gBootRoot pronounced "bOOtrOOt"
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use BootRoot::UML;
if ( !$ARGV[0] ) {
die "expect_uml ubd0 ubd1 other-options mount-point filesystem_command\n";
my $arguments = "$ARGV[0] $ARGV[1] $ARGV[2]";
my $mount_point = "$ARGV[3]";
my $end = 5;
my $filesystem;
for ( 4 .. $end ) {
if ( $_ == 4 ) {
$filesystem = "$ARGV[4]";
# What to do with the rieserfs command
if ( $filesystem eq "mkreiserfs" ) {
$filesystem = $filesystem . " -f -f -q";
else {
if ( $ARGV[$end] ) {
$filesystem = $filesystem . " $ARGV[$end]";
else {
my $uml =
BootRoot::UML->new( login_prompt => "bootroot login: ",
arguments => $arguments,
login => "root",
password_prompt => "Password: ",
password => "",
prompt => "bootroot:.*# ",
halt => "shutdown -h now"
# Make the GID/UID 0 FS
$uml->command("$filesystem /dev/ubd/1");
$uml->command("mount /dev/ubd/1 /mnt1");
$uml->command("mount -t hostfs none -o $mount_point /mnt2");
$uml->command("cp -a /mnt2/* /mnt1");
$uml->command("chown -R 0:0 /mnt1");
$uml->command("umount /mnt1; umount /mnt2");