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9 years ago
= render 'conferences/page_header', :page_key => 'Conference_Registration'
= row do
= form_tag save_workshop_path(@this_conference.slug), class: 'composition' do
= columns(medium: 12) do
- if
= hidden_field_tag :workshop_id,
- if @is_translating
%h2=_(@page_title, vars: @page_title_vars)
= hidden_field_tag :translation, @translation
- else
%h2=_@page_title, :t
- unless @is_translating || @workshop.locale.to_s == I18n.locale.to_s
= status_bubble(_('articles.workshops.paragraphs.not_original_locale', vars: { original_locale: language_name(@workshop.locale), this_locale: language_name(I18n.locale), link: translate_workshop_url(@workshop.conference.slug,, I18n.locale) }), :warning, class: 'top-message')
- else
%h2=_@page_title, :t
= textfield :title, @title, required: true, lang: @translation, big: true, original_value: @is_translating ? @workshop.title! : nil, original_lang: @workshop.locale
= textarea :info, @info, help: '', lang: @translation, original_value: @is_translating ? richtext(!, 4).html_safe : nil, original_lang: @workshop.locale
- if !@is_translating && ( || @can_edit)
= columns(medium: 6) do
= checkboxes :languages, User.AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES, @languages, 'languages', vertical: true, heading: 'articles.workshops.headings.languages', help: 'articles.workshops.paragraphs.languages'
= radiobuttons :theme, Workshop.all_themes, @workshop.theme, 'workshop.options.theme', vertical: true, heading: 'articles.workshops.headings.theme', help: 'articles.workshops.paragraphs.theme', other: true
= columns(medium: 6) do
= checkboxes :needs, Workshop.all_needs, JSON.parse(@workshop.needs || '[]'), 'workshop.options.needs', vertical: true, heading: 'articles.workshops.headings.needs', help: 'articles.workshops.paragraphs.needs'
= radiobuttons :space, Workshop.all_spaces,, '', vertical: true, heading: '', help: ''
%h3#needs_facilitators-label=_'articles.workshops.headings.needs_facilitators','Looking for help?'
.input-field-help#needs_facilitators-desc=_'articles.workshops.paragraphs.needs_facilitators', :s, 2
%fieldset.check-box-field.vertical.input-field{aria: {labeledby: 'needs_facilitators-label', describedby: 'needs_facilitators-desc'}}
= check_box_tag :needs_facilitators, 1, @workshop.needs_facilitators
= label_tag :needs_facilitators do
= _'workshop.options.needs_facilitators', 'Needs Additional Facilitators'
= columns(medium: 12) do
= textarea :notes, @workshop.notes, warning: 'articles.workshops.paragraphs.notes'
= columns(medium: 12) do
8 years ago
= button :save, value: :save
= button :cancel, value: :cancel, class: :subdued, formnovalidate: true