# # Copyright (C) 2001 Jeff Dike (jdike@karaya.com) # Licensed under the GPL # # Modifications by Jonathan Rosenbaum # # Changes: # 12/15/2001 Changed UML to BootRoot::UML # Can now set password to "" to allow no password. # # 02/18/2003 Now login isn't mandatory which allows login-free # inits like /bin/bash. Added a new method so that # the last line can be discerned before halting. package BootRoot::UML; use Expect; use IO::File; use strict; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $me = { kernel => 'linux', arguments => '', login_prompt => 'login:', login => 'root', password_prompt => 'Password:', password => 'root', prompt => 'darkstar:.*#', halt => 'halt', expect_handle => undef }; while(@_){ my $arg = shift; if($arg eq 'kernel'){ $me->{kernel} = shift; } elsif($arg eq 'arguments'){ $me->{arguments} = shift; } elsif($arg eq 'login_prompt'){ $me->{login_prompt} = shift; } elsif($arg eq 'login'){ $me->{login} = shift; } elsif($arg eq 'password_prompt'){ $me->{password_prompt} = shift; } elsif($arg eq 'password'){ $me->{password} = shift; } elsif($arg eq 'prompt'){ $me->{prompt} = shift; } elsif($arg eq 'halt'){ $me->{halt} = shift; } else { die "BootRoot::UML::new : Unknown argument - $arg"; } } bless($me, $class); return $me; } sub boot { my $me = shift; my $log_file = shift; my $log; if(defined($me->{expect_handle})){ warn "BootRoot::UML::boot : already booted"; return; } my $cmd = "$me->{kernel} $me->{arguments}"; $me->{expect_handle} = Expect->spawn($cmd); if(defined($log_file)){ $log = $me->open_log($log_file); $me->{expect_handle}->log_stdout(0); } if ( $me->{login_prompt} ne "" ) { $me->{expect_handle}->expect(undef, "$me->{login_prompt}"); $me->{expect_handle}->print("$me->{login}\n"); } # It's o.k. not to have a password .. password_prompt will be ignored. # --freesource if ( $me->{password} ne "" ) { $me->{expect_handle}->expect(undef, "$me->{password_prompt}"); $me->{expect_handle}->print("$me->{password}\n"); } $me->{expect_handle}->expect(undef, "-re", "$me->{prompt}"); $me->{expect_handle}->print("echo Let's make you're root_fs!\r"); $me->{expect_handle}->print("\r"); return($log); } sub command { my $me = shift; my $cmd = shift; my %globals = ( "Kernel panic" => "", "$me->{prompt}" => "-re" ); my @expects = ( @_ ); my @strings = (); foreach my $key (keys(%globals)){ $globals{$key} eq "-re" and push @expects, "-re"; push @expects, $key; } foreach my $str (@expects){ $str ne "-re" and push @strings, $str; } $me->{expect_handle}->print("$cmd\n"); my @match = $me->{expect_handle}->expect(undef, @expects); defined $match[0] and $match[0]--; if(defined($match[1])){ die "Expect error : $match[1]"; } elsif(defined($globals{$strings[$match[0]]})){ $strings[$match[0]] eq "Kernel panic" and die "panic"; return(undef); } else { $me->{expect_handle}->expect(undef, "-re", "$me->{prompt}"); return($match[0]); } } sub open_log { my $me = shift; my $file = shift; my $fh = new IO::File "$file"; my $have_logs = $me->{expect_handle}->set_group(); my @logs; if(!defined($have_logs)){ @logs = (); } else { @logs = $me->{expect_handle}->set_group(); } if(defined($fh)){ my $log = Expect->exp_init(\*$fh); push @logs, $log; $me->{expect_handle}->set_group(@logs); return $log; } return undef; } sub close_log { my $me = shift; my $log = shift; my @logs = $me->{expect_handle}->set_group(); foreach my $i (0..$#logs){ if($logs[$i] == $log){ splice @logs, $i, 1; $log->hard_close(); } } if(!@logs){ my $fh = new IO::File "> /dev/null"; push @logs, Expect->exp_init(\*$fh); } $me->{expect_handle}->set_group(@logs); } sub halt { my $me = shift; $me->{expect_handle}->print("$me->{halt}\n"); $me->{expect_handle}->expect(undef); } sub close_no_init { my $me = shift; $me->{expect_handle}->print("Shutting down \n"); $me->{expect_handle}->expect(undef, "-re", "Shutting down"); } sub kill { my $me = shift; $me->{expect_handle}->hard_close(); } 1; =head1 NAME BootRoot::UML - class to control User-mode Linux =head1 SYNOPSIS use BootRoot::UML; ################# # class methods # ################# $uml = BootRoot::UML->new(kernel => $path_to_kernel, # default "linux" arguments => $kernel_arguments, # "" login_prompt => $login_prompt, # "login:" login => $account_name, # "root" password_prompt => $password_prompt, # "Password:" password => $account_password, # "root" prompt => $shell_prompt_re, # "darkstar:.*#" halt => $halt_command); # "halt" $uml->boot(); $uml->command($command_string); $uml->halt(); ####################### # object data methods # ####################### ######################## # other object methods # ######################## =head1 DESCRIPTION The BootRoot::UML class is used to control the execution of a user-mode kernel. All of the arguments to BootRoot::UML::new are optional and will be defaulted if not present. The arguments and their values are as follows: kernel - the filename of the kernel executable arguments - a string containing the kernel command line login_prompt - a string matching the login prompt login - the account to log in to password_prompt - a string matching the password prompt password - the account's password prompt - a regular expression matching the shell prompt halt - the command used to halt the virtual machine Once constructed, the BootRoot::UML object may be booted. BootRoot::UML::boot() will return after it has successfully logged in. Then, BootRoot::UML::command may be called as many times as desired. It will return when the command has finished and the next shell prompt has been seen. When the testing is finished, BootRoot::UML::halt() is called to shut the virtual machine down.