make_debian-X11 replacement

Setting up the root filesystem

1. Run setup in this directory: 

. setup

Setting up a Swap File

1. Run make_swapfile in this directory:

. make_swapfile

Getting X working

1. To get X11 working you will need to get your network up.  The instructions
below assume your host (the computer you are running) has an ip of,
a uml ip of and a tap device ip of

2. If you haven't already done this, you will want to edit the 
/etc/network/interfaces file using vi.  This should be self-explanatory.

3. Load any modules required by your host system.  If you decide to use 
tap, do this: 

modprobe ethertap
modprobe netlink_dev

4. Configure the device on your host system.  Here the tap device is being
set to and then routed to the host

ifconfig tap0
route add -host gw

5. The next time you start the uml kernel and boot the root_fs you will want 
to give it options like this where  HWaddr (see ifconfig) belongs to your 
network device:

ubd0=/root_fs_debian_x11 root=/dev/ubd0 eth0=ethertap,tap0,HWaddr, mem=64M

Hint: An easier way to do this would be to use the UML box in gbootroot from
your host computer.  No ..  uml doesn't work within uml. :)

6. At this point you should be able to ping

Hint: Check to make sure that uml_net came bundled with the uml kernel,
because this is what enables networking.

6.  Run startx.  It will ask for your host ip number.

That's it.  


Mount the host fs:  mount -t hostfs none /mnt
		    mount -t hostfs none -o /home /mnt

Jonathan Rosenbaum