Drew Larson 4181fd951f New membership url. 9 years ago
bikeshop_project New membership url. 9 years ago
provision All the restarts! 9 years ago
requirements Changes for automatically starting dev server. 9 years ago
.bowerrc Add support for SCSS and use a template from MDL. 9 years ago
.gitignore Update ignore. 9 years ago
README.md Initial commit. 9 years ago
Vagrantfile Don't use NFS anymore. 9 years ago
bower.json Some stuff I did. Sorry Arlin. 9 years ago



Maybe this isn't such a quick start, but it's the best I have right now. After the following steps are completed, you will have a working development version of the Trailer-Safeguard Django application connectable on bikeshop-dev.local:8000/.

  1. Make sure Virtualbox is installed and updated
  2. Make sure Vagrant is installed and updated
  3. Verify pip is installed which pip
  4. Verify ansible is installed which ansible
  5. Clone source git clone AHHHHHH
  6. ansible-galaxy install zenoamaro.postgresql -p provision/roles
  7. vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
  8. vagrant up
  9. vagrant ssh
  10. cd /srv/bikeshop && . /opt/venv/bikeshop_development/bin/activate
  11. ./manage.py migrate
  12. ./manage.py loaddata core/migrations/initial_data.yaml && ./manage.py loaddata authentication/migrations/initial_data.yaml
  13. ./manage.py runserver

Example of dumpdata command

./manage.py dumpdata --exclude=auth --exclude=contenttypes --exclude=incoming --format=yaml

Reset the Postgres DB

  1. vagrant ssh
  2. sudo -i -u postgres
  3. psql
  4. \c trailersafeguard_development

DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA public; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public; COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'standard public schema';

6. Steps 11 and 12 from **Quickstart**.