Velocipede's User, Sales, and Bike Inventory Web App
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namespace :import do
namespace :bikes do
# Imports bikes info from CSV file
# rake import:bikes:csv[import.csv,dry] # dry run
# rake import:bikes:csv[import.csv] # live import
task :csv, [:file, :dry_run] => :environment do |t, args|
file, dry_run = args.values_at :file, :dry_run
next puts "Usage: rake #{}[$csv_file_path[,$dry_run=dry]]" unless file
next puts "File #{file} does not exist or is unreachable" unless File.readable? file dry_run == 'dry'
# Analyze a single field from CSV file
# rake import:bikes:analyze_csv[import.csv] # dumps all fields data
# rake import:bikes:analyze_csv[import.csv,"date in"] # shows only single field
task :analyze_csv, [:file, :field] => :environment do |t, args|
file, field = args.values_at :file, :field
next puts "Usage: rake #{}[$csv_file_path[,\"$field_name\"]]" unless file
next puts "File #{file} does not exist or is unreachable" unless File.readable? file field ? [field] : []
# Imports new brands from CSV file
# rake import:bikes:brands_csv[import.csv,dry] # dry run
# rake import:bikes:brands_csv[import.csv] # live import
task :brands_csv, [:file, :dry_run] => :environment do |t, args|
file, dry_run = args.values_at :file, :dry_run
next puts "Usage: rake #{}[$csv_file_path[,$dry_run=dry]]" unless file
next puts "File #{file} does not exist or is unreachable" unless File.readable? file dry_run == 'dry'