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synced 2025-02-22 08:53:24 -05:00
510 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
510 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
/*English Language File*/
class language
/*Login Start*/
var $login='Login';
var $loginWelcomeMessage='Welcome to the \'Bike Tree\' bike co-op Management System. To continue, please login using your username and password below.';
var $username='Username';
var $password='Password';
var $go='Go!';
/*Login End*/
/*Menubar Start*/
var $home='Home';
var $customers='Members';
var $items='Items';
var $reports='Reports';
var $sales='Sales';
var $salesNow='NEW';
var $config='Config';
var $poweredBy='Based loosely on';
var $welcome='Welcome';
var $logout='Logout';
/*Menubar End*/
/*Home Start*/
var $welcomeTo='Welcome to';
var $adminHomeWelcomeMessage='Point of Sale system. You are currently logged in<br>as an administrator.<br> With administrative rights, you can go anywhere and do anything on this system. <br>Alternatively, you may select from the following common administrative tasks:';
var $salesClerkHomeWelcomeMessage='Point of Sale system! To begin,<br>please select the Sales option from the navigation menu.';
var $reportViewerHomeWelcomeMessage='Point of Sale system! To begin,<br>please select the Reports option from the navigation menu.';
var $backupDatabase='Backup Database';
var $processSale='Process A Sale';
var $addRemoveManageUsers='Add, Remove or Manage Users';
var $addRemoveManageCustomers='Add, Remove Or Manage Members';
var $addRemoveManageItems='Add, Remove or Manage Items for Sale';
var $viewReports='View Reports';
var $configureSettings='Configure Bike Tree Settings';
var $viewOnlineSupport='View Online Support';
/*Home End*/
/*Users Home Start*/
var $createUser='Create a New User';
var $manageUsers='Manage Users';
/*Users Home End*/
/*Users Form Start*/
var $addUser='Add User';
var $usedInLogin='used in login';
var $type='Type';
var $admin='Admin';
var $salesClerk='Shop Attendant';
var $reportViewer='Report Viewer';
var $confirmPassword='Confirm Password';
/*Users Form End*/
/*Manage Users Start*/
var $searchForUser='Search for User (By username)';
var $searchedForUser='Searched for username';
var $deleteUser='Delete User';
var $updateUser='Update User';
/*Manage Users End*/
/*Customers Home Start*/
var $customersWelcomeScreen='Welcome to the Members panel! Here you can manage our members database. What would you like to do?';
var $createNewCustomer='Create A New Member';
var $manageCustomers='Manage Members';
var $customersBarcode='Members Barcode Sheet';
/*Customers Home End*/
/*Customers Form Start*/
var $addCustomer='Add Customer';
var $firstName='First Name';
var $lastName='Last Name';
var $accountNumber='Account Number';
var $phoneNumber='Phone Number';
var $email='E-Mail';
var $streetAddress='Street Address';
var $commentsOrOther='Comments/Other';
/*Customers Form End*/
/*Manage Customers Start*/
var $updateCustomer='Update Member';
var $deleteCustomer='Delete Member';
var $searchForCustomer='Search for Member';
var $searchedForCustomer='Searched for Member';
var $listOfCustomers='List of Members';
var $getinfo='Get Info/Records';
/*Manage Customers End*/
/*Items Home Start*/
var $itemsWelcomeScreen='Welcome to the Items panel. Here you manage Items, Brands, Categories and Suppliers. Before you can process a sale, you need to add at least one category, one brand, one supplier, and one item. <br>What would
you like to do?';
var $createNewItem='Create a New Item';
var $manageItems='Manage Items';
var $manageItems2='Manage Items NEW!';
var $discountAnItem='Discount an item';
var $manageDiscounts='Manage Discounts';
var $itemsBarcode='Items Barcode Sheet';
var $createBrand='Create a New Brand';
var $manageBrands='Manage Brands';
var $createCategory='Create a New Category';
var $manageCategories='Manage Categories';
var $createSupplier='Create a New Supplier';
var $manageSuppliers='Manage Suppliers';
/*Items Home End*/
/*Items Form Start*/
var $itemName='Item Name';
var $description='Description';
var $itemNumber='Item Number';
var $brand='Brand';
var $category='Category';
var $supplier='Supplier';
var $buyingPrice='Buying Price';
var $sellingPrice='Selling Price';
var $tax='Tax';
var $supplierCatalogue='Supplier Catalogue #';
var $quantityStock='Quantity in Stock';
var $reorderLevel='Reorder Level';
var $users='Users';
var $itemsInBoldRequired='Items in bold are required';
var $update='Update';
var $delete='Delete';
var $addItem='Add Item';
var $brandsCategoriesSupplierError='You must create brands, categories, and suppliers before creating an item<br><a href=index.php>Back to Items Main</a>';
var $finalSellingPricePerUnit='Final Selling Price per Unit';
/*Items Form End*/
/*Manage Items Start*/
var $updateItem='Update Item';
var $deleteItem='Delete Item';
var $searchForItem='Search for Item (By Item Name)';
var $searchForItemBy='Search for Item';
var $searchBy='by';
var $searchedForItem='Searched for item';
var $listOfItems='List Of Items';
var $showOutOfStock='Show Out of Stock Items';
var $outOfStock='Out of Stock Items';
var $showReorder='Show Items that need to be reordered';
var $reorder='Items that need to be reordered';
/*Manage Items End*/
/*Discount From Start*/
var $addDiscount='Add Discount';
var $percentOff='Percent Off';
var $comment='Comment';
/*Discount From End*/
/*Manage Discounts Start*/
var $searchForDiscount='Search for discount (By percent off)';
var $searchedForDiscount='Searched for discount';
var $listOfDiscounts='List Of Discounts';
var $updateDiscount='Update Discount';
var $deleteDiscount='Delete Discount';
/*Manage Discounts End*/
/*Brands Form Start*/
var $brandName='Brand Name';
var $addBrand='Add Brand';
/*Brands Form End*/
/*Manage Brands Start*/
var $searchForBrand='Search for brand (By brand name)';
var $searchedForBrand='Searched for brand';
var $listOfBrands='List Of Brands';
var $updateBrand='Update Brand';
var $deleteBrand='Delete Brand';
/*Manage Brands End*/
/*Categories Form Start*/
var $categoryName='Category Name';
var $addCategory='Add Category';
/*Categories Form End*/
/*Manage Categories Start*/
var $searchForCategory='Search for category (By category name)';
var $searchedForCategory='Searched for category';
var $listOfCategories='List of categories';
var $updateCategory='Update Category';
var $deleteCategory='Delete Category';
/*Manage Categories End*/
/*Suppliers Form Start*/
var $supplierName='Supplier Name';
var $address='Address';
var $contact='Contact';
var $other='Other';
/*Suppliers Form End*/
/*Manage Suppliers Start*/
var $listOfSuppliers='List Of Suppliers';
var $searchForSupplier='Search for supplier (By supplier name)';
var $searchedForSupplier='Searched for supplier';
var $addSupplier='Add Supplier';
var $updateSupplier='Update Supplier';
var $deleteSupplier='Delete Supplier';
/*Manage Suppliers End*/
/*Reports Home Start*/
var $reportsWelcomeMessage='Welcome to the Reports panel! Here you can view reports based on sales. <br>What would you like to do?';
var $allCustomersReport='All_Members_Report';
var $allEmployeesReport='All_Employees_Report';
var $allBrandsReport='All_Brands_Report';
var $allCategoriesReport='All_Categories_Report';
var $allItemsReport='All_Items_Report';
var $allItemsReportDateRange='All_Items_Report_(DateRange)';
var $brandReport='Brand_Report';
var $categoryReport='Category_Report';
var $customerReport='Members_Report';
var $customerReportDateRange='Member_Report_(DateRange)';
var $dailyReport='Daily_Report';
var $dateRangeReport='Date_Range_Report';
var $employeeReport='Employee_Report';
var $itemReport='Item_Report';
var $itemReportDateRange='Item_Report_(DateRange)';
var $profitReport='Profit_Report';
var $taxReport='Tax_Report';
var $notFound='was not found';
/*Reports Home End*/
/*Input Needed Form Start*/
var $inputNeeded='Input needed for';
var $dateRange='Date Range';
var $today='Today';
var $yesterday='Yesterday';
var $last7days='Last 7 Days';
var $lastMonth='Last Month';
var $thisMonth='This Month';
var $thisYear='This Year';
var $allTime='All Time';
var $findBrand='Find Brand';
var $selectBrand='Select Brand';
var $findCategory='Find Category';
var $selectCategory='Select Category';
var $findCustomer='Find Member';
var $selectCustomer='Select Member';
var $findEmployee='Find Employee';
var $selectEmployee='Select Employee';
var $findItem='Find Item';
var $selectItem='Select Item';
var $selectTax='Select Tax';
/*Input Needed Form End*/
/*"All" Reports Start*/
/*All Customers Report Start*/
var $itemsPurchased='Items Purchased';
var $moneySpentBeforeTax='Money Spent before tax';
var $moneySpentAfterTax='Money Spent after tax';
var $totalItemsPurchased='Total Items Purchased';
/*All Customers Report End*/
/*All Brands Report Start*/
var $totalsForBrands='Totals For Brands';
/*All Brands Report End*/
/*All Categories Report Start*/
var $totalsForCategories='Totals For Categories';
/*All Categories Report End*/
/*All Employees Report Start*/
var $totalItemsSold='Total Items Sold';
var $moneySoldBeforeTax='Money Sold before tax';
var $moneySoldAfterTax='Money Sold after tax';
/*All Employees Report End*/
/*All Items Report Start*/
var $numberPurchased='Number Purchased';
var $subTotalForItem='Sub Total For Item';
var $totalForItem='Total For Item';
/*All Items Report End*/
/*"All" Reports End*/
/*Other Reports Start*/
var $paidWith='Paid With';
var $soldBy='Sold By';
var $saleDetails='Sale details';
var $saleSubTotal='Sale Sub Total';
var $saleTotalCost='Sale Total Cost';
var $showSaleDetails='Show Sale Details';
var $listOfSaleBy='List of Sales by';
var $listOfSalesFor='List Of Sales for';
var $listOfSalesBetween='List Of Sales<br>between dates';
var $and='and';
var $between='between';
var $totalWithOutTax='Total (w/o Tax)';
var $totalWithTax='Total (w/ Tax)';
var $fromMonth='From Month';
var $day='Day';
var $year='Year';
var $toMonth='To Month';
var $totalAmountSoldWithOutTax='Total Amount Sold (w/o tax)';
var $profit='Profit';
var $totalAmountSold='Total Amount Sold';
var $totalProfit='Total Profit';
var $totalsShownBetween='Totals shown for sales between';
var $totalItemCost='Total Item Cost';
/*Other Reports End*/
/*Sales Home Start*/
var $salesWelcomeMessage='Welcome to the Sales panel! Here you can enter sales and manage them. What would you like to do?';
var $startSale='Start A New Sale';
var $manageSales='Manage Sales';
/*Sales Home End*/
/*Sale Interface Start*/
var $yourShoppingCartIsEmpty='Your Shopping Cart is Empty';
var $addToCart='Add To Cart';
var $clearSearch='Clear Search';
var $saleComment='Sale Comment';
var $addSale='Add Sale';
var $quantity='Quantity';
var $remove='Remove';
var $cash='Cash';
var $check='Check';
var $credit='Credit';
var $giftCertificate='Gift Certificate';
var $account='Account';
var $mustSelectCustomer='You must select a member';
var $newSale='New Sale';
var $clearSale='Clear Sale';
var $newSaleBarcode='New Sale using barcode scanner';
var $scanInCustomer='Scan in member';
var $scanInItem='Scan in item';
var $shoppingCart='Shopping Cart';
var $customerID='Member ID';
var $itemID='Item ID';
var $amtTendered='Amt Tendered';
var $amtChange='CHANGE';
var $outOfStockWarn='OUT OF STOCK';
var $globalSaleDiscount='Global Sale Discount (%)';
/*Sale Interface End*/
/*Sale Receipt Start*/
var $orderBy='Order by';
var $itemOrdered='Item Name';
var $extendedPrice='Extended Price';
var $saleID='Sale ID';
var $orderFor='Order For';
/*Sale Receipt End*/
/*Manage Sales Start*/
var $searchForSale='Search for Sale (By Sale ID Range)';
var $searchedForSales='Searched for sales between';
var $highID='high id';
var $lowID='low id';
var $incorrectSearchFormat='Incorect Search Format, please try again';
var $updateRowID='Update row id';
var $updateSaleID='Update Sale id';
var $itemsInSale='Items In Sale';
var $itemTotalCost='Item Total Cost';
var $updateSale='Update Sale';
var $deleteEntireSale='Delete Entire Sale';
var $customerName='Member Name';
var $unitPrice='Unit Price';
/*Manage Sales End*/
/*Config Start*/
var $configurationWelcomeMessage='Welcome! This is the Configuration panel for Bike Tree. Here you can modify co-op information, themes, and other options. Fields in bold are required.';
var $companyName='Co-op Name';
var $fax='Fax';
var $website='Website';
var $theme='Theme';
var $taxRate='Tax Rate';
var $inPercent='in percent';
var $currencySymbol='Currency Symbol';
var $barCodeMode='Bar Code Mode';
var $language='Language';
var $yes='Yes';
var $no='No';
var $usePaidMembership='Require Paid Membership?';
var $membershipItemID='Item ID of paid membership';
var $sellToNonMembers='Sell to members:';
var $everyone='All Members';
var $onlyinshop='Only signed in members';
var $emailFromAddress='"From" address for automatic e-mails:';
var $dailyLateFee='Daily Late Fee for Loans';
var $mailmanLocation='Mailman Location';
var $mailmanListName='Name of mailing list';
var $mailmanPass='Mailman List Password';
var $mustOpen='Count cash at open/close?';
var $adminAutoSignin='Auto sign in admin';
var $mechAutoSignin='Auto sign in mechanic';//"yes", "no", "option"
var $administratorTitle="Administrator title";
var $mechanicTitle="Mechanic title";
/*Config End*/
/*Error Messages Start*/
var $youDoNotHaveAnyDataInThe='You do not have any data in the';
var $attemptedSecurityBreech='Attempted Secuirty breech, you are not a possible user type.';
var $mustBeAdmin='You must be an Admin to view this page.';
var $mustBeReportOrAdmin='You must be a Report Viewer or Admin to view this page.';
var $mustBeSalesClerkOrAdmin='You must be a Sales Clerk or Admin to view this page.';
var $youMustSelectAtLeastOneItem='You must select at least one Item';
var $refreshAndTryAgain='Refresh and try again';
var $noActionSpecified='No action specified! No data was inserted, changed or deleted.';
var $mustUseForm='You must use the form in order to enter data.';
var $forgottenFields='You have forgotten one or more of the required fields';
var $passwordsDoNotMatch='Your passwords do not match!';
var $logoutConfirm='Are you sure you want to logout?';
var $usernameOrPasswordIncorrect='username or password are incorrect';
var $mustEnterNumeric='You must enter a numeric value for price, tax percent, and quantity.';
var $moreThan200='There are more than 200 rows in the';
var $first200Displayed='table, only the first 200 rows are displayed. Please use the search feature.';
var $noDataInTable='You do not have any data in the';
var $table='table';
var $confirmDelete='Are you sure you want to delete this from the';
var $invalidCharactor='You have entered an invalid character in one or more of the fields, please hit back and try again';
var $didNotEnterID='You did not enter an ID';
var $cantDeleteBrand='You can not delete this brand because at least one of your items uses it.';
var $cantDeleteCategory='You can not delete this category because at least one of your items uses it.';
var $cantDeleteCustomer='You can not delete this member because he/she has purchased at least one item.';
var $cantDeleteItem='You can not delete this item because it has been purchased at least once.';
var $cantDeleteSupplier='You can not delete this supplier because at least one of your items uses it.';
var $cantDeleteUserLoggedIn='You can not delete this user because you are logged in as them!';
var $cantDeleteUserEnteredSales='You can not delete this user because he/she has entered sales.';
var $itemWithID='Item with id';
var $isNotValid='is not valid.';
var $customerWithID='Member with id';
var $configUpdatedUnsucessfully='The configuration file was not updated, please make sure the settings.php file is writeable';
var $problemConnectingToDB='There was a problem connecting to the database,<br> please hit back and verify your settings.';
/*Error Messages End*/
/*Success Messages Start*/
var $upgradeMessage='Clicking submit will upgrade the database to version 9.0. You must have version 7.0 or greater to upgrade PHP Point Of Sale.';
var $upgradeSuccessfullMessage='PHP Point Of Sale\'s database has been successfully upgraded to version 9.0, please delete the upgrade and install folders for security purposes.';
var $successfullyAdded='You have succesfully added this in table';
var $successfullyUpdated='You have succesfully updated this in table';
var $successfullyDeletedRow='You have succesfully deleted row';
var $fromThe='from the';
var $configUpdatedSuccessfully='The configuration file was updated successfully';
var $installSuccessfull='The installation of PHP Point Of Sale was successfull,<br> please click <a href=../login.php>here</a> to login and get started!';
/*Success Messages End*/
/*Installer Start*/
var $installation='Installation';
var $installerWelcomeMessage='Welcome to the install process for PHP Point of Sale. We\'re very excited that you\'ve<br> decided to use PHP PoS as your point of sale solution. To continue the installation process,<br>
please fill out the simple form below and then click the \'Install\' button. ';
var $databaseServer='Database Server';
var $databaseName='Database Name';
var $databaseUsername='Database Username';
var $databasePassword='Database Password';
var $mustExist='Must Exist';
var $defaultTaxRate='Default Tax Rate';
var $tablePrefix='Table Prefix';
var $numberToUseForBarcode='Property to use when scanning barcodes at sale';
var $whenYouFirstLogIn='Important, when you first login your username is';
var $yourPasswordIs='your password is';
var $install='Install';
var $serious='Serious';
var $bigBlue='Big Blue';
var $percent='Percent';
/*Installer End*/
/*Generic Start*/
var $name='Name';
var $customer='Member';
var $employee='Employee';
var $date='Date';
var $rowID='Row ID';
var $field='Field';
var $data='Data';
var $quantityPurchased='Quantity Purchased';
var $listOf='List Of';
var $wo='w/o';//without
/*Generic End*/