#!/bin/bash # This is a simple approach. You could have a monthly Cron for stable and # then update if any changes were observed, a weekly Cron for frozen, and # a daily Cron for unstable. # For this example a default of unstable is assumed. # This downloads only one Contents-arch for the unstable distribution. # Updates the Packages using apt, and grabs the Contents-arch and Packages # for the stable distribution if there are any changes. # Update the sources: swim --ftp --Contents DF --onec >> /var/log/swim.log 2>&1; swim --apt --update >> /var/log/swim.log 2>&1; swim --ftp --dists stable --onec >> /var/log/swim.log 2>&1; # This will update the database for the default distribution/architecture # using 'cron' to automatically pick the newest packages. # Update the databases: swim --db >> /var/log/swim.log 2>&1; swim --ndb APT --cron --Contents DF >> /var/log/swim.log 2>&1;