@ -1,23 +1,57 @@ |
$Id$ |
Program: gBootRoot pronounced "bOOtrOOt" |
License: GNU General Public License |
The Makefile included with this source package doesn't figure out whether |
your installation has the proper requirements. Type "make", follow the |
instructions in the "Important Configurations" section near the |
bottom of this page, and then run gbootroot. The program will indicate to you |
whether anything is missing. If it doesn't work at all, it's generally due to |
not having gtk-perl installed. If the user-mode-linux kernel doesn't work, it |
may be an architecture issue. If you need to customize the |
kernel, there are general directions in the README. If a boot or root method |
are missing required programs, pop-up dialog boxes and information from the |
verbosity box will give a good indication of what is causing the problem. |
Out of the box this program works with the i386 architecture, for other |
architectures genext2fs and user-mode-linux will need to be compiled if |
full functionality is desired. Eventually, the Advanced Kernel Section in |
this program will be able to help with the uml compile. |
--------- |
If you can compile a kernel on your system, then you should have no |
problems getting the Makefile to work, and if you are using the |
sources for the Debian package, then you can always do an "apt-get |
build-dep gbootroot." to automatically figure out your build |
requirements. Gbootroot makes its own root_fs, when the output gets |
colorful (blue and red) you know this is happening. If things go |
wrong at this point you will want to look at the requirements below. |
You will want wget installed because the Makefile attempts to download |
the necessary sources and then places them in the sources/ directory. |
This is what makes the unofficial Debian and RedHat source packages |
unique, because usually another package would provide the necessary |
sources since official distributions aren't always used online. On the |
other hand, this is a FEATURE. Anytime you want to update gbootroot |
to the current user-mode-linux patch just change the Makefile |
PATCH_VERSION, run "make clean", and then "make". |
The two root_fs created are root_fs_helper and Initrd.gz. |
Root_fs_helper has lots of different filesystem utilities, but the |
CRUCIAL ones to get the build to work properly are mke2fs and |
mkcramfs. Here's a list of what utilities are included: mke2fs mkcramfs |
genromfs mkfs.minix mkminix mkreiserfs mkfs.jffs mkfs.jffs2 |
These are the build-depends from the debian source package: binutils, |
fileutils (>= 4.0), gcc | c-compiler, make, libc-dev, bin86, wget, |
mkcramfs, e2fsprogs, reiserfsprog, genromfs, util-linux, mtd-tools |
---------- |
If you build the package as a non-root user, and you don't have |
permissions to write to system directories you can always run |
gbootroot from the immediate source directory "./gbootroot --home ." |
or "perl -I . ./gbootroot --home ." if there is already another |
installed version on the system. |
To install on the system type "make install" and follow the |
instructions in the "Important Configurations" section near the bottom |
of this page, and then run gbootroot. |
When you run gbootroot if a boot or root method are missing required |
programs, pop-up dialog boxes and information from the verbosity box |
will give a good indication of what is causing the problem. |
----------------------------- |
Perl Modules: |
############# |
@ -34,63 +68,18 @@ Expect (tested with 1.11) |
------------------------ |
http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-module/Expect/ |
http://sourceforge.net/projects/expectperl |
RPM version can be found at sf.net/gbootroot. |
IO::Stty |
-------- |
http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-module/IO/IO-Stty-.02.tar.gz |
RPM versions can be found at sf.net/gbootroot. |
IO::Tty |
------- |
http://www.perl.com/CPAN/modules/by-module/IO/IO-Tty-0.04.tar.gz |
http://sourceforge.net/projects/expectperl |
Binaries: |
######### |
Genext2fs |
--------- |
genext2fs/genext2fs ( included and already compiled for i386 ) |
cd genext2fs; make ( other architectures ) |
User-Mode-Linux |
--------------- |
user-mode-linux/usr/bin/{linux,uml_*} ( included and already compiled |
for i386 ) |
user-mode-linux/usr/lib/uml/{modules*tar} ( included and already compiled |
for i386 ) |
user-mode-linux/usr/lib/uml/config ( kernel .config defaults ) |
If you use a different architecture you will need to read |
http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/arch-port.html. |
Here are general guidelines for compiling uml: |
Get kernel sources from www.kernel.org, and then get a matching uml-patch from |
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=429. If you want to |
match the kernel version used by gbootroot check gbootroot/Changes to find |
out which version of uml if being used. You may want to load config when |
configuring the kernel and use it as a starting point. There are good |
instructions on how to compile a uml kernel at |
http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/UserModeLinux-HOWTO-2.html. |
When finished, put the uml kernel in the directory cited above and call it |
linux; you can put the modules in a Replacements directory (see FAQ). |
The helper uml_* tools need to be checked out from cvs and compiled with make: |
(Instructions for cvs at http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=429.) |
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/user-mode-linux login |
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/user-mode-linux co tools |
cd tools/mconsole; make; |
cd ../uml_net; make; chown 0:0 uml_net; chmod 4755 uml_net; |
cd ../uml_router; make; |
cd ../uml_moo; make; |
Note: Please send the user-mode-linux-devel and gbootroot-devel lists your |
experiences if you successfully get another architecture working. ppc has |
been ported. |
RPM versions can be found at sf.net/gbootroot. |
Boot Methods: |
############# |
@ -125,7 +114,7 @@ have network capabilities. |
Documentation: |
############# |
Documentaion and FAQ are in doc/html/index.html |
Documentation and FAQ are in doc/html/index.html |
Have fun! |