A web application for bicycle collectives to track bicycles, bicycle work history, volunteer hours, volunteer work history, and volunteers currently in the shop.
A web application for bicycle collectives to track bicycles, bicycle work history, volunteer hours, volunteer work history, and volunteers currently in the shop.
See an overview video of what it looks like and how it works here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-JjM6d9nK4.
See an overview video of what the desktop view looks like and how it works here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-JjM6d9nK4.
## Instructions/Guides
## Overview/Instructions/Guides
### Adding a User
See [guides](doc/guides.md)
To add a user, a user must sign themselves up from the initial login screen. An admin can later log in to grant that user admin privileges afterward, if desired.
### Adding a Bike
How to add a bike to the database: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IchWUdMQ90.
## Views
The app has two different views. One for "core" volunteers which I consider admins, and another for "customer" volunteers which I consider users. Because of the Netzke/ExtJS framework I used, the current UI is non-intuitive and I feel like is only adequate for admins who can take the time to learn the system. I'm in the process of designing a simpler mobile friendly UI with the essential functionality that's intended for users. You can see those changes on this [branch]( https://github.com/spacemunkay/BikeShed/tree/mobile-ui)
## Deployment
Currently, at the Velocipede collective we have it running on a computer in the shop on the local network. The reason for this, is so that it's only accessible from within the shop. I'm weighing out different methods for ensuring that users can only log in from within the shop (and not from home), such as a shop password that only admins can see and would make visible from within the physical bike shop. I also don't have to worry about security issues while the app is in development. In the future, I'd like to see the app hosted much like http://freehub.bikekitchen.org/.
## Ideas
At Velocipede, with a mobile friendly UI for users, I'm hoping we can get donations of old, unused smart phones, connected via local wifi, that can be used as stations to log a volunteer's work and hours. They can be secured by gluing cables into the earphone jacks to deter theft if necessary. This might be another way that the collective can promote reuse of materials.
# Developer Setup
# Developer Setup
1. use rvm
## Running with Docker (recommended)
1. allow the .rvmrc file
1. `gem install bundler`
1. These instructions haven't been tested, please provide corrections!
1. Make sure you have a machine running: `docker-machine start default && eval "$(docker-machine env default)"`
1. Copy over DB config: `cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml`
1. Execute `docker-compose build`
1. Update config with your database (velocipede), user (velocipede), and password.
1. Execute `docker-compose run web rake db:create db:migrate`
1. `rake db:create db:migrate`
1. Execute `docker-compose up`
1. `rake db:seed`
1. If using Docker Toolbox, use `docker-machine ip default` to get the IP where the server is running.
1. Download extJS 4.1 (A version of 4.1 is hosted here: http://my.jasondenney.com/extjs-4.1.1.zip) Latest versions at http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs. Unzip and place where ever you like.
1. Test the Rails server is running with by visiting `<INSERT IP>:8080` in your browser.
1. Link to your extJS folder path under `public/extjs`: (From app root) `ln -s /MY/PATH/extjs/ public/extjs`
1. `rails s`
### Developer Workflow
The project directory should already be mounted inside the container, so you should be able to make live changes. However, since the project is running in the 'web' container, you need to prepend commands with `docker-compose run web`.
To add a user, a user must sign themselves up from the initial login screen. An admin can later log in to grant that user admin privileges afterward, if desired.
### Adding a Bike
How to add a bike to the database via the desktop view: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IchWUdMQ90>.
## Views
The app has two different views. One for "core" volunteers which I consider admins, and another for "customer" volunteers which I consider users. Because of the Netzke/ExtJS framework I used, the current UI is non-intuitive and I feel like is only adequate for admins who can take the time to learn the system. I'm in the process of designing a simpler mobile friendly UI with the essential functionality that's intended for users.
## Deployment
Currently, at the Velocipede collective we have it running on a computer in the shop on the local network. The reason for this, is so that it's only accessible from within the shop. I'm weighing out different methods for ensuring that users can only log in from within the shop (and not from home), such as a shop password that only admins can see and would make visible from within the physical bike shop. I also don't have to worry about security issues while the app is in development. In the future, I'd like to see the app hosted much like <http://freehub.bikekitchen.org/>.
## Ideas
At Velocipede, with a mobile friendly UI for users, I'm hoping we can get donations of old, unused smart phones, connected via local wifi, that can be used as stations to log a volunteer's work and hours. They can be secured by gluing cables into the earphone jacks to deter theft if necessary. This might be another way that the collective can promote reuse of materials.
1. Copy over DB config: `cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml`
1. Update config with your database (velocipede), user (velocipede), and password.
1. `rake db:create db:migrate`
1. `rake db:seed`
1. Download extJS 4.1 (A version of 4.1 is hosted here: http://my.jasondenney.com/extjs-4.1.1.zip) Latest versions at http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs. Unzip and place where ever you like.
1. Link to your extJS folder path under `public/extjs`: (From app root) `ln -s /MY/PATH/extjs/ public/extjs`