gBootRoot pronounced "bOOtrOOt"
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package YardChroot;
## Code from CHECK_ROOT_FS by Tom Fawcett
## Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1998 Tom Fawcett (
## Copyright (C) 2000 Modifications by the gBootRoot Team
## This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
## The purpose of this program is to run chrooted processes separately from
## gBootRoot so that gBootRoot can continue to operate on "/", not on the
### chroot "/".
use strict;
use Yard;
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
my $login_binary;
my $mount_point = $ARGV[0];
sub which_test {
$login_binary = "$mount_point" . find_file_in_path("login");
my $test_fstab = $ARGV[1];
my $test_inittab = $ARGV[2];
my $test_scripts = $ARGV[3];
fork_chroot_and(\&check_fstab) if $test_fstab == 1;
fork_chroot_and(\&check_inittab) if $test_inittab == 1;
fork_chroot_and(\&check_scripts) if $test_scripts == 1;
# This takes a procedure call, forks off a subprocess, chroots to
# $mount_point and runs the procedure.
sub fork_chroot_and {
my($call) = @_;
my($Godot) = fork;
unless (defined $Godot) {
my $error = error("Can't fork: $!");
return "ERROR" if $error && $error eq "ERROR";
if (!$Godot) {
# Child process
chroot($mount_point); ##### chroot to the root filesystem
} else {
# Parent here
waitpid($Godot, 0);
sub check_fstab {
my($FSTAB) = "/etc/fstab";
open(FSTAB, "<$FSTAB") or error ("$FSTAB: $!");
print "\nChecking $FSTAB\n";
while (<FSTAB>) {
next if /^\#/ or /^\s*$/;
my($dev, $mp, $type, $opts) = split;
next if $mp eq 'none' or $type eq 'swap';
next if $dev eq 'none';
if (!-e $mp) {
print "$FSTAB($.): $_\n\tCreating $mp on root filesystem\n";
if ($dev !~ /:/ and !-e $dev) {
warning("$FSTAB($.): $_\n\tDevice $dev does not exist "
. "on root filesystem\n");
##### If you use the file created by create_fstab, these tests
##### are superfluous.
if ($dev =~ m|^/dev/hd| and $opts !~ /noauto/) {
warning("\t($.): You probably should include \"noauto\" option\n",
"\tin the fstab entry of a hard disk. When the rescue floppy\n",
"\tboots, the \"mount -a\" will try to mount $dev\n");
} elsif ($dev eq $::floppy and $type ne 'ext2' and $type ne 'auto') {
warning("\t($.): You've declared your floppy drive $::floppy",
" to hold\n",
"\ta $type filesystem, which is not ext2. The rescue floppy\n",
"\tis ext2, which may confuse 'mount -a' during boot.\n");
} elsif ($type eq 'proc') {
$proc_seen = 1;
warning("\tNo /proc filesystem defined.\n") unless $proc_seen;
print "Done with $FSTAB\n";
sub check_inittab {
my($INITTAB) = "/etc/inittab";
print "\nChecking $INITTAB\n";
if (!open(INITTAB, "<$INITTAB")) {
warning("$INITTAB: $!\n");
my($default_rl, $saw_line_for_default_rl);
while (<INITTAB>) {
my($line) = $_; # Copy for errors
s/\#.*$//; # Delete comments
next if /^\s*$/; # Skip empty lines
my($code, $runlevels, $action, $command) = split(':');
if ($action eq 'initdefault') { ##### The initdefault runlevel
$default_rl = $runlevels;
if ($runlevels =~ /$default_rl/) {
$saw_line_for_default_rl = 1;
if ($command) {
my($exec, @args) = split(' ', $command);
if (!-f $exec) {
warning("$INITTAB($.): $line\n",
"\t$exec: non-existent or non-executable\n");
} elsif (!-x $exec) {
print "$INITTAB($.): $line\n";
print "\tMaking $exec executable\n";
chmod(0777, $exec) or error("chmod failed: $!");
} else {
##### executable but not binary ==> script
scan_command_file($exec, @args) if !-B $exec;
if ($exec =~ m|getty|) { # matches *getty* call
check_getty_type_call($exec, @args);
close(INITTAB) or error("close(INITTAB): $!");
if (!$saw_line_for_default_rl) {
warning("\tDefault runlevel is $default_rl, but no entry for it.\n");
print "Done with $INITTAB\n";
sub check_scripts {
print "\nChecking script interpreters\n";
sub check_interpreter {
if (-x $File::Find::name and -f _ and -T _) {
open(SCRIPT, $File::Find::name) or error "$File::Find::name: $!";
my($prog, $firstline);
chomp($firstline = <SCRIPT>);
if (($prog) = $firstline =~ /^\#!\s*(\S+)/) {
if (!-e $prog) {
warning "Warning: $File::Find::name needs $prog, which is missing\n";
} elsif (!-x $prog) {
warning "Warning: $File::Find::name needs $prog, " .
"which is not executable.\n";
}; # End of sub check_interpreter
find(\&check_interpreter, "/");