@ -3,3 +3,344 @@ Ext.Ajax.on('requestexception', function(conn, response, options) { |
if (response.status === 401) { window.location = '/users/sign_in'; } |
}, this); |
Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.field.ColorCombo', { |
extend:'Ext.form.FieldContainer', |
mixins:{ |
field:'Ext.form.field.Field' |
}, |
alias: 'widget.xcolorcombo', |
combineErrors: true, |
msgTarget: 'under', |
layout: 'hbox', |
readOnly: false, |
// properties
colorValue: null, |
/** |
* @property dateField |
* @type Ext.form.field.Date |
*/ |
colorField: null, |
initComponent: function(){ |
var me = this |
,i = 0 |
,key |
,tab; |
me.items = me.items || []; |
me.colorField = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Trigger', { |
flex:1, |
isFormField:false, //exclude from field query's
submitValue:false, |
readOnly: me.readOnly, |
onTriggerClick: function() { |
//needs to be called twice because?
me.picker.alignTo(me.colorField.inputEl); |
me.picker.show(); |
me.picker.alignTo(me.colorField.inputEl); |
me.picker.show(); |
} |
}); |
me.items.push(me.colorField); |
me.picker = Ext.create('Ext.picker.Color', { |
renderTo: document.body, |
floating: true, |
hidden: true, |
style: { |
backgroundColor: "#fff" |
}, |
listeners: { |
scope:this, |
select: function(field, value, opts){ |
me.setValue(value); |
me.picker.hide(); |
} |
} |
}); |
me.items.push(me.picker); |
for (; i < me.items.length; i++) { |
me.items[i].on('focus', Ext.bind(me.onItemFocus, me)); |
me.items[i].on('blur', Ext.bind(me.onItemBlur, me)); |
me.items[i].on('specialkey', function(field, event){ |
key = event.getKey(); |
tab = key == event.TAB; |
if (tab && me.focussedItem == me.dateField) { |
event.stopEvent(); |
me.timeField.focus(); |
return; |
} |
me.fireEvent('specialkey', field, event); |
}); |
} |
me.callParent(); |
// this dummy is necessary because Ext.Editor will not check whether an inputEl is present or not
this.inputEl = { |
dom: document.createElement('div'), |
swallowEvent:function(){} |
}; |
me.initField(); |
}, |
focus:function(){ |
this.callParent(arguments); |
this.colorField.focus(); |
var me = this; |
}, |
onItemFocus:function(item){ |
if (this.blurTask){ |
this.blurTask.cancel(); |
} |
this.focussedItem = item; |
}, |
onItemBlur:function(item, e){ |
var me = this; |
if (item != me.focussedItem){ return; } |
// 100ms to focus a new item that belongs to us, otherwise we will assume the user left the field
me.blurTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function(){ |
me.picker.hide(); |
me.fireEvent('blur', me, e); |
}); |
me.blurTask.delay(100); |
}, |
getValue: function(){ |
var value = null |
,color = this.colorField.getSubmitValue(); |
if (color){ |
value = this.colorField.getValue(); |
} |
return value; |
}, |
getSubmitValue: function(){ |
// var value = this.getValue();
// return value ? Ext.Date.format(value, this.dateTimeFormat) : null;
var me = this |
,value = me.getValue(); |
return value; |
}, |
setValue: function(value){ |
this.colorField.setValue(value); |
}, |
// Bug? A field-mixin submits the data from getValue, not getSubmitValue
getSubmitData: function(){ |
var me = this |
,data = null; |
if (!me.disabled && me.submitValue && !me.isFileUpload()) { |
data = {}; |
data[me.getName()] = '' + me.getSubmitValue(); |
} |
return data; |
} |
}); |
/** |
Ext.define('Ext.ux.ColorPickerCombo', { |
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Trigger', |
alias: 'widget.colorcbo', |
initComponent: function(){ |
console.log("INIT"); |
this.my_value = "pee"; |
console.log(this.getValue); |
console.log(this.rawToValue(this.processRawValue(this.getRawValue()))); |
console.log("hmmm"); |
}, |
getSubmitValue: function(){ |
console.log("GETTING SUBMIT VALUE"); |
}, |
getSubmitData: function(){ |
} |
}); |
*/ |
/** |
Ext.define('Ext.ux.ColorPickerCombo', { |
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Trigger', |
mixins: { |
field:'Ext.form.field.Field' |
}, |
alias: 'widget.colorcbo', |
triggerTip: 'Please select a color.', |
picker: null, |
initComponent: function(){ |
console.log("INIT"); |
var me = this; |
console.log(me); |
me.picker = Ext.create('Ext.picker.Color', { |
renderTo: document.body, |
floating: true, |
hidden: false, |
style: { |
backgroundColor: "#fff" |
} , |
listeners: { |
scope:this, |
select: function(field, value, opts){ |
console.log(me.originalValue); |
console.log(value); |
me.setValue(value); |
me.setRawValue(value); |
me.setFieldStyle("background-color:#"+value+";"); |
me.picker.hide(); |
console.log("input el"); |
console.log(me.inputEl); |
console.log("owner"); |
console.log(me.picker.ownerCt); |
console.log(me.getValue()); |
me.my_value = value; |
console.log("my_value"); |
console.log(this.my_value); |
console.log(this.getValue); |
}, |
show: function(field,opts){ |
console.log("show"); |
//field.getEl().monitorMouseLeave(500, field.hide, field);
} |
} |
}); |
console.log(me.picker.ownerCt); |
}, |
onTriggerClick: function() { |
var me = this; |
me.picker.alignTo(me.inputEl, 'tl-bl?'); |
}, |
getValue: function(){ |
console.log("GETTING VALUE"); |
var me = this, |
val = me.rawToValue(me.processRawValue(me.getRawValue())); |
me.value = val; |
return val; |
} |
});*/ |
/** |
Ext.define('Ext.ux.ColorPickerCombo', { |
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Trigger', |
alias: 'widget.colorcbo', |
triggerTip: 'Please select a color.', |
myvalue: null, |
initComponent: function(){ |
console.log("INIT"); |
console.log(this); |
}, |
onTriggerClick: function() { |
var me = this; |
picker = Ext.create('Ext.picker.Color', { |
pickerField: this, |
ownerCt: this, |
renderTo: document.body, |
floating: true, |
hidden: true, |
focusOnShow: true, |
style: { |
backgroundColor: "#fff" |
} , |
listeners: { |
scope:this, |
select: function(field, value, opts){ |
me.setRawValue(value); |
me.resetOriginalValue(value); |
me.myvalue = value; |
me.inputEl.setStyle({backgroundColor:value}); |
picker.hide(); |
me.focus(true); |
}, |
show: function(field,opts){ |
field.getEl().monitorMouseLeave(500, field.hide, field); |
} |
} |
}); |
picker.alignTo(me.inputEl, 'tl-bl?'); |
picker.show(me.inputEl); |
picker.on('on', function(){ |
var me = this; |
me.fireEvent('blur', me, e); |
}, me); |
}, |
getValue: function(){ |
console.log("GETTING VALUE"); |
console.log(this.myvalue); |
console.log(this.inputEl.getValue()); |
var me = this, |
val = this.myvalue || me.rawToValue(me.processRawValue(me.getRawValue())); |
me.value = val; |
return val; |
} |
});*/ |
/** |
Ext.define('Ext.ux.ColorPickerCombo', { |
extend: 'Ext.form.FieldContainer', |
mixins:{ |
field:'Ext.form.field.Field' |
}, |
alias: 'widget.colorcbo', |
combineErrors: true, |
msgTarget: 'under', |
layout: 'hbox', |
readOnly: false, |
initComponent: function() { |
var me = this; |
console.log(me); |
me.picker = Ext.create('Ext.picker.Color', { |
pickerField: this, |
ownerCt: this, |
renderTo: document.body, |
floating: true, |
hidden: true, |
focusOnShow: true, |
style: { |
backgroundColor: "#fff" |
}, |
listeners: { |
scope:this, |
select: function(field, value, opts){ |
me.setValue(value); |
me.inputEl.setStyle({backgroundColor:value}); |
me.picker.hide(); |
}, |
show: function(field,opts){ |
field.getEl().monitorMouseLeave(500, field.hide, field); |
} |
} |
}); |
me.callParent(); |
//picker.alignTo(me.inputEl, 'tl-bl?');
// this dummy is necessary because Ext.Editor will not check whether an inputEl is present or not
this.inputEl = { |
dom: document.createElement('div'), |
swallowEvent:function(){} |
}; |
me.initField(); |
}, |
focus:function(){ |
this.callParent(arguments); |
this.picker.focus(); |
} |
});*/ |