Template: make-debian-x11/close_gbootroot_down Type: note Description: See gBootRoot's FAQ to learn important add-on replacements info. Visit gBootRoot's FAQ in /usr/share/doc/gbootroot/html/index.html to learn how add-on replacements are put into a central repository which is available to all users and has CVS versioning to protect against changes. The FAQ answer to "What are all these CVS directories doing in my replacements?" explains how things are set-up. . IMPORTANT: Users of versions of gbootroot prior to 1.3.0 need to heed special attention to the note explaining how the new change effects their local user replacement directories and what they need to do if they want the attain the full benefit of the new set-up. Template: make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11 Type: boolean Description: Make the Debian-X11.yard template? I can now make the Debian-X11.yard template, or you can do it latter yourself. I will just create one for the administrator: root Template: make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11-swim Type: boolean Description: Generate swim databases to allow template creation? In order for the template to be properly created swim databases first have to exist. Do you want me to proceed with this? Otherwise, the template will not be created. Template: make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11-doc Type: boolean Description: Remove /usr/share/{doc,man,info}? All documentation, manuals and info can be removed to create a more streamline root filesystem. Template: make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11-zoneinfo Type: boolean Description: Only use your locale settings? The default is to remove everything in /usr/share/zoneinfo except for your local settings found in /etc/locatime.