# Debian System Wide Information Manager # Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jonathan D. Rosenbaum # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. package SWIM::NDB_Init; use strict; use DB_File; use SWIM::Library; use SWIM::Format; use SWIM::Conf qw(:Path $default_directory $apt_cache @user_defined_section $distribution $pwd $sort $gzip $architecture $slowswim $longswim $apt_sources $alt); use SWIM::Global qw(%sb $argument $main::home); use SWIM::Dir; use SWIM::Compare; use SWIM::MD; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); use Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(initndb); # initndb() not_installed() exist_sb() sb() compress_contests() nmd() # --initndb --rebuildndb - exist_sb and sb are in DB_Library as well. # this checks for the @ARG for a not-installed database make and then runs # not_installed() sub initndb { my($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; my $one_more_arg = 0; my $save_argument; my($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands); $dist =~ m,^-(.*)$,; my $dis = $1; my %what; $arch =~ m,^-(.*)$,; my $arc = $1; my @what; my $df = $default_directory; my $contents; my $dd = $default_directory; if ($#ARGV != -1) { $ARGV[0] eq "APT" ? ($default_directory = $apt_sources) : ($default_directory = $default_directory); } # This provides the full path of dir/file. ../ not implemented yet. # So, the queries can occur within each situation. if ($#ARGV != -1) { ###################### # APT & DF SITUATION # ###################### # this part can also apply to apt if ($ARGV[0] eq "DF" || $ARGV[0] eq "APT") { if ($ARGV[0] eq "APT" && !defined $apt_cache) { print "swim: this target requires apt\n"; exit; } $df = $apt_sources if $ARGV[0] eq "APT"; shift(@ARGV); # which section is wanted? my ($main,$contrib,$non_free,$non_us,$experimental, $omain,$ocontrib,$onon_free,$onon_us,$oexperimental); $omain = "main" if $commands->{"main"}; $ocontrib = "contrib" if $commands->{"contrib"}; $onon_free = "non-free" if $commands->{"non-free"}; $onon_us = "non-US" if $commands->{"non-us"}; #$oexperimental = "experimental" # if $commands->{"dists"} eq "experimental"; # Are we using a traditional debian archive structure from an # alternative distribution..or is it debian? if ($commands->{"alt"}) { $alt = $commands->{"alt"}; } if (!defined $main && !defined $contrib && !defined $non_free && !defined $non_us) { foreach (@user_defined_section) { if ($_ eq "main") { $main = "main"; } elsif ($_ eq "contrib") { $contrib = "contrib"; } elsif ($_ eq "non-free") { $non_free = "non-free"; } elsif ($_ eq "non-US") { $non_us = "non-US"; } } if (defined $commands->{"dists"}) { if ($commands->{"dists"} eq "experimental") { $experimental = "experimental"; } } elsif ($distribution eq "experimental") { $experimental = "experimental"; } } ################ # USER DEFINED # ################ # use user defined values for sections..if any of these aren't # true, options override the default values if (!defined $omain && !defined $ocontrib && !defined $onon_free && !defined $onon_us) { if (defined $main) { my $count = 1; my $package = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_main_" . "binary$arch" . "_Packages"; my $release = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_main_" . "binary$arch" ."_Release"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$package/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what{"MAIN"}[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_"; $count++; } closedir(DF); $count = 1; opendir(DF,"$default_directory"); foreach (sort grep(/$release/, readdir(DF))) { my $releasite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; open(RELEASE,"$default_directory/$_"); while () { if (m,^Version:,) { m,^Version:\s+(.*),; my $Version = $1; my $scount; foreach $scount (0 .. $#{ $what{"MAIN"} }) { if (defined $what{"MAIN"}[$scount]) { my $dsite = (split(/!/,$what{"MAIN"}[$scount]))[3]; if ($dsite eq $releasite) { $what{"MAIN"}[$scount] = $what{"MAIN"}[$scount] ."!$Version"; } } } } } close(RELEASE); $count++; } closedir(DF); } if (defined $contrib) { my $count = 1; my $package = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_contrib_" . "binary$arch" . "_Packages"; my $release = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_contrib_" . "binary$arch" . "_Release"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$package/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what{"CONTRIB"}[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_"; $count++; } closedir(DF); $count = 1; opendir(DF,"$default_directory"); foreach (sort grep(/$release/, readdir(DF))) { my $releasite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; open(RELEASE,"$default_directory/$_"); while () { if (m,^Version:,) { m,^Version:\s+(.*),; my $Version = $1; my $scount; foreach $scount (0 .. $#{ $what{"CONTRIB"} }) { if (defined $what{"CONTRIB"}[$scount]) { my $dsite = (split(/!/,$what{"CONTRIB"}[$scount]))[3]; if ($dsite eq $releasite) { $what{"CONTRIB"}[$scount] = $what{"CONTRIB"}[$scount] ."!$Version"; } } } } } close(RELEASE); $count++; } closedir(DF); } if (defined $non_free) { my $count = 1; my $package = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_non-free_" . "binary$arch" . "_Packages"; my $release = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_non-free_" . "binary$arch" . "_Release"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$package/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what{"NON-FREE"}[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_"; #print "$date $dsite $size\n"; $count++; } closedir(DF); $count = 1; opendir(DF,"$default_directory"); foreach (sort grep(/$release/, readdir(DF))) { my $releasite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; open(RELEASE,"$default_directory/$_"); while () { if (m,^Version:,) { m,^Version:\s+(.*),; my $Version = $1; my $scount; foreach $scount (0 .. $#{ $what{"NON-FREE"} }) { if (defined $what{"NON-FREE"}[$scount]) { my $dsite = (split(/!/,$what{"NON-FREE"}[$scount]))[3]; if ($dsite eq $releasite) { $what{"NON-FREE"}[$scount] = $what{"NON-FREE"}[$scount] ."!$Version"; } } } } } close(RELEASE); $count++; } closedir(DF); } if (defined $non_us) { my $count = 1; # on package1 hope $alt is correct? my $package1 = $alt . "_" . "non-US" . "_" . "$dis" . "_" . "binary$arch" . "_Packages"; my $package2 = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_non-US_" . "binary$arch" . "_Packages"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$package1|$package2/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what{"NON-US"}[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_!none"; $count++; } closedir(DF); } if (defined $experimental) { my $count = 1; my $package = $alt ."_project_experimental_Packages"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$package/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what{"EXPERIMENTAL"}[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_!none"; $count++; } closedir(DF); } } ################ # COMMAND LINE # ################ else { if (defined $omain) { my $count = 1; my $package = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_main_" . "binary$arch" . "_Packages"; my $release = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_main_" . "binary$arch" . "_Release"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$package/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what{"MAIN"}[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_"; $count++; } closedir(DF); $count = 1; opendir(DF,"$default_directory"); foreach (sort grep(/$release/, readdir(DF))) { my $releasite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; open(RELEASE,"$default_directory/$_"); while () { if (m,^Version:,) { m,^Version:\s+(.*),; my $Version = $1; my $scount; foreach $scount (0 .. $#{ $what{"MAIN"} }) { if (defined $what{"MAIN"}[$scount]) { my $dsite = (split(/!/,$what{"MAIN"}[$scount]))[3]; if ($dsite eq $releasite) { $what{"MAIN"}[$scount] = $what{"MAIN"}[$scount] ."!$Version"; } } } } } close(RELEASE); $count++; } closedir(DF); } if (defined $ocontrib) { my $count = 1; my $package = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_contrib_" . "binary$arch" . "_Packages"; my $release = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_contrib_" . "binary$arch" . "_Release"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$package/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what{"CONTRIB"}[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_"; $count++; } closedir(DF); $count = 1; opendir(DF,"$default_directory"); foreach (sort grep(/$release/, readdir(DF))) { my $releasite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; open(RELEASE,"$default_directory/$_"); while () { if (m,^Version:,) { m,^Version:\s+(.*),; my $Version = $1; my $scount; foreach $scount (0 .. $#{ $what{"CONTRIB"} }) { if (defined $what{"CONTRIB"}[$scount]) { my $dsite = (split(/!/,$what{"CONTRIB"}[$scount]))[3]; if ($dsite eq $releasite) { $what{"CONTRIB"}[$scount] = $what{"CONTRIB"}[$scount] ."!$Version"; } } } } } close(RELEASE); $count++; } closedir(DF); } if (defined $onon_free) { my $count = 1; my $package = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_non-free_" . "binary$arch" . "_Packages"; my $release = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_non-free_" . "binary$arch" . "_Release"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$package/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what{"NON-FREE"}[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_"; #print "$date $dsite $size\n"; $count++; } closedir(DF); $count = 1; opendir(DF,"$default_directory"); foreach (sort grep(/$release/, readdir(DF))) { my $releasite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; open(RELEASE,"$default_directory/$_"); while () { if (m,^Version:,) { m,^Version:\s+(.*),; my $Version = $1; my $scount; foreach $scount (0 .. $#{ $what{"NON-FREE"} }) { if (defined $what{"NON-FREE"}[$scount]) { my $dsite = (split(/!/,$what{"NON-FREE"}[$scount]))[3]; if ($dsite eq $releasite) { $what{"NON-FREE"}[$scount] = $what{"NON-FREE"}[$scount] ."!$Version"; } } } } } close(RELEASE); $count++; } closedir(DF); } if (defined $onon_us) { my $count = 1; my $package1 = $alt . "non-US" . "_" . "$dis" . "_" . "binary$arch" . "_Packages"; my $package2 = $alt . "_dists_" . "$dis" . "_non-US_" . "binary$arch" . "_Packages"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$package1|$package2/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what{"NON-US"}[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_!none"; #print "$date $dsite $size\n"; $count++; } closedir(DF); } } #################### # PACKAGE PRINTOUT # #################### # check to see that all Packages have a Release file, there is # no date check on Release files because it is assumed that they # will be kept current. Versions apt >= 3.2 download *Release. # "none" if no Release is found, avoids unecessary errors, here. # If all the Release versions are the same check against a file # to find if there is a change, otherwise check against # themselves. my ($section,$site,$scount,%CHECK); if (defined %what) { foreach $section (keys %what) { foreach $scount (0 .. $#{ $what{$section} }) { if (defined $what{$section}[$scount]) { my @CHECK = split(/!/,$what{$section}[$scount]); if ($#CHECK != 5) { print STDERR "swim: Missing Release files.\n"; print STDERR "swim: This can occur when there is no Release file found at the site.\n"; $what{$section}[$scount] = $what{$section}[$scount] ."!none"; } elsif ($CHECK[$#CHECK] ne "none") { $CHECK{$CHECK[$#CHECK]} = ""; } } } } } my @AMT = keys %CHECK; # Time to store Release version number, if it is the same - no # need to, if it has changed, time to make an important warning. # Obviously this can occur for stable or unstable. my $place = finddb(\%commands); my (@CHANGE,$CHANGE); if (-e "$place/.release$arch$dist") { open(VERSION,"$place/.release$arch$dist") or exit; if ($#AMT == 0) { @CHANGE = ; chomp $CHANGE[0]; if ($CHANGE[0] ne $AMT[0]) { $CHANGE = $CHANGE[0]; } } } else { open(VERSION,">$place/.release$arch$dist") or exit; if (!defined ) { if ($#AMT == 0) { print VERSION $AMT[0]; } } } if (!$commands->{"cron"}) { # print out the stuff for analysis $~ = "SUBJECT"; $subsite = "Site"; $subdate = "Date"; $subsize = "Size (bytes)"; $number = "###"; $subrelease = "Release"; my $ex; defined %what ? write STDOUT : ($ex = 0); if (defined $ex) { #if ($commands->{"dists"} || $commands->{"arch"}) { print "swim: no Packages exist for $dis $arc\n"; exit; } # Some changed if ($#AMT > 0) { $~ = "CENTER"; $section = "WARNING: RELEASE CHANGE"; $center = $section; write STDOUT; print "\n"; } # All changed if (defined $CHANGE) { $~ = "CENTER"; $section = "WARNING: $AMT[0] to $CHANGE"; $center = $section; write STDOUT; print "\n"; } foreach $section (keys %what) { $~ = "CENTER"; #print "CENTER $section\n"; $center = $section; write STDOUT; foreach $scount (0 .. $#{ $what{$section} }) { if (defined $what{$section}[$scount]) { $~ = "SDS"; my ($date,$size,$site,$release) = (split(/!/,$what{$section}[$scount],))[0,2,3,5]; $number = $scount; $sdsite = $site; $sdsdate = $date; $sdsize = $size; $sdsrelease = $release; write STDOUT; } } print "\n"; } ####################### # PACKAGE INTERACTIVE # ####################### # Let the person decide on one, or none for each section. $~ = "STDIN"; my ($OK,%GOON); my $scal_count = 1; my $end = (split(/\//, scalar(%what)))[0]; AGAIN: while (!defined $OK) { foreach $section (keys %what) { if (!defined $GOON{$section}) { print "swim: for $section, which ### do you want?: "; my $use_num = ; chomp $use_num; if ($use_num ne "" && $use_num =~ /\b\d+\b/) { if (defined $what{$section}[$use_num]) { push(@ARGV,(split(/!/,$what{$section}[$use_num]))[4]); $GOON{$section} = $section; if ($scal_count == $end) { $OK = "yes"; } } else { if ($scal_count < $end) { print "swim: do you want to go on to the next section? (yes or no): "; } else { print "swim: do you want this section? (yes or no): "; $OK = "yes"; } my $again = ; #chomp $again; while ($again eq "\n" || !($again eq "yes\n" || $again eq "no\n")) { print "swim: please enter yes or no: "; $again = ; } $GOON{$section} = $section if $again ne "no\n"; $scal_count++ if $again eq "yes\n"; $end++ if $again eq "yes\n"; next AGAIN if $again eq "no\n"; } } else { if ($scal_count < $end) { print "swim: do you want to go on to the next section? (yes or no): "; } else { print "swim: do you want this section? (yes or no): "; $OK = "yes"; } my $again = ; #chomp $again; while ($again eq "\n" || !($again eq "yes\n" || $again eq "no\n")) { print "swim: please enter yes or no: "; $again = ; } $GOON{$section} = $section if $again ne "no\n"; $scal_count++ if $again eq "yes\n"; $end++ if $again eq "yes\n"; next AGAIN if $again eq "no\n"; } } $scal_count++; } # for section } exit if $#ARGV == -1; ################################ # APT || DF CONTENTS SITUATION # ################################ if ($commands->{"Contents"}) { if ($commands->{"Contents"} eq "FDBDF" || $commands->{"Contents"} eq "DF") { $df = $dd; } my $count = 1; $contents = "_" . "$dis" . "_" . "Contents$arch"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$contents/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_!none"; $count++; } closedir(DF); ##################### # CONTENTS PRINTOUT # ##################### # print out the stuff for analysis $~ = "SUBJECT"; $subsite = "Site"; $subdate = "Date"; $subsize = "Size (bytes)"; $number = "###"; defined @what ? write STDOUT : ($ex = 0); if (defined $ex) { print "swim: no Contents exist for $dis $arc\n"; # there is a reason to stop ofcourse! exit; } $~ = "CENTER"; #print "CENTER $section\n"; $center = "CONTENTS"; write STDOUT; foreach $scount (0 .. $#what) { if (defined $what[$scount]) { $~ = "SDS"; my ($date,$size,$site,$release) = (split(/!/,$what[$scount],))[0,2,3,5]; $number = $scount; $sdsite = $site; $sdsdate = $date; $sdsize = $size; $sdsrelease = $release; write STDOUT; } } ######################## # CONTENTS INTERACTIVE # ######################## undef $OK; undef %GOON; $~ = "STDIN"; print "\n"; AGAIN: while (!defined $OK) { foreach $scount (1 .. $#what) { print "swim: for CONTENTS, which ### do you want?: "; my $use_num = ; chomp $use_num; if ($use_num ne "" && $use_num =~ /\b\d+\b/) { if (defined $what[$use_num]) { ($contents) = (split(/!/,$what[$use_num]))[4]; $OK = "yes"; last; } else { print "swim: do not use CONTENTS? (yes or no): "; my $again = ; while ($again eq "\n" || !($again eq "yes\n" || $again eq "no\n")) { print "swim: please enter yes or no: "; $again = ; } next AGAIN if $again eq "no\n"; $OK = "yes" if $again eq "yes\n"; last if $again eq "yes\n"; } } else { print "swim: do not use CONTENTS? (yes or no): "; my $again = ; while ($again eq "\n" || !($again eq "yes\n" || $again eq "no\n")) { print "swim: please enter yes or no: "; $again = ; } next AGAIN if $again eq "no\n"; $OK = "yes" if $again eq "yes\n"; last if $again eq "yes\n"; } } } } # if Contents } # if not cron ######## # CRON # ######## # if no user interaction is wanted, this will figure out which # Packages for each section and Contents database is the newest # and use them. If the Release has changed --cron will not # continue. This uses APT and/or DF. else { if ($#AMT > 0 || defined $CHANGE) { print "swim: RELEASE CHANGE\n"; exit; } ############ # PACKAGES # ############ my ($section,$site,$scount,%TIME); if (defined %what) { foreach $section (keys %what) { foreach $scount (0 .. $#{ $what{$section} }) { if (defined $what{$section}[$scount]) { my $time = (split(/!/,$what{$section}[$scount]))[1]; $TIME{$section}{"$section!$scount"} = $time; } } } } foreach $section (keys %TIME) { my @comparer; foreach $site (keys %{ $TIME{$section} }) { push(@comparer,$TIME{$section}{$site}); } @comparer = sort { $b <=> $a } @comparer; my $newest = shift @comparer; my %only_one; foreach $site (keys %{ $TIME{$section} }) { if ($TIME{$section}{$site} == $newest) { $only_one{$newest}++; if ($only_one{$newest} == 1) { my($sect,$count) = (split(/!/,$site))[0,1]; push(@ARGV,(split(/!/,$what{$sect}[$count]))[4]); } } } } exit if $#ARGV == -1; ############ # CONTENTS # ############ if ($commands->{"Contents"}) { if ($commands->{"Contents"} eq "FDBDF" || $commands->{"Contents"} eq "DF") { $df = $dd; } my $count = 1; $contents = "_" . "$dis" . "_" . "Contents$arch"; opendir(DF,"$df/"); foreach (sort grep(/$contents/, readdir(DF))) { my ($size,$mtime) = (stat("$df/$_"))[7,9]; my $date = localtime($mtime); my $dsite = (split(/_/,$_))[0]; $what[$count] = "$date!$mtime!$size!$dsite!$df/$_!none"; $count++; } closedir(DF); my @time; foreach (@what) { if (defined $_) { push(@time,$_); } } @what = map { $_->[1] } sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } map { [ (split(/!/,$_))[1], $_ ] } @time; $contents = (split(/!/,$what[0]))[4]; } # end Contents } } # end total thing pertaining to APT DF foreach (@ARGV) { ############### # SITUATION 0 # ############### if (m,\.\./|^\.\.$,) { if ($_ !~ m,/[\w-+]+/[\.\$\^\+\?\*\[\]\w-]*$,) { my $dd; tr/\/// ? ($dd = tr/\///) : ($dd = 1); my @pwd = split(m,/,,$pwd); s,\.\./,,g; my $tpwd = ""; for (1 .. $#pwd - $dd) { $_ == 1 ? ($tpwd = "/$pwd[$_]") : ($tpwd = $tpwd . "/$pwd[$_]"); } $_ ne ".." ? ($argument = "$tpwd/$_") : ($argument = "$tpwd/"); } else { print "swim: not implemented yet\n"; exit; } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); #print "0 $argument\n"; if ($one_more_arg > 0) { $argument = qq($save_argument $argument); } $one_more_arg++; $save_argument = $argument; } ############### # SITUATION I # ############### if ( m,\/,) { $argument = $_; if ($argument =~ m,^\.\/.*,) { if ($pwd !~ m,^\/$,) { $argument =~ m,^\.([^\.].*$),; $argument = "$pwd$1"; } else { $argument =~ m,^\.([^\.].*$),; $argument = "$1"; } } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); #print "I $argument\n"; if ($one_more_arg > 0) { $argument = qq($save_argument $argument); } $one_more_arg++; $save_argument = $argument; } ################ # SITUATION II # ################ elsif ($pwd =~ m,^\/$,) { $argument = "/$_"; dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); #print "II $argument\n"; if ($one_more_arg > 0) { $argument = qq($save_argument $argument); } $one_more_arg++; $save_argument = $argument; } ################# # SITUATION III # ################# else { $argument = "$pwd/$_"; if ($argument =~ m,\.$,) { $argument =~ m,(.*)\.$,; $argument = $1; } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); #print "III $argument\n"; if ($one_more_arg > 0) { $argument = qq($save_argument $argument); } $one_more_arg++; $save_argument = $argument; } } # end foreach # this is where SWIM::NDB::update_packages_ndb can be, too. not_installed(\%commands) if $commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"}; if ($commands->{"ndb"}) { require SWIM::NDB; SWIM::NDB->import(qw(update_packages_ndb)); update_packages_ndb(\%commands,$contents); } } # NO ARGUMENTS else { print "swim: no Packages file mentioned\n"; exit; } ############ # CONTENTS # ############ # Figure out where Contents is if ($commands->{"Contents"}) { my ($Contents,$FDB); for ($commands->{"Contents"}) { if ($commands->{"Contents"} =~ /^FDB/) { s/FDB//; $FDB = "yes"; } if ($commands->{"Contents"} eq "FDBDF" || $commands->{"Contents"} eq "DF") { $Contents = $contents; } ############### # SITUATION 0 # ############### # this doesn't work to well for anything less simple than ../../ elsif (m,^\.\./|^\.\.$,) { if ($_ !~ m,/[\w-+]+/[\.\$\^\+\?\*\[\]\w-]*$,) { my $dd; tr/\/// ? ($dd = tr/\///) : ($dd = 1); my @pwd = split(m,/,,$pwd); s,\.\./,,g; my $tpwd = ""; for (1 .. $#pwd - $dd) { $_ == 1 ? ($tpwd = "/$pwd[$_]") : ($tpwd = $tpwd . "/$pwd[$_]"); } $_ ne ".." ? ($Contents = "$tpwd/$_") : ($Contents = "$tpwd/"); } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); } ############### # SITUATION I # ############### elsif ( m,\/,) { $Contents = $_; if ($Contents =~ m,^\.\/.*,) { if ($pwd !~ m,^\/$,) { $Contents =~ m,^\.([^\.].*$),; $Contents = "$pwd$1"; } else { $Contents =~ m,^\.([^\.].*$),; $Contents = "$1"; } } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); } ################ # SITUATION II # ################ elsif ($pwd =~ m,^\/$,) { $Contents = "/$_"; dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); } ################# # SITUATION III # ################# else { $Contents = "$pwd/$_"; if ($Contents =~ m,\.$,) { $Contents =~ m,(.*)\.$,; $Contents = $1; } dir(\%commands); fir(\%commands); } } if (!defined $FDB) { # To the total db thing. Will have to find Contents. if ($commands->{"initndb"} || $commands->{"rebuildndb"}) { nmd($Contents,\%commands); # Do the the lowmem approach system "$slowswim", $tmp, $sort; # has to know --arch and --dist process_md(\%commands) } elsif ($commands->{"ndb"}) { exit; } } elsif (defined $FDB) { compress_contents($Contents,\%commands); } } # if Contents } # end sub initndb # This represents one on the most useful features of swim, the ability to # evauluate a non-installed system by grabbing information from the # Packages and Contents files. Ofcourse it is a hypothetical system, because # lots of packages which wouldn't be able to live with one another are # presented, and a few of swim's features which would normally be useful on a # real system are disabled. But, this is a great way to explore around and # discover things. The goal here is to provide information to # people who don't even have dpkg installed so available won't be used. # This will include architecture called and all. frozen, stable, and # unstable distributions will have separate dbs. What will be kept will be # determined by version. This is set-up so a person can use an indices # file as well as a specific Packages, and Contents files (obviously, the # proper Contents file will have to be used). sub not_installed { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; #my whatever that is my ($arch, $dist); my @Tdescription; my @description; my @ldescription; my @package; my %ndb; my @name; my $count = 0; my $the_status; my $status; my @essential; my $priority; my $section; my $installed_size; # at the very end my $maintainer; my $source; # at the very end my $version; my $ver; my %ngb; my %group; my $group; # Keeps a package->version database # to save time over using status my %nsb; my @status; my $things; # /. my $scount = 0; my ($pre_depends, $depends, $replaces, $provides, $recommends, $suggests, $conflicts, @REPLACE); my @conffiles; my @conf; my @complete; my @form; my @formly; my $format_deb = "$tmp/format.deb"; my ($filename,@FILENAME); my $size; my @MD5SUM; my ($ok,$goon); # arch & dist skippers my $distro; # the distribution in the Packages # when revision: exists this helps md5sumo() since the package is labeled # differently than the version number everywhere else. my @revision; # Let's determine what architecture and distribution this person is # interested in. #if (defined $architecture || defined $distribution) { # ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(); #} if ($commands->{"arch"}) { $architecture = $commands->{"arch"}; } else { $architecture = $architecture; } if ($commands->{"dists"}) { $distribution = $commands->{"dists"}; ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands); } else { $distribution = $distribution; ($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands); } # we only need to clean-up, and decide what to do once. # Let's decide whether we should even go on. If it is --initdb, and # the databases already exist, nothing should be touched, but if it is # --rebuilddb and they exist, then they are removed and remade from # scratch. # But first, better clean up any files in $tmp in case of an aborted # database formation unlink(<$tmp/DEBIAN*>) if -e "$tmp/DEBIANaa"; unlink("$tmp/transfer.deb") if -e "$tmp/transfer.deb"; unlink("$tmp/big.debian") if -e "$tmp/big.debian"; unlink("$tmp/long.debian") if -e "$tmp/long.debian"; # People may not want to use --Contents for a variety of reasons, so # nfileindex-arch-dist.deb may not exist. If this is the case querying # will have to be done a little bit differently. if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) || ($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) || (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) { if ($commands->{"initndb"}) { if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/npackages$arch$dist.deb") { print "swim: use --rebuildndb\n"; exit; } else { # if a database happens to be missing if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/npackages$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/npackages$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } # might as well delete these to free some room if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } } } # this only works if all databases exist. elsif ($commands->{"rebuildndb"}) { if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/npackages$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/npackages$arch$dist.deb"); unlink("$main::home$parent$library/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb"); unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb"); unlink("$main::home$parent$library/nstatusindex$arch$dist.deb"); if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } # might as well delete these to free some room if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } } else { print "swim: use --initndb to create databases\n"; exit; } } } elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) { if ($commands->{"initndb"}) { if (-e "$main::home$parent$base/npackages$arch$dist.deb") { print "swim: use --rebuildndb\n"; exit; } else { # if a database happens to be missing if (-e "$main::home$parent$base/npackages$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$base/npackages$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$base/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$base/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$base/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } # might as well delete these to free some room if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$base/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$base/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } } } # this only works if all databases exist. elsif ($commands->{"rebuildndb"}) { if (-e "$main::home$parent$base/npackages$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$base/npackages$arch$dist.deb"); unlink("$main::home$parent$base/nfileindex$arch$dist.deb"); unlink("$main::home$parent$base/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb"); unlink("$main::home$parent$base/nstatusindex$arch$dist.deb"); if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } # might as well delete these to free some room if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/nsearchindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb"); } if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz") { unlink("$main::home$parent$library/ndirindex$arch$dist.deb.gz"); } } else { print "swim: use --initndb to create databases\n"; exit; } } } # which section is wanted? my ($main,$contrib,$non_free,$non_us); $main = "main" if $commands->{"main"}; $contrib = "contrib" if $commands->{"contrib"}; $non_free = "non-free" if $commands->{"non-free"}; # hopefully US is always capitalized -- watch this $non_us = "non-US" if $commands->{"non-us"}; if (!defined $main && !defined $contrib && !defined $non_free && !defined $non_us) { foreach (@user_defined_section) { if ($_ eq "main") { $main = "main"; } elsif ($_ eq "contrib") { $contrib = "contrib"; } elsif ($_ eq "non-free") { $non_free = "non-free"; } elsif ($_ eq "non-US") { $non_us = "non-US"; } } } #!!! print scalar(localtime), "\n"; # remove the version check file my $place = finddb(\%commands); if ($commands->{"v"}) { unlink("$place/.version_compare"); } # will use dir() and fir() to find path to Packages or Package.gz # to make things easy, only one or more compressed files, or # one or more non-compressed files may be used together in a set. print "Data is being gathered\n"; my @check_arg = split(/\s/,$argument); my $ac = 0; my $gz; foreach (@check_arg) { if ($ac == 0) { if (-B || m,\.(gz|Z)$,) { $argument = "gzip -dc $argument|"; $gz = "yes"; } else { $argument = "cat $argument|"; } } else { if (-B || m,\.(gz|Z)$,) { if (!defined $gz) { print "swim: targets must be one set of compressed or uncompressed file(s)\n"; exit; } } else { if (defined $gz) { print "swim: targets must be one set of compressed or uncompressed file(s)\n"; exit; } } } $ac++; } # I decided to not keep more than one instance of a package if # it happens to have more than one version, this means running # a check, but if the package exists in another architecture, then # it isn't a repeat. my (%Package_count,%not_me,$packler,%not_me2,%warch,%arc); open(PACKAGE, "$argument"); while () { if (/^Package:/i) { $packler = substr($_,9); chomp $packler; $Package_count{$packler}++; } elsif (/^Version:/) { # decide who shall rule with the greatest version my $version = substr($_,9); chomp $version; $not_me{$packler} = $version if $Package_count{$packler} == 1; if ($Package_count{$packler} > 1) { my $answer = comparison($not_me{$packler},$version); if ($answer eq "<" || $answer eq "r<" || $answer eq "") { delete $not_me{$packler}; delete $Package_count{$packler}; $not_me{$packler} = $version; $Package_count{$packler} = 1; delete $not_me2{$packler}; $not_me2{$packler} = $version; } else { $not_me2{$packler} = $not_me{$packler}; delete $Package_count{$packler}; $Package_count{$packler} = 1; } } } # elsif version elsif (/^Architecture:/) { my $which_architecture = substr($_,14); chomp $which_architecture; if (!defined $warch{$packler}) { $warch{$packler} = $which_architecture; } else { $warch{$packler} = $warch{$packler} . " $which_architecture"; } # The assumption here is that there will never be two of the # same architecture along with different ones, rather in cases # where there are other archs, each will be unique, and where # there are two or more of the same arch, a genuine repeat has # occurred, this should cover the experimental dist. if (defined $not_me2{$packler}) { $arch =~ /-(.*)/; my $archi = $1; #print "$packler\n"; foreach (split(/\s/,$warch{$packler})) { #print "$_\n"; if ($_ eq $archi) { $arc{"$archi$packler"}++; #print "$archi$packler\n"; } } if (defined $arc{"$archi$packler"}) { if ($arc{"$archi$packler"} == 1) { delete $not_me2{$packler}; } } } } # elsif arch } close(PACKAGE); undef %warch; undef %Package_count; undef %not_me; my @hu = keys %not_me2; print "REPEATS:" if $#hu != -1; for (keys %not_me2) { print " $_"; #print " $_ $not_me2{$_}"; } print "\n" if $#hu != -1; my %equalizer; $| = 1; my $x = 0; open(PRETTY, ">$format_deb"); open(PACKAGE, "$argument"); while () { # Package name if (/^Package:|^PACKAGE:/) { @package = split(/: /,$_); chomp $package[1]; $x = 1 if $x == 6; print "|\r" if $x == 1 || $x == 4; print "/\r" if $x == 2; print "-\r" if $x == 3 || $x == 6; print "\\\r" if $x == 5; $x++; } # Some other pertinent fields # All this stuff can be placed together..since it is generally nice # to know these things at one glance, in this order. # Package: Status: (will check database if it exists ver.) # Version: Essential: (yes or no) # Section: Priority: # Installed-Size: Source: (if different from binary) # Size: Architecture: # Maintainer: # Distribution: (stable, unstable, frozen, experimental - depending on # version. --latest_version will only keep highest ver.) # Description: elsif (/^Version:/) { $version = $_; chomp $version; my $vion = substr($version,9); my $pv = $package[1] . "_" . $vion; if ($scount == 0) { $things = $pv; } else { $things = $things . " $pv"; } $scount++; } elsif (/^Priority:/) { $priority = $_; } elsif (/^Section:/) { $section = $_; # make the hash for the groupindex.deb $group = substr($section,9); chomp $group; if (!defined $group{$group}) { $group{$group} = $package[1]; #$nping->put($group,$package[1]); } else { $group{$group} = "$group{$group} $package[1]"; #$nping->put($group,"$group{$group} $package[1]"); } } elsif (/^Essential:/) { @essential = split(/: /,$_); } elsif (/^Maintainer:/) { $maintainer = $_; } # This stuff will be available with seperate query flags or -T elsif (/^Pre-Depends:/) { $pre_depends = $_; if (defined($pre_depends)) { my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "PRE"; push(@REPLACE, "$nv"); push(@REPLACE, $pre_depends); } } elsif (/^Depends:/) { $depends = $_; if (defined($depends)) { my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "DEP"; push(@REPLACE, "$nv"); push(@REPLACE, $depends); } } elsif (/^Recommends:/) { $recommends = $_; if (defined($recommends)) { my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "REC"; push(@REPLACE, "$nv"); push(@REPLACE, $recommends); } } elsif (/^Suggests:/) { $suggests = $_; if (defined($suggests)) { my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "SUG"; push(@REPLACE, "$nv"); push(@REPLACE, $suggests); } } elsif (/^Conflicts:/) { $conflicts = $_; if (defined($conflicts)) { my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "CON"; push(@REPLACE, "$nv"); push(@REPLACE, $conflicts); } } elsif (/^Provides:/) { $provides = $_; if (defined($provides)) { my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "PRO"; push(@REPLACE, "$nv"); push(@REPLACE, $provides); } } elsif (/^Replaces:/) { $replaces = $_; if (defined($replaces)) { my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "REP"; push(@REPLACE, "$nv"); push(@REPLACE, $replaces); } } # These next two determine whether to skip or keep the data. # Filename has the name of the distribution. ############## # ARCH CHECK # ############## elsif (/^Architecture:/) { my $which_architecture = substr($_,14); chomp $which_architecture; $arch =~ /-(.*)/; my $archi = $1; ### REPEATERS ### my $vion = substr($version,9); if (defined $not_me2{$package[1]}) { if ($not_me2{$package[1]} ne $vion) { #print "Pack $package[1]\n"; $which_architecture = "FUNNY"; } else { $equalizer{$package[1]}++; # to with the same version if ($equalizer{$package[1]} > 1) { $which_architecture = "FUNNY"; #print "$package[1] no need to do it again\n"; } } } if ($which_architecture ne $archi) { if ($which_architecture ne "all") { # erasure time ########## # GROUPS # ########## # This keeps the groupindex proper undef $ok; (my $moggy = $package[1]) =~ s/\+/\\+/g; #print "$distro $group == ", $group{$group}, " == $package[1]\n"; #print "$group -", $group{$group}, "\n"; my $check = ($group{$group} =~ m,(^.*)\s$moggy$,); if ($check ne "") { #print "DIST $disti $1\n"; $group{$group} = $1; } else { delete $group{$group}; } ########### # REPLACE # ########### # this keeps deps correct if (defined $pre_depends) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $pre_depends; } if (defined $depends) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $depends; } if (defined $recommends) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $recommends; } if (defined $suggests) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $suggests; } if (defined $conflicts) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $conflicts; } if (defined $provides) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $provides } if (defined $replaces) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $replaces; } ########## # STATUS # ########## my $vion = substr($version,9); $vion =~ s/\+/\\+/g; my $pv = $moggy . "_" . $vion; my $scheck = ($things =~ m,(^.*)\s$pv$,); if ($scheck ne "") { $things = $1; } else { $things = ""; } ##print "$scheck $things\n\n"; # some of these things don't need to be undefed because # they will be reset, because of the next. undef $priority if defined $priority; undef $section if defined $section; undef $group if defined $group; undef @essential if defined @essential; undef $maintainer if defined $maintainer; # undef $version if defined $version; # undef @package if defined @package; ###print "GONE $package[1]\n"; #print "$things\n"; $goon = "yes"; next; } else { #print "HUMM $which_architecture && $archi $package[1]\n"; undef $goon; #$ok = "yes"; } } # wrong architecture else { undef $goon; } } ######################### # DIST CHECK & FILENAME # ######################### elsif (/^Filename:/ && !defined $goon) { chomp; $filename = $_; my @fields = split(/\//,$filename); $distro = $fields[1]; my $archo; if (defined $fields[3]) { my $archos = $fields[3]; #$archos =~ /^.*-(\w*)$/; $archos =~ /^binary-([-\w]*)$/; $archo = $1; } else { # experimental looks like project/experimental/packagename_ver # so the architecture will be what is specified. Right now, # the only architectures in experimental is i386 and all. # This makes sense because all is the goal of Debian. $arch =~ /-(.*)/; my $archi = $1; $archo = $archi; } $dist =~ /-(.*)/; my $disti = $1; $arch =~ /-(.*)/; my $archi = $1; my($mainf, $contribf, $non_freef, $non_usf, $experimentalf); if (defined $fields[3]) { if (defined $main) { $mainf = "yes" if $fields[2] eq $main; } if (defined $contrib) { $contribf = "yes" if $fields[2] eq $contrib; } if (defined $non_free) { $non_freef = "yes" if $fields[2] eq $non_free; } if (defined $non_us) { $non_usf = "yes" if $fields[2] eq $non_us; } } # the distribution experimental has no sections. elsif ($fields[0] eq "Filename: project") { $experimentalf = "yes" if $fields[1] eq "experimental"; } #print "$filename && $distro && $archo && $fields[0]\n"; #print "$disti -> $distro && $archi -> $archo\n"; # project is experimental # will determine whether this is right distribution and whether # main, non-free, contrib, or non-us (not set up for traditional # packages file) have been requested. options override the # default if ($disti eq $distro && $archi eq $archo && defined $mainf) { my $filen = substr($_,10); my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "FN"; push(@FILENAME, "$nv"); push(@FILENAME, $filen); $ok = "yes"; } elsif ($disti eq $distro && $archi eq $archo && defined $contribf) { my $filen = substr($_,10); my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "FN"; push(@FILENAME, "$nv"); push(@FILENAME, $filen); $ok = "yes"; } elsif ($disti eq $distro && $archi eq $archo && defined $non_freef) { my $filen = substr($_,10); my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "FN"; push(@FILENAME, "$nv"); push(@FILENAME, $filen); $ok = "yes"; } elsif ($disti eq $distro && $archi eq $archo && defined $non_usf) { my $filen = substr($_,10); my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "FN"; push(@FILENAME, "$nv"); push(@FILENAME, $filen); $ok = "yes"; } elsif ($disti eq $distro && $archi eq $archo && defined $experimentalf) { my $filen = substr($_,10); my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "FN"; push(@FILENAME, "$nv"); push(@FILENAME, $filen); $ok = "yes"; } else { # erasure time ########## # GROUPS # ########## # This keeps the groupindex proper undef $ok; # if (defined $package[1]) { # $ppackage = $package[1]; # } (my $moggy = $package[1]) =~ s/\+/\\+/g; ##print "$distro $group == ", $group{$group}, " == $package[1]"; #print "$group -", $group{$group}, "\n"; my $check = ($group{$group} =~ m,(^.*)\s$moggy$,); if ($check ne "") { #print "DIST $disti $1\n"; $group{$group} = $1; } else { #print "JUST ONE", $group{$group}, "\n"; delete $group{$group}; } # if (defined $group{$group}) { # print "$check -> $group: ", $group{$group}, "\n"; # } # print "\n"; ########### # REPLACE # ########### # this keeps deps correct if (defined $pre_depends) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $pre_depends; } if (defined $depends) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $depends; } if (defined $recommends) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $recommends; } if (defined $suggests) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $suggests; } if (defined $conflicts) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $conflicts; } if (defined $provides) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $provides } if (defined $replaces) { pop(@REPLACE); pop(@REPLACE); undef $replaces; } ########## # STATUS # ########## my $vion = substr($version,9); $vion =~ s/\+/\\+/g; my $pv = $moggy . "_" . $vion; my $scheck = ($things =~ m,(^.*)\s$pv$,); if ($scheck ne "") { $things = $1; } else { $things = ""; } ###print "$scheck $things\n\n"; # some of these things don't need to be undefed because # they will be reset, because of the next. undef $priority if defined $priority; undef $section if defined $section ; undef $group if defined $group; undef @essential if defined @essential; undef $maintainer if defined $maintainer; # undef $version if defined $version; # undef @package if defined @package; ###print "GONE $package[1]\n"; #print "$things\n"; next; } # wrong distribution } ############ # ######## # # # MAIN # # # ######## # ############ elsif (defined $ok) { ##print "KEEP $package[1]\n"; if (/^Size:/) { $size = $_; chomp; } # -qp --md5sum can do this # this part and the next work together for description. elsif (/^MD5sum/) { chomp; my $md5sum = substr($_,8); chomp $md5sum; my $vion = substr($version,9); my $nv = "$package[1]" . "_" . "$vion" . "MD"; push(@MD5SUM, "$nv"); push(@MD5SUM, $md5sum); } # We only need to go on here if it is the right architecture and # distribution. # To be combined with first fields. There are no packages # missing this field, unlike a status file. # defined either at architecture or filename. elsif (m,Description:|^\s\w*|^\s\.\w*|^installed-size:|^revision:,){ # this solved an annoying problem if (/^\n$/) { next; } #print "$_ && $package[1]\n"; chomp $version; $version =~ m,Version:\s(.*),; my $ending = $1; my $many_lines = $_; if ($_ !~ /^installed-size:|^revision:/) { $count++; if ($count == 1) { if (defined $package[1]) { #push(@dpackage,"$package[1]_$ending"); push(@description,"$package[1]_$ending"); } } if (defined($many_lines)) { push(@ldescription,$many_lines); } } # end if ($_ !~ /^\n$/ elsif ($_ =~ /^installed-size|^revision:/) { $count = 0; # let's put each description into one scalar my ($c, $cool); if ($#ldescription != 0) { for ($c = $#ldescription; $c >= 0; $c--) { if ($c > 0) { $cool = $ldescription[$c-1] .= $ldescription[$c]; } } #end for } # end if ($#ld else { $cool = $ldescription[0]; } if (defined $cool) { push(@description,$cool); } @ldescription = (); } # end else } # end elsif Description ####################################### # installed-size: followed by source: # ####################################### # if installed-size is at the end of Description, than source may # follow. revision has been found once in the experimental # distribution, but nothing was following it, this will have to be # watched because the order isn't known, and installed-size and source # will probably come into picture at some time. if (/^installed-size:/ || /^revision:/) { $installed_size = $_; my $next = ; # source follows if ($next =~ /^source:/) { $source = $next; chomp $source; chomp ($version, $section); $col1 = "Package: $package[1]"; # status time my $yep = exist_sb(\%commands); if (defined $yep) { my($different,$same); my $pname = $package[1]; if (defined $sb{$pname}) { my ($vname,$gname,$priorname,$statusname) = split(/\s/,"$sb{$pname}",4); $statusname =~ s/:/ /g; # a way to test #$version = "Version: 1:5.0-2"; my $pver = substr($version,9); my $cname = $pname . "_" . $pver; if ($vname eq $cname) { $status = "Status: $statusname\n"; $same = "yes"; undef($different); } else { # here's where we get to do some comparisons # we will have to compare sections. 1). may have changed # 2). may be an unfair comparison free vs non-free, on the # other-hand this should be in the person's awareness # making the check. 1) will provide the answer to both. $vname =~ m,^.*_(.*)$,; my $ever = $1; # print "$pname: $pver && $ever\n"; # $pver = new $ever = installed my $oper = comparison($pver,$ever); compare_versions($oper,$pver,$ever,$pname,\%commands) if $commands->{"v"}; $status = "Status: " . $oper . " $statusname ($ever)\n"; $different = "yes"; undef($same); } } else { $status = "Status: not-installed\n"; } $col2 = $status; untie %sb; } else { $col2 = "Status: not-installed\n"; } write PRETTY; $col1 = $version; $version =~ m,Version:\s(.*),; # This creates a name -> version index in package.deb, # and the statusindex.deb database which will serve to # determine if the status has changed when --db or -i is # ran. push(@name, $package[1]); push(@status, $package[1]); $package[1] = "$package[1]_$1"; push(@name, $package[1]); my $priory = substr($priority,10); chomp $priory; my $thimk = "$package[1] $group $priory"; push(@status, $thimk); if(defined($essential[1])) { $col2 = "Essential: $essential[1]"; @essential = (); } else { $col2 = "Essential: no\n"; } write PRETTY; $col1 = $section; $col2 = $priority; write PRETTY; #my $cool = $installed_size . $maintainer; my $einstalled_size = substr($installed_size,16); chomp $einstalled_size; $col1 = "Installed-Size: $einstalled_size"; if (defined $source) { my $esource = substr($source,8); $col2 = "Source: $esource"; } else { $col2 = ""; } write PRETTY; undef $source; $col1 = $size; $col2 = "Architecture: $architecture\n"; write PRETTY; if ($distro ne "experimental") { $filename =~ m,^Filename: dists\/(\w*)\/.*$,; print PRETTY "Distribution: $1\n"; print PRETTY $maintainer } else { my $exp_dist = "experimental"; print PRETTY "Distribution: $exp_dist\n"; print PRETTY $maintainer } } # if $next =~ source ############################################## # installed-size: or revision: by themselves # ############################################## # source doesn't follow elsif ($next =~ /^\n$/) { chomp($version, $section); $col1 = "Package: $package[1]"; # revision magic if (/revision:/) { $filename =~ m,.*/(.*)\.deb$,; my $rr = $1 . "MD"; my $rver = substr($version,9); my $prr = $package[1] . "_" . "$rver" . "MD REVISION"; push(@revision,$rr); push(@revision,$prr); } # status time my $yep = exist_sb(\%commands); if (defined $yep) { my($different,$same); my $pname = $package[1]; if (defined $sb{$pname}) { my ($vname,$gname,$priorname,$statusname) = split(/\s/,"$sb{$pname}",4); $statusname =~ s/:/ /g; # a way to test #$version = "Version: 1:5.0-2"; my $pver = substr($version,9); my $cname = $pname . "_" . $pver; if ($vname eq $cname) { $status = "Status: $statusname\n"; $same = "yes"; undef($different); } else { # here's where we get to do some comparisons # we will have to compare sections. 1). may have changed # 2). may be an unfair comparison free vs non-free, on the # other-hand this should be in the person's awareness # making the check. 1) will provide the answer to both. $vname =~ m,^.*_(.*)$,; my $ever = $1; # print "$pname: $pver && $ever\n"; # $pver = new $ever = installed my $oper = comparison($pver,$ever); compare_versions($oper,$pver,$ever,$pname,\%commands) if $commands->{"v"}; $status = "Status: " . $oper . " $statusname ($ever)\n"; $different = "yes"; undef($same); } } else { $status = "Status: not-installed\n"; } $col2 = $status; untie %sb; } # if defined $yep else { $col2 = "Status: not-installed\n"; } write PRETTY; $col1 = $version; $version =~ m,Version:\s(.*),; # This creates a name -> version index in package.deb, # and the statusindex.deb database which will serve to # determine if the status has changed when --db or -i is # ran. push(@name, $package[1]); push(@status, $package[1]); $package[1] = "$package[1]_$1"; push(@name, $package[1]); my $priory = substr($priority,10); chomp $priory; my $thimk = "$package[1] $group $priory"; push(@status, $thimk); if(defined($essential[1])) { $col2 = "Essential: $essential[1]"; @essential = (); } else { $col2 = "Essential: no\n"; } write PRETTY; $col1 = $section; $col2 = $priority; write PRETTY; #my $cool = $installed_size . $maintainer; my $einstalled_size = substr($installed_size,16); chomp $einstalled_size; $col1 = "Installed-Size: $einstalled_size"; if (defined $source) { my $esource = substr($source,8); $col2 = "Source: $esource"; } else { $col2 = ""; } write PRETTY; undef $source; $col1 = $size; $col2 = "Architecture: $architecture\n"; write PRETTY; if ($distro ne "experimental") { $filename =~ m,^Filename: dists\/(\w*)\/.*$,; print PRETTY "Distribution: $1\n"; print PRETTY $maintainer } else { my $exp_dist = "experimental"; print PRETTY "Distribution: $exp_dist\n"; print PRETTY $maintainer } } # if $next =~ source } # elsif installed-size } # right arch and dist } # end while () close(PRETTY); # Let's put together the description with the rest of its fields. open(FIELDS,"$format_deb"); while () { push(@form,$_); } close(FIELDS); $count = 0; foreach (@form) { push(@formly,$_); my ($cool); $count++; if ($count == 7) { my ($c, $cool); if ($#formly != 0) { for ($c = $#formly; $c >= 0; $c--) { if ($c > 0) { $cool = $formly[$c-1] .= $formly[$c]; } } #end for } # end if ($#ld else { $cool = $formly[0]; } push(@complete,$cool); @formly = (); $count = 0; } } foreach (@description) { if ($count == 1) { my $lingo = shift(@complete); $lingo = $lingo . $_; push(@Tdescription, $lingo); $lingo = (); $count = 1; } else { push(@Tdescription, $_); $count = 0; } $count++; } unlink($format_deb); #untie $nping; #undef %ngdb; # We'll keep databases local so that md() doesn't get confused with # database(). # Put the groups into the groupindex.deb database. print "Not-installed Group Database is being made\n"; if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) || ($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) || (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) { tie %ngb, 'DB_File', "$main::home$parent$library/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb" or die "DB_File: $!"; } elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) { tie %ngb, 'DB_File', "$main::home$parent$base/ngroupindex$arch$dist.deb" or die "DB_File: $!"; } # assigning to HUMM solves a strange problem. semi-panic: attempt to dup # freed string..internal newSVsv() routine was caused to duplicate a # scalar that had been previously marked as free. my @HUMM = %group; %ngb = @HUMM; untie %ngb; undef %ngb; undef %group; undef @HUMM; # Create the important status database. print "Not-installed Status Database is being made\n"; if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) || ($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) || (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) { tie %nsb, 'DB_File', "$main::home$parent$library/nstatusindex$arch$dist.deb" or die "DB_File: $!"; } elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) { tie %nsb, 'DB_File', "$main::home$parent$base/nstatusindex$arch$dist.deb" or die "DB_File: $!"; } push(@status,"/."); if ($things =~ /^\s.*/) { $things =~ s/^\s//; } push(@status,$things); %nsb = @status; untie %nsb; undef %nsb; undef @status; undef $scount; # Put everything into the package.deb database. print "Not-installed Description Database is being made\n"; if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) || ($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) || (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) { tie %ndb, 'DB_File', "$main::home$parent$library/npackages$arch$dist.deb" or die "DB_File: $!"; } elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) { tie %ndb, 'DB_File', "$main::home$parent$base/npackages$arch$dist.deb" or die "DB_File: $!"; } %ndb = (@name,@Tdescription,@conf,@REPLACE,@FILENAME,@MD5SUM,@revision); untie %ndb; undef @Tdescription; undef @conf; undef @REPLACE; undef @FILENAME; undef @MD5SUM; undef @revision; undef %ndb; print scalar(localtime), "\n" if !$commands->{"Contents"}; } # ends sub not_installed # This first looks in the immediate directory for statusindex.deb, if it # isn't found here, it look in the default directory. It then returns # undef, or initializes the database based on its findings. sub exist_sb { my ($commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; my $yep; if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) || ($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) || (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) { if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/statusindex.deb") { $yep = "yes"; } } elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) { if (-e "$main::home$parent$base/statusindex.deb") { $yep = "yes"; } } if (!defined $yep) { if (-e "$main::home$parent$base/statusindex.deb") { tie %sb, 'DB_File', "$main::home$parent$base/statusindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!"; return "yes"; } else { return; } } elsif (defined $yep) { sb(\%commands); return "yes"; } } # end sub exist_sb sub sb { my ($commands) = @_; if (($commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) || ($commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"}) || (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && !$commands->{"root"})) { if (-e "$main::home$parent$library/statusindex.deb") { tie %sb, 'DB_File', "$main::home$parent$library/statusindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!"; } else { return; } } elsif (!$commands->{"dbpath"} && $commands->{"root"}) { if (-e "$main::home$parent$base/statusindex.deb") { tie %sb, 'DB_File', "$main::home$parent$base/statusindex.deb" or die "DB_File: $!"; } else { return; } } } # end sub sb # This creates the file filedir.deb using using the program longswim. The # options --main, --contrib, non-free, non-us, or the default value is # taken into consideration. sub nmd { my ($Contents,$commands) = @_; my %commands = %$commands; my ($dbpath, $root); my ($main,$contrib,$non_free,$non_us); $main = "yes" if $commands->{"main"}; $contrib = "yes" if $commands->{"contrib"}; $non_free = "yes" if $commands->{"non-free"}; $non_us = "yes" if $commands->{"non-us"}; if (!defined $main && !defined $contrib && !defined $non_free && !defined $non_us) { foreach (@user_defined_section) { if ($_ eq "main") { $main = "yes"; } elsif ($_ eq "contrib") { $contrib = "yes"; } elsif ($_ eq "non-free") { $non_free = "yes"; } elsif ($_ eq "non-us") { $non_us = "yes"; } } } $main = "no" if !defined($main); $contrib = "no" if !defined($contrib); $non_free = "no" if !defined($non_free); $non_us = "no" if !defined($non_us); my $Contents_mtime = (stat($Contents))[9]; $Contents = -B $Contents || $Contents =~ m,\.(gz|Z)$, ? "$gzip -dc $Contents|" : "cat $Contents|"; my $contentsdb = finddb(\%commands); my($arch,$dist) = which_archdist(\%commands); my $contentsindex = "$contentsdb/ncontentsindex$arch$dist.deb"; my $npackages = "$contentsdb/npackages$arch$dist.deb"; print "Gathering the file(s)/dir(s) for the arch-dist section(s)\n"; # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 system "$longswim", $Contents, $contentsindex, $main, $contrib, $non_free, $non_us, $tmp, $npackages, $gzip, $contentsdb, $Contents_mtime; # longswim can be tested with something like this: # /usr/lib/SWIM/longswim.alt "cat /USE/Contents|" \ # /test/ncontentsindex-i386-unstable.deb yes yes yes yes \ # /test /USE/npackages-i386-unstable.deb gzip /test 11111111 } # end sub nmd 1;