Velocipede's User, Sales, and Bike Inventory Web App

81 lines
2.5 KiB

var MIN_LEN = 3;
var MAX_SUBMITS = 3;
var submit_count = 0;
var checkContacts = function() {
submit_count += 1;
//IDs of contact info
var contact_info_ids = [
var contact_vals = "";
//see if any contact info exists
for( var index in contact_info_ids){
contact_vals += $("#"+contact_info_ids[index]).val();
if( contact_vals.length >= MIN_LEN || submit_count > MAX_SUBMITS){
if( submit_count == MAX_SUBMITS + 1 ){
return true;
case 1:
alert("It appears you have not entered any contact information. " +
"Please do.");
case 2:
alert("It is highly recommended that you enter at least one form of" +
" contact information. It is in your best interest.");
case 3:
alert("If something happens to your bicycle, we will not be able to" +
" notify you. Please enter at least one form of contact.");
alert("Please enter at least one form of contact.");
return false;
var checkValid = function() {
var errors = {};
var hasErrors = false;
["username", "first_name", "last_name"].forEach(function(requiredField) {
if(!$("#user_" + requiredField).val().trim()) {
errors["user_" + requiredField] = ["can't be blank"];
hasErrors = true;
if($("#user_password").val().length < 6) {
errors["user_password"] = ["is too short (minimum is 6 characters)"];
hasErrors = true;
if($("#user_password").val() != $("#user_password_confirmation").val()) {
errors["user_password_confirmation"] = ["confirmation doesn't match password"];
hasErrors = true;
displayFormErrors({errors: errors}, "#new_user");
return !hasErrors;
return checkContacts() && checkValid();