#!/bin/bash -x # $Id: linuxrc,v 1.2 2002/12/16 04:13:25 freesource Exp $ ############################################################################## ## ## ## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 by Jonathan Rosenbaum ## ## ## GNU General Public License ## ############################################################################## # initrd using mtdram or blkmtd: This is most useful for jffs/jffs2 # filesystems. # Find all the necessary details from /proc/cmdline # Parse for runlevel, too, both from cmdline and inittab if it exists. # This assumes init= isn't being used, otherwise use this instead. PATH=/mnt/sbin:/mnt/usr/sbin:/mnt/bin:/mnt/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH:. mount -t proc none /proc # All filesystems made with cramfs/jffs/jffs2 will need the /dev and /initrd # directories automatically added. MTD_TYPE=`cat /proc/cmdline | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d, -f1` FS_TYPE=`cat /proc/cmdline | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d, -f2` TOTAL_SIZE=`cat /proc/cmdline | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d, -f3` ERASURE_SIZE=`cat /proc/cmdline | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d, -f4` INIT=`cat /proc/cmdline | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d, -f5` FILE_PATH=`cat /proc/cmdline | sed s/.*ubd[0-9][a-z]\\\?=// | cut -d" " -f1` FILE_USER=${FILE_PATH%/*} FILE_DD=${FILE_PATH##/*/} FILE=${FILE_DD/_dd/} UBD_NUMBER=` cat /proc/cmdline | sed s/.*ubd// | sed s/[^0-9].*//` CHROOT=/mnt/usr/sbin/chroot # devfs or not? if [ `cat /proc/cmdline | sed s/.*devfs=// | cut -d" " -f1` = nomount ] then MTD=/dev/mtd0 MTDBLOCK=/dev/mtdblock0 UBD=/dev/ubd$UBD_NUMBER DEVFS=nomount else MTD=/dev/mtd/0 MTDBLOCK=/dev/mtdblock/0 UBD=/dev/ubd/$UBD_NUMBER DEVFS=mount fi ############### # MTDRAM ############### # There are total_size=$TOTAL_SIZE erase_size=$ERASURE_SIZE # options, see http://www.iptel-now.de/HOWTO/MTD/mtd.html # Auto-determine total_size if user doesn't as well as mem option to kernel. # Need to know which filesystem, and type if [ $MTD_TYPE = mtdram ] then if [ $ERASURE_SIZE ] then insmod mtdram.o -o mtdram$UBD_NUMBER total_size=$TOTAL_SIZE erase_size=$ERASURE_SIZE dd if=$UBD of=$MTD mount -t $FS_TYPE $MTDBLOCK /mnt else insmod mtdram.o -o mtdram$UBD_NUMBER total_size=$TOTAL_SIZE dd if=$UBD of=$MTD mount -t $FS_TYPE $MTDBLOCK /mnt fi fi ############## # BLKMTD ############## # ubd/0 is going to be a dd copy, and a larger size than the real image # by default, but the user can specify a different size. # dd if=root_fs_jffs2 of=root_fs_jffs2_dd # and it will be mysteriously replaced for the real ubd/0 specified by the # user .. the fs with dd appended when blkmtd is chosen. if [ $MTD_TYPE = blkmtd ] then insmod blkmtd.o -o blkmtd$UBD_NUMBER device=$UBD if [ $ERASURE_SIZE ] then erase $MTD 0 $ERASURE_SIZE else erase $MTD 0 0x20000 fi mount -t hostfs none -o $FILE_USER /mnt dd if=/mnt/$FILE of=$MTD umount /mnt mount -t $FS_TYPE $MTDBLOCK /mnt fi ######################### # RUNLEVEL or MTD_INIT ######################### if [ ! $INIT ] then if [ -e /mnt/etc/inittab ] then INIT="sbin/init $(grep initdefault /mnt/etc/inittab | cut -d: -f2)" else INIT="sbin/init 2" fi fi ############### # PIVOT_ROOT ############### cd /mnt # Check if directory already exists .. cramfs/jffs/jffs2 better have this. # This is done automatically by gbootroot, but it is good to check. if [ ! -d /mnt/initrd ] then /sbin/mkdir /mnt/initrd fi if [ ! -d /mnt/dev -a ! -L /mnt/dev ] then /sbin/mkdir /mnt/dev fi # For pivot_root to work chroot needs to be on the root filesystem if [ ! -f $CHROOT ] then CHROOT=`which chroot | sed s,/mnt,,` if [ $CHROOT = /usr/sbin/chroot ] then echo "ERROR: Can't find chroot, add it to the root filesystem." echo " Staying in the initrd. :-)" /bin/bash fi else CHROOT=/usr/sbin/chroot fi if [ $DEVFS = mount ] then mount -t devfs none /mnt/dev fi pivot_root . initrd cd / # User may have to supply init level or type of init, and there is mtd_init # option to the kernel. exec $CHROOT . $INIT dev/console 2>&1