@ -3,138 +3,7 @@ Ext.Ajax.on('requestexception', function(conn, response, options) { |
if (response.status === 401) { window.location = '/users/sign_in'; } |
}, this); |
Ext.define('app.view.form.field.TimeField', { |
extend:'Ext.form.FieldContainer', |
mixins:{ |
field:'Ext.form.field.Field' |
}, |
alias: 'widget.xampmtime', |
layout: 'hbox', |
format: 'H:i:s', |
submitFormat: 'H:i:s', |
hourField: null, |
minuteField: null, |
ampmField: null, |
/* custom configs & callbacks */ |
getValue: function(v){ |
hour = this.hourField.getValue(); |
minute = this.minuteField.getValue(); |
ampm = this.ampmField.getValue(); |
value = Ext.Date.parse(hour + " " + minute + " " + ampm, 'g i A'); |
value = Ext.Date.format(value, this.submitFormat); |
return value; |
}, |
getSubmitValue: function(value){ |
/* override function getValue() */ |
return this.getValue(value); |
}, |
setValue: function(value){ |
if (Ext.isString(value) || Ext.isDate(value) ){ |
var dt = null; |
if( Ext.isString ) { |
dt = new Date(value); |
}else{ |
dt = value; |
} |
hour = Ext.Date.format(dt, 'g'); |
minute = Ext.Date.format(dt, 'i'); |
ampm = Ext.Date.format(dt, 'A'); |
this.hourField.setValue(hour); |
this.minuteField.setRawValue(minute); |
this.ampmField.setValue(ampm); |
} |
/* override function setValue() */ |
}, |
initComponent: function(){ |
/* further code on event initComponent */ |
var me = this |
me.items = me.items || []; |
me.hourField = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Number', { |
// maxWidth: 20,
allowBlank: false, |
allowOnlyWhitespace: false, |
blankText: "Hour cannot be blank.", |
allowDecimals: false, |
maxValue: 12, |
minValue: 1, |
maxLength: 2, |
enforceMaxLength: 2, |
hideTrigger: true, |
submitValue:false, |
flex:1, |
//fieldStyle: "text-align:right;",
isFormField:false, //exclude from field query's
}); |
me.items.push(me.hourField); |
me.colon = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Text', { |
text: ':', |
padding: '3 3 0 3' |
}); |
me.items.push(me.colon); |
me.minuteField = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Number', { |
// maxWidth: 20,
allowBlank: false, |
allowOnlyWhitespace: false, |
blankText: "Minutes cannot be blank.", |
allowDecimals: false, |
maxValue: 59, |
minValue: 0, |
maxLength: 2, |
enforceMaxLength: 2, |
hideTrigger: true, |
submitValue:false, |
flex:1, |
isFormField:false, //exclude from field query's
}); |
me.items.push(me.minuteField); |
me.ampmField = Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox', { |
//maxWidth: 25,
value: 'PM', |
store: ['AM', 'PM'], |
forceSelection: true, |
flex:1, |
editable: false |
}); |
me.items.push(me.ampmField); |
me.callParent(); |
// this dummy is necessary because Ext.Editor will not check whether an inputEl is present or not
this.inputEl = { |
dom: document.createElement('div'), |
swallowEvent:function(){} |
}; |
me.initField(); |
}, |
focus:function(){ |
this.callParent(arguments); |
this.hourField.focus(); |
}, |
}); |
//Override default netzke time entry field
Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.field.DateTime', { |
extend:'Ext.form.FieldContainer', |
mixins:{ |