);
else {
my ($ramdisk) = ram_on();
my($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands);
if ($ramdisk eq 1) {
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$sfile = "$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb";
$sdir = "$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb";
return ($sfile,$sdir);
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$sfile = "$parent$base/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb";
$sdir = "$parent$base/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb";
return ($sfile,$sdir);
elsif ($ramdisk eq "yes") {
if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) ||
($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) ||
(!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) {
$sfile = "$parent$library/dramdisk/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz";
$sdir = "$parent$library/dramdisk/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz";
if (!-e $sdir && !-e $sfile) {
print "swim: found wrong database(s), use --ramdiskoff\n";
return ($sfile,$sdir);
elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) {
$sfile = "$parent$base/dramdisk/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz";
$sdir = "$parent$base/dramdisk/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz";
if (!-e $sdir && !-e $sfile) {
print "swim: found wrong database(s), use --ramdiskoff\n";
return ($sfile,$sdir);
} # end sub searchdf
# print the search out to the right spot on the HISTORY
# this is just shift and push
sub history {
my($line,$file) = @_;
if (-e "$file") {
if ($#HISTORY < $HISTORY - 1) {
else {
else {
@HISTORY = $line;
open(HISTORY,">$file") or exit;
} # end sub history


File diff suppressed because it is too large


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 8<br>
<pre>usage: swim --audit
swim --status
swim -C</pre>
If you are using <strong>apt</strong> with <strong>swim</strong>, and this
is the first time you are using it with your installation, check your live
installation with this major mode. This is a call to <strong>dpkg -C
(--audit)</strong>, and will show any packages which are not properly
configured or installed. If you get any output, make corrections. The goal
is to get absolutely no output whatsoever because it is under these
conditions that apt will work properly. See the <A href="ch-query.html#s-vrrm">REMOVING AN INSTALLED PACKAGE - VIRTUAL OPTIONS
, section 9.8</A> with
<strong>-q</strong> to remove the offending packages. You may have to
remove the package by hand under unusual situations like when it is not
just dependencies (see <code>-T</code>) between packages keeping the package
from being removed perhaps due to a broken script (see
<code>--scripts</code>). In an extreme case you could manually remove the
entry for this package from the <em>/var/lib/dpkg/status</em> database,
and hunt down and remove all the files associated with the package with
<strong>swim's -l</strong> option. When you are done if you still want
some of the packages you removed, use <strong>apt</strong> to reinstall
them with <strong>swim's -xyz</strong> option. Also, <strong>apt</strong>
provides its own built-in method to clean up your system, and will provide
instructions, but you still may have to do some of the cleaning yourself
as discussed above.
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-query.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-notinstalled.html">back</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 2<br>
When you press ``<strong>swim</strong>
&lt;<strong>enter</strong>&gt;`` you will see a listing of command line
options in a particular syntax. This is to help you understand under what
context to use the options. When you enter the options on the command
line, the brackets, parentheses, braces, diamonds, and question marks are
not actually used.
<strong>Major Mode Option</strong>
All command line options for <strong>swim</strong> always start with a
<strong>major mode option</strong>, except for ``swim &lt;enter&gt;``
which will show the whole listing of options. A major mode option is
surrounded in braces <strong>{ major mode option }</strong>. In the case
of {--search} there are the alternative major mode options
{--refinesearch} and {--research}, but because --search needs to be used
first before either of these two options, --refinesearch and --research
are surrounded in parentheses ().
Note: Through the other chapters of this manual <strong>{}</strong> is
assumed for the <strong>major modes</strong> in the
<strong>usage:</strong> section shown at the beginning of every chapter.
Let's take a closer look at this situation:
<code>{--search ? (--research || --refinesearch)&lt;pattern(s)&gt;}</code>
`<strong>||</strong>' or `<strong>|</strong>' are used to indicate
`<strong>or</strong>', `<strong>?</strong>' indicates
`<strong>optional</strong>', &lt;diamond&gt; indicates an
<strong>argument</strong> (a required argument - see Arguments below),
(parenthesis) means `if used, must be used after the
previous required option was used'. Note: for readability
<code>--research</code> and -<code>-refinesearch</code> are not surrounded in
<strong>Normal Options</strong>
Options to the major mode options are enclosed in brackets <strong>[
option to major mode ]</strong>. <code>swim [-n]</code>
&lt;<code>enter</code>&gt; (assume enter from here on out), for instance,
will show all the command line options without using the pager. The pager
which swim uses can be set in <em>swimrc</em> (see <em>swimrc(8)</em>).
``<code>swim {--help} [-n]</code>'' will provide brief explanations of all of
swim's options without using the pager. In this case the major mode option
<strong>{--help}</strong>, and the option <strong>[-n]</strong> were used.
Options which have a single dash can be combined with other single dashed
options <strong>(-qaint)</strong>. Double dashed options need to be
entered by themselves <strong>(--help --nopager)</strong>, many double
dashed options have an alternative single dash option <strong>(-n for
--nopager)</strong>. The meaning of options is related to the major
mode they are being used with. <strong>[-n]</strong> means no pager
when called with <strong>{--help}</strong>, but it's a reference to the
not-installed databases when used with <strong>{-q --query}</strong>,
fortunately most options do not have double meanings.
Many options require an argument. Arguments are enclose in diamonds &lt;
<strong>argument</strong> &gt;. An argument to an option may also be
optional in which case a question mark ``<strong>?</strong>'' will be
placed between the option and the argument. <strong>[-l ?
&lt;[--df]&gt;]</strong> illustrates such a situation.
<strong>[-l]</strong> shows a file listings, and optionally the option
<strong>[--df]</strong> can be use with <strong>[-l]</strong> to show an
expanded listing.
<strong>[--dbpath</strong> &lt;<strong>dir&gt;]</strong> requires an
argument, this time the argument would not be another option, but rather
it is a directory.
Rule: When an option is an argument to another option it can be written
anywhere, but when a non-option is an argument
&lt;<strong>dir</strong>&gt; <strong>(notice no brackets)</strong> it has
to be placed directly after the option. Sometimes, there may be
alternative arguments divided with ``<strong>|</strong>''.
&lt;<strong>argument1|argument2</strong>&gt; means use argument1 or
argument2, but not both.
Based on what we now know, let's compare this situation to the
<strong>{--search}</strong> situation shown above:
<code>[--ftp ? --source | --source_only ? &lt;[--diff]&gt;]</code>
In this case <strong>--source</strong> or alternatively
<strong>--source_only</strong> can be optionally used along with
<strong>--ftp</strong> because they aren't in parentheses
<strong>()</strong> (also notice: | was used instead of ||, but means the
same thing ``or''). <strong>--diff</strong> can optionally be provided as
an argument to either <strong>--source</strong> or
<strong>--source_only</strong>. For readability --source and --source_only
weren't enclosed in brackets.
<strong>Global Arguments</strong>
A <strong>global argument</strong> can be typed anywhere on the command
line, and can be an option or text. If global arguments
exist they are placed last after the list of normal
options that can be used with a major mode
[targets | -S] and [targets|APT|DF] are
examples. {-q}, {--initndb}, and
{--rebuildndb} all use global arguments.
<strong>Minor Mode Options</strong>
{-q --query} will generally use zero or more
minor mode options [-afpgn --dir], with
one exception (see <A href="ch-query.html">QUERYING THE INSTALLED AND NOT-INSTALLED DATABASES
, chapter 9</A>).
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<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<title>swim - DESCRIPTION
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 1<br>
<strong>swim</strong> is a powerful <em>package administration</em>
and <em>research tool</em> for both an <em>installed Debian
distribution</em>, and/or <em>not-installed virtual Debian
distribution(s)</em> allowing querying of software packages with a variety
of package information options, and powerful searches. Virtual options
which include ftp, installation, and package removal capabilities can be
seamlessly combined with querying or searches. <strong>swim</strong> can
be used on computer systems which either have, or do not have a Debian
distribution installed.
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<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-commandline.html">next</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<title>swim - HISTORY
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 4<br>
usage: swim --history
swim -h
options: [--arch &lt;architecture&gt;] [--dists &lt;distribution&gt;]
[--n] [--dbpath &lt;dir&gt;] [--root &lt;dir&gt;]
This shows a shell-like history of searches and the most recent --stdin
edit. History is numbered with the most recent action being 1, and the
earlier actions being of a higher number until the maximum amount of lines
set in the HISTORY variable in <code>swimrc(5)</code>. A separate history is
kept for each architecture-distribution.
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<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 6<br>
<h2><A name="s-downimportant">
6.1 A. downloading the important databases with --ftp.
<pre>usage: swim --ftp
options: --Contents &lt;DF|directory&gt;
--Packages &lt;DF|directory&gt;
[--dists &lt;distribution&gt;] [--arch &lt;architecture&gt;]
[--onec] [--Release_only]</pre>
<h2><A name="s6.2">
<strong>swim</strong> provides a method so that all information about
an existing Debian distribution is quickly accessible through databases.
Debian already provides flat file databases for all its distributions. One
database called ``<em>Contents-(architecture)</em>'' provides a complete
listing of all the files associated with each package, the other much more
important database called ``<em>Packages</em>'' provides everything from
the Package's description, to all the dependencies for that package. The
Packages database is a crucial database for other important Debian
administrative tools like <strong>dpkg</strong> and <strong>apt</strong>.
<h2><A name="s-dd">
Debian Distributions choose a name which reflect the development state of
that distribution. The distribution named ``<em>unstable</em>'' is where
the majority of the development processing occurs, after <em>unstable</em>
has reached a certain level of maturity, it's copied over to a new
distribution called ``<em>frozen</em>'' which is tested extensively before
becoming the new ``<em>stable</em>'' distribution. The <em>frozen
distribution</em> retains the <em>Release version number</em> of the
<em>unstable distribution</em>, and the <em>unstable distribution</em>
receives a new <em>Release version number</em>. Eventually,
<em>frozen</em> becomes <em>stable</em>, and at this point both
<em>frozen</em>, and the older <em>stable distribution</em> are removed.
Code names are associated with the <em>Release Version number</em> given
for each of the distributions. This is much better for mirroring Debian
<strong>swim</strong> was designed to ignore these code names, and instead
shows the user the <em>Release version number</em> associated with the
distribution. Swim users must always use the real distribution name, or
swim will not work properly. This is a nice feature because it allows user
to make decisions related to the management of their databases, and makes
research much more easier.
The other Debian distribution which swim recognizes is
<em>experimental</em>. This distribution <em>does not have any Release
version number</em>, and contains packages which are considered risky
because of their development level.
<h2><A name="s6.4">
Each Debian distribution has sections related to the relationship of
each of the packages to the <em>Debian's Policy Manual</em>. In
``<em>main</em>'' there are packages which have a correct relationship
with these Policies. Packages in ``<em>contrib</em>'' comply with the
<em>DFSG</em> (<em>Debian Free Software Guidelines</em> found in the
<em>Debian Policy Manual</em>) but have various limitations like requiring
a package which is found in non-free, or is not in the Debian archive.
Packages in ``<em>non-free</em>'' do not comply with the <em>DFSG</em> but
are electronically distributable across international borders. The
``<em>non-us</em>'' section is found outside of the United States and
exists for packages which have export restrictions.
<h2><A name="s6.5">
Distributions also have architecture specific sections since not all
packages compiled for one architecture can run on all other
archictectures, however, there are a large percentage of packages which do
run on all architectures. The architectures are <em>alpha</em>,
<em>arm</em>, <em>i386</em>, <em>m68k</em>, <em>powerpc</em>,
<em>sparc</em>, and more recently <em>hurd-i386</em> which represents
packages for the hurd GNU kernel for the i386 architecture.
<h2><A name="s6.6">
<strong>--ftp</strong> uses a file called <em>swimz.list</em> which
has the same type of format (see format below) as the
<em>sources.list(5)</em> which <strong>apt</strong> uses. There are some
differences. The <strong>first difference</strong> mentioned above (see
, section 6.3</A>) requires that the distribution names never should be the
code names for the <em>Release version</em>. <strong>Secondly</strong>,
<strong>apt</strong> only retrieves databases specific to one
archictecture, normally the one you are running <strong>apt</strong> on.
With <strong>swim</strong> though you can fetch databases for any, or
every architecture by adding the architecture to ``deb'' with a hyphen
(deb-hurd-i386). If deb has no architecture appended it is assumed that
the architecture you want is the same as the system you are running
<strong>swim</strong> on. <strong>Thirdly</strong>, at this time
<strong>swim</strong> only supports the ftp method.
<strong>Fourthly</strong>, you can change <em>swimz.list</em> as often as
you want without worrying about databases being removed so that that the
<em>swimz.list</em> and the downloaded databases match. This would occur
with <strong>apt's</strong> <em>sources.list(5)</em> if you removed a
site. <strong>Fifthly</strong>, databases are kept in a compressed state.
<strong>Sixthly</strong> because the list is used for both Contents and
Packages, more flexibility is provided by only allowing the default
distribution/archictecture or distribution/architecture provided on the
commandline to be downloaded.
For <strong>apt</strong> users: If you are using <strong>apt</strong>, and
<strong>swim</strong> together it is a good strategy to use the real
distribution name in the <em>sources list(8)</em>, and to have an exact
copy of the <em>sources.list(5)</em> ftp sites in the <em>swimz.list</em>.
Packages databases specific to the architecture <strong>apt</strong> is
using can be retrieved using <strong>swim --apt --update</strong> (this
also will keep track of the Release version), and then
<strong>swim</strong> can be used to fetch the architecture specific
<em>Contents database</em> as shown below. It should also be of interest
to note that Packages downloaded by either swim or apt can be used
interchangeably by using 'cp -a' and 'gzip -d' or 'gzip -9'.
Here is a brief outline of the format required by <em>swimz.list</em>.
<strong>deb uri distribution [section ... ]</strong>
<strong>deb</strong> - represents a standard Debian distribution. And is
simply written as deb or with the architecture appended
(<strong>deb</strong> or <strong>deb-alpha</strong>).
<strong>uri</strong> - Universal Resource Identifier is exactly how you
would enter an address into a web browser. This address is the base of a
Debian distribution, generally this is right before the directory called
``<em>dists</em>''. So if <em>dists</em> is found in
<em>/stuff/pub/debian/dists</em>, and the site is
<strong></strong> then the uri would be
<strong>distribution</strong> - This can be <em>unstable</em>,
<em>frozen</em>, <em>stable</em>, <em>experimental</em>. Distribution can
also be a path which must end with a slash like
<em>unstable/binary-i386/</em>. This is used when there is no section as
in the experimental distribution or in sites which do not have symlinks to
the non-us section. No section would be mentioned in this situation.
<strong>section</strong> - <em>main</em>, <em>contrib</em>,
<em>non-free</em>, <em>non-US</em> (write it this way).
<h2><A name="s6.7">
Examples (each on one line):
<strong>deb-alpha unstable main contrib non-US</strong>
This will fetch the alpha databases from for the unstable
distribution for the main, contrib and non-US sections.
Note: In these next two examples you can not append any architecture to deb
with a hyphen.
<strong>deb project/experimental/</strong>
This will fetch the experimental database, but there is not a
Contents-(architecture) database for this distribution. Notice that it ends
with a slash.
<strong>deb stable/binary-i386/</strong>
This will fetch the i386 databases for the stable distribution for non-us,
<h2><A name="s-ftp">
How you use major mode <strong>--ftp</strong> depends on your goals.
Even if you are using <strong>apt</strong>, you may be interested in
keeping tabs on different architectures. In this case you would have to
download the <em>Packages databases</em> specific to these architectures.
If you are only interested in the architecture which <strong>apt</strong>
is interested in, then you only need to use <strong>--ftp</strong> to
fetch the <em>Contents database(s)</em>. But, because it isn't a
requirement to set up a virtual filesystem, you are not required to fetch
the Contents database. The <strong>advantages</strong> of fetching the
Contents database is determined by the method you choose to make the
database (see <A href="ch-notinstalled.html">MAKING NOT-INSTALLED DATABASES
, chapter 7</A>). These advantages include the
ability to <em>view a listing of the files and directories</em> associated
with a package, the ability to <em>query files and directories</em> to
find out which packages relate to them, and the ability to perform a
<em>powersearch</em> on all the files and directories to find the
associated packages.
<h2><A name="s6.9">
<strong>Remember:</strong> If you want to download a different
distribution/architecture other than the default specified in your
configuration file, you must specify this on the commandline.
<strong>--Packages</strong> determines where you want the Packages
database as well as the Release data put when they are downloaded. The
<strong>DF argument</strong> implies that the databases will be put in
your default directory (see <code>swimrc(5)).</code> These databases can later
be located by the major modes <strong>--initndb and --rebuildndb</strong>
just by using <strong>DF</strong> as an argument. Alternatively, these
databases can be put in any directory you choose by providing a
<strong>directory as an argument</strong>.
<strong>--Contents</strong> determines where you want the
<em>Content-(architecture)</em> <code>database(s)</code> put. (see
<strong>--onec</strong> will download only one Contents-arch per
distribution/architecture specified on the commandline or by default.
<strong>--Release_only</strong> will download only the Release data for
the <em>swimz.list</em> or particular <em>Package(s)</em> mentioned on the
command line.
<strong>--dists</strong> will only find the distribution which corresponds
to the argument provided this option.
<strong>--arch</strong> will only find the architecture which corresponds
to the argument provided this option. The different architecture needs to
be specified in swimz.list with a hyphen and the architecture appended to
deb (deb-(arch)).
<h2><A name="s6.10">
6.10 B. downloading the important databases with apt, and maintenance
usage: <strong>swim --apt</strong>
options: <strong>[--update] [--clean] [--autoclean] [--check]</strong>
Please read <A href="#s-downimportant">A. downloading the important databases with --ftp.
, section 6.1</A> for more information.
<strong>--update</strong> calls <strong>apt</strong> to download the
Packages databases.
<strong>--clean</strong> is a call to an <strong>apt</strong> option to
remove any packages stored in <strong>apt's</strong> storage area for
downloaded packages. The default for this storage area is
<strong>--autoclean</strong> will only clean out packages which are not
found in apt's cache.
<strong>--check</strong> tests and updates apt's cache.
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<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 5<br>
<h2><A name="s-initdb">
5.1 Initial database making, and Rebuilding for an
Installed system.
usage: swim --initdb
swim --rebuilddb
options: [--dbpath &lt;dir&gt;] [--root &lt;dir&gt;] [--lowmem]
[--split_data &lt;lines&gt;]
An <em>installed Debian distribution</em> is one in which packages are
installed using <strong>dpkg</strong> or some front-end to
<strong>dpkg</strong> like <strong>apt</strong> or
<strong>dselect</strong>; <strong>swim</strong> supports installation
through <strong>apt</strong>. These major modes are for a computer with an
<em>installed Debian distribution</em> and make the databases which allow
querying and searching capabilities for the installed distribution.
<strong>--initdb</strong> is run when the databases do not exist yet,
<strong>--rebuilddb</strong> is run if the databases have become corrupt,
or you want to rebuild the databases instead of updating them.
<strong>--dbpath</strong> can be specified as an alternative location for
where the databases will be made. The default location is
``<em>/var/lib/dpkg</em>''. An argument like ``<em>/otherstuff</em>''
could be provided, and then the databases would be made here instead.
<strong>--root</strong> allows a database to be made for a Debian distribution installed on a
different partition. If the distribution is mounted on
<em>/New_Debian</em>, ``<em>/New_Debian</em>'' would be the argument to root. The databases would be made for the
Debian distribution installed on the ``<em>/New_Debian</em>'' partition.
<strong>--dbpath</strong> and <strong>--root</strong> can be used
together. Given the previous two examples, the databases would be made on
``<em>/New_Debian/otherstuff</em>'', assuming
``<em>/New_Debian/otherstuff</em>'' actually existed.
<strong>--lowmem</strong> uses a method which uses a small amount of
memory to make the databases. By default <strong>--initdb</strong> and
<strong>--rebuilddb</strong> use a method which fully takes advantage of
memory, this is a good thing, because it means the databases are made in a
quicker manner. On a computer with a K6-200 CPU, 64MB of memory, and 1500
installed packages, the databases can be made in 4.5 minutes using the
default method, and 11 minutes using the low memory method. The high
memory method is the default because in general the size of a distribution
is related to how much resources a computer has, and probably a large
installation is unusual. If you get an ``out of memory'' when you use the
default method, or if your system is overloaded to begin with, the
<strong>--lowmem method</strong> is the prefered way.
<strong>--split_data</strong> determines the size of the files in the
temporary directory used to contruct the database. The default is 25000
lines per file. If you are using the <strong>--lowmem method</strong> you
may want to provide a different argument to <strong>--split_data</strong>,
like ``<strong>--split_data 10000</strong>''. This is a subject of
<h2><A name="s5.2">
usage: <strong>swim --db</strong>
options: <strong>[--dbpath</strong> &lt;<strong>dir</strong>&gt;<strong>]
[--root</strong> &lt;<strong>dir</strong>&gt;<strong>] [--check]</strong>
<strong>--db</strong> allows you to update the databases by hand when
packages have been removed, added, or changed. swim will automatically run
<strong>--db</strong> under certain conditions.
<strong>--check</strong> prints out the changes to STDERR, and the
total to STDOUT without proceeding with the update.
See <A href="#s-initdb">Initial database making, and Rebuilding for an
Installed system.
, section 5.1</A> for options <strong>--dbpath</strong> and
<h2><A name="s-searchy">
usage: <strong>swim --rebuildflatdb</strong>
options: <strong>[--dbpath</strong> &lt;<strong>dir</strong>&gt;<strong>]
[--root</strong> &lt;<strong>dir</strong>&gt;<strong>]</strong>
swim makes the flat databases <em>searchindex.deb</em> and
<em>dirindex.deb</em> for doing <em>powersearches</em>. Instead of
rebuilding these databases everytime <strong>--db</strong> is run, new
information is just appended to these databases, and old information is
kept. Generally, this is not a problem because only files and directories
which the other databases actually know something about will be refered
to. But in a situation where a file has changed into a directory, the
<em>powersearch</em> may not work properly, because the old file name
remains in <em>searchindex.deb</em>, and the new directory name is now in
<em>dirindex.deb</em> directory. In general, it takes a lot of changes to
the installed system before it is really becomes necessary to rebuild the
flat databases. This process takes less than a minute on a K6-200 with
1500 packages.
See <A href="#s-initdb">Initial database making, and Rebuilding for an
Installed system.
, section 5.1</A> for options <strong>--dbpath</strong> and
<h2><A name="s5.4">
Databases which are made:
<pre> packages.deb
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<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 7<br>
usage: swim --initndb
swim --ndb
swim --rebuildndb
options: [--Contents &lt;target|FDBtarget|DF|FDBDF&gt;]
[--main] [--contrib] [--non-free] [--non-us]
[--arch &lt;architecture&gt;] [--dists &lt;distribution&gt;]
[--dbpath &lt;dir&gt;] [--root &lt;dir&gt;] [--alt]
[--split_data &lt;lines&gt;] [-v] [--cron]
<h2><A name="s7.1">
The <strong>not-installed database</strong> provides swim with many capabilities like the searching, and querying of
packages which do not actually exist on the live filesystem, as well as the
ability to seamlessly install packages while searching or quering, or the
ability to fetch the packages source code. The <em>virtual filesystem</em> is optional, but it is highly recommended. These two major mode options set
up these databases, after determining the level of interaction which you
Whenever <strong>swim</strong> makes databases it thinks only in terms of
one distribution and one architecture. This keeps things logical.
<strong>swim</strong> does have the ability to take Packages files with
multiple architectures, and distributions, and to extract information for
one distribution and one archictecture to make its databases. This could
provide interesting information from dumps from <strong>apt</strong>
(<code>apt-cache dumpavail</code>).
<strong>--initndb</strong> creates the initial not-installed databases for
a particular architecture and distribution, and
<strong>--rebuildndb</strong> remakes the not-installed databases for that
same architecure and distribution. If not otherwise specified
<strong>swim</strong> <em>will use the values</em> it finds in
<em>swimrc</em> to determine what architecture and distribution you want
to use to make <strong>swim's</strong> databases. Otherwise...
<h2><A name="s7.2">
<strong>--arch</strong> allows an argument to override the
<strong>architecture</strong> found in <em>swimrc</em>.
<strong>--dists</strong> allows an argument to override the
<strong>distribution</strong> found in <em>swimrc</em>.
<strong>--alt</strong> is used for a distribution with a Debian archival
structure, but which has a different name. This allows for alternative
When <strong>APT</strong> or <strong>DF</strong> are provided as arguments
(see below), by default the <em>Packages</em> which pertain to the
sections found in <em>swimrc</em> will be shown. If you only want certain
sections you may specify them on the command line. If you are not using
<strong>APT</strong> or <strong>DF</strong>, it is a good idea to make
sure that either the sections found in <em>swimrc</em> or the sections you
put on the command line match the <em>Packages</em> you a targetting
because this is much more effecient.
<strong>--main</strong> will override the sections found in
<em>swimrc</em>, and will use this section.
<strong>--contrib</strong> will override the sections found in
<em>swimrc</em>, and will use this section
<strong>--non-free</strong> will override the sections found in
<em>swimrc</em>, and will use this section
<strong>--non-us</strong> will override the sections found in
<em>swimrc</em>, and will use this section
Global arguments <strong>targets|APT|DF</strong> must be used with either
of these two major modes to find the <em>Packages</em> databases. targets
can be a full path to one or a set of <em>Packages</em>.
<strong>APT</strong> will use the <em>Packages</em> found in
<em>/var/state/apt/lists</em>, and <strong>DF</strong> will use the
Packages found in the default directory for <strong>swim</strong> (see
<code>--ftp</code>). If you use either <strong>APT</strong> or
<strong>DF</strong> you will be given an <strong>interface</strong> which
allows you to choose one <em>Packages</em> database for each section you
would like to use from the various sites. This <strong>interface</strong>
shows the <strong>site</strong>, <strong>date</strong>,
<strong>size</strong> and <strong>Release version</strong> for each
<strong>--cron</strong> allows you to override the
<strong>interface</strong> produced when <strong>APT</strong> or
<strong>DF</strong> is provided as an argument. This is useful if you want
to automate the database making process. <strong>--cron</strong> will
choose the newest <code>database(s),</code> if cron notices that the Release
version has changed, cron will not proceed, but will provide a warning
instead. This allows you to make the appropriate changes and choices.
<strong>--Contents</strong> can be give one of four arguments:
<strong>1).</strong> If you have a <em>Contents-(architecture)</em>
database in a target location you know about you may provide a path to the
location. The <em>Contents</em> database can be compressed.
<strong>2).</strong> If you prepend the path with the letters
<strong>FDB</strong> (meaning flat database) when the databases for swim
are made, instead of using the Contents database to make:
Only the <em>ncontentsindex-arch-dists.deb.gz</em> database will be made
which allows the ability to view file/dir listing for not-installed
packages, but does not provide the virtual file system or powersearch
capabilities which the other databases would have provided.
<strong>3).</strong> The argument <strong>DF</strong> may be used if you
have used <strong>--ftp</strong> with the <strong>DF</strong> argument to
the option <strong>--Contents</strong> (see <code>--ftp</code>). In this case
it is assumed you are also using global arguments <strong>DF</strong> or
<strong>APT</strong> for the Packages databases. This will give you an
<strong>interface</strong> (if --cron isn't used) allowing you to choose
one <em>Contents</em> database for the particular distribution you want to
make the databases for.
<strong>4).</strong> <strong>FDB</strong> does the same exact thing with
<strong>DF</strong> as it does with the before mentioned
<strong>FDBtarget</strong>, and provides the <strong>interface</strong>.
<strong>-v</strong> will only work if you have dpkg installed. It allows
swim to verify <strong>swim's</strong> own built-in version comparison
function with <strong>dpkg's version comparison function</strong>. This is
good for debugging purposes, and produces a report called
<em>.version_compare</em> in the same location that
<strong>swim's</strong> databases are made.
<strong>--split_data</strong> is only advantageous if
<strong>--Contents</strong> is being used. See <strong>--initdb</strong>
for more information about the <strong>--split_data</strong> option.
See <A href="ch-makinginst.html#s-initdb">Initial database making, and Rebuilding for an
Installed system.
, section 5.1</A> for options <code>--dbpath</code> and <code>--root</code>.
<h2><A name="s7.3">
<code>--ndb</code> has the same options as --initndb and --rebuildndb except
for --split_data. It also has a new option <code>--nue</code> which will
never have to be used unless the experimental distribution or non-us
section are found in Contents (which presently isn't the case).
<code>--check</code> prints out the changes to STDERR, and the total to STDOUT
without proceeding with the update. <code>--status_only</code> can be used
after a new package has been installed to update the status, after which
-qni and -qi will correlate properly.
<h2><A name="s7.4">
<code>--rebuildflatndb</code> serves the same purpose as --rebuildflatdb. See
<A href="ch-makinginst.html#s-searchy">REBUILDING THE SEARCH
, section 5.3</A>
<h2><A name="s7.5">
Databases and reports which are made (arch = architecture dists =
nfileindex-arch-dists.deb requires &lt;--Contents&gt;
.packagesdiff-arch-dists.deb requires &lt;--Contents&gt;</pre>
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-aptprep.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-important.html">back</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 9<br>
<pre>usage: swim -q [-fpgn --dir] [targets | -S]
swim --query [-fpgn --dir] [targets | -S]
swim -qa || swim --query -a </pre>
<pre>options: [--total -t] [-i] [-l ? &lt;[--df]&gt;] [-d] [-c]
[--scripts] [--preinst] [--postinst] [--prerm]
[--postrm] [-v] [--dbpath &lt;dir&gt;] [--menu -m]
[--shlibs] [-T] [--pre_depends] [--depends]
[--recommends] [--suggests] [--conflicts]
[--replaces] [--provides] [--md5sum] [--root &lt;dir&gt;]
[--copyright] [--changelog] [--allgroups]
[--arch &lt;architecture&gt;] [--dists &lt;distribution&gt;]
[--ftp ? --source | --source_only ? &lt;[--diff]&gt;]
[--stdin] [--extract] &lt;ALL|archive|PWD!archive&gt;]
[-xyrz --remove ? &lt;[--nz]&gt;] [--purge] [--apt2df]
[--df2apt] </pre><P>
global arguments: <strong>[targets | -S ? &lt;\d{1,}&gt;]</strong>
Quering almost always involves using <strong>-q or --query</strong> with
zero or one or a combination of the <strong>minor mode options</strong>
(package specification options), and one or more (only one for
<code>-g</code>) targets specific to the minor mode, or the results of a
search (<code>-S</code>). [<code>-S</code> can be provided a numerical argument
pertaining to the past history.] This can be combined with one or more
options. The one exception is ``<strong>swim -q --allgroups</strong>''.
<strong>--query or -q</strong> can be used by itself or with
<strong>-n</strong> to query known package names or package names with
versions. ``<strong>swim -q test1 test2_0.3-1</strong>'' would produce the
<h2><A name="s-mm">
<strong>-n</strong> is the minor mode option to access the
<em>not-installed system</em>, it can be combined with the minor mode
options <strong>-a</strong>, <strong>-g</strong>, <strong>-f</strong>, or
it can be used by itself.
<strong>-a</strong> allows <em>every package</em> on an installed or
not-installed (<strong>-n</strong>) system to be queried. ``<strong>swim
-qan</strong>'' will show all the package names with versions for the
not-installed system
<strong>-f</strong> allows <em>files or directories</em> to be queried,
when used without any options the package name with version is shown.
<strong>--dir</strong> will only query directories, this is useful if you
are not sure whether what you are quering is a directory or a file. When a
directory is queried, swim shows all packages which exist below the
queried directory. ``<strong>swim -qf /</strong>'' is exactly the same as
``<strong>swim -qa</strong>''. Hint: ``<strong>swim -qf .</strong>'' and
``<strong>swim -qf *</strong>'' are quite different, the first shows all
packages which exist below the current directory, and the second will show
the package which each file in the current directory comes from.
<strong>-g</strong> will query a <em>group</em> (also called a section,
see <A href="#s-section">SECTION AND PRIORITY
, subsection 9.5.3</A>)) of packages. Groups represent subjects which
packages with similiar characteristics are catagorized by. To view all the
groups found in an installed or not-installed system use ``<strong>swim -q
--allgroups</strong>'' or ``<strong>swim -qn --allgroups</strong>''.
``<strong>swim -qg hamradio</strong>'' or ``<strong>swim -qng
hamradio</strong>'' shows all the package names for the hamradio group.
<strong>-p</strong> is used to query a <em>Debian package</em>, these
packages are distinguished by their ``deb'' ending, but swim can
tell whether a file is a debian package even without the ending. Called
without any options the package name with version will be shown.
<h2><A name="s-specdata">
<strong>--dists</strong> will use the databases for the argument
given, otherwise the databases pertaining to the value found in swimrc
will be used.
<strong>--arch</strong> will use the databases for the argument given,
otherwise the databases pertaining to the value found in swimrc will be
Example: <strong>swim -qat --arch hurd-i386 --dists unstable</strong>
Assuming these databases exist this will show all packages and their
versions for the unstable distribution and architecture hurd-i386 even if
the values in <em>swimrc</em> are i386 and stable.
see <A href="ch-important.html#s-downimportant">A. downloading the important databases with --ftp.
, section 6.1</A> and <A href="ch-notinstalled.html">MAKING NOT-INSTALLED DATABASES
, chapter 7</A> for more
information about the databases.
<h2><A name="s9.3">
<strong>--total or -t</strong> are <em>used to override the output
suppressor</em>. The output suppressor will not show output if a certain
number of packages is exceeded, instead it will show the number of
packages you are querying. This is useful for two reasons, first, knowing
the number of packages you are quering can be very informative, second, it
gives you a chance to add to the command line a pipe to a pager, ex:
``<strong>swim -qat | less</strong>''. You can set the number that the
output suppressor works at as high or low as you want in the
<em>swimrc(8)</em> file. By design the <strong>-t</strong> option will
have to be used if the <strong>-i</strong> option is used and more than
one package is being queried. This option can also be used to alter the
output of the various script options (--scripts, --preinst, --postinst,
--prerm, and --postrm).
<strong>-i</strong> provides <em>information</em> about each package being
queried. The format differs slightly for the installed packages versus the
not-installed packages. see <A href="#s-format">FORMAT
, section 9.5</A>:
<strong>-l</strong> provides a listing of the files associated with a
package. If the option <strong>--df</strong> is provided as an argument,
all the directories associated with package will be shown. It is important
to remember that many packages provide directories which become important
to them after they are installed, so the option <strong>--df</strong>
often provides necessary information which <strong>-l</strong> called by
itself would have not.
<strong>-d</strong> shows the documentation which the package provides
found in <em>/usr/doc/*</em>, <em>/usr/man/*</em>, <em>/usr/info/*</em>.
Other documentation which the package may provide in a non-standard
location will not be shown. <strong>-d</strong> takes precedence over
<strong>-l</strong>, so if <strong>-l</strong> is used on the command line
with <strong>-d</strong>, only the output for <strong>-d</strong> will be
<strong>-v</strong> is a special option which works only with the minor
mode <strong>-p</strong>. It can be used with <strong>-l</strong>,
<strong>--df</strong>, <strong>-d</strong>, to show the packages files
and/or directories in long format (<code>ls -
<strong>-c</strong> will show the configuration files packages use. If the
package does not have a configuration file then nothing will be shown. The
output will show the file and its path indented one space with the
<strong>MD5 checksum</strong>. This will not work with
<strong>--scripts</strong> shows all scripts associated with a package
with the name of the script presented before each script in this way
<strong>#####scriptname######</strong>. If the scripts are called
individually by using the script options <strong>--preinst</strong>,
<strong>--postinst</strong>, <strong>--prerm</strong>, or
<strong>--postrm</strong> no title is shown, this is nice for writing to a
file. If <strong>-t</strong> is used with the individual script options a
title will be shown, this makes sense because normally only individual
packages would be queried to write a script to a file, and
<strong>-t</strong> wouldn't be used in this situation. Scripts are the
soul of Debianized packages allowing packages to be installed, configured,
and removed seamlessly and cleanly under all kinds of conditions. These
options do no work with <strong>-n</strong>.
<strong>--menu or -m</strong> is used to view menufiles which belong to
various packages. If the package does not have a menufile nothing will be
shown. This option can be useful in troubleshooting a menu entry which
does not seem to work, or in finding out where the menu entry is.
<em>Joost Witteveen's Debian menu system</em> is a centralized program
which interacts with all kinds of menus. <em>Please read the
documentation</em> ``<strong>swim -qd menu</strong>'' which comes with the
menu package to find out more. This will not work with
<strong>--shlibs</strong> shows a list of shared libraries certain
packages supply. The <em>Debian Packaging Manual</em> (packaging-manual)
provides detailed information about the format of a shlibs file. This will
not work with <strong>-n</strong>.
<strong>--md5sum</strong> checks <strong>MD5 checksums</strong>. It can be
used with <strong>-l</strong>, <strong>-d</strong>, <strong>-c</strong>,
or <strong>-p</strong>. If there are checksums available the md5sum result
will be either <strong>OK</strong>, <strong>FAILED</strong>, or
<strong>MISSING</strong>. <strong>MISSING</strong> means that although a
checksum exists, the file can not be found. The result is put after the
file and its path and the <strong>MD5 checksum</strong> or the package
name and version and the <strong>MD5 checksum</strong>.
<strong>--copyright</strong> does a case insensitive search for copy or
license in the <em>/usr/doc/packagename</em> directory. This should show
how the package relates to <em>Debian's Policy Manual</em>.
<strong>--changelog</strong> searches for any files in
<em>/usr/doc/packagename</em> which look like changelogs. Debian packages
always have a <em>Maintainer's</em> changelog for the package. There may
be a separate changelog kept by the author of the program.
<h2><A name="s9.4">
<strong>-T</strong> shows all the package relationships of packages.
Individual package relationships can be viewed using
<strong>--pre_depends</strong>, <strong>--depends</strong>,
<strong>--recommends</strong>, <strong>--suggests</strong>,
<strong>--replaces</strong>, <strong>--conflicts</strong> or
<strong>--provides</strong>. Package relationships are the spirit of
Debian packages, here is a quick overview briefly reiterating what can be
found in the <em>Debian Packaging Manual</em>. <em>Package
Maintainers</em> set these relationships in control file fields of the
same name.
<em>Pre-depends</em> - means that the pre-depended package or packages
must be installed before the queried package can be installed. Most
packages which have pre-dependencies are usually essential and required
<em>Depends</em> - declares an absolute dependency to another package or
packages either <em>real or virtual</em>. The queried package cannot
function without this other package.
<em>Recommends</em> - declares a strong, but not absolute dependency to
another package or packages either <em>real or virtual</em>. You would
usually find the recommended package together with the queried package in
a normal installation.
<em>Suggests</em> - can be one or more packages either <em>real or
virtual</em> which would be useful to the queried package, but are not
<strong>Alternative Packages</strong>
<em>Conflicts</em> - is a package or packages either <em>real or
virtual</em> which would cause problems with the queried package, and
would not be allowed to be installed while the queried package was
<strong>Overwriting files and Replacing Packages</strong>
<em>Replaces</em> - allows the queried package to replace another package
or packages by overwriting their files, after which the previous package
would be considered to have disappeared. Essentially this allows the
queried package to take over the package or packages. In a situation where
there was a Conflict between the queried package and these packages this
field would help determine which packages should be removed.
<strong>Virtual Packages</strong>
<em>Provides</em> - declares a virtual package which may be mentioned in
<em>Depends</em>, <em>Recommends</em>, <em>Suggests</em>, or
<em>Conflicts</em>. <em>Virtual packages</em> allow one or more packages
to share the same name of another package, which means if the queried
package has a reference to a virtual package in one of the before
mentioned package relationship fields, then whatever packages provide the
virtual package are also being listed.
<h2><A name="s-format">
<strong>1). Installed system</strong>
<pre> Package: name Status: hold ok installed
Version: 1.1-1 Essential: no
Section: namers Priority: extra
Installed-Size: 10 Source: generatename (2.0-1)
Maintainer: name &lt;;
Description: hostname maker
A nice way to figure out a hostname nobody
else has.</pre>
<strong>2) Not-installed system</strong>
<pre> Package: name Status: r&gt; hold ok installed (1.1-1)
Version: 1.1-2 Essential: no
Section: names Priority: extra
Installed-Size: 11 Source: generatename (2.0-1)
Size: 43000 Architecture: i386
Distribution: experimental
Maintainer: name &lt;;
Description: hostname maker
A nice way to figure out a hostname nobody
else has.</pre>
There are several things to point out. The difference between the two
outputs relates to the addition of the Distribution, Size, and
Architecture fields for the not-installed query. Installed-Size is how
many kilobytes the package will occupy when it is unpacked, whereas Size
is the size in bytes of the package.
<h3><A name="s9.5.1">
The Status field provides the installation status of the package, this
holds true for the not-installed query as well. In a sense, the
not-installed database isn't always not-installed. If the not-installed
package is actually already installed, and the version numbers are exactly
the same, then the status will be the same for either query. If the
not-installed package is not installed then the status will be
``not-installed''. In cases where the not-installed package is already
installed, swim uses it's comparison function to figure out whether it is
a newer of older package which is installed. In the above example, swim
realizes the same package is installed, and only the debian-revision has
changed, hence the only difference is that the revision number is greater
``r&gt;'' for the not-installed package. When only the debian-revision has
changed it can safely be assumed that the author (creator, programmer) of
the same program has not made any changes to the same program, but the
Debian maintainer has made a change to an aspect of the package like a
change in the script the package uses to properly install. You may have
also noticed that the status field shows the version number of the
installed package enclosed in parenthesis.
<h3><A name="s9.5.2">
The Source field is present in these examples, but the Source field will
not always be present for packages. In cases where the name of the source
package is the same as the the name found in the Package field, and the
version number of the source package is also the same as found in the
Version field, then there will be no Source field. In the above examples
there is a Source field. In this case name was probably one of many
packages generated from the source package called generatename. In this
particular example generatename also has its own unique version number
2.0-1 enclosed in parentheses, if no version number had been mentioned
then the source package would have the same version number as found in the
Version field.
<h3><A name="s-section">
Section shows the subject which a package is categorized with (see
<code>-g</code>). Priority shows how important the package is to have
installed. In the case of the not-installed databases the information for
these fields is almost always available from the Packages databases, but
this is not always the case for Debian packages. For packages which do no
provide this information swim will do its best to fill in the blanks from
information found in the installed and not-installed databases. If proper
information can not be found it will be indicated as ``unavailable'' or
``unknown.'' Unavailable would indicate that information about the package
exists, but it is from a different version (includes debian-revision), and
no information exists for this version. Unknown means no similiar package
exists, and there is absolutely no information about this package in the
When a Debian package is queried using the <strong>-p</strong>
option you will get output like the first example shows, the status field
is also calculated.
<h2><A name="s-vrftp">
For ftp capabilities swim uses the <em>swimz.list</em> to determine which
sites it will check for the requested packages. The first site which fills
the request will be used, otherwise <strong>swim</strong> will go through
all the sites avoiding repeats, and if no sites can fill the request,
<strong>swim</strong> will either quit or proceed on to check for another
<strong>--ftp</strong> allows the queried package, its source package, or
just the source package diff to be downloaded while being queried. This is
refered to as virtual downloading because the quering and the downloading
are seamless as though the package already exists locally. This has to be
used with the option <strong>-n</strong> because packages which which are
not part of the not-installed database are considered to already have been
downloaded. Packages which are already installed can be downloaded or
their source retrieved by setting up a database which corresponds to these
packages; if the installed packages belong to the stable distribution,
set-up the not-installed stable databases.
Packages or source code are placed in an area below the default directory
mirroring the remote directory they were downloaded from after their size
and modification times are checked for correct values. This area is called
the <strong>DF</strong> directory, and although this directory mirrors
remote directories, it is not an exact mirror, but specific to the
requirements of swim because code names for Release versions are not taken
into account. For real mirroring capabilities there exist many excellent
programs. If a package has a <strong>MD5 checksum</strong>,
<strong>--md5sum</strong> will automatically be run and the value shown.
Regardless of whether or not the md5sum check is <strong>OK</strong> or
not, the package will still be put in the <strong>DF</strong> directory to
allow the package to be looked at, so watch the output from
<strong>--ftp</strong> to check for <strong>FAILED md5sums</strong>.
Packages or source code packages will not be downloaded again if they are
found in the <strong>DF</strong> directory unless their
<em>upstream-version</em> has changed in the not-installed database, if
the packages are not in the DF directory and the remote
<em>upstream-version</em> is different than the not-installed
<em>upstream-version</em> then the packages will not be downloaded until
the not-installed database is updated or rebuilt to reflect the version
change. Changes in the package's <em>upstream-version</em> indicates that
the <code>author(s)</code> of the program have made changes to the computer
code for the program contained in the package or the source code package.
On the other hand, swim will check for a <em>debian-revision</em> change
at the remote site if the package can not immediately be found. If the
package's <em>debian-revision</em> has changed and the package does not
exist locally in the <strong>DF</strong> directory, it will be downloaded.
This is a nice feature, especially for the unstable distribution, because
it tends to extend the time needed before the not-installed database has
to be updated or rebuilt to match the changes at remote sites.
<strong>--source</strong> is used with <strong>--ftp</strong> to download
the source code package. <strong>--source_only</strong> will download the
source code package without the deb package. <em>Source packages consist
of three files</em>. The <em>source control file</em> which ends in
``dsc'', the <em>original source archive</em> which is a compressed tar
file, and the <em>unified context diff</em> showing the changes necessary
to make the original source into Debian source. The diff can be downloaded
by itself if <strong>--diff</strong> is provided as an argument to
<strong>--source or --source_only</strong>.
For <strong>apt</strong> users: <strong>apt</strong> allows packages to be
downloaded, but if more than one package is required for the package
relationships to be proper, <strong>apt</strong> will download all these
packages. <strong>--ftp</strong> allows specific packages to be
downloaded, packages from other architectures, and source packages to be
downloaded, here lies the advantage of this option over using <strong>-xyz
--nz</strong> (see below). If a particular package has been dowloaded into
the <strong>DF</strong> directory and it is needed by <strong>apt</strong>
for installation, simply copy or move the package from the
<strong>DF</strong> directory to <em>/var/cache/apt/archives</em> before
running <strong>apt</strong>, and the package will not be downloaded by
<strong>apt</strong> again; future versions of <strong>swim</strong> will
have an option to automatically accomplish this (see <code>--df2apt</code>).
<h2><A name="s-vrapt">
apt-get(8) is a nice package relationship checker from the
<strong>apt</strong> package which figures out what needs to be done to
properly install a package or packages when one or more package names are
provided to it. <strong>apt-get</strong> will get all packages which are
needed using a variety of methods, and then <strong>apt-get</strong>
interacts with <strong>dpkg</strong> in a way which allows for a
successful installation.
<strong>-xyrz, --remove, and --nz</strong> can be used if
<strong>apt-get</strong> from the <strong>apt</strong> package is
installed. These options allow for what is refered to as virtual
installation/removal. It is prudent to always test what will happen by
using the <strong>-x</strong> option alone before actually proceeding with
the installation with the <strong>-z</strong> option. <strong>-x</strong>
will actually simulate what would happen in an installation, showing which
and how many packages will be changed, which and how many new packages
will need to be installed, which and how many packages will need to be
removed, any conflicts, and what needs to be configured.
<strong>-y</strong> will automatically answer yes to any prompts
<strong>apt-get</strong> may produce allowing <strong>apt-get</strong> to
run non-interactively. <strong>-z</strong> as mentioned before actually
proceeds with the installation using <strong>dpkg</strong> after the
<strong>apt-get</strong> gets the packages. You can append a minus sign
to a package name to cause it to be removed. <strong>--nz</strong> when
used as an optional argument with <strong>-xz or -xyz</strong> will only
download the packages into <em>/var/cache/apt/archives</em> or into
whatever directory you configured for holding archives for
<strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: <strong>apt</strong> makes it so easy to make
changes to your installation that it is highly recommended to do your
research with swim first. This can be done by checking package
relationships, file/dir listings, comparing the not-installed package to
an installed package if such exists, checking <strong>--md5sum</strong>
and <strong>-c</strong> for the installed package, and checking the Source
field by running a <strong>--search</strong> (see <A href="ch-search.html">SEARCHING
, chapter 11</A>) to
check to see how the source package has been split into binary packages
for the not-installed package versus an installed package if such exists.
Ofcourse, there are many other things you could look at, and you can
always do your research after the fact. Presently <strong>--db</strong> is
run only by hand, so you can check the old state after an installation if
you have not already run <strong>--db</strong>, yourself.
<h2><A name="s-vrrm">
<strong>--purge</strong> uses <strong>dpkg</strong> to remove an installed
package or packages and the configuration files as shown with
``<strong>swim -qc packagename</strong>''.
<strong>-r or --remove</strong> removes an installed package or packages
with <strong>apt</strong>, but not the configuration files as shown with
``<strong>swim -qc packagename</strong>''. You may also append a plus
sign to a package name to cause it to be installed. This option is used
with -x or -x(y)z.
<h2><A name="s9.9">
<strong>--stdin</strong> works with either <strong>--ftp</strong>,
<strong>-x</strong>, <strong>-xyz</strong>, <strong>-xz</strong>,
<strong>--purge</strong>, <strong>-r</strong>, or
<strong>--stdin</strong> provides the <em>readline capabilities</em>
commonly found in shells allowing you to edit what is on the command line.
You can edit the command line, press enter and then recall the history,
and make more changes, or <em>type in exit to process the changed or
unchanged command line</em>. To find out more about what readline commands
your shell supports please read the man pages which apply to your shell.
Information for the bash shell can be found in <code>bash(1)</code> under the
title ``<strong>Readline Command Names</strong>''.
Example: ``<strong>swim -qgnx --stdin hamradio</strong>'' will list all
the packages from the not-installed hamradio group on the command line,
this list can be edited then submitted to <strong>apt-get</strong> for a
simulated installation. Another instance of <strong>swim</strong> can be
run at the same time, perhaps ``<strong>swim -qinTg hamradio</strong>'' to
help in making editing decisions for <strong>--stdin</strong>.
<h2><A name="s9.10">
<strong>--extract</strong> only works with the <strong>minor mode
-p</strong> to extract parts or all of a Debian package. If the
<strong>argument ALL</strong> is provided then <em>everything found in the
package will be extracted</em> below the current directory in the exact
directories found in the package. A particular <em>file may be extracted
in its exact location</em> below the current directory by <em>entering the
exact path for the file</em> as shown by ``<strong>swim -qpl</strong>'' or
``<strong>swim -qpd</strong>'' as the argument. Alternativily, a <em>file
may be extracted in the current directory</em> regardless of its proper
location by <em>prepending PWD\! before the path</em> shown by
``<strong>swim -qpl</strong>'' or ``<strong>swim -qpd</strong>''. Notice
the backslash before the exclamation point, this is because shells
consider ! a special character, so it has to be backslashed so that the
shell knows that it is not such a special character. Example:
``<strong>swim -qpi --extract PWD\!usr/bin/name --scripts
name_1.1-2.deb</strong>'' will extract the binary name in the current
directory from the name package, show information for the name package,
and show any scripts for the name package.
<h2><A name="s-dblocus">
<strong>--dbpath</strong> can be specified as an alternative location for
where the databases would be found. The default location is
``<em>/var/lib/dpkg</em>''. An argument like ``<em>/otherstuff</em>'' can
be provided, and then the databases would be found here instead.
<strong>--root</strong> allows a database to be found for a Debian
distribution installed on a different partition. If the distribution is
mounted on <em>/New_Debian</em>, ``<em>/New_Debian</em>'' would be the
argument to root. The databases would be found for the Debian distribution
installed on the ``<em>/New_Debian</em>'' partition.
<strong>--dbpath and --root</strong> can be used together. Given the
previous two examples, the databases would be found on
``<em>/New_Debian/otherstuff</em>'', assuming
``<em>/New_Debian/otherstuff</em>'' actually existed.
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch10.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-aptprep.html">back</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
<title>swim - RAMDISK
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 12<br>
<pre>usage: swim --ramdiskon
swim --ramdiskoff
options: [-n] [--searchfile] [--arch &lt;architecture&gt;]
[--dists &lt;distribution&gt;] [--dbpath] [--root]
no options for --ramdiskoff
<h2><A name="s12.1">
A ramdisk can be mounted below the default path or the specified path for
the databases in the dramdisk directory. The ramdisk is used to speed up
powersearchs and/or file/dir listings for packages from the not-installed
system. Also, this is useful if a computer system is heavily loaded with
other processes using the memory, and the ramdisk tends to persist even
after being unmounted. Modern kernels usually are built with support for
ramdisks. If these options do not work the kernel will need to be compiled
to support ramdisks by answering yes to RAM disk support. Perhaps the best
<em>README</em> showing how to configure and compile a kernel comes with
the <em>kernel sources</em> in the main directory.
<strong>--ramdiskon</strong> allows a ramdisk to be created and mounted.
If called with <strong>-n</strong> (not-installed databases)
<em>ncontents-arch-dists.deb.gz</em> will automatically be written to the
mounted ramdisk. This provides faster file/dir listing capabilities when
using <strong>-l</strong>, <strong>--df</strong>, or <strong>-d</strong>
when querying the not-installed system. Faster powersearch capabilities
are available through the option <strong>--searchfile</strong>. If the
search databases are not already compressed, they will now be compressed,
this usually only needs to be done once or until the databases are updated
or rebuilt again. The search databases will then be written to the mounted
ramdisk. An installed system only writes the search databases to the
mounted ramdisk, so always use --searchfile when specifying installed
system databases.
<strong>--ramdiskoff</strong> is used to unmount the ramdisk. The
not-installed databases and the installed databases can not be
simultaneously provided by a mounted ramdisk, use
<strong>--ramdiskoff</strong> first, then <strong>--ramdiskon</strong> to
install the other databases of choice. This also pertains to different
distributions and/or architectures.
See the section ``<A href="ch-query.html#s-specdata">SPECIFYING THE DATABASES TO USE
, section 9.2</A>'' for
options <strong>--arch</strong>, <strong>-dists</strong>.
See the section ``<A href="ch-query.html#s-dblocus">DATABASE LOCATIONS
, section 9.11</A>'' for options
<strong>--dbpath</strong> and <strong>--root</strong>.
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch13.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-search.html">back</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
<title>swim - SEARCHING
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 11<br>
<pre>usage: swim --search ? (--research || --refinesearch) &lt;pattern(s)&gt;
swim --powersearch ? (--research || --refinesearch) &lt;pattern(s)&gt;
swim --ps ? (--research || --refinesearch) &lt;pattern(s)&gt;
options: [-g] [-n] [--dbpath &lt;dir&gt;] [--root &lt;dir&gt;] [--no]
[--arch &lt;architecture&gt;] [--dists &lt;distribution&gt;
[--ftp ? --source | --source_only &lt;[--diff]&gt;]
[-xyrz --remove ? &lt;[--nz]&gt;] [--stdin] [--apt2df]
[--no] [--df2apt] [--purge] [&lt;\d{1,}&gt;]
[--dir] and no [-g]for --powersearch or --ps
<h2><A name="s11.1">
<strong>swim</strong> provides two major types of searches. A search with
<strong>--search</strong> <em>searches package information</em> (see <A href="ch-query.html#s-format">FORMAT
, section 9.5</A>), and a search with <strong>--powersearch or --ps</strong>
<em>searches package information, and all files and/or directories
associated with each package</em>.
The results of either of these searches can be <em>narrowed down</em> by
running a test search with <strong>--research</strong> (this step can be
skipped) and/or setting the results in stone with
<strong>--refinesearch</strong>. <strong>--search</strong> can be
<em>narrowed down</em> initially by specifying a particular
<em>group</em>, and <strong>--powersearch</strong> can be
<em>expanded</em> initially by specifying that <em>directories</em> be
searched as well as files. Both searches can <em>use the same virtual
options</em> which the major mode <strong>-q or --query</strong> use.
Generally, it is preferable to run a search, and then to provide the
results of a search (<strong>using -S</strong>) as an argument to
<strong>-q or --query</strong>; this allows the results of a search to be
queried. Every time a search is run the results are appended to the
history, past searches can be refined or researched by providing the
numerical argument pertaining to the history. \d{1,} is simply Perl
notation meaning a number with one of more digits.
<em>Perl regexps</em> (see <code>perlre(1p))</code> can be used to define the
pattern (string) provided as an argument to a search. Do not surround a
pattern in slashes, a slash is only used after all patterns and before the
<em>modifiers i and/or m</em> (swim supports these two modifiers). To
search for more than one pattern, patterns are separated with <em>bars
(|)</em>. Patterns may include <em>quatifiers, and metacharacters</em>,
also found in <code>egrep(1).</code>
If a search finds any packages which match the search, the package
information will be displayed as the package is found. The package will
only be shown once regardless of how many times it is found while the
search progresses. When the search is over the number of packages found is
<strong>--search</strong> provides a search of package information. This
is similiar to grepping ``<strong>swim -qait</strong>'' or ``<strong>swim
-qaint</strong>'', but it is significantly faster. A search can be
performed on a particular group by using <strong>-g</strong> with a group
as an argument
<strong>--powersearch</strong> is somewhat similiar to ``<strong>dpkg
--search</strong>'' which searches all files and directories on an
installed system, but it combines <strong>--search</strong> with the file
and/or directory search, and can also be performed on a not-installed
system. A <em>powersearch</em> is significantly faster than the search
which <strong>dpkg</strong> provides (even more so when ``<code>swim
--ramdiskon --searchfile</code>'' is used) and even more importantly
provides a logical output of the search (like ``<code>swim -qi
packagename</code>''). By default a search of all directories is not
performed because usually this is redundant except in rare cases. To
enable a search of all directories use the <strong>--dir</strong> option.
<h2><A name="s11.2">
<strong>--research</strong> allows the results of a previous search to be
researched without making the new results permanent.
<strong>--refinesearch</strong> allows the results of a previous search to
be researched while making the
new results permanent.
<strong>\d{1,}</strong> is a numerical argument to refine or research a
past search from the history.
<h2><A name="s11.3">
<strong>-n</strong> allows the not-installed databases to be searched.
These databases will not exist if the not-installed databases were made
with the FDB argument (see <code>--initndb</code>).
<strong>-g</strong> (see -g above and <A href="ch-query.html#s-mm">MINOR MODES
, section 9.1</A>).
<h2><A name="s11.4">
<strong>--no</strong> prevents normal output from a search, but does show
how many packages were found.
See the section ``<A href="ch-query.html#s-specdata">SPECIFYING THE DATABASES TO USE
, section 9.2</A>'' for options
<strong>--arch</strong>, <strong>-dists</strong>.
See the section ``<A href="ch-query.html#s-vrftp">FTP - VIRTUAL OPTIONS
, section 9.6</A>'' for
<strong>--ftp</strong>, <strong>--source</strong>,
<strong>--source_only</strong>, <strong>--diff</strong>,
See the section ``<A href="ch-query.html#s-vrapt">APT - VIRTUAL OPTIONS
, section 9.7</A>'' for
<strong>-xyz</strong>, <strong>--nz</strong>, <strong>--stdin</strong>,
See the section ``<A href="ch-query.html#s-vrrm">REMOVING AN INSTALLED PACKAGE - VIRTUAL OPTIONS
, section 9.8</A>'' for
<strong>--purge</strong>, <strong>--remove</strong>, <strong>-r</strong>.
See the section ``<A href="ch-query.html#s-dblocus">DATABASE LOCATIONS
, section 9.11</A>'' for options
<strong>--dbpath</strong> and <strong>--root</strong>.
<h2><A name="s11.5">
<strong>swim -gn hamradio --search &quot;radio network/i&quot; --dbpath
/test --arch alpha</strong>
will search the alpha architecture not-installed system databases in the
/test directory for all package information from the hamradio group using
the case insensitive pattern ``radio network''.
<strong>swim --powersearch dpkg -xn</strong>
will search the not-installed system databases for all package information
and all files using the case sensitive pattern dpkg, after which apt-get
will run a simulation of what would happen if it got and installed these
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-ramdisk.html">next</A>; <A href="ch10.html">back</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<title>swim - SEE ALSO
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 14<br>
<code>swimrc(5),</code> apt-get(8), sources.list(5), <code>dpkg(8)</code>
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch15.html">next</A>; <A href="ch13.html">back</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<title>swim - VERSION
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 3<br>
usage: <strong>swim --version</strong>
This shows the version for the swim program.
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-history.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-commandline.html">back</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
<title>swim - UPGRADING WITH APT
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 10<br>
usage: <strong>swim --apt</strong>
options: <strong>[-xyz] [--upgrade] [--dist_upgrade]</strong>
<strong>apt-get</strong> provides powerful methods to change an
installion. When these methods are called using <strong>--apt</strong>,
<strong>swim</strong> will not allow you to proceed until you are
absolutely sure this is what you want to do. Before using these methods do
a ``<strong>swim --apt --update</strong>'' so that
<strong>apt-get</strong> knows the newest versions of available packages.
This major mode requires a combination of <strong>-x</strong>,
<strong>-xz</strong> or <strong>-xyz</strong> to be used along with either
<strong>--upgrade</strong> or <strong>--dist_upgrade</strong>.
<strong>-x</strong> used alone will simulate what would happen if
<strong>-xz or -xyz</strong> were used (also see <code>-xyz</code> above).
<strong>--upgrade</strong> is somewhat similiar to doing ``<strong>swim
-qatxz</strong>'' except that it is a more intelligent method because
<strong>apt</strong> does some behind the scene calculations in regards to
package relationships, in fact the ``<strong>swim -qatxz</strong>''
approach will provide totally different results, or maybe these were the
results you really wanted. ``<strong>swim --apt --upgrade -xz</strong>''
is the prefered, proper, and built-in way provided by
<strong>apt-get</strong> to install the newest versions for all packages
installed on your system. This method will not install any newer versions
of packages which would change the install status of other packages. Note:
It is not recommended to combine the query option <strong>-a</strong> with
<strong>-xz or -xyz</strong>, but combining the query option
<strong>-a</strong> just with <strong>-x</strong> can be educational.
<strong>--dist_upgrade</strong> combines an <strong>--upgrade</strong>
with the installation of packages which are not installed. This method
carefully examines dependencies, and resolves conflicts, and given these
factors it will upgrade the most important packages before considering the
installation of less important packages. Less important packages will be
installed only if there are not any conflicts.
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-search.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-query.html">back</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<title>swim - FILES
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 12<br>
Configuration files:
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-seealso.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-ramdisk.html">back</A>.
<address>12 March 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<title>swim - FILES
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 13<br>
Configuration files:
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-seealso.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-ramdisk.html">back</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<title>swim - BUGS</title>
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 15<br>
Send directly to
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-seealso.html">back</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
<title>swim - UPGRADING WITH APT
<link rev=made href="">
swim - chapter 9<br>
usage: <strong>swim --apt</strong>
options: <strong>[-xyz] [--upgrade] [--dist_upgrade]</strong>
<strong>apt-get</strong> provides powerful methods to change an
installion. When these methods are called using <strong>--apt</strong>,
<strong>swim</strong> will not allow you to proceed until you are
absolutely sure this is what you want to do. Before using these methods do
a ``<strong>swim --apt --update</strong>'' so that
<strong>apt-get</strong> knows the newest versions of available packages.
This major mode requires a combination of <strong>-x</strong>,
<strong>-xz</strong> or <strong>-xyz</strong> to be used along with either
<strong>--upgrade</strong> or <strong>--dist_upgrade</strong>.
<strong>-x</strong> used alone will simulate what would happen if
<strong>-xz or -xyz</strong> were used (also see <code>-xyz</code> above).
<strong>--upgrade</strong> is somewhat similiar to doing ``<strong>swim
-qatxz</strong>'' except that it is a more intelligent method because
<strong>apt</strong> does some behind the scene calculations in regards to
package relationships, in fact the ``<strong>swim -qatxz</strong>''
approach will provide totally different results, or maybe these were the
results you really wanted. ``<strong>swim --apt --upgrade -xz</strong>''
is the prefered, proper, and built-in way provided by
<strong>apt-get</strong> to install the newest versions for all packages
installed on your system. This method will not install any newer versions
of packages which would change the install status of other packages. Note:
It is not recommended to combine the query option <strong>-a</strong> with
<strong>-xz or -xyz</strong>, but combining the query option
<strong>-a</strong> just with <strong>-x</strong> can be educational.
<strong>--dist_upgrade</strong> combines an <strong>--upgrade</strong>
with the installation of packages which are not installed. This method
carefully examines dependencies, and resolves conflicts, and given these
factors it will upgrade the most important packages before considering the
installation of less important packages. Less important packages will be
installed only if there are not any conflicts.
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-search.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-query.html">back</A>.
<address>12 March 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
<link rev=made href="">
<h2><A name="toc">
0.1 Table of contents
<li><A href="ch-description.html">1 DESCRIPTION
<li><A href="ch-commandline.html">2 COMMAND LINE OPTION SYNTAX
<li><A href="ch-version.html">3 VERSION
<li><A href="ch-history.html">4 HISTORY
<li><A href="ch-makinginst.html">5 MAKING INSTALLED SYSTEM DATABASES
<li><A href="ch-makinginst.html#s-initdb">5.1</A> Initial database making, and Rebuilding for an
Installed system.
<li><A href="ch-makinginst.html#s5.2">5.2</A> UPDATING
<li><A href="ch-makinginst.html#s-searchy">5.3</A> REBUILDING THE SEARCH
<li><A href="ch-makinginst.html#s5.4">5.4</A> FILES
<li><A href="ch-important.html#s-downimportant">6.1</A> A. downloading the important databases with --ftp.
<li><A href="ch-important.html#s6.2">6.2</A> OVERVIEW
<li><A href="ch-important.html#s-dd">6.3</A> DISTRIBUTION DEFINED
<li><A href="ch-important.html#s6.4">6.4</A> SECTIONS
<li><A href="ch-important.html#s6.5">6.5</A> ARCHITECTURES
<li><A href="ch-important.html#s6.6">6.6</A> SWIMZ.LIST
<li><A href="ch-important.html#s6.7">6.7</A> SWIMZ.LIST EXAMPLES
<li><A href="ch-important.html#s-ftp">6.8</A> FTP OR APT?
<li><A href="ch-important.html#s6.9">6.9</A> OPTIONS
<li><A href="ch-important.html#s6.10">6.10</A> B. downloading the important databases with apt, and maintenance
<li><A href="ch-notinstalled.html">7 MAKING NOT-INSTALLED DATABASES
<li><A href="ch-notinstalled.html#s7.1">7.1</A> OVERVIEW
<li><A href="ch-notinstalled.html#s7.2">7.2</A> OPTIONS
<li><A href="ch-notinstalled.html#s7.3">7.3</A> UPDATING
<li><A href="ch-notinstalled.html#s7.4">7.4</A> REBUILDING THE SEARCH
<li><A href="ch-notinstalled.html#s7.5">7.5</A> FILES
<li><A href="ch-aptprep.html">8 PREPARING YOUR INSTALLATION FOR APT
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s-mm">9.1</A> MINOR MODES
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s-specdata">9.2</A> SPECIFYING THE DATABASES TO USE
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s9.3">9.3</A> OPTIONS
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s9.4">9.4</A> PACKAGE RELATIONSHIPS
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s-format">9.5</A> FORMAT
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s-vrftp">9.6</A> FTP - VIRTUAL OPTIONS
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s-vrapt">9.7</A> APT - VIRTUAL OPTIONS
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s-vrrm">9.8</A> REMOVING AN INSTALLED PACKAGE - VIRTUAL OPTIONS
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s9.9">9.9</A> STDIN - VIRTUAL OPTIONS
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s9.10">9.10</A> PACKAGE MANIPULATION - VIRTUAL OPTIONS
<li><A href="ch-query.html#s-dblocus">9.11</A> DATABASE LOCATIONS
<li><A href="ch10.html">10 UPGRADING WITH APT
<li><A href="ch-search.html">11 SEARCHING
<li><A href="ch-search.html#s11.1">11.1</A> OVERVIEW
<li><A href="ch-search.html#s11.2">11.2</A> NARROWING A PREVIOUS SEARCH
<li><A href="ch-search.html#s11.3">11.3</A> MINOR MODES
<li><A href="ch-search.html#s11.4">11.4</A> OTHER OPTIONS
<li><A href="ch-search.html#s11.5">11.5</A> EXAMPLES
<li><A href="ch-ramdisk.html">12 RAMDISK
<li><A href="ch-ramdisk.html#s12.1">12.1</A> OVERVIEW
<li><A href="ch13.html">13 FILES
<li><A href="ch-seealso.html">14 SEE ALSO
<li><A href="ch15.html">15 BUGS</A>
<hr><h2><A name="copyright">0.2 Copyright</A></h2>
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
SWIM, including this manual, is free software; you
may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
<em>without any warranty</em>; without even the implied
warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License with the <kbd>swim</kbd> source as the file
<code>COPYING</code>. If not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- <A href="#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="#toc">Contents</A>.
<address>15 June 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


File diff suppressed because it is too large


File diff suppressed because it is too large


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
<head><title>swim by example</title></head>
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFe0" link="#0000EF" vlink="#51188E"
<h2 align=center>The Swift, Wise, and Intuitive package Manager.</h2>
We run a search for case-insensitive matches for the word "quake."
Because we don't know how many matches the search will find, the
descriptions of all packages found are supressed with "--no." Note: "-n"
pertains to the not-installed (uninstalled) distribution.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -n --search quake/i --no
swim: found 17 package(s)
<p>swim keeps a history for all searches.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -hn
5 dpsclient-demos dgs dgs-dev freefont gs-aladdin gs-aladdin-manual
gs-aladdin-manual-de gsfonts-other xpacman abc2ps efax ghostview gnome-gv
gs gsfonts gsfonts-x11 gv hatman libroxen-tex pacman ppd-gs pstotext
python-imaging svgalib1-altdev svgalibg1-dev tex4ht type1inst yorick
4 lsof-2.2
3 libwine-dev
2 libwine libwine-dev libwings-dev
1 gtkpak pak qstat quake-lib quake2 quake2-bin quake2-ctf quake2-dm
xqf quake-3dfx quake-ggi quake-gl quake-lib-stub quake-sdl quake-server
quake-svga quake-x11
We can access any part of the history which we want. The first command looks at the
information pertaining to the package. The second command shows a listing of the packages
found for "quake." Note: When no numbers are specified for "-S", the number 1 is assumed.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -qnSi 3
Package: libwine-dev Status: install ok installed
Version: 0.0.20000109-1 Essential: no
Section: otherosfs Priority: optional
Installed-Size: 3680 Source: wine
Size: 729818 Architecture: i386
Distribution: unstable
Maintainer: Andrew D. Lenharth &lt;;
Description: Windows Emulator (Development files)
This is an ALPHA release of Wine, the MS-Windows emulator. This is
still a developers release and many applications may still not work.
This package consists of the C header files.
Wine is often updated.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -qnS
After looking at the descriptions for the packages found through the "quake" search we decide
to narrow down the search to "tools." Notes: We could have done this for any part of the
history by specifying a number. "--research" will not write the changes to the history,
"--refinesearch" will write the changes to the history. The qstat package is installed, but
there is a newer version.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -n --research tool
Package: gtkpak Status: not-installed
Version: 0.2-1 Essential: no
Section: games Priority: optional
Installed-Size: 105 Source: pak
Size: 32182 Architecture: i386
Distribution: unstable
Maintainer: Joseph Carter &lt;;
Description: GTK program for manipulating pak archives
gtkpak is a nifty GTK tool for manipulating the pak archives used by Quake,
Quake 2, and QuakeWorld. It can view, extract, create, and append pak
archives. pak contains basic command-line utilities that can do much of
what gtkpak does without X or GTK, but gtkpak is easier to work with by
far. Installing both won't hurt anything.
Package: pak Status: not-installed
Version: 0.2-1 Essential: no
Section: games Priority: optional
Installed-Size: 110
Size: 37412 Architecture: i386
Distribution: unstable
Maintainer: Joseph Carter &lt;;
Description: command-line tools for pak archives
This package contains pakx and pakc, a couple of tools for working with the
pak archives used by Quake, Quake 2, and QuakeWorld. pakc can create and
add files to archives, pakx can list and extract files from them. gtkpak
is a bit fancier but then again it requires X and GTK.
Package: qstat Status: > hold ok installed (2.0b-1)
Version: 2.3e-1 Essential: no
Section: games Priority: optional
Installed-Size: 236
Size: 68652 Architecture: i386
Distribution: unstable
Maintainer: Michael Alan Dorman &lt;;
Description: Command-line tool for querying quake (and other) servers
Qstat provides a simple interface for querying servers for a number
of games, including but not limited to quake, quakeworld, quake2,
quake3arena, unreal tournament, kingpin and others.
swim: found 3 package(s)
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -n --refinesearch tool --no
swim: found 3 package(s)
<p>This is what 1 now looks like in the history:
1 gtkpak pak qstat
<p>If apt is installed it is possible to find out how other packages will
be installed.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -qxnS
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
gtkpak pak
The following held packages will be changed:
qstat xqf
1 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 1 to remove and 1065 not upgraded.
Inst gtkpak
Remv xqf
Inst qstat
Inst pak
Conf gtkpak
Conf qstat
Conf pak
Oh no, xqf is going to be removed! Let's make sure that this isn't a
package we want removed, but since we noticed a newer version of this
package is included in the unstable distribution, let's find out what's
going on here!
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -qnxi xqf
Package: xqf Status: > hold ok installed (0.5-1)
Version: 0.8.99-1 Essential: no
Section: games Priority: optional
Installed-Size: 182
Size: 80426 Architecture: i386
Distribution: unstable
Maintainer: Michael Alan Dorman &lt;;
Description: X-based Quake Server Browser
XQF allows one to browse and choose quake servers to play on.
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:
Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
xqf: Conflicts: qstat (< 2.1z-2.1a-0.1) but 2.0b-1 is to be installed
E: Sorry, broken packages
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -qnT qstat
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1.2)
Conflicts: xqf (<< 0.9.2-1)
<p> As seen above, the reason why xqf has to be removed is due to a
dependency in qstat which the packager (Michael Alan Dorman
&lt;;) will have to resolve by uploading a newer version of
xqf to the distribution. Sometimes necessary packages are still in
Debian's Incoming directory at the ftp site, and not in the distribution,
so we may want to check there first. If this isn't the case we will send
a bug report to Debian's Bug Tracking System pointing out that there needs
to be a newer version of xqf. In the meantime we have decided that we
only want gtkpak and pak. We will use swim's editing capabilities to take
gstat off the list. Notes: Another possibility for the bug shown above
is that apt's cache needs to be updated to reflect the changes in Debain's
distribution by using "swim --apt --update." When the history is edited
with "--stdin" the history makes a new entry reflecting the change. The
full history is accessible from "--stdin." Anybody can send a bug to
Debian's Bug Tracking System.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -qxznS --stdin
swim: type exit to finish --stdin
swim: gtkpak pak
swim: exit
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
gtkpak pak
0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1067 not upgraded.
Need to get 69.6kB of archives. After unpacking 220kB will be used.
Get:1 unstable/main gtkpak 0.2-1 [32.2kB]
Get:2 unstable/main pak 0.2-1 [37.4kB]
Fetched 69.6kB in 1m15s (922B/s)
Selecting previously deselected package gtkpak.
(Reading database ... 106015 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking gtkpak (from .../archives/gtkpak_0.2-1_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package pak.
Unpacking pak (from .../archives/pak_0.2-1_i386.deb) ...
Setting up gtkpak (0.2-1) ...
Setting up pak (0.2-1) ...
If we don't have apt we can still download these packages, and their sources. Here is another
way to do the same thing we did above without using apt. Notes: This time we saved some
typing by doing "--stdin" with "--research." We specified "--source" with "--ftp" to get the
sources as well as the packages, or we could have just gotten the sources by themselves by
specifying "--source_only" with "--ftp." Changes made while in "--stdin" are written to the
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -n --search quake/i --no
swim: found 17 package(s)
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -n --research tool --no --stdin --ftp --source
swim: found 3 package(s)
swim: type exit to finish --stdin
swim: gtkpak pak
swim: exit
swim: connected to
swim: logged in to
swim: downloading gtkpak_0.2-1.deb (32182 bytes)
gtkpak_0.2-1 49823b28c9599dbf94e290e28e695bc2 OK
swim: successful retrieval of gtkpak_0.2-1.deb
swim: downloading pak_0.2-1.diff.gz (2623 bytes)
swim: successful retrieval of pak_0.2-1.diff.gz
swim: downloading pak_0.2-1.dsc (825 bytes)
swim: successful retrieval of pak_0.2-1.dsc
swim: downloading pak_0.2.orig.tar.gz (26972 bytes)
swim: successful retrieval of pak_0.2.orig.tar.gz
swim: downloading pak_0.2-1.deb (37412 bytes)
pak_0.2-1 55842f97f80c5c37415a93a7f0709171 OK
swim: successful retrieval of pak_0.2-1.deb
swim: pak_0.2-1.diff.gz already exists
swim: pak_0.2-1.dsc already exists
swim: pak_0.2.orig.tar.gz already exists
swim: logged out
We notice that the sources only had to be downloaded once. Looking at the packages'
information we notice both packages share the same sources as indicated in the "Source" field.
The field is absent for the pak package because the source name is exactly the same as the
package's name, but for the gtkpak package this isn't the case, so the "Source" field is
We can find the packages and the sources in their proper location on our local archive mirror.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ ls ~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/source/games
pak_0.2-1.diff.gz pak_0.2-1.dsc pak_0.2.orig.tar.gz
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ ls ~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games/
gtkpak_0.2-1.deb pak_0.2-1.deb
We can go examine the packages. It is useful to check out the changelog and the copyright.
This is the initial release for this program. Note: "-v" will show the files in long format
(ls -l), "--df" show the directories as well as the files.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ cd ~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games/
linuxalive:~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games$ swim -qpl --copyright --changelog gtkpak_0.2-1.deb
#####copyright for gtkpak_0.2-1.deb#####
taken from the README:
(c) Michael Vance, 1999
0. Intro
gtkpak is a PAK file viewer for Gtk+. What are PAK files? A PAK file is used
in id software games such as Quake and Quake 2, and their spin-offs. Just
imagine collapsing an entire directory scheme into a big wad of files, and
there you have a PAK file.
The three binaries are built around the interface provided in pakfile.h,
which is a C++ class that allows access to the contents of a PAKFile, including
searching and extracting from an already existing PAK file, to add files and
then writing a new PAK file. The three binaries are then just front-ends
to this functionality, in one way or another.
While it's tempting to make the classes provided in pakfile.h into a shared
library, it's probably unnecessary. But it does make one tingly, eh?
And all this is GPL'ed, of course. See the file COPYING for license details.
#####changelog.Debian.gz for gtkpak_0.2-1.deb#####
pak (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Release.
-- Joseph Carter <> Thu, 8 Jul 1999 17:35:38 -0700
Local variables:
mode: debian-changelog
<p>Let's see if there is a menu entry, and check the MD5 checksum.
linuxalive:~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games$ swim -qpm gtkpak_0.2-1.deb --md5sum
#####menu for gtkpak_0.2-1.deb(gtkpak)#####
?package(gtkpak):needs=X11 section=Games/Adventure\
title="GtkPak" hints=Quake command="/usr/bin/gtkpak"
gtkpak_0.2-1 49823b28c9599dbf94e290e28e695bc2 OK
<p>It would be interesting to look at the man page for gtkpak.
linuxalive:~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games$ swim -qpd gtkpak_0.2-1.deb
linuxalive:~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games$ swim -qp gtkpak_0.2-1.deb --extract PWD\!usr/share/man/man6/gtkpak.6.gz
swim: gtkpak.6.gz has been extracted
linuxalive:~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games$ ls
gtkpak.6.gz gtkpak_0.2-1.deb pak_0.2-1.deb
linuxalive:~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games$ zcat gtkpak.6.gz | nroff -man | less
"man page for gtkpak will be visible"
We could also extract the whole archive onto our system. Note: First, we checked to make
sure we wouldn't copy over any files from other installed packages.
linuxalive:~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games/test$ cd /
linuxalive:/$ swim -qp ~/.swim/pub/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games/gtkpak_0.2-1.deb --extract ALL
swim: gtkpak_0.2-1.deb has been extracted
If we have installed the packages with apt, we can check to see what kind of changes have been
made to our system.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim --db --check
checking for new, changed, and removed packages
NEW gtkpak
NEW pak
<p>At this point the database for our installation hasn't been updated.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -q pak
package pak is not installed
To update the database we will issue "--db" without "--check."
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim --db
checking for new, changed, and removed packages
NEW gtkpak
NEW pak
N|C|CS 2
#2 N|C pak.list
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -q pak
We can check to see if the uninstalled distribution had any changes. Notes: The results below
indicate the changes found in the new Package databases that have been downloaded by updating
apt; if we don't have apt then swim's major mode "--ftp" can be used with "DF." With "--ndb"
use APT to indicate apt sources, or DF to indicate Package databases gotten directly through
swim's "--ftp". If we originally made the uninstalled distribution with an uninstalled
filesystem by using "--Contents DF" then to update the uninstalled distribution "--Contents
DF" should be used again; this isn't necessary when running a check. To rebuild
(--rebuildndb), update (--ndb), or check a distribution other than the default one, use
"--dists stable", "--dists frozen" or "--dists unstable." The newest Packages can
automatically be picked by using "--cron."
A little blurb: Although not Debian approved or sanctioned, we find the unstable distribution
acceptably stable in relation to certain well-known commercial distributions despite
infrequent packaging bugs like the one shown in the xqf example above. The Debian
distribution adheres to a self-imposed level of quality found in no other distribution in the
world. Usually, unstable undergoes many changes so there isn't a time advantage over updating
DF versus rebuilding DF, but this process is easier on system resources. On the other hand,
updating FDBDF (no uninstalled filesystem) is faster.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim --apt --update; swim --ftp --Contents DF --onec;
"output not shown"
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim --ndb --check APT 2> changes-today
### Site Date Size (bytes) Release
1 Mon Jan 17 17:57:57 2000 112774 2.2
1 Sun Jan 16 17:26:23 2000 279821 2.2
1 Mon Jan 17 17:57:12 2000 3048732 2.2
swim: for CONTRIB, which ### do you want?: 1
swim: for NON-FREE, which ### do you want?: 1
swim: for MAIN, which ### do you want?: 1
checking for new, changed, and removed packages
NEW 12
We can view all the changes because we stored them in a file. We can use swim to look at all
the changed packages except for the new ones which will be visible once we rebuild or update.
By looking at this file we are provided a view of the inner workings of Debian development.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ cat changed-today | less
CHANGED iraf-common
CHANGED iraf-ibin
CHANGED iraf-noaobin
CHANGED plugger
NEW webrt
"part of output not shown"
GONE tinytable-zope
GONE tip
<p> We decide to update with "--ndb" rather than to rebuild with
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim --ndb APT --Contents DF --cron 2> changed-today
checking for new, changed, and removed packages
NEW 12
G|C|CR 232
#232 VIRTUAL G|C|CR zicq.list
Copying new Contents
Compressing Contents
N|C|CR 228
#228 VIRTUAL N|C|CR zicq.list
#22 NO-C zope-siteaccess.list
Appending search databases
Updating status
Sun Jan 23 14:59:04 2000 to Sun Jan 23 16:39:23 2000
We were wondering whether it was time to update gv, but we found out that there was only a
debian-revision change "r>" which means that the source code hasn't changed. There is no need
to update right now.
linuxalive:/usr/lib/perl5/SWIM$ which gv
linuxalive:/usr/lib/perl5/SWIM$ cd /usr/X11R6/bin
linuxalive:/usr/X11R6/bin$ swim -qf gv
linuxalive:/usr/X11R6/bin$ swim -qfni gv
Package: gv Status: r> hold ok installed (1:3.5.8-7)
Version: 1:3.5.8-15 Essential: no
Section: text Priority: optional
Installed-Size: 477
Size: 224778 Architecture: i386
Distribution: unstable
Maintainer: Marco Pistore &lt;;
Description: A PostScript and PDF viewer for X using 3d Athena Widgets
`gv' is a comfortable viewer of PostScript and PDF files for the X
Window System.
It uses the `ghostscript' PostScript(tm) interpreter and is based
on the classic X front-end for `gs', `ghostview'. It is more
comfortable and more powerful than `ghostview'.
Some features as e.g. PDF files or anti-aliasing are only supported
if a recent ghostscript (4.0 or later) is installed. With
anti-aliasing turned on, the text is very crisp and readable, with no
`stepping' on the slants at all.
While we were in this directory we decided to do a little research. It is interesting to note
that for the installed system there are 14 files which don't belong to any packages. There
could be a variety of reasons for this (maybe we are slobs); this is good stuff to know.
Notes: To see the total list just add "-t" to the existing command-line options. There is a
big difference in using "." and "*", "." is the same as saying "./" but it only lists the
same package once, whereas "*" would look at all the files in the immediate directory and if
two files belong to the same package, that package will be shown twice for each file, it also
reports if a file doesn't belong to a package.
linuxalive:/usr/X11R6/bin$ swim -qf .
use --total or -t to see all 202 packages
linuxalive:/usr/X11R6/bin$ swim -qfn .
use --total or -t to see all 420 packages
linuxalive:/usr/X11R6/bin$ swim -qft * | grep "not owned" | wc -l
linuxalive:/usr/X11R6/bin$ swim -qfnt * | grep "not owned" | wc -l
We notice a file in the lib directory, and we wonder what it belongs to.
linuxalive:/lib$ swim -qf --shlibs
ld-linux 2 libc6 (>= 2.1.2)
libBrokenLocale 1 libc6 (>= 2.1.2)
.. everything not shown ..
libthread_db 1 libc6 (>= 2.1.2)
libutil 1 libc6 (>= 2.1.2)
We want to find out what dependencies apt has.
linuxalive:/lib$ swim -qfnT /usr/bin/apt-get
Depends: libc6, libc6 (>= 2.1), libc6 (>= 2.1.2), libstdc++2.10
Suggests: dpkg-dev
Provides: libapt-pkg2.6
Replaces: deity, libapt-pkg-doc (<< 0.3.7), libapt-pkg-dev (<< 0.3.7)
Conflicts: deity
We need a header file called w32skrnl.h. We are in luck it's already on our system. Notes:
We could have done "locate w32skrnl.h" and then done a "swim -qf", but we haven't updated our
locatedb in months. The package installation will be tested by apt if it exists.
linuxalive:/usr/include/wine$ swim -xn --ps w32skrnl\.h
Package: libwine-dev Status: install ok installed
Version: 0.0.20000109-1 Essential: no
Section: otherosfs Priority: optional
Installed-Size: 3680 Source: wine
Size: 729818 Architecture: i386
Distribution: unstable
Maintainer: Andrew D. Lenharth &lt;;
Description: Windows Emulator (Development files)
This is an ALPHA release of Wine, the MS-Windows emulator. This is
still a developers release and many applications may still not work.
This package consists of the C header files.
Wine is often updated.
swim: found 1 package(s)
Reading Package Lists...
Building Dependency Tree...
Sorry, libwine-dev is already the newest version
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1067 not upgraded.
Sometimes it is nice to know the total of what we have installed.
linuxalive:/usr/X11R6/bin$ swim -qa
use --total or -t to see all 1449 packages
linuxalive:/usr/X11R6/bin$ swim -qf /
use --total or -t to see all 1449 packages
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -qan
use --total or -t to see all 4525 packages
We can check the MD5 checksum for all the configuation files on the system. Notes: MD5
checksum can be performed on "-l", "-d", "-c", or "-p." This can only be performed on the
installed system.
linuxalive:/home/swim/SWIMANIA$ swim -qact --md5sum
/etc/a2ps.cfg eb909349a1bb2d1f4b4adc7ab1f75e56 OK
/etc/cron.daily/acct d5e16c7f601c3a43d88fc8ede714c6e2 OK
/etc/cron.monthly/acct 9ca2c358e430f94c9ae00a1ce54e6e96 OK
/etc/init.d/acct 2f978d8517077c77e3262d7a6096fe2f OK
/etc/autolog.conf b6ae10782ce13c45cbe72f9308b4caa1 OK
/etc/cron.d/autolog 805d268ea44c645299defc1c14495282 MISSING
/etc/cfengine/cfengine.conf fd79d9462e92f88aa6c563f39e3e10d5 OK
/etc/cron.daily/cfengine ac6a42f3be907b50e52834ae9d41fdbd FAILED
/etc/cron.weekly/cfengine fbdd90ecf2e68a4ced6a6abbffd32f62 OK
"rest of output not shown"
<p>We check to see what groups exist.
linuxalive:/usr/lib/perl5/SWIM$ swim -q --allgroups
"output not shown"
linuxalive:/usr/lib/perl5/SWIM$ swim -qn --allgroups
admin base comm
contrib/admin contrib/devel contrib/doc
contrib/games contrib/graphics contrib/interpreters
contrib/libs contrib/mail contrib/math
contrib/misc contrib/net contrib/news
"rest of output not shown"
We happen to be hamradio enthusiasts. Let's see what packages exist in the hamradio group.
linuxalive:/usr/lib/perl5/SWIM$ swim -qng hamradio
"rest of the output not shown"
We edit the hamradio group package list with "--stdin." Notes: "--stdin" needs to be
called with either "--ftp", "-x", "-xyz", "-xz", "--purge", "-r", or "--remove" to work. This
is a readline interface. If we are in emacs mode (see man bash) here are some commands we can
use to make the process easier.
Note: The key bindings may be different on your system.
<br>Ctrl-a = move to the beginning of the line
<br>Ctrl-e = move to the end of the line
<br>Ctrl-w = erase (kill) one word backward
<br>Esc-d = kill one word forward
<br>Esc-b = move one word backward
<br>Esc-f = move one word forward
<br>Ctrl-k = kill forward to the end of the line
<br>Ctrl-y = retrieve (yank) last item killed
<br>Ctrl-r = search backward
<br>Esc-&lt; = move to the beginning of the history
<br>Esc-&gt; = move to the end of the history
linuxalive:/usr/lib/perl5/SWIM$ swim -qng hamradio --stdin --ftp
swim: type exit to finish --stdin
swim: acfax ax25-apps ax25-tools colrconv dgipip gc hamsoft icom jiffy jiffy-per
l-tk libax25 libax25-dev logconv morse nec node p10cfgd pileup predict rspfd sccw twclock twcw
twlog unixcw wwl wxd xconvers xnecview z8530-utils z8530-utils2
We are finding new ways to swim everyday; we often solve problems in minutes which used
to take an hour or more to solve. If you find a novel use for swim, please tell us, and we
will add it to these examples.


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Read QUICKSTART in /usr/doc/swim for important information and to
# quickly prepare the swimrc, then read the swimrc(5) manpage for more
# enlightenment and configuration options like "Do you want to use apt?",
# "How about non-us?".
# Which do you have on your system? Pick dpkg if Debian, ar if non-Debian.
#$package_tool = "/usr/bin/dpkg";
#$package_tool = "/usr/bin/ar";
# Do you have apt installed?
#$apt = "yes";
# Pick one.
#$architecture = "alpha";
#$architecture = "arm";
#$architecture = "hurd-i386";
#$architecture = "i386";
#$architecture = "m68k";
#$architecture = "powerpc";
#$architecture = "sparc";
# Which distribution? Pick one.
#$distribution = "stable";
#$distribution = "unstable";
#$distribution = "frozen";
# Remove sections after qw that you do not want. Use non-US for non-us.
#@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free);


@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
.rn '' }`
''' $RCSfile$$Revision$$Date$
''' $Log$
.de Sh
.if t .Sp
.ne 5
.de Sp
.if t .sp .5v
.if n .sp
.de Ip
.ie \\n(.$>=3 .ne \\$3
.el .ne 3
.IP "\\$1" \\$2
.de Vb
.ft CW
.ne \\$1
.de Ve
.ft R
''' Set up \*(-- to give an unbreakable dash;
''' string Tr holds user defined translation string.
''' Bell System Logo is used as a dummy character.
.tr \(*W-|\(bv\*(Tr
.ie n \{\
.ds -- \(*W-
.ds PI pi
.if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=24u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-12u'-\" diablo 10 pitch
.if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=20u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-8u'-\" diablo 12 pitch
.ds L" ""
.ds R" ""
''' \*(M", \*(S", \*(N" and \*(T" are the equivalent of
''' \*(L" and \*(R", except that they are used on ".xx" lines,
''' such as .IP and .SH, which do another additional levels of
''' double-quote interpretation
.ds M" """
.ds S" """
.ds N" """""
.ds T" """""
.ds L' '
.ds R' '
.ds M' '
.ds S' '
.ds N' '
.ds T' '
.ds -- \(em\|
.tr \*(Tr
.ds L" ``
.ds R" ''
.ds M" ``
.ds S" ''
.ds N" ``
.ds T" ''
.ds L' `
.ds R' '
.ds M' `
.ds S' '
.ds N' `
.ds T' '
.ds PI \(*p
.\" If the F register is turned on, we'll generate
.\" index entries out stderr for the following things:
.\" TH Title
.\" SH Header
.\" Sh Subsection
.\" Ip Item
.\" X<> Xref (embedded
.\" Of course, you have to process the output yourself
.\" in some meaninful fashion.
.if \nF \{
.de IX
.tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2"
.nr % 0
.rr F
.TH swimrc 5 " " "27/May/99" " "
.if n .hy 0
.if n .na
.ds C+ C\v'-.1v'\h'-1p'\s-2+\h'-1p'+\s0\v'.1v'\h'-1p'
.de CQ \" put $1 in typewriter font
.ft CW
'if n "\c
'if t \\&\\$1\c
'if n \\&\\$1\c
'if n \&"
\\&\\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7
'.ft R
.\" @(#)ms.acc 1.5 88/02/08 SMI; from UCB 4.2
. \" AM - accent mark definitions
.bd B 3
. \" fudge factors for nroff and troff
.if n \{\
. ds #H 0
. ds #V .8m
. ds #F .3m
. ds #[ \f1
. ds #] \fP
.if t \{\
. ds #H ((1u-(\\\\n(.fu%2u))*.13m)
. ds #V .6m
. ds #F 0
. ds #[ \&
. ds #] \&
. \" simple accents for nroff and troff
.if n \{\
. ds ' \&
. ds ` \&
. ds ^ \&
. ds , \&
. ds ~ ~
. ds ? ?
. ds ! !
. ds /
. ds q
.if t \{\
. ds ' \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\'\h"|\\n:u"
. ds ` \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\`\h'|\\n:u'
. ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'^\h'|\\n:u'
. ds , \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10)',\h'|\\n:u'
. ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu-\*(#H-.1m)'~\h'|\\n:u'
. ds ? \s-2c\h'-\w'c'u*7/10'\u\h'\*(#H'\zi\d\s+2\h'\w'c'u*8/10'
. ds ! \s-2\(or\s+2\h'-\w'\(or'u'\v'-.8m'.\v'.8m'
. ds / \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\z\(sl\h'|\\n:u'
. ds q o\h'-\w'o'u*8/10'\s-4\v'.4m'\z\(*i\v'-.4m'\s+4\h'\w'o'u*8/10'
. \" troff and (daisy-wheel) nroff accents
.ds : \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H+.1m+\*(#F)'\v'-\*(#V'\z.\h'.2m+\*(#F'.\h'|\\n:u'\v'\*(#V'
.ds 8 \h'\*(#H'\(*b\h'-\*(#H'
.ds v \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H)'\v'-\*(#V'\*(#[\s-4v\s0\v'\*(#V'\h'|\\n:u'\*(#]
.ds _ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H+(\*(#F*2/3))'\v'-.4m'\z\(hy\v'.4m'\h'|\\n:u'
.ds . \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10)'\v'\*(#V*4/10'\z.\v'-\*(#V*4/10'\h'|\\n:u'
.ds 3 \*(#[\v'.2m'\s-2\&3\s0\v'-.2m'\*(#]
.ds o \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu+\w'\(de'u-\*(#H)/2u'\v'-.3n'\*(#[\z\(de\v'.3n'\h'|\\n:u'\*(#]
.ds d- \h'\*(#H'\(pd\h'-\w'~'u'\v'-.25m'\f2\(hy\fP\v'.25m'\h'-\*(#H'
.ds D- D\\k:\h'-\w'D'u'\v'-.11m'\z\(hy\v'.11m'\h'|\\n:u'
.ds th \*(#[\v'.3m'\s+1I\s-1\v'-.3m'\h'-(\w'I'u*2/3)'\s-1o\s+1\*(#]
.ds Th \*(#[\s+2I\s-2\h'-\w'I'u*3/5'\v'-.3m'o\v'.3m'\*(#]
.ds ae a\h'-(\w'a'u*4/10)'e
.ds Ae A\h'-(\w'A'u*4/10)'E
.ds oe o\h'-(\w'o'u*4/10)'e
.ds Oe O\h'-(\w'O'u*4/10)'E
. \" corrections for vroff
.if v .ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H)'\s-2\u~\d\s+2\h'|\\n:u'
.if v .ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'\v'-.4m'^\v'.4m'\h'|\\n:u'
. \" for low resolution devices (crt and lpr)
.if \n(.H>23 .if \n(.V>19 \
. ds : e
. ds 8 ss
. ds v \h'-1'\o'\(aa\(ga'
. ds _ \h'-1'^
. ds . \h'-1'.
. ds 3 3
. ds o a
. ds d- d\h'-1'\(ga
. ds D- D\h'-1'\(hy
. ds th \o'bp'
. ds Th \o'LP'
. ds ae ae
. ds Ae AE
. ds oe oe
. ds Oe OE
.rm #[ #] #H #V #F C
swimrc \- swim configuration file
\fBswimrc\fR is the configuartion file for swim allowing many default values
to be set so that they do not have to be mentioned on the command line.
Swimrc interacts directly with Perl allowing a wide variety of variables
found in \fBSWIW::Conf\fR to be altered.
Values for variable can be altered for \fBswim\fR by assigning different
values enclosed in quotes or quoted whitespace (\fIqw()\fR), and ended with a
.Vb 2
\& $variable = "value";
\& $variable = "qw(value1 value2 ..)";
This is a list of variables with explanations. The default values for
\fBswim\fR are shown.
.Sh "\s-1OUTPUT\s0 \s-1VARIABLE\s0 "
$my_number can be changed to how many lines you would like \*(L"swim \-qf <>\*(R"
to print out, before the program asks for \f(CW-t\fR or \f(CW--total\fR. Exception:
If \f(CW-i\fR is used in the query and there is more than one package then the
total will be presented.
Hint: \f(CW-t\fR can be used with all the various \f(CW--scripts\fR family members
to view the title of the script file regardless of this variable setting,
and if \f(CW-t\fR has to be used, the titles will be displayed, which makes
\fB$my_number = 23;\fR
.Sh "\s-1HISTORY\s0"
This is a shell-like history kept in relation to searches and the most
recent edit when \f(CW--stdin\fR is used.
\fB$\s-1HISTORY\s0 = 10;\fR
.Sh "\s-1AR\s0 or \s-1DPKG\s0?"
Debian packages are ar archives. If you are using a Debian Distribution
assign \*(L"dpkg\*(R" to \f(CW$package_tool\fR, otherwise assign \*(L"ar\*(R" to \f(CW$package_tool\fR.
\fB$package_tool = \*(L"/usr/bin/ar\*(R";\fR
.Sh "\s-1APT\s0"
\fBSwim\fR does not assign a value for apt. To use \f(CW--apt\fR and \f(CW-xyz\fR
assign \f(CW$apt\fR the value \*(L"yes\*(R".
Example: \fB$apt = \*(L"yes\*(R";\fR
.Sh "\s-1PAGER\s0"
less is a nice pager, unless you like more! Pager is used for \f(CW--help\fR
and \fBswim\fR called without any options. There is an option \f(CW--nopager\fR or
\f(CW-n\fR. more comes from the required package util-linux, whereas less
comes from a standard package called less. Values: \*(L"less\*(R", \*(L"more\*(R", or
\*(L"most\*(R" or...
\fB$\s-1ENV\s0{\s-1PAGER\s0} = \*(L"less\*(R";\fR
.Sh "\s-1NOT\s0\-\s-1INSTALLED\s0 \s-1VARIABLES\s0 "
Assign values for \f(CW$architecture\fR and/or \f(CW$distribution\fR to avoid having to
use \f(CW--arch\fR and \f(CW--dists\fR everytime the not-installed databases are
accessed with \f(CW-n\fR or made or altered.
Architectures are always being added so check with Debian to find a list.
There is \fIalpha, arm, hurd-i386 (alternative kernel to linux), i386,
m68k, powerpc, sparc\fR. Just use the arch found after the hyphen in the
Contents-(arch) file.
\fB$architecture = \*(L"i386\*(R";\fR
The distribution can be either \fIstable, unstable, frozen, or experimental
(rare)\fR. These represent the state of development that the packages are
under. The unstable distribution can have lot's of changes within a very
short time period, and frozen may or may not be available.
\fB$distribution = \*(L"unstable\*(R";\fR
Distributions are divided into sections. These sections were called
distributions in the version packaging manual, because they were
at one time separate distributions, but this has since changed.
You can determine which of the sections \fImain, non-free, contrib or
non-\s-1US\s0\fR to pull out of the Contents file if you don't want to use
\f(CW--main\fR, \f(CW--contrib\fR, \f(CW--non-free\fR, and \f(CW--non-us\fR to selectively
pick the sections.
For efficiency, you should choose the sections which you will be pulling
out of the Packages \fIfile\fR\|(s) being targetted.
Rule: Use \*(L"non-\s-1US\s0\*(R" not \*(L"non-us\*(R".
\fB@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free non-\s-1US\s0);\fR
.Sh "\s-1DF\s0 \s-1LOCATION\s0"
A little philosophy: \fBswim\fR was developed for maximum versatility, so
whether you are just interested in researching, and keeping tabs on the
newest packages, or maintaining a Debian virtual distribution on a
non-Debian distribution, or you are a using \fBswim\fR for distribution
development, \fBswim\fR provides a way.
The next two variables determine the location of the \s-1DF\s0 (default
directory/file system)
The default directory keeps track of Contents and/or Packages databases
retrieved with --ftp. The Contents and Packages databases and Release
file are give names specific to the distribution and architectures they
represent using the naming convention found in apt's sources directory.
You also have the freedom not to use the default directory, in which case
swim will still do the renaming and keeping track of the mtime, but you
will have to remember where you put the files.
\fB$default_directory = \*(L'/root/.swim\*(R';\fR
The default root directory (\s-1DRD\s0) is the key to easy management of binary
packages, source, dsc, and diff files received from --ftp, and provides an
easy way to put together a personalized distribution. This directory can
be a real ftp site on your computer, or put wherever else you are
allowed to have directories. The \s-1DRD\s0 is always placed below the value
assigned to \f(CW$default_directory\fR. According to the previous assignment to
\f(CW$default_directory\fR, if the \s-1DRD\s0 is \*(L"/pub/a/debian\*(R" then the full path
would be \*(L"/root/.swim/pub/a/debian\*(R".
Example: When a package is downloaded it will be placed in
dists/distribution/section/architecture/subject below the \s-1DRD\s0.
Rule: debian must be the final directory before dists, this is because
other distributions are placed alongside debian, like debian-non-\s-1US\s0 or
personal (specialized distribution).
\fB$default_root_directory = \*(L'/pub/debian\*(R';\fR
Because you may be using a real ftp site, this variable allows you to
determine what permissions \fBswim\fR will assign for directories it creates
below the \s-1DRD\s0.
\fB$permission = \*(L'0755\*(R';\fR
.Sh "\s-1TEMPORARY\s0 \s-1DIRECTORY\s0"
If you want to set an alternative directory for the temporary files
created when the databases are made, change here. You may want to make
\f(CW$tmp\fR a \s-1RAM\s0 disk. See package loadlin for initrd documentation and an
explanation for making such a disk. There is also documentation in
/usr/src/kernel-source.version/Documentation. Whether this will speed
things up is a subject of experimentation.
\fB$tmp = \*(L"/tmp\*(R";\fR
.Sh "\s-1FTP\s0"
You can alter the Firewall, Port, Timeout, Debug and Passive
characteristics of the ftp client as defined in \fINet::\s-1FTP\s0\fR\|(3pm) by providing
arguments to these variables. All variables but \f(CW$timeout\fR are set to untrue
by default.
.Vb 5
\& $firewall = 0; (FTP firewall machine name)
\& $port = 0; (defaults to 23)
\& $timeout = 120; (120 seconds)
\& $debug = 0; (1 will turn on STDERR)
\& $passive = 0; (1 will enable)
see SWIM::Conf
.Vb 2
\& /etc/swim/swimrc
\& ~/.swim/swimrc
\fIswim\fR\|(8), \fINet::FTP\fR\|(3pm)
Send directly to
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum <>
Copyright (c) 1999 Jonathan Rosenbaum. All rights reserved. This program
is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GPL.
.rn }` ''
.IX Title "swimrc 5"
.IX Name "swimrc - swim configuration file"
.IX Header "NAME"
.IX Header "USAGE"
.IX Subsection "\s-1OUTPUT\s0 \s-1VARIABLE\s0 "
.IX Subsection "\s-1HISTORY\s0"
.IX Subsection "\s-1AR\s0 or \s-1DPKG\s0?"
.IX Subsection "\s-1APT\s0"
.IX Subsection "\s-1PAGER\s0"
.IX Subsection "\s-1NOT\s0\-\s-1INSTALLED\s0 \s-1VARIABLES\s0 "
.IX Subsection "\s-1DF\s0 \s-1LOCATION\s0"
.IX Subsection "\s-1TEMPORARY\s0 \s-1DIRECTORY\s0"
.IX Subsection "\s-1FTP\s0"
.IX Header "FILES"
.IX Header "SEE ALSO"
.IX Header "BUGS"
.IX Header "AUTHOR"


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<title>swimrc - swim configuration file - DESCRIPTION
<link rev=made href="">
swimrc - swim configuration file - chapter 1<br>
<kbd>swimrc</kbd> is the configuartion file for swim allowing many
default values to be set so that they do not have to be mentioned on the
command line. Swimrc interacts directly with Perl allowing a wide variety
of variables found in <kbd>SWIW::Conf</kbd> to be altered.
swimrc - swim configuration file
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-usage.html">next</A>.
<address>27 May 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<title>swimrc - swim configuration file - FILES
<link rev=made href="">
swimrc - swim configuration file - chapter 5<br>
<code> /etc/swim/swimrc</code><P>
swimrc - swim configuration file
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch6.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-othervars.html">back</A>.
<address>27 May 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<title>swimrc - swim configuration file - OTHER VARIABLES
<link rev=made href="">
swimrc - swim configuration file - chapter 4<br>
see SWIM::Conf
swimrc - swim configuration file
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-files.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-variables.html">back</A>.
<address>27 May 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<title>swimrc - swim configuration file - RESTRICTIONS
<link rev=made href="">
swimrc - swim configuration file - chapter 6<br>
Strange Situations: If the same package happens to exist in two different
sections, <em>main and non-us</em> for example, and you make the
databases, you will still be able to find this package in the non-us
group, but its section and locations will be the one which main recognizes
assuming that you use the order in the example below.
Example: You just want to pull out main and contrib every time you run
<code>--initndb</code>, <code>--rebuildndb</code>, or <code>--ndb</code>.
<code>@user_defined_section</code> = <code>``qw(main contrib non-US)'';</code>
swimrc - swim configuration file
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-files.html">back</A>.
<address>14 May 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<title>swimrc - swim configuration file - USAGE
<link rev=made href="">
swimrc - swim configuration file - chapter 2<br>
Values for variable can be altered for <strong>swim</strong> by assigning
different values enclosed in quotes or quoted whitespace (qw()), and ending
with a semi-colon. <P>
<code> $variable = ``value'';</code><P>
<code>$variable = ``(value1 value2 ..)'';</code>
swimrc - swim configuration file
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-variables.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-description.html">back</A>.
<address>27 May 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
<title>swimrc - swim configuration file - VARIABLES
<link rev=made href="">
swimrc - swim configuration file - chapter 3<br>
This is a list of variables with explanations. The default values for
<strong>swim</strong> are shown.
<h2><A name="s3.1">
<code>$my_number</code> can be changed to how many lines you would like
``swim -qf &lt;&gt;'' to print out, before the program asks for
<code>-t</code> or <code>--total</code>. Exception: If <code>-i</code> is
used in the query and there is more than one package then the total will
be presented.
Hint: <code>-t</code> can be used with all the various
<code>--scripts</code> family members to view the title of the script file
regardless of this variable setting, and if <code>-t</code> has to be
used, the titles will be displayed, which makes sense.
<strong>$my_number = 23;</strong>
<h2><A name="s3.2">
This is a shell-like history kept in relation to searches and the most
recent edit when <code>--stdin</code> is used.
<strong>$HISTORY = 10;</strong>
<h2><A name="s3.3">
3.3 AR or DPKG?
Debian packages are ar archives. If you are using a Debian Distribution
assign ``dpkg'' to $package_tool, otherwise assign ``ar'' to
<strong>$package_tool = &quot;/usr/bin/ar&quot;;</strong>
<h2><A name="s3.4">
3.4 APT
<strong>Swim</strong> does not assign a value for apt. To use
<code>--apt</code> and <code>-xyz</code> assign <code>$apt</code> the
value ``yes''.
Example: <strong>$apt = &quot;yes&quot;;</strong>
<h2><A name="s3.5">
<strong>less</strong> is a nice pager, unless you like
<strong>more</strong>! Pager is used for <code>--help</code> and
<strong>swim</strong> called without any options. There is an option
<code>--nopager</code> or <code>-n</code>. <strong>more</strong> comes from the
required package util-linux, whereas <strong>less</strong> comes from a
standard package called less. Values: ``less'', ``more'', or ``most''
<strong>$ENV{PAGER} = &quot;less&quot;;</strong>
<h2><A name="s3.6">
Assign values for <code>$architecture</code> and/or
<code>$distribution</code> to avoid having to use <code>--arch</code> and
<code>--dists</code> everytime the not-installed databases are accessed
with <code>-n</code> or made or altered.
Architectures are always being added so check with Debian to find a list.
There is <em>alpha, arm, hurd-i386 (alternative kernel to linux), i386,
m68k, powerpc, sparc</em>. Just use the arch found after the hyphen in the
Contents-(arch) file.
<strong>$architecture = &quot;i386&quot;;</strong>
The distribution can be either <em>stable, unstable, frozen, or
experimental (rare)</em>. These represent the state of development that
the packages are under. The unstable distribution can have lot's of
changes within a very short time period, and frozen may or may not be
<strong>$distribution = &quot;unstable&quot;;</strong>
Distributions are divided into sections. These sections were called
distributions in the version packaging manual, because they were
one time separate distributions, but this has since changed.
You can determine which of the sections <em>main, non-free, contrib or
non-US</em> to pull out of the Contents file if you don't want to use
<code>--main</code>, <code>--contrib</code>, <code>--non-free</code>, and
<code>--non-us</code> to selectively pick the sections.
For efficiency, you should choose the sections which you will be pulling
out of the Packages <code>file(s)</code> being targetted.
Rule: Use ``non-US'' not ``non-us''.
<strong>@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free non-US);</strong>
<h2><A name="s3.7">
A little philosophy: <strong>swim</strong> was developed for maximum
versatility, so whether you are just interested in researching, and
keeping tabs on the newest packages, or maintaining a Debian virtual
distribution on a non-Debian distribution, or you are a using
<strong>swim</strong> for distribution development, <strong>swim</strong>
provides a way.
The next two variables determine the location of the DF (default
directory/file system)
The default directory keeps track of Contents and/or Packages databases
retrieved with --ftp. The Contents and Packages databases and Release file
are give names specific to the distribution and architectures they
represent using the naming convention found in apt's sources directory.
You also have the freedom not to use the default directory, in which case
will still do the renaming and keeping track of the mtime, but you will
have to remember where you put the files.
<strong>$default_directory = '/root/.swim';</strong>
The default root directory (DRD) is the key to easy management of binary
packages, source, dsc, and diff files received from --ftp, and provides an
easy way to put together a personalized distribution. This directory can
a real ftp site on your computer, or put wherever else you are allowed to
have directories. The DRD is always placed below the value assigned to
$default_directory. According to the previous assignment to
$default_directory, if the DRD is ``/pub/a/debian'' then the full path
would be ``/root/.swim/pub/a/debian''.
Example: When a package is downloaded it will be placed in
dists/distribution/section/architecture/subject below the DRD.
Rule: debian must be the final directory before dists, this is because
other distributions are placed alongside debian, like debian-non-US or
personal (specialized distribution).
<strong>$default_root_directory = '/pub/debian';</strong>
Because you may be using a real ftp site, this variable allows you to
determine what permissions <strong>swim</strong> will assign for
directories it
creates below the DRD.
<strong>$permission = '0755';</strong>
<h2><A name="s3.8">
If you want to set an alternative directory for the temporary files
created when the databases are made, change here. You may want to make
<code>$tmp</code> a RAM disk. See package loadlin for initrd documentation and
an explanation for making such a disk. There is also documentation in
/usr/src/kernel-source.version/Documentation. Whether this will speed
things up is a subject of experimentation.
<strong>$tmp = &quot;/tmp&quot;;</strong>
<h2><A name="s3.9">
3.9 FTP
You can alter the Firewall, Port, Timeout, Debug and Passive
characteristics of the ftp client as defined in Net::FTP(3pm) by providing
arguments to these variables. All variables but $timeout are set to untrue
by default.
<pre> $firewall = 0; (FTP firewall machine name)
$port = 0; (defaults to 23)
$timeout = 120; (120 seconds)
$debug = 0; (1 will turn on STDERR)
$passive = 0; (1 will enable)</pre>
swimrc - swim configuration file
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-othervars.html">next</A>; <A href="ch-usage.html">back</A>.
<address>27 May 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<title>swimrc - swim configuration file - BUGS</title>
<link rev=made href="">
swimrc - swim configuration file - chapter 6<br>
Send directly to
swimrc - swim configuration file
- <A href="index.html#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="index.html#toc">Contents</A>; <A href="ch-files.html">back</A>.
<address>27 May 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
<title>swimrc - swim configuration file</title>
<link rev=made href="">
<h1>swimrc - swim configuration file</h1>
<h2><A name="toc">
0.1 Table of contents
<li><A href="ch-description.html">1 DESCRIPTION
<li><A href="ch-usage.html">2 USAGE
<li><A href="ch-variables.html">3 VARIABLES
<li><A href="ch-variables.html#s3.1">3.1</A> OUTPUT VARIABLE
<li><A href="ch-variables.html#s3.2">3.2</A> HISTORY
<li><A href="ch-variables.html#s3.3">3.3</A> AR or DPKG?
<li><A href="ch-variables.html#s3.4">3.4</A> APT
<li><A href="ch-variables.html#s3.5">3.5</A> PAGER
<li><A href="ch-variables.html#s3.6">3.6</A> NOT-INSTALLED VARIABLES
<li><A href="ch-variables.html#s3.7">3.7</A> DF LOCATION
<li><A href="ch-variables.html#s3.8">3.8</A> TEMPORARY DIRECTORY
<li><A href="ch-variables.html#s3.9">3.9</A> FTP
<li><A href="ch-othervars.html">4 OTHER VARIABLES
<li><A href="ch-files.html">5 FILES
<li><A href="ch6.html">6 BUGS</A>
<hr><h2><A name="copyright">0.2 Copyright</A></h2>
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
SWIM, including this manual, is free software; you
may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
<em>without any warranty</em>; without even the implied
warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License with the <kbd>swim</kbd> source as the file
<code>COPYING</code>. If not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
swimrc - swim configuration file
- <A href="#copyright">
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
<A href="#toc">Contents</A>.
<address>27 May 1999<br>
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<A href=""></A></address>


@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
<!doctype debiandoc system>
<title>swimrc - swim configuration file</title>
<name>Jonathan D. Rosenbaum</name>
Copyright &copy; 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
SWIM, including this manual, is free software; you
may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
<em>without any warranty</em>; without even the implied
warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License with the <prgn>swim</prgn> source as the file
<tt>COPYING</tt>. If not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
<toc sect>
<chapt id="description">DESCRIPTION
<prgn>swimrc</prgn> is the configuartion file for swim allowing many
default values to be set so that they do not have to be mentioned on the
command line. Swimrc interacts directly with Perl allowing a wide variety
of variables found in <prgn>SWIW::Conf</prgn> to be altered.
<chapt id="usage">USAGE
Values for variable can be altered for <STRONG>swim</STRONG> by assigning
different values enclosed in quotes or quoted whitespace (qw()), and ending
with a semi-colon.
<tt> $variable = ``value'';</tt>
<tt>$variable = ``(value1 value2 ..)'';</tt>
<chapt id="variables">VARIABLES
This is a list of variables with explanations. The default values for
<STRONG>swim</STRONG> are shown.
<tt>$my_number</tt> can be changed to how many lines you would like
``swim -qf &lt;&gt;'' to print out, before the program asks for
<tt>-t</tt> or <tt>--total</tt>. Exception: If <tt>-i</tt> is
used in the query and there is more than one package then the total will
be presented.
Hint: <tt>-t</tt> can be used with all the various
<tt>--scripts</tt> family members to view the title of the script file
regardless of this variable setting, and if <tt>-t</tt> has to be
used, the titles will be displayed, which makes sense.
<strong>$my_number = 23;</strong>
This is a shell-like history kept in relation to searches and the most
recent edit when <tt>--stdin</tt> is used.
<strong>$HISTORY = 10;</strong>
<sect>AR or DPKG?
Debian packages are ar archives. If you are using a Debian Distribution
assign ``dpkg'' to $package_tool, otherwise assign ``ar'' to
<STRONG>$package_tool = "/usr/bin/ar";</STRONG>
<STRONG>Swim</STRONG> does not assign a value for apt. To use
<tt>--apt</tt> and <tt>-xyz</tt> assign <tt>$apt</tt> the
value ``yes''.
Example: <STRONG>$apt = "yes";</STRONG>
<strong>less</strong> is a nice pager, unless you like
<strong>more</strong>! Pager is used for <tt>--help</tt> and
<STRONG>swim</STRONG> called without any options. There is an option
<tt>--nopager</tt> or <tt>-n</tt>. <strong>more</strong> comes from the
required package util-linux, whereas <strong>less</strong> comes from a
standard package called less. Values: ``less'', ``more'', or ``most''
Assign values for <tt>$architecture</tt> and/or
<tt>$distribution</tt> to avoid having to use <tt>--arch</tt> and
<tt>--dists</tt> everytime the not-installed databases are accessed
with <tt>-n</tt> or made or altered.
Architectures are always being added so check with Debian to find a list.
There is <EM>alpha, arm, hurd-i386 (alternative kernel to linux), i386,
m68k, powerpc, sparc</EM>. Just use the arch found after the hyphen in the
Contents-(arch) file.
<STRONG>$architecture = "i386";</STRONG>
The distribution can be either <EM>stable, unstable, frozen, or
experimental (rare)</EM>. These represent the state of development that
the packages are under. The unstable distribution can have lot's of
changes within a very short time period, and frozen may or may not be
<STRONG>$distribution = "unstable";</STRONG>
Distributions are divided into sections. These sections were called
distributions in the version packaging manual, because they were
one time separate distributions, but this has since changed.
You can determine which of the sections <EM>main, non-free, contrib or
non-US</EM> to pull out of the Contents file if you don't want to use
<tt>--main</tt>, <tt>--contrib</tt>, <tt>--non-free</tt>, and
<tt>--non-us</tt> to selectively pick the sections.
For efficiency, you should choose the sections which you will be pulling
out of the Packages <tt>file(s)</tt> being targetted.
Rule: Use ``non-US'' not ``non-us''.
<STRONG>@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free non-US);</STRONG>
A little philosophy: <STRONG>swim</STRONG> was developed for maximum
versatility, so whether you are just interested in researching, and
keeping tabs on the newest packages, or maintaining a Debian virtual
distribution on a non-Debian distribution, or you are a using
<STRONG>swim</STRONG> for distribution development, <STRONG>swim</STRONG>
provides a way.
The next two variables determine the location of the DF (default
directory/file system)
The default directory keeps track of Contents and/or Packages databases
retrieved with --ftp. The Contents and Packages databases and Release file
are give names specific to the distribution and architectures they
represent using the naming convention found in apt's sources directory.
You also have the freedom not to use the default directory, in which case
will still do the renaming and keeping track of the mtime, but you will
have to remember where you put the files.
<STRONG>$default_directory = '/root/.swim';</STRONG>
The default root directory (DRD) is the key to easy management of binary
packages, source, dsc, and diff files received from --ftp, and provides an
easy way to put together a personalized distribution. This directory can
a real ftp site on your computer, or put wherever else you are allowed to
have directories. The DRD is always placed below the value assigned to
$default_directory. According to the previous assignment to
$default_directory, if the DRD is ``/pub/a/debian'' then the full path
would be ``/root/.swim/pub/a/debian''.
Example: When a package is downloaded it will be placed in
dists/distribution/section/architecture/subject below the DRD.
Rule: debian must be the final directory before dists, this is because
other distributions are placed alongside debian, like debian-non-US or
personal (specialized distribution).
<STRONG>$default_root_directory = '/pub/debian';</STRONG>
Because you may be using a real ftp site, this variable allows you to
determine what permissions <STRONG>swim</STRONG> will assign for
directories it
creates below the DRD.
<STRONG>$permission = '0755';</STRONG>
If you want to set an alternative directory for the temporary files
created when the databases are made, change here. You may want to make
<tt>$tmp</tt> a RAM disk. See package loadlin for initrd documentation and
an explanation for making such a disk. There is also documentation in
/usr/src/kernel-source.version/Documentation. Whether this will speed
things up is a subject of experimentation.
<STRONG>$tmp = "/tmp";</STRONG>
You can alter the Firewall, Port, Timeout, Debug and Passive
characteristics of the ftp client as defined in Net::FTP(3pm) by providing
arguments to these variables. All variables but $timeout are set to untrue
by default.
$firewall = 0; (FTP firewall machine name)
$port = 0; (defaults to 23)
$timeout = 120; (120 seconds)
$debug = 0; (1 will turn on STDERR)
$passive = 0; (1 will enable)
<chapt id="othervars">OTHER VARIABLES
see SWIM::Conf
<chapt id="files">FILES
<tt> /etc/swim/swimrc</tt>
<p>Send directly to


@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
swimrc - swim configuration file
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<>
27 May 1999
0.1 Contents
3.3. AR or DPKG?
3.4. APT
3.5. PAGER
3.9. FTP
0.2 Copyright Notice
Copyright © 1999 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum
SWIM, including this manual, is free software; you may redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
your option) any later version.
This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *without
any warranty*; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with
the swim source as the file `COPYING'. If not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
swimrc is the configuartion file for swim allowing many default values
to be set so that they do not have to be mentioned on the command
line. Swimrc interacts directly with Perl allowing a wide variety of
variables found in SWIW::Conf to be altered.
Values for variable can be altered for *swim* by assigning different
values enclosed in quotes or quoted whitespace (qw()), and ending with
a semi-colon.
` $variable = ``value'';'
`$variable = ``(value1 value2 ..)'';'
This is a list of variables with explanations. The default values for
*swim* are shown.
`$my_number' can be changed to how many lines you would like ``swim
-qf <>'' to print out, before the program asks for `-t' or `--total'.
Exception: If `-i' is used in the query and there is more than one
package then the total will be presented.
Hint: `-t' can be used with all the various `--scripts' family members
to view the title of the script file regardless of this variable
setting, and if `-t' has to be used, the titles will be displayed,
which makes sense.
*$my_number = 23;*
This is a shell-like history kept in relation to searches and the most
recent edit when `--stdin' is used.
*$HISTORY = 10;*
3.3. AR or DPKG?
Debian packages are ar archives. If you are using a Debian
Distribution assign ``dpkg'' to $package_tool, otherwise assign ``ar''
to $package_tool.
*$package_tool = "/usr/bin/ar";*
3.4. APT
*Swim* does not assign a value for apt. To use `--apt' and `-xyz'
assign `$apt' the value ``yes''.
Example: *$apt = "yes";*
3.5. PAGER
*less* is a nice pager, unless you like *more*! Pager is used for
`--help' and *swim* called without any options. There is an option
`--nopager' or `-n'. *more* comes from the required package
util-linux, whereas *less* comes from a standard package called less.
Values: ``less'', ``more'', or ``most'' or...
*$ENV{PAGER} = "less";*
Assign values for `$architecture' and/or `$distribution' to avoid
having to use `--arch' and `--dists' everytime the not-installed
databases are accessed with `-n' or made or altered.
Architectures are always being added so check with Debian to find a
list. There is *alpha, arm, hurd-i386 (alternative kernel to linux),
i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc*. Just use the arch found after the hyphen
in the Contents-(arch) file.
*$architecture = "i386";*
The distribution can be either *stable, unstable, frozen, or
experimental (rare)*. These represent the state of development that
the packages are under. The unstable distribution can have lot's of
changes within a very short time period, and frozen may or may not be
*$distribution = "unstable";*
Distributions are divided into sections. These sections were called
distributions in the version packaging manual, because they
were at one time separate distributions, but this has since changed.
You can determine which of the sections *main, non-free, contrib or
non-US* to pull out of the Contents file if you don't want to use
`--main', `--contrib', `--non-free', and `--non-us' to selectively
pick the sections.
For efficiency, you should choose the sections which you will be
pulling out of the Packages `file(s)' being targetted.
Rule: Use ``non-US'' not ``non-us''.
*@user_defined_section = qw(main contrib non-free non-US);*
A little philosophy: *swim* was developed for maximum versatility, so
whether you are just interested in researching, and keeping tabs on
the newest packages, or maintaining a Debian virtual distribution on a
non-Debian distribution, or you are a using *swim* for distribution
development, *swim* provides a way.
The next two variables determine the location of the DF (default
directory/file system)
The default directory keeps track of Contents and/or Packages
databases retrieved with --ftp. The Contents and Packages databases
and Release file are give names specific to the distribution and
architectures they represent using the naming convention found in
apt's sources directory. You also have the freedom not to use the
default directory, in which case swim will still do the renaming and
keeping track of the mtime, but you will have to remember where you
put the files.
*$default_directory = '/root/.swim';*
The default root directory (DRD) is the key to easy management of
binary packages, source, dsc, and diff files received from --ftp, and
provides an easy way to put together a personalized distribution. This
directory can be a real ftp site on your computer, or put wherever
else you are allowed to have directories. The DRD is always placed
below the value assigned to $default_directory. According to the
previous assignment to $default_directory, if the DRD is
``/pub/a/debian'' then the full path would be
Example: When a package is downloaded it will be placed in
dists/distribution/section/architecture/subject below the DRD.
Rule: debian must be the final directory before dists, this is because
other distributions are placed alongside debian, like debian-non-US or
personal (specialized distribution).
*$default_root_directory = '/pub/debian';*
Because you may be using a real ftp site, this variable allows you to
determine what permissions *swim* will assign for directories it
creates below the DRD.
*$permission = '0755';*
If you want to set an alternative directory for the temporary files
created when the databases are made, change here. You may want to make
`$tmp' a RAM disk. See package loadlin for initrd documentation and an
explanation for making such a disk. There is also documentation in
/usr/src/kernel-source.version/Documentation. Whether this will speed
things up is a subject of experimentation.
*$tmp = "/tmp";*
3.9. FTP
You can alter the Firewall, Port, Timeout, Debug and Passive
characteristics of the ftp client as defined in Net::FTP(3pm) by
providing arguments to these variables. All variables but $timeout are
set to untrue by default.
$firewall = 0; (FTP firewall machine name)
$port = 0; (defaults to 23)
$timeout = 120; (120 seconds)
$debug = 0; (1 will turn on STDERR)
$passive = 0; (1 will enable)
see SWIM::Conf
` /etc/swim/swimrc'
Send directly to
swimrc - swim configuration file
Jonathan D. Rosenbaum<> 27 May 1999


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Read QUICKSTART for a quick start, and check out the SWIMZ.LIST
# section in swim(8) for much more information. This list is read
# sequentially, so earlier entries are read before later entries
# Debian users: Unlike apt which only downloads Packages, swim reads this
# list based on the specified or default distribution/architecture to
# make handling the downloading of both the Contents and Packages files
# easier. Look at the Cron example in /usr/doc/swim/examples.
# deb unstable contrib non-free main
# deb stable contrib non-free main