# The environment is setup to use jwilder/nginx-proxy and # JrCs/docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion but can easily be # modified to be served by an alternative http server. # docker-compose build # docker-compose up -d # bikeshop/settings/production.py will need ALLOWED_HOSTS altered correctly version: "2" services: nginx: container_name: workstand-nginx image: workstand-nginx build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile-nginx volumes: - static:/usr/share/nginx/html/static links: - workstand network_mode: "bridge" environment: - VIRTUAL_HOST=workstand.bikelover.org - LETSENCRYPT_HOST=workstand.bikelover.org - LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=bike@bikelover.org restart: always logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "10m" max-file: "3" workstand: container_name: workstand build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile command: 'bash -c "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=TRUE python manage.py migrate --no-input && python manage.py collectstatic --no-input && python manage.py rebuild_index --noinput && python manage.py loaddata fixtures.yaml && gunicorn --log-file=- -b bikeshop.wsgi:application"' network_mode: "bridge" image: bcbc/workstand:production links: - redis - db environment: - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=bikeshop.settings.production - PORT=8000 volumes: - static:/code/static restart: always logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "10m" max-file: "3" redis: container_name: workstand-redis network_mode: "bridge" image: redis:latest volumes: - redis:/data restart: always logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "10m" max-file: "3" db: container_name: workstand-db network_mode: "bridge" image: postgres:latest volumes: - pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data/ restart: always logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "10m" max-file: "3" volumes: pgdata: external: false redis: static: