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This adds pam service modules to %Included and cleans up verbosity.

freesource 23 years ago
  1. 124


@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ use BootRoot::Error;
my (%Included, %replaced_by, %links_to, %is_module, %hardlinked,
%strippable, %lib_needed_by, @Libs, %user_defined_link);
my %pam_repeats;
my $cf_line = 0;
my $BLKGETSIZE_ioctl = 4704;
my $BLKFLSBUF_ioctl = 4705;
@ -499,7 +500,10 @@ sub extra_links {
## Here's where some cool stuff happens
## This can be turned on/off from the YardBox
## NSS
## pam service modules are check for dependencies,
## mostly this translates into libnsl.
## NSS --freesource
if ( $file =~ m,/nsswitch.conf, ) {
my @nss_libs = find_nss($file);
@ -511,12 +515,17 @@ sub extra_links {
## PAM
if ( $file =~ m,/pam\.conf|/pam\.d/, ) {
info(0,"PAM $file\n");
my @pam_libs = find_pam($file);
foreach ( @pam_libs ) {
$Included{$_} = 1; # adding on the run
for my $file (keys %Included) {
@ -625,7 +634,7 @@ sub library_dependencies {
if (!defined($lib_needed_by{$abs_lib})) {
info(0, "\t$abs_lib\n");
info(0, "\t$abs_lib\n\n");
push(@{$lib_needed_by{$abs_lib}}, $file);
@ -1270,12 +1279,13 @@ sub include_file {
if (!$Included{$abs_target}) {
info(1, "File $file is a symbolic link to $link\n");
info(1, "\nFile $file is a symbolic link to $link\n");
#info(1, "\t(which resolves to $abs_target),\n"
# if $link ne $abs_target);
info(1, "\twhich was not included in $contents_file.\n");
if (-e $abs_target) {
info(1, "\t ==> Adding it to file set.\n\n");
info(1, "\t ==> Adding it to file set.\n");
$Included{$abs_target} = $file;
} else {
info(0, "\t ==> $abs_target does not exist. Fix this!\n");
@ -2766,15 +2776,23 @@ BLARD
#### verbosity.
sub find_pam {
my($pam_configured) = 0; # Have we seen some pam config file yet?
info(0, "Checking for PAM\n");
my($pamd_dir) = "$mount_point/etc/pam.d";
my($pam_conf) = "$mount_point/etc/pam.conf";
my($pam) = @_;
my @pam_libs;
my ($pam_conf, $pamd_dir);
if ( $pam =~ m,/pam\.d/, ) {
$pamd_dir = $pam;
if ( $pam =~ m,/pam\.conf, ) {
$pam_conf = $pam;
if ( $pam_conf and -e $pam_conf ) {
info(0, "\nParsing $pam_conf:\n");
if (-e $pam_conf) {
info(0, "Checking $pam_conf\n");
$pam_configured = 1;
open(PAM, $pam_conf) or error("Can't open pam.conf: $!\n");
while (<PAM>) {
@ -2791,49 +2809,47 @@ sub find_pam {
@file = ($file);
my (%file_check, $ok);
foreach my $files ( @file ) {
if (!-e "$mount_point/$files") {
$file_check{$files} = 0;
else {
$file_check{$files} = 1;
if (-e "$files") {
info(1, "[$_] ='s $files\n");
push(@pam_libs,$files) if !$pam_repeats{$files};
$pam_repeats{$files} = 1;
for ( values %file_check ) {
$ok = 1 if $_ == 1;
if ( !$ok ) {
# That's all we check for now
foreach $file ( @file ) {
warning_test "$pam_conf($.): $_\n",
"\tLibrary $file does not exist on root fs\n";
close(PAM) or error("Closing PAM: $!");
# That's all we check for now
# This will go through all of pam.d files or just particular ones.
if ( $pamd_dir && -e $pamd_dir ) {
info(0, "\nParsing $pamd_dir:\n");
my $dir;
if ( !-d $pamd_dir ) {
$dir = dirname($pamd_dir);
close(PAM) or error("Closing PAM: $!");
info(0, "Done with $pam_conf\n");
else {
$dir = $pamd_dir;
if (-e $pamd_dir) {
info(0, "Checking files in $pamd_dir\n");
opendir(PAMD, $pamd_dir) or error("Can't open $pamd_dir: $!");
opendir(PAMD, $dir) or error("Can't open $dir: $!");
while (defined($file = readdir(PAMD))) {
my($file2) = "$pamd_dir/$file";
my($file2) = "$dir/$file";
if ( !-d $pamd_dir ) {
next unless $file2 eq $pamd_dir;
next unless -f $file2; # Skip directories, etc.
open(PF, $file2) or error("$file2: $!");
while (<PF>) {
next if /^\#/ or /^\s*$/; # Skip comments and empty lines
my($file) = (split)[2]; ## Get third field --freesource
$pam_configured = 1;
# This adds a more extensive path search --freesource
my @file;
@ -2845,46 +2861,22 @@ sub find_pam {
@file = ($file);
my (%file_check, $ok);
foreach my $files ( @file ) {
if (!-e "$mount_point/$files") {
$file_check{$files} = 0;
else {
$file_check{$files} = 1;
for ( values %file_check ) {
$ok = 1 if $_ == 1;
if ( !$ok ) {
foreach $file ( @file ) {
warning_test "$pam_conf($.): $_\n",
"\tLibrary $file does not exist on root fs\n";
if (-e "$files") {
info(1, "[$_] ='s $files\n");
push(@pam_libs,$files) if !$pam_repeats{$files};
$pam_repeats{$files} = 1;
info(0, "Done with $pamd_dir\n");
# Finally, see whether PAM configuration is needed
if (!$pam_configured and -e $login_binary) {
my($dependencies) = scalar(`ldd $login_binary`);
if (defined($dependencies) and $dependencies =~ /libpam/) {
warning_test "Warning: login ($login_binary) needs PAM, but you haven't\n",
"\tconfigured it (in /etc/pam.conf or /etc/pam.d/)\n",
"\tYou probably won't be able to login.\n";
info(0, "Done with PAM\n");
return @pam_libs;
} # end sub find_pam
@ -2897,10 +2889,10 @@ sub find_nss {
my($libc) = yard_glob("$mount_point/lib/libc-*"); ## removed 2
my($libc_version) = $libc =~ m|/lib/libc-\d+\.(\d)|; ## changed 2 & .
if (!defined($libc_version)) {
info(0,"Parsing $nss_conf:\n");
info(0,"\nParsing $nss_conf:\n");
warning_test "Can't determine your libc version\n";
} else {
info(0,"Parsing $nss_conf:\n");
info(0,"\nParsing $nss_conf:\n");
info(0, "Using NSS libraries from $libc\n");
