$Id: README-debian-X11,v 1.4 2001/11/08 06:16:29 freesource Exp $ make_debian-X11 replacement Setting up the root filesystem ----------------------------- 1. Run setup in this directory: . setup Setting up a Swap File ---------------------- 1. Run make_swapfile in this directory: . make_swapfile Getting X working ----------------- 1. To get X11 working you will need to get your network up. The instructions below assume your host (the computer you are running) has an ip of, a uml ip of and a tap device ip of 2. If you haven't already done this, you will want to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file using vi. This should be self-explanatory. 3. You don't need to load any modules required by your host system, because uml_net will cause the modules to be loaded automatically - assuming your kernel has kmod - when it automatically configures the tap device interface for ethertap. But if you want or need to do it manually from your host system, you could do something like this: modprobe ethertap modprobe netlink_dev ifconfig tap0 route add -host gw 4. The next time you start the uml kernel and boot the root_fs you will want to give it options like this where HWaddr (see ifconfig) belongs to your network device: ubd0=/root_fs_debian_x11 root=/dev/ubd0 eth0=ethertap,tap0,HWaddr, mem=64M 5. At this point you should be able to ping Hint: Check to make sure that uml_net came bundled with the uml kernel, because this is what enables networking, and make sure it is setuid root (chmod 4755). 6. Run startx. It will ask for your host ip number. That's it. Links: user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net Hints: Mount the host fs: mount -t hostfs none /mnt mount -t hostfs none -o /home /mnt Jonathan Rosenbaum freeesource@users.sourceforge.net