gBootRoot pronounced "bOOtrOOt"
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
1.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# make-debian-x11.postinst
# Jonathan Rosenbaum <>
use strict;
use Debconf::Client::ConfModule ':all';
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "configure") {
if (-d "/usr/doc" && !-e "/usr/doc/make-debian-x11" &&
-d "/usr/share/doc/make-debian-x11") {
system "ln -sf ../share/doc/make-debian-x11 /usr/doc/make-debian-x11";
my $answer = get("make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11");
if ($answer eq "true") {
my $swim = get("make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11-swim");
my $doc = get("make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11-doc");
my $zoneinfo = get("make-debian-x11/make_debian_x11-zoneinfo");
if ($doc eq "true") {
$doc = "yes\n";
else {
$doc = "no\n";
if ($zoneinfo eq "true") {
$zoneinfo = "yes\n";
else {
$zoneinfo = "no\n";
if ($swim) {
if ($swim eq "true") {
$swim = "yes";
else {
$swim = "no";
if (!$swim) {
open (SCRIPT, "|make_debian-X11")
or warn "Couldn't open make_debian-X11\n";
print SCRIPT $doc;
print SCRIPT $zoneinfo;
else {
open (SCRIPT, "|make_debian-X11")
or warn "Couldn't open make_debian-X11\n";
print SCRIPT $swim;
print SCRIPT $doc;
print SCRIPT $zoneinfo;