#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################################## ## ## BootRoot.pm ## Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by Jonathan Rosenbaum ## ## ## This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ## ############################################################################## package BootRoot::BootRoot; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS); use Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(start skas_or_tt); use strict; use POSIX; use BootRoot::Yard; use BootRoot::YardBox; use BootRoot::Error; use File::Basename; use File::Find; use File::Path; use BootRoot::Options; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn @_ unless $_[0] =~ /Subroutine [\w:]+ redefined/io || $_[0] =~ /Use of uninitialized value in concatenation/}; # Important option setting up option(); $::commandline = \%option if %option; $::commandline = $ARGV[0] if $ARGV[0]; if ( $option{home} && !$option{template} ) { undef $::commandline; $option{gui_mode} = $option{home}; undef $option{home}; } # If you want gBootRoot to do it's stuff somewhere else, change the # value for $tmp1. my $tmp1 = "/tmp"; # tmp should be default - Cristian my $lilo_conf = "/etc/lilo.conf"; my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; my $home; $option{home} = $option{gui_mode} if $option{gui_mode}; $option{home} ? ($home = $pwd) : ($home = "$ENV{HOME}/.gbootroot"); my $uml_xterm = "xterm -e"; # Don't edit from here, but you can if you want to change the HERE docs # and/or the contents of initrd (in which case you need to make sure the # right libraries are copied over to initrd and the size is checked). # I need to remember to edit this # and to update scripts/Debian.yard if # make_debian has been changed, # and to install -s linux. # and to make sure modules are correct in Initrd.gz # apply special patches my $version = "1.5.0"; my $date = "02.15.2003"; my $gtk_perl_version = "0.7002"; my $home_rootfs = "$home/root_filesystem/"; # here's where the value of linux can be set my $home_uml_kernel; $option{gui_mode} ? ($home_uml_kernel = "$home/user-mode-linux/usr/bin/") : ($home_uml_kernel = "$home/uml_kernel/"); sub uml_kernel { my $home_umlk = $home_uml_kernel; $home_umlk = $home_umlk . "linuxbr" if !$option{"uml-kernel"}; return $home_umlk; } my $modules_directory = "/lib/modules"; my $Initrd; $option{gui_mode} ? ($Initrd = $home_rootfs . "Initrd.gz") : ($Initrd = "/usr/lib/bootroot/root_filesystem/Initrd.gz"); # This is for experimental stuff .. basically so I can test # the boot fs as a normal user, since it's hard to create a boot disk # with enough room using genext2fs. my $busybox; # Yard Stuff my $home_yard = "$home/yard"; my $template_dir = "$home_yard/templates/"; my $home_yard_replacements = "$home_yard/Replacements"; $main::global_yard = $home_yard; $main::oldroot = "/OLDROOT"; my $global_yard_replacements_arch_indep = "/usr/share/gbootroot/yard/Replacements"; my $global_yard_replacements_arch_dep = "/usr/lib/bootroot/yard/Replacements"; my $global_yard_templates = "/usr/share/gbootroot/yard/templates"; $ENV{'PATH'} = "$home_yard:" . $ENV{'PATH'}; my $initrd; my $compress; my $false = 0; my $true = 1; # Helps determine what procedure to follow for the Boot Disk my $ok; my $box2; my $label; my $label_advanced; my $separator; my $order; my $text_window; my $verbosity_window; #my $colormap; #my $window; # Make @container verbose, also look in generate() my @container; use constant METHOD => 0 ; use constant KERNEL => 1 ; use constant ROOT_FS => 2 ; use constant BOOT_DEVICE => 3 ; use constant SIZE => 4 ; use constant COMPRESS => 5 ; use constant LIB_STRIP => 6 ; use constant BIN_STRIP => 7 ; use constant OBJCOPY_BOOL => 8 ; use constant ABS_DEVICE => 9 ; use constant ABS_OPT_DEVICE => 10 ; use constant ABS_APPEND => 11 ; # The Selection values are used for button_fileselect_advanced # since it shares fileselect and file_ok_sel with button. # # ABS: 12=Root_Device_Selection 13=UML_Kernel_Selection # UML BOX: 14=Root_Fs_Selection # use constant MOD_STRIP => 15 ; # # ABS: 16=System.map_Selection my @original_container; my $file_dialog; my $mtab; # $old_mount is used for a little swapping magic when a normal user # is using genext2fs and lilo. my ($tmp, $mnt, $old_mount); my $norm_root_device; my ($hbox_advanced); my $separator_advanced; my @entry_advanced; my ($ea1,$ea2,$ea3,$ea4,$ea5,$ea6); # entry advanced boot my ($ear1,$ear2,$ear2_save,$ear3,$ear4); # entry advanced root my ($eab1,$eab2,$eab3,$eab4); # entry advanced uml my ($mtd_radio, $mtd_fs_type, $mtd_fs_type_combo, @fs_types, $mtd_radio_mtdram, $mtd_radio_blkmtd, $mtd_check, $mtd_size, $mtd_total_size); # mtd uml box my $uml_window; my $table_advanced; my $table_advanced_root; my ($spinner_advanced,$spinner_size); my $button_count = 0; my $button_count_root = 0; my $obj_count = 0; my $obj_count_root = 0; my ($lib_strip_check,$bin_strip_check,$mod_strip_check); my ($bz2_toggle,$gz_toggle); my ($bz2_toggle_root,$gz_toggle_root,$compression_off); #my ($main::combo); made this totally global my ($adj2,$adj3); my @strings; ####### ####### # Since the restructuring ####### my $tooltips; my $vbox_advanced; my $vbox_advanced_root; my $entry3; my $box1; my $entry5; my $pbar; my $rbutton; my $verbosefn; my $umid; # Value set by kernel_modules my $kernel_version; # $entry_advanced[3] is the Root Device # $filesystem_size and root_device_size are important globals for ARS, # there weren't put into entry_advanced because they are spin buttons. # $entry_advanced[4] is the Root Filename # my ($filesystem_size, $root_device_size); # # Carrries ARS values to other modules via ars(), another program just has to # export ars and it can capture these values my $ars = {}; # anonymous hash # My own creation - the roots touch the ground if three lines are added. my @xpm_data = ( "32 45 3 1", " c None", ". c SaddleBrown", "X c black", " ... ... ", " ... ... ", " ... ... ", " ... ... ", " ... ... ", " ... ... ", " ... ... ", " ... ... ", " ... ... ", " ... .. ", " ... ... ", " ... ... ", " .... ... ", " .... ... ", " .... ... ", " .... ............. ", " ..... ............. ", " ...... ............. ", " ....... ...", "......... ..", "................................", "................................", "............................... ", "......... XXXXX ............ ", "........ XXX .......... ", "........ XXX ........ ", " XXXXXX ", " XXX XXX X XX XX ", " X XXXXX X X X ", " XX XXX X XX ", " X XX X X ", " X XX X XX X ", " XX XX X XXXXX ", " X XXXX XXX XXXXX X ", " XX XX XX X XX ", " X X X X X ", " X XX X XX X ", " X XX XX X ", " X XX XXXXXXX XXX ", " XX XX XXX ", " XX XX XXXX XX XX ", " XX XXX X XXXXXXX X ", " X XXX X XX ", " XX XXXXXXX XXX ", " X XX X ", " X X " ); sub start { if ( ($> != 0 && -e "/usr/lib/bootroot/genext2fs") || ($> != 0 && ( $option{gui_mode} || $option{template}) ) || ($> != 0 && ( $option{help} || $option{h} ) ) ) { $main::makefs = "genext2fs -z -r0"; # -i8192 not a good idea } $SIG{INT} = \&signal; $SIG{ABRT} = \&signal; $SIG{TERM} = \&signal; $SIG{QUIT} = \&signal; $SIG{KILL} = \&signal; (undef,$container[KERNEL],$container[ABS_APPEND]) = gdkbirdaao(); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year) = (localtime)[0,1,2,3,4,5]; my $time = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d-%02d-%02d-%04d", $hour, $min, $sec, $month+1, $day, $year+1900); # Here's where stuff gets intersting, non-root users can create root_fs, # which is great for UML, and a boot disk. # The Administrator just needs to add a line like the one below to the # fstab for each non-root user who wants to be able to create root_fs. # In this example, `id -u` has to be the actual effective numeric user # id, and the root_fs has to always be named root_fs when it is being # made, but it can be renamed afterwards. # # /tmp/gboot_non_root_`id -u`/root_fs \ # /tmp/gboot_non_root_`id -u`/loopback \ # auto defaults,noauto,user,loop 0 0 # # For the boot/root disks the administrator will have to give the user # special su privileges (mknod) to make special devices. The $sudo # variable can be set to sudo or super, fakeroot won't work. # These include: /dev/{console,null,ram0,ram1,tty0} # These two lines need to be added to create the boot_fs and the boot/root # disk. In this example the user is locked into using one type of device # for the boot/root # # /tmp/gboot_non_root_`id -u`/initrd_image \ # /tmp/gboot_non_root_'id -u1`/initrd_mnt \ # auto defaults,noauto,user,loop 0 0 # # # For genext2fs this is the only line required, this is so that lilo can # run. # # /dev/fd0 /tmp/gboot_not_root_mnt_`id -u` auto defaults,noauto,user 0 0 # We call root, non-root, too, that's an in-joke. Root should stay # out the picture anyways. my $user = $>; if (!-d "$tmp1/gboot_non_root_$user") { $tmp = "$tmp1/gboot_non_root_$user" if err_custom_perl( "mkdir $tmp1/gboot_non_root_$user", "gBootRoot: ERROR: Could not make temporary directory") != 2; } $tmp = "$tmp1/gboot_non_root_$user"; if (!-d "$tmp1/gboot_non_root_mnt_$user") { $mnt = "$tmp1/gboot_non_root_mnt_$user" if err_custom_perl( "mkdir $tmp1/gboot_non_root_mnt_$user", "gBootRoot: ERROR: Could not make mount directory") != 2; } $mnt = "$tmp1/gboot_non_root_mnt_$user"; # Verbosity is universal for all methods, and controlled by a scale slider. # Yard # 0 --> only the important messages. # 1 --> all messages. my $verbosity = 1; # info & sys use this as Global ## One hard copy log file is saved for the session, and the user can also ## save from the verbosity box including saving a selection. $verbosefn = "$tmp/verbose"; # All verbosity #my $verbosefn = "/tmp/verbose"; # Yard - always logged, but 0&1 = STDOUT if ( !%option || $option{gui_mode} ) { if ( !$::commandline ) { # Need this before everything. Gtk::Rc->parse("/etc/gbootroot/gbootrootrc"); verbosity_box(); start_logging_output($verbosefn,$verbosity); # Yard "tmp dir name" # "verbosity level" } } #------------------------------- # USER DIRECTORIES # /tmp home_builder($tmp1); if ( $home_uml_kernel =~ /user-mode-linux/ && $option{home} ) { if (!-e "$home_uml_kernel/.options") { open(OPTIONS,">$home_uml_kernel/.options") or die "Couldn't write $home_uml_kernel/.options at $?\n"; # I removed mem=16M to make sure the optimal mem size was being # chosen for the MTD Emulator # in case the user didn't know any better. print OPTIONS "umid=bootroot root=/dev/ubd0\n"; close(OPTIONS); } } if ( !( $option{help} || $option{h} ) && $home_uml_kernel !~ /user-mode-linux/ && !$option{home} ) { # $HOME/.gbootroot/root_filesystem home_builder($home_rootfs); # $HOME/.gbootroot/uml_kernel home_builder($home_uml_kernel); symlink_builder("/usr/bin/linuxbr","$home_uml_kernel/linuxbr"); if (!-e "$home_uml_kernel/.options") { open(OPTIONS,">$home_uml_kernel/.options") or die "Couldn't write $home_uml_kernel/.options at $?\n"; # I removed mem=16M to make sure the optimal mem size was being # chosen for the MTD Emulator # in case the user didn't know any better. print OPTIONS "umid=bootroot root=/dev/ubd0\n"; close(OPTIONS); } # $HOME/.gbootroot/yard/templates home_builder($template_dir); if ( -d $global_yard_templates ) { opendir(DIR,$global_yard_templates) if -d $template_dir; # I decided this may be too restrictive, besides, everything # is kept in its own directory. #my @templates = grep { m,\.yard$, } readdir(DIR); my @templates = grep { m,^\w+, } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach ( @templates ) { if (!-e "$template_dir/$_" && !-l "$template_dir/$_") { symlink_builder("$global_yard_templates/$_","$template_dir/$_"); } } } # Arch indep replacements repository # $HOME/.gbootroot/yard/Replacements home_builder($home_yard_replacements); if ( -d $global_yard_replacements_arch_indep ) { if (-d $home_yard_replacements) { find sub { ( my $replacement = $File::Find::name ) =~ s/$global_yard_replacements_arch_indep\///; if (!-e "$home_yard_replacements/$replacement") { #system "cp -a $File::Find::name $home_yard_replacements/$replacement > /dev/null 2>&1"; system "mkdir $home_yard_replacements/$replacement > /dev/null 2>&1" if -d $File::Find::name; symlink_builder( $File::Find::name,"$home_yard_replacements/$replacement") if !-d $File::Find::name; } }, $global_yard_replacements_arch_indep; } } # Arch dep replacements repository if ( -d $global_yard_replacements_arch_dep ) { if (-d $home_yard_replacements) { find sub { ( my $replacement = $File::Find::name ) =~ s/$global_yard_replacements_arch_dep\///; if (!-e "$home_yard_replacements/$replacement") { #system "cp -a $File::Find::name $home_yard_replacements/$replacement > /dev/null 2>&1"; system "mkdir $home_yard_replacements/$replacement > /dev/null 2>&1" if -d $File::Find::name; symlink_builder( $File::Find::name,"$home_yard_replacements/$replacement") if !-d $File::Find::name; } }, $global_yard_replacements_arch_dep; } } } # !%options #------------------------------- if ( !%option || $option{gui_mode} ) { if ( !$::commandline ) { # Gtk::check_version expects different arguments than .7004 so will have # to check for the version instead. # Right now >= 0.7002 is o.k. #if (Gtk::check_version(undef,"1","0","7") =~ /too old/) { if (Gtk->major_version < 1) { et(); } elsif (Gtk->micro_version < 7) { et(); } elsif (Gtk->minor_version < 2) { et(); } } } my $window; if ( !%option || $option{gui_mode} ) { if ( !$::commandline ) { $window = Gtk::Window->new("toplevel"); # special policy $window->set_policy( $false, $true, $true ); $window->set_title("gBootRoot"); $window->set_position('none'); $window->signal_connect("destroy", sub { unlink "$verbosefn", "$tmp/initrd_image.gz"; rmdir "$tmp/initrd_mnt"; rmdir "$tmp"; rmdir "$mnt"; Gtk->exit(0); }); $window->border_width(1); $window->realize; # Do the iconizing thing # "xpm/circles.xpm" can be @pixmap within file if not create_from_xpm. my ($circles,$mask) = Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap->create_from_xpm_d($window->window, $window->style->white, @xpm_data); $window->window->set_icon(undef, $circles, $mask); $window->window->set_icon_name("gBootRoot"); # Zas - bug in gtk-perl < .7002 $window->window->set_decorations(['all', 'menu']); $window->window->set_functions(['all', 'resize']); $tooltips = Gtk::Tooltips->new(); $box1 = Gtk::VBox->new($false,0); $window->add($box1); $box1->show(); # First row hbox(); my $entry = entry($false,0); # Menu - later this may be improved if new methods are added. my $opt = Gtk::OptionMenu->new(); $tooltips->set_tip( $opt, "Choose the Boot method.", "" ); my $menu = Gtk::Menu->new(); my $item = Gtk::MenuItem->new("2 disk compression" ); $item->show(); # Eventually get_menu, or something totally different will be used. $item->signal_connect( 'activate', sub { $entry->set_text("2 disk compression"); $container[METHOD] = "2 disk compression"; two_disk_compression_check(); kernel_modules(); }); $menu->append( $item ); $opt->set_menu( $menu ); $box2->pack_start( $opt, $true, $true, 0 ); $opt->show(); $box2->show(); # Second row # Get to look three places for kernel value # default ( null|gdkkbirdaao) && entry() && fileselect->file_ok_sel hbox(); my $entry2 = entry($true,1); $entry2->set_text($container[KERNEL]); if ($container[KERNEL]) { $ars->{kernel} = $container[KERNEL]; ars($ars); ars2($ars); } button("Kernel Selection",$entry2,"Kernel Selection",1); # Third row hbox(); $entry3 = entry($true,2); button("Root Filesystem",$entry3,"Root Filesystem",2,$home_rootfs); # In the future, if experimenters send in data, there will be two # different devices. # Fourth row hbox(); my $entry4 = entry($true,3); $container[BOOT_DEVICE] = "/dev/fd0"; $entry4->set_text($container[BOOT_DEVICE]); button("Device Selection",$entry4,"Device Selection",3,"/dev/fd0"); # Fifth row hbox("what"); my $adj = Gtk::Adjustment->new( 1440.0, 0.0, 360000000.0, 282.0, 360.0, 0.0 ); my $spinner = Gtk::SpinButton->new( $adj, 0, 0 ); $tooltips->set_tip( $spinner, "Choose the Device Size.\n" . "Hint: Many 1440 floppy drives support 1722.\n", "" ); $spinner->set_wrap( $true ); $spinner->set_numeric( $true ); $spinner->set_shadow_type( 'in' ); $spinner->show(); $container[SIZE] = 1440; # A better value - a rtbt trick. $adj->signal_connect( "value_changed", sub { $container[SIZE] = $spinner->get_value_as_int(); $adj2->set_value($container[SIZE]) if defined $adj2;}); $box2->pack_start( $spinner, $true, $true, 0 ); #label("Device Size"); # gz and bz2 radio buttons $rbutton = Gtk::RadioButton->new( "gz" ); $tooltips->set_tip( $rbutton, "Choose Compression used on the Filesystem.", "" ); $gz_toggle = $rbutton; $rbutton->set_active( $true ); $box2->pack_start( $rbutton, $false, $false, 0 ); $rbutton->show(); $rbutton = Gtk::RadioButton->new( "bz2", $rbutton ); $rbutton->set_usize(1,1); $tooltips->set_tip( $rbutton, "Choose Compression used on the Filesystem.", "" ); $bz2_toggle = $rbutton; $box2->pack_start( $rbutton, $true, $true, 0); $rbutton->show(); # Verbosity adjustment my $adj1 = Gtk::Adjustment->new( 2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); my $verbosity_scale = Gtk::HScale->new($adj1); $verbosity_scale->set_value_pos("right"); $verbosity_scale->set_digits(0); $tooltips->set_tip( $verbosity_scale, "Adjust the Verbosity Level.", "" ); $verbosity_scale->show(); # Verbosity Box can be turned on/off here $adj1->signal_connect( "value_changed", sub { $verbosity = $verbosity_scale->get_adjustment->value - 1; verbosity($verbosity); if ($verbosity == -1) { if ($verbosity_window) { destroy $verbosity_window if visible $verbosity_window; } } elsif (!$verbosity_window) { close(LOGFILE); verbosity_box(); start_logging_output($verbosefn,$verbosity); } } ); $box2->pack_start( $verbosity_scale, $false, $false, 0); #start_logging_output($yard_temp,$verbosity); # Size status entry $entry5 = Gtk::Entry->new(); $entry5->set_editable( $false ); $tooltips->set_tip( $entry5, "This shows room remaining on the Device.", "" ); $entry5->set_usize(20,20); $box2->pack_start( $entry5, $true, $true, 0 ); $entry5->show(); my $button_advanced; ########################### # The ADVANCED BOOT SECTION ########################### # Separator $separator = Gtk::HSeparator->new(); $box1->pack_start( $separator, $false, $true, 0 ); $separator->show(); # This is cool how this works. $vbox_advanced = Gtk::VBox->new($false,0); $box1->add($vbox_advanced); $vbox_advanced->show(); # The Advanced Boot Section button hbox_advanced($vbox_advanced); $button_advanced = Gtk::Button->new("Advanced Boot Section"); $tooltips->set_tip( $button_advanced, "Change settings for the Boot Disk Image.", "" ); $button_advanced->signal_connect("clicked",\&advanced_boot_section ); $hbox_advanced->pack_start( $button_advanced, $true, $true, 0 ); $button_advanced->show(); ########################### # The ADVANCED ROOT SECTION ########################### $vbox_advanced_root = Gtk::VBox->new($false,0); $box1->add($vbox_advanced_root); $vbox_advanced_root->show(); hbox_advanced($vbox_advanced_root); $button_advanced = Gtk::Button->new("Advanced Root Section"); $tooltips->set_tip( $button_advanced, "Generate a Root Filesystem and/or use a different Root Device.", "" ); $button_advanced->signal_connect("clicked",\&advanced_root_section ); $hbox_advanced->pack_start( $button_advanced, $true, $true, 0 ); $button_advanced->show(); ########################### ############################# # The ADVANCED KERNEL SECTION ############################# my $vbox_advanced_kernel = Gtk::VBox->new($false,0); $box1->add($vbox_advanced_kernel); $vbox_advanced_kernel->show(); hbox_advanced($vbox_advanced_kernel); $button_advanced = Gtk::Button->new("Advanced Kernel Section"); $tooltips->set_tip( $button_advanced, "Retrieve/Make Kernel Sources.", "" ); #$button_advanced->signal_connect("clicked",\&advanced_root_section ); $hbox_advanced->pack_start( $button_advanced, $true, $true, 0 ); $button_advanced->show(); ############################# # Separator $separator = Gtk::HSeparator->new(); $box1->pack_start( $separator, $false, $true, 0 ); $separator->show(); # Status bar my $align = Gtk::Alignment->new( 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0 ); $box1->pack_start( $align, $false, $false, 5); $align->show(); $pbar = Gtk::ProgressBar->new(); $pbar->set_usize(321,10); # 321 10 $align->add($pbar); $pbar->show(); # Separator $separator = Gtk::HSeparator->new(); $box1->pack_start( $separator, $false, $true, 0 ); $separator->show(); # Submit button hbox(); my $sbutton = Gtk::Button->new("Submit"); $sbutton->signal_connect( "clicked", \&submit); $tooltips->set_tip( $sbutton, "Generate the Boot/Root set.", "" ); $sbutton->show(); $box2->pack_start( $sbutton, $true, $true, 0 ); $box2->show(); # Close button my $cbutton = Gtk::Button->new("Close"); $cbutton->signal_connect("clicked", sub { unlink "$verbosefn", "$tmp/initrd_image", "$tmp/initrd_image.gz"; system "umount $tmp/initrd_mnt > /dev/null 2>&1"; rmdir "$tmp/initrd_mnt"; rmdir "$tmp"; rmdir "$mnt"; Gtk->exit(0); }); $tooltips->set_tip( $cbutton, "Exit gBootRoot.", "" ); $cbutton->show(); $box2->pack_start( $cbutton, $true, $true, 0 ); $box2->show(); # Help button my $hbutton = Gtk::Button->new("Help"); $hbutton->signal_connect( "clicked", sub { create_text("help") }); $tooltips->set_tip( $hbutton, "Help about gBootRoot.", "" ); $hbutton->show(); $box2->pack_start( $hbutton, $true, $true, 0 ); $box2->show(); $window->show(); } } # Here we put the logic if the program is going to be run from the commandline. # The logic is linear and the only feature planned to be included from the # commandline is root_fs prototyping via the yard method. This logic could # easily have been run from somewhere else, but for convenience it is here # for now. # # here we avoid Generate() -> yard() -> yard_box() to avoid the GUI else { # VARIABLES # # @entry_advanced # UD or Default 4 = Root Filename # UD or Default 5 = UML Kernel # UD or Default 6 = Method -> my $method = $entry_advanced[6]; # UD 7 = Template # UD or Default $filesystem_size; # UD or Default fs_type & $uml_exclusively & preserve_ownership # ?# 11 = Kernel Modules .. from the Boot Method # UD or Default 12 = Kernel Version .. from the Boot Method ($RELASE) # Default $ars->{tmp} = $tmp; # Default $ars->{mnt} = $mnt; # Default $ars->{template_dir} = $template_dir; #static right now. # ars($ars); # see prev. my $template = $ars->{template}; # my $root_filename = $ars->{filename}; # DON'T forget variables for Filesystem Box. fs_type & uml_exclusively & # preserve_ownership # sub ars2 { $ars = $_[0]; # $kernel = $ars->{kernel}; # $kernel_version_choice = $ars->{kernel_version_choice}; # $uml_exclusively = $ars->{uml_exclusively}; # $preserve_ownership = $ars->{preserve_ownership}; # } # Commands will either be genext2fs -z -r0 or helper_fs .. root is allowable # like normal # For package making: # Will always be genxt2fs (made first) for making the first helper fs .. # then this helper fs will be used to make the one with cramfs .. although # this could have been done with cramfs itself .. this avoids root automation # and is a cool demonstration and testing mechanism. # STAGE LOGIC - skip space_left and test # Stages all have my $error return if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; # kernel_version_check() -- automatically # # check() read_contents_file( "$template_dir$template", $tmp, # $filesystem_size, \%uml_expect ); # # links_deps() extra_links($changed_text, \%nss_pam); hard_links # library_dependencies # # create() - term depends on whether root or normal user (really copy) # $lib_bool = "" if $lib_bool eq 0; # $bin_bool = "" if $bin_bool eq 0; # $mod_bool = "" if $mod_bool eq 0; # # my $error = create_filesystem($filename,$filesystem_size,$tmp,$lib_bool, # $bin_bool,$mod_bool,$strip_bool, \%uml_expect); # return if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; # # create_uml() create_expect_uml($filesystem_size, $tmp, $filename); # # something like this does the trick: ./gbootroot --home . --template Example-Mini.yard --uml-exclusively on --expect-program ./expect_uml --uml-kernel user-mode-linux/usr/bin/linux --root-fs-helper root_filesystem/root_fs_helper ######################################################## # What to do if somebody specifies help if ( $option{help} || $option{h} ) { print "Usage: gbootroot [OPTION]...\n"; print " --help -h help\n"; print " --template=name required option - template " . "in default template dir\n"; print " $template_dir" . "[name]\n\n"; print " (defaults)\n"; print " --method=name yard\n"; print " --root-filename=name root_fs\n"; print " --filesystem-size=size 8192\n"; print " --filesystem-command=c \"$::makefs\"\n"; print " --uml-exclusively=on|off off\n"; print " --uml-kernel=path $ENV{HOME}/.gbootroot/" . "uml_kernel/linuxbr\n"; print " --uml-options=\"list\" \"\"\n"; print " --preserve-ownership=y|n n\n"; print " --genext2fs-dir=dir /usr/lib/bootroot/\n"; print " --expect-program=path /usr/lib/bootroot/expect_uml\n"; print " --root-fs-helper=path /usr/lib/bootroot/root_filesystem/root_fs_helper\n"; print " --home=dir gui mode = without other options\n"; print " cl mode = with other options\n"; print " min: --template\n\n"; print " (system kernel options)\n"; print " --kernel=path specify different system kernel\n"; print " --kernel-version=version specify alternative version\n\n"; print " (print options)\n"; print " --no-stdout don't print to console\n\n"; print "filesytem-commands supported by root_fs_helper:\n"; print "mke2fs mkcramfs genromfs mkfs.minix mkminix mkreiserfs " . "mkfs.jffs mkfs.jffs2\n"; print "\nReport bugs to \n"; exit; } # Let's read in the ARGV die "specify a template found in $template_dir\nuse --template\n" if !$option{template}; start_logging_output($verbosefn,$verbosity); # Yard "tmp dir name" $ars->{kernel} = $option{kernel}; ars2($ars); $ars->{kernel_version_choice} = $option{"kernel-version"}; ars2($ars); my $template = $option{template}; $option{"filesystem-size"} ? ($filesystem_size = $option{"filesystem-size"}) : ($filesystem_size = 8192); my $uml_exclusively = 0; # assume genext2fs if ( $option{"uml-exclusively"} ) { $option{"uml-exclusively"} eq "on" ? ($uml_exclusively = 1) : ($uml_exclusively = 0); } my $preserve_ownership = 0; # assume no if ( $option{"preserve-ownership"} ) { $option{"preserve-ownership"} eq "y" ? ($preserve_ownership = 1) : ($preserve_ownership = 0); } $ars->{uml_exclusively} = $uml_exclusively; ars2($ars); #not used in function below $ars->{preserve_ownership} = $preserve_ownership; ars2($ars); # links_deps() # Good defaults my %nss_pam = ( 60 => { conf_nss => 1, }, 61 => { conf_pam => 1, }, ); # create() my $lib_bool = 1; my $bin_bool = 1; my $mod_bool = 1; my $strip_bool = 1; my $filename; $option{"root-filename"} ? ($filename = $option{"root-filename"}) : ($filename = "root_fs"); # The filesystem-type $::makefs = $option{"filesystem-command"} if $option{"filesystem-command"}; # The Action - yard is the default method my $method; $option{method} ? ($method = $option{method}) : ($method = "yard"); if ( $method eq "yard" ) { my $error = read_contents_file( "$template_dir$template", $tmp, $filesystem_size); return if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; $error = extra_links("$template_dir$template", \%nss_pam); return if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; $error = hard_links(); return if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; $error = library_dependencies("$template_dir$template"); return if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; $error = create_filesystem($filename,$filesystem_size,$tmp,$lib_bool, $bin_bool,$mod_bool,$strip_bool); return if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; # create_uml() create_expect_uml($filesystem_size, $tmp, $filename); } ###################################################### } # end if !$::commandline || $option{gui_mode} } # end start #---------------------------- sub et { error_window("gBootRoot is presently being developed with gtk-perl" . " version $gtk_perl_version.\nYou are using a" . " version of gtk-perl < $gtk_perl_version." . " You may still be able\n" . " to use this program, but you may encounter problems." . " See the FAQ\nfor places to get a newer gtk-perl version." . " \n\nThe most common error reported:\n\"Can't locate" . " object method\""); #,"center"); print "Using a version of gtk-perl < $gtk_perl_version\n"; } # Basically so different users get the same things in # their personal directories. sub symlink_builder { my ($oldfile,$newfile) = @_; if (!-e $newfile && !-l $newfile) { my $error; symlink($oldfile,$newfile) or ($error = error("Can not make symlink to $oldfile from $newfile.\n")); } } sub home_builder { my ($home_builder) = @_; if (!-d $home_builder) { if (-e $home_builder) { error_window( "gBootRoot: ERROR: A file exists where $home_builder should be"); } else { my @directory_parts = split(m,/,,$home_builder); my $placement = "/"; for (1 .. $#directory_parts) { $_ == 1 ? ($placement = "/$directory_parts[$_]") : ($placement = $placement . "/" . $directory_parts[$_]); -d $placement or err_custom_perl( "mkdir $placement","gBootRoot: ERROR: Could not make $home_builder"); } } } } # end home_builder # This works on GNU/Linux sub signal { unlink "$verbosefn", "$tmp/initrd_image.gz"; system "umount $tmp/initrd_mnt > /dev/null 2>&1"; rmdir "$tmp/initrd_mnt"; rmdir "$tmp"; rmdir "$mnt"; $SIG{INT} = \&signal; $SIG{ABRT} = \&signal; $SIG{TERM} = \&signal; $SIG{QUIT} = \&signal; $SIG{KILL} = \&signal; Gtk->exit(0); } sub hbox_advanced { $hbox_advanced = Gtk::HBox->new(1,1 ); $hbox_advanced->border_width( 2 ); # was 10 $hbox_advanced->set_usize(321, 20); $_[0]->pack_start( $hbox_advanced, $false, $false, 0 ); show $hbox_advanced; } sub objcopy_right_click_advanced { my ( @data ) = @_; my $event = pop( @data ); if ( ( defined( $event->{'type'} ) ) and ( $event->{'type'} eq 'button_press' ) ) { if ( $event->{'button'} == 3 ) { if (defined $lib_strip_check) { if ($obj_count == 0) { $tooltips->set_tip( $lib_strip_check, "This is generally a good idea." . " Press the right mouse button to" . " change from [objcopy --strip-all]" . " to [objcopy --strip-debug].", "" ); $obj_count++; } else { $tooltips->set_tip( $lib_strip_check, "This is generally a good idea." . " Press the right mouse button to" . " change from [objcopy --strip-debug]". " to [objcopy --strip-all].", "" ); $obj_count--; } } } } } # end obj_right_click_advanced sub advanced_boot_section { if ($button_count == 0) { #$vbox_advanced->set_usize(321,300); my $boolean; # The table section $table_advanced = Gtk::Table->new( 7, 3, $true ); $vbox_advanced->pack_start( $table_advanced, $true, $true, 0 ); $table_advanced->show(); #_______________________________________ # lib_strip_check #label_advanced("Stripping:",0,1,0,1,$table_advanced); !defined $lib_strip_check ? ($boolean = 1) : ($boolean = $lib_strip_check->get_active()); $lib_strip_check = Gtk::CheckButton->new("Libraries"); $lib_strip_check->set_active($boolean); $lib_strip_check->signal_connect( "button_press_event", \&objcopy_right_click_advanced); $tooltips->set_tip( $lib_strip_check, "This is generally a good idea. Press the" . " right mouse button to change from" . " [objcopy --strip-debug] to" . " [objcopy --strip-all].", "" ); $table_advanced->attach($lib_strip_check,0,1,0,1, ['expand'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); show $lib_strip_check; # bin_strip_check !defined $bin_strip_check ? ($boolean = 1) : ($boolean = $bin_strip_check->get_active()); $bin_strip_check = Gtk::CheckButton->new("Binaries"); $bin_strip_check->set_active($boolean); $tooltips->set_tip( $bin_strip_check, "This is generally a good idea." . " [objcopy --strip-all]", "" ); $table_advanced->attach($bin_strip_check,1,2,0,1, ['expand'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); show $bin_strip_check; # mod_strip_check !defined $mod_strip_check ? ($boolean = 1) : ($boolean = $mod_strip_check->get_active()); $mod_strip_check = Gtk::CheckButton->new("Modules"); $mod_strip_check->set_active($boolean); $tooltips->set_tip( $mod_strip_check, "This is generally a good idea." . " [objcopy --strip-debug]", "" ); $table_advanced->attach($mod_strip_check,2,3,0,1, ['expand'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); show $mod_strip_check; #_______________________________________ # Development Drive label_advanced("Devel Device:",0,1,1,2,$table_advanced); $ea1 = entry_advanced(1,2,1,2,0,$table_advanced); $tooltips->set_tip( $ea1, "If the device used for development" . " is different than the actual boot" . " device, use this field" . " to indicate that device." . " You will have to run" . " lilo -v -C brlilo.conf -r" . " \"device mount point\" manually at a" . " later time on the actual" . " boot device.", "" ); $ea1->set_text($container[BOOT_DEVICE]) if defined $container[BOOT_DEVICE]; #_______________________________________ # Optional Device(s) label_advanced("Opt. Device(s)",0,1,2,3,$table_advanced); $ea2 = entry_advanced(1,3,2,3,1,$table_advanced); $tooltips->set_tip( $ea2, "Add devices to the boot disk which are" . " necessary for the kernel to function" . " properly. Put a space between each" . " device. For instance, /dev/fb0 for" . " frame buffer devices.", ""); $ea2->set_text($entry_advanced[1]) if defined $entry_advanced[1]; #_______________________________________ # Kernel Module(s) label_advanced("Kernel Module(s)",0,1,4,5,$table_advanced); $ea3 = entry_advanced(1,3,4,5,11,$table_advanced); $tooltips->set_tip( $ea3, "Add the modules found in" . " /lib/modules/kernel-version which are" . " necessary for the Boot Method to work" . " properly. Kmod inserts the modules," . " and kmod needs to be built into the" . " kernel along with initrd and ramdisk." , ""); $ea3->set_text($entry_advanced[11]) if defined $entry_advanced[11]; #_______________________________________ # Append Options label_advanced("append =",0,1,3,4,$table_advanced); $ea4 = entry_advanced(1,3,3,4,2,$table_advanced); my $append; (undef,undef,$append) = gdkbirdaao(); $tooltips->set_tip( $ea4, "Add append options to brlilo.conf.", ""); # this will only show append if real if (!defined $entry_advanced[2]) { $ea4->set_text($append) if $append; } else { $ea4->set_text($entry_advanced[2]) if $entry_advanced[2]; } #_______________________________________ # Kernel Version label_advanced("Kernel Version:",0,1,5,6,$table_advanced); $ea5 = entry_advanced(1,2,5,6,12,$table_advanced); $tooltips->set_tip( $ea5, "Override the kernel version number found" . " in the kernel header. This will change" . " the /lib/modules/kernel-version directory", ""); $ea5->set_text($entry_advanced[12]) if defined $entry_advanced[12]; #_______________________________________ # System.map label_advanced("System.map:",0,1,6,7,$table_advanced); $ea6 = entry_advanced(1,2,6,7,13,$table_advanced); $tooltips->set_tip( $ea6, "When a non-running kernel is chosen it is " . " important to include a copy of that" . " kernel's System.map file so that depmod" . " can use the correct set of kernel symbols" . " to resolve kernel references in each" . " module. This can be found in the" . " kernel's source code after compilation.", ""); $ea6->set_text($entry_advanced[13]) if defined $entry_advanced[13]; button_fileselect_advanced(2,3,6,7,"Selection",$ea6,"Selection",16, $table_advanced,"/lib/modules/"); $button_count++; } else { destroy $table_advanced; $button_count--; } } # end sub advanced_boot_section sub advanced_root_section { if ($button_count_root == 0) { my $boolean; $table_advanced_root = Gtk::Table->new( 9, 3, $true ); # temp solution? #$table_advanced_root->set_row_spacings( 3 ); $vbox_advanced_root->pack_start( $table_advanced_root, $true, $true, 0 ); #_______________________________________ # Root Device selection # $::device $device already exist label_advanced("Root Device:",0,1,0,1,$table_advanced_root); # $_[4] shares with advanced_boot_sections @entry_advanced $ear1 = entry_advanced(1,2,0,1,3,$table_advanced_root); if ($entry_advanced[3]) { $ear1->set_text($entry_advanced[3]); } else { $ear1->set_text($container[BOOT_DEVICE]); } $tooltips->set_tip( $ear1, "Type in the location of the Root Device to use.", "" ); # $order is important because it is put in $container[$order] button_fileselect_advanced(2,3,0,1,"Selection",$ear1,"Selection",12, $table_advanced_root,"/dev/fd0"); #_______________________________________ # Root Device Size # gBootRoot methods label_advanced("Root Device Size:",0,1,1,2,$table_advanced_root); $adj2 = Gtk::Adjustment->new( 1440.0, 0.0, 360000000.0, 282.0, 360.0, 0.0 ); $spinner_advanced = Gtk::SpinButton->new( $adj2, 0, 0 ); $table_advanced_root->attach($spinner_advanced,1,2,1,2, ['shrink','fill','expand'],['fill','shrink'], 0,0); $tooltips->set_tip( $spinner_advanced, "Choose the Root Device Size.", "" ); $spinner_advanced->set_wrap( $true ); $spinner_advanced->set_numeric( $true ); $spinner_advanced->set_shadow_type( 'in' ); $spinner_advanced->show(); $root_device_size = 1440 if !$root_device_size; $adj2->signal_connect( "value_changed", sub { $root_device_size = $spinner_advanced->get_value_as_int();}); # For some reason $container[SIZE] is tranforming into [3] when # device selection is changed. & in ABS devel device doesn't keep # state. if ($root_device_size) { $spinner_advanced->set_value($root_device_size); } else { $adj2->set_value($container[SIZE]) if defined $adj2; } #_______________________________________ # Root File Name # gBootRoot methods label_advanced("Root Filename:",0,1,2,3,$table_advanced_root); $ear2 = entry_advanced(1,2,2,3,4,$table_advanced_root); $ear2->set_text("root_fs") if !$entry_advanced[4]; $ars->{filename} = "root_fs" if !$entry_advanced[4]; $ear2->set_text($entry_advanced[4]) if $entry_advanced[4]; root_filename($ear2); $ars->{filename} = $entry_advanced[4] if $entry_advanced[4]; ars($ars); $tooltips->set_tip( $ear2, "Give the Root Filesystem file a name.", "" ); !defined $ear2_save ? ($boolean = 1) : ($boolean = $ear2_save->get_active()); $ear2_save = Gtk::CheckButton->new("save"); $ear2_save->set_active($boolean); # "Save Root File. Press right button to change" . # " the Directory the file is saved in.", $tooltips->set_tip( $ear2_save, "Saves the Root Filesystem in your" . " $ENV{HOME}/.gbootroot/root_filesystem" . " directory.", "" ); $table_advanced_root->attach($ear2_save,2,3,2,3, ['expand'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); show $ear2_save; #_______________________________________ # Filesystem Size # $::fs_device label_advanced("Filesystem Size:",0,1,3,4,$table_advanced_root); $adj3 = Gtk::Adjustment->new( 4096.0, 0.0, 1000000000.0, 128.0, 1024.0, 0.0 ); $spinner_size = Gtk::SpinButton->new( $adj3, 0, 0 ); $table_advanced_root->attach($spinner_size,1,2,3,4, ['shrink','fill','expand'],['fill','shrink'], 0,0); $tooltips->set_tip( $spinner_size, "Choose the Filesystem Size.", "" ); $spinner_size->set_wrap( $true ); $spinner_size->set_numeric( $true ); $spinner_size->set_shadow_type( 'in' ); $spinner_size->show(); $filesystem_size = 4096 if !$filesystem_size; $ars->{filesystem_size} = $filesystem_size; ars($ars); filesystem_size(); $adj3->signal_connect( "value_changed", sub { $filesystem_size = $spinner_size->get_value_as_int(); $ars->{filesystem_size} = $filesystem_size; ars($ars); filesystem_size(); }); $spinner_size->set_value($filesystem_size) if $filesystem_size; my $filesystem_box_b = button_advanced(2,3,3,4,"Filesystem Box",$table_advanced_root); $filesystem_box_b->signal_connect("clicked",\&file_system); $tooltips->set_tip( $filesystem_box_b, "Open Filesystem Box.", "" ); #_______________________________________ # Compression # gBootRoot methods my $hbox_between = Gtk::HBox->new(0,1); $table_advanced_root->attach($hbox_between,0,3,4,5, ['fill'], ['fill','shrink'],15,0 ); $hbox_between->show; # label my $label_compression = Gtk::Label->new( "Compression:" ); $label_compression->set_justify( "right" ); $hbox_between->pack_start( $label_compression, $false, $false, 0 ); $label_compression->show(); # gz $rbutton = Gtk::RadioButton->new( "gz" ); $tooltips->set_tip( $rbutton, "Choose Compression used on the Filesystem.", "" ); $gz_toggle_root = $rbutton; $rbutton->set_active( $true ); $hbox_between->pack_start( $rbutton, $true, $false, 0 ); $rbutton->show(); # bz2 $rbutton = Gtk::RadioButton->new( "bz2", $rbutton ); $tooltips->set_tip( $rbutton, "Choose Compression used on the Filesystem.", "" ); $bz2_toggle_root = $rbutton; $hbox_between->pack_start( $rbutton, $true, $false, 0 ); $rbutton->show(); # compression off !defined $compression_off ? ($boolean = 1) : ($boolean = $compression_off->get_active()); $compression_off = Gtk::CheckButton->new( "off"); $tooltips->set_tip( $compression_off, "Turn Compression off.", "" ); $hbox_between->pack_start( $compression_off, $true, $false, 0 ); $compression_off->set_active($boolean); $compression_off->show(); #_______________________________________ # UML Kernel label_advanced("UML Kernel:",0,1,5,6,$table_advanced_root); # $_[4] shares with advanced_boot_sections @entry_advanced $ear3 = entry_advanced(1,2,5,6,5,$table_advanced_root); !$entry_advanced[5] ? $ear3->set_text("$home_uml_kernel" . "linuxbr") : $ear3->set_text($entry_advanced[5]); $tooltips->set_tip( $ear3, "If you have a User Mode Linux Kernel, type in" . " the Kernel's location," . " and any Kernel options desired afterwards.", "" ); button_fileselect_advanced(2,3,5,6,"Selection",$ear3,"Selection",13, $table_advanced_root, $home_uml_kernel); #_______________________________________ # Method label_advanced("Method:",0,1,6,7,$table_advanced_root); $ear4 = entry_advanced(1,2,6,7,6,$table_advanced_root); $ear4->set_editable($false); $tooltips->set_tip( $ear4, "Choose the Root Filesystem Generation Method.", "" ); my $opt_root = Gtk::OptionMenu->new(); $tooltips->set_tip( $opt_root, "Choose the Root Filesystem Generation Method.", "" ); my $menu_root = Gtk::Menu->new(); my $yard = Gtk::MenuItem->new("Yard" ); $menu_root->append( $yard ); $yard->signal_connect( 'activate', sub { $ear4->set_text("yard"); $entry_advanced[6] = $ear4->get_text(); opendir(DIR,$template_dir) if -d $template_dir; #@strings = grep { m,\.yard$, } readdir(DIR); @strings = grep { m,^\w+, } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); $main::combo->set_popdown_strings( @strings ) if @strings; } ); $ear4->set_text($entry_advanced[6]) if $entry_advanced[6]; if ($yard) { opendir(DIR,$template_dir) if -d $template_dir; #@strings = grep { m,\.yard$, } readdir(DIR) if $yard; @strings = grep { m,^\w+, } readdir(DIR) if $yard; closedir(DIR) } $yard->show(); $opt_root->set_menu( $menu_root ); $table_advanced_root->attach($opt_root,2,3,6,7, ['expand','fill'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); $opt_root->show(); #_______________________________________ # Template # $::contents_file label_advanced("Template:",0,1,7,8,$table_advanced_root); $main::combo = Gtk::Combo->new(); $main::combo->entry->set_text($entry_advanced[7]) if $entry_advanced[7]; #$button_count_root_open = 1 + $button_count_root_open; #print $button_count_root_open; #if ($button_count_root_open > 1) { # $main::combo->set_popdown_strings( @strings ) # if $entry_advanced[7] ne ""; #} $tooltips->set_tip( Gtk::Combo::entry($main::combo), "Choose a Template for the Method.", "" ); $entry_advanced[7] = $main::combo->entry->get_text(); # nothing selected $main::combo->entry->signal_connect("changed", sub { $entry_advanced[7] = $main::combo->entry->get_text(); $ars->{template} = $entry_advanced[7]; ars($ars); } ); $table_advanced_root->attach($main::combo,1,3,7,8, ['expand','fill'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); show $main::combo; #_______________________________________ # Generate - UML - Accept buttons $table_advanced_root->set_row_spacing( 7, 9); # The Generation process is determined by the method chosen. Yard - # asks the user if they want to modify the template, and/or save a # new template with modifications (to be added to Template menu). my $generate_b = button_advanced(0,1,8,9,"Generate",$table_advanced_root); $generate_b->signal_connect("clicked",\&Generate); $tooltips->set_tip( $generate_b, "Generate Root Filesystem.", "" ); my $UML_b = button_advanced(1,2,8,9,"UML",$table_advanced_root); $UML_b->signal_connect("clicked", \¨_box); $tooltips->set_tip( $UML_b, "Test Filesystem with User Mode Linux.", "" ); # UML kernel doesn't look like a normal kernel ##if (!-d $entry_advanced[5] && -f $entry_advanced[5]) { ##$k_error = kernel_version_check($entry_advanced[5]); ##return if $k_error && $k_error eq "ERROR";} ## else { ##error_window("Kernel Selection required"); ##return; } # Will check to make sure that Filesystem fits device. # Method determines whether or not compression is used. my $accept_b = button_advanced(2,3,8,9,"Accept",$table_advanced_root); $accept_b->signal_connect("clicked", \&accept_button, $ear2_save); $tooltips->set_tip( $accept_b, "Accept Filesystem.", "" ); $table_advanced_root->show(); $button_count_root++; } else { destroy $table_advanced_root; $button_count_root--; } } # end sub advanced_root_section sub uml_box { if (not defined $uml_window) { $uml_window = Gtk::Window->new("toplevel"); $uml_window->signal_connect("destroy", \&destroy_window, \$uml_window); $uml_window->signal_connect("delete_event", \&destroy_window, \$uml_window); ##$uml_window->set_usize( 500, 95 ); # 450 175 || 500 600 $uml_window->set_default_size( 525, 165 ); # 525 95 || 450 175 # 525 135 || 500 600 $uml_window->set_policy( $true, $true, $false ); $uml_window->set_title( "UML Box" ); $uml_window->border_width(1); my $main_vbox = Gtk::VBox->new( $false, 0 ); $uml_window->add( $main_vbox ); $main_vbox->show(); ##my $table_uml = Gtk::Table->new( 4, 3, $true ); my $table_uml = Gtk::Table->new( 5, 8, $false ); ##$main_vbox->pack_start( $table_uml, $true, $true, 0 ); $main_vbox->pack_start( $table_uml, $true, $false, 0 ); $table_uml->show(); #_______________________________________ # Xterm and execute options label_advanced("Xterm:",0,1,0,1,$table_uml); $eab1 = entry_advanced(1,2,0,1,8,$table_uml); # 1,2 $eab1->set_text($uml_xterm); $tooltips->set_tip( $eab1, "Choose an xterm with " . "its executable option switch.", "" ); #_______________________________________ # UML options label_advanced("Options:",0,1,1,2,$table_uml); $eab2 = Gtk::Combo->new(); $table_uml->attach($eab2,1,5,1,2, ['expand','fill'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); # 1,3 my $error; open(OPTIONS,"$home_uml_kernel/.options") or ($error = error("$home_uml_kernel/.options: $!\n")); return "ERROR"if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; my @initial_options = ; close(OPTIONS); chomp @initial_options; $eab2->entry->set_text($initial_options[0]); $entry_advanced[9] = $eab2->entry->get_text(); $eab2->set_popdown_strings( @initial_options ) ; $eab2->entry->signal_connect("changed", sub { $entry_advanced[9] = $eab2->entry->get_text(); open(OPTIONS,">$home_uml_kernel/.options"); $entry_advanced[9] =~ s/\n//g; $entry_advanced[9] =~ s/\s+$//g; print OPTIONS "$entry_advanced[9]\n"; foreach (@initial_options) { if ($_ ne "$entry_advanced[9]") { print OPTIONS "$_\n"; } } close(OPTIONS); } ); $tooltips->set_tip( Gtk::Combo::entry($eab2), "Enter uml command-line options.\n" . "The umid value is used by mconsole to " . "recognize which machine is running. " . "Alter value for each Linux virtual " . "machine invocation, and use the " . "mconsole's switch options to gain " . "control of the new machine.\n" . "mtd_init is a special option that " . "allows a MTD root_fs to start with an " . "alternative init like /bin/bash.", "" ); $eab2->show(); #_______________________________________ # mconsole label_advanced("mconsole:",2,3,0,1,$table_uml); $eab4 = entry_advanced(3,5,0,1,14,$table_uml); $tooltips->set_tip( $eab4, "Pass commands to the mconsole.\n" . "1. sysrq [0-9|b|e|i|l|m|p|r|s|t|u] \n" . "2. cad reboot halt stop go \n" . "3. config =\n4. remove \n" . "5. switch \n6. version help", "" ); $eab4->signal_connect("activate", sub { if ( $entry_advanced[9] ) { $entry_advanced[9] =~ m,\s*umid=([\w\d-]+)\s*,; $umid = $1 if !$umid; my @command_parts = split(" ", $entry_advanced [14]); # cad if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,cad, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "cad" ) { sys( "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " cad"); } } } # stop if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,stop, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "stop" ) { sys( "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " stop"); } } } # go if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,go, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "go" ) { sys( "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " go"); } } } # help if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,help, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "help" ) { sys( "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " help"); } } } # version if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,version, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "version" ) { sys( "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " version"); } } } # reboot if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,reboot, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "reboot" ) { system "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " reboot&"; } } } # halt if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,halt, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "halt" ) { system "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " halt&"; } } } # sysrq if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,sysrq, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "sysrq" ) { if ( !$command_parts[$co + 1] || $command_parts[$co + 1] =~ m,^[0-9]{1}$ | ^b$ | ^e$ | ^i$ | ^l$ | ^m$ | ^p$ | ^r$ | ^s$ | ^t$ | ^u$,x ) { system "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " sysrq $command_parts[$co + 1]&"; } else { system "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " sysrq&"; } } } } # switch if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,switch, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "switch" ) { sys( "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " switch $command_parts[$co + 1]"); $umid = $command_parts[$co + 1]; #$eab4->changed(); } } } # config if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,config, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "config" ) { system "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " config " . "$command_parts[$co + 1]&"; } } } # remove if ( $entry_advanced[14] && $entry_advanced[14] =~ m,remove, ) { for my $co (0 .. $#command_parts ) { if ( $command_parts[$co] eq "remove" ) { system "uml_mconsole " . $umid . " remove " . "$command_parts[$co + 1]&"; } } } } } ); #_______________________________________ # Root Filesystem defaults to generated one if found. label_advanced("Root_Fs:",0,1,2,3,$table_uml); $eab3 = entry_advanced(1,4,2,3,10,$table_uml); # 1,2 & 2,3 button_fileselect_advanced(4,5,2,3,"Selection",$eab3,"Selection",14, $table_uml,$home_rootfs); $eab3->set_text("ubd0=$tmp/$entry_advanced[4]") if -e "$tmp/$entry_advanced[4]"; $tooltips->set_tip( $eab3, "Choose an uncompressed root filesystem." . "Append with ubd?=.", "" ); #_______________________________________ # MTD device emulation - mtdram or blkmtd # Which? my $mtd_label = label_advanced("MTD",0,1,4,5,$table_uml); $mtd_label->set_pattern("___"); my $mtd_check_on; if ( $mtd_check ) { if ( $mtd_check->get_active() ) { $mtd_check_on = 1; } } $mtd_check = Gtk::CheckButton->new("On or Off"); $tooltips->set_tip( $mtd_check, "Turn MTD emulation on or off.", "" ); $mtd_check->set_active( $true ) if $mtd_check_on; $table_uml->attach($mtd_check,1,2,4,5, ['expand','shrink'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); $mtd_check->show(); my ($mtdram_on, $blkmtd_on); if ( $mtd_radio_mtdram ) { if ( $mtd_radio_mtdram->get_active() ) { $mtdram_on = 1; } else { $blkmtd_on = 1; } } # mtdram $mtd_radio = Gtk::RadioButton->new("mtdram"); $mtd_radio_mtdram = $mtd_radio; $mtd_radio->set_active( $true ) if $mtdram_on; $tooltips->set_tip( $mtd_radio, "Use memory to emulate test mtd device.", "" ); $table_uml->attach($mtd_radio,2,3,4,5, ['shrink','expand'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); $mtd_radio->show(); # blkmtd $mtd_radio = Gtk::RadioButton->new("blkmtd", $mtd_radio); $mtd_radio_blkmtd = $mtd_radio; $mtd_radio->set_active( $true ) if $blkmtd_on; $tooltips->set_tip( $mtd_radio, "Use block device to emulate test mtd device.", "" ); $table_uml->attach($mtd_radio,3,4,4,5, ['shrink','expand'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); $mtd_radio->show(); # fs_type - users can define their own, but this won't be remembered. $mtd_fs_type_combo = Gtk::Combo->new(); $tooltips->set_tip( Gtk::Combo::entry($mtd_fs_type_combo), "Choose filesystem type used by root filesystem.", "" ); $table_uml->attach($mtd_fs_type_combo,4,5,4,5, ['shrink','expand','fill'],['fill','shrink'],20,0); if ( !$mtd_fs_type ) { @fs_types = qw(jffs2 jffs ext2 ext3 minix cramfs romfs reiserfs); $mtd_fs_type_combo->entry->set_text( $fs_types[0] ); $mtd_fs_type_combo->set_popdown_strings( @fs_types ); } else { $mtd_fs_type_combo->entry->set_text( $mtd_fs_type ); $mtd_fs_type_combo->set_popdown_strings( @fs_types ); } $mtd_fs_type_combo->entry->signal_connect("changed", sub { $mtd_fs_type = $mtd_fs_type_combo->entry->get_text(); if ( $mtd_fs_type =~ /$fs_types[0]/ || $fs_types[0] =~ /$mtd_fs_type/ ) { shift(@fs_types); } unshift(@fs_types,$mtd_fs_type); } ); $mtd_fs_type_combo->set_usize(20,0); $mtd_fs_type_combo->show(); my $mtd_emul = label_advanced("Emulator",0,1,5,6,$table_uml); $mtd_emul->set_pattern("________"); # total size label_advanced("total size:",1,2,5,6,$table_uml); my $mtd_adj = Gtk::Adjustment->new( 8192.0, 0.0, 1000000000.0, 1024.0, 8192.0, 0.0 ); $mtd_size = Gtk::SpinButton->new( $mtd_adj, 0, 0 ); $table_uml->attach($mtd_size,2,3,5,6, ['shrink','fill','expand'],['fill','shrink'], 0,0); $tooltips->set_tip( $mtd_size, "Choose the total size for the mtd device.", "" ); $mtd_size->set_wrap( $true ); $mtd_size->set_numeric( $true ); $mtd_size->set_shadow_type( 'in' ); $mtd_size->show(); # Watch size if an actual file on open my $stat_size; if ( -f "$tmp/$entry_advanced[4]" ) { $stat_size = (stat("$tmp/$entry_advanced[4]"))[12]/2; my $blocks = ($stat_size + ( $stat_size * 0.30 ))/1024; $blocks = sprintf("%.f",ceil($blocks)); $mtd_total_size = $blocks * 1024; } $eab3->signal_connect( "changed", sub { my $root_fs = (split(/ubd\d{1}\w?=/,$entry_advanced[10]))[1]; if ( -f $root_fs ) { $stat_size = (stat("$root_fs"))[12]/2; my $blocks = ($stat_size + ( $stat_size * 0.30 ))/1024; $blocks = sprintf("%.f",ceil($blocks)); $mtd_total_size = $blocks * 1024; } if ( $mtd_size ) { $mtd_size->set_value($mtd_total_size) if $mtd_total_size; } }); $mtd_adj->signal_connect( "value_changed", sub { $mtd_total_size = $mtd_size->get_value_as_int(); }); $mtd_size->set_value($mtd_total_size) if $mtd_total_size; # erasure size $entry_advanced[15] label_advanced("erasure size:",3,4,5,6,$table_uml); my $mtd_erasure = entry_advanced(4,5,5,6,15,$table_uml); $mtd_erasure->set_text( $entry_advanced[15] ) if $entry_advanced[15]; $tooltips->set_tip( $mtd_erasure, "Choose the erasure size for the mtd device.", "" ); #---------------------------------- # Separators my $mtd_separator1 = Gtk::HSeparator->new(); $table_uml->attach($mtd_separator1,0,5,3,4, ['shrink','fill','expand'],['fill','shrink'], 0,5); $mtd_separator1->show(); my $mtd_separator2 = Gtk::HSeparator->new(); $table_uml->attach($mtd_separator2,0,5,6,7, ['shrink','fill','expand'],['fill','shrink'], 0,5); $mtd_separator2->show(); $table_uml->set_row_spacing( 6, 8); #_______________________________________ # Submit Button my $submit_b = button_advanced(0,1,7,8,"Submit",$table_uml); $tooltips->set_tip( $submit_b, "Start uml kernel processes.", "" ); $submit_b->signal_connect("clicked", sub { # UML kernel = $entry_advanced[5] # xterm -e linux ubd#=root_fs # root=/dev/ubd# open(OPTIONS,"$home_uml_kernel/.options"); @initial_options = ; close(OPTIONS); chomp @initial_options; $eab2->set_popdown_strings( @initial_options ) ; my $pid; if ($entry_advanced[8] && $entry_advanced[10]) { # Check to see if it actually exists my $executable = (split(/\s+/,$entry_advanced[8]))[0]; if (!find_file_in_path(basename($executable))) { error_window("gBootRoot Error: " . "Enter a valid xterm, and " . "executable option."); return; } if ($executable =~ m,/,) { if (! -e $executable) { error_window("gBootRoot Error: " . "Enter a valid path for the xterm."); return; } } # MTD? ######### if ( $mtd_check->get_active() ) { # Everything becomes an option for Initrd to parse # and is put on the options[9] line my ($initrd, $ram, $mem, $root, $ramdisk_size, $ubd0, $init); for ( $entry_advanced[10],$entry_advanced[9] ) { # Check for the existence of root=/dev/ram0 if ( m,root=/dev/ram, ) { $ram = 1; } # Check for the existence of root=/dev/ram0 if ( m,ramdisk_size=, ) { $ramdisk_size = 1; } # Check for the existence of root= if ( m,root=, ) { $root = 1; } # Check for the existence of initrd= if ( m,initrd=, ) { m,(initrd=[/\d\w-]+),; $initrd = $1; } # Find which runlevel or whether mtd_init is being used if ( m,(mtd_init=[/\d\w\'\"-]+\s?\d?)[\"\']?, ) { $init = (split(/=/,$1))[1]; chomp $init; $init =~ s/\"//g; $init =~ s/\'//g; $init =~ s/\///; } elsif ( m,\s+([0-9A-CS]{1})|\s+(single), ) { $init = $1 if $1; $init = $2 if $2; chomp $init; $init = "sbin/init " . $init; } if ( $mtd_radio_mtdram->get_active() ) { # Check for the existence mem= if ( m,mem=, ) { $mem = 1; } } } for ( $entry_advanced[10] ) { # Grab the file being used if ( $mtd_radio_blkmtd->get_active() ) { if ( m,(ubd\d{1}\w?=[/\d\.\+\w-]+), ) { if ( $1 !~ /_dd/ ) { my $ubd0_replacement = $1; $ubd0 = (split(/=/,$1))[1]; chomp $ubd0; $ubd0 = $ubd0 . "_dd"; my $ubd0_replacement_dd = $ubd0_replacement . "_dd"; s/$ubd0_replacement/$ubd0_replacement_dd/; } else { m,(ubd\d{1}\w?=[/\d\w-]+),; $ubd0 = (split(/=/,$1))[1]; chomp $ubd0; } } } } my ($total_size, $fs_type, $erasure_size); # total size $total_size = $mtd_size->get_value_as_int(); # what type of fs. $fs_type = $mtd_fs_type_combo->entry->get_text(); # Pass on erasure size if it exists if ( $entry_advanced[15] ) { $erasure_size = $entry_advanced[15] } # Set a ram block if necessary if ( !$ram ) { for ( $entry_advanced[10],$entry_advanced[9] ) { if ( m,root=, ) { s,(root=[/\d\w-]+),root=/dev/ram0,; } } } if ( !$root ) { $entry_advanced[9] = "root=/dev/ram0 " . $entry_advanced[9]; } # Decide what to do with initrd if ( !$initrd ) { $initrd = "initrd=" . $Initrd; } else { undef $initrd; } # Memory needs to be figured out in 16384K blocks # otherwise it fails, and it needs to be at least 16384 # for uml. # mem my $mem_size; if ( $mtd_radio_mtdram->get_active() ) { if ( $total_size < 16384 ) { $mem_size = 16384; } else { $mem_size = 16384 * ceil($mtd_total_size / 16384); if ( $total_size == $mem_size ) { $mem_size = $mem_size + 16384; } } } elsif ( $mtd_radio_blkmtd->get_active() ) { if ( $total_size < 16384 ) { $mem_size = 16384; } else { # This seems to be the way things are with blkmtd. my $stat_size2 = $stat_size * 2; my $stat_constant = 16384; while ( $stat_size2 > $stat_constant ) { $mem_size = $stat_constant * 2; $stat_constant = $stat_constant * 2; } if ( $total_size >= $mem_size ) { while ( $total_size >= $mem_size ) { $mem_size = $mem_size * 2; } } } } if ( !$mem ) { $mem = "mem=$mem_size" . "K"; } else { undef $mem; } # Will use this format # initrd=Initrd mem=? mtd=type,fs_type,size,erasure # Tell initrd whether it is mtdram or blkmtd, and if ( $mtd_radio_mtdram->get_active() ) { # blkmtd uses the _dd images, mtdram uses the real image for ( $entry_advanced[10],$entry_advanced[9] ) { if ( m,(ubd\d{1}\w?=[/\d\w-]+), ) { if ( $1 =~ /_dd/ ) { s/_dd//g; } } } # ramdisk_size if ( !$ramdisk_size ) { #$ramdisk_size = "ramdisk_size=$total_size"; $ramdisk_size = "ramdisk_size=4096"; } else { undef $ramdisk_size; } # Order does matter because it's used by linuxrc $entry_advanced[9] = "mtd=mtdram,$fs_type,$total_size,$erasure_size,$init, " . "$mem $ramdisk_size $initrd " . $entry_advanced[9]; } # blkmtd else { # Make backing file info(0,"Making $ubd0 backing file\n"); sys("dd if=/dev/zero of=$ubd0 bs=1k count=1 seek=$total_size"); # Order does matter because it's used by linuxrc $entry_advanced[9] = "mtd=blkmtd,$fs_type,$total_size,$erasure_size,$init, " . "$mem $initrd " . $entry_advanced[9]; } #info(0,"$entry_advanced[9]\n$entry_advanced[10]\n"); } # mtd preparations ############# # The first argument is important # to linuxrc, so just append new # arguments. if ( $entry_advanced[9] !~ m,mode=, ) { $entry_advanced[9] = $entry_advanced[9] . " mode=" . skas_or_tt(); } unless ($pid = fork) { unless (fork) { if ($pid == 0) { sys("$entry_advanced[8] $entry_advanced[5] $entry_advanced[9] $entry_advanced[10]"); Gtk->_exit($pid); } } } waitpid($pid,0); # Reset $entry_advanced[9] && $entry_advanced[10] if ( $mtd_check->get_active() ) { $entry_advanced[9] = $eab2->entry->get_text(); $entry_advanced[10] = $eab3->get_text(); } } else { # MTD .. testing location if (!$entry_advanced[8]) { error_window("gBootRoot Error: " . "Enter an xterm, and executable " . "option."); return; } if (!$entry_advanced[10]) { error_window("gBootRoot Error: " . "Enter the ubd?=Root_Filesystem " . "and its location."); return; } } } ); #_______________________________________ # Abort Button # This is the hard kill when all else fails, it also cleans up # lingering processess, but is considered a last resort, and # can be dangerous, it has even taken down a WM. my $abort_b = button_advanced(3,4,7,8,"Abort",$table_uml); $tooltips->set_tip( $abort_b, "Abort uml kernel processes." . "This serves three purposes:\n" . "1. Your creation doesn't boot.\n" . "2. Your creation does work and" . " you use something like" . " `shutdown -h now`. When you are all done use" . " Abort because it provides an excellent" . " way to kill any ghost processes.\n" . "3. Your creation gets weird, and you need to " . "Abort its processes to shut it down. ", "" ); $abort_b->signal_connect("clicked", sub { if ($entry_advanced[10]) { # Most stuff remove_matching_process($entry_advanced[10]); # Debian remove_matching_process("Virtual Console"); # Good to remove uml_\w* remove_matching_process('uml_\w*'); # Again for good measure :) remove_matching_process($entry_advanced[10]); } } ); #_______________________________________ # Reboot Button - mconsole my $reboot_b = button_advanced(1,2,7,8,"Reboot",$table_uml); $tooltips->set_tip( $reboot_b, "Passes the reboot command to the mconsole.", "" ); $reboot_b->signal_connect("clicked", sub { # use first one found $entry_advanced[9] =~ m,\s*umid=([\w\d-]+)\s*,; $umid = $1 if !$umid; system "uml_mconsole $umid" . " reboot&"; } ); #_______________________________________ # Halt Button - mconsole my $halt_b = button_advanced(2,3,7,8,"Halt",$table_uml); $tooltips->set_tip( $halt_b, "Passes the halt command to the mconsole. " . "If this fails use the Abort button.", "" ); $halt_b->signal_connect("clicked", sub { # use first one found $entry_advanced[9] =~ m,\s*umid=([\w\d-]+)\s*,; $umid = $1 if !$umid; system "uml_mconsole $umid" . " halt&"; } ); #_______________________________________ # Cancel button also kills UML kernel if still open my $cancel_b = button_advanced(4,5,7,8,"Close",$table_uml); $tooltips->set_tip( $cancel_b, "Close uml box.", "" ); $cancel_b->signal_connect("clicked", sub { $uml_window->destroy() if $uml_window; } ); } if (!visible $uml_window) { $uml_window->show(); } else { $uml_window->destroy; } } # sub uml_box # Someday .. like today .. this will be switched to using mconsole as the # first means of cleaning processes: # uml_mconsole /tmp/uml/debian/mconsole (reboot|halt) sub remove_matching_process { my ($match_word) = @_; # Just an overkill if ($match_word =~ m,/,) { $match_word =~ s,/,\\/,g; } my $ps = "ps auxw|"; open(P,"$ps"); while(

) { # friendly approach if (m,$match_word,) { my $process = (split(/\s+/,$_,))[1]; system "kill $process"; # not so friendly approach system "kill -9 $process"; } } close(P); } # end remove_matching_process sub accept_button { my ($widget,$ear2_save) = @_; my($tool,$value); if (-e "$tmp/$entry_advanced[4]" ) { if (!$compression_off->active) { if ($gz_toggle_root->active) { $compress = "gzip"; open(F,"file $tmp/$entry_advanced[4] |"); while () { if (/gzip/) { info(0, "Already gzip compressed.\n"); } elsif (/bzip2/) { info(0, "Already bzip2 compressed.\n"); } else { info(0,"Compressing $entry_advanced[4] with $compress\n"); system "$compress -c9 $tmp/$entry_advanced[4] > $tmp/$entry_advanced[4].gz&"; $, = ""; my @ps_check = `ps w -C $compress 2> /dev/null`; $, = "\n"; my @pids; foreach my $line ( @ps_check ) { if ( $line =~ m,$compress -c $tmp/$entry_advanced[4]$, ) { my $pid = (split(" ",$line))[0]; push(@pids,$pid); } } foreach my $pid ( @pids ) { do { while (Gtk->events_pending) { Gtk->main_iteration; } } while -d "/proc/$pid"; } info(0,"Done compressing $entry_advanced[4] with $compress\n"); # Actually, keeping the original value is much nicer. #$entry_advanced[4] = "$entry_advanced[4].gz"; $entry3->set_text("$tmp/$entry_advanced[4].gz"); } } close(F); if ($ear2_save->active) { if (-f "$home_rootfs/$entry_advanced[4]") { save_as($entry_advanced[4]); } else { return if errcp(sys("cp -a $tmp/$entry_advanced[4] $home_rootfs")) == 2; } } else { $ear2->set_text("$entry_advanced[4]"); } } elsif ($bz2_toggle_root->active) { $compress = "bzip2"; open(F,"file $tmp/$entry_advanced[4] |"); while () { if (/gzip/) { info(0, "Already gzip compressed.\n"); } elsif (/bzip2/) { info(0, "Already bzip2 compressed.\n"); } else { info(0,"Compressing $entry_advanced[4] with $compress\n"); system "$compress -c $tmp/$entry_advanced[4] > $tmp/$entry_advanced[4].bz2&"; $, = ""; my @ps_check = `ps w -C $compress 2> /dev/null`; $, = "\n"; my @pids; foreach my $line ( @ps_check ) { if ( $line =~ m,$compress -c $tmp/$entry_advanced[4]$, ) { my $pid = (split(" ",$line))[0]; push(@pids,$pid); } } foreach my $pid ( @pids ) { do { while (Gtk->events_pending) { Gtk->main_iteration; } } while -d "/proc/$pid"; } info(0,"Done compressing $entry_advanced[4] with $compress\n"); # Actually, keeping the original value is much nicer. #$entry_advanced[4] = "$entry_advanced[4].bz2"; $entry3->set_text("$tmp/$entry_advanced[4].bz2"); } } close(F); if ($ear2_save->active) { if (-f "$home_rootfs/$entry_advanced[4]") { save_as($entry_advanced[4]); } else { return if errcp(sys("cp -a $tmp/$entry_advanced[4] $home_rootfs")) == 2; } } else { $ear2->set_text("$entry_advanced[4]"); } } } else { # off $entry3->set_text("$tmp/$entry_advanced[4]"); if ($ear2_save->active) { if (-f "$home_rootfs/$entry_advanced[4]") { save_as($entry_advanced[4]); } else { return if errcp(sys("cp -a $tmp/$entry_advanced[4] $home_rootfs")) == 2; } } } } else { error("$entry_advanced[4] doesn't exist; create it first.\n"); } } # end accept_button my ($save_as); sub save_as { # Will just use a dialog box. my ($template) = @_; #my ($button); if (not defined $save_as) { $save_as = Gtk::Dialog->new(); $save_as->signal_connect("destroy", \&destroy_window, \$save_as); $save_as->signal_connect("delete_event", \&destroy_window, \$save_as); $save_as->signal_connect("key_press_event", sub { my $event = pop @_; if ($event->{'keyval'}) { if ($event->{'keyval'} == 65307) { $save_as->destroy; } } }, ); $save_as->set_title("Save As"); $save_as->border_width(12); $save_as->set_position('center'); # If compression was on we will use that compression if (!$compression_off->active) { if ( $gz_toggle_root->active ) { $template = "$template.gz"; } elsif ( $bz2_toggle_root->active ) { $template = "$template.bz2"; } } my $new_template = $template; my $entry = Gtk::Entry->new(); $entry->set_editable( $true ); $entry->set_text($template) if $template; $entry->signal_connect( "changed", sub { $new_template = $entry->get_text(); }); $save_as->vbox->pack_start( $entry, $false, $false, 0); $entry->show(); my $label = Gtk::Label->new(); $label->set_justify( 'left' ); $label->set_text("$template already exists, " . "do\nyou want to write over it, " . "or\nsave $new_template with a different name?"); $save_as->vbox->pack_start( $label, $false, $false, 2 ); $label->show(); my $button = Gtk::Button->new("OK"); my $event_count = 0; my $new_template_tmp = "nothing"; $button->signal_connect("clicked", sub { $entry_advanced[4] = $new_template; $ars->{filename} = $new_template; ars($ars); # This is a renaming deal and this time doesn't exist in the archive # or $tmp. if (!-f "$home_rootfs/$new_template") { if ($template ne $new_template) { return if err_custom("mv $tmp/$template $tmp/$new_template", "gBootRoot: ERROR: Could not rename $template to " . "$new_template") == 2; } return if errcp(sys("cp -a $tmp/$new_template $home_rootfs")) == 2; $ear2->set_text($new_template); $entry3->set_text("$tmp/$new_template"); $save_as->destroy; } # This is a write-over situation .. exists in $tmp and archive elsif (-e "$tmp/$new_template" && -f "$tmp/$new_template" && -f "$home_rootfs/$new_template" ) { return if errcp(sys("cp -a $tmp/$new_template $home_rootfs")) == 2; $ear2->set_text($new_template); $entry3->set_text("$tmp/$new_template"); $save_as->destroy; } # Here the file trying to be renamed already exists in the archive # but doesn't exist in $tmp else { $label->set_text("$new_template already exists, " . "do\nyou want to write over it, " . "or\nsave $template with a different name?"); $event_count++; my $event = pop(@_); if ($new_template eq $new_template_tmp) { if ($event_count >= 2 && $event && $event eq "clicked") { if ("$tmp/$template" ne "$tmp/$new_template") { return if err_custom("mv $tmp/$template $tmp/$new_template", "gBootRoot: ERROR: Could not rename $template to " . "$new_template") == 2; } return if errcp(sys("cp -a $tmp/$new_template $home_rootfs")) == 2; $event_count = 0; $ear2->set_text($new_template); $entry3->set_text("$tmp/$new_template"); $save_as->destroy; } } $new_template_tmp = $new_template; } },"clicked"); $button->can_default(1); $save_as->action_area->pack_start($button, $false, $false,0); $button->grab_default; $button->show; $button = Gtk::Button->new("Cancel"); $button->signal_connect("clicked", sub { destroy $save_as} ); $save_as->action_area->pack_start($button, $false, $false,0); $button->show; } if (!visible $save_as) { show $save_as; } else { destroy $save_as; } } # end sub save_as # Coming - .config storage, auto-matic kernel locus, all stages # /usr/src/linux* Possible integration with other Projects .. modules # will be in the logical place. Before ABS. sub advanced_kernel_section { } # end sub advanced_kernel_section # Stuff univeral for all root filesystem methods # Compression, UML Kernel, and Method only need to be known by the Dock. sub Generate { # @entry_advanced # 0 = Development Drive # 1 = Optional Devices # 2 = Append Options #------------------ # 3 = Root Device # 4 = Root Filename # 5 = UML Kernel my $method = $entry_advanced[6]; # 6 = Method # 7 = Template # 8 = UML xterm # 9 = UML options # 10 = UML root_fs #------------------ # 11 = Kernel Modules .. from the Boot Method # 12 = Kernel Version .. from the Boot Method # 13 = System.map .. from the Boot Method # 14 = mcosole .. from the UML Box # 15 = erasure size .. from the UML Box # $root_device_size; # $filesystem_size; # File select: function order: non-table = button->fileselect->file_ok_sel # table = button_fileselect_advanced->fileselect->file_ok_sel $ars->{device} = $entry_advanced[3]; $ars->{device_size} = $root_device_size; $ars->{tmp} = $tmp; $ars->{mnt} = $mnt; $ars->{template_dir} = $template_dir; # static right now. ars($ars); my $template = $ars->{template}; my $root_device = $ars->{device}; my $root_filename = $ars->{filename}; if (!$root_device || $root_device eq "") { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Root Device not defined"); return; } # devfs may change this .. it did, this is silly. ## if (!-b $root_device) { ## error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Not a valid Block Device"); ## return; ## } if (!$root_filename || $root_filename eq "") { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Root Filename not given"); return; } if (!$method || $method eq "") { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Method must be supplied"); return; } if (!$template || $template eq "") { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Template name not given"); return; } if ($method eq "yard") { if (!$main::yard_window) { ##$ars->{kernel} = "" if !$entry2->get_text(); ##ars($ars); yard(); } } } # end sub Generate sub button_advanced { # cretzu should like this my ($left_attach,$right_attach,$top_attach, $bottom_attach,$text,$widget) = @_; my $button = Gtk::Button->new($text); $widget->attach($button,$left_attach,$right_attach, $top_attach,$bottom_attach, ['shrink','fill','expand'],['fill','shrink'],2,2); show $button; return $button; } sub button_fileselect_advanced { # cretzu should like this # $order does matter because it fills in $container[$order]. my ($left_attach,$right_attach,$top_attach,$bottom_attach,$text,$ent, $name,$order,$widget,$device) = @_; my $button = Gtk::Button->new($text); $widget->attach($button,$left_attach,$right_attach, $top_attach,$bottom_attach, ['shrink','fill','expand'],['fill','shrink'],2,2); # example if ($order == 12) { $tooltips->set_tip( $button, "Select the Root Device.", "" ); } elsif ($order == 13) { $tooltips->set_tip( $button, "Select the UML Kernel.", "" ); } elsif ($order == 14) { $tooltips->set_tip( $button, "Select the Root Filesystem.", "" ); } elsif ($order == 16) { $tooltips->set_tip( $button, "Select the System.map.", "" ); } $button->signal_connect( "clicked",\&fileselect,$ent,$name,$order,$device); $button->show(); } # end sub button_fileselect_advanced sub entry_advanced { my $numa = $_[4]; my $entry_advanced = Gtk::Entry->new(); $entry_advanced->set_editable( $true ); if ( $numa != 14 ) { $entry_advanced->signal_connect( "changed", sub { $entry_advanced[$numa] = $entry_advanced->get_text(); if ($numa == 4) { $ars->{filename} = $entry_advanced[$numa]; ars($ars); } if ( $numa == 12 ) { $ars->{kernel_version_choice} = $entry_advanced[$numa]; ars($ars); ars2($ars); } } ); } else { $entry_advanced->signal_connect( "activate", sub { $entry_advanced[$numa] = $entry_advanced->get_text(); } ); } $entry_advanced->set_usize(100,20); $_[5]->attach($entry_advanced,$_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3], ['shrink','fill','expand'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); show $entry_advanced; return $entry_advanced; } sub separator_advanced { $separator_advanced = Gtk::HSeparator->new(); $_[0]->pack_start( $separator_advanced, $false, $true, 0 ); $separator_advanced->show(); } sub label_advanced { my($text) = @_; $label_advanced = Gtk::Label->new( $text ); $label_advanced->set_justify( "fill" ); $_[5]->attach($label_advanced,$_[1],$_[2],$_[3],$_[4], ['expand'],['fill','shrink'],0,0); $label_advanced->show(); return $label_advanced; } # I created two of these, one for help (eventually there may be a different # approach), and one for verbosity. I am sure there is a better OO way to # do it, though. sub create_text { if (not defined $text_window) { $text_window = Gtk::Window->new("toplevel"); $text_window->signal_connect("destroy", \&destroy_window, \$text_window); $text_window->signal_connect("delete_event", \&destroy_window, \$text_window); $text_window->set_title("Help"); $text_window->set_usize( 500, 600 ); $text_window->set_policy( $true, $true, $false ); $text_window->set_title( "gBootRoot Help" ); $text_window->border_width(0); my $main_vbox = Gtk::VBox->new( $false, 0 ); $text_window->add( $main_vbox ); $main_vbox->show(); my $vbox = Gtk::VBox->new( $false, 10 ); $vbox->border_width( 10 ); $main_vbox->pack_start( $vbox, $true, $true, 0 ); $vbox->show(); my $table = Gtk::Table->new( 2, 2, $false ); $table->set_row_spacing( 0, 2 ); $table->set_col_spacing( 0, 2 ); $vbox->pack_start( $table, $true, $true, 0 ); $table->show( ); # Create the GtkText widget my $text = Gtk::Text->new( undef, undef ); $text->set_editable($false); $table->attach( $text, 0, 1, 0, 1, [ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], [ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], 0, 0 ); $text->grab_focus(); $text->show(); # Add a vertical scrollbar to the GtkText widget my $vscrollbar = Gtk::VScrollbar->new( $text->vadj ); $table->attach( $vscrollbar, 1, 2, 0, 1, 'fill', [ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], 0, 0 ); #my $logadj = $vscrollbar->get_adjustment(); #logadj($logadj); #$vscrollbar->show(); $text->freeze(); $text->insert( undef, undef, undef, help() ); $text->thaw(); my $separator = Gtk::HSeparator->new(); $main_vbox->pack_start( $separator, $false, $true, 0 ); $separator->show(); $vbox = Gtk::VBox->new( $false, 10 ); $vbox->border_width( 10 ); $main_vbox->pack_start( $vbox, $false, $true, 0 ); $vbox->show(); my $button = Gtk::Button->new( "Close" ); $button->signal_connect( 'clicked', sub { destroy $text_window; } ); $vbox->pack_start( $button, $true, $true, 0 ); $button->can_default( $true ); $button->grab_default(); $button->show(); } if (!visible $text_window) { show $text_window; } else { destroy $text_window; } } # end sub create_text # This monster needs different behavior than create_text. sub verbosity_box { $verbosity_window = Gtk::Window->new("toplevel"); $verbosity_window->signal_connect("destroy", \&destroy_window, \$verbosity_window); $verbosity_window->signal_connect("delete_event", \&destroy_window, \$verbosity_window); $verbosity_window->set_usize( 450, 175 ); # 500 600 $verbosity_window->set_policy( $true, $true, $false ); $verbosity_window->set_title( "Verbosity Box" ); $verbosity_window->border_width(0); my $main_vbox = Gtk::VBox->new( $false, 0 ); $verbosity_window->add( $main_vbox ); $main_vbox->show(); my $vbox = Gtk::VBox->new( $false, 10 ); $vbox->border_width( 10 ); $main_vbox->pack_start( $vbox, $true, $true, 0 ); $vbox->show(); my $table = Gtk::Table->new( 2, 2, $false ); $table->set_row_spacing( 0, 2 ); $table->set_col_spacing( 0, 2 ); $vbox->pack_start( $table, $true, $true, 0 ); $table->show( ); # Create the GtkText widget my $text = Gtk::Text->new( undef, undef ); $text->set_editable($false); $table->attach( $text, 0, 1, 0, 1, [ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], [ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], 0, 0 ); $text->grab_focus(); $text->show(); my $red = Gtk::Gdk::Color->parse_color("red"); my $blue = Gtk::Gdk::Color->parse_color("blue"); text_insert($text,$red,$blue); # yard thing # Add a vertical scrollbar to the GtkText widget my $vscrollbar = Gtk::VScrollbar->new( $text->vadj ); $table->attach( $vscrollbar, 1, 2, 0, 1, 'fill', [ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], 0, 0 ); my $logadj = $vscrollbar->get_adjustment(); logadj($logadj); $vscrollbar->show(); my $separator = Gtk::HSeparator->new(); $main_vbox->pack_start( $separator, $false, $true, 0 ); $separator->show(); $vbox = Gtk::VBox->new( $false, 10 ); $vbox->border_width( 10 ); $main_vbox->pack_start( $vbox, $false, $true, 0 ); $vbox->show(); #my $button = Gtk::Button->new( "Close" ); #$button->signal_connect( 'clicked', # sub { destroy $verbosity_window; } ); #$vbox->pack_start( $button, $true, $true, 0 ); #$button->can_default( $true ); #$button->grab_default(); #$button->show(); show $verbosity_window; } # end sub verbosity_box sub fileselect { my ($widget,$ent,$name,$order,$device) = @_; if (not defined $file_dialog) { # Create a new file selection widget $file_dialog = Gtk::FileSelection->new( "$name" ); $file_dialog->signal_connect( "destroy", \&destroy_window, \$file_dialog); $file_dialog->signal_connect( "delete_event", \&destroy_window, \$file_dialog); # Connect the ok_button to file_ok_sel function $file_dialog->ok_button->signal_connect( "clicked", \&file_ok_sel, $file_dialog,$ent,$order); # Connect the cancel_button to destroy the widget $file_dialog->cancel_button->signal_connect( "clicked", sub { destroy $file_dialog } ); $file_dialog->set_filename( $device ) if defined $device; $file_dialog->set_position('mouse'); } if (!visible $file_dialog) { show $file_dialog; } else { destroy $file_dialog; } } # end sub fileselect # Get the selected filename and print it to the text widget sub file_ok_sel { my( $widget, $file_selection,$entry,$order) = @_; my $file = $file_selection->get_filename(); if ($order != 14) { $entry->set_text($file); } else { $entry->set_text("ubd0=$file"); } $container[$order] = $file; if ($order == 1) { $ars->{kernel} = $container[$order]; ars($ars); ars2($ars); } # auto-detect compression if system has file if ($container[ROOT_FS]) { my $file = sys("which file > /dev/null 2>&1"); if ($file == 0) { open(F,"file $container[ROOT_FS] |"); # no error check # here while () { if (/gzip/) { $gz_toggle->set_active( $true ); } elsif (/bzip2/) { $bz2_toggle->set_active( $true ); } else { info(0, "Neither gz or bz2 compression found\n"); } } close(F); } } destroy $file_dialog; } sub hbox { my $homogeneous; defined $_[0] ? ($homogeneous = 0) : ($homogeneous = 1); $box2 = Gtk::HBox->new( $homogeneous, 5 ); $box2->border_width( 2 ); # was 10 $box1->pack_start( $box2, $true, $true, 0 ); #$box1->pack_start( $box2, $false, $true, 0 ); $box2->show(); } sub label { my($text) = @_; $label = Gtk::Label->new( $text ); $label->set_justify( "fill" ); $box2->pack_start( $label, $false, $false, 5 ); $label->show(); } sub entry { my($edit,$num) = @_; my $entry = Gtk::Entry->new(); $entry->set_editable( $false ) if $edit == 0; if ($num == 0) { $entry->signal_connect( "activate", sub { $container[$num] = $entry->get_text();}); } else { $entry->signal_connect( "changed", sub { $container[$num] = $entry->get_text(); if ($num == 1) { $ars->{kernel} = $container[$num]; ars($ars); ars2($ars); } # here's where types in entry3, types other places if (defined $ea1 and $num == 3) { $ea1->set_text($container[$num]); } if (defined $ear1 and $num == 3) { $ear1->set_text($container[$num]); } # auto-detect compression if system has file if ($num == 2) { my $file = sys("which file"); if ($file == 0) { if ($container[ROOT_FS]) { open(F,"file $container[ROOT_FS] |"); # no error check here while () { if (/gzip/) { $gz_toggle->set_active( $true ); } elsif (/bzip2/) { $bz2_toggle->set_active( $true ); } else { info(0, "Neither gz or bz2 compression found\n"); } } close(F); } } } }); } if (defined $num and $num != 0) { my $todo; if ($num == 1) { $todo = "the Kernel"; } elsif ($num == 2) { $todo = "the Compressed Filesystem"; } else { $todo = "the Block Device to use"; } $tooltips->set_tip( $entry, "Type in the location of $todo.", "" ); } $box2->pack_start( $entry, $true, $true, 0 ); $entry->show(); return $entry; } sub button { my ($text,$ent,$name,$order,$device) = @_; my $button = Gtk::Button->new($text); if ($order == 1) { $tooltips->set_tip( $button, "Select the Kernel.", "" ); } elsif ($order == 2) { $tooltips->set_tip( $button, "Select the Root Filesystem.", "" ); } else { $tooltips->set_tip( $button, "Select the Device.", "" ); } $button->signal_connect( "clicked",\&fileselect,$ent,$name,$order,$device); $button->show(); $box2->pack_start( $button, $true, $true, 0 ); $box2->show(); } sub submit { my($kernel, $root_image, $device, $size); # comment this out for testing # Since only one filehandle is now used, this won't work # anymore. #unlink("$verbosefn"); open (MTAB, "/etc/mtab") or die "no mtab!\n"; while () { if (m,$mnt,) { sys("umount $mnt"); } } close(MTAB); $entry5->set_text(""); pb("boot",0); if ($gz_toggle->active) { $compress = "gzip"; } elsif ($bz2_toggle->active) { $compress = "bzip2"; } # Run some checks if (!defined $container[METHOD]) { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: No Method supplied"); return; } else { if ( $container[METHOD] eq "2 disk compression" ) { my $rt = two_disk_compression_check(); return if $rt; } } if (defined $container[KERNEL] && -e $container[KERNEL] && !-d $container[KERNEL]) { $kernel = $container[KERNEL]; # Better be sure it isn't in the mount directory if ($kernel =~ m,^$mnt,) { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Kernel found below Device mount point: $mnt"); return; } } elsif (defined $container[METHOD]) { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Kernel not found"); return; } if (defined $container[ROOT_FS] && -e $container[ROOT_FS] && !-d $container[ROOT_FS] ) { $root_image = $container[ROOT_FS]; if ($root_image =~ m,^$mnt,) { # Bug revealed by Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn error_window( "gBootRoot: ERROR: Rootimage found below Device mount point: $mnt"); return; } } elsif (defined $container[METHOD] && defined $container[KERNEL]) { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Root Filesystem not found"); return; } # we need to check for this, too. if (defined $container[BOOT_DEVICE] && -b $container[BOOT_DEVICE]) { $device = $container[BOOT_DEVICE]; } elsif (defined $container[METHOD] && defined $container[KERNEL] && defined $container[ROOT_FS]) { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Not a valid Block Device"); return; } if (defined $container[SIZE]) { $size = $container[SIZE]; } # pretty unlikely elsif (defined $container[METHOD] && defined $container[KERNEL] && defined $container[ROOT_FS] && defined $container[BOOT_DEVICE]) { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: No size specified"); return; } # kernel value can change without effecting initrd # no sense doing this until important stuff is filled in if (defined $kernel && defined $root_image && defined $device && defined $size) { $container[COMPRESS] = $compress; # 1 .. 4 - its a hash .. not too simple !defined $lib_strip_check ? ($container[LIB_STRIP] = 1) : ($container[LIB_STRIP] = $lib_strip_check->get_active()); !$container[LIB_STRIP] ? ($container[LIB_STRIP] = 2) : ($container[LIB_STRIP] = 1); !defined $bin_strip_check ? ($container[BIN_STRIP] = 3) : ($container[BIN_STRIP] = $bin_strip_check->get_active()); !$container[BIN_STRIP] ? ($container[BIN_STRIP] = 4) : ($container[BIN_STRIP] = 3); !defined $mod_strip_check ? ($container[MOD_STRIP] = 7) : ($container[MOD_STRIP] = $mod_strip_check->get_active()); !$container[MOD_STRIP] ? ($container[MOD_STRIP] = 8) : ($container[MOD_STRIP] = 7); if ($container[LIB_STRIP] == 1) { $obj_count == 0 ? ($container[OBJCOPY_BOOL] = 5) : ($container[OBJCOPY_BOOL] = 6); } if (!defined $entry_advanced[0]) { $container[ABS_DEVICE] = $device . "ea1"; $entry_advanced[0] = $device; } else { $container[ABS_DEVICE] = $entry_advanced[0] . "ea1"; } # If ARS was never opened, root device defaults to boot device. # This keeps the logic in the right place. $entry_advanced[3] = $container[BOOT_DEVICE] if !$entry_advanced[3]; # Works now .. whoosh! if ($container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE]) { if ($container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE] ne "") { $container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE] = $entry_advanced[1] if $entry_advanced[1]; } if (defined $entry_advanced[1] and $entry_advanced[1] eq "") { $container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE] = ""; } elsif ($container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE] eq "") { push(@original_container,$entry_advanced[1]); } } else { push(@original_container,$entry_advanced[1]) if $entry_advanced[1]; } # pretty complex and works properly even for !-e lilo.conf if ($container[ABS_APPEND]) { if ($container[ABS_APPEND] ne "") { $container[ABS_APPEND] = $entry_advanced[2] if $entry_advanced[2]; } if (defined $entry_advanced[2] and $entry_advanced[2] eq "") { $container[ABS_APPEND] = ""; } elsif ($container[ABS_APPEND] eq "") { push(@original_container,$entry_advanced[2]); } } else { push(@original_container,$entry_advanced[2]) if $entry_advanced[2]; } if (@original_container) { # defined array deprecate Perl 5.6 - zas@metaconcept.com # a hash check isn't perfect for two values which are the same # no need to check all the values my @temp_container = @container; # Got it! - how to deal with fields with no init value if (defined $container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE] and $container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE] eq "") { $container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE] = $entry_advanced[1]; } if (!defined $container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE]) { $container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE] = $entry_advanced[1]; } if (defined $container[ABS_APPEND] and $container[ABS_APPEND] eq "") { $container[ABS_APPEND] = $entry_advanced[2]; } if (!defined $container[ABS_APPEND]) { $container[ABS_APPEND] = $entry_advanced[2]; } # no sense looking at undef values my (@temp_container2,@original_container2); for (@temp_container) { if ($_) { push(@temp_container2,$_); } } for (@original_container) { if ($_) { push(@original_container2,$_); } } @temp_container = @temp_container2; @original_container = @original_container2; splice(@temp_container,1,1); # A test which I've had to run too often #print "BEFORE @temp_container\nAFTER @original_container\n"; my %diff; grep($diff{$_}++,@temp_container); my @diff = grep(!$diff{$_},@original_container); if ($#diff >= 0) { # unlink initrd_image.gz, do initrd_size() $ok = 1; $initrd = "initrd_image"; } else { $ok = 0; } } else { $ok = 2; # this is actually first (1 = diff, 0 = same) $initrd = "initrd_image"; } # reset @original_container = ( $container[METHOD], $root_image, $device, $size, $compress, $container[LIB_STRIP], $container[BIN_STRIP], $container[MOD_STRIP], $container[OBJCOPY_BOOL], $container[ABS_DEVICE], $container[ABS_OPT_DEVICE], $container[ABS_APPEND] ); kernel_modules(); lilo(); # This is the default now, and the value for # METHOD doesn't matter now. } } # end sub submit sub lilo { # Do a little cleanup just in case sys("rm $tmp/initrd_image.gz") if $ok == 1; sys("umount $tmp/initrd_mnt"); my $kernel = $container[KERNEL]; my $root_fs = $container[ROOT_FS]; my $device = $container[BOOT_DEVICE]; my $size = $container[SIZE]; if ($ok == 1 || $ok == 2) { my $value = initrd($kernel,$root_fs,$device,$size); mtab(0) if defined $value; } elsif ($ok == 0) { mtab(0); } } # end sub lilo sub lilo_put_it_together { my $B = "boot"; my $fs_type = (split(/\s/,$main::makefs))[0]; # Time to do a little calculations my $device_size; ## if ( $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { $device_size = (split(/\s+/,`df $mnt`))[8]; } else { $device_size = $container[SIZE]; } my $boot_size = (stat($container[KERNEL]))[12]/2 + (stat("$tmp/$initrd"))[12]/2; my $remain_boot = $device_size - $boot_size; pb($B,1); # A little output if ($remain_boot =~ /^-+\d+$/) { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Not enough room: boot stuff = $boot_size k, device = $device_size k"); return; } else { $entry5->set_text("$remain_boot k"); } # If genext2fs is being used clean $tmp/bootdisk if any garbage is found, # and temporarily rename $mnt to that directory. #my $old_mount; ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> != 0 ) { if (-d "$tmp/bootdisk") { sys("rm -rf $tmp/bootdisk"); } if (!-d "$tmp/bootdisk") { return if errmk(sys("mkdir $tmp/bootdisk")) == 2; } $old_mount = $mnt; $mnt = "$tmp/bootdisk/"; } # Here everything is copied over either to the device or the the $mnt # directory if genext2fs is used. info(0, "Copy over initrd ramdisk\n"); info(0, "Copy over initrd ramdisk .. $tmp/$initrd $mnt/$initrd\n"); return if err_custom("cp $tmp/$initrd $mnt/$initrd", "gBootRoot: ERROR: Could not copy over initrd") == 2; pb($B,2); info(0, "Copying over kernel\n"); ## if ( $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { return if err_custom("rm -rf $mnt/lost+found; cp $container[KERNEL] $mnt/kernel", "gBootRoot: ERROR: Could not copy over the kernel") == 2; } else { return if err_custom("cp $container[KERNEL] $mnt/kernel", "gBootRoot: ERROR: Could not copy over the kernel") == 2; } pb($B,3); info(0, "Making stuff for lilo\n"); # will be 0 if mkdir fails, but 0 if cp succeeds ? return if err(sys("mkdir $mnt/{boot,dev}")) == 2; # DEVICES SECTION my @devices; my $device_table = "$tmp/boot_device_table.txt"; ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> != 0 ) { info(0, "Making $device_table for genext2fs\n"); my $error; unlink( $device_table ) if -e $device_table; # # /dev is always needs to be made automatically open(BootRoot::Yard::DEVICE_TABLE, ">$device_table") or ($error = error("$device_table: $!")); return "ERROR"if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; print BootRoot::Yard::DEVICE_TABLE "# \t\t\t\t\t\t" . "\t\t\t\n"; print BootRoot::Yard::DEVICE_TABLE "/dev\t\td\t0755\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\n"; # Keep a record of the devices required @devices = qw(/dev/null /dev/fd0 /dev/fd1 /dev/hda1); for ( split(" ", $container[BOOT_DEVICE] ) ) { my @existing_device_test = grep ( /$_/, @devices ); if ( !@existing_device_test ) { push(@devices, $_ ) if $_; } } # This adds that next device if found in lilo.conf ($norm_root_device) = gdkbirdaao(); if ( $norm_root_device ) { my @existing_device_test = grep ( /\/dev\/$norm_root_device/, @devices ); if ( !@existing_device_test ) { push( @devices, "/dev/$norm_root_device" ); } } # For frame buffer devices and the like. if ( $entry_advanced[1] ) { for ( split(" ", $entry_advanced[1] ) ) { my @existing_device_test = grep ( /$_/, @devices ); if ( !@existing_device_test ) { push(@devices, $_ ) if $_; } } } device_table( @devices ); close(BootRoot::Yard::DEVICE_TABLE); } else { info(0, "Copying over devices to $mnt/dev\n"); return if err(sys("cp -a /dev/{null,fd?,hda1} $mnt/dev")) == 2; # Hopefully, this works, but have never tested it -- o.k I did if ($container[BOOT_DEVICE] !~ m,/dev/fd\d{1}$,) { return if err(sys("cp -a $container[BOOT_DEVICE] $mnt/dev")) == 2; } # This adds that next device if found in lilo.conf ($norm_root_device) = gdkbirdaao(); if (!-e "$mnt/dev/$norm_root_device") { return if err(sys("cp -a /dev/$norm_root_device $mnt/dev")) == 2; } # For frame buffer devices and the like. if ($entry_advanced[1]) { return if errcp(sys("cp -a $entry_advanced[1] $mnt/dev")) == 2; } } # end DEVICES SECTION info(0, "Copy over important lilo stuff\n"); return if err_custom("cp /boot/boot.b $mnt/boot", "gBootRoot: ERROR: Not enough space or can't find /boot/boot.b") == 2; pb($B,4); # 3k sort of accounts for dev & dirs assuming dev is reasonable $remain_boot = $remain_boot - (stat("/boot/boot.b"))[12]/2 - 3; $entry5->set_text("$remain_boot k"); # Write out the HEREDOCS open(LC, ">$mnt/brlilo.conf") or die "Couldn't write $mnt/brlilo.conf\n"; if ( $> == 0 ) { print LC brlilo($container[BOOT_DEVICE]); close(LC); } else { print LC brlilo_non_root($container[BOOT_DEVICE]); close(LC); } open(M, ">$mnt/message") or die "Couldn't write $mnt/message\n"; print M message(); close(M); pb($B,5); $remain_boot = $remain_boot - ( (stat("$mnt/brlilo.conf"))[12]/2 + (stat("$mnt/message"))[12]/2 ); $entry5->set_text("$remain_boot k"); # Got to umount,mount, and umount again to make sure everything is # copied over before doing lilo unless genext2fs in being used. ## if ( $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { return if errum(sys("umount $mnt")) == 2; info(0, "Umount device\n"); info(0, "Remount device\n"); } pb($B,6); ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> != 0 ) { my $error; # When creating a fs on floppy, specifying -i causes genext2fs to fail, # its better to just let the program figure out the inode size for now. if ( sys("/usr/lib/bootroot/$main::makefs -b $device_size -d $mnt -D $device_table $entry_advanced[0]") !~ /^0$/ ) { $error = error("Cannot $fs_type filesystem.\n"); return "ERROR" if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; } } ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> != 0 ) { $mnt = $old_mount; } # Real device if ( $> == 0 ) { return if errm(sys("mount -t ext2 $entry_advanced[0] $mnt")) == 2; } else { my $errm_value = errm(sys("mount $mnt")); ## if ( $errm_value == 2 && $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $errm_value == 2 && $> != 0 ) { info(0, "Ask your administrator to add this line to the" . " fstab file:\n"); info(0, "\n$entry_advanced[0]\t$mnt\tauto\tdefaults,noauto," . "user\t0\t0\n\n"); } else { return if $errm_value == 2; } } info(0, "Configuring lilo\n"); pb($B,7); chdir("$mnt"); #"boot_root: ERROR: Could not change directories\n"; # This enforces that lilo is only wil run on a bootable drive, # otherwise the user has to do it manually. if ($container[BOOT_DEVICE] eq $entry_advanced[0]) { # root can happily chroot if ( $> == 0 ) { if ( err_custom("lilo -v -C brlilo.conf -r $mnt", "gBootRoot: ERROR: lilo failed") == 2 ) { chdir($pwd); return; } } # At this point the normal user needs to be asked first if they have # root lilo power, before going on. else { # Ask the user if they have su lilo priviliges. # Hopefully, password free, but that can be incorporated. mtab(3); do { if ( $mtab == 2 ) { undef $mtab; chdir($pwd); return if errum(sys("umount $mnt")) == 2; return; } while (Gtk->events_pending) { Gtk->main_iteration; } } while $mtab; # It's o.k. if lilo fails. if ( err_custom("$main::sudo lilo -v -C $mnt/brlilo.conf -b $entry_advanced[0]", "gBootRoot: ERROR: lilo failed") == 2 ) { chdir($pwd); } } } $remain_boot = $remain_boot - (stat("$mnt/boot/map"))[12]/2; $entry5->set_text("$remain_boot k"); pb($B,8); chdir($pwd); # or die "boot_root: ERROR: Could not change directories\n"; info(0, "Umounting $mnt\n"); my $um = errum(sys("umount $mnt")); pb($B,10); if ($ok == 1 || $ok == 2) { ## if ( $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { return if errrm(sys("rmdir $tmp/initrd_mnt")) == 2; } } # Here's where we copy over that compressed filesystem # We could separate $container[BOOT_DEVICE] = boot,root allowing two # different devices to be used. -- now there is $entry_advanced[3] which # is the ROOT_DEVICE if ($um == 0 ) { mtab(1); } else { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Boot disk was never umounted"); } # copy over the compressed } # end sub lilo_put_it_together sub device2 { my $fs_type = (split(/\s/,$main::makefs))[0]; # Time to do a little calculations my $device_size; ## if ( $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { $device_size = (split(/\s+/,`df $mnt`))[8]; } else { if ( !$root_device_size ) { $device_size = $container[SIZE]; } else { $device_size = $root_device_size; } } my $root_image_size = (stat($container[ROOT_FS]))[12]/2; my $remain_root = $device_size - $root_image_size; if ($remain_root =~ /^-+\d+$/) { error_window("gBootRoot: ERROR: Not enough room: root stuff = $root_image_size k, device = $device_size k"); } else { $entry5->set_text("$remain_root k"); } info(0, "Copy over the compressed filesystem\n"); ## if ( $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { return if errrm(sys("rmdir $mnt/lost+found")) == 2; } my $broot_image = basename($container[ROOT_FS]); # Status output, use FH, or genext2fs to create disk. #---------------------------------------------------- my $FS = "filesystem"; my $line_count = `wc -l < $container[ROOT_FS]`; chomp $line_count; my $half_line_count = $line_count/2; my $count = 1; ## if ( $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { open(CF, ">$mnt/$broot_image") or error_window( "gBootRoot: ERROR: Could not copy over the root filesystem") and return; open(CR, "$container[ROOT_FS]") or error_window( "gBootRoot: ERROR: Could not copy over the root filesystem") and return; while () { print CF $_; pb($FS,$count,$line_count) if $count < $half_line_count; $count++; } close(CF); close(CR); } # genext2fs else { my $error; # If genext2fs is being used clean $tmp/rootdisk if any garbage is # found. ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> != 0 ) { if (-d "$tmp/rootdisk") { sys("rm -rf $tmp/rootdisk"); } if (!-d "$tmp/rootdisk") { return if errmk(sys("mkdir $tmp/rootdisk")) == 2; } } return if errcp( sys("cp -a $container[ROOT_FS] $tmp/rootdisk") ) == 2; for ( $count .. $half_line_count ) { pb($FS,$count,$line_count) if $count < $half_line_count; $count++; } if ( sys("/usr/lib/bootroot/$main::makefs -b $device_size -d $tmp/rootdisk $entry_advanced[3]") !~ /^0$/ ) { info( 0, "/usr/lib/bootroot/$main::makefs -b $device_size -d $tmp/rootdisk $entry_advanced[3]\n"); $error = error("Cannot $fs_type filesystem.\n"); return "ERROR" if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; } } #------------------------------------------------------ ## if ( $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { return if err_custom("umount $mnt", "gBootRoot: ERROR: Root disk did not properly umount") == 2; } $line_count = $line_count * 2; pb($FS,$count,$line_count); info(0, "Finished!\n"); } # end sub device 2 # Checks if lib or bin is stripped, if not proceeds to strip. Returns # full file path and strip result. Right now this is specific to initrd. sub stripper { # stripper (program,bin|lib|mod); if ((!defined $lib_strip_check && !defined $bin_strip_check && !defined $mod_strip_check) or ($lib_strip_check->active || $bin_strip_check->active || $mod_strip_check->active)) { # DON'T DO THIS >/dev/null 2>&1`; my $not_stripped = `file $_[0] 2> /dev/null`; my $filename = basename($_[0]); if ($not_stripped =~ m,not stripped,) { if (($_[1] eq "lib" && !defined $lib_strip_check) or ($_[1] eq "lib" && $lib_strip_check->active)) { # --strip-all works for initrd if ($obj_count == 0) { sys("objcopy --strip-debug -p $_[0] $tmp/$filename"); info(1,"--strip-debug $filename\n"); return ( "$tmp/$filename", 1 ); } elsif ($obj_count == 1) { sys("objcopy --strip-all -p $_[0] $tmp/$filename"); info(1,"--strip-all $filename\n"); return ( "$tmp/$filename", 1 ); } } elsif (($_[1] eq "bin" && !defined $bin_strip_check) or ($_[1] eq "bin" && $bin_strip_check->active)) { sys("objcopy --strip-all -p $_[0] $tmp/$filename"); info(1,"--strip-all $filename\n"); return ( "$tmp/$filename", 1 ); } elsif (($_[1] eq "mod" && !defined $mod_strip_check) or ($_[1] eq "mod" && $mod_strip_check->active)) { sys("objcopy --strip-debug -p $_[0] $tmp/$filename"); info(1,"--strip-debug $filename\n"); return ( "$tmp/$filename", 1 ); } } else { return ( $_[0], 0 ); } } return ( $_[0], 0); } # end sub stripper sub two_disk_compression_check { my ($ash,$lilo,$bzip2,$file); if ( !find_file_in_path("ash") ) { $ash = "ash"; } if ( !find_file_in_path("lilo") ) { $lilo = "lilo"; } if ( !find_file_in_path("bzip2") ) { $bzip2 = "bzip2"; } if ( !find_file_in_path("file") ) { $file = "file"; } if ( $ash || $lilo || $bzip2 || $ash ) { error_window( "Program(s) required by this method: $lilo $ash $bzip2 $file" ); return 1; } } # end sub two_disk_compression_check sub kernel_modules { my (@modules, @modules_found); my $module_choices = $ea3->get_text() if $ea3; my $kernel_version_choice = $ea5->get_text() if $ea5; undef $kernel_version_choice if defined $kernel_version_choice eq ""; undef $kernel_version_choice if !$kernel_version_choice; $kernel_version = kernel_version_check($container[KERNEL], $kernel_version_choice); #----------------------------- # METHOD -> 2 DISK COMPRESSION #----------------------------- if ( $container[METHOD] eq "2 disk compression" ) { $entry_advanced[11] = "floppy"; if ($ea3) { if ($module_choices eq "") { $ea3->set_text("floppy"); $module_choices = "floppy"; } else { $ea3->set_text($ea3->get_text() . " floppy") if $ea3->get_text() !~ /\s*floppy\s*/; $module_choices = $ea3->get_text(); } } else { $module_choices = "floppy"; } @modules = split(/\s+/, $module_choices); } info(1, "Modules: @modules\n"); # Figure out modules path. if ( @modules ) { foreach my $module (@modules) { finddepth sub { if ( $File::Find::name =~ m,/$module\.o$, ) { push(@modules_found,$File::Find::name); } }, "$modules_directory/$kernel_version"; } } $, = " "; info(1,"Modules found:\n@modules_found\n"); $, = ""; return @modules_found; } # end sub kernel_modules sub initrd_size { info(0,"Boot Method: 2 disk\n", "Type: initrd boot disk with LILO/root filesystem disk\n"); my ($linuxrc_size) = @_; my ($what,$lib); my ($path,$value); info(0, "Checking size needed for initrd\n"); # the size of the loop device should be at least 1.63% larger than what # it will contain (i.e. 8192 inode), but to keep on the safe size it will # be 2.00% larger. # Unforturnately, stat is being done on # the actual live fs, whereas the loop filesystem may be different. In # general the check is quite conservative and will always leave room. # Stat seems to view things differently based on the situation, and # -s file has another opinion, for now stat will be used and perhaps # the actual filesystem in the future. Better extra room than too little. # 9 dirs = 1024 each (increase if modified) # {ash,gzip,mount,umount} (required executables) # bzip2 if $compress eq bzip2 (optional) # 1 for ld.so.cache # change dir size if needed my $dir_size = 9 + 1; my $initrd_size = $dir_size + $linuxrc_size; # clean initrd_mnt if any garbage is found. if (-d "$tmp/initrd_mnt") { sys("rm -rf $tmp/initrd_mnt"); } if (!-d "$tmp/initrd_mnt") { return if errmk(sys("mkdir $tmp/initrd_mnt")) == 2; } # modules - see CVS:1.65 for previous non-size check. my @modules = kernel_modules(); if (@modules) { my $tool; # dirs sizes, just assuming 1024 my $ds = mkpath("$tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version"); $initrd_size = $initrd_size + ($ds - 1); # copy over the modules foreach my $stuff (@modules) { ($path,$value) = stripper($stuff,"mod"); $value == 0 ? ($tool = "cp -a") : ($tool = "mv"); if (!$path) { info(1,"gBootRoot Error: Couldn't find $stuff\n"); } # copy stuff to proper directory and unlink size tester return if errcp(sys("$tool $path $tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version")) == 2; unlink($path) if $value == 1; } # Do the depmod operation if ($entry_advanced[13] && $entry_advanced[13] ne "") { if ( $> == 0 ) { return if err_custom("depmod -ae -F $entry_advanced[13] -b $tmp/initrd_mnt $kernel_version", "gBootRoot: ERROR: depmod failed") == 2; } else { return if err_custom("depmod -aer -F $entry_advanced[13] -b $tmp/initrd_mnt $kernel_version", "gBootRoot: ERROR: depmod failed") == 2; } } # $entry_advanced[13] defined else { if ( $> == 0 ) { return if err_custom("depmod -ae -b $tmp/initrd_mnt $kernel_version", "gBootRoot: ERROR: depmod failed") == 2; } else { return if err_custom("depmod -aer -b $tmp/initrd_mnt $kernel_version", "gBootRoot: ERROR: depmod failed") == 2; } } # Check all the files in the dirctory for their size, and unlink them. opendir(DIR,"$tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version") or info(1,"Failed to open $tmp/initrd_mnt/$kernel_version"); my @module_stuff = grep { /\w+/ } readdir(DIR); close(DIR); # Figure out the size for all the stuff created by depmod and the # modules included. foreach my $stuff (@module_stuff) { $initrd_size = $initrd_size + ((stat("$tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version/$stuff"))[12]/2); unlink("$tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version/$stuff"); } # The modules directory has to be removed here. return if errrm(sys("rmdir $tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version")) == 2; return if errrm(sys("rmdir $tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules")) == 2; return if errrm(sys("rmdir $tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/")) == 2; } # end if (@modules) # This and libs should be user accessible # add other executables here my @initrd_stuff; if (@modules) { @initrd_stuff = qw(ash gzip mount umount modprobe insmod); } else { @initrd_stuff = qw(ash gzip mount umount); } foreach (@initrd_stuff) { if ( !readlink($_) ) { ($path,$value) = stripper(find_file_in_path($_),"bin"); $initrd_size = $initrd_size + ((stat($path))[12]/2); unlink($path) if $value == 1; } else { $initrd_size = $initrd_size + length(readlink(find_file_in_path($_))); } } if ($compress eq "bzip2" && -e find_file_in_path($compress)) { ($path,$value) = stripper(find_file_in_path($compress),"bin"); $initrd_size = $initrd_size + ((stat($path))[12]/2); unlink($path) if $value == 1; } my $lib_tester; if ($bz2_toggle->active && -x find_file_in_path("bzip2") ) { $lib_tester = find_file_in_path("bzip2"); } else { $lib_tester = find_file_in_path("init"); } my $dir; # lib sizes This is going to be improved later with library_dependencies open(L,"ldd $lib_tester|") or die "Oops, no init could be found :)\n"; # safe to use ldd while () { my $place; ($lib,$place) = (split(/=>/,$_))[0,1]; $place = (split(" ",$place))[0]; $lib =~ s/\s+//; $lib = basename($lib); $lib =~ s/\s+$//; $dir = dirname($place); open (SL,"ls -l $dir/$lib|") or die "humm: $!\n"; while () { # symbolic link if (-l "$dir/$lib") { $what = (split(/\s+/,$_))[10]; $initrd_size = $initrd_size + 1; ($path,$value) = stripper("$dir/$lib","lib"); $initrd_size = $initrd_size + ((stat($path))[12]/2); unlink($path) if $value == 1; } # no symbolic link else { ($path,$value) = stripper("$dir/$lib","lib"); $initrd_size = $initrd_size + ((stat($path))[12]/2); unlink($path) if $value == 1; } } } close(SL); close(L); $initrd_size = $initrd_size + ($initrd_size * 0.02); # For perfection 1 (rounded up) is o.k., but for safety 10 would be # better $initrd_size = sprintf("%.f",$initrd_size) + 10; return $initrd_size; } # end sub initrd_size sub pb { # Will have to count by hand if ($_[0] eq "initrd") { $pbar->configure( 10, 0, 10 ); } elsif ($_[0] eq "boot") { $pbar->configure( 10, 0, 10 ); } elsif ($_[0] eq "filesystem") { $pbar->configure($_[2], 0, $_[2]); } $pbar->set_value($_[1]); # Found this at Gnome .. # http://www.uk.gnome.org/mailing-lists/archives/gtk-list/ # 1999-October/0401.shtml # Also, http://www.gtk.org/faq/ 5.14 while (Gtk->events_pending) { Gtk->main_iteration; } } sub initrd { my($kernel,$root_image,$device,$size) = @_; my($lib,$what,$path,$value,$tool); my $I = "initrd"; # Basically this means the ARS was never opened or edited and the # default behavior is to use the same device. if ( !$entry_advanced[3] ) { $device = $container[BOOT_DEVICE]; } else { $device = $entry_advanced[3]; } my $fs_type = (split(/\s/,$main::makefs))[0]; ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> != 0 ) { # Assuming busybox is being used, so bzip2 should still be standard # just another link .. just for testing. ##if ( $compress eq "bzip2" ) { ## $compress = "bunzip2"; ##} } my $broot_image = basename($root_image); open(LC, ">$tmp/linuxrc") or die "Couldn't write linuxrc to loop device\n"; print LC initrd_heredoc($broot_image,$device); close(LC); pb($I,1); my $size_needed = initrd_size((stat("$tmp/linuxrc"))[12]/2); unlink("$tmp/linuxrc"); ## if ( $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { info(0, "Using loop device to make initrd\n"); info(0, "Make sure you have loop device capability" . " in your running kernel\n"); sys("dd if=/dev/zero of=$tmp/$initrd bs=1024 count=$size_needed"); pb($I,2); # no need to enter y every time .. could use -F my $error; open(T,"|mke2fs -F -m0 -i8192 $tmp/$initrd >/dev/null 2>&1") or ($error = error("Can not make ext2 filesystem on initrd.\n")); return "ERROR" if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; print T "y\n"; close(T); pb($I,3); info(0, "Mounting initrd in $tmp/initrd_mnt\n"); } # clean initrd_mnt if any garbage is found. if (-d "$tmp/initrd_mnt") { sys("rm -rf $tmp/initrd_mnt"); } if (!-d "$tmp/initrd_mnt") { return if errmk(sys("mkdir $tmp/initrd_mnt")) == 2; } # Here the loop device is made on tmp, not mnt ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> != 0 ) { info(0, "Using genext2fs to make initrd rather than a loop device\n"); } else { if ( $> == 0 ) { return if errm(sys("mount -o loop -t ext2 $tmp/$initrd $tmp/initrd_mnt")) == 2; } else { return if errm(sys("mount $tmp/initrd_mnt")) == 2; } } pb($I,4); info(0, "Putting everything together\n"); ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> != 0 ) { open(LC, ">$tmp/initrd_mnt/linuxrc") or die "Couldn't write linuxrc to $tmp/initrd_mnt\n"; } else { open(LC, ">$tmp/initrd_mnt/linuxrc") or die "Couldn't write linuxrc to loop device\n"; } print LC initrd_heredoc($broot_image,$device); close(LC); # I could test this but somebody's system may do permissions differently sys("chmod 0755 $tmp/initrd_mnt/linuxrc"); ## if ($fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { sys("rmdir $tmp/initrd_mnt/lost+found"); } pb($I,5); info(0, "... the dirs\n"); return if errmk( sys("mkdir $tmp/initrd_mnt/{bin,dev,etc,lib,mnt,proc,sbin,usr}")) == 2; return if errmk(sys("mkdir $tmp/initrd_mnt/usr/lib")) == 2; pb($I,6); # Hopefully, this works, but have never tested it - o.k I did ## if ( $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> == 0 ) { if ($container[BOOT_DEVICE] !~ m,/dev/fd\d{1}$,) { return if err(sys("cp -a $container[BOOT_DEVICE] $mnt/dev")) == 2; } } # DEVICES SECTION my @devices; my $device_table = "$tmp/initrd_device_table.txt"; ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> != 0 ) { info(0, "Making $device_table for genext2fs\n"); my $error; unlink( $device_table ) if -e $device_table; # # /dev is always needs to be made automatically open(BootRoot::Yard::DEVICE_TABLE, ">$device_table") or ($error = error("$device_table: $!")); return "ERROR"if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; print BootRoot::Yard::DEVICE_TABLE "# \t\t\t\t\t\t" . "\t\t\t\n"; print BootRoot::Yard::DEVICE_TABLE "/dev\t\td\t0755\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\n"; # Keep a record of the devices required @devices = qw(/dev/console dev/null /dev/ram0 /dev/ram1 /dev/tty0); for ( split(" ", $container[BOOT_DEVICE] ) ) { push(@devices, $_ ) if $_; } device_table( @devices ); close(BootRoot::Yard::DEVICE_TABLE); } else { if ( $> == 0 ) { info(0, "Copying over devices to $tmp/initrd_mnt/dev\n"); return if errcp( sys("cp -a /dev/{console,null,ram0,ram1,tty0} $tmp/initrd_mnt/dev") ) == 2; return if errcp( sys("cp -a $container[BOOT_DEVICE] $tmp/initrd_mnt/dev")) == 2; } else { info(0, "Mknod devices at $tmp/initrd_mnt/dev\n"); # This could be replaced by a devfs. sys("$main::sudo mknod c 5 1 $tmp/initrd_mnt/dev/console"); sys("$main::sudo mknod c 1 3 $tmp/initrd_mnt/dev/null"); sys("$main::sudo mknod b 1 0 $tmp/initrd_mnt/dev/ram0"); sys("$main::sudo mknod b 1 1 $tmp/initrd_mnt/dev/ram1"); sys("$main::sudo mknod c 4 0 $tmp/initrd_mnt/dev/tty0"); sys("$main::sudo mknod b 2 0 $tmp/initrd_mnt/dev/fd0"); } } # end DEVICES SECTION pb($I,7); # This and libs should be user accessible info(0, ".. the modules\n"); my @modules = kernel_modules(); if (@modules) { mkpath("$tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version"); foreach my $stuff (@modules) { ($path,$value) = stripper($stuff,"mod"); $value == 0 ? ($tool = "cp -a") : ($tool = "mv"); if (!$path) { info(1,"gBootRoot Error: Couldn't find $stuff\n"); } return if errcp(sys("$tool $path $tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version")) == 2; } if ($entry_advanced[13] && $entry_advanced[13] ne "") { if ( $> == 0 ) { info(1, "depmod -ae -F $entry_advanced[13] -b $tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version $kernel_version\n"); return if err_custom("depmod -ae -F $entry_advanced[13] -b $tmp/initrd_mnt $kernel_version", "gBootRoot: ERROR: depmod failed") == 2; } else { info(1, "depmod -aer -F $entry_advanced[13] -b $tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version $kernel_version\n"); return if err_custom("depmod -aer -F $entry_advanced[13] -b $tmp/initrd_mnt $kernel_version", "gBootRoot: ERROR: depmod failed") == 2; } } # $entry_advanced[13] defined else { if ( $> == 0 ) { info(1, "depmod -ae -b $tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version $kernel_version\n"); return if err_custom("depmod -ae -b $tmp/initrd_mnt $kernel_version", "gBootRoot: ERROR: depmod failed") == 2; } else { info(1, "depmod -aer -b $tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/modules/$kernel_version $kernel_version\n"); return if err_custom("depmod -aer -b $tmp/initrd_mnt $kernel_version", "gBootRoot: ERROR: depmod failed") == 2; } } } info(0, ".. the bins\n"); my @initrd_stuff; if (@modules) { @initrd_stuff = qw(ash gzip mount umount modprobe insmod); } else { @initrd_stuff = qw(ash gzip mount umount); } # Will put the stuff in sbin because the is where the kernel looks for # modprobe. if ( ! $busybox ) { foreach (@initrd_stuff) { ($path,$value) = stripper(find_file_in_path($_),"bin"); $value == 0 ? ($tool = "cp -a") : ($tool = "mv"); if (!$path) { info(1,"gBootRoot Error: Couldn't find $_\n"); } return if errcp(sys("$tool $path $tmp/initrd_mnt/sbin")) == 2; } if ($compress eq "bzip2" && -e find_file_in_path($compress)) { ($path,$value) = stripper(find_file_in_path($compress),"bin"); $value == 0 ? ($tool = "cp -a") : ($tool = "mv"); return if errcp(sys("$tool $path $tmp/initrd_mnt/sbin")) == 2; } # Testing if init is sufficient for grabbing the correct libraries for the # executables immediately above. This could be modified to test a # list of executables. Now bzip2 uses libbz2.so.1.0, so if bzip2 is # present on the system this will be the tester instead, and size # has to be figured out differently. info(0, ".. the libs\n"); my $lib_tester; if ($bz2_toggle->active && -x find_file_in_path("bzip2") ) { $lib_tester = find_file_in_path("bzip2"); } else { $lib_tester = find_file_in_path("init"); } my $dir; open(L,"ldd $lib_tester|") or die "Oops, no $lib_tester could be found :)\n"; # safe to use ldd, this is going to be fixed later with library_dependencies while () { my $place; ($lib,$place) = (split(/=>/,$_))[0,1]; $place = (split(" ",$place))[0]; $lib =~ s/\s+//; $lib = basename($lib); $lib =~ s/\s+$//; $dir = dirname($place); info(0,"$dir/$lib\n"); open (SL,"ls -l $dir/$lib|") or die "humm: $!\n"; while () { # symbolic link if (-l "$dir/$lib") { $what = (split(/\s+/,$_))[10]; ($path,$value) = stripper("$dir/$lib","lib"); $value == 0 ? ($tool = "cp -a") : ($tool = "mv"); return if errcp(sys("$tool $path $tmp/initrd_mnt$dir")) == 2; ($path,$value) = stripper("$dir/$what","lib"); $value == 0 ? ($tool = "cp -a") : ($tool = "mv"); return if errcp(sys("$tool $path $tmp/initrd_mnt$dir")) == 2; } # no symbolic link else { ($path,$value) = stripper("$dir/$lib","lib"); return if errcp(sys("cp -a $path $tmp/initrd_mnt$dir")) == 2; } } } } # not busybox else { my $error; # busybox binary $tool = "cp -a"; $path = "/home/mttrader/busybox/busybox/busybox"; return if errcp(sys("$tool $path $tmp/initrd_mnt/sbin")) == 2; #Currently defined functions: # [, ash, bunzip2, busybox, echo, false, gzip, insmod, modprobe, # mount, sh, test, true, umount my $target = "$tmp/initrd_mnt/sbin/busybox"; my @busystuff = qw(ash sh bunzip2 echo gzip insmod modprobe mount umount); chdir("$tmp/initrd_mnt/sbin/"); foreach ( @busystuff ) { symlink("busybox", "$tmp/initrd_mnt/sbin/$_" ); } # uClibc mkpath("$tmp/initrd_mnt/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib"); $path = "/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib/libuClibc-0.9.5.so"; return if errcp(sys("$tool $path $tmp/initrd_mnt/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib")) == 2; sys("chmod 0755 $tmp/initrd_mnt/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib/libuClibc-0.9.5.so"); chdir("$tmp/initrd_mnt/lib"); symlink("../usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib/libuClibc-0.9.5.so", "$tmp/initrd_mnt/lib/libc.so.0" ); $path = "/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib/ld-uClibc-0.9.5.so"; return if errcp(sys("$tool $path $tmp/initrd_mnt/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib")) == 2; sys("chmod 0755 $tmp/initrd_mnt/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib/ld-uClibc-0.9.5.so"); chdir("$tmp/initrd_mnt/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib"); symlink("ld-uClibc-0.9.5.so", "$tmp/initrd_mnt/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0" ); } info(0, "Determine run-time link bindings\n"); # Has a return code of 0 regardless # Also, produces false alarms even when it is working. info(1, "Ignore warnings about missing directories\n"); sys("ldconfig -v -r $tmp/initrd_mnt"); ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" ) { if ( $> != 0 ) { info(0, "Using genext2fs to contruct the initrd\n"); # The -D option is unique to the newest unreleased version of # genextfs modified by BusyBox maintainer Erick Andersen # August 20, 2001. my $error; # genext2fs doesn't make accurate sized filesystems. # this will be user adjustable in the future. $size_needed = $size_needed + 1000; if ( sys("/usr/lib/bootroot/$main::makefs -b $size_needed -d $tmp/initrd_mnt -D $device_table $tmp/$initrd") !~ /^0$/ ) { $error = error("Cannot $fs_type filesystem.\n"); return "ERROR" if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; } } else { chdir($pwd); info(0, "Umounting loop device, and compressing initrd\n"); return if errum(sys("umount $tmp/initrd_mnt")) == 2; } info(0, "Compressing initrd\n"); sys("gzip -f9 $tmp/$initrd"); pb($I,10); # This takes the longest. $initrd = $initrd . ".gz"; } # end sub initrd # This was submitted by Cristian "cretzu." sub gdkbirdaao { # Guess Default Kernel Boot Image Root Device And Append Options #(gdbirdaao) # # We return a list with 3 elements: # # root device, kernel boot image path and append options # # The last list element (append options) could be returned as a list # of options, but it probably might be cleaner if the caller splitted it. # # this should cover the following cases: # # 1. we have a 'root=...' somewhere above the 'image=...' block(s), and # the image block may or may not have a root specified # # 2. there is no default label, in which case, we take the first one # # 3. there is a default label, and that's what we pick up # my $ret_image_path = ''; my $ret_root_dev = ''; my $ret_append = ''; # enough of the annoying "perhaps you are not root" # ofcourse this test is always ran assuming lilo is used. if ( $> == 0 ) { if ( !$container[METHOD] || $container[METHOD] eq "2 disk compression" ) { if (-e $lilo_conf and !-d $lilo_conf) { my @lilo_lines; open(LIL, $lilo_conf) or warn "*** $lilo_conf not found\n"; @lilo_lines = ; close(LIL); chomp(@lilo_lines); my $default_label = ''; my %image_blocks; my $image_block_name_prefix = 'ImageBlock'; my $image_block_no = 1; my $image_block_name = ''; my $root_dev = ''; for (@lilo_lines) { # ignore comment lines next if m/^\s*[#]/; # cleanup whitespace s/\s*//; s/\s*$//; s/\s*=\s*/=/; # 'default=whatever' returns just a label if (m/default=(.+)\s*/) { $default_label = $1; } # start of a new 'image=' # image block or similar elsif (m/(image|other)=(.+)\s*/) { $image_block_name = sprintf("%s%02d", $image_block_name_prefix, $image_block_no); $image_blocks{$image_block_name} {'kernel_image_path'} = $2; $image_blocks{$image_block_name} {'root_device'} = $root_dev; $image_block_no += 1; } # image block label elsif (m/label=(.+)\s*/) { $image_blocks{$image_block_name} {'block_label'} = $1; } # 'root=' elsif (m#root=/dev/(.+)\s*#) { # inside an image block if ($image_block_name and defined($image_blocks {$image_block_name} {'root_device'})) { $image_blocks{$image_block_name} {'root_device'} = $1; } # loose else { $root_dev = $1 if !$root_dev; } } elsif (m#append=\"(.+)\"#) { $image_blocks{$image_block_name} {'append'} = $1; } else { # Ignore everything else } } # we'll now find the kernel image and root device foreach $image_block_name (sort keys %image_blocks) { # Assume there's no specified default label; # take the first $ret_root_dev = $image_blocks{$image_block_name}{'root_device'} if !$ret_root_dev; $ret_image_path = $image_blocks{$image_block_name} {'kernel_image_path'} if !$ret_image_path; $ret_append = $image_blocks{$image_block_name}{'append'} if !$ret_append; # do we have a default kernel? if (defined $image_blocks{$image_block_name} {'block_label'}) { if ($image_blocks{$image_block_name} {'block_label'} eq $default_label) { # Found the block match for the default label $ret_root_dev = $image_blocks{$image_block_name} {'root_device'}; $ret_image_path = $image_blocks{$image_block_name} {'kernel_image_path'}; $ret_append = $image_blocks {$image_block_name}{'append'}; last; } } } } } # if METHOD eq 2 disk compression } # if not root # and some a small portion of paranoia $ret_root_dev = 'hda1' if !$ret_root_dev; return ($ret_root_dev, $ret_image_path, $ret_append); } # end sub gdkbirdaao ########### # Mtab area ########### sub mtab_window { # Will just use a dialog box. my ($dialog,$error,$count,$pattern) = @_; if (not defined $mtab) { $mtab = Gtk::Dialog->new(); $mtab->signal_connect("destroy", \&destroy_window, \$mtab); $mtab->signal_connect("delete_event", \&destroy_window, \$mtab); $mtab->set_title("gBootRoot: Device check"); $mtab->border_width(15); $mtab->set_position('center'); my $label = Gtk::Label->new($dialog); $label->set_justify( 'left' ); $label->set_pattern("_________") if $pattern == 9; $label->set_pattern("_____") if $pattern == 5; $mtab->vbox->pack_start( $label, $true, $true, 15 ); $label->show(); my $button = Gtk::Button->new("OK"); $button->signal_connect("clicked", \&mtab_check, $count); $button->can_default(1); $mtab->action_area->pack_start($button, $false, $false,0); $button->grab_default; $button->show; $button = Gtk::Button->new("Cancel"); $button->signal_connect("clicked", sub { destroy $mtab; $mtab = 2 if $count == 3; } ); $mtab->action_area->pack_start($button, $false, $false,0); $button->show; } if (!visible $mtab) { show $mtab; } else { destroy $mtab; mtab_window($dialog,$error,$count) if $error == 0; } } # end sub mtab_window sub mtab { # /proc/mount could be used, but maybe there is no /proc # Press OK when drive and storage medium are ready. The drive should not # be mounted. if ($_[0] == 0) { my $dialog = "BOOTDISK:\n" ."Press OK when the drive and its storage medium is ready.\n" ."The Boot Disk will now be made. All data already on\n" ."the storage medium will be erased."; mtab_window($dialog,1,$_[0],9); } elsif ($_[0] == 1) { my $dialog = "ROOTDISK:\n" ."Press OK when the drive and its storage medium is ready.\n" ."The Root Disk will now be made. All data already on\n" ."the storage medium will be erased."; mtab_window($dialog,1,$_[0],9); } elsif ( $_[0] == 3 ) { my $dialog = "LILO:\n" ."Lilo will now be executed. In order for the bootloader\n" ."to work properly you need superuser privileges to run lilo.\n" ."See FAQ for ways to accomplish this. Even if you don't have\n" ."privileges, the program will continue to make a boot disk.\n" ."Lilo may be ran as root at a later time on the boot disk."; mtab_window($dialog,3,$_[0],5); } } # end sub mtab sub mtab_check { my($widget,$count) = @_; my $dialog; my $error = 1; my $fs_type = (split(/\s/,$main::makefs))[0]; # Check to see if $device is mounted if ( $count < 3 ) { open (MTAB, "/etc/mtab") or die "no mtab!\n"; while () { if ($count == 1) { # ROOT_DEVICE if ( m,$entry_advanced[3], ) { # Safety Check: $dialog = "Please umount the device first.\nPress OK when you are ready."; $error = 0; } } elsif ( $count == 0 ) { # BOOT_DEVICE if (m,$entry_advanced[0],) { # Safety Check: $dialog = "Please umount the device first.\nPress OK when you are ready."; $error = 0; } } } close(MTAB); } mtab_window($dialog,$error,$count) if $error == 0; # Make sure the drive and storage medium are accessible # Keep asking until they are. ## if ( $error == 1 && $fs_type ne "genext2fs" ) { if ( $error == 1 && $> == 0 ) { destroy $mtab; # $size has to be determined by boot disk or root disk # ROOT_DEVICE - test with a loop device if ($count == 1) { sys("mke2fs -F -m0 -i8192 $entry_advanced[3] $root_device_size"); } # BOOT_DEVICE elsif ($count == 0) { sys("mke2fs -F -m0 -i8192 $entry_advanced[0] $container[SIZE]"); } if ($? != 0) { $dialog = "gBootRoot: ERROR: You need to insert a disk\n"; mtab_window($dialog,$error,$count); return; } # ROOT_DEVICE if ($count == 1) { if ( $> == 0 ) { return if errm(sys("mount -t ext2 $entry_advanced[3] $mnt")) == 2; } else { return if errm(sys("mount $mnt")) == 2; } } # BOOT_DEVICE elsif ($count == 0) { if ( $> == 0 ) { return if errm(sys("mount -t ext2 $entry_advanced[0] $mnt")) == 2; } else { return if errm(sys("mount $mnt")) == 2; } } lilo_put_it_together() if $count == 0; # mtab(1) runs from here device2() if $count == 1; } # if $error == 1 ## if ( $fs_type eq "genext2fs" && $error == 1 ) { if ( $> != 0 && $error == 1 ) { destroy $mtab; lilo_put_it_together() if $count == 0; # mtab(1) runs from here device2() if $count == 1; } # Warned the user about something if ( $error == 3 ) { $mtab->destroy; } } # end sub mtab_check ################## # Here Doc Section ################## # This should be user accessible # This should be called linuxrc. sub initrd_heredoc { my($broot_image,$root_device) = @_; # Here's where the initrd is put together using a loop device # HEREDOC my $initrd_exec = << "INITRD"; #!/sbin/ash export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin: echo Preparing to setup ramdisk. # Before busybox experimentation this was the state of things: # mount -o remount,rw / 2>/dev/null # echo Mounting proc... # mount -t proc none /proc echo Mounting proc... mount -t proc none /proc echo Mounting $root_device readable-writable mount -o remount,rw $root_device / echo -n 'Please insert the root floppy, and press [Enter]: ' read ENTER echo Mounting $root_device readonly ... # -t causes busybox to fail here, -o doesn't help much either. #mount -o ro -t ext2 $root_device /mnt mount $root_device /mnt echo -n Copying new root to ramdisk .. please wait ... $compress -cd /mnt/$broot_image > /dev/ram1 echo done. echo -n Unmounting $root_device ... umount /mnt echo done. # Using change_root, eventually may change to pivot_root or # give the user the choice. echo Changing to the new root. echo 257 >/proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev echo -n Unmounting proc ... umount /proc echo done. echo Continuing normal boot procedure from ramdisk. INITRD return $initrd_exec; } # end sub initrd_heredoc sub brlilo { my ($device) = @_; $entry_advanced[2] ? $entry_advanced[2] = $entry_advanced[2] : $entry_advanced[2] = $container[ABS_APPEND]; # HEREDOC my $brlilo = << "LILOCONF"; boot = $device message = message delay = 50 vga = normal install = /boot/boot.b map = /boot/map backup = /dev/null compact # bootdisk image = kernel append = "load_ramdisk=1 debug $entry_advanced[2]" initrd = $initrd root = $device label = bootdisk read-write # normalboot image = kernel append = "$entry_advanced[2]" root = /dev/$norm_root_device label = normalboot read-only LILOCONF return $brlilo; } # end sub brlilo sub brlilo_non_root { my ($device) = @_; $entry_advanced[2] ? $entry_advanced[2] = $entry_advanced[2] : $entry_advanced[2] = $container[ABS_APPEND]; # HEREDOC my $brlilo = << "LILOCONF"; boot = $device message = $old_mount/message delay = 50 vga = normal install = $old_mount/boot/boot.b map = $old_mount/boot/map backup = /dev/null compact # bootdisk image = $old_mount/kernel append = "load_ramdisk=1 debug $entry_advanced[2]" initrd = $old_mount/$initrd root = $device label = bootdisk read-write # normalboot #image = kernel #append = "$entry_advanced[2]" #root = /dev/$norm_root_device #label = normalboot #read-only LILOCONF return $brlilo; } # end sub brlilo_non_root sub message { # HEREDOC my $message = << "MESSAGE"; gBootRoot $version $date GNU GPL mailto: Jonathan Rosenbaum Press [Ctrl] to see the lilo prompt. Press [Tab] to see a list of boot options. bootdisk = This will boot a compressed root filesystem on another floppy. normalboot = This will boot up a specified filesystem. default: /dev/$norm_root_device Use root=/dev/(h or s)dXX h = IDE Drive s = SCSI Drive Trouble: Do not forget boot: option single Fix a filesystem: e2fsck /dev/(h or s)dXX Bad superblock: e2fsck -b 8192 /dev/(h or s)dXX MESSAGE return $message; } # end sub message sub help { << "HELP"; gBootRoot $version $date GNU GPL Email contact -> Jonathan Rosenbaum Homepage -> http://gbootroot.sourceforge.net Submit a Bug -> http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?group_id=9513 Devel. & Releases -> http://sourceforge.net/projects/gbootroot Places to talk: gbootroot-{devel,user} mailing lists -> http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=9513 Help forum -> http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=29639 Open forum -> http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=29638 gbootroot documentation and FAQ: /usr/share/doc/gbootroot/html/index.html How to Use gBootRoot: The most important button to familiarize yourself with is the Submit button which starts the whole process; dialogs are presented as the process continues asking you if you want to continue "OK" or stop "Cancel". The first row allows you to choose a Boot Method. Clicking on the menu on the right selects the Boot Method. The second row allows you to select the kernel for the Boot/Root set. You may either use the file selector button on the right hand side, or you may type in the location on the left hand side. The third row allows you to select the compressed filesystem you are providing, using either of the two ways mentioned before. You may use a pre-made root filesystem or you may create one using one of the Methods provided in the Advanced Root Section. The fourth row allows you to select the device you want to use. The default device is the first floppy disk (/dev/fd0). The fifth row allows you to choose the size of the device being used. The default size of 1440 assumes you are using a floppy drive (Note: You may want to experiment with 1722 which works fine with many floppy drives.), but can be used with other sized devices like tape drives. Click on the appropriate radio button to choose either gzip or bzip2 compression if the program doesn't automatically detect it. The slider bar on the right allows the output of the verbosity box to be changed from the highest (2) to the lowest setting (1) or to be turned off (0) or on again. At times it may be advantageous to turn off the verbosity box since large quantities of output to this box may cause gbootroot to use too much cpu power; however, output may still be found in the text file "verbose" in /tmp/gbootroot_tmp'time-date'. Advanced Boot Section: Libraries & Binaries & Modules check boxes: Turn off and on the stripping of symbols. The stripping behavior for libraries may be changed by clicking on the right mouse button to change --strip-debug to --strip-all. Binaries default to --strip-all and Modules default to --strip-debug. "Devel Device" If the device used for development is different than the actual boot device, use this field to indicate that device. You will have to run lilo -v -C brlilo.conf -r "device mount point" manually at a later time on the actual boot device. "Opt. Device" Add devices to the boot disk which are necessary for the kernel to function properly. Put a space between each device. For instance, /dev/fb0 for frame buffer devices. "append =" Add append options to brlilo.conf. If you are using a frame buffer device you could add something like video=matrox:vesa:402,depth:16. "Kernel Module" Add the modules found in /lib/modules/kernel-version which are necessary for the Boot Method to work properly. If these modules aren't found in the modules directory it is assumed that they either are in the kernel or they do not exist. In the case of 2 disk compression, floppy needs to be included in the kernel or included as a module. Kmod inserts the modules, and kmod needs to be built into the kernel along with initrd and ramdisk." "Kernel Version" Override the kernel version number found in the kernel header. This will change the /lib/modules/kernel-version directory. System.map: When a non-running kernel is chosen it is important to include a copy of that kernel's System.map file so that depmod can use the correct set of kernel symbols to resolve kernel references in each module. This can be found in the kernel's source code after compilation. Advanced Root Section: "Root Device" This is the device used for the root filesystem when constructing the Boot/Root set. You may choose a device which is different than the Boot device, but presently only floppy devices are supported. "Root Device Size" The size of the actual media used for the Root Device. "Root Filename" The name give to the root filesystem when initially made in the temporary creation location. The save button allows the creation to be saved in the permanent default location when the Accept button is pressed. "Filesystem Size" Root Methods make the filesystem the size which is specified here. "Compression" Off by default to allow user-mode-linux testing. Turn on compression when you are ready to use a Boot Method which requires compression. "Method" The root filesystem creation method. "Template" The template associated with a Root Method. Not all Root Methods have templates. "Generate" This puts the chosen Root Method in action. "UML" Abbreviation for user-mode-linux. This is a linux kernel which runs on top of the host system's linux kernel and allows a you run a live root filesystem. "Accept" This accepts the created root filesystem if it is found in the temporary creation directory. The UML box and the main section will now reflect the path to this root filesystem. You can now test with the UML button or put together a complete Boot/Root set with the Submit button. Advanced Kernel Section: Still in development. Little things you may want to know: * gBootRoot requires ash for initrd. Ash is a feather weight version of Bash. HELP } sub skas_or_tt { my ($ret, $error); # CLI is never appended, but it could be. if ( !$option{gui_mode} ) { open(SKAS_OR_TT,"/usr/lib/bootroot/skas-or-tt|") or ($error = error("/usr/lib/bootroot/skas-or-tt: $!")); return "ERROR"if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; } else { my $skas_or_tt = $option{home} . "/skas-or-tt/skas-or-tt"; open(SKAS_OR_TT,"$skas_or_tt|") or ($error = error("/usr/lib/bootroot/skas-or-tt: $!")); return "ERROR"if $error && $error eq "ERROR"; } while () { !m,not found$, ? ($ret = "skas") : ($ret = "tt"); } close(SKAS_OR_TT); return $ret; } 1;