Template: make-debian-x11/close_gbootroot_down Type: note Description: gBootRoot needs to be restarted to initiate replacements changes. This package adds new replacements to gBootRoot. In order for a user's local replacements directory to reflect the changes, gbootroot needs to be restarted for each user. If these replacement files already exist in a user's directory they will not be updated unless you choose to delete them first in the local directory, this is up to your own digression. Here is the list of the replacement files: . /usr/share/gbootroot/yard/Replacements/root/make_swapfile /usr/share/gbootroot/yard/Replacements/root/README-debian-X11 /usr/share/gbootroot/yard/Replacements/root/setup-debian-X11 /usr/share/gbootroot/yard/Replacements/usr/X11R6/bin/startx-debian-X11 Template: make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11 Type: boolean Description: Make the Debian-X11.yard template? I can now make the Debian-X11.yard template, or you can do it latter yourself. I will just create one for the administrator: root Template: make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11-swim Type: boolean Description: Generate swim databases to allow template creation? In order for the template to be properly created swim databases first have to exist. Do you want me to proceed with this? Otherwise, the template will not be created. Template: make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11-doc Type: boolean Description: Remove /usr/share/{doc,man,info}? All documentation, manuals and info can be removed to create a more streamline root filesystem. Template: make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11-zoneinfo Type: boolean Description: Only use your locale settings? The default is to remove everything in /usr/share/zoneinfo except for your local settings found in /etc/locatime.