Setup reCAPTCHA v3 for sign-ups #7

opened 2023-07-23 04:08:52 -04:00 by bike · 1 comment

This would solve a lot spam bot sign-ups attempts, and is significantly nicer than v2 with all its puzzles.

This looks helpful:

The view that would be altered is application.html.haml. This was not intuitive to find, but it is the front page so it makes sense.


- if @login_dlg.present?
              = form_tag do_confirm_path, class: 'flex-form' do
                = hidden_field_tag :dest, settings_path
                = emailfield :email, nil, big: true
                = button :continue, value: :confirm_email
                = link_to (_'forms.actions.generic.facebook_sign_in','Facebook Sign In'), auth_at_provider_path(provider: :facebook, dest: settings_path), class: [:button, :facebook]
This would solve a lot spam bot sign-ups attempts, and is significantly nicer than v2 with all its puzzles. This looks helpful: The view that would be altered is [application.html.haml](/bike/BikeBikeBike/src/branch/master/app/views/layouts/application.html.haml). This was not intuitive to find, but it is the front page so it makes sense. Namely: ``` - if @login_dlg.present? .dlg#login-dlg .dlg-content %h2.title=_'forms.actions.generic.login' .dlg-inner = form_tag do_confirm_path, class: 'flex-form' do = hidden_field_tag :dest, settings_path = emailfield :email, nil, big: true = button :continue, value: :confirm_email .flex-form = link_to (_'forms.actions.generic.facebook_sign_in','Facebook Sign In'), auth_at_provider_path(provider: :facebook, dest: settings_path), class: [:button, :facebook] %button.close.subdued=_'forms.actions.generic.cancel' ```

This is complete, and successfully blocking the sign-up bots!

There were 4 sign-up haml involved:

and the before mentioned layouts/application.html.haml

The next step will be to improve the return render 'about' code in app/controllers/application_controller.rb so it goes to an actual page rather than showing in the logs a DoubleRenderError. Also, it would be nice to prevent these bots from successfully registering their attempts in the user table in the database.

This is complete, and successfully blocking the sign-up bots! There were 4 sign-up haml involved: ``` application/_login.html.haml conferences/_confirm_email.html.haml registration_steps/_sign_in.html.haml and the before mentioned layouts/application.html.haml ``` The next step will be to improve the `return render 'about'` code in [app/controllers/application_controller.rb](./src/branch/master/app/controllers/application_controller.rb) so it goes to an actual page rather than showing in the logs a DoubleRenderError. Also, it would be nice to prevent these bots from successfully registering their attempts in the user table in the database.
bike closed this issue 2023-07-26 15:59:21 -04:00
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