Velocipede's User, Sales, and Bike Inventory Web App
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
1.5 KiB

%a{ class: "btn btn-default btn-lg", href: root_path}
%span{ class:"icon-home"}
%h2 Add Time Entry
%input{id: "date_id", placeholder: "Date", type: "text", class: "datepicker input-small" }
.controls{ class: "bootstrap-timepicker"}
%label Start
%input{id: "start_time_id", placeholder: "Time ID", type: "text", class: "input-small" }
%label End
%input{id: "end_time_id", placeholder: "Time ID", type: "text", class: "input-small" }
.btn-group{ "data-toggle" => "buttons-radio"}
%label{ class: "btn btn-default"}
%input{ type: "radio", name: "action_id", value: 3} Volunteer
%label{ class: "btn btn-default"}
%input{ type: "radio", name: "action_id", value: 1} Personal
%label{ class: "btn btn-default"}
%input{ type: "radio", name: "action_id", value: 2} Staff
%input{ id: "bike_style_id", type: "hidden"}
= select_tag(:bike_brand_id, options_for_select(@bikes))
%textarea{id: "work_description", placeholder: "Work description", class: "input-lg" }
%input{id: "add_bike_submit", value: "Add Time Entry", type: "button", class: "btn btn-lg btn-block btn-primary", "data-url" => "#{api_create_bike_path}"}