#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#    make_debian-X11 Copyright (C) 2001 from gBootRoot
#    Lead Developer and Project Coordinator
#    Jonathan Rosenbaum <freesource@users.sourceforge.net>
#    http://gbootroot.sourceforge.net

#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.

#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

# You will need to get dswim at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/avd
my $home = "$ENV{HOME}/.gbootroot";
my $home_yard = "$home/yard";
my $template_dir = "$home_yard/templates/";
my $home_yard_replacements = "$home_yard/Replacements";
my $nodename = `uname -n`; chomp $nodename;
my $debian_yard = "Debian-X11.yard";
my $status = "/var/lib/dpkg/status";
my $info = "/var/lib/dpkg/info";
my $version  = "1.1";

# You need file-rc, and you may add other extra stuff (@extra_packages).  
# These packages were chosen for woody, so you may need something different.  
# If you add stuff, check for dependencies, empty directories and special 
# configuration files created by the package scripts.
# You may have to edit the text below STUFF, i.e. the template.
# Dswim provides excellent information for this task.  swim -qT packagename(s)
# & swim -ql --df packagename(s) & swim -qc packagename(s) (not all conf files 
# can  be found this way .. read above) so you will want to use 
# swim -q --scripts packagename(s) or 
# swim -q --preinst --postinst packagenames(s).

my @extra_packages = qw(file-rc dswim apt apt-utils debconf nvi sysklogd
klogd netbase tcpd net-tools portmap netkit-ping netkit-inetd ifupdown less 
perl perl-modules libwrap0 ipchains whiptail libnewt0 libpopt0 debconf-utils
binutils bzip2 file libbz2-1.0 libfreetype6 libglib1.2 libgtk-perl 
libgtk1.2 make xfonts-base xfree86-common xlibmesa3 xlibs 
xserver-common xterm xutils zlib1g libgdbmg1 libxaw7 gbootroot
flwm libfltk1 xnest make-debian-x11 ash libterm-readline-gnu-perl); 

#     EDIT
#     BELOW 
# Edit below $stuff = << "STUFF" to make changes to the template. 
sub stuff {

my $stuff = << "STUFF";
# Generated by make_debian-X11.

# This template creates a complete Debian system which is more streamlined 
# than the base.tgz used for normal installations with the addition of X11.  
# Once everything is made, you can use user-mode-linux and apt to tweak the 
# system. Make-debian generates all the information you need.  You will need 
# dswim and  file-rc installed, and you will have to be running a Debian 
# system to make this template.  Make_debian ditches info, man, and doc files 
# by default and timezone info not found on the host system, but gives you 
# the choice to decide otherwise.  

# Characteristics:  user: root passwd: root 
#                   user: user passwd: user
#                   Uses devfs.
# IMPORTANT NOTE:  Things slow down noticeably when the buffer gets too big in
# the verbosity box so consider closing it with the slider for faster 
# generation.  Look at /tmp/gbootroot_tmp'time-date'/verbose instead.
# The windows will appear to freeze up while using this template, this is 
# natural, be patient, because it will complete.  If you want to create 
# another filesystem concurrently, open up another invocation of gBootRoot.

# Todays Quote: Creating a root filesystem is all about stuff.

# The STUFF NEEDED in order for init to work.
/etc/runlevel.conf <=  Replacements/etc/runlevel.conf_debian-X11 # made by make_debian-X11
/etc/inittab <= Replacements/etc/inittab.debian # specific to devfs

# Stuff needed to return init to its state prior to installing file-rc.

# Login stuff 
/etc/securetty <= Replacements/etc/securetty.debian # devfs needs this
/root/.bashrc <= Replacements/root/.bashrc.debian
/root/.profile <= Replacements/root/.profile.debian
/home/user/.bashrc <= Replacements/home/user/.bashrc.debian
/home/user/.bash_profile <= Replacements/home/user/.bash_profile.debian
#/home/user/README <= Replacements/home/user/README # permissions issue
/etc/hostname <= Replacements/etc/hostname
/etc/motd <= Replacements/etc/motd

# Important stuff  .. you will need to edit the login files if you add packages
# which require other users/groups.  The default fstab mounts /dev/ubd/0.
#/etc/fstab <=  Replacements/etc/fstab.new # Made from Yard Box menu
/etc/fstab <=  Replacements/etc/fstab.debian # devfs specific
/etc/passwd <= Replacements/etc/passwd.debian
/etc/passwd- <= Replacements/etc/passwd-debian
/etc/group <= Replacements/etc/group.debian
/etc/group- <= Replacements/etc/group-debian
/etc/shadow <= Replacements/etc/shadow.debian

# The stuff required by dpkg.
/var/lib/dpkg/diversions <= Replacements/var/lib/dpkg/diversions_debian-X11
/var/lib/dpkg/status <=  Replacements/var/lib/dpkg/status_debian-X11
/var/lib/dpkg/available <= Replacements/var/lib/dpkg/available

# Stuff needed by apt.

# Timezone data from libc6

# Debconf stuff

# Ipchains stuff

# Netkit-inetd stuff
/etc/inetd.conf <= Replacements/etc/inetd.conf_debian-X11

# Tcpd stuff

# Network stuff
# You will want to edit the interfaces file.
# Remember to load any needed modules on the host system, for instance
# if tap is used, you will want to do this:
# modprobe ethertap
# modprobe netlink_dev
# And when you start your creation with the uml box you will want to add
# something like this to the options where HWaddr (see ifconfig) belongs
# to your network device:
# eth0=ethertap,tap0,HWaddr,
/etc/hosts <= Replacements/etc/hosts
#/root/umlnet <= Replacements/root/umlnet # Example network setup script
/etc/networks <= Replacements/etc/networks
/etc/network/if-down.d      # empty
/etc/network/if-post-down.d # ""
/etc/network/if-pre-up.d    # ""
/etc/network/if-up.d        # ""
/etc/network/interfaces <= Replacements/etc/network/interfaces

# X stuff
/usr/X11R6/bin/startx <= Replacements/usr/X11R6/bin/startx-debian-X11 
/root/README <= Replacements/root/README-debian-X11
/usr/bin/X11 -> ../X11R6/bin
/usr/include/X11 -> ../X11R6/include/X11 
/usr/lib/X11 -> ../X11R6/lib/X11
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt -> /etc/X11/rgb.txt
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver -> /etc/X11/xserver
/etc/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -> /usr/X11R6/bin/xkbcomp

# Administrative stuff
/root/make_swapfile <= Replacements/root/make_swapfile
/root/setup <= Replacements/root/setup-debian-X11
/root/README <= Replacements/root/README-debian-X11

# Devices - optional stuff which can be picked up by devfsd.
/dev/MAKEDEV # a link
/dev/ubd0 <= Replacements/dev/ubd0

#  Empty directories with no stuff.

# Stuff so ldconfig creates all the proper dependencies.
/etc/ld.so.conf <= Replacements/etc/ld.so.conf

## ALL the REQUIRED files generated by make-debian.
## This is stuff from the required packages, so some files may be
## removed, or some files can be replaced with stuff from say .. busybox.

return $stuff;
} # end sub stuff

## Collect Information from the System ##

use strict;
use File::Basename;
my $rm = "\$";
$main::Id = "# \$Id: make_debian-X11,v 1.33 2001/11/07 18:48:15 freesource Exp $rm"; 
my $sbin = grep(/\/usr\/sbin/,$ENV{'PATH'});
if ($sbin == 0) {
    $ENV{'PATH'} = "/usr/sbin:" . $ENV{'PATH'};

my (%alternatives, @alternatives); # for checking for alternatives
my %inetd; # checks for inetd binaries.

# Before starting make sure dswim and file-rc are present.

print STDERR "Required packages:\n";
system "swim --search \"Priority: required\" --no";
my $swim_packages = "swim -qS|";
my $swim_list = "swim -qSl|"; # Not using --df for empty directories.
$, = " ";
my $extra_files = "swim -ql @extra_packages|"; # Not using --df.
$, = "";

# All the packages
open(SWIM,$swim_packages) or die "Couldn't open swim_packages: $?\n";
my @required_packages = <SWIM>; chomp @required_packages;

# All the files
open(SWIM,$swim_list) or die "Couldn't open swim_list: $!\n";
my @required_files = <SWIM>; chomp @required_files;

open(SWIM,$extra_files) or die "Couldn't open extra_files: $!\n";
my @extra_files = <SWIM>; chomp @extra_files;


## Package Check ##
# Better tell the user what required and extra packages don't exist.

# It is 100% unlikely that a required package is missing because
# the information is taken directly from the system. But it is fun
# to test for anyways, weirder things have been known to happen.

my @rpc;
$/ = "";
my @required_stuff = `swim -qi @required_packages`;
$/ = "\n";
foreach my $package_info (@required_stuff) {
    $package_info =~ /^package[:]*\s+([-\+\d\w]+)/i;
    my $p = $1;
    $p =~ s/\+/\\+/g if $p !~ /\\+/g;
    if ( grep(/Status: deinstall|Status: purge|package $p is not installed/,
	     $package_info ) == 1 ) {
	$p =~ s/\\//g if $p =~ /\\+/g;
	push( @rpc, $p ); 

if (@rpc) {
    print STDERR "These are the required packages which were specified:\n\n";
    $, = " ";
    print STDERR @required_packages, "\n\n";
    print STDERR "This is what wasn't installed on your system:\n\n";
    print STDERR @rpc , "\n\n";
    $, = "";

my @epc;
$/ = "";
my @extra_stuff = `swim -qi @extra_packages`;
$/ = "\n";
foreach my $package_info (@extra_stuff) {
    $package_info =~ /^package[:]*\s+([-\+\d\w]+)/i;
    my $p = $1;
    $p =~ s/\+/\\+/g if $p !~ /\\+/g;
    if ( grep(/Status: deinstall|Status: purge|package $p is not installed/,
	     $package_info ) == 1 ) {
	$p =~ s/\\//g if $p =~ /\\+/g;
	push( @epc, $p ); 

if (@epc) {
    print STDERR "These are the extra packages which were specified:\n\n";
    $, = " ";
    print STDERR @extra_packages, "\n\n";
    print STDERR "This is what wasn't installed on your system:\n\n";
    # spooked myself
    #print STDERR "[If any of the package(s) below are already installed\n";
    #print STDERR " run 'swim --rebuilddb' and run make_debian-X11 again.]\n\n";
    print STDERR @epc , "\n\n";
    $, = "";


## Template Creation ##

# Ask some questions first.
my $doc_reply = "nothing";
print STDERR "The default is to remove /usr/share/{doc,man,info}? [yes or no]: ";
while (<STDIN>) {
    $doc_reply = $_;
    print $doc_reply;
    last if $doc_reply eq "yes\n";
    last if $doc_reply eq "no\n";
    if ($doc_reply eq "\n") { $doc_reply = "yes\n"; last; }
    if ($doc_reply ne "yes\n" || $doc_reply  ne "no\n") { 
	print  "The default is to remove /usr/share/{doc,man,info}? [yes or no]: ";

print STDERR "\nThe default is to remove everything in /usr/share/zoneinfo\n" .
    "except for your local settings found in /etc/localtime? [yes or no]: ";
my $localtime_reply = "nothing";
while (<STDIN>) {
    $localtime_reply = $_;
    last if $localtime_reply eq "yes\n";
    last if $localtime_reply eq "no\n";
    if ($localtime_reply eq "\n") { $localtime_reply = "yes\n"; last; }
    if ($localtime_reply ne "yes\n" || $localtime_reply  ne "no\n") { 
	print  "The default is to remove everything in /usr/share/zoneinfo\n" .
	    "except for your local settings found in /etc/locatime? [yes or no]: ";

system "rm -f $template_dir/$debian_yard";
	or die "Couldn't open $template_dir$debian_yard: $!\n";
open(FILERC,"/etc/runlevel.conf") or die "No runlevel.conf: $!\n";
my @filerc = <FILERC>;

print DEBIAN stuff();

my @file_rc;
foreach (@required_files) {
    if (-e && !-d) {
	if ($doc_reply eq "no\n") {
	    if ($alternatives{$_}) {
	    if ($inetd{$_}) {
		$inetd{$_} = 1;
	    if ($localtime_reply eq "yes\n") {
		    print DEBIAN "$_\n" if ! m,/usr/share/zoneinfo,;
	    else {
		print DEBIAN "$_\n";
	else {
	    if (! m,/usr/share/info|/usr/share/man|/usr/share/doc|/usr/X11R6/man,) {
		if ($alternatives{$_}) {
		if ($inetd{$_}) {
		    $inetd{$_} = 1;
		if ($localtime_reply eq "yes\n") {
		    print DEBIAN "$_\n" if ! m,/usr/share/zoneinfo,;
		else {
		    print DEBIAN "$_\n";
	if (m,/etc/init\.d,) {
	    foreach my $filerc (@filerc) {
		     push(@file_rc,$filerc) if $filerc =~ /$_/;		

print DEBIAN "\n# Scripts associated with packages found in info/*\n";
print DEBIAN status_info_divert();

# alternatives
print DEBIAN "\n# Alternative stuff.\n";
foreach (@alternatives) {
    if ($alternatives{$_}) {
	foreach my $alt ( 0 .. $#{ $alternatives{$_} } ) {
	    print DEBIAN "/etc/alternatives/", 
	    $alternatives{$_}[$alt], "\n";
	    print DEBIAN "/var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/", 
	    $alternatives{$_}[$alt], "\n";
	    print DEBIAN dirname($_), "/", 
	    $alternatives{$_}[$alt], "\n";

system "chmod 444 $template_dir/$debian_yard"; # A good idea
print STDERR "\nAll finished making your $debian_yard template.\n";


# This creates a tweaked runlevel.conf which is easier then trying to figure
# out which symlinks to use in /etc/rc?d.

    or die "Couldn't open $home_yard_replacements/etc/runlevel.conf_debian-X11: $!\n"; 
my @sortedrc = map { $_->[1] }
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
map { [ (split(/\s/,$_))[0], $_ ] }
print MY_FILERC "$main::Id\n";
print MY_FILERC @sortedrc;

# This creates a status file for use by dpkg and dswim.
# Although dswim could be used to do this, it is more efficient just to
# parse the status file.  But because this is a good exercise for
# using this script to create a status file found from packages on a system 
# which doesn't actually have a status file .. here would be the order 
# needed when using dswim to query:
# Package, Status, Priority, Section, Installed-Size, Maintainer, Source, 
# Version, Replaces, Provides, Depends, Pre-Depends, Recommends, Suggests,
# Conflicts, Conffiles, Description.
# Conffiles would have to be handled both before and after Root Filesystem
# creation so that their md5sums could be accounted for in status.
# And this finds all the scripts associated with a package in info/*,
# creates an empty available file, and creates the diversions file.

sub status_info_divert {

$/ = "";
open(STATUS,"$status") or die "Can't find /var/lib/dpkg/status: $!\n";
system "touch $home_yard_replacements/var/lib/dpkg/available";
    #or die "Couldn't create Replacements/var/lib/dpkg/available: $!\n";
    or die "Couldn't open Replacements/var/lib/dpkg/status_debian-X11: $!\n";
while (<STATUS>) { # keep the order
    my $stat = $_;
    my $stat2 = (split(/\n/,$stat))[0]; # might as well
    foreach my $rp (@required_packages) {
	$rp = (split(/_/,$rp))[0];
	# Deal with names with +
	$rp =~ s/\+/\\+/g if $rp !~ /\\+/g;
	if ($stat2 =~ /^Package: $rp$/) {
	    # For debian packaging
	    if ($rp eq "make-debian-x11") {
		if ($stat =~ /unpacked/) {
		    $stat =~ s/unpacked/installed/;
		print NEW_STATUS $stat;
            else {
		print NEW_STATUS $stat;
$/ = "\n";

my %dpkg_divert;
my $dpkg_divert = "dpkg-divert --list|";
    or die "Couldn't find the dpkg-divert command: $!\n";
while (<DIVERT>) {
    my($original,$diversion,$package) = (split(" "))[2,4,6];
    chomp $package;
    if (!$dpkg_divert{$package}) { # Just add to the array
	$dpkg_divert{$package} = [$original,$diversion];	
    else {
	push @{ $dpkg_divert {$package} }, $original, $diversion;

close(DIVERT) or die "Couldn't close: $!\n";

    or die "Couldn't open Replacements/var/lib/dpkg/diversions_debian-X11: $!\n";
my @info;
foreach my $rp (@required_packages) {
    $rp = (split(/_/,$rp))[0];
    # Get rid of the escapes from the previous invocation.
    $rp =~ s/\\//g if $rp =~ /\\+/g;

    my $count = 0; my @divert;
    if ($dpkg_divert{$rp}) {
            foreach my $dv ( @{ $dpkg_divert{$rp} } ) {
		if ($count == 1) {
		    print DIVERT "$divert[0]\n";
		    print DIVERT "$divert[1]\n";
		    print DIVERT "$rp\n";
		    $count = -1; undef @divert;

    # Figure out info/*  .. this covers it for now.
    if (-f "$info/$rp.preinst") {
    if (-f "$info/$rp.postinst") {
    if (-f "$info/$rp.prerm") {
    if (-f "$info/$rp.postrm") {
    if (-f "$info/$rp.list") {
    if (-f "$info/$rp.shlibs") {
    if (-f "$info/$rp.conffiles") {
    if (-f "$info/$rp.md5sums") {
    if (-f "$info/$rp.config") {
    if (-f "$info/$rp.templates") {


return @info;

} # end sub status_info_divert

sub alternatives {

    my $ls = "ls -l /etc/alternatives|";
    my @ls;
    open(LS,$ls) or die "No ls?: $!\n";
    while (<LS>) {
	if (/->/) {
	    my($left,$right) = split(" -> ");
	    chomp $right; 
	    # Yard adds this stuff.
	    $right =~ s/\.\.\/\.\.//g; 

	    $left =~ s/^.*\d+\s//g;
	    if (!$alternatives{$right}) {
		$alternatives{$right} = [$left]; 
	    else {
		push @{ $alternatives {$right} }, $left;

} # end sub alternatives

sub inetd_in {
    my $inetd = "/etc/inetd.conf";
    open(INETD,"$inetd") or return "Couldn't open /etc/inetd.conf: $!\n";
    # Basically will ignore anything with less than 7 columns, and
    # will comment lines where the executables don't exist.
    while (<INETD>) {
	if ( (split(/\s+/))[6] && !/^#.*/ ) {
	     my $seventh_column = (split(/\s+/))[6]; 
	     chomp $seventh_column;
	     $inetd{ basename($seventh_column) } = 0;


sub inetd_out {

    my $inetd = "/etc/inetd.conf";
	or return "Couldn't open Replacements/etc/inetd.conf_debian-X11: $!\n";
    open(INETD,"$inetd") or return "Couldn't open /etc/inetd.conf: $!\n";
    print REP_INETD "$main::Id\n";
    while (<INETD>) {
	if ( (split(/\s+/))[6] && !/^#.*/ ) {
	     my $seventh_column = (split(/\s+/))[6]; 
	     chomp $seventh_column;
	     if ( $inetd{ basename($seventh_column) } == 1 ) {
		 print REP_INETD $_;
	     else {
		 print REP_INETD "# $_";
	else {
	    print REP_INETD $_;


# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Jonathan's personal directions
# This creates a X11 filesystem.
# These replacements are unique and not found in CVS:
# add sources.list to this, too.

#/usr/X11R6/bin/startx <= Replacements/usr/X11R6/bin/startx-debian-X11 
#/root/README <= Replacements/root/README-debian-X11
#/root/make_swapfile <= Replacements/root/make_swapfile
#/root/umlnet <= Replacements/root/umlnet .. won't use.
#/etc/apt/sources.list  <= Replacements/etc/sources.list .. for adm.

# setup script does this
# 0. run dpkg-reconfigure for xfree86-common and xserver-common.
#    This catches mistakes.
# 1. dpkg-reconfigure for xfonts-base
# 2. make permissions correct for directory /home/user and all files * & .*.
# 3. run dswim --initdb .. this is done by make-debian-x11.
# 4. run /etc/cron.daily/find
# ...................................................................
# debian_x11 sourceforge release preparation
# 5.  Other packages may be installed with apt-get.
# 6.  If any of these things were used: Clean out sources.list, 
#     /var/cache/archives /var/lib/apt/lists, /etc/network/interface 
#     should be commented in again. 
# 7.  remove linux uml_* or just leave them. 
# 8.  run /etc/cron.daily/sysklogd & /etc/cron.weekly/sysklogd
#     and clean out *.0, and dmesg if it needs it.
# 9.  halt and mount filesystem on loop and remove .bash_history if you 
#     want to.
# 10. test again.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

sub home_builder {

    my ($home_builder) = @_; 

    if (!-d $home_builder) {
	if (-e $home_builder) {
	    print "ERROR: A file exists where $home_builder should be.\n";
	else {
	    my @directory_parts = split(m,/,,$home_builder);
	    my $placement = "/";
	    for (1 .. $#directory_parts) {
		$_ == 1 ? ($placement = "/$directory_parts[$_]")
		    : ($placement = $placement . "/" . $directory_parts[$_]);
		-d $placement or mkdir $placement;

} # end home_builder

# The least important function,
# so therefore probably the most important function.
sub start_up {

    # existence of dpkg
    if (!-f "/usr/bin/dpkg") {
	die "You are not using a Debian system, in the future this " .
	   "may be supported, but for now you need living Debian.\n";

    # Swim has never been installed before?
    my $dpkg_result = system "dpkg -l swim >/dev/null 2>&1";
    if ($dpkg_result !=0) {
	die "Dswim is required:\n\n" .
            "Add one of these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:\n" .
	    "deb http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/avd ./  or\n" .
	    "deb http://download.sourceforge.net/avd ./\n\n" .
            "Then do `apt-get update` and `apt-get install dswim`\n" .

    # Swim has been installed but is removed or purged
    my $dpkg_s = "dpkg -s dswim|";
    open(DPKG,"$dpkg_s") or die "Couldn't find dpkg: $!\n";
    while (<DPKG>) {
	if (/Status:/) {
	    if (!/\s+installed/) {
		if (/purge|deinstall/) {
		    die "Dswim needs to be reinstalled:\n\n" .
	       "Add one of these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:\n" .
	       "deb http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/avd ./  or\n" .
	       "deb http://download.sourceforge.net/avd ./\n\n" .
	       "Then do `apt-get update` and `apt-get install dswim`\n" .

    # Swim is installed but the databases need to be initialized.
    my $swim = "swim -qf /sbin/init|";
    open(SWIM,$swim) or die "Had trouble using dswim: $!\n";
	while (<SWIM>) {
	    if ($_ eq "file init is not owned by any package\n") {
		my $db_reply = "nothing";
		print STDERR "It appears that dswim has never had its database " .
		    "generated.  Would you like me to do this for you? " .
			"[yes or no]: ";
		while (<STDIN>) {
		    $db_reply = $_;
		    last if $db_reply eq "yes\n";
		    last if $db_reply eq "no\n";
		    if ($db_reply ne "yes\n" || $db_reply  ne "no\n") { 
		print "It appears that dswim has never had its database " .
		    "generated.  Would you like me to do this for you? " .
			"[yes or no]: ";
		system "swim --initdb" if $db_reply eq "yes\n";
		die "Sorry, can't continue until database is " .
		    "generated\n" if $db_reply eq "no\n";

    # Does file-rc exit?
    $dpkg_s = "dpkg -s file-rc|";
    open(DPKG,"$dpkg_s") or die "Couldn't find dpkg: $!\n";
    while (<DPKG>) {
	if (/Status:/) {
	    if (!/\s+installed/) {
	    die "The script requires that file-rc be installed. " .
		"Please install it first.\n";

    if (!-d $home) {

} # end start_up