Updated Netzke 8.4, better search styling, case insensitive search, can search associations
Fixed mistake where bikes.condition_id was a string… durrrrrr needs to be integer
Added credit_conversions table so conversions can change over time
Added default credit conversion fixture
Added User#transaction_logs
Added User#total_credits (earned minus spent)
Added User#total_credits_spent (through transaction_logs)
Added User#total_earned_credits (complicated query which finds the conversion rate for a log depending on its created_at date)
-Postgres for production
-Migrations don't translate well between sqlite and postgres, better to just develop using the same database as production.
-Fixed migrations to work with Postgres
-Updated Readme for PG install instructions
-database config moved to .example
-Need to create a customers table to store contact information of customers who are not a user.
-Need to scope "User Transactions" for users, staff, and admin. Need to have a "All Shop Transactions" tab.
-Need to add conditional UX to form.
-Moved bikes to User model instead of profile
-User can copy user log to a bike log with new actsasloggable
-Added user stats
-some css was messing up checkboxes, need to figure out which stylesheet was doing that