Velocipede's User, Sales, and Bike Inventory Web App
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

47 lines
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= top_menu link_to_dashboard
%h1 Your Timesheet
%span.badge= @hours_worked
Total Hours Worked
%span.badge= @credits_available
Total Credits Available
- @user_time_entries.each do |entry|
-# data: {start_date: ..} gets transformed to data-start-date instead of data-start_date, we don't want this
%tr{data: {id:, description: entry.description, duration: entry.duration_in_hours},
"data-start_date": entry.start_date.to_date.to_formatted_s(:rfc822)}
%td= entry.start_date.to_date.to_formatted_s(:rfc822)
%td= entry.duration_in_hours
%td= entry.type
%td= link_to truncate(entry.description).presence || '<em>No title</em>'.html_safe, edit_task_list_path(entry)
= link_to '#modal', class: 'text-danger work_entry-delete-btn', role: 'button', data: {toggle: 'modal', target: '#confirmation'} do
= link_to 'Add Time Entry', new_time_entry_path, class: 'btn btn-primary'
.modal#confirmation{role: 'dialog', "aria-labelledby": 'confirmation_title', "aria-hidden": 'true', tabindex: -1}
%button.close{"data-dismiss": 'modal', "aria-hidden": 'true'} &times;
%h4#confirmation_title Are you sure you want to delete?
#work_entry_start_date Start Date
#work_entry_duration Duration
#work_entry_description Description
%button.btn.btn-default{"data-dismiss": 'modal', "aria-hidden": 'true'} Cancel
%button.btn.btn-danger#confirmation_delete{"data-url": "api/v1/time_entries/"} Delete