gBootRoot pronounced "bOOtrOOt"
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

376 lines
13 KiB

## Copyright (C) 2000 Modifications by the gBootRoot Project
## Copyright (C) 2000 by Jonathan Rosenbaum
## This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package YardBox;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS);
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(yard yard_box);
use strict;
use Yard;
use Error;
my $yard_window;
my $item_factory;
my $accel_group;
my $true = 1;
my $false = 0;
my $item_type = '<Title>';
my @menu_items = ( { path => '/File',
type => '<Branch>' },
{ path => '/File/file_tearoff',
type => '<Tearoff>' },
{ path => '/File/_Save',
accelerator => '<control>S',
callback => sub { print "hello"; } },
{ path => '/File/Save _As ...',
accelerator => '<alt>A',
callback => sub { print "hello\n"; } },
{ path => '/File/file_separator',
type => '<Separator>' },
{ path => '/File/Close',
accelerator => '<alt>W',
callback => sub { destroy $yard_window; }},
{ path => '/_Edit',
type => '<Branch>' },
{ path => '/Edit/edit_tearoff',
type => '<Tearoff>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/edit_tearoff',
type => '<Tearoff>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Path' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Stripping/' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Stripping/edit_tearoff',
type => '<Tearoff>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Stripping/Libraries',
action => "1",
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Stripping/settings/' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Stripping/settings/strip-all',
action => "10",
type => '<RadioItem>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Stripping/settings/strip-debug',
action => '11',
type => '<RadioItem>' },,
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Stripping/Binaries',
action => "2",
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Stripping/Modules',
action => '3',
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/edit_separator',
type => '<Separator>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Replacements',
action => "4",
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Settings/Modules',
action => "5",
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Stages/' },
{ path => '/Edit/Stages/edit_tearoff',
type => '<Tearoff>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Stages/one-by-one',
action => 13,
type => '<RadioItem>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Stages/continuous',
action => 14,
type => '<RadioItem>' },
{ path => '/Edit/Stages/user defined',
action => 15,
type => '<RadioItem>' },
{ path => '/Edit/File System' },
{ path => '/Edit/Replacements' },
{ path => '/_Create',
type => '<Branch>' },
{ path => '/Create/create_tearoff',
type => '<Tearoff>' },
{ path => '/Create/Replacements/' },
{ path => '/Create/Replacements/replacement_tearoff',
type => '<Tearoff>' },
{ path => '/Create/Replacements/fstab',
action => 16,
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Create/Replacements/fstab directory name',
type => '<Title>' },
{ path => '/Create/Replacements/rc',
action => 17,
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/_Tests',
type => '<Branch>' },
{ path => '/Tests/tests_tearoff',
type => '<Tearoff>' },
{ path => '/Tests/fstab',
action => 18,
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Tests/inittab',
action => 19,
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Tests/scripts',
action => 19,
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Tests/links',
action => 20,
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Tests/passwd',
action => 21,
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Tests/pam',
action => 22,
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/Tests/nss',
action => 23,
type => '<CheckItem>' },
{ path => '/_Help',
type => '<LastBranch>' },
{ path => '/Help/help_tearoff',
type => '<Tearoff>' },
{ path => '/_Help/Tutorial' },
{ path => '/_Help/Shortcuts' } );
sub yard {
my ($kernel,$template_dir,$template) = @_;
my $error;
# Error handling in Yard will take some strategy
if (!-d $kernel && -f $kernel) {
$error = kernel_version_check($kernel);
# Yard: kernel,kernel version
# Becomes $ENV{'RELEASE'}
return if $error && $error eq "ERROR";
open(CONTENTS, "<$template_dir$template") or
($error = error("$template_dir$template: $!"));
return "ERROR"if $error && $error eq "ERROR";
my @template = <CONTENTS>;
my $stuff = join("",@template);
else {
error_window("Kernel Selection required");
$error = read_contents_file("$template_dir$template");
return if $error && $error eq "ERROR";
## $error = extra_links("$template_dir$template");
## return if $error && $error eq "ERROR";
## $error = hard_links();
## return if $error && $error eq "ERROR";
## $error = library_dependencies("$template_dir$template");
## return if $error && $error eq "ERROR";
## $error = space_check($filesystem_size,
## $lib_strip_check_root->get_active(),
## $bin_strip_check_root->get_active(),
## $module_strip_check_root->get_active(),
## $obj_count_root, $tmp);
## return if $error && $error eq "ERROR";
} # end sub yard
sub yard_box {
$yard_window = new Gtk::Window "toplevel";
$yard_window->signal_connect("destroy", \&destroy_window,
$yard_window->signal_connect("delete_event", \&destroy_window,
$yard_window->set_usize( 525, 450 );
$yard_window->set_policy( $true, $true, $false );
$yard_window->set_title( "Yard Box" );
my $main_vbox = new Gtk::VBox( $false, 0 );
$yard_window->add( $main_vbox );
my $vbox = new Gtk::VBox( $false, 0 );
$vbox->border_width( 0 );
$main_vbox->pack_start( $vbox, $false, $true, 0 );
# Item::Factory
my $menubar = yard_menu($yard_window);
$vbox->pack_start( $menubar, $false, $true, 0 );
$vbox = new Gtk::VBox( $false, 10 );
$vbox->border_width( 10 );
$main_vbox->pack_start( $vbox, $true, $true, 0 );
my $table = new Gtk::Table( 2, 2, $false );
$table->set_row_spacing( 0, 2 );
$table->set_col_spacing( 0, 2 );
$vbox->pack_start( $table, $true, $true, 0 );
$table->show( );
# Create the GtkText widget
my $length;
my $text = new Gtk::Text( undef, undef );
my $start_length = $text->get_length();
my $beginning_text = $text->get_chars(0,$length);
$text->signal_connect("changed", sub {
$length = $text->get_length();
#my $changed_text = $text->get_chars(0,$length);
print "$length\n"; } );
$table->attach( $text, 0, 1, 0, 1,
[ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ],
[ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ],
0, 0 );
$text->insert( undef, undef, undef, $_[0]);
# Add a vertical scrollbar to the GtkText widget
my $vscrollbar = new Gtk::VScrollbar( $text->vadj );
$table->attach( $vscrollbar, 1, 2, 0, 1, 'fill',
[ 'expand', 'shrink', 'fill' ], 0, 0 );
# Separator
my $separator = new Gtk::HSeparator();
$main_vbox->pack_start( $separator, $false, $true, 0 );
# Check stage boxes
# check | links & deps | space | create | test
$vbox = new Gtk::HBox( $false, 0 );
$vbox->border_width( 0 );
$main_vbox->pack_start( $vbox, $false, $true, 0 );
my $check = new Gtk::CheckButton("Check");
$vbox->pack_start( $check, $true, $true, 10 );
show $check;
my $dep = new Gtk::CheckButton("Links & Deps");
$vbox->pack_start( $dep, $true, $true, 0 );
show $dep;
my $space = new Gtk::CheckButton("Space Left");
$vbox->pack_start( $space, $true, $true, 0 );
show $space;
my $create = new Gtk::CheckButton("Create");
$vbox->pack_start( $create, $true, $true, 0 );
show $create;
my $test = new Gtk::CheckButton("Test");
$vbox->pack_start( $test, $true, $true, 0 );
show $test;
# Separator
$separator = new Gtk::HSeparator();
$main_vbox->pack_start( $separator, $false, $true, 0 );
# Continue - Close - Save Buttons
$vbox = new Gtk::HBox( $false, 10 );
$vbox->border_width( 10 );
$main_vbox->pack_start( $vbox, $false, $true, 0 );
my $button = new Gtk::Button( "Continue" );
$button->signal_connect( 'clicked',
sub { destroy $yard_window; } );
$vbox->pack_start( $button, $true, $true, 0 );
$button = new Gtk::Button( "Close" );
$button->signal_connect( 'clicked',
sub { destroy $yard_window; } );
$vbox->pack_start( $button, $true, $true, 0 );
$button = new Gtk::Button( "Save" );
$button->signal_connect( 'clicked',
sub { destroy $yard_window; } );
$vbox->pack_start( $button, $true, $true, 0 );
show $yard_window;
} # end sub yard_box
sub print_hello {
my ($menu_item, $action, $date) = @_;
print $menu_item;
sub yard_menu {
my ($window) = @_;
$accel_group = new Gtk::AccelGroup();
$item_factory = new Gtk::ItemFactory( 'Gtk::MenuBar', '<main>',
$accel_group );
##$item_factory->create_item(['/File/Checkbox', undef, undef, <Item>]);
# Manipulate Gtk::ItemFactory - The trick here is to use the real path.
##my $checkbox = $item_factory->get_item('/File/Checkbox');
##my $otherbox = $item_factory->get_item('/File/Save');
return ( $item_factory->get_widget( '<main>' ) );