# Debian System Wide Information Manager # Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jonathan Rosenbaum # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. package SWIM::NDB_File; use strict; use SWIM::DB_Library qw(ram_on); # nzing nsb use SWIM::Library; use SWIM::Global qw($argument); # %ib $zing %nsb use SWIM::Conf qw($pwd $tmp); use SWIM::Dir; use SWIM::Ramdisk; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); use Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(noram ncontents_exist find_contents remove_add_nfile); # This program handles updating nfileindex-arch-dists.deb # This checks if the ramdisk is on, we will want to turn it off, if it is. sub noram { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; my $ramdisk = ram_on(\%commands); if ($ramdisk eq "yes") { my $what = "yes"; $commands{"ramdiskoff"} = 1; ramdisk(\%commands); } # if ramdisk } # end sub nfile # This will set-up the argument for ncontents if it can be found. sub ncontents_exist { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; my $contentsdb = finddb(\%commands); my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands); if (-e "$contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { if (-e "$contentsdb/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$contentsdb/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } if (-e "$contentsdb/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$contentsdb/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } return " $contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz|"; } else { return "no"; } } # end sub ncontents_exist # Find where the new Contents is on the on the command line vs the old # Contents database (when the FDB argument isn't used). sub find_contents { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; ############ # CONTENTS # ############ # Figure out where Contents is if ($commands->{"Contents"}) { my ($Contents,$FDB); for ($commands->{"Contents"}) { ############### # SITUATION 0 # ############### # this doesn't work to well for anything less simple than ../../ if (m,^\.\./|^\.\.$,) { if ($_ !~ m,/[\w\+-]+/[\.\$\^\+\?\*\[\]\w-]*$,) { my $dd; tr/\/// ? ($dd = tr/\///) : ($dd = 1); my @pwd = split(m,/,,$pwd); s,\.\./,,g; my $tpwd = ""; for (1 .. $#pwd - $dd) { $_ == 1 ? ($tpwd = "/$pwd[$_]") : (x$tpwd = $tpwd . "/$pwd[$_]"); } $_ ne ".." ? ($Contents = "$tpwd/$_") : ($Contents = "$tpwd/"); } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); } ############### # SITUATION I # ############### elsif ( m,\/,) { $Contents = $_; if ($Contents =~ m,^\.\/.*,) { if ($pwd !~ m,^\/$,) { $Contents =~ m,^\.([^\.].*$),; $Contents = "$pwd$1"; } else { $Contents =~ m,^\.([^\.].*$),; $Contents = "$1"; } } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); } ################ # SITUATION II # ################ elsif ($pwd =~ m,^\/$,) { $Contents = "/$_"; dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); } ################# # SITUATION III # ################# else { $Contents = "$pwd/$_"; if ($Contents =~ m,\.$,) { $Contents =~ m,(.*)\.$,; $Contents = $1; } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); } } return $Contents; } # if Contents } # end sub find_contents # figure out --df and remove from nfileindex-arch-dists.deb sub remove_add_nfile { my ($argument,$Contents,$subject,$commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; #my $contentsdb = finddb(\%commands); #my ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands); ##nzing(\%commands); # the + solution $argument =~ s,\+,\\\\+,g if $argument =~ m,\+,; $Contents = "zgrep -E $argument\ $Contents"; my($dirfile,$package,@dirfile,%all,%again, @package_match,@more_things,@file); open(CONTENTSDB, "$Contents"); while () { # changed for >= 0.2.9 #if (/^FILE\s*LOCATION$/) { #while () { ######## # --DF # ######## $argument =~ s,\\\\+,\\\+,g if $argument =~ m,\+,; if (m,$subject/$argument,) { #if (m,\b$argument\b,) { ###################### # ENDS WITH / # ###################### if (m,.*/\s+\w*,) { ($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2); if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) { my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package); $package = $more_things[$#more_things]; (my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g; my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_); $dirfile = $dirfile[0]; } @dirfile = split(/\//,$dirfile); $dirfile =~ s,/$,,; } ###################### # DOESN'T END WITH / # ###################### else { ($dirfile,$package) = split(/\s+/,$_,2); if ($package !~ m,^[a-z0-9-]*/.*$|^[a-z0-9-]*/.*/.*$,) { my @more_things = split(/\s+/,$package); $package = $more_things[$#more_things]; (my $backpackage = $package) =~ s,\+,\\+,g; my @dirfile = split(/\s+$backpackage/,$_); $dirfile = $dirfile[0]; } @dirfile = split(/\//,$dirfile); } ########################### # PROCESS INTO FILES/DIRS # ########################### my ($count,$holder); for ($count = 0; $count <= $#dirfile; $count++) { if ($count == 0) { $holder = "/$dirfile[$count]"; my $again = "$dirfile[$count]"; $again{$again}++; #my $all = "/."; #$all{$all}++; #if ($all{$all} == 1) { #print FILELIST "/.\n"; #} if ($again{$again} == 1) { push(@file,"/$dirfile[$count]"); #print FILELIST "/$dirfile[$count]\n"; } } else { $holder = $holder . "/$dirfile[$count]"; my $again = "$holder"; $again{$again}++; if ($again{$again} == 1) { push(@file,"$holder"); #print FILELIST "$holder\n"; } } } # end for } undef @package_match; #} #} } # while close(CONTENTSDB); undef @more_things; undef @dirfile; undef %again; undef %all; return @file; } # end sub remove_nfile 1;