# Debian System Wide Information Manager # Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. package SWIM::Deb; use strict; use SWIM::Dir; use SWIM::Global qw($argument %nsb %db %sb); use SWIM::Conf qw(:Deb); use SWIM::Format; use SWIM::DB_Library qw(:Deb); use SWIM::Compare; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); use Exporter; no warnings; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(deb_package md5sumo); $| = 1; # this should be re-written to access the functions differently, because # it was written to go into every function, then SelfLoader could be used. # query Debian packages using dpkg-deb and dpkg, or ar for non dpkg # installations. sub deb_package { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; # this routine will read in single or more packages at the command line # and/or directories with or without a wild card, taking into account # such weird things as ../dir1/dir2/*. Wild cards - in case a package # doesn't end in deb. rpm has error output when things aren't correct, # and STDOUT when thing are, swim doesn't do this..but it could, actually # the STDOUT is nicer, well maybe. Ofcourse, --md5sum won't work here, # it's not necessary, actually it will under certain conditions # described in swim's manual. # This provides the full path of dir/file. ../ not implemented yet. # So, the queries can occur within each situation. if ($#ARGV != -1) { foreach (@ARGV) { ############### # SITUATION 0 # ############### if (m,\.\./|^\.\.$,) { #if ($_ !~ m,/[\w-+]+/[\.\$\^\+\?\*\[\]\w-]*$,) { if ($_ !~ m,/(\w-+)+/[\.\$\^\+\?\*\[\]\w-]*$,) { my $dd; tr/\/// ? ($dd = tr/\///) : ($dd = 1); my @pwd = split(m,/,,$pwd); s,\.\./,,g; my $tpwd = ""; for (1 .. $#pwd - $dd) { $_ == 1 ? ($tpwd = "/$pwd[$_]") : ($tpwd = $tpwd . "/$pwd[$_]"); } $_ ne ".." ? ($argument = "$tpwd/$_") : ($argument = "$tpwd/"); } else { print "swim: not implemented yet\n"; exit; } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); # we will first check to see if $argument really is a Debian # package my $real; if ($dpkg_deb) { $real = system("$dpkg_deb -f $argument Package 2&>/dev/null"); } elsif ($ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument debian-binary 2&>/dev/null"; } # construct the fields to the standard of swim if ($real == 0) { printme(\%commands); scripto(\%commands); menuo(\%commands); copyrighto(\%commands); changelogo(\%commands); if ($commands->{"i"}) { shbang(\%commands); package_processor(\%commands); if ($dpkg_deb) { print "Description: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Description"; } elsif ($ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep -E \"Description: \w*|[.]\$|^ [\w-]*\""; } if (!($commands->{"T"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} || $commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"c"} || $commands->{"l"})) { print "\n"; } } shlibso(\%commands); md5sumo(\%commands); deps(\%commands); # nothing fancy here, no md5sums, no indenting. if ($commands->{"c"}) { if ($dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument conffiles >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { system "$dpkg_deb --info $argument conffiles"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz conffiles >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz \| $tar xOz conffiles"; undef $real; } } } listing(\%commands); print "\n"; extract(\%commands); } elsif ($real != 0) { $argument =~ m,.*\/(.*$),; if (!-d $argument) { print "$1 is not a debian package\n\n"; } else { print "$1 is a directory\n\n"; } } } ############### # SITUATION I # ############### elsif ( m,\/,) { $argument = $_; if ($argument =~ m,^\.\/.*,) { if ($pwd !~ m,^\/$,) { $argument =~ m,^\.([^\.].*$),; $argument = "$pwd$1"; } else { $argument =~ m,^\.([^\.].*$),; $argument = "$1"; } } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); # we will first check to see if $argument really is a Debian # package my $real; if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system("$dpkg_deb -f $argument Package 2&>/dev/null"); } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument debian-binary 2&>/dev/null"; } # construct the fields to the standard of swim if ($real == 0) { printme(\%commands); scripto(\%commands); menuo(\%commands); copyrighto(\%commands); changelogo(\%commands); if ($commands->{"i"}) { shbang(\%commands); package_processor(\%commands); if ( $dpkg_deb) { print "Description: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Description"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep -E \"Description: \w*|[.]\$|^ [\w-]*\""; } if (!($commands->{"T"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} || $commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"c"} || $commands->{"l"})) { print "\n"; } } shlibso(\%commands); md5sumo(\%commands); deps(\%commands); # nothing fancy here, no md5sums, no indenting. if ($commands->{"c"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument conffiles >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { system "$dpkg_deb --info $argument conffiles"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz conffiles >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz \| $tar xOz conffiles"; undef $real; } } } listing(\%commands); print "\n"; extract(\%commands); } elsif ($real != 0) { $argument =~ m,.*\/(.*$),; if (!-d $argument) { print "$1 is not a debian package\n\n"; } else { print "$1 is a directory\n\n"; } } } ################ # SITUATION II # ################ elsif ($pwd =~ m,^\/$,) { $argument = "/$_"; dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); # we will first check to see if $argument really is a Debian # package my $real; if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system("$dpkg_deb -f $argument Package 2&>/dev/null"); } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument debian-binary 2&>/dev/null"; } # construct the fields to the standard of swim if ($real == 0) { printme(\%commands); scripto(\%commands); menuo(\%commands); copyrighto(\%commands); changelogo(\%commands); if ($commands->{"i"}) { shbang(\%commands); package_processor(\%commands); if ( $dpkg_deb) { print "Description: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Description"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep -E \"Description: \w*|[.]\$|^ [\w-]*\""; } if (!($commands->{"T"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} || $commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"c"} || $commands->{"l"})) { print "\n"; } } shlibso(\%commands); md5sumo(\%commands); deps(\%commands); # nothing fancy here, no md5sums, no indenting. if ($commands->{"c"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument conffiles >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { system "$dpkg_deb --info $argument conffiles"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz conffiles >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz \| $tar xOz conffiles"; undef $real; } } } listing(\%commands); print "\n"; extract(\%commands); } elsif ($real != 0) { $argument =~ m,.*\/(.*$),; if (!-d $argument) { print "$1 is not a debian package\n\n"; } else { print "$1 is a directory\n\n"; } } } ################# # SITUATION III # ################# else { $argument = "$pwd/$_"; if ($argument =~ m,\.$,) { $argument =~ m,(.*)\.$,; $argument = $1; } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); # we will first check to see if $argument really is a Debian # package my $real; if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system("$dpkg_deb -f $argument Package 2&>/dev/null"); } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument debian-binary 2&>/dev/null"; } # construct the fields to the standard of swim if ($real == 0) { printme(\%commands); scripto(\%commands); menuo(\%commands); copyrighto(\%commands); changelogo(\%commands); if ($commands->{"i"}) { shbang(\%commands); package_processor(\%commands); if ( $dpkg_deb) { print "Description: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Description"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep -E \"Description: \w*|[.]\$|^ [\w-]*\""; } if (!($commands->{"T"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} || $commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"c"} || $commands->{"l"})) { print "\n"; } } shlibso(\%commands); md5sumo(\%commands); deps(\%commands); # nothing fancy here, no md5sums, no indenting. if ($commands->{"c"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument conffiles >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { system "$dpkg_deb --info $argument conffiles"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz conffiles >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz \| $tar xOz conffiles"; undef $real; } } } listing(\%commands); print "\n"; extract(\%commands); } elsif ($real != 0) { $argument =~ m,.*\/(.*$),; if (!-d $argument) { print "$1 is not a debian package\n\n"; } else { print "$1 is a directory\n\n"; } } } } } # NO ARGUMENTS else { print "swim: no arguments given for query\n"; exit; } } # end sub deb_package # It's nice to be able to quickly extract a file from a package in the # immediate directory or the path above where swim is being run from. This # will be integrated with the DF directory. Probably the ability to enter just # filename(s) will replace the PWD\! method. sub extract { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; if ($commands->{"extract"}) { my ($file,$same); $commands->{"extract"} =~ /!/ ? (($same,$file) = (split(/!/,$commands->{"extract"}))[0,1]) : ($file = $commands->{"extract"}); # extract files into the current directory if ( $same) { # this is one of these instances where not being precise is o.k. print "swim: specify PWD before ! :*}\n" if $same ne "PWD"; print "swim: PWD is used for extracting files into the current directory\n" if $file =~ m,.*/$,; exit if $file =~ m,.*/$,; chdir($tmp); if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar x $file 2> fields.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar xz $file 2> fields.deb"; } if (!-z "fields.deb") { print "swim: archive does not exist\n"; exit; } $file =~ m,.*/(.*)$,; rename("$tmp/$file","$pwd/$1") or system "$mv","$tmp/$file", "$pwd/$1"; my @ddirs = split(m,/,,$file); if ( @ddirs) { chdir("$tmp/$ddirs[0]"); system "rm -rf *"; chdir($tmp); rmdir($ddirs[0]); } else { unlink($file); } print "swim: $1 has been extracted\n"; } # extract full path of archive above pwd elsif ($file ne "ALL") { chdir($pwd); if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar x $file 2> $tmp/fields.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar xz $file 2> $tmp/fields.deb"; } if (!-z "$tmp/fields.deb") { print "swim: archive does not exist\n"; exit; } else { print "swim: $file has been extracted\n"; } } # extract everything else { chdir($pwd); if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar x 2> $tmp/fields.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar xz 2> $tmp/fields.deb"; } $argument =~ m,.*/(.*)$,; print "swim: $1 has been extracted\n"; } } } # end sub extract # This checks the md5sum for a package if the not-installed database has # the information. The --arch --dist can be specified until a match is # made sub md5sumo { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; # first grab the md5sum for this package and put it into a temporary file # to be processed by md5sum if ($commands->{"md5sum"}) { ndb(\%commands); $argument =~ m,^.*/(.*).deb$,; my $one = $1; my (@underlines, $nv); my $underlines = $1; my $unc = ($underlines =~ tr/_//); if ($unc > 1) { @underlines = split(/_/,$underlines); $one = $underlines[0] . "_" . $underlines[1]; } my $md = $one . "MD"; if ( defined $db{"$md"}) { # revision: situation if ($db{"$md"} =~ /REVISION/) { $md = (split(/\s/,$db{$md}))[0]; } open(MD5SUM,">$tmp/md5sum.deb") or die "no such place\n"; print MD5SUM $db{"$md"}, " $argument\n"; my $numbers = $db{"$md"}; close(MD5SUM); system "$md5sum -c $tmp/md5sum.deb 2> $tmp/md5sumcheck"; $argument =~ m,^.*/(.*.deb$),; open(MD5SUMCHECK, "$tmp/md5sumcheck"); if (!defined ) { print "$one $numbers OK\n"; } else { while () { if ($_ !~ /no files checked/) { if (/failed/) { print "$one $numbers FAILED\n"; } # just in case elsif (/can't open/) { print "$one $numbers MISSING\n"; } } } } close(MD5SUMCHECK); } } } # end sub md5sumo # This just shows the name and version of the package if no other options # are used for -p sub printme { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; if ($commands->{"p"} && !($commands->{"i"} || $commands->{"l"} || $commands->{"df"} || $commands->{"d"} || $commands->{"c"} || $commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} || $commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} || $commands->{"postrm"} || $commands->{"config"} || $commands->{"templates"} || $commands->{"T"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} || $commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"requires"} || $commands->{"changelog"} || $commands->{"m"} || $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"copyright"})) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Package > $tmp/temp.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar Oxz |\ $grep Package: > $tmp/temp.deb"; system "perl -pi -e \"s/Package: //\" $tmp/temp.deb"; } open (PRINTME,"$tmp/temp.deb"); while () { chomp; print; } print "_"; if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb", "-f", "$argument", "Version"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar Oxz |\ $grep Version: > $tmp/temp.deb"; system "perl -pi -e \"s/Version: //\" $tmp/temp.deb"; system "$cat", "$tmp/temp.deb"; } print "\n"; } elsif ($commands->{"p"} && ($commands->{"l"} || $commands{"d"} || $commands{"c"}) && !($commands->{"i"} || $commands->{"df"} || $commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} || $commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} || $commands->{"postrm"} || $commands->{"config"} || $commands->{"templates"} || $commands->{"T"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} || $commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"requires"} || $commands->{"changelog"} || $commands->{"m"} || $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"copyright"})) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Package > $tmp/temp.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar Oxz |\ $grep Package: > $tmp/temp.deb"; system "perl -pi -e \"s/Package: //\" $tmp/temp.deb"; } open (PRINTME,"$tmp/temp.deb"); while () { chomp; print; } print "_"; if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb", "-f", "$argument", "Version"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar Oxz |\ $grep Version: > $tmp/temp.deb"; system "perl -pi -e \"s/Version: //\" $tmp/temp.deb"; system "$cat", "$tmp/temp.deb"; } print "\n"; } =pod A little over-kill, but leaving this for now, just in case I figure out that there was a reason for doing it this way. elsif ($commands->{"p"} && $commands {"c"} && !($commands->{"i"} || $commands->{"df"} || $commands->{"d"} || $commands->{"l"} || $commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} || $commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} || $commands->{"postrm"} || $commands->{"config"} || $commands->{"templates"} || $commands->{"T"} && $commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} || $commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"requires"} || $commands->{"changelog"} || $commands->{"m"} || $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"copyright"})) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Package > $tmp/temp.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar Oxz |\ $grep Package: > $tmp/temp.deb"; system "perl -pi -e \"s/Package: //\" $tmp/temp.deb"; } print "\n"; open (PRINTME,"$tmp/temp.deb"); while () { chomp; print; } print "_"; if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb", "-f", "$argument", "Version"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar Oxz |\ $grep Version: > $tmp/temp.deb"; system "perl -pi -e \"s/Version: //\" $tmp/temp.deb"; system "$cat", "$tmp/temp.deb"; } } elsif ($commands->{"p"} && $commands {"c"} && $commands->{"d"} && !($commands->{"i"} || $commands->{"df"} || $commands->{"l"} || $commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} || $commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} || $commands->{"postrm"} || $commands->{"config"} || $commands->{"templates"} || $commands->{"T"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} || $commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"requires"} || $commands->{"changelog"} || $commands->{"m"} || $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"copyright"})) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Package > $tmp/temp.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar Oxz |\ $grep Package: > $tmp/temp.deb"; system "perl -pi -e \"s/Package: //\" $tmp/temp.deb"; } print "\n"; open (PRINTME,"$tmp/temp.deb"); while () { chomp; print; } print "_"; if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb", "-f", "$argument", "Version"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar Oxz |\ $grep Version: > $tmp/temp.deb"; system "perl -pi -e \"s/Version: //\" $tmp/temp.deb"; system "$cat", "$tmp/temp.deb"; } } elsif ($commands->{"p"} && $commands {"c"} && $commands->{"d"} && $commands->{"l"} && !($commands->{"i"} || $commands->{"df"} || $commands->{"scripts"} || $commands->{"preinst"} || $commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerm"} || $commands->{"postrm"} || $commands->{"T"} || $commands->{"pre_depends"} || $commands->{"depends"} || $commands->{"recommends"} || $commands->{"suggests"} || $commands->{"provides"} || $commands->{"replaces"} || $commands->{"conflicts"} || $commands->{"requires"} || $commands->{"changelog"} || $commands->{"m"} || $commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"copyright"})) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Package > $tmp/temp.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar Oxz |\ $grep Package: > $tmp/temp.deb"; system "perl -pi -e \"s/Package: //\" $tmp/temp.deb"; } print "\n"; open (PRINTME,"$tmp/temp.deb"); while () { chomp; print; } print "_"; if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb", "-f", "$argument", "Version"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar Oxz |\ $grep Version: > $tmp/temp.deb"; system "perl -pi -e \"s/Version: //\" $tmp/temp.deb"; system "$cat", "$tmp/temp.deb"; } } =cut } # end sub printme sub copyrighto { # maybe $argument =~ m,(.*\/)(.*$),; my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; if ($commands->{"copyright"}) { # find everything with change if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar t |\ $grep -E \"usr/doc\|usr/share/doc\" |\ $grep -Ei \"copy|license\" > $tmp/fields.deb"; # Maybe just do this once, faster. # occasionally a changelog is linked to another file..so that file has # to be used instead, this routine checks for this situation. system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar tv |\ $grep -E \"usr/doc\|usr/share/doc\" |\ $grep -Ei \"copy|license\" > $tmp/linkto.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar tz |\ $grep -E \"usr/doc\|usr/share/doc\" |\ $grep -Ei \"copy|license\" > $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar tvz |\ $grep -E \"usr/doc\|usr/share/doc\" |\ $grep -Ei \"copy|license\" > $tmp/linkto.deb"; } my @links; my $whattodo; open (LINKTO,"$tmp/linkto.deb") || die "humm, not created"; while () { m,.*[\d|to]\s(.*$),; push(@links,$1); if (/link to/) { $whattodo = "yes"; } } if ( $whattodo) { open(FIELDS, ">$tmp/fields.deb"); foreach (@links) { print FIELDS; print FIELDS "\n"; } close(FIELDS); } # extract and read the files chdir("$tmp"); open(TAR,"$tmp/fields.deb"); my $name = $2; while () { chomp; # An easier way - xO, for .gz.. | gzip -d or zcat $_ =~ m,.*\/(.*$),; my $change = $1; if ($_ =~ m,\.gz$,) { print "#####$change for $name#####\n\n"; if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument |\ $tar xO $_ | gzip -d"; print "\n"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz $_ | gzip -d"; print "\n"; } } elsif ($_ !~ m,html$|htm$|ps$|dvi$|sgml$|gs$,) { print "#####$change for $name#####\n\n"; if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar xO $_"; print "\n"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar xOz $_"; print "\n"; } } } } } # end copyrighto # we get to use --fsys-tarfile in this one, tar and grep. sub changelogo { # maybe $argument =~ m,(.*\/)(.*$),; my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; if ($commands->{"changelog"}) { # find everything with change if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar t |\ $grep -E \"usr/doc\|usr/share/doc\" |\ $grep -i change > $tmp/fields.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar tz |\ $grep -E \"usr/doc\|usr/share/doc\" |\ $grep -i change > $tmp/fields.deb"; } # Maybe just do this once, faster. # occasionally a changelog is linked to another file..so that file has # to be used instead, this routine checks for this situation. if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar tv | $grep usr/doc |\ $grep -i change > $tmp/linkto.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar tvz | $grep usr/doc |\ $grep -i change > $tmp/linkto.deb"; } my @links; my $whattodo; open (LINKTO,"$tmp/linkto.deb") || die "humm, not created"; while () { m,.*[\d|to]\s(.*$),; push(@links,$1); if (/link to/) { $whattodo = "yes"; } } if ( $whattodo) { open(FIELDS, ">$tmp/fields.deb"); foreach (@links) { print FIELDS; print FIELDS "\n"; } close(FIELDS); } # extract and read the files chdir("$tmp"); open(TAR,"$tmp/fields.deb"); my $name = $2; while () { chomp; # An easier way - xO, for .gz.. | gzip -d or zcat $_ =~ m,.*\/(.*$),; my $change = $1; if ($_ =~ m,\.gz$,) { print "#####$change for $name#####\n\n"; if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar xO $_ |\ gzip -d"; print "\n"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar xOz $_ |\ gzip -d"; print "\n"; } } elsif ($_ !~ m,html$|htm$|ps$|dvi$|sgml$|gs$,) { print "#####$change for $name#####\n\n"; if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar xO $_"; print "\n"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar xOz $_"; print "\n"; } } } } } # end changelogo # show the menu script from /usr/lib/menu sub menuo { $argument =~ m,(.*\/)(.*$),; my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; if ($commands->{"menu"} || $commands->{"m"}) { # find everything with change if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar t |\ $grep -E usr/lib/menu/[0-9A-Za-z\+\.-] > $tmp/fields.deb"; # extract and read the files chdir("$tmp"); open(MENU,"$tmp/fields.deb"); my $name = $2; while () { #print "$_\n"; #if (m,^usr\/lib\/menu\/(.*[\w-\+\.]$),) { if (m,^usr\/lib\/menu\/(.*(\w-\+\.)$),) { print "#####menu for $name($1)#####\n"; system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar xO $_"; print "\n"; } } close(MENU); } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz usr/lib/menu/[0-9A-Za-z\+\.-]* 2> $tmp/fields.deb"; # extract and read the files chdir("$tmp"); open(MENU,"$tmp/fields.deb"); my $name = $2; while () { #if (m,^usr\/lib\/menu\/(.*[\w-\+\.]$),) { if (m,^usr\/lib\/menu\/(.*(\w-\+\.)$),) { print "#####menu for $name($1)#####\n"; system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz | $tar xOz $_"; print "\n"; } } close(MENU); } } } # end sub menuo # grab all the scripts or a particular one sub scripto { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; $argument =~ m,.*\/(.*)_.*$,; my $real; # Give a title. if ($commands->{"scripts"} && !($commands->{"preinst"} || $commands->{"postinst"} || $commands->{"prerem"} || $commands->{"postrm"} || $commands->{"config"} || $commands->{"templates"})) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument preinst >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.preinst#####\n"; $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument preinst"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz preinst >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.preinst#####\n"; $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz preinst"; undef $real; } } if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument postinst >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.postinst#####\n"; system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument postinst"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz postinst >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.postinst#####\n"; $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz postinst"; undef $real; } } if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument prerm >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.prerm#####\n"; $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument prerm"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz prerm >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.prerm#####\n"; $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz prerm"; undef $real; } } if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument postrm >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.postrm#####\n"; $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument postrm"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz postrm >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.postrm#####\n"; $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument postrm"; undef $real; } } if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument config >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.config#####\n"; $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument config"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz config >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.config#####\n"; $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz config"; undef $real; } } if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument templates >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.templates#####\n"; $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument templates"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz templates >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "#####$1.templates#####\n"; $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz templates"; undef $real; } } } # no titles here if ($commands->{"preinst"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument preinst >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument preinst"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz preinst >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz preinst"; undef $real; } } } if ($commands->{"postinst"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument postinst >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument postinst"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz postinst >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz postinst"; undef $real; } } } if ($commands->{"prerm"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument prerm >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument prerm"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz prerm >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz prerm"; undef $real; } } } if ($commands->{"postrm"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument postrm >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument postrm"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz postrm >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz postrm"; undef $real; } } } if ($commands->{"config"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument config >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument config"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz config >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz config"; undef $real; } } } if ($commands->{"templates"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument templates >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument templates"; undef $real; } } elsif ( $ar) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz templates >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz templates"; undef $real; } } } } # end scripto # this is the format for packages which provide shared libraries. The # default form is shown, although it would be posibble to show the # *.so.digits library depends (what version) sub shlibso { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; if ($commands->{"shlibs"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { my $real = system "$dpkg_deb -I $argument shlibs >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "Shlibs:\n"; system "$dpkg_deb", "-I", "$argument", "shlibs"; print "\n"; } } elsif ( $ar) { my $real = system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz shlibs >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($real == 0) { print "Shlibs:\n"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ tar xOz shlibs"; print "\n"; } } } } # end shlibso # This presents two types of listings, the default one provided by # dpkg_deb, and a short listing which equates to what is found in *.list. # This is important for do it yourself comparison purposes. There is a # chance a comparison routine will be built into --db in the near future. sub listing { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; # These next to print out the verbose ls -la listing when -v is used if (($commands->{"l"} && $commands->{"v"}) && !$commands->{"d"}) { if ($commands->{"df"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --contents $argument"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz |\ $tar tOzv 2> $tmp/fields.deb; \ $cat $tmp/fields.deb"; } } elsif (!$commands->{"df"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --contents $argument > $tmp/fields.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz |\ $tar tOzv 2> $tmp/fields.deb"; } open(LISTING,"$tmp/fields.deb"); while () { if ($_ !~ /drwx/) { print; } } } } if (($commands->{"l"} && $commands->{"v"} && $commands->{"d"}) || $commands->{"d"} && $commands->{"v"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --contents $argument > $tmp/fields.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz |\ $tar tOzv 2> $tmp/fields.deb"; } open(LISTING,"$tmp/fields.deb"); while () { if (m,usr\/man|usr\/doc|usr\/info, && $_ !~ /drwx/) { print; } } } # These next two print out a short listing if (($commands->{"l"} && !$commands->{"v"}) && !$commands->{"d"}) { if ($commands->{"df"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument | $tar t"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz 2> $tmp/fields.deb; \ $cat $tmp/fields.deb"; } } elsif (!$commands->{"df"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument |\ $tar t > $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument |\ $tar tv > $tmp/temp.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz 2> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz |\ $tar tOzv 2> $tmp/temp.deb"; } open(LISTING,"$tmp/fields.deb"); open(TEMP,"$tmp/temp.deb"); my(@list,@temp); @list = ; @temp = ; my $count = 0; foreach (@temp) { chomp $list[$count]; print "$list[$count]\n" if $_ !~ /drwx/; $count++; } } } if (($commands->{"l"} && !$commands->{"v"} && $commands->{"d"}) || $commands->{"d"} && !$commands->{"v"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument |\ $tar t > $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$dpkg_deb --fsys-tarfile $argument |\ $tar tv > $tmp/temp.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz |\ $tar tOz 2> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument data.tar.gz |\ $tar tOzv 2> $tmp/temp.deb"; } open(LISTING,"$tmp/fields.deb"); open(TEMP,"$tmp/temp.deb"); my(@list,@temp); @list = ; @temp = ; my $count = 0; foreach (@temp) { chomp $list[$count]; # the directory check assumes such a directory already exists if (m,usr\/man|usr\/share\/man|usr\/doc|usr\/share\/doc|usr\/info|usr\/share\/info,) { print "$list[$count]\n" if $_ !~ /drwx/; } $count++; } } } # end sub listing # Just to save some room, and handle -T, there is no error returned when a # field isn't found, so this sub will have to check things out itself. sub deps { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; # will print out the .deb part $argument =~ m,.*\/(.*$),; my %title; if (!$commands->{"T"}) { if ($commands->{"pre_depends"}) { if (! defined $title{$1}) { print "$1\n"; } $title{$1}++; if ( $dpkg_deb) { print "Pre-Depends: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Pre-Depends"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz control | $grep \"Pre-Depends: \w*\""; } print "\n"; } if ($commands->{"depends"}) { if (!defined $title{$1}) { print "$1\n"; } $title{$1}++; if ( $dpkg_deb) { print "Depends: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Depends"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz control | $grep \"Depends: \w*\""; } print "\n"; } if ($commands->{"recommends"}) { if (!defined $title{$1}) { print "$1\n"; } $title{$1}++; if ( $dpkg_deb) { print "Recommends: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Recommends"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz control | $grep \"Recommends: \w*\""; } print "\n"; } if ($commands->{"suggests"}) { if (!defined $title{$1}) { print "$1\n"; } $title{$1}++; if ( $dpkg_deb) { print "Suggests: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Suggests"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz control | $grep \"Suggests: \w*\""; } print "\n"; } if ($commands->{"provides"}) { if (!defined $title{$1}) { print "$1\n"; } $title{$1}++; if ( $dpkg_deb) { print "Provides: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Provides"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz control | $grep \"Provides: \w*\""; } print "\n"; } if ($commands->{"replaces"}) { if (!defined $title{$1}) { print "$1\n"; } $title{$1}++; if ( $dpkg_deb) { print "Replaces: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Replaces"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz control | $grep \"Replaces: \w*\""; } print "\n"; } if ($commands->{"conflicts"}) { if (!defined $title{$1}) { print "$1\n"; } $title{$1}++; if ( $dpkg_deb) { print "Conflicts: "; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Conflicts"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz |\ $tar xOz control | $grep \"Conflicts: \w*\""; } print "\n"; } } elsif ($commands->{"T"}) { if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Pre-Depends 2&> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Depends 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb;"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Recommends 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb;"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Suggests 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb;"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Provides 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb;"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Replaces 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb;"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Conflicts 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb;"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Pre-Depends: \w*\" > $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Depends: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Recommends: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Suggests: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Provides: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Replaces: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Conflicts: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; } if (-e "$tmp/fields.deb") { open (DEPS, "$tmp/fields.deb"); if (!$commands->{"i"}) { print "$1\n"; } while () { print; } } close(DEPS); unlink("$tmp/fields.deb"); } # elsif T } # end sub deps # This takes out the pertinent fields and puts them into the PRETTY format. # There are more shell calls then one would like..but that's the way it # goes. An easier way would be to have a extensive available file # produced from a Packages file, this provides package md5sum. # This also provides status and section when -f doesn't provide it, and # already has the right order. sub shbang { # just one call needed here if ( $dpkg_deb) { system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Package 2&> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Essential 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb;"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Priority 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb;"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Section 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb;"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Installed-Size 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Maintainer 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Source 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$dpkg_deb -f $argument Version 2&> $tmp/temp.deb; \ $cat $tmp/temp.deb >> $tmp/fields.deb"; } elsif ( $ar) { system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Package: \w*\" > $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Essential: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Priority: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Section: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Installed-Size: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Maintainer: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Source: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; system "$ar -p $argument control.tar.gz | $tar xOz control |\ $grep \"Version: \w*\" >> $tmp/fields.deb"; } } # end sub shbang # This processes fields from individual Debian packages sub package_processor { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; my $count = 0; my @package; my $status; my @essential; my $priority; my $section; my $installed_size; my $maintainer; my $source; my $format_deb = "$tmp/format.deb"; my $fields = "$tmp/fields.deb"; $~ = "PRETTY"; #open(PRETTY, ">$format_deb"); open(AVAIL, "$fields"); while () { # here's the difference with database(\%commands), we just find the packages # which belong to the hash %exacts # Package name if (/^Package:|^PACKAGE:/) { @package = split(/: /,$_); chomp $package[1]; } # no Status: yet elsif (/^Essential/) { @essential = split(/: /,$_); } elsif (/^Priority:/) { $priority = $_; } elsif (/^Section:/) { $section = $_; } elsif (/^Installed-Size:/) { $installed_size = $_; } elsif (/^Maintainer:/) { $maintainer = $_; } elsif (/^Source:/) { $source = $_; } # hold ok not-installed - may want to change this just to # non-installed. elsif (/^Version:/) { my $version = $_; my ($same, $different); my ($vname, $gname, $priorname, $statusname); chomp $version; if ( $section) { chomp $section; } $col1 = "Package: $package[1]"; # to be made pc, we need to look in sb(\%commands) or nsb(\%commands). sb(\%commands); $argument =~ m,.*\/(.*)_[\d\+\.].*$,; my $pname = $1; ############### # STATUSINDEX # ############### # if statusindex is around we will check here, and in # nstatus* if the version is different, or the information # is unavailable. if ( $pname) { if (defined $sb{$pname}) { ($vname,$gname,$priorname,$statusname) = split(/\s/,"$sb{$pname}",4); $statusname =~ s/:/ /g; # a way to test #$version = "Version: 1:5.0-2"; my $pver = substr($version,9); my $cname = $pname . "_" . $pver; if ($vname eq $cname) { $status = "Status: $statusname\n"; $same = "yes"; undef($different); } else { # here's where we get to do some comparisons # we will have to compare sections. 1). may have changed # 2). may be an unfair comparison free vs non-free, on the # other-hand this should be in the person's awareness # making the check. 1) will provide the answer to both. $vname =~ m,^.*_(.*)$,; my $ever = $1; $status = "Status: " . comparison($pver,$ever) . " $statusname ($ever)\n"; $different = "yes"; undef($same); } } else { $status = "Status: not-installed\n"; } } $col2 = $status; write STDOUT; $col1 = $version; my $ver = m,Version:\s(.*),; my $verzion = $1; $package[1] = "$package[1]_$1"; if(defined($essential[1])) { $col2 = "Essential: $essential[1]"; @essential = (\%commands); } else { $col2 = "Essential: no\n"; } write STDOUT; # We will try to fill things in for Section: and Priority: if ( $section) { $col1 = $section; } else { if ( $same) { if ($gname eq "unavailable") { nsb(\%commands); if (defined $nsb{$pname}) { my ($nvname,$ngname,$npriorname) = split(/\s/,"$nsb{$pname}",3); $col1 = "Section: $ngname"; } } else { $col1 = "Section: $gname"; } } elsif ( $different) { # look first in available, and next in a specified Packages # file, we will also compare this to the existing Section, # because this is known to change. nsb(\%commands); if (defined $nsb{$pname}) { my ($nvname,$ngname,$npriorname) = split(/\s/,"$nsb{$pname}",3); $col1 = "Section: $ngname"; } else { $col1 = "Section: unavailable"; } } else { # This may be in available or Packages nsb(\%commands); if ( $pname) { if (defined $nsb{$pname}) { my ($nvname,$ngname,$npriorname) = split(/\s/,"$nsb{$pname}",3); $col1 = "Section: $ngname"; } else { $col1 = "Section: unknown"; } } } } if ( $priority) { $col2 = $priority; } else { if ( $same ) { if ($gname eq "unavailable") { nsb(\%commands); if (defined $nsb{$pname}) { my ($nvname,$ngname,$npriorname) = split(/\s/,"$nsb{$pname}",3); $col2 = "Priority: $npriorname"; } } else { $col2 = "Priority: $priorname\n"; } } elsif ( $different) { # look first in available, and next in a specified Packages # file nsb(\%commands); if (defined $nsb{$pname}) { my ($nvname,$ngname,$npriorname) = split(/\s/,"$nsb{$pname}",3); $col2 = "Priority: $npriorname"; } else { $col2 = "Priority: unavailable\n"; } } else { # This is not in available or Packages nsb(\%commands); if ( $pname) { if (defined $nsb{$pname}) { my ($nvname,$ngname,$npriorname) = split(/\s/,"$nsb{$pname}",3); $col2 = "Priority: $npriorname"; } else { $col2 = "Priority: unknown\n"; } } } } write STDOUT; #my $cool = $installed_size . $maintainer; $col1 = $installed_size; if ( $source) { $col2 = $source; } else { $col2 = ""; } write STDOUT; undef $source; print STDOUT $maintainer; } } # end while AVAIL close(PRETTY); unlink($format_deb); } # end sub package_processor 1;