#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use DB_File; ############################################################################ # # Debian System Wide Information Manager # # Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, # USA # ############################################################################# =pod This program creates the file filedir.deb using choice() and comma_choice() (which both use timing() in case Contents is newer than Packages). It establishes the file based on --main, --contrib, --non-free, --non-us or the default. This program is quite time consuming and uses more and more memory as it runs. Afterwared, the output can be processed by fastswim (high memory approach) or slowswim (low memory approach), whether either is faster is still subject to experimentation. swim packs everything into the databases. It also produces the report .contentsdiff-arch-dists.deb which shows which packages exist in Contents which don't exist in Packages. This program takes a large amount of arguments. Look at nmd() in SWIM::NDB_Init. =cut if ($#ARGV == -1) { print STDERR "swim: longswim requires many arguments, see program for instructions\n"; exit; } my $Contents; my $contentsindex; my ($main,$contrib,$non_free,$non_us); my $tmp; my (%watch,%ndb); my $npackages; my $gzip; my $place; # process @ARGV $Contents = $ARGV[0]; $contentsindex = $ARGV[1]; $main = $ARGV[2]; $contrib = $ARGV[3]; $non_free = $ARGV[4]; $non_us = $ARGV[5]; $tmp = $ARGV[6]; $npackages = $ARGV[7]; $gzip = $ARGV[8]; $place = $ARGV[9]; my $Contents_mtime = $ARGV[10]; # tie it once not a quarter million times tie %ndb, 'DB_File', "$npackages" or die "DB_File: $!"; # Let's find the arch and dists my @archdist = split(m,/,,$contentsindex); my($arch,$dist) = (split(m,-,,$archdist[$#archdist]))[1,2]; $dist =~ s,\.deb,,; unlink("$place/.contentsdiff-$arch-$dist.deb") if -e "$place/.contentsdiff-$arch-$dist.deb"; nmd(); # main processing program sub nmd { my %again; my %all; $| = 1; my $x = 1; open(CONTENTS, "$Contents") or die "where is it?\n"; open(FILEDIR,">$tmp/filedir.deb"); open(CONTENTSDB,">$contentsindex"); while () { print CONTENTSDB $_; if (/^FILE\s*LOCATION$/) { while () { s,^(\./)+,,; # filter for Debians altered dir structure print CONTENTSDB $_; $x = 1 if $x == 6; print STDERR "|\r" if $x == 1 || $x == 4; print STDERR "/\r" if $x == 2; print STDERR "-\r" if $x == 3 || $x == 6; print STDERR "\\\r" if $x == 5; $x++; chomp $_; # find all directories # split is the way to go. # If it ends with / its a directory my($dirfile,$package,@packs,@dirfile,@package,@comma); ###################### # ENDS WITH / # ###################### if (m,.*/\s+\w*,) { ($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2); if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) { my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package); $package = $more_things[$#more_things]; (my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g; my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_); $dirfile = $dirfile[0]; } @dirfile = split(/\//,$dirfile); $dirfile =~ s,/$,,; @comma = split(/,/,$package); ################# # HAS A COMMA # ################# if (scalar(@comma) >= 2) { # humm many packages share this file/dir my @choice_package; ########## ## MAIN ## ########## if ($main eq "yes") { foreach (@comma) { if (defined $_) { if ($_ !~ m,^non-free/|^contrib/|^non-us/,) { push(@choice_package,$_); } } } @packs = comma_choice(@choice_package); } # choice in main ############ ##NON-FREE## ############ if ($non_free eq "yes") { foreach (@comma) { if (m,^non-free/,) { push(@choice_package,$_); } } @packs = comma_choice(@choice_package); } # choice non-free ########### ##CONTRIB## ########### if ($contrib eq "yes") { foreach (@comma) { if (m,^contrib/,) { push(@choice_package,$_); } } @packs = comma_choice(@choice_package); } # choice contrib ######### #NON-US## ######### if ($non_us eq "yes") { foreach (@comma) { if (m,^non-us/,) { push(@choice_package,$_); } } @packs = comma_choice(@choice_package); } # choice non-us } # scalar @comma >= 2 # When only one package exists for dir ############# ############## # NO COMMA # ############## elsif (scalar(@comma) == 1) { my $choice_package; ########## ## MAIN ## ########## if ($main eq "yes") { # only one package found related to choice section if (defined $package) { if ($package !~ m,^non-free/|^contrib/|^non-us/,) { $choice_package = $package; @package = split(/\//,$choice_package); } } @packs = choice(@package); } # end choice main ############ ##NON-FREE## ############ if ($non_free eq "yes") { if (defined $package) { if ($package =~ m,^non-free/,) { $choice_package = $package; @package = split(/\//,$choice_package); } } @packs = choice(@package); } # end choice main ########### ##CONTRIB## ########### if ($contrib eq "yes") { if (defined $package) { if ($package =~ m,^contrib/,) { $choice_package = $package; @package = split(/\//,$choice_package); } } @packs = choice(@package); } # end choice main ######### #NON-US## ######### if ($non_us eq "yes") { if (defined $package) { if ($package =~ m,^non-us/,) { $choice_package = $package; @package = split(/\//,$choice_package); } } @packs = choice(@package); } # end choice main } # @comma = 1 ################# # WRITE TO FILE # ################# foreach $package (@packs) { my ($count,$holder); for ($count = 0; $count <= $#dirfile; $count++) { if ($count == 0) { $holder = "/$dirfile[$count]"; my $again = "$dirfile[$count] -> $package"; my $all = "/. -> $package"; $again{$again}++; $all{$all}++; if ($all{$all} == 1) { print FILEDIR "/. -> $package\n"; ##repeaters("/.",$package); } if ($again{$again} == 1) { print FILEDIR "/$dirfile[$count] -> $package\n"; ##repeaters("/$dirfile[$count]",$package); } } else { $holder = $holder . "/$dirfile[$count]"; #print "$holder -> $package\n"; #repeaters($holder,$package); my $again = "$holder -> $package"; $again{$again}++; if ($again{$again} == 1) { print FILEDIR "$holder -> $package\n"; ##repeaters($holder,$package); } } } # end for } } # does end with / ###################### # DOESN'T END WITH / # ###################### # find all files and directories else { ($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2); if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) { my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package); $package = $more_things[$#more_things]; (my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g; # watch this my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_); $dirfile = $dirfile[0]; } @dirfile = split(/\//,$dirfile); @comma = split(/,/,$package); ################# # HAS A COMMA # ################# if (scalar(@comma) >= 2) { # humm many packages share this file/dir my @choice_package; ########## ## MAIN ## ########## if ($main eq "yes") { foreach (@comma) { if (defined $_) { if ($_ !~ m,^non-free/|^contrib/|^non-us/,) { push(@choice_package,$_); } } } @packs = comma_choice(@choice_package); } # choice in main ############ ##NON-FREE## ############ if ($non_free eq "yes") { foreach (@comma) { if (m,^non-free/,) { push(@choice_package,$_); } } @packs = comma_choice(@choice_package); } # choice non-free ########### ##CONTRIB## ########### if ($contrib eq "yes") { foreach (@comma) { if (m,^contrib/,) { push(@choice_package,$_); } } @packs = comma_choice(@choice_package); } # choice contrib ######### #NON-US## ######### if ($non_us eq "yes") { foreach (@comma) { if (m,^non-us/,) { push(@choice_package,$_); } } @packs = comma_choice(@choice_package); } # choice non-us } # scalar @comma == 2 # When only one package exists for file ############# ############## # NO COMMA # ############## elsif (scalar(@comma) == 1) { my $choice_package; ########## ## MAIN ## ########## if ($main eq "yes") { # only one package found related to choice section if (defined $package) { if ($package !~ m,^non-free/|^contrib/|^non-us/,) { $choice_package = $package; @package = split(/\//,$choice_package); } } @packs = choice(@package); } # end choice main ############ ##NON-FREE## ############ if ($non_free eq "yes") { if (defined $package) { if ($package =~ m,^non-free/,) { $choice_package = $package; @package = split(/\//,$choice_package); } } @packs = choice(@package); } # end choice main ########### ##CONTRIB## ########### if ($contrib eq "yes") { if (defined $package) { if ($package =~ m,^contrib/,) { $choice_package = $package; @package = split(/\//,$choice_package); } } @packs = choice(@package); } # end choice main ######### #NON-US## ######### if ($non_us eq "yes") { if (defined $package) { if ($package =~ m,^non-us/,) { $choice_package = $package; @package = split(/\//,$choice_package); } } @packs = choice(@package); } # end choice main } # @comma = 1 ################# # WRITE TO FILE # ################# foreach $package (@packs) { my ($count,$holder); for ($count = 0; $count <= $#dirfile; $count++) { if ($count == 0) { $holder = "/$dirfile[$count]"; my $again = "$dirfile[$count] -> $package"; my $all = "/. -> $package"; $again{$again}++; $all{$all}++; if ($all{$all} == 1) { print FILEDIR "/. -> $package\n"; } if ($again{$again} == 1) { print FILEDIR "/$dirfile[$count] -> $package\n"; } } # Here's where things really start to turn ugly. else { $holder = $holder . "/$dirfile[$count]"; my $again = "$holder -> $package"; $again{$again}++; if ($again{$again} == 1) { print FILEDIR "$holder -> $package\n"; } } } # end for } # @packs - more than one package for this file } # end else not dir } } } close(FILEDIR); close(CONTENTS); print STDERR "Compress contents\n"; system "$gzip", "-9", "$contentsindex"; utime(time,$Contents_mtime,$contentsindex); print STDERR "Cleaning up\n"; # this will add a newline, but better to do a Ctrl-C than to have the # process hang and respawn itself - something which sometimes happens kill INT => $$; print STDERR "swim: please press Ctrl-c\n"; # just in case :) # probably don't need to do this ends the program #undef %all; #undef %again; } # end sub nmd # this finds the package or none which equal choice section when a # file/dir is found with one package sub choice { my (@package) = @_; my @packs; if ($#package == 1) { my $what = timing($package[1]); if (defined $what) { #$package[1] = version($package[1]); @packs = $what; } } elsif ($#package == 2) { my $what = timing($package[2]); if (defined $what) { #$package[2] = version($package[2]); @packs = $what; } } return @packs; } # end sub choice # this finds the package(s) or none which equal choice section when a # file/dir is found with more than one package sub comma_choice { my (@choice_package) = @_; my (@package,@packs); if (@choice_package) { if ($#choice_package == 0) { @package = split(/\//,$choice_package[0]); if ($#package == 1) { my $what = timing($package[1]); if (defined $what) { #$package[1] = version($package[1]); push(@packs,$what); } } elsif ($#package == 2) { my $what = timing($package[2]); if (defined $what) { #$package[2] = version($package[2]); push(@packs,$what); } } } elsif ($#choice_package > 0) { # Basically, we will keep all conflicting dirs/files # because often they are related foreach (@choice_package) { @package = split(/\//,$_); if ($#package == 1) { my $what = timing($package[1]); if (defined $what) { push(@packs,$what); } } elsif ($#package == 2) { my $what = timing($package[2]); if (defined $what) { push(@packs,$what); } } } } # else more than 1 for choice } # defined choice return @packs; } # end sub comma_choice # this sub produces a report file..in case Packages is older than Contents # there will be other reports, ofcourse, like if Packages is newer than # Contents. Uses version(); sub timing { my ($lookup) = @_; my $afterlookup = nversion($lookup); if ($afterlookup eq 1) { $watch{$lookup}++; if ($watch{$lookup} == 1) { open(REPORT,">>$place/.contentsdiff-$arch-$dist.deb") or die "can't create a file\n"; print REPORT "Found in Contents, not in Packages: $lookup\n"; close(REPORT); } return; } else { return $afterlookup; } } # end my timing # checks npackage.deb to find version for package found in Contents sub nversion { my ($argument) = @_; #ndb(); if (defined $argument) { # We will check for more than two..just in case if ($argument !~ /_/) { if (defined $ndb{$argument}) { $argument = $ndb{$argument}; return $argument; } # fixed the space packages else { return 1; } } } #untie %ndb; } # end sub nversion sub ndb { #tie %ndb, 'DB_File', "$npackages" or die "DB_File: $!"; } # end sub ndb